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  Microsoft Enlists Jerry Seinfeld In Its Ad Battle Against Apple
Time: 00:28 EST/05:28 GMT | News Source: Wall Street Journal | Posted By: Todd Richardson

Microsoft Corp., weary of being cast as a stodgy oldster by Apple Inc.'s advertising, is turning for help to Jerry Seinfeld.

The software giant's new $300 million advertising campaign, devised by a newly hired ad agency, has been closely guarded. But Mr. Seinfeld will be one of the key celebrity pitchmen, say people close to the situation. He will appear with Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates in ads and receive about $10 million for the work, they say.

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#1 By 3653 ( at 8/21/2008 2:28:40 AM
Sounds fun

#2 By 88850 ( at 8/21/2008 4:20:54 AM
Why bother with posting a paid meat-bone article?

Edit: Read the article here (

This post was edited by tuxplorer on Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 04:27.

#3 By 15406 ( at 8/21/2008 7:58:52 AM
MS is trying to counter Apple's cool... with Jerry Seinfeld?? Seinfeld was cool for about a year, 10 years ago.

#4 By 23275 ( at 8/21/2008 9:12:50 AM
I think the point is that MS doesn't give a flip about being cool.

"Humorously Candid" is the likely target.

For the last week I've been working with a die-hard Apple fan. Each day he has said the same thing: "I had no idea this was out there, or possible" (In reference to how well media is supported by Vista as opposed to Apple's Mac OS X). Oh... he's no longer a Mac user and he loves the Zune interface a whole lot better than the iPod's

Vista and the Windows ecosystem are about greater choices and nearly infinite diversity.

Apple's line is about executing well within a very narrow sub-set of the hardware and software available to Windows users - and presenting those few options as though they are superior. The problem is that their offerings aren't particularly powerful, or ground breaking when compared to the upper end of mid-grade parts available to Windows builders. Any IT Pro or gaming enthusiast already beats them for less money with plenty of room for growth.

#5 By 15406 ( at 8/21/2008 9:35:01 AM
#5: I think the point is that MS doesn't give a flip about being cool.

I beg to differ. MS desperately wants the cool cachet that Apple has, but they never will because cool is something you cannot buy, copy or steal.

For the last week I've been working with a die-hard Apple fan. Each day he has said the same thing: "I had no idea this was out there, or possible" (In reference to how well media is supported by Vista as opposed to Apple's Mac OS X). Oh... he's no longer a Mac user and he loves the Zune interface a whole lot better than the iPod's

Uh-huh. That reminds me of parkker's story from a year or two ago. Remember the one where parkker claimed to have a neighbour that had a notebook running Ubuntu and it was giving him nothing but trouble (because that's all Linux ever does, after all)? Parkkker's solution was for the neighbour to spend $1000+ buying a brand new notebook with Vista and now his life is complete. Your story reminds me of that story for some reason. It also reminds me of one of your other stories from years gone by, the story about how all your kids love the Zune and hate the iPod, and how everyone at their schools love the Zune and hate the iPod, and they all own Zunes and nobody has an iPod. They go to Microsoft High, if I remember correctly. Or was it the University of Microsoft? I can never keep these things straight. Anyway, I'm reminded of that story as well.

#6 By 92283 ( at 8/21/2008 9:59:26 AM
#5 Actually it was old desktop. It ran Ubuntu like a slug despite being told that Linux runs fine on older PC's. He was profoundly disapointed by the lies told to him.

He got a new dual-core Dell for 399$.

He was very happy.

By the way ... I just bought a quad core Dell with Vista on it for 479 (before taxes).

I won't be running Ubuntu on it either. Just like 99.99% of the people won't ever being running any edition of Linux on their new PC.

#7 By 15406 ( at 8/21/2008 11:09:51 AM
#6: Too bad he didn't load Ubuntu on it. Think of how much faster & safer it would have been. I mean, come on; Linux is so awesome that MS is spending another $100M on it.

