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17:13 EST/22:13 GMT | News Source:
Reuters |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
Here's the pitch for what could be your next PC: No Microsoft, no Intel -- and almost no markup.
By dropping software from Microsoft Corp.MSFT.O and avoiding "Intel inside", retailer Wal-Mart Stores Inc.WMT.N is offering a $199 computer it says is a hot seller on its Web site, attracting novices looking for a way onto the Internet as well as high-end users wanting a second box.
The promise of a PC replacement -- slimmed down to surf the Web and carry out limited tasks -- has long tantalized the tech world but failed to generate many sales, especially as prices of name brand computers have slid.
#1 By
20 (
12/3/2002 5:18:55 PM
Man, the press just can't get enough of this huh?
Of course in a year when WalMart stops selling them because of lack of demand or poor customer experience, we won't hear a peep from Reuters because it doesn't fit their agenda.
This post was edited by daz on Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 17:19.
#2 By
20 (
12/3/2002 6:38:23 PM
#3: Ah, right. The old 'lower expectations to mitigate loss' trick. I'll have to use that one on my boss this week.
#3 By
2332 (
12/3/2002 7:12:17 PM
Ok, dropping the intel chip probably saved a bit of money, but dropping Windows might have saved what? 50 bucks?
#4 By
2332 (
12/3/2002 7:13:50 PM
bwoa - swearing says something about character?
Sigh... another case of people seeing meaningless or trivial things as signs of character.
#5 By
20 (
12/3/2002 7:27:18 PM
#7: because Intel requires them to.
#6 By
2332 (
12/3/2002 7:40:05 PM
#15 - bwoa - Ah... ok.
So you think that character is defined by what other people think of you?
Funny, I define character with qualities like a desire not to hurt anybody whenever possible, and a personal goal of improving the world around you - a goal of making a difference.
For me, the words you use make no difference. If I say shit, that makes me a bad person in your eyes... or at least a person "without character". Well, so be it. But I know a lot of people whom have a great deal of character who, on occasion, swear.
See, a swear is a word with special meaning. Swears lose their meaning if they are used too much, but when used appropriately, they add to the meaning of the message at hand.
"Ok, you are on a job interview do you use that type of language?"
Probably not. But not because I think it shows something about my character. That attitude is incredibly shallow.
"Would you use it when you meet some chic you are dating?"
Depends on the situation I guess.
"Would you use it in Church?"
Well, if I went to church, I might use one in exhasberation as I see so many people blindly nodding their heads like drunken sheep. :-)
"you must not have been back handed enough growing up."
I do recall a few painful moments during my child hood, but I'm not sure what that has to do with it. I would never strike a child for swearing. I think striking a defenseless child, in almost all cases, shows a great deal more about character than swearing does.
This country is pretty confused when it comes to character. Having oral sex with a woman who is not your wife is sin #1, but subverting the Constitution and betraying the principles on which the country was formed is perfectly OK.
I have a hint for ya: character is not about what other people think of you.
Oh, and enjoy your new Z71 4x4 Chevrolet 2003 Ext cab truck. If it's anything like the Silverado (http://www.iihs.org/vehicle_ratings/ce/html/0107.htm) or the S10 (http://www.iihs.org/vehicle_ratings/ce/html/98004.htm), you better not get in a crash... because your "AMERICAN" gas guzzler is a death trap on wheels.
#7 By
135 (
12/3/2002 9:38:17 PM
bwoa - I can buy a big 4x4 pickup for about $3k under invoice with no haggling, and I still wouldn't take it over my BMW. No offense to people who think they need to buy trucks to be men, but I just don't like the way they drive and like RMD pointed out they aren't very safe.
The problem with laptops, IMHO, is that they do not have as long of a life as a desktop. The reason being they have much lower performance. So while I could probably run WinXP on a 300Mhz desktop from 4 years ago with some minor upgrades, there's no way I could do the same with a laptop. Most of the companies I've worked at have moved away from that "everyone gets a laptop" paradigm, it just costs too much.
#8 By
3653 (
12/3/2002 9:47:31 PM
sodablue, can you haul a load of mulch or [insert home improvement project materials here] in your beemer?
Re: this Lindows pos. I really do hope its the tech enthusiasts buying this thing. Because all those grannies and "regular people" are in for a rude awakening. Can you install AOL or MSN on this "pc"? Wait until they call for support... LOL.
I saw a sweet-enough Dell, with 15" flat screen included for $560 this week. And don't forget, EVERYBODY will be paying sales tax on this wal-mart computer.
#9 By
415 (
12/3/2002 11:34:51 PM
You go, RMD! I totally agree with you, and I'm damn glad you fired it off for us. I can't stand it when people try to equate insignificant behavior or appearance with one's character or professionalism. Pretentious bastards...
