Why do people still believe that Dell, HP, etc., pay full retail price for Office, or other MS software?
One other thing that just came to mind -- I know that Java on the desktop pretty much sucks in comparison to other alternatives, however, instead of Sun suing MS left and right to get Java back into Windows, why not just make a Java Open/Star Office. I know, you're thinking WordPerfect, but this doesn't have to be a full Java app. Just make some included components use Java (and require Java 2).
By doing that, they can require that users of the program install the Java 2 runtime. Every OEM that wants to bundle Star/Open Office has to bundle the runtime, and any end-user wanting to use the latest version of Star/Open Office will have to install the runtime. Even people that normally use MS Office, but want to try out Open/Star Office will end up with the runtime on their computer. Generally, only the more savvy users will uninstall it or not use the Office Suite because of it.
This post was edited by n4cer on Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 12:28.