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  Vista awareness up, sales not
Time: 00:18 EST/05:18 GMT | News Source: ZDNet | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Another day; another Windows Vista poll. The latest comes from the consumer-survey kingpins at Harris Interactive.

The latest Harris Vista findings: Microsoft has done a great job getting the word out about Windows Vista. But increased awareness isn't translating to an automatic increase in sales. According to the latest survey results, published by Harris on April 4

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#1 By 37047 ( at 4/5/2007 6:22:46 AM
That's interesting. According to this poll, Vista, touted as Microsoft's best selling OS ever, is still running behind Mac OS X by 2 percentage points.

Mac OS X - 5% of users
Vista - 3% of users

I now turn the floor over to the apologists.

#2 By 15406 ( at 4/5/2007 8:07:14 AM
I'm confused. This article says Vista sales are slow. But just the other day, MS told me that it's selling at twice the rate of XP. So which is it? Who's lying?

#3 By 8556 ( at 4/5/2007 8:23:35 AM
Few consumers care about "WOW". The ones I deal with in my rural shop are ill informed about improved security in Vista and misunderstand the new OS. Some seem to have received an education on Vista solely through the amusing Mac ads.

Microsoft needs to air commercials that show people actually using Vista in PRODUCTIVE ways that Windows XP can't be used. Small Businesses especially need to learn about file shadow copy in Vista Business.

#4 By 32132 ( at 4/5/2007 9:26:54 AM

40% of people planning on buying a PC changed when they would buy the PC to get Vista!!!!!


That explains why 2 - 3.5% of computer users are already using Vista.

"How, if at all, has the introduction of Vista impacted your decision as to when you will purchase a desktop or laptop/notebook computer?"

20% It made an impact. I delayed my purchase decision until Vista became available.

20% It made an impact. I will purchase my next computer earlier than I had planned.

60% It has not made an impact. I will purchase my next computer as planned prior to the announcement of Vista.

#5 By 32132 ( at 4/5/2007 9:28:20 AM
#1 "That's interesting. According to this poll, Vista, touted as Microsoft's best selling OS ever, is still running behind Mac OS X by 2 percentage points. "

WOW!!!!! In 2 months Vista has caught with 5 years of OS X sales!!!!


#6 By 13030 ( at 4/5/2007 9:43:54 AM
#3: Your "rural shop" appears to be reflecting what others are seeing elsewhere.

As I said earlier, the only people who care about Vista right now are techies. The average user just doesn't care. This doesn't mean that Vista sucks. To the contrary, it just means that Windows 98, 2000 and XP are good enough. (You could take this as a compliment to the quality of those OSs.) I actually don't know a single non-techie that has upgraded to Vista. Only a couple of my techie friends have upgraded a computer to Vista. This is in stark contrast to the Windows 95 beta and debut...

#4 and 5: WOW.

Put your pom-poms down before you hurt someone.

#7 By 15406 ( at 4/5/2007 9:44:18 AM
#5: You're all excited because of one poll? Not surprising I guess. Too bad MS didn't pay for the poll or we'd find out that 117% of users are using Vista. As it happens, I'm picking up a new home system this weekend. It comes with Vista Home Premium. I'll be wipng it off, of course, and putting a dual-boot XP/Ubuntu config down. I'll probably have to image Vista before I nuke it so I don't void the warranty or something stupid like that.

#8 By 37047 ( at 4/5/2007 10:15:16 AM
#4: "40% of people planning on buying a PC changed when they would buy the PC to get Vista!!!!!

WOW. "

Of course, you gloss over the fact that 50% of those who changed their buying plans did so to AVOID getting Vista pre-installed, opting instead for XP.

#7: Of course, even though your machine will dual boot XP and Ubuntu, the stats will show another Vista sale, making Vista seem more used than it really is, once again. No stat will be registered to show you are actually using XP, though.

#9 By 32132 ( at 4/5/2007 10:22:35 AM
#7 "I'll be wipng it off, of course"

Your loss. Vista runs quicker on my X2 5000+ than XP did. I guess you don't want your home PC to seem even faster than your PIII-500 at work.

Or is it you prefer to comment on Vista without having used it so your level of ignorance remains sky high.

"Of course, you gloss over the fact that 50% of those who changed their buying plans did so to AVOID getting Vista pre-installed, opting instead for XP."

Not in the poll. Making stuff up is not a counter-argument. (Even if thats all Latch does)

This post was edited by NotParker on Thursday, April 05, 2007 at 10:23.

#10 By 15406 ( at 4/5/2007 10:43:11 AM
#9: Vista runs quicker than XP for you, huh? You must have a magic computer as every other thing I've read shows that Vista is slower than XP under the same load and hardware. XP ran apps faster than W2K, but it is apparently not the case for Vista. Except in Parkkker-land, where the sun shines on MS all year long.

