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  New Features Discovered in Windows XP SP3: Is It Better Than Vista?
Time: 06:00 EST/11:00 GMT | News Source: BetaNews | Posted By: John Quigley

The principal reason given for the tremendous under-the-hood changes to Windows unveiled early this year in Vista was the need to overhaul the security model. Indeed, Vista has proven to be a generally more secure operating system, though some vulnerabilities that apply to ordinary software impact Vista users just as much as any other. But now, software analysts testing the latest build 3205 of the beta for Windows XP Service Pack 3 are discovering a wealth of genuinely new features - not just patches and security updates (although there are literally over a thousand of those), but services that could substantially improve system security without overhauling the kernel like in Vista.

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#1 By 8556 ( at 10/11/2007 8:20:08 AM
The headline implies that the writer actually compared XP SP3 to Vista in multiple ways. This is not the case. The story is so lame that "sucks" would be a kind and gentle way to classify it. A headline that would be only slightly less relevant might have been "Vista Attracts Dozens Of Extinction Event Asteroids To Earth. XP Saves The World. Someone Else Told Me So."

What a maroon.

This post was edited by bobsireno on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 08:21.

#2 By 48398 ( at 10/11/2007 10:22:19 AM
Vista causes both AIDS and Cancer. It also beat up my mom.

#3 By 23275 ( at 10/11/2007 11:11:56 AM
#1, 2, LOL - git em!

Sad... the way our paid press and bloggers have worked and been rewarded to trash Vista so completely. It is so apparent that most of them haven't even used the new OS.

The really funny ones are where the "experts" report having so much trouble with so many basic things...

Experts? One has to be freaking kidding, right?!? Expert at what? Anything?

Expert at convincing themselves they are "experts" - my giddy aunt Milly could run circles around the alleged "experts."

BTW, and to digress a bit... I checked out all the new iMacs - what pieces of dog-water dripping crap. Talk about slow - good Lord. If one of my guys presented me with a box for inspection that was that slow, I'd powder it against the wall and have him/her start over.

#4 By 15406 ( at 10/11/2007 12:00:55 PM
Oh please, are you guys still blaming Vista's woes on some big, evil media conspiracy? Just because you supposedly have no problems, or know all the answer, doesn't mean that nobody has problems.

Have a read:

She is one of millions.

#2: Still no reply to the MS/Redhat thread?

#5 By 23275 ( at 10/11/2007 12:40:25 PM
Just because you supposedly have no problems

Latch, enough. You directly and indirectly declare people to be liars and it is going to by God stop.

I realize that in today's world that sort of behavior is okay. Well, it isn't - not for me.

Do it again, and I will pretend you do not exist and no longer address, or respond to you.

The facts around one's ability to run Windows Vista, where it performs not just well, but "PERFECTLY" are perfectly clear and supported by the evidence. I again offer,
Windows Vista - The Most Reliable Operating System I have Ever Used - and,
Windows Vista Performance and Reliability Monitor - Silencing Detractors -

The lady, by her own admission, ran Vista for two days?!?!? That's not long enough time to begin to kick around a few snowflakes on top of a mountain, much less form even a lay opinion.

#6 By 15406 ( at 10/11/2007 1:00:32 PM
#5; Latch, enough. You directly and indirectly declare people to be liars and it is going to by God stop.

LOL! Do you not see the utter hypocrisy in that statement? You, who have been accusing every blogger & journalist that doesn't sing Vista's praises as essentially being liars or on the take? Priceless.

Ignore me if you wish. I'll still be here. I understand it's very hard for an MS apologist to counter reality and constant hard questions with extreme spin. It must get tiring after awhile.

Still no reply to the MS-RH thread? I'm still waiting for more details on your position that the best way to counter patent violations is to do nothing other than cry to the media.

Edit: While calling out other bloggers as liars or paid MS attack dogs, you rebut with <cough> a blog post from yourself as evidence (facts!) that Vista is perfect. With a sample size of 1, you must extrapolate to mean that Vista must run perfectly for all. You're right because you say you're right, and you have a post from yourself to back it up. I can't argue with that. Priceless.

This post was edited by Latch on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 13:28.

#7 By 13030 ( at 10/11/2007 1:35:30 PM
Well, I finally bit the bullet and installed Vista Ultimate on a clean drive on my main dev machine at home--that machine now dual boots into either Windows XP Pro or Vista Ultimate. Just a few months ago it was a Windows 2000 Pro only install.

I had been reluctant to put Vista on this machine since it is critical for my work. However, I needed to get familiar with the dev issues surrounding the new security continue, continue, continue model, and the restrictions on system directories, aka when is the administrator not the administrator. Prior to this, I had done some casual work with Vista betas. I am currently evaluating Windows Server 2008 Build 6001 on another machine.

I was comfortable with making the Vista install, but the performance was a big unknown for this machine, thus the dual boot decision and not an upgrade. The machine is a hand-built 2 year old system: Athlon 64, 2GB mem, ATI X800, 7200 HDs. It runs Windows XP just fine.