#8 By 1896 ( at 8/21/2008 11:15:15 AM
#4 Iketchum; While I personally do not care for Apple I do not have a problem to admit that they are gaining momentum, more concerning they are extremely popular with young people. Why it is more concerning? Because today's teens are tomorrow Executives, managers etc.
I remember when I was young, and using Windows, dealing with a lot of pople asking me why I was using Word instead of WordStar.
Also I think there is nothing wrong with "being cool"; not that I am "cool" or I ever cared to be it but... when running a company you cannot ignore these factors so I hope that MS will not.
Few days ago I was speaking with a MS person and I gave him, and also forwarded to the appropriate place, the following suggestion:

"With Windows 7 avoid the "Ultimate" saga; release a 'special edition" called "Future OS" or whatever could be a cool name. Build this OS with a very limited or no legacy built in, add WM to run older apps; create a completely new, revolutionary UI; add features you would like to add to the OS but you are concerned with the learning curve; finally launch it with a price tag 25%, 30% higher than the regular edition of Windows 7."

All those people who spend more than $1000 just to replace theyr Video cards would buy, use it, talk about and begin to familiarize relatives, friends etc. etc. with these new concepts.

By the time Windows 8 would be out they could incorporate all the thechnologies offered in "Future OS" in the regular edition of the OS and get finally out of this catch 22 they are dealing with right now.

Feel free to start the barrage fire now...

This post was edited by Fritzly on Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 11:16.

#9 By 11888 ( at 8/21/2008 11:16:42 AM
Yeah, I wonder about all these miracle transformations that reported by that guy also. Sounds like bs to me. Why lie to people though? Strange. I assume it has something to do with penis size.

#10 By 23275 ( at 8/21/2008 11:39:11 AM
Latch, I'll fog out a blog post on the applicable build with some images reflecting what we're doing with it.

In brief: the doctors and staff in a very tech savvy orthodontic practice have some specific goals. They have a new 4D imaging system we put in that has some tough requirements - dicom/HL7 compliant images are 256MB per image minimum and 4D hard and soft tissue models to render and upon which the appliances are modeled as they will work over time. The patient is then age progressed 50 years - so what is essentially a surgery-less facelift is executed on a young person to assure a great result over the full life of the person. While perhaps not "cool" it is amazing and as you can imagine, it takes some power at the stations and network to make it happen.

These are all integrated into the practice management system - BUT..... the "Smile Shots" as they are taken and blended with other live and recorded media, has ot be extended to two remote rooms and onto large LCD panels [42 and 52 inches]. These compelling smile shots show happy kids the day after their braces come off and they are imposed in one layer on top of other media - HDTV, streaming olympic coverage, etc... all of this is mixed with custom media spots that we produce that educate parents and patients about how to care for their teeth, etc... and a lot of practice branding. These spots are also fed to web/media servers for the public web while private peer education content faces colleagues. and yes, Zune media, music, extenders and Vista, WS08/W2K3 and custom code drive all this.

As this plays out, a very slick work-flow is maintained. I designed it all top down - like an aircraft carrier - where all is orchestrated and timed, but also fun. Music plays (loudly) all the time and the entire practice is very interactive - secure ticket/token based public wi-fi, disposable ear pieces chair-side and traffic patterns for patients, techs and doctors.
As I said, I'll write it up and share what we did, for now, here's a look at the stands we built last year and who the ref'd customer is,

#11 By 23275 ( at 8/21/2008 11:52:21 AM
#8, Fritz, sorry.. I have seen two full generations of young people "punt" their responsibility.
It runs in cycles and I have seen enough of them to recognize the trend. Sad as it is, it happens. One generations suffers and then does too much for their kids. They punt and the next generation has to pick up the pieces much earlier, while the generation before has to retire older. This generation of young people will not necessarily be tomorrow's executives.
They'll fall flat and not pick up the pace until they are well into their thirties and working for kids 20 years younger than they are. I've seen this play out twice in my life and the same influences were in play each time.

Young parents with large collections of iTunes are locked in a bit. They have to convert their collections to MP3 for import to their Zunes and many don't move to the less costly Zune model where three devices and three PC's are supported for one sub fee, because their kids are not old enough to have gotten into music, etc... I see that kind of lock in and make some money converting collections. The main point I am trying to make here is that there is a lot that MS does that is compelling and appeals to people that like the Mac, it is just that they do not know that such is available on the Vista side of the house. When shown that, they like what they see in Vista/Windows, etc..

#12 By 92283 ( at 8/21/2008 11:59:35 AM
#7 Claims by Ubuntu were no longer believable after his experiences. Why waste his time when Windows works just fine?

Microsoft is forced by court order to interoperate with Linux.

Microsoft seems to be making some profit by selling SUSE support (not SUSE itself which is free as in beer).