#10 By
135 (
12/3/2002 11:47:37 PM
mooresa56: "can you haul a load of mulch or [insert home improvement project materials here] in your beemer"
The home improvement stores offer delivery, and Enterprise rents pickup trucks by the day. One should never compromise on something as important as a car. That's just plain silly.
#11 By
2332 (
12/4/2002 1:03:11 AM
Funny... I have a Volvo wagon, and it hauls. :-)
There is a classic misconception that you need a big-ass(TM) truck to hitch stuff to if you want to tow it somewhere. This is simply not true.
While most cars don't have nearly enough torque, there are many that do!
For instance, my 1990 Volvo 240 wagon can tow 2 - 2.5 tons, and it only has an inline 4 cylinder engine. The newer Volvos, like the V70 Cross Country, can tow about 3.5 tons comfortably, or up to around 4 if you don't mind taking a while to accelerate. (Note that the recommended towing capacites for Volvos are underrated by quite a bit... sites like BrickBoard and VolvoSpeed do independant tests to get the real deal.)
The fact that it's and inline engine gives it far better towing capabilities than a Vtec engine (which most cars have these days). An 6 cylinder Vtec doesn't have a prayer in a towing competition with my 4 cylinder inline.
At any rate, I can do probably 90% of the stuff most truck owners can do, and my wagon gets high 30's for gas mileage. It's also a LOT safer than any truck, and even though it's a 1990, it probably has more amenities.
I know what you're all thinking, they're UGLY! Well, mine is (although I'm wierd, I like the boxy look... on cars at least :-)... but the newer Volvos look pretty damn cool, have nearly a foot of ground clearance, and get pretty good mileage too.
Volvos aren't the only good towing wagon either... I've heard Subarus do pretty well, although the don't have nearly the cargo capacity.
This post was edited by RMD on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 01:15.
#12 By
7711 (
12/4/2002 7:09:53 AM
As much as I love this site for its information, sometimes the comments drive me nuts. (And don't get on the .."If you don't like it, don't read it" gig...the comments are sprinkled between the computer discussions, making it hard to not read when following a discussion thead.
The article is on a non-Windows, basic box, internet ready computer for less than $200. The additional comments about language, beemers, pickups, politics, etc are entertaining (sometimes), but I've seen only about the first 5 or so comments (of currently 28) are on the article.
Can we maybe, as a positive suggestion, put the other discussions on another thread? I know the discussions sometimes go off the tech line (MS lawsuit leading to political discussions of motives) and are legitimate, but come on. Can we maybe stay on topic?
BTW, keep up the great work on a very informative and entertaining site. It's one of my multi-time-per-day hits.
(Let the flaming begin......;/)
This post was edited by jimlat on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 07:11.
#13 By
2332 (
12/4/2002 9:10:14 AM
bwoa - "resources are meant to be used."
Meant to be used? Meant by WHO?
Money is a resource. So you better not be saving any! Empty your bank account NOW.
Sigh... sometimes I think you're just pretending to be incredibly ignorant just to tick people off.
#14 By
1295 (
12/4/2002 10:27:59 AM
#22 - mooresa56
Just to clarify the correct term for a BMW Car is "Bimmer". A "Beemer" refers to a BMW Motercycle :)
And seriously... unless you are in the business of doing home improvement, landscaping, etc or you are constantly hauling/pulling things there is no real need to have a big ass truck.
Let me guess yours is lifted with larger tires a push bar and 20 PIAA lights all around for those times you take it for a stroll in the Amazon jungle right?
#15 By
2332 (
12/4/2002 10:29:55 PM
#36 - bwoa - Again, I challenge you to explain to me who delivered the edict that our natural resources are "meant" to be used.
I agree they can often be useful, but at the same time it is important to conserve for the future, and to ensure our use of those resources doesn't damage the place we get them from: nature.
I can have lots of fun doing a lot of things, but I realize that some things hurt other people, either directly or indirectly, and so I choose not to do them. I like to attribute that to my character.
While you go around wasting natural resources and shaming people for a lack of character when they swear.
If it wasn't so pathetic, it might be funny.
#16 By
3653 (
12/4/2002 10:40:16 PM
#35 - Mr.Humpty - I have never heard of the difference in those terms. Sorry jimlat, but if we stayed on topic, I wouldn't have learned that little factoid.
blue/humpty - truth is, I wouldn't buy a small, medium, or large truck. I think they are overkill too, but living in the South... they are EVERYWHERE. And people down here get real use out of them. Personally, I share your love for German cars... but I'm an Audi man.
This post was edited by mooresa56 on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 22:41.