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  Will Apple's Leopard bite? - analyst opinion
Time: 11:13 EST/16:13 GMT | News Source: TG Daily | Posted By: Andre Da Costa

We are beginning to hear credible details on Apple's strategy to create a major assault on Microsoft's Windows Vista. During February, Apple lost some market share to Vista, but I'm not really hearing of people getting rid of their Mac in favor of a Vista PC. This share change may be much more the result of people who didn't buy last quarter in anticipation of Vista and still had money left, after the Christmas bills were paid, to get a new computer.

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#1 By 23275 ( at 2/22/2007 12:26:43 PM
Analysts, press, pundits, bloggers, vloggers and zealots of every level, will gush praise on OS X Tiger. Accompanying new systems will be rated the best that are available. There will be fewer upgrade issues for existing MAC users, but the facts and reality underwriting that will be ignored - as compared to Vista's diversity and nearly infinite choices, MAC has only one, Apple and what Apple says will be allowed to work.

Steve Jobs, Apple, MAC OS X, and the popular media all reflect one common posture - the imposition of choice - so long as it is the same. Say what you want, write what you want, draw what you want - so long as it is the same.

The post modern nomenclatura - where a ruling elite decide what is best for all and simultaneously demand more and more from a few to give to the many - excluding themselves from any of the rules the rest of us had better adhere to. Apple's trinkets making the have nots "feel" like their part of the crowd - mindless pets of the ruling elite. "We're better because we say so..." Apple: "Built by slaves, for slaves" or "Don't think at all" ought to be the company's branding statements. It's more secure because we say so. It's prettier and easier to use because we say so. Alternatives? There is no real alternative.

Apple serves a growing idiocracy - a coalition of the complacent and it offers a model designed to anesthetize the masses while it numbs the mind and destroys the heart - it did, after all, convince the world that 128K was bloody good enough - ignoring all else the human ear can do and its potential as an instrument of the soul - reducing music to a painful echo of what it was meant to be. Apple took a pancake fryer and called it a laptop - convincing its minions that design trumped thermal dynamics - air vents? who needs air vents? Design for design's sake - because we said so and "Steved" is the engineer who dare say otherwise (summarily fired for those too young to remember MAC's early years).

Innovation and choice - certainly - so long as yours agree with mine and exactly so - where they do not, we will hate you and we will tell the world we do - elevating the smug index to an all new high (the real cause of global warming (ignoring of course that Phracing Greenland was 1000 years ago... well... er... "GREEN" and farmed - as opposed to the white - as in ice, which covers it these days)).

Apple - an appropriate name - it's been downhill ever since its inspiration was first bitten.

Apple's products aren't the problem for me - it's the thinking behind them that does.

This post was edited by lketchum on Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 12:35.

#2 By 65179 ( at 2/22/2007 12:43:43 PM
Ok so how many ppl feel this article is written by a kid?

#3 By 15406 ( at 2/22/2007 1:36:55 PM
#1: Quit mincing words and tell us how you REALLY feel.

"Apple's products aren't the problem for me - it's the thinking behind them that does."

And yet you have no qualm with MS and their never-ending dirty tricks, bad faith partnerships, quasi-legal business practices, anti-competitive behaviour, lack of innovation, etc, etc...

#4 By 32132 ( at 2/22/2007 1:49:30 PM
"During February, Apple lost some market share to Vista"


"And yet you have no qualm with MS and their never-ending dirty tricks, bad faith partnerships, quasi-legal business practices, anti-competitive behaviour, lack of innovation, etc, etc... "

Translation: Selling Vista for 50$ through an OEM partner like Dell or HP is mean ... especially when coffee girl only has a PIII-500 running Windows ME.

#5 By 15406 ( at 2/22/2007 3:34:15 PM
#4: "During February, Apple lost some market share to Vista"


Why would you care? Oh I forgot, you're the man who validates his very existence based on MS sales numbers.