And you're one to talk about counter-arguments. Every time I or anyone else makes a point you can't or won't refute, you ignore it and instead start going off on FF or Apple or whatever is in your shorts that day. You are famous here for avoiding anything that you can't counter. Seeing you call MysticSentinel a black kettle is funny.

#11 By 37047 ( at 4/5/2007 10:51:03 AM
#9: Okay, I'll give you that one. The question stated was ambiguous. It could be interpreted to mean that people purchased hardware earlier than planned to avoid having Vista pre-installed, or people purchased hardware earlier than planned so they could get Vista on a new machine sooner. I am not 100% sure which way this was meant, as I can't ask the document, so I'll concede this point, pending better information. I hate polls with ambiguous questions. Too much margin of error can creep in.

That'll teach me to be more careful when reading this sort of thing at 7:20 am, before I've had my morning coffee.

#12 By 37047 ( at 4/5/2007 10:54:00 AM
#10: Actually, I can believe that he saw Vista run faster than XP. Hell, I'll bet that if he simply took measurements from his old setup, wiped the hard drive and reinstalled XP again, he'd also see a performance increase. This is why people occasionally wipe and reinstall their Windows operating systems on a somewhat regular basis.

A useful benchmark would be for you to perform some benchmark on your new system when you get it, while the OS install is still fresh, write down the performance numbers, wipe it and install XP, and then perform the same benchmark test, and record those numbers, before any apps are installed, and then let us know what the actual numbers are. This will be a far more accurate test.

This post was edited by MysticSentinel on Thursday, April 05, 2007 at 10:56.

#13 By 32132 ( at 4/5/2007 11:44:14 AM
Nope. Brand new Dell with XP. Dual-booted with RC2 within a week. RC2 was faster than XP. I only have 1GB of ram too.

I did have an advantage in that I had an ATI card. And only an ATI 1300 Pro card.
ATI's drivers were way better than Nvidia's.

Since both of you get your Vista "news" from Slashdot, rather than running it first hand ... its no surprise you are ignorant.

I applaud Latch's impersonation of an Ostrich. Quick ... wipe off Vista before he can find out for himself how good it is. Vista cooties might be catching!

#14 By 15406 ( at 4/5/2007 11:54:05 AM
#13: If it's so good, then why is everyone besides you and ketchum slagging it? Why should I run it? What does it give me that makes up for all the driver problems, app problems etc? HardOCP ran it for a solid month and said it was crap. Lots of other places have run it for day to day tasks over the course of time and have also given a thumbs-down. I've watched every interesting feature be stripped out to make sure Vista shipped in under a decade. XP is pretty solid and does what I want most of the time, as does Ubuntu. Vista will take a few years to be were XP is now as far as fit & finish is concerned. Maybe in 5 years I'll start to care.

#15 By 37047 ( at 4/5/2007 12:15:09 PM
Since Parkkker gets his info stright from Balmer and Gates, it is no wonder he is ignorant of any other perspective from anyone else outside the Microsoft Campus.

#16 By 23275 ( at 4/5/2007 2:04:29 PM
Latch, why so quick with the broad brush all the time... "everyone" "all others" come on, that is certainly not true and not even true here - many people use and like Vista.

Let's look at it this way. Of all the Vista systems we have shipped, I have not had one person call me and say anything negative - much less, "take it back." Now, since I sell hardware as a service [fully set up, ready for full use], I sure would hear if a customer was in any way unhappy. So leaving objective measurements aside - after all... I think the benchmarks aren't quite tuned to be able to properly evaluate Vista, much less compare it and yes, we all know, drivers are early and games were not designed for Vista... which brings me to another and perhaps most important point, the user/customer.

Let's just take one type of user - gamers. I don't play many games - less those I play on our home LAN with our kids and their friends [we still love Crimson Skies the best]. While I don't play many games, I buy a bucket load of them and I hang out and listen to what hard core gamers have to say at more than just a few places where gamers go - to learn what I might buy for my kids and also to understand what is important to them - after all, I am asking them and in many cases, their families to make large investments in the suites that we build - which include very high end systems in many cases. I also love to see the look in the boys' eyes when I come home with a new game that they really want. No matter how old they get, or how cool they are at school - I can still see the very happy boy in each of them and that is worth the premium select uber pack every time.

Point here is that your remarks aren't consistent with what gamers tell me - games to them are pretty temporary - they beat them and they move on and very few titles hold them. Halo2 and a few others get them by as they wait on new games to come out. To gamers, games are like major motion pictures - they watch them, but only a few compell them to come back.
Unless the multi-player, like Halo2 is killer, they don't stay long.

