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  Safari 3 Public Beta
Time: 13:41 EST/18:41 GMT | News Source: Apple | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Today at WWDC, Apple announced the public beta release of Safari 3. The latest version of Apple's web browser is now available for Windows XP and Vista as well as Mac OS X.

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#1 By 1169 ( at 6/11/2007 2:05:30 PM
This thing crashes on 2 Vista machines. Even taking out the bonjour option, it still crashes...any luck out there?

#2 By 3 ( at 6/11/2007 2:11:57 PM
Worked first time here. Seems very good so far, quite impressed, I actually expected it to be as slow as hell but it is working really well on every site i've tried.

#3 By 23275 ( at 6/11/2007 2:35:36 PM
No OWS support for SPS, or STS 1. No OWA support for OLWeb access. Dog slow on Vista 32 bit. Ugly and does not comply with apps interface guides for Windows Vista [I assess, by intent, though the opinion is just that, an opinion]. While it's just initial - Apple's own qualifying statements reflect their tests were limited to XP SP2's version of IE 7. That is unfortunate and not balanced.

I would welcome a more balanced, current and objective set of tests on 32 and 64 bit Windows Vista - not/not on XP SP2 [Vista is after all, the currently shipping version of Windows and if this is BETA, then the BETA should at least center its focus on the most recent versions of Windows].

"Why does Apple appear to want to pretend that Windows Vista does not exist?"

#4 By 2960 ( at 6/11/2007 2:35:54 PM
Works fine here. Only irritating thign to me is it requires quicktime to be installed. Sheesh...


#5 By 2960 ( at 6/11/2007 2:36:57 PM
The interface is Fugly :(


#6 By 2960 ( at 6/11/2007 2:44:02 PM
Ooooohhhhh. Mouse buttons for forwared/reverse don't work. That simply will not do!

#7 By 3 ( at 6/11/2007 2:45:49 PM
#3 - Working fine here in Vista 32bit - just as fast as IE7 too. Has a bit of a way to go before I'd use it a lot but I actually like its UI but thats probably because I use a mac as well as a PC, getting people to use Safari means they need to make it look less boring and go with the interface guides.

#8 By 23275 ( at 6/11/2007 2:51:34 PM
#7, have you tried it with OWA? what did you get for results? Thanks, L

#9 By 28801 ( at 6/11/2007 3:10:28 PM
Why bother?

#10 By 23275 ( at 6/11/2007 3:12:38 PM
#3, adding to my post above...

Here's what my gutt tells me - Apple's site reflects the program running in Windows XP - their benchmarks ref XP SP2. The browser runs better on XP SP2 than it does on Vista [ast least for me] - they entire center of Apple's message suggests this to me: "Do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to make XP look better over Vista; do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to marginalize Vista and prevent people from trying it."

Okay - fine. I just wish that Apple would come out and say that directly and stop the kind of thing that to me, represents "Bad Form"

"....and Steve Jobs dared opine at one point that Microsoft lacked class?!?!?!?"

#11 By 15406 ( at 6/11/2007 3:25:19 PM
#10: Gadzooks, you've done it again! You've discovered Apple's super-secret plot to foil Vista sales with a browser beta.

Maybe their browser works better with XP because they haven't bothered to optimize for Vista, considering its tiny user base? Maybe they figure the best they can hope for is a 1-2% marketshare and it isn't worth the extra effort.

#12 By 23275 ( at 6/11/2007 3:30:58 PM
#11, "OS Market Share: Vista Up, Apple Down" -

Do you wear some sort of inert gas tank to breathe from? If not, please consider switching over to argon, or something.... and save the O2 for other life forms.

#13 By 11888 ( at 6/11/2007 3:39:56 PM
That's the most appropriate use of gadzooks I've seen in the while. Nicely done.

#14 By 15406 ( at 6/11/2007 3:58:20 PM
#12: You're a conundrum, that's for sure. You insult me, but post data that confirms what I said. Vista's market share is so small that it doesn't make sense for Apple to spend a lot of timing tuning it for Vista. And, what's this, Ketchum quoting from a blog? I thought you said that blogs were full of mouth-breathing cretins who couldn't find their own ass with two hands and a flashlight.

#13: Style points are important.

#15 By 18227 ( at 6/11/2007 4:17:36 PM
Font spacing is screwy. Font smoothing makes headlines look ugly, too dark.

#16 By 11888 ( at 6/11/2007 4:19:29 PM
I only get my information from Paul Harvey.

Is Paul Harvey dead?

Good day!

#17 By 28692 ( at 6/11/2007 4:22:21 PM
I use mostly Firefox on my Mac (as I do on Windows Vista), and I don't see that changing with Safari 3. That said, I think Safari for Windows was more of a continued exercise in making many of their apps as cross platform as possible (which now includes AirPort configuration applications, QuickTime, Bonjour, Software Update, iTunes, and Safari). Since iTunes uses Safari WebKit, I think this move only makes sense. The browser may encourage more websites to be Safari compatible, which in turn helps Mac OS X users, too. The fact of the matter is, most iPod and iPhone users run Windows and Apple knows it. While Apple applications run much much better under Mac OS X, many need to run on Windows, too.

It's interesting to note that Safari 3 runs on Windows XP and Windows Vista, whereas it requires Mac OS X 10.4.9 or later.

#18 By 32132 ( at 6/11/2007 4:23:27 PM
Leopard will be the last Apple OS. Eventually all new Apple computers will just boot directly to Vista instead of making people run parallells first.

Apple is now a consumer electronics company.

#19 By 1896 ( at 6/11/2007 5:03:53 PM
#18 You hint to something interesting although we are not there yet.

"I never used an Ipod so my comments are based on what people using it told me."
My understanding is that in order to use an Ipod with a Windows OS you need some specific Apple software; I could be wrong but I think that in order to make this new IPhone interact with a Windows OS you will need Safari. Again this is just qa feeling, no hard data to back it up other than the comments about how developers can write apps for the new phone using Safari.
Btw it is true that the IPhone does not have SMS capability? if it is true, at least in Europe, this will be the reason for its failure; all the kids over there comunicate only with SMS and they do all day long.

#20 By 23275 ( at 6/11/2007 5:11:06 PM
#19, You are onto something.

As is [thus far], the third party app dev path to iPhone will be Safari - so in odrer to reach Windows devs/users, Safari 3 on Windows is important.

Perhaps later, dev will be opened up for the iPhone, but for now, the browser is the only path.

The emphasis is interesting and suggests a maturation of Apple as a products first company - where the realities of the installed Windows base and the emphasis on the revenue present there, trumped Apple's latest OS in terms of priority. NotParker may well be right at #18.

This post was edited by lketchum on Monday, June 11, 2007 at 17:11.

#21 By 116 ( at 6/11/2007 10:39:06 PM
This just solidifies Windows as the defacto internet development platform. Nice Apple and thanks! The only reason I ever had for kicking a mac around was for ensuring that our web applications look good and function properly on the Mac. Now I can do that from the comfort of my Windows Vista PC.


#22 By 8556 ( at 6/11/2007 10:44:24 PM
I'll stick with Opera and, where required, IE7. Safari runs perfectly on OS X. Why risk damaging my fine memories of our time together by running the bastardized version?

Can OS X for white boxes be down the road?

#23 By 48398 ( at 6/12/2007 12:37:01 AM

If it is, it would be the first non-MS OS I'll use for more than a month since OS/2 Warp. (everybody knows OS/2 was originally an MS product btw, don't bother flaming that)

#24 By 23275 ( at 6/12/2007 9:46:23 AM
Remote exploit released for brand-new Safari for Windows -

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 4:21:05 AM

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