Featuring just a taste of what the final game is set to offer, the build we saw contained three playable characters and three stages. While Kasumi, Lei Fang, and Ayane were all decked out in their outfits from DOA2, their individual poly counts were bumped up significantly and offered better detail. Character models are now made up of roughly 20,000 polygons each. The characters' hair was much more mobile and realistic during the fights than in previous installments of the game. Clothing moved well but didn't offer a significant improvement, as many features have yet to be implemented into the final game. The bulk of the character animation was from DOA2; however, some of the new counters showed off new bits of animation, which were highlighted by the game's dynamic camera. The in-game camera was extremely fluid: It pulled back to let us see the fighting area when we were away from our opponent and came in close during counters and throws.