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  Microsoft exec mocks iPhone 4, dubs it Apple's Vista
Time: 11:43 EST/16:43 GMT | News Source: ComputerWorld | Posted By: Robert Stein

A top Microsoft executive today compared Apple's iPhone 4 to his own company's problem-plagued Vista operating system. "It looks like the iPhone 4 might be their Vista, and I'm okay with that," said Kevin Turner, Microsoft's chief operating officer, in a keynote speech at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC), which runs through Thursday in Washington, D.C.

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#1 By 28801 ( at 7/14/2010 12:45:01 PM
It is just like Vista... except people bought it.

#2 By 2332 ( at 7/14/2010 1:07:22 PM
rxcall - Vista, conservatively, sold 180 million copies... and is still for sale, btw.

All version of the iPhone combined have sold, at best, 60 million units.

It still boggles my mind that people are so anti-Vista. If it wasn't for the amazing FUD job the press and competitors did against Vista, Vista would have been considered a success.

This MS exec is an idiot for playing into the FUD.

See the following:

#3 By 28801 ( at 7/14/2010 1:19:36 PM
180 million copies in a non-competitive market is not impressive. The iPhone, on the other hand is in a very competitive market and limited to one carrier. Given that, the 60 million number is extremely impressive.

I actually liked Vista but the overall perception is that it was a failure. For a Microsoft exec to use it as a benchmark for failure is both comical and sad.

#4 By 2201 ( at 7/14/2010 1:54:14 PM
No doubt you'd then turn around and say that XP was more impressive, even though Vista sold more in the same period.

#5 By 8556 ( at 7/14/2010 2:12:08 PM
Vista can't be patched with a piece of tape. All the iPhone needs is a piece of tape to prevent shorting the two lower left corner antenna's at the same time. A piece of tape on a Vista PC doesn't make it boot any faster.

#6 By 7754 ( at 7/14/2010 2:33:40 PM
Very poor form. Let Apple continue to take the low road on making fun of competitors. Microsoft's execs usually allude to competitors rather than single them out, and even then, it tends to be a passing remark. Making fun of a competitor by comparing it to a current product of your own that wasn't well-received is just poor form squared.

(I posted this once already, but the site choked with an error as it often does. When is the site update coming???)

#7 By 143 ( at 7/14/2010 5:26:31 PM
Can we now call it crapple?

#8 By 20505 ( at 7/14/2010 6:59:36 PM
Apple = consumer products. MS = business products (with a few exceptions).

They really are not competitors. This is just MS taking a poke at Apple. Apple has certainly taken its share of pokes at MS.

#9 By 1896 ( at 7/14/2010 9:28:19 PM
#8; Personally I see it in a different way: a MS executive trying to poke Apple implied that a product from his company was a failure too.
A very poor handling IMO.

#10 By 8556 ( at 7/14/2010 10:37:06 PM
#8: Nice concise description of the direction of success of each company. MS has usable corporate tools that continue to improve with each new release. Apple products are bling with function. BMW drivers (and others that like to show off what they use) eat Apple stuff up.

#11 By 2201 ( at 7/15/2010 3:52:06 AM
#5 A piece of tape doesn't make YOU run faster. So what's your point?

#12 By 1896 ( at 7/15/2010 6:24:51 AM
10: I drive a BMW because I like the experience........ If I liked to show I would probably be driving a Viper......

#13 By 8556 ( at 7/15/2010 7:02:53 AM
#11: A piece of tape to prevent touching both antenna ends on the lower left corner will prevent the iPhone 4 short, providing better reception. That cheap fix gives the iPhone 4 performance and is a lot cheaper than upgrading Vista to Windows 7 to get better startup performance.

Oh, and tape over my mouth does help me run better by not putting my foot in it.

#14 By 8556 ( at 7/15/2010 7:03:23 AM
#12: semi-show off!

#15 By 79018 ( at 7/15/2010 7:29:36 AM
Why doesn't Apple sell the iGlove (only for the left hand), problem solved.

#16 By 2201 ( at 7/15/2010 10:50:15 AM
Why do people assume that this is a problem for left-handers? It's RIGHT-HANDERS who are going to have the problem as they are the ones that tend to hold the phone in their left hand!

#17 By 17855 ( at 7/15/2010 11:46:03 AM
I believe Microsoft should offer a free sleeve with a big Microsoft logo on it. What an advertising coup. People walking around with apple products covered up with something that says Microsoft on it. Steve Jobs would change his tune so fast it would make your head spin....

#18 By 92283 ( at 7/15/2010 12:04:14 PM
Vista was never as bad as its undeserved reputation, but to pin the "Vista Reputation" on the iPhone 4 was hilariously mean-spirited.

This post was edited by NotParkerToo on Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 12:04.

#19 By 16797 ( at 7/15/2010 1:16:43 PM
I still use Vista on my desktop PC.

I don't care that it boots slower than Win 7. Big deal.. it's not like I have to restart it often, probably like once a week or even less often.

I just put it in sleep mode when I'm done, it wakes up within seconds. And it can go like that for a long long time.

#20 By 2960 ( at 7/15/2010 1:27:49 PM
RMD, Vista had a lot of problems. It deserved what it got. It was no ME as some compare it to, but it definitely had problems.

And Microsoft calling the networking issues in Vista normal is just as bad as Apple calling the RF problems with the iPhone normal.

#21 By 23275 ( at 7/15/2010 1:46:12 PM
Vista faced challenges, as it was so radically advanced, but none were inherent to its design.

A lot of hardware and families of drivers had to be re-written in order to provide the device coverage enjoyed today and by previous versions of mature versions of Windows - this was especially true of network interfaces, but even then, by selecting and building to a baseline, even the smallest builders and admin shops could produce consistently good results.

The iPhone 4 has a design problem. This is very different from the types of challenges Vista, or any new Windows operating system faces - including Windows 7 (for there are very many cases where software worked on Vista that did not work on Windows 7 - they just were not as numerous, or as widely used).

I am sure the market will allow Apple to address this in a way that favors consumers and I am sure the way will not rise to the level of noise and scorn levied against the Xbox 360, which also had design issues. Different brands, different rules and different and for Apple, a more supportive base of users, eager to defend the purchases, regardless of what Apple does.

It's life and who said any of it was, or should be absolutely fair.

#22 By 20505 ( at 7/15/2010 4:42:26 PM
Don't ever try to clean install Vista on a licensed machine. Last time I did this with my work computer it took all day (about 8 hours). Windows Update wants to install every single patch to the original version and then update to SP1 and then re-patch it self again.

Very frustrating. It is clear that MS is orphaning this software fast.

#23 By 8556 ( at 7/16/2010 1:11:39 AM
#22: While Vista has some issues I have had success replacing motherboards in a Gateway model with a newer one with a different brand chipset. Booted into Safe Mode and let Vista find all the new drivers. I only had to activate it with the product key on the case.

When I do clean installs of Vista I always remove the machine from the network. Install drivers, then service pack 2, followed by all critical updates. This has never taken more than 4 hours total, most of said time spent doing other things. Just don't let Windows Update muck up your install, which I know it will as I have experienced the same slow process you described until I decided to take WU out of the picture until after SP2 was installed.
(edited to correct reference to olddog's post)

This post was edited by bobsireno on Friday, July 16, 2010 at 01:12.

#24 By 3653 ( at 7/16/2010 11:45:50 PM
$3000 commitment. check.

Duct tape? check.

Look like an idiot with more money than sense and a stupid-ass piece of duct tape on your shiny phone? check

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 9:31:07 AM

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