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  Vista causes surge of OSX Leopard pre-orders
Time: 13:33 EST/18:33 GMT | News Source: *Linked Within Post* | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

It seems more than a few people are fed up with Microsoft and are using the “blunder” that is Windows Vista to make the move over to a Mac.  Pre-orders for OSX Leopard are at an all time high for a Mac operating system.

According to the Mac Observer, solution providers have noticed that pre-orders for Leopard are almost double that of Tiger when it was released.

Patrick Brown, CEO of Brown Computer Solutions which is a specialized solution provider for Apple products said, “We’ve probably doubled the backorders of Leopard, compared to what we did with Tiger” and he went on to say that Apple’s move to Intel has lead to an increase of Mac users.

The article goes on to point out that poor reviews of Vista are encouraging people to stick with Windows XP or those in the market for a new computer are considering purchasing a Mac, some would be first time Mac buyers.

Some would even say that with the release of Vista, Microsoft has indeed pushed users to consider switching to a Mac, rare is the day a good word is said about Vista.

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#1 By 32132 ( at 10/21/2007 3:20:42 PM
On the other hand, 2.5 years from 10.4 to 10.5 might be the cause.

It was only 1.5 years from 10.3 to 10.4.

By the way, Vista already has more market share than all versions of OS X combined.

#2 By 37 ( at 10/21/2007 4:35:25 PM
That is like saying that the Honda Accord is outselling the BMW 3 Series 10 to 1.

#3 By 20505 ( at 10/21/2007 5:11:10 PM

What is it with car analogies? Is this context it doesn't make sense.

How 'bout this OS X is like a dog and Vista is like a cat?

34 species of dog and 36 species of cat - see... cats are better.

#4 By 3653 ( at 10/21/2007 5:26:59 PM
awbrian, have you sat and laughed your way through apple's vid showing what leopard (catclaw/meow or whatever they're calling this point release) brings to the table?

hint: one of the "300 new features" is a reflection on the dock. Thats right, a REFLECTION.

hint: i think they called it a sidebar, but it was really a rudimentary windows explorer clone. Wow, they added mapped drives to the left and called it a feature.

hint: coverflow for images. wow, thats worth $129. sarcasm included for free.

hint: all windows look the same. thats a FEATURE? seriously? if msft started counting the minutia that apple refers to as a 'feature'... then vista would surely have 10,000 or so "new features"

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Sunday, October 21, 2007 at 17:27.

#5 By 8556 ( at 10/21/2007 5:33:07 PM
Didn't the increase in solar activity cause Leopard pre-sales? Maybe the shrinking ozone hole had an effect on it. Or, the mythical butterfly effect.

There is little to no causal effect between Vista's existance and Leopard orders, just words and emotions.

#6 By 28388 ( at 10/21/2007 5:46:52 PM
#3 oldog

#2 AWBrian is correct with the car analogy, as i believe he is referring to the gulf in quality between the two cars...although i'd go a little further to emphasise the point:

its like saying the datsun sunny is outselling the bugatti veyron...

i.e. the volume of product sold does not necessarily mean that it is a higher quality product

i rest my case m'lord :)

#7 By 37 ( at 10/21/2007 5:54:16 PM
You nailed it Junk.

BTW, a dock reflection is just as much of a feature as aero glass ;-)

#8 By 82766 ( at 10/21/2007 6:06:48 PM
The problem is.. Mac Observer feels it needs to put down Vista, just to justify "pre-order" sales of Leopard... how stupid is that? I mean, all the Mac nerds are going to pre-order Leopard anyways... just like all the Windows nerds pre-ordered Vista.

The fact there is a lot of pre-orders for Leopard, is an entirely mute point in my view!! It doesn't "prove" anything, its just the natural (edit for spelling!) order of Apple supporters.

This post was edited by MyBlueRex on Sunday, October 21, 2007 at 18:07.

#9 By 2960 ( at 10/21/2007 6:32:58 PM
Vista doesn't need MacObserver to put it down. It's own users are pretty handy at it...


#10 By 11888 ( at 10/21/2007 7:02:55 PM
I was over at a friend's place this weekend and she now has two notebooks. One with XP because her work software isn't Vista compatible and another with Vista for her personal stuff.

Good stuff.

#11 By 82766 ( at 10/21/2007 7:25:29 PM
#9 - not worth a reply... only uneducated people would make such generic statements.

#10 - I'll *suggest* that her work software does not follow Microsoft's programming requirements thus its breaks on Vista? i.e. puts files into folders that it shouldn't, writes to and accesses the registry when it shouldn't or doesn't need to, assumes you have administrative access, replaces Microsoft DLL's that it shouldn't, etc etc... i.e. badly programmed software will break on Vista.

#12 By 20505 ( at 10/21/2007 9:16:15 PM
#6 and #7

Do you really believe that the technology of OS X is superior to Vista? I find this statement highly dubious.
Apple and MS make different products addressing different needs in the marketplace.

Ok, so back to car analogies (stupid as they may be). Is the technology of a Lexus superior to a Benz? Possibly, I for one don't drive a Lexus because I happen not to like the driving experience. I own several MBs but I gotta say the Honda I purchased for my son drives damn good at a fraction of the price.

What's my point? Well there is no point - use what work for you.

But always remember: "Go – Go into all the world - Go and make disciples."

