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  Windows 7 RTM Now on MSDN & Technet
Time: 12:06 EST/17:06 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Good news - Windows 7 has been released on to MSDN and on TechNet- so you can go and grab it now. All product keys and all versions are on there. From Windows 7 Ultimate to Home Premium, 32-bit and 64-bit. Chances are that download speeds will be slow as this is what everyone has been waiting for.

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#1 By 2960 ( at 8/6/2009 12:44:10 PM
Oh, the download is so painful :( I can pull over 5MB/Sec and it's only feeding out at around 200k/sec :(

#2 By 1896 ( at 8/6/2009 2:21:47 PM
Much better than me: 45KB/sec here. (-:

#3 By 12999 ( at 8/6/2009 2:41:06 PM
Very few things I like about Vista, but this one thing I've noticed is that Windows 7 doesn't include all the SKUs on one DVD. Having to download 4 or 5 different x86 images and then 4 or 5 different x64 images sucks.

#4 By 28801 ( at 8/6/2009 4:29:10 PM
My Comcast High Speed connection has me downloading at a whopping 54k. I should be ready to install this weekend.

#5 By 92283 ( at 8/6/2009 5:10:15 PM
290KB/sec at work. We have a 100mbs connection.

Enterprise x64 and Ultimate 64 so far ...

#6 By 71333 ( at 8/6/2009 5:43:44 PM
#3, they are still in one image, if you delete \sources\ei.cfg, you will be able to choose the edition of 7 you want to install.
Why they changed it, i don't know, but it's still do-able, but burning a bootable image after editing the ISO can be a pain.
The ei.cfg file would be the only real difference between the .iso's

#7 By 2960 ( at 8/7/2009 8:36:34 AM
Took just under 12 hours :(

I don't believe I've ever seen it this bad before. Maybe MS laid off some servers.

#8 By 2332 ( at 8/7/2009 10:17:47 AM
Took 4 hours here. It's already installed on my Dell Precision m4400. Upgrade took a LONG time (3+ hours), but it seems to work great.

#9 By 1896 ( at 8/7/2009 10:29:25 AM
#7 I am assuming you use TechNet, if so choose "Top Downloads"; I downloaded W7 both 32 and 64 in less than four hours; my understanding is that "Top Downloads" uses Akamai servers and I got a solid 350KB/s.

#10 By 2960 ( at 8/7/2009 11:43:22 AM
wow, I'll try that :)

#11 By 2960 ( at 8/7/2009 11:47:22 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FTW !!!

#12 By 23275 ( at 8/7/2009 11:58:47 AM
Five bucks says by Monday, a half dozen "computer expert" pundits will have published "Oh My Gawd" XP to Windows 7 Upgrade horror stories - of course failing to mention that they did exactly dork to prepare.

Names and probable headlines:

Randall - "Windows 7, what went wrong?"
Dvorak - "Windows 7, another Vista flop?"
Mossberg - "Windows 7 upgrades, don't"

#13 By 92283 ( at 8/7/2009 12:41:38 PM
#12 He beat you already.

Dvorak: "What is Happening to Windows 7?"

He makes Latch look like Steve Ballmer.

I won't link to it. Ick.

#14 By 1896 ( at 8/7/2009 1:58:06 PM
Upgrading from an OS to the next one is just a quest for troubles. Clean install al the way; it may takes longer but it is much "cleaner".

#15 By 17855 ( at 8/7/2009 2:38:02 PM
Downloaded Win7 Enterprise 32 and 64 bit from software assurance site in under 1 hour. :)

#16 By 15406 ( at 8/7/2009 3:56:05 PM
#12: Don't worry. No matter what is found during the upgrade, Ed 'Micro' Bott will make sure that everyone knows it's not Microsoft's fault.

#13: Here it is! ->,2817,2351198,00.asp

You're welcome.

#14: Yep, OS upgrades have always been more trouble than they're worth for anyone but the lightest users.

#17 By 9589 ( at 8/8/2009 10:51:47 AM
#12, #13, #16 - The ever shrinking world of PC Magazine. Having gone to a "web only" format, they are fast becoming irrelevant. I guess it is inevitable given that the paper version had already shrunk to the thickness of a paper napkin.

I cancelled my subscription years ago when they started their rah rah of open sore software and vilifying everything Microsoft.

Meanwhile, just downloaded and installed Win 7 on a Dell Studio laptop - sweet . . .

#18 By 15406 ( at 8/10/2009 7:39:25 AM
#17: Blaming the messenger is a sad way to refute the article. Nobody cares that you canceled your sub.

#19 By 23275 ( at 8/10/2009 1:10:02 PM
#17, I am sure the publishers care.

I'm with Jdhawk on this one.

I still have a Maximum PC sub, but nearly dropped them when their focus seemed to turn against the PC itself. Backlash from PC enthusiasts seems to have compelled their editors to tone down the anti-PC rhetoric and halt the ra ra ree, all is glee in Apple OS X and FOSS land.