Anyone care to speculate a default Vista Ultimate install performs on it? (Although, this looks, smells and tastes like a troll post, it isn't. I promise.)

#8 By 23275 ( at 10/11/2007 1:41:46 PM
#6, Ed Bott twice stated in his own blog that he was offered a lot of money if he would trash Vista.

I offer visual evidence/proof of what I say, from the only source I can confirm - my own systems, I built with my own hands. There is no way to fake that. The images and systems are as real as the experiences from which they are derived.

Against this you offer what? More personal insults. You offer no evidence, no record and in my opinion, no value.

What I write is true, because I have proven it to be so. That's a test I have never seen you apply to your own posts.

Updated: Here's a sample of what Ed stated:
PC Mag will be lucky to be in business this time next year
"PC Magazine isn't hiring?"

I used to work for Ziff-Davis (no relation to ZDNet). The company is in serious financial trouble.

Like I said, if I wanted to maximize my income, at least for the short term, I would go into the Vista-bashing business. I certainly wouldn't go work for a dying magazine.
Posted by: Ed Bott Posted on: 08/20/07

This post was edited by lketchum on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 14:30.

#9 By 32810 ( at 10/11/2007 1:51:53 PM
I have the identical setup as you, in fact, I thought it was a post I made--LOL!
In running Vista Home Premium, I can say it performs fine. However, with a dual boot scenario, watch out for Windows XP deleting Vista's System Restore points. I found out the hard way, but, you can visit NeroSmart and download EasyBCD, from which you can hide Vista's partition/drive from XP:

#10 By 28801 ( at 10/11/2007 1:57:30 PM
#8: You beat me to it. Latch’s last post was classic Latch. He conveniently ignores opinion blogs that provide both detailed written and visual evidence in opposition to his narrow views. Yet he always throws opinion pieces in our faces whenever it suits him.

#11 By 3746 ( at 10/11/2007 2:20:32 PM

As soon as someone admits that they have never really used something but acts like they know something about it I disregard everything that they say anyways. Whatever happened to deciding for yourself if something is quality or not instead of cherry picking opinions that suit what you want to believe from internet sources.

#12 By 15406 ( at 10/11/2007 2:35:16 PM
#8: Wow, Ed Bott, noted MS flag-bearer, said that? Why in the world would anyone expect a die-hard Microsoftie to slag MS for money? It just doesn't make sense. Has any of the other usual Pro-MS bloggers come out with the same accusations? Did Bott name any names? If not, why not? It sounds more like the nonsense SCO pulled early on where they claimed FOSS people were DDoSing their site. Turned out it was all 100% pure crap designed to bolster their position.

Against this you offer what? More personal insults. You offer no evidence, no record and in my opinion, no value.

If you recall (if not, start reading from the top), this thread started with you guys slagging anti-Vista reports and I called you out on it. I'm not making the point that Vista is crap for everyone; I'm calling you out on your claim that anyone who writes about negative experiences with Vista is lying or paid to do so -- lying for free or lying for pay, either way. You offer nothing in support of your statements, that there is some conspiracy at work. Don't try to twist this to be about me since it never was.

#10: I honestly believe that lots of people have no problems with Vista. However, unlike you guys, I don't think everyone who has problems is a liar or has an axe to grind, or is on the payroll of the evil, anti-Vista conspiracy. I don't dismiss the reported problems and blame it on the user.

Edit: Those quotes of Bott's don't exactly accuse anyone of offering to pay him to bash Vista directly. He may have a deal that pays him per page hit, and anti-Vista copy might drive increased readership from the outraged MS masses, thereby increasing his income, but that's hardly the conspiracy that you elude to.

This post was edited by Latch on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 14:52.

#13 By 65179 ( at 10/11/2007 3:41:53 PM
lol #2, very funny, nice one.

#14 By 23275 ( at 10/11/2007 5:04:46 PM
#12, Look, I am sharing log data and you still insist it does not reflect what it reflects.

On the other side of that you come up with some wild speculation about how someone else makes their money.

If you can't see the difference, which I assert you can, then it is because you refuse to for your own reasons.

As seems usual, we are doing things, and according to the logs and evidence, doing them well, while you sit back and keep score according to the rules you make - and you have the gawl to suggest we're the ones that are wrong.

Not one among us has blindly offered our support of Vista, or any other piece of software - clearly we have written and demonstrated the hard work and effort we have expended to make it work as well as we do - that is the biggest part of all of this - that WORK, EFFORT, and ACCOMPLISHMENT using solid, proven technologies and techniques produces results.

Compare that to the casual, lame, halft-hearted efforts demonstrated by many in our press - the results are more than obvious. A two day look at an OS... nuts. A one minute view of anything won't reveal much. You need to wipe when you're done - it's starting to stink.