Meanwhile, history's most notorious IP thief just got spanked yet again. $1.5B to Alcatel-Lucent to compensate for MS stealing their tehcnology. Of course, MS denies everything and says the judge is an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about. It's the same line they always use whenever they lose. Yep, the verdict wasn't supported by facts or by law (says MS) and the judge just pulled it out of his ass for the hell of it. Yeah, that must be it.

This post was edited by Latch on Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 15:40.

#6 By 50038 ( at 2/22/2007 4:14:48 PM
Ok, #1
I have not earthly idea what your problem with mac is, but it's obvious to me that since you spend so much time ranting against the mac and apple, that it must be a personal issue. I completely fail to see why a CEO of a company would waste his time doing this, but maybe you have lots of time on your hands, and you love a good debate.
From your last messages I understood you've been in the business for a long time, and therefore you've known computers from the "good old" ;) unix days. This most likely makes you older than me, and i'm 42. Now please read what you wrote above, and tell me you didn't just post a rant.
Apple products aren't a problem to me either, just like Ferrari's aren't a problem to me (other than maybe because of their powerful engine they emit too much co2 ;) ).
If you don't like the Mac and or Apple, fine. Apple is just one manufacturer of computers, and 95% of the personal computer market is in the hands of other brands. So since it is a free market, you are not forced to be a minion to Steve and his company. From my point of view there is no need to insult people that like a Mac though. Your statement of Apple: "Built by slaves, for slaves" or "Don't think at all" is an insult to people using mac, and is uncalled for.
Remarks like that tend to be considered flame bait, and that goes against netiquette.
If you have something to say, at least try to use some good arguments, instead of displaying the attitude of "anyone who says anything good about mac or apple is an idiot".
I am always interested in good debate, and especially with people who have been in the business for a long time, but I do not like the "my computer is good because I say so, and your choice is bad because I say so" attitude. If you could post some interesting stuff to debate, I'm sure people could learn from you.

I have no idea how old you are, so what sort of expertise do you have? All you ever seem to post is flame bait pure and simple. Apple lost market share "Cool". Cool why? Don't like people choosing something you don't like? I thought it was a free market. Some people prefer Coke to Pepsi. Should Pepsi drinker say "Cool" when Coke losing some market share. It's ridiculous. I wish you would cut it out. And I don't know, but your reaction to the Microsoft dirty tricks things seems to be to shake it off and pretend it never happened. They did get convicted for illegal monopoly practices, and that got confirmed on appeal. I don't think I need to explain what the trial was about, you know that as good as I do, so I won't go over that again. Let's just say that it wasn't about selling Vista for 50$ through an OEM, and that I have no idea what the coffee girl has to do with anything.

#7 By 12071 ( at 2/22/2007 4:52:13 PM
#1 "OS X Tiger"? You seem to be stuck in April 2005... no real surprise really given that Vista just came out and it only just seems to be catching up UI/interactivity wise. This article is about Leopard, their next version, but don't worry, the Windows team is busy preparing their designs for the next version and they'll have something solid the day that Leopard comes out!

#6 Parkkker, who incidentally doesn't have any MSFT stock which is odd if you've ever read more than three of his comments, is most likely paid to post his "opinion" which basically boils down to "Microsoft BEST, everything and everyone else CRAP". "Coffee Girl" is what Parkkker calls Latch whenever he has no real point/comeback/etc. - which is most of the time.

#8 By 3653 ( at 2/22/2007 6:17:50 PM
"is most likely paid to post his "opinion""

NotParker gets paid to post on activewin? how tha &*#^&$ do I get in on that? Or are you simply spouting complete bull&*@^& as usual.

lketchum is right as rain, with his comment #1, as usual.

Uh oh, now everyone is gonna know that lketchum pays me to post my "opinion" about him.

ps... i just used my daily quota of shifted-number keystrokes.

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 18:21.

#9 By 32132 ( at 2/22/2007 7:17:46 PM
I don't understand why some of you are so bitter that I quoted from the article in question.