Gamers are also the kinds of guys and gals that dual boot. They for sure run Vista Ultimate and they very much want DX10 based games and buying the latest and hottest card - well.... they do that all the dang time anyway.

Using just this one group as an example, I wanted to show that focusing on the user - as Bobsireno very obviously does, is where it is at. In some cases, more and better communication is needed - in others, as with the one group I used as an example, they are all over Vista and for specific reasons - in this one case, DX10 and the experiences that they will have in games built on it. If Ubuntu held out that promise and would allow guys like me to build great systems and networks at a profit I would - if Apple built on an open platform and had good prices, I'd consider it. The deal is, Latch, they don't - Microsoft and its partners do.

Why is that very practical realty so hard for you to grasp. Advocacy isn't about zealotry here - it is about confronting the realities we face out here and getting stuff done so we can enjoy some time with the kids - why insist it is anything other than that, or that Microsoft should exist as a charity - they aren't - they are a business and like all of us in business, or at home making practical decisions, just as they do, we have a choice and the choice we make and have made for some time is to use what works for us - and right now that is Microsoft software and the hardware "I Choose" to use - not Apple

This post was edited by lketchum on Thursday, April 05, 2007 at 14:07.

#17 By 32132 ( at 4/5/2007 2:20:58 PM
"If it's so good, then why is everyone besides you and ketchum slagging it?"

Everyone? The people at work who are running it love it. I've also recommended it so several people and they've had no problems.

"Why should I run it?"

So, for a change, you might have a clue what you are ranting on about.

"What does it give me that makes up for all the driver problems, app problems etc?"

The only problem I had was Nero. DVD burning in Vista wasn't quite what I liked, so I downloaded ImgBurn and it works just fine.

My 5 year old Canon i950 had drivers that worked great.

I read the HARDOCP review. They seemd to imply all the drivers were fine except for a laserjet 1020 (which is weird since other people had the same printer working with RC2) , but that they could never figure out "Burn" button that appears on the toolbar to help with borning DVD's.

#15 You are suggesting I should pretend my personal experiences with Vista weren't good in order to make the Slashdot Microsoft-hating crowd happy?

#18 By 15406 ( at 4/5/2007 3:26:39 PM
#16: We all wield a broad brush around here. Just the other day you made some sweeping claims, and when I asked for data I got crickets. For the record, my use of "everyone" in that post was meant to encapsulate all the media I've read over the past several months and years regarding Vista.

#17: "You are suggesting I should pretend my personal experiences with Vista weren't good in order to make the Slashdot Microsoft-hating crowd happy?"

Considering that, in the few years I've been sparring with you I've never heard you make a negative comment about anything MS-related, your word isn't exactly gospel. If you did have problems with Vista - no matter how small or insignificant - you would never admit to it. Ever. For that reason your alleged experiences with Vista will be taken with a grain of salt.

#19 By 15406 ( at 4/5/2007 3:30:16 PM

#20 By 32132 ( at 4/5/2007 4:46:34 PM
#19 "Unfortunately for Microsoft, the sea of anti-Vista press has not stopped" despite the amazing number of "commenters" like Latch who haven't used Vista.

#18 I use Vista everyday at home. I went back to XP for a few weeks after unloading RC2. I hated it (relatively). It seemedd slow and sluggish.

I plan to upgrade my work PC when Longhorn beta 3 comes out (I'm running Windows 2003 Server R2 at work).

Believe what you want coffee girl, but since you haven't tried it, everything you say about Vista is a joke.

#21 By 15406 ( at 4/6/2007 8:18:23 AM
#20: Poor Parkkker, his self-worth, self-image and, indeed, entire psyche forever linked to Microsoft. I actually hope Vista sells well as we wouldn't want you to hurt yourself or something drastic like that.

#22 By 32132 ( at 4/6/2007 10:44:59 AM
#20 I like Vista. You should try it some day. Maybe you could then fool some people into thinking you know what you are talking about.

#23 By 37047 ( at 4/6/2007 11:30:22 AM
#22: By the same argument, you should try Linux, Mac OS X, or other operating systems not made by Microsoft. Then, maybe you can fool a few people into thinking that you what you are talking about. Talk about a pot calling a kettle black. Based on Latch's posts, I get the impression that he has tried different operating systems, including most Windows flavours and several non-Windows OSes as well, such as different flavours of Linux. How about you?

#24 By 2960 ( at 4/6/2007 11:49:18 AM
Yous Guys.... :)

#25 By 15406 ( at 4/6/2007 12:40:55 PM
#22: Of course you like Vista. And if MS made jester costumes, you'd have bells on right now. I'll at least boot Vista up when I pick up the new box.

#23: You're not accusing him of hyparkkkrisy, are you?

This post was not edited by Latch on Friday, April 06, 2007 at 13:40.

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