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  IE 8 Beta 2 ready for download
Time: 14:23 EST/19:23 GMT | News Source: ZDNet | Posted By: Robert Stein

Mozilla did its best to throw a spoiler into Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) 8 Beta 2 launch on Wednesday. But the new Ubiquity add-in for Firefox doesn’t sound all that different from what Microsoft is doing with the version of its browser due to ship in November. That’s my take, but you can form your own opinion. Starting today, August 27, at 3 p.m. EST, Internet Explorer (IE) 8 Beta 2 became available for download by anyone who wants to give it a whirl.

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#1 By 16797 ( at 8/27/2008 3:05:31 PM
Works fine here.

IE8 beta 2 and Opera 9.51 pass Acid2 test.

Safari 3.1.2 and Firefox 3.0.1 fail it ("nose" is still off compared to reference rendering). Funny.

#2 By 89137 ( at 8/27/2008 3:26:35 PM
Anyone who uses Internet Exploder is a idiot

#3 By 1896 ( at 8/27/2008 3:59:31 PM
Works fine here too.

#4 By 141429 ( at 8/27/2008 5:08:52 PM
If you've had some time to play with IE8's newest release, what are your thoughts? I'm Jen, part of the team at Me.dium. Today, we join EBay, Amazon, Facebook, Digg and Yahoo as a featured partner for IE8’s Beta 2 launch.

We are so thrilled to be part of IE8, as our goal is to make the internet a more social place. We've got a lot of exciting things going on for the newest version of IE8 like our What’s Hot WebSlice, Me.dium Discovery Accelerator, and Visual Search, (you can check out our social search homepage at

For all the details of Me.dium+IE8 take a look at

Thanks, and feel free to email me with any questions or thoughts on Me.dium:

#5 By 92283 ( at 8/27/2008 5:13:16 PM
After only a couple of minutes:

Its faster. I like it a lot better. Lots of control over tabs.

Love the color of linked tabs.

#6 By 143 ( at 8/27/2008 5:19:08 PM
Been using IE8b2 for an hour and it locked up two times. One of those times was on Windows Update.

I still don't trust IE.

#7 By 82766 ( at 8/27/2008 6:36:44 PM
Been using it for a few hours now... no crashes and yes its definitely faster than IE7.

#8 By 8556 ( at 8/27/2008 10:05:13 PM
#2: Kindly take the troll comments to another site where the bait might get some nibbles. ActiveWin readers appear to be higher level thinkers that enjoy a lively debate where one is merited and learn from comments whenever fresh information is posted. How about posting some evidence that shows how other browsers are superior to IE8. I use Opera, Firefox and IE. All have advantages in their own way. IE8 beta 2 appears to be excellent so far with much faster performance and excellent crisp rendering of web pages.

#9 By 24214 ( at 8/27/2008 11:16:25 PM
Installed it on Vista w/o a hitch and really liked it for the couple of hours I got to use it. The linked tab colors are nice, acid 2 worked ine, the speed was noticeably better than IE7 (and it is still a beta!!), the predictive google results in the search bar while you type your query are fantastic.

Then... I tried to connect to work through VPN. For some wierd reason, our Aventail SSL vpn client could not see my certificate in the personal local certificate store once IE8B2 was installed. I had to uninstall IE8B2 and then Aventail saw the cert perfectly fine again. I can't imagine what changes a browser made to accessing a local certificate store. Wierd.

#10 By 82766 ( at 8/28/2008 5:31:26 AM
I'm running Outlook 2007... and I'm reasonably sure that HTML emails feel like they're rendering quicker as well.

Possible interesting side effect of IE8's HTML engine?

#11 By 7711 ( at 8/28/2008 6:44:16 AM

I'm also running Outlook everything underlined on your Outlook Today page? I realize all of those items are essentially links, but I don't care for that change in IE8...did it i beta 1 also.

Otherwise, I really like it...faster, and I like being able to open the recently closed tabs.