Whats wrong with Vista doing well? Why are you so bitter about it?

"They did get convicted for illegal monopoly practices, and that got confirmed on appeal."

"The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously overturned Judge Jackson's rulings against Microsoft on browser tying and attempted monopolization on grounds that he gave off-the-record (but nevertheless disclosed) interviews to the news media during the case, and that Judge Jackson having opinions about the defendant was improper."

"On November 2, 2001, the DOJ reached an agreement with Microsoft to settle the case. The proposed settlement required Microsoft to share its application programming interfaces with third-party companies and appoint a panel of three people who will have full access to Microsoft's systems, records, and source code for five years in order to ensure compliance. However, the DOJ did not require Microsoft to change any of its code nor prevent Microsoft from tying other software with Windows in the future."

Essentially the DOJ admitted they were wrong, but to save face they slapped Microsoft on the wrist.

This post was edited by NotParker on Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 19:18.

#10 By 23275 ( at 2/22/2007 7:46:15 PM
#7, The ref to "Tiger" was intentional - as in, not enough new in Leopard to warrant a new version - much less another 150 bucks - a feature pack, maybe, but not a new version, or new money.

#6, all. My points are about larger issues than the MAC, or its next feature pack - Apple is simply a manisfestation of that which I hope people are alerted to - namely, they are being put to sleep and conditioned to behave in a way that is inconsistent with what it is to be free and continually liberated from tyranny. My arguments are relevant to computer science and technology because of the potential for advancing individual liberty they present.

I assess that Apple is an example of that which despises any man that aspires to be more than he was born to. It is closed, confined and consists of what a very few people decide will run on it. Apple, Inc. can change that by allowing its OS X operating system to be sold and installed on any x86/64 hardware. I regard MAC users as unfortunate victims in one sense - at the "hey, I just want a decent computer end.." - and as misguided in most others... at the blunted end of their headless spear.

The difference is simple to me - it is okay to be excellent, or pursue excellence. It is not okay to be an elitist. The truly elite have no need to attack the weak and every responsibility to attack elitism. I assess Microsoft builds excellent software, but it has remained humble and inclusive whereas Apple has not yet achieved excellence, but regards itself as being elite. I say this based upon what each does - one is inclusive and enables people - the other is closed and made worse by forcing one to conform to its defintion of what is good, worthy, and "cool" - in that sense, Apple, the MAC and its ads define despotism to me - any time a tiny number of people set themselves up as being better than the rest, it scares me to death. To me, Apple represents man at his worst - at his least. After all... freedom means that people have to be free to build bad, crappy and cheap PC's, or bad software - just as they are free to build the best that they can. Apple won't risk that - it loves its mirror way too much.

#11 By 11888 ( at 2/22/2007 7:56:16 PM
Where the christ does lketchum get the time to write such long-winded runs of nothingness?

"Apple represents man at his worst - at his least. " What a drama queen!

#12 By 50038 ( at 2/23/2007 5:43:00 AM
How nice, Microsoft never did anything wrong.
I think you conveniently forgot this part
"However, the appeals court did affirm in part Judge Jackson's ruling on monopolization"
So they did decide Microsoft violated at least some things when it comes to abusing it's monopoly.

I also see you conveniently dodged my question about your expertise is, so I'll just have to assume you have none.

Maybe you should ask MS for some money, because it sounds like you think they can do nothing wrong, and you manage to attack whoever isn't Microsoft for anything they do, whilst gloryfying Microsoft for everything they do. Sound like you should be on the payroll to me.

I wish people like you would at least try to come up with some decent arguments, but I guess that's asking too much.