Their current editor in chief reflects a newer generation of tech users that doesn't really understand PC power users well at all. PC power users are not interested in OS X, or 30 year old teaching versions of now retired Multices (e.g., Unix and derivations from it). PC power users are interested in what's new and possible and squeezing out every bit of performance from their computers. When Maximum PC turned back toward that focus, it began to do well and is the reason it survives where other PC mags have failed. Other failed, because they took a giant dump on their users in exchange for points and ad dollars from those competing with the PC as a platform. Readers felt insulted and irrelevant - neither are hot tickets for success in the publishing space. Those are the facts and the numbers support them.

#20 By 15406 ( at 8/10/2009 2:51:05 PM
#19: I still have a Maximum PC sub, but nearly dropped them when their focus seemed to turn against the PC itself. Backlash from PC enthusiasts seems to have compelled their editors to tone down the anti-PC rhetoric and halt the ra ra ree, all is glee in Apple OS X and FOSS land.

Hmm, I wasn't aware that "PC" and "FOSS" were mutually exclusive. Also, it looks like you only read the mags to confirm your own beliefs and you don't like being exposed to other points of view that do not fit within your belief system. Apple is rising, Linux is rising and Microsoft does some not-so-nice stuff. They report it and you take umbrage? If that's your thing, keep your reading confined to the MS-fluffing of Ed Bott and you'll be spared any psychic shock.

PC power users are not interested in OS X, or 30 year old teaching versions of now retired Multices

Heh, you keep reusing that "30 year old" line, as if Linux were somehow stuck in time instead of being constantly developed and improved. I notice you never refer to Windows as 20 year old technology for some reason.

PC power users are interested in what's new and possible and squeezing out every bit of performance from their computers.

They should be using Linux then, where such things are more easily attainable due to the open nature of the software. Why do you think all the top supercomputers run Linux? Because it's slow and non-scaling?

When Maximum PC turned back toward that focus, it began to do well and is the reason it survives where other PC mags have failed.

So the way to success is to write about MS sunshine and ponies, and the way to failure is to do otherwise? Sounds like a mafia racket.

Other failed, because they took a giant dump on their users in exchange for points and ad dollars from those competing with the PC as a platform.

Is that really how it happened? All the magazine payola from Linus himself thwarted the great Microsoft? Really? I didn't realize that FOSS had such deep pockets that they could skew the entire PC magazine industry against the Microsoft behemoth. Impressive. But, how come it's always MS doing the payoffs that I hear about? By your logic, the reason the mags got back on their feet could just as easily been due to MS paying more than Apple & Linus' piggy bank were offering. Yes, that is most certainly it; when the press writes about MS in a good light, they are being professional and honest. When they skewer MS and write positively about Apple or FOSS, they're on the take.

Those are the facts and the numbers support them.

I didn't see any facts nor numbers in your post, but lots of opinion.

#21 By 23275 ( at 8/10/2009 4:51:00 PM
Latch, are you a complete twit? Of course people read enthusiast magazines, sites and books that reflect their interests and choices.

You cannot possibly be that dense. I'm not going to read pubs that advocate for Ford trucks when I'm into Mopar products (and yes, I have a couple of SUV's with 5.7 liter Hemi's driving the 'By God, Real Wheels'). (don't flip, they have an engine management system that shuts down four of the eight cylinders under normal load - so they're great on gas and yeah, we haul a butt load of equipment - so we need them (as if any justification should be needed....). Why should I read an enthusiast PC magazine that dumps on the PC? That is not the same as saying that I "never" read about other OSes (I do). I just don't need an enthusiast mag focused on the PC diluted by content that is not consistent with that focus.

I don't give a rip about how many distros there are around the *nix. They are not a multices! Get that much through your head. From the get go, they are deprecated and slap all you want onto them, they are not in the same league as Windows.

I guess you are as naive about human interests and behaviors as you are about Windows security... Now le me see where that recipe is for parogues in that Italian cookbook I just bought - dang... how dare they not include Polish cuisine!

#22 By 15406 ( at 8/11/2009 10:01:17 AM
#21: Once again (say it with me), "The PC does not equal Microsoft." When I read PC magazines, I expect news & info about the PC, not Microsoft specifically. It would be kind of stupid to buy Road & Track and then bitch because they praise the new Chevy or thumbs-down the new Ford when I'm a Ford man (for example). Road & Track covers cars in general, not just Ford. PC magazines cover the PC in general, not just Microsoft & Windows.

I don't give a rip about how many distros there are around the *nix. They are not a multices!

But they are still part of the PC ecosystem.

Get that much through your head. From the get go, they are deprecated and slap all you want onto them, they are not in the same league as Windows.

That much I'll agree on, especially with backing data from Symantec, Trend Micro, McAfee, Eset, CERT...

Now let me see where that recipe is for parogues in that Italian cookbook I just bought - dang... how dare they not include Polish cuisine!

But that's not what you're doing, is it? You're buying a generic cookbook and then whining because they have some Polish recipes and you only like Italian.

This post was edited by Latch on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 10:12.

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 8:31:43 AM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 12:00:02 PM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 5:17:10 PM

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