#13 By 25406 ( at 10/21/2007 9:38:33 PM
Don't you need an apple computer to run OSX?

If so, then all those pre-orders are by existing Apple users, almost all of which are already running OSX.

Or are they saying that total orders for Apple computers are up, not just pre-orders of an OS upgrade?

Am I missing something?

This post was edited by marbleless on Sunday, October 21, 2007 at 21:40.

#14 By 23275 ( at 10/21/2007 9:46:18 PM
I'm working on an article called, "Revenge of the Vistas"

It is based upon a look outside my traditional market and our ventures into new ones and what we found - a very pissed off base of Windows users - they are not pissed at Microsoft, or Vista - they love Vista, in fact.

They are pissed at the lazy channel that has taken the easy way out - doing what was good for it rather than focusing on what customers need and want.

The piece is a candid look at the real world of Vista - what it is like before and after people experience a great OS coupled with great support and solid integration of all things digital [information and communications].

Ya'll out there pounding on Vista? Look out, because the pendulum is on its way back toward you and it has a mass made up of a lot of angry people who have believed the BS and the hype. People really do want to enjoy their computing experiences - they want a bit more for their money than just the basics. They want their PC's to be easy to use, quiet, pretty to look at and above all, "Smooth" - smooth power - smooth operations and a fluid feel to the experience - not unlike driving a nice car can be. Oh, and they think OS X/Macs look fuzzy and kind of faded out. I like putting them side by side - on the same display. OS X looks like ass compared to the very crisp, very bright appearance of Windows Vista.

Also, "Cover Flow" is stupid - professionals hate it. One can't see enough objects at once. So really quickly after they review it, they move on and away from it. That's the result when studied. At first it is kinda cool, but then it has no value and takes too much time to find what they want.

Side by side.... that's how it has to be done. Side by side and each time, Vista is better - better than XP and better than OS X Tiger/Leopard.

I saw a new customer the other day. Nice lady. She came up and said, "I love my new computer - it's so...." I found the word for her, "Smooth?" I offered. She said, "Yeah, that is the word I was looking for." "how did you know?" I told her it was the most important design goal we have - to make machines that deliver a smooth experience.

So get ready, because your customers are ready for change.

#15 By 37 ( at 10/22/2007 7:34:11 AM
"#13 By marbleless (4 Posts) at 10/21/2007 9:38:33 PM
Don't you need an apple computer to run OSX? "


#16 By 11262 ( at 10/22/2007 7:51:23 AM
#15 so does this mean I can preorder Leopard or even better, dual boot Vista and Leopard on the same system?

#17 By 48398 ( at 10/22/2007 7:52:41 AM
#15, you do if you bought a boxed retail copy. If you run the cracked version, it's not legitimate anyway so you might as well download it.

#18 By 3653 ( at 10/22/2007 8:19:29 AM
marbeless caught the real story. Nice job. These are sales to existing mac-tards. IOW, this is a story of the blind buying a new walking cane.

#19 By 37 ( at 10/22/2007 9:02:58 AM
Most sales of Windows are OEM on PC's or upgrades as well. It's pretty rare that you will find people buying a retail copy of Windows (full version), and building their own box. They are in the extreme minority. The most common scenario would be a consumer buys a Dell PC with Windows XP on it 5 years ago, and then runs out and buys the Vista upgrade today. Same holds true for a Mac. A consumer buys a Mac 5 years ago, and then runs out and buys Leopard. People buy PC's with OEM, and then upgrade later.

Where is the surprise?

#20 By 88875 ( at 10/22/2007 9:13:09 AM
Instead of comparing these two bursting at the seams, over inflated O/S platforms, lets try something new…lets compare Apple and Microsoft when they release completely new, from the ground up, inside/out platforms.

Mac OS 11 vs. MS (whatever they want to call it). This way everything will be new and fresh.

Should I hold my breath for this event or cave in and bash them both now?

#21 By 48398 ( at 10/22/2007 9:44:53 AM
I always thought what MacOS and NT/2K/XP/VISTA are today are fresh. You think a company can build an operating system from the ground-up and get support from the channel in a timeframe anybody would accept? This can never happen. Hell, Creative Labs STILL doesn't have Vista drivers for my E-MU card yet. Almost one full year after Vista went gold!

Might as well start bashing :(

#22 By 12071 ( at 10/22/2007 10:15:08 AM
#19 I disagree... I know shock.. horror even! Many of those people running Vista have bought new pc's... they've had to just to get the piece of sh*t to run properly! Because it's definitely nothing to brag about running on a P4-3Ghz!

#23 By 25406 ( at 10/22/2007 11:24:25 AM
#15 Nope.

Ahh, but those running OSX on non-Apple PC's aren't going be those pre-ordering (i.e. PAYING for) the new version :)

This post was edited by marbleless on Monday, October 22, 2007 at 11:25.

#24 By 3653 ( at 10/22/2007 11:29:06 AM
kabuki - "nothing to brag about running on a P4-3Ghz!"

as i type this using vista on my 3.2GHz P4... I disagree. Smooth as silk.

#25 By 37 ( at 10/22/2007 11:29:41 AM
You can disagree all you want. But the facts remain, most users obtain Vista (or Windows) via OEM on new PC's and purchasing upgrades. Those there are the facts. OEM is the most common way (as is with Macs). That is the bread and butter of the business.

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