#12 By 82766 ( at 8/28/2008 7:05:38 AM
Jim... I think thats the first time I've looked at the Today page in about 6 months :-) but yes you're right, everything is now underlined.

#13 By 79018 ( at 8/28/2008 9:16:42 AM
Works well on my system with Vista, one glitch, when I try to open multiple sites from a IE favories folder using the "arrow" I get an error message. However the program continues to work.

#14 By 10557 ( at 8/28/2008 9:53:44 AM
I've been using it for about 24 hours now... One major issue: memory utilization (currently on WinXPsp3).

Upon launching, 2 processes begin (one 12mb or so; the other 32mb or so). When i start browsing, the second jumps to 45mb. When i open a new tab, a 3rd iexplore.exe process begins for that tab -- equally 45mb. BUT, when I close the tab, the 3rd process remains.

That's a combined 44mb upon launch, almost 60mb for 1 tab in use, and almost 100mb for 2 tabs in use... close the tab, the process remains.

Firefox 3 had concurrent downloads, multiple tabs opened-and-closed, etc... only 55mb right now.

#15 By 12461 ( at 8/28/2008 1:08:00 PM
Vista Home Premium 64 bit..
Windows Live Mail installed.
IE8 crashes with mail. Mail won't work until I removed the IE8 beta 2.
All worked with beta 1 but the browser still crashed a lot.
Temporarily using Firefox until they get the bugs out.

#16 By 28801 ( at 8/29/2008 6:41:22 AM
I agree with nassard. Too many processes spawned - seems like one for each tab.

#17 By 92283 ( at 8/29/2008 11:26:04 AM
#16 Crash protection allows 1 tab to crash without affecting all the others.

#18 By 3746 ( at 8/29/2008 11:32:39 AM
I noticed the number of processes that were spawned too but if it is for crash protection then what does it matter as long as overall memory usage is kept in check.

#19 By 10557 ( at 8/29/2008 1:42:57 PM
#17 and #18, that's the rub. Every tab inevitably obtains its own process, but every process then has its own memory and processor utilization requirements... that causes more strain on the CPU to juggle between processes.

When having 4 tabs open (say, 2 public and 2 InPrivate), that's 5 processes ranging in RAM usage from 12mb-60mb EACH! In a basic browsing session, I have 4 tabs open (a news homepage and 3 articles open) and that pushes IE8 requiring up to 256mb just to render 4 news articles concurrently. The CPU usage spikes whenever I switch tabs and I have ZERO accelerators enabled, to boot.

I'm still using IE8b2 but MSFT has to work on optimizing the builds. A blank window should not use more than 16mb, a news homepage shouldn't use more than 24mb, and the Crash Protection feature should be managed by the original parent iexplore.exe process, anyway! If it's doing garbage collection, then it should be the one remembering your history.

#20 By 24214 ( at 8/29/2008 3:19:54 PM
#19, why do you assume a news page shouldn't use more than 24MB? That seems like an awfully big assumption. With all the flash/silverlight/animated crap thrown on pages today that could be used up and bloated very quickly.

#21 By 92283 ( at 8/29/2008 4:00:16 PM
On W2K2008, i get an iexplore.exe task for each window, not for each tab.

So maybe XP is running it different.

I opened 22 tabs and IE hit 300MB.

8% memeory use doesn't worry me.

#22 By 141874 ( at 8/29/2008 4:01:07 PM
In "Porn Mode" I generally have between 40 and 50 tabs open. Anybody know where I can get some cheap memory?

#23 By 2960 ( at 8/29/2008 4:05:16 PM
I never even noticed I changed :)

#24 By 142095 ( at 8/31/2008 3:19:44 AM
I have found IE8 faster and much more responsive than 7 or beta1. No crashes on Vista U and actually no problems whatsoever. Multiple windows open and still fast with each new one. I have tried FX and find it slow and cumbersome. I know FX users will disagree but like the pc and apple fight it is the user and the knowledge of the user. I don't use any protection on my pc and haven't for years now and I have never gotten any viruses but then again I guess it's where you go and where you don't go.................

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