For instance what I like about MS is their development platform, but only up to a point. Their tools for developing are the best in the industry by a big margin, but since they tend to target MS operating systems only (understandable from MS's point of view), they are somewhat limited in use to people on Linux and Mac for instance (yes, i know about mono, but that is not exactly as great as .net itself). Plus I don't like the inaccuracy of their documentation (good API docs please)
I tend to like their OS's because of the ease of use, but not for their bugs, and certain illogical things that seem to remain from version to version.
Office is a good program, and now with the new homeuser price for office 2007, it also is excellent value for money.
I'll repeat this, as I said it before, I use Windows, Linux and Mac, and all three have good things, and all three have bad things. An assesment like that is honest.
Linux and Mac suck, and Windows is the best thing since sliced bread, is dishonest to say the least, but seems to be your prefered way of writing on here.

#13 By 28801 ( at 2/23/2007 7:11:04 AM
I’m not sure I understand the MAC bashing in some of the other posts. I’ve never really used the OS but from what I’ve seen, it seems slick. I just don’t like their ad campaign. The “I’m a MAC” ads are very misleading. The notion that you can do creative things faster and easier on the MAC is ridiculous. That may have been true 15 years ago, but not now.

#12: Of course MS broke the rules - that's what many big companies do. That's why we have laws and a system in place to handle such transgressions. The courts handled it, doled out the appropriate penalties, implemented some safeguards and moved on. I suggest you do as well.

I agree with you on their development tools and the fact that they should target other platforms. I understand why the tie everything together as they do. If SharePoint ran on Oracle, its revenue stream would dramatically increase but at the cost of SQL Server Sales.

#14 By 47914 ( at 2/23/2007 7:22:56 AM
#11, and your post added???....nothingness

#15 By 3339 ( at 2/23/2007 8:03:14 AM
Anyone else find it interesting that 5 years ago, there was active discussion in 4 out of every 5 posts on this site... discussion of all kinds. Now, 4 out of 5 articles "might" get 1-3 comments but will usually go without any comment at all.

The only stories that get 10+ posts are 80% lketchum and Parker railing against Apple or Google or Linux or FireFox or whoever Microsoft's "enemy" of the moment is and the commensurate responses.

#16 By 37047 ( at 2/23/2007 8:51:39 AM
#15: I have noticed that as well.

I post less than I used to, because I also find that any particular thread will occasionally start off discussing the topic at hand, if it does at all, and then very quickly devolve into a Windows vs. Mac, Windows vs. Linux, IE vs. Firefox, MS vs. every other OS and software maker on the planet, discussion. You could click on a story about Bill Gates donating money to some charitable organization, and by the third comment, some sort of "us vs. them" type of thing will be the new topic de jour. It usually gets boring pretty quickly. Especially since it is usually the same people making the same arguements either for or against MS over and over again. I even noticed myself starting to do that, so I have started to post less, and usually only when I have something meaningful to say. At least, that is my plan. Reality may have other plans. :)

#17 By 28801 ( at 2/23/2007 9:59:53 AM
#15 & 16: It's all Latch's fault!

#18 By 54556 ( at 2/23/2007 10:03:48 AM
maybe the network forum version of entropy? well, off to

#19 By 32132 ( at 2/23/2007 10:07:51 AM
#15 "and Parker railing"

Who? .... If you meant me, since when does saying "cool" count as "railing"? You Mac people are soooo thin skinned.

This post was edited by NotParker on Friday, February 23, 2007 at 12:08.

#20 By 15406 ( at 2/23/2007 1:12:12 PM
#17: Someone has to provide balance for all the MS Pollyanna's here like you, Parkkker, Ketchum, mini-moore, etc.

#21 By 28801 ( at 2/23/2007 3:22:34 PM
#20: Wow! Over 950 posts of the same drivel… Have you considered dating? And no Latch, your farm animals don’t count.

#22 By 3653 ( at 2/23/2007 4:45:21 PM
rxcall gets a stipend from the National Cattlemen's Beef Association to mention "farm animals" at Activewin.

Isn't that right, latch@2sugars?

#23 By 28801 ( at 2/23/2007 6:13:19 PM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 3:19:00 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 10:26:46 AM

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