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15:15 EST/20:15 GMT | News Source:
Reuters |
Posted By: Todd Richardson |
Saying that medical science has solved the "easy" problems of the rich world, Microsoft founder Bill Gates Sunday announced a $200 million fund aimed at luring researchers into finding original cures for the poor world's ailments.
The $200 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will be used to set up the "Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative" which will dole out money in grants of up to $20 million each to scientists around the world.
#1 By
2 (
1/26/2003 4:11:48 PM
I like his initiatives, such as this one.
#2 By
2332 (
1/26/2003 5:41:27 PM
#2 - I disagree.
Gates spends an enormous amount of time reading and researching global health problems. He is probably as knowledgable regarding world diseases as he is regarding software.
I seriously doubt that his motives have anything to do with Microsoft. He is doing this because he wants to make a real difference. This desire first manifested itself with his desire to make computing accessibly to everybody, and now with his charitable work.
#3 By
3653 (
1/26/2003 6:27:06 PM
This madman should be stopped. Why do we continue to let crazy Bill spend his money like this, when we could have the money confiscated by the government (he is a convicted monopolist for Pete's sake) and used on more worthwhile efforts.
#4 By
2 (
1/26/2003 8:38:47 PM
Confiscated by the government so George Bush can use on worldly causes as funding his private war noone wants?
#5 By
3653 (
1/26/2003 9:32:33 PM
Bob, you might want to talk to your prime minister about that. He seems to want the war too.
#6 By
665 (
1/26/2003 9:35:50 PM
The prime minister of Pennsylvania? :) I should let Bob fight his own flame wars, but I couldn't resist on that one.
Does anyone have ActivePolitics.com?
#7 By
2 (
1/26/2003 9:40:57 PM
Don't confuse me with Byron - I'm the one who lives in the USA and does not smell. :)
#8 By
2332 (
1/26/2003 10:24:14 PM
Damn Pennsylvania commie pinkos.
#9 By
1845 (
1/26/2003 11:09:40 PM
Damned Pennsylvania - the colony with the most signers of the Declaration of Independence, birthplace of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Oh, and yes, RMD, I knew you were joking.
#10 By
2332 (
1/27/2003 12:15:29 AM
Freedom this, Constitution that. Buncha commie crapola.
Real Americans own at least 5 guns, do their best to pay as little tax as possible, call anybody who has an opposing view anti-american and a traitor, think that free speech is only protected when they agree with what is being said, and considers groups like the ACLU examples of "what's wrong with this country".
So, obviously, you are clearly a commie pinko terrorist.
#11 By
1845 (
1/27/2003 12:37:06 AM
Hmm, either RMD has snapped or his account was hacked. Or has he rejected reason and logic for bitter sardonicism?
#12 By
2332 (
1/27/2003 8:54:43 AM
#13 By
3653 (
1/27/2003 4:17:09 PM
Sorry about that Pennsylvania Bob. Point was that there are others wanting to get rid of the Sadaam threat.
#14 By
2 (
1/27/2003 5:21:19 PM
np... I understand what you mean. I just don't like George Bush.
#15 By
12071 (
1/27/2003 9:32:22 PM
#17 Have you ever stopped to think that this might be more about OIL than about WMD? We're yet to see any proof of any WMD.... if the proof is there... start sharing it with the rest of the world and then maybe you wouldn't find so many people opposed to it.
#16 By
2332 (
1/28/2003 12:13:45 AM
The simple fact of the matter is that George Bush's agenda with Iraq, and his insistence on war, is putting the United States is MUCH greater danger than we were before rumors of war started flying around.
Before, Saddam was content with his control of Iraq (at least for the time being). Now, with the threat of a regime change looming (and the likely outcome of him dying), he will be far more willing to strike out in ways that he probably wouldn't have considered before.
Don't believe me? Well, perhaps you'll believe the CIA. This is exactly what they told Bush when he asked for a report on the status of Iraq and the affects of military action against them. Instead of heading their warning, he has decided to attack anyway.
The Bush Administration is putting us all in more danger that we need to be in. They have been throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. First it was that Saddam had links to terrorism, which they do not. (Sorry, the fact that an Al Qeida solider once stayed at a hospital in Iraq doesn't count people.) Then they said Saddam had an ACTIVE nuclear weapons program, and that didn't stick. Then they said Saddam had biological weapons, and all they turned up was some empty warheads that were covered in bird poop.
The "evidence" that justifies WAR has not been shown, and unless it's evidence that Iraq has ballistic missiles with the ability to fly over the pole and strike us, he has almost certainly failed to justify the inevitable loss of life, on both sides, that will result.
#17 By
3653 (
1/28/2003 5:03:22 PM
RMD - "Before, Saddam was content with his control of Iraq"
Are you kidding? His CONTENTMENT was by force. Ever hear of the NO-FLY ZONES? They are there for a reason. And the reason is because Saddam most certainly is NOT "content" with control of Iraq.
Regarding the 13 year old question of "is the US doing this because of oil". Even if they are, I feel its a legitimate reason. You jack up the price of oil by 2X and that is a major hit to the FREEDOMS of EVERY American. And for that reason, I say disarm that furckin basturd and move on.
#18 By
12071 (
1/28/2003 5:36:02 PM
#23 "Even if they are, I feel its a legitimate reason. You jack up the price of oil by 2X and that is a major hit to the FREEDOMS of EVERY American. And for that reason, I say disarm that furckin basturd and move on. "
I'm not sure wether to laugh or cry at this statement. It's legitimate to disarm hussain if he increases the price of oil because... wait for it.... it's a major hit to the freedoms of every american? I won't even go on about the fact that you said every american rather than every person given that oil is used in countries outside of the US of A!
I'm not quite sure of any displomatic way fo putting this so I'll be frank... who the hell do you think you or the US of A thinks it is that it can control whatever country it chooses? If they raise the price of oil.... you have a choice to buy it or not... if the price isn't fair countries will not buy it and they will be forced to lower the price if they want to make money fom oil. Simple economics.... the problem as painfully shown by yourself is the attitude that the US of A seems to have in thinking that they can control whatever country they choose. You can't threaten any country that doesn't bend over backwards for you with war! .... freedoms of every american.... what a joke!
This post was edited by chris_kabuki on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 17:38.
#19 By
3653 (
1/28/2003 10:33:44 PM
chris_kabuki - don't be offended that I said "Americans" instead of "All peoples that use oil". The point is this... AMERICANS will risk the most in any conflict with Iraq. I have NO problem adding others into the list of peoples that will be better off by America's actions.
Please understand that when I made reference to gas prices rising, it IMPLIES that Saadam has done x, y, and z to make that price rise. And unfortunately, x, y, or z includes environmental harm by lighting oil fields. Don't take my statement so literally. I don't for a second, reduce this conflict to simple dollars.
You can't possible be serious when you say "if the price isn't fair countries will not buy it and they will be forced to lower the price if they want to make money fom oil". That, quite simply IS NOT TRUE. The world has no choice but to buy oil. There is NO short-term alternative. Even if the price was raise 100-fold, the world would still buy it... curbing their oil appetite only for recreational needs etc.
Its not a matter of the USA controlling "whatever country they choose". Its a matter of Iraq agreeing to certain things in 1991... and not following through with them.
Since you had alot of advice for me, let me give you some advice as well... stop focusing so much on what AMERICA MIGHT DO. You should instead focus your attentions on what IRAQ HAS DONE.
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