Just a reminder that we are having our regular online chat tonight @ 10 PM EDT! As always, you can use our chat program here at the site or you can use mIRC or any other IRC client. Just remember that the server is activewin.com and the channel is #Lobby.
We're now out of daylight savings time... so it's 10pm EST, right? :)
GMT would be +5 over EST, right? So 3am?
#4 By
665 (
11/11/2002 6:38:47 PM
#4, yes, that should be right (atleast by my logic, I didn't do any real research:) ). This headline was written a while ago, we just copied it from then so it shouldn't say EDT, I suppose. You found us out! :)
#5 By
665 (
11/11/2002 7:32:06 PM
Hello marqulus, some people do have trouble with that. I would suggest using mIRC or some other IRC client if you have followed the instructions and still haven't been able to connect.
#6 By
1845 (
11/11/2002 9:05:29 PM
My guess is that the Americans are running it tonight. Get on Byron or Alex for a time more happy for Western Europeans.
#7 By
665 (
11/11/2002 9:07:51 PM
We have talked about adding some friendlier times in other regions, but even if we have it just in America there are four time zones to worry about. We can't make it too early for those on the west coast. We're working on it though! :)