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  Windows 7 Ultimate cracked and activated with OEM master key
Time: 05:14 EST/10:14 GMT | News Source: Neowin | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Windows 7 has yet to even be released officially to the general public, and already the dodgy folk on the Internet have fully cracked and activated the Ultimate version, with help from a leaked Lenovo OEM DVD .ISO file.

The news comes from website My Digital Life who state that you can already pass Windows Genuine Advantage validation offline, OEM style.

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#1 By 2138 ( at 7/29/2009 5:34:39 AM
OOPS!!!!!! :<<<<

#2 By 23275 ( at 7/29/2009 7:25:55 AM
We should not celebrate this.

I think that the thing I truly hate about the Internet (such a strong word, hate, but it is the only one that describes it), is what it has done to so many people in the context of their understanding of right and wrong.

Stealing is wrong. Period. End of story. A thief is the worst sort of human animal there is.
How can thieves do what they do? Why do they not understand how destructive to their own souls it must be?

"Leaked Lenovo OEM DVD" - so they congratulate themselves for being such great haX0rs... I hope the management at Lenovo finds the offender and beats him/her until their clothes change color. They steal an image file and yet more criminals use it and even more criminals access it and they all think they got one over on the world. They've done nothing but degrade themselves.

#3 By 28801 ( at 7/29/2009 7:47:26 AM
"A thief is the worst sort of human animal there is."

There are a few worse.

#4 By 432 ( at 7/29/2009 7:54:09 AM
#3 - I Agree!

#2 - You really think stealing is soooo horrible, yet you think they should beat the person who did this. What's with the assault? Why not just fire them, and make them pay microsoft for all the loses

This post was edited by SidX on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 07:54.

#5 By 15406 ( at 7/29/2009 8:00:47 AM
#2: A thief is the worst sort of human animal there is.

I'd rather be robbed than raped or killed.

They've done nothing but degrade themselves.

They've also shown, once again, that DRM is a waste of time and effort. It is always cracked. It pisses honest users off while doing nothing to stop copyright infringement. At least the online music stores are starting to figure it out.

#6 By 23275 ( at 7/29/2009 8:07:19 AM
#4, Yes, yes I do.

There's little separation between life and livelyhood. Thieves hurt businesses' ability to retain and promote their people and it can result in layoffs and worse. When a man can't provide for his family, it can be destroyed.

People no longer understand this basic math. When a thief steals he hazards so many and it costs so much more than the property involved. Whether it is immediate or not does not matter. The real costs are there. Assault? Ha. A beating would be mild compared to what a thief deserves. They take food out of the mouths of the kids of hard working men. A lot has changed in my many years, but I recall well what used to happen to thieves. There were laws and then there were rules we all understood and it was always better to starve to death than it was to steal. Even food. It was better to die physically than die inside. I know perhaps none of you understand the perspective. Do believe that I hope you never have to.

This post was edited by lketchum on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 08:18.

#7 By 23275 ( at 7/29/2009 8:16:34 AM
#5, I do not disagree; however, my perspective is shaped by the understanding that as horrid as other crimes are, theft can and often does impact much larger numbers of people and the pain and hunger they can produce can be staggeringly far reaching.

Look at what thieves did to so many in the Madoff case? How many lives were destroyed and out of that destruction, we do not know how many died, or wish they were dead.

#8 By 1896 ( at 7/29/2009 8:26:36 AM
#3: I agree.

#2: While stealing is a deprecateable activity it is also a behaviour that has always accompanied the human race, and not only the human one.

This not to get to the scale of action reasoning: the " Kill a man you are an assassin, kill thousands you are a hero" paradigm could well be applied to stealing too as, for example, the history of this Continent as well as other ones have proven over and over.

This post was edited by Fritzly on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 08:27.

#9 By 11888 ( at 7/29/2009 9:55:12 AM
"A thief is the worst sort of human animal there is. "

Who would have thought that thief would ever outrank child sex offender as the worst type of human?

#10 By 15406 ( at 7/29/2009 10:04:29 AM
#7: Look at what thieves did to so many in the Madoff case?

At least those people are alive to carry on and rebuild their lives. I suspect that the depth of your feeling has more to do with who the victim is in this case.

#11 By 2960 ( at 7/29/2009 1:02:46 PM
I really hope no one here is really surprised by this.

#12 By 23275 ( at 7/29/2009 2:27:14 PM
MrRoper, such animals as you describe are not human at all.

#13 By 234604 ( at 7/29/2009 4:22:48 PM
Haha this is good!

#14 By 143 ( at 7/29/2009 5:41:41 PM
Why would anyone want something for free. lol

Everybody knows a group of programmers makes each copy of Win7.

This post was edited by donpacman on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 17:44.

#15 By 21912 ( at 7/29/2009 9:48:56 PM
I still remember the days of yore, when traveling minstrels were free to sing the songs of other minstrels without paying for the right. Then politicians and lawyers dreamed up laws that labeled these songs as "intellectual property," and then quite suddenly, the minstrels who sang the songs of others were labeled "the worst sort of human animal there is."

Some things never seem to change ;-)

#16 By 12071 ( at 7/29/2009 11:50:46 PM
Woooooaahhhh! Easy there!! It's not stealing, no matter what Lloyd and the "mafiaa" goons want to call it and make you believe. Nothing is being stolen. It's called copyright infringement:


#17 By 28801 ( at 7/30/2009 9:40:53 AM
Fortunately my company pays for several MSDN subscriptions so I don't have to stoop to "copyright infringement".