#15 By 48398 ( at 10/11/2007 6:49:15 PM
Here's a prefect example of why I hate all this anti-Vista BS that's running around. I have a customer that ordered a couple of systems from me and wanted me to load XP instead of Vista because she heard that people who run AutoCAD on Vista have problems. Well, I have both AutoCAD and MasterCAM on my workstation at home and they both run perfectly. I think she must have heard that from somebody who upgraded a sub-par machine to Vista and then complained about it. Same thing with XP. If you took a system running 98 perfectly well and upgraded it to XP, it would run slow. Add Symantec Virus-Virus to that and you're SOL.

So, the one system we ordered is one of those new fangled Sony VAIO LS-30s. If you haven't seen them, check them out because they are b'dass looking. Comes with an analog and ATSC tuner in the box. Within 10 minutes, I was watching over-the-air digital TV and recording an episode of Family Guy. If I loaded XP Pro, like she requested, all those bells and whistles go away. There's also a webcam on the top which might not work with XP since it's Sony's equipment and this system was built for Vista.

People hate Vista because of what they HEAR, not what they SEE. There isn't a single person I've given Vista to that dislikes it. Rumors and speculation dammit!

#4, I didn't reply to that because I didn't have much to add. MS isn't always in the right and I don't always agree with what they do. Especially if it's blantantly rediculous.

Oh shoot! I gotta go. Vista is trying to eat my cat!!!

This post was edited by Crand2 on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 18:55.

#16 By 28801 ( at 10/11/2007 9:08:27 PM
Hey Latch, why don't you see how that woman makes out with the latest flaver of any Linux.

#17 By 15406 ( at 10/11/2007 10:55:29 PM
#14: Look, I am sharing log data and you still insist it does not reflect what it reflects.

I don't really care about your log data. How is your log data relevant to your claims that anyone who posts anything negative about Vista is either an idiot, a liar or a paid assassin?

On the other side of that you come up with some wild speculation about how someone else makes their money.

I'm trying my best to understand how Bott's vague statements could be construed by you that he was offered money to slag Vista, and how there is some media conspiracy to knife Vista.

As seems usual, we are doing things, and according to the logs and evidence, doing them well, while you sit back and keep score according to the rules you make - and you have the gawl to suggest we're the ones that are wrong.

I'm happy for you that you're doing things well, but once again, what does that have to do with your assertions that anyone who posts anything negative about Vista is either an idiot, a liar or a paid assassin? You just don't get it. You seem to be under some bizarre impression that anyone who doesn't embrace all things Microsoft, especially Vista, has some agenda. Stop taking it so personally. Vista is not your child. People are allowed to say they don't like it for whatever reason they choose, and they are entitled to their opinions. They are not wrong, no matter how much you live & breathe Vista. I'm so very happy for you that, in your eyes, Vista is the culmination of perfection, but that does not negate contrary opinions.

#18 By 23275 ( at 10/12/2007 12:37:52 AM
#17, Head of bone, mind of clay...

Pay attention - The points I have made are pretty clear and simple: 1) A cursory, two day view of any operating system, including Windows Vista is not enough time to formulate any conclusion and it is irresponsible to present conclusions that the new OS is in any way "bad" based upon such a limited analysis, and 2) Vista can run on about anything and it does not take a great deal of effort - just reasonable effort - to make it run not just well, but perfectly.
3), You, not I, have asserted that people are lying - this exchange started when you asserted that Just because you supposedly have no problems. 4) I assert that our press has its collective head up its collective rump if it thinks that Vista isn't a breeze to support and use - a half-wit with 2/3 of his brain in a jar could network it. A complete wonk with putty between his ears could install it in about 30 minutes.

I have presented facts; provided details opposite experiences covering months of work and use, and quoted credible sources. I don't take Windows personally, I did and do take being called a liar personally and that is what I wrote to you initially.

Just tonight I read a post from an alleged small network admin - decrying how he could no longer image Vista systems. Pure BS. The WDS has modes specifically designed for such people and smaller businesses - and the admin, provided he was one, could easily have created an image and not validated it with a key at all - entering each unique key and activating each machine - just in case he didn't want to run up an WDS/BDD suite. If he is not doing at least this much, then he is either not an admin, or his employers need to find a new one.

Despite having built thousands of Vista systems and upgrading nearly as many on hardware that is from 2001/2002, I have not seen the issues you keep posting about - so my position is based upon what we see; what we use and what we work with. Ancient RLISYS Ocular SW - runs just dandy and so does all else we have encountered. It isn't just luck and it isn't just work - it is design and the application of reasonable efforts and frankly, nothing special in the way of technical work. For me, my company and the millions of people that use our services, Vista has been the best OS we have supported to date. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be using it.

Opinions are one thing, but what our press is doing is irresponsible. If they are doing it for money, it crosses many lines. It can hurt people - innocent people and that is why it angers me so much.

#19 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 5:22:47 AM

#20 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 3:58:54 PM

#21 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 3:34:15 AM

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 7:17:49 PM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 11/1/2023 6:16:38 PM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 11/2/2023 9:51:47 AM

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