Microsoft has a vested interested in ensuring the Linux market stays fragmented. It would not be in their best interest for their to be only one Linux distro for business. So they help Novell stay in business for a few more years. Think of it as a poke in the eye to RedHat and Ubuntu.

#13 By 23275 ( at 8/21/2008 12:19:27 PM
#5, Yes, my kids love the Zune - each have either an 8, or 30 and their friends who largely pilfer music from the web, envy the access they have to the marketplace. I like it because I can manage it centrally - just as I do for their AV via WLOC. For the younger group it's been great. The older kids, probably a good bit older than yourself, don't give a flip about the Zune, or the iPod. Their kids do, but they are too busy at the academy, or writing their own tunes at Florida State to have much time to care about platforms. The younger group are digital natives, but much more into sports and hunting than anything else. Computers are for school mostly, or days when there is no game, or some other outdoor activity to be had. All but one, "Trit" avoids the business like the plague. And no... they don't like the iPod at all and they think Justin Long is the biggest sissy this side of a football bat. They are of course very conservative and were raised that way... what is your point? I mean... "My House... My Rules!" oh wait... you'd take that one away from guys like me, right?

"The first virtue of all really great men is that they are sincere. They eradicate hypocrisy from their hearts. -- Anotole France"

#14 By 15406 ( at 8/21/2008 3:33:47 PM
Even a tech know-nothing like Perez Hilton had it nailed:

"Lame move, Microsoft!

According to the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft doesn't like being 'cast as a stodgy oldster' by Apple's advertising and has turned to Jerry Seinfeld.

Oh, so they want to be cast as late-middle-age almost stodgy oldster. Plus, it's so backwards looking.

Jerry Seinfeld is so…90's!

Seinfeld will reportedly receive $10 million to be part of Microsoft's giant's new $300 million advertising campaign.

He'll appear in ads with Bill Gates.

Bill deserves to be paired with someone way cooler!

Who do you think Microsoft should have gone with?

P.S. Didn't Gates say he was retiring???"

Yes, BillG needs to be paired with someone MUCH cooler than Seinfeld to counterbalance Bill's complete and utter lack of coolness.

#15 By 15406 ( at 8/21/2008 3:58:39 PM
#15: LOL. Speaking on moms, I had your mom's smoked meat sammich last night. Soon you'll be calling me daddy.

#16 By 92283 ( at 8/21/2008 4:09:15 PM
People with spock ears pay attention to Perez Hilton?

Ha ha ha. Loserville.

#17 By 15406 ( at 8/22/2008 8:02:00 AM
#17: I'd sooner get my IT advice from Perez Hilton than from an impaired Microbot like you.

#18 By 28801 ( at 8/22/2008 8:05:21 AM
#14: Humor is timeless - especially Seinfeld's.

#19 By 15406 ( at 8/22/2008 9:53:24 AM
#19: "So what's the deal with the blue screens?"

And, as someone pointed out on another forum, every episode of Seinfeld had a Mac prominently displayed in Jerry's apartment. Someone else said that MS tried to get Lucy and Desi to do the ads, but they wouldn't return MS's calls.

#20 By 92283 ( at 8/22/2008 11:30:05 AM
#18 "I'd sooner get my IT advice from Perez Hilton ..."

Now that explains it all. No wonder you sound like an idiot all the time.

#21 By 15406 ( at 8/22/2008 11:34:00 AM
#21: There you go again with the selective quoting. What I said was that I'd rather get my IT advice from him than you. That makes me a genius. If I was looking for a small-brained biped that shouts out "Buy a new system with Vista!" on command, you'd be my first stop.

#22 By 92283 ( at 8/22/2008 12:04:49 PM
#22 Nonense. You getting IT advice fro Perez Hilton explains all your comments on this site.

#23 By 15406 ( at 8/22/2008 12:19:07 PM
#23: I think you've been huffing too much keyboard duster. btw isn't it time for you to scrape the dried boogers off the grade 4 class monitors?

#24 By 92283 ( at 8/22/2008 12:35:43 PM
#24 Nope. Been laughing too hard after finding out RedHat had been hacked and packages altered.

"Red Hat has warned that hackers were able to commandeer its systems and tamper with code"

#25 By 15406 ( at 8/22/2008 12:49:42 PM
#25: Sucks to be RedHat right now, that's for sure. By why are you citing The Register? I can clearly remember you making fun of them as not being a serious IT news source. You're a slippery fish, Mr. Parkkker, chock full of constantly shifting positions.

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