It really amazes me that the biggest bellyachers about Microsoft are the first ones in line to steal, errr... sorry "infringe" on Microsoft's copyrights.

#18 By 234697 ( at 7/30/2009 9:49:42 AM
Stealing is stealing PERIOD.

I don't care if you call it copyright infringement or not. I don't care if you hate Microsoft or not - this is just simply: NOT RIGHT. Thousands of developers worked on that software. This does nothing but hurt the consumer - no wonder Microsoft has to keep the costs of the OS high. :(

I'm really disappointed. I would have been impressed if the "hackers" actually did something "useful". Instead, they had to revert to stupidity.

#19 By 12071 ( at 7/30/2009 9:54:33 AM
#17 I have an MSDN license (also thru work) so I'm not quite sure why you bothered to get on your high horse there! But good on you for at least, even if it was with sarcasm, calling it what it actually is... Copyright Infringement! No-one is stealing anything. As for the people that do use this activation method - good on them :) after all it's no different than infringing on someones copyright when you download their music without paying for it or tv shows or movies - as many here have freely admitted to doing in the past. I mean, you'd hate to be a hypocrite... Right? ;)

#20 By 15406 ( at 7/30/2009 10:57:29 AM
#18: Stealing is stealing PERIOD.

Agreed, but we're talking about copyright infringement here.

I don't care if you call it copyright infringement or not.

Why not call it rape with a foreign object then? That's just about as accurate as calling copyright infringement "stealing".

this is just simply: NOT RIGHT


Thousands of developers worked on that software.


This does nothing but hurt the consumer

While it can be argued that there are indirect harm being done to the consumer, I would argue that MS's DRM does direct harm. Which is worse?

no wonder Microsoft has to keep the costs of the OS high.

Hahahahaha, thanks for the laugh. Newsflash: MS has a monopoly on desktop OSes and can charge whatever they feel like, regardless of the environment around them. Also, did you notice they have something like $40+ billion in the bank? They could easily afford to lower their prices despite piracy.

I would have been impressed if the "hackers" actually did something "useful".

They did something useful and clever. They removed obnoxious DRM from Windows as an ongoing exercise in proving that DRM does not work.

Instead, they had to revert to stupidity.

No, stupidity is adding DRM to something when you know it will be instantly cracked, and tha said DRM will hassle your legit, honest customers while doing nothing to impede the dishonest ones. Brilliance.

#19: as many here have freely admitted to doing in the past. I mean, you'd hate to be a hypocrite... Right? ;)

I believe it was mini-moore that admitted to that. You know that nobody else will fess up even though they all have likely infringed copyright to some extent recently.

#21 By 12071 ( at 7/30/2009 7:37:00 PM
#18 see #20

#20 "I believe it was mini-moore that admitted to that"
Parkkker has admitted as much in the past in regards to music as well and I would bet confidently that everyone here, with the possible exception of Lloyd, has infringed copyright by downloading movies/tv shows.

#22 By 12071 ( at 7/30/2009 8:00:57 PM
More on DRM from the very same type of people that "misinform" you by call it stealing:

The crackers (it wasn't a hacker that did this) in this case are actually doing the end user a service by providing this bypass!

#23 By 234781 ( at 7/31/2009 6:56:31 AM
Folks, I'm writing this from prison. I was in my local Best Buy, and stuffed a Village People CD down my pants. When I was stopped by security I told them "I'm not stealing, I'm infringing on the copyright.

It's all right though, me and the fellows are getting along fine. They even gave me some special soap (it's a little slippery though) and I'm leading the prison talent show. If only I had that Village People CD....

#24 By 12071 ( at 7/31/2009 8:34:23 AM
Hey parkkker :) Golly gosh... they let you out of school early did they? If only your parents and teachers did a better job of raising and teaching you! I don't blame you of course... you don't know any better... all of these grown up ideas... all of these big words... I'll help you along and do my best to try and keep as much as I can monosyllabic (that last word means "having just one syllable").

Just so you're aware... going into a store and taking the cd IS stealing - you see, if you do that then someone else will be unable to purchase that cd. If you had downloaded it off the web however, as you do with all of your music, you'd just be taking a digital copy whereby the original is completely untouched. Thereby you'd be infringing on the artist's copyright not stealing. This is bad and you shouldn't do it because otherwise the RIAA goons won't get their cut (and by their cut I mean roughly 95% of the total amount given that they're in the business of screwing the very artists that provide them with a means to make money).

This is like if you had a magical "copy" device which you could use to walk down the street, point it at a Ferrari and then hit the button to make an identical duplicate. Lloyd, the mafiaa goons etc would all have you believe that this was stealing. Heck, they'd even make a huge song and dance about how you're the worst kind of person on the planet for doing that - it's really a good thing that they're not prone to over-exaggerating and plain out lying! But the truth is that you haven't stolen anything. The car's owner is completely unaffected. What you have done is infringed on Ferrari's copyright, their "intellectual property"... but you haven't stolen a single thing! Only ignorant people equate copyright infringement to stealing.

#25 By 15406 ( at 7/31/2009 9:12:29 AM
#24: That wasn't parkkker. He's far too dull to write like that. Plus, there were no corrections or link bombs and no non-sequitur rants against Apple or Google..

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