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  Windows XP SP1 Official Download
Time: 16:56 EST/21:56 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Thanks Drestin Black ;o) - After we exclusively released details of the "loose on Microsoft server" Windows XP Service Pack 1 earlier in the week - what better to now announce that it is now on servers other then the premier ones. Download it from the link above.

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#1 By 135 ( at 9/6/2002 5:12:03 PM
Installed SP1 to my XP desktop last night...

Am noticing major improvements. Things seem snappier, and all the pesky little annoyances have vanished. i.e. I was having some problems with hangs/pauses from outlook express news reader when switching between groups or retrieving new messages.

This is pretty dramatic. I'd have to say this is a better upgrade than MacOSX 10.2, and it was free instead of $130. :-)

#2 By 1845 ( at 9/6/2002 5:15:48 PM

#3 By 2960 ( at 9/6/2002 5:15:50 PM
Same here, but I've noted one potential problem. Working in Outlook 2002 has become irritatingly sluggish. Like clicking on a folder and it taking 5 seconds to respond.

I'm not blaming it on SP1. Yet :) I have to look into it more.


#4 By 3 ( at 9/6/2002 5:30:09 PM
Fixed - perhaps I should be taking a degree in English at University instead of Computing

#5 By 3 ( at 9/6/2002 6:23:07 PM

Byron Hinson
Designer Dream:

#6 By 415 ( at 9/6/2002 6:44:03 PM
Any word on the Support Tools download?

#7 By 9640 ( at 9/6/2002 7:05:38 PM
How long before this one goes down? or has Microsoft officially made this public?

#8 By 665 ( at 9/6/2002 7:26:32 PM
15 - Wow, you paid +500$ for xp?

#9 By 415 ( at 9/6/2002 7:59:19 PM
Dude! You need to figure out where to buy copies of Windows... you got raped!

#10 By 665 ( at 9/6/2002 8:11:17 PM
#19, I guess I am wondering why, after you had invested all that money, you would switch to Linux. I'm not trying to stop you because it is Linux, I've played around with it myself, but if you have paid nearly 700$ total, why would you switch?

#11 By 1868 ( at 9/6/2002 8:48:40 PM
Umm... I just installed SP1 and now I can't see any pictures on any of the webpages.
I installed SP1 about half an hour ago. Also, I have checked the defaults under Internet Options and the option to display pictures show up.
Here's my 3D mark score I just benched

#12 By 1868 ( at 9/6/2002 9:13:15 PM
Alright so i've been continually monitoring my system and I have discovered that my system keeps accessing my main HD over and over again every 45secs(I've timed it)[I think it may be indexing it all over again]. I haven't been able to figure out why, buts its doing it now and it didn't do it in the past before SP1.

Also, I have noticed that everything on my system has become more sluggish. I have had to reconfigure XP to get on to the internet by reseting all of my default setting(Cookies, temp folder, and history). Since my last post, I have restarted the system twice and encoutered the same problem. Then I reset everything and now I can get on, but I still don't see pictures. Also, is it just me or can anyone access windows update? I get to the site, but it doesn't load into the home page, I just get the web page not found in the center page.

#13 By 1896 ( at 9/6/2002 9:54:10 PM
#32 By any chance did you install any previous SP1 release? I am not the Lone Ranger but it is an usupported scenario, you should uninstall it before install the final one; if you did not backup the requested files use restore point.
Also check if indexing is enabled: COntrol panel/ Performance n manteinance/administrative tools/computer management/service and appplications/uncheck indexing service.

#14 By 9264 ( at 9/6/2002 10:30:45 PM
I slipstreamed it and made myself an updated XP disc, did a clean install a few days ago, and it is working like a dream. Everything feels much snappier now, and it included SP1 for IE6 so my browser is also working much better. There is a disclaimer now when you download files telling you they could be dangerous. The odd Windows Explorer bugs, such as plus signs appearing next to folders with no sub-folders seems to be fixed. The refresh rate problem with DirectX games also appears fixed, though OpenGL games still run at 60Hz (figures).

That is all I have noticed so far, but all in all it seems to be working perfectly. I've read about plenty of problems though so it wouldn't surprise me to see a SP1a released later on.

#15 By 1868 ( at 9/6/2002 10:31:16 PM
I haven't installed any other versions of SP1, and I have checked the indexing in control panel and its turned on. Now, a full half-an hour later the hard drive access has completed(indexing the drive, I guess). But I still can't see pictures, and I can't access windowsupdate--does anyone have the same problem with windowsupdate?

#16 By 1845 ( at 9/6/2002 10:35:46 PM
I installed on two XP boxes with no troubles. The service pack can be uninstalled even if there were problems. Also there is system restore.

#17 By 1868 ( at 9/6/2002 11:42:24 PM
Well, I haven't changed anything, and I haven't altered any of the settings except the internet explorer ones, and now everything works. It just took several reboots(and I don't know why it works now, compared to why it didn't work before]. I suspect that several of my third party apps(Norton Internet Security, Power Toys, System Suite 4.0] conflicted when being initiated with the installation after the first reboot. Now SP1 has been able to configure all of its components properly and everything works, windowsupdate and the pictures.

#18 By 143 ( at 9/7/2002 4:56:58 AM
What’s the link to SP1?
So, I can download a little at a time instead of a 7 to 8 hour download.
I'm in 56k hell...

#19 By 7797 ( at 9/7/2002 11:48:51 AM
IronCladLou: is it :legal: to buy an OEM version if youre not really an OEM?

#20 By 135 ( at 9/7/2002 12:07:07 PM
tgnb: Sure, you just need to buy it with hardware... like a motherboard, memory, harddrive, etc. You're buying it from the OEM. :)

#21 By 415 ( at 9/7/2002 12:55:55 PM
Yes, exactly! Just like Soda said. Thanks Soda!

You could buy the cheapest piece of hardware they have! ;-) I always wonder if they'd sell the OS to me if I bought just an IDE cable... :p

#22 By 1868 ( at 9/7/2002 2:48:32 PM

This post was edited by Zeo01 on Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 15:03.

#23 By 1868 ( at 9/7/2002 2:56:41 PM
Post SP1 analysis.
SP1 isn't worth the upgrade, YET

I am a firm believer in updating one's system to the latest and greatest patches from Microsoft. But hold off on SP1 for XP.

I have had to cold boot my system atleast 20 times when I was running SP1, because pressing CRTL+ALT+DEL didn't work.
I noticed that when I would try press the minimize button on the quick launch, my system would hang. And my Ram monitor claimed that I still had 650 megs of RAM free.
My processor would have only 11% use.
Also, after every cold boot my internet explorer setting had to be reset inorder for pictures to show up. Now, I have unistalled it and am back to pre-SP1

I believe that SP1 might work the best when you are doing a fresh install and installing it from the dynamic updates. But, give MS 3 months to fix the bugs created in SP1.(I wonder if MS did this to stop OEMs from having the ability to institute nonMS products?)

#24 By 135 ( at 9/7/2002 3:12:49 PM
Zeo01 - Exact opposite of my experience so far.

My machine is completely built by myself. Intel motherboard, PIII processor, nVidia GeForce4 440MX video. Using latest nvidia drivers, intel bios, intel drivers and so forth.

#25 By 143 ( at 9/7/2002 7:58:15 PM
Will this download work with XP Pro?

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