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  Survey: Some iPod fans dump PCs for Macs
Time: 11:08 EST/16:08 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Brian Kvalheim

The popularity of the iPod could be boosting Apple Computer's financials in unexpected ways. According to a survey of iPod users by financial analysis firm Piper Jaffray, Macs are basking in the reflected glory of the iPod, with some who own the music player saying they have already or are intending to ditch their PCs for Macs. The research found that 6 percent of iPod users have made the switch. An additional 7 percent said they are planning to dump their old PC for an Apple machine, according to the survey.

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#1 By 415 ( at 11/26/2004 12:44:22 PM
Is it really that big of a surprise that the same people who got suckered by the iPod would also get duped into buying a Mac???

I say good riddance, leave Windows for us big boys and grrrls!

#2 By 20505 ( at 11/26/2004 2:51:50 PM

it is best to think of apple like sony. both are companies that sell electronic gadgets.

they are not tech companies per se. the success of apple is absolutely dependant on devices like the ipod. the problem is, as opposed to sony their product line is not very deep. apple is at significant risk to disappear tomorrow if a “ipod” killer comes out.

nevertheless, apple and sony are still good for anyone who loves tech. they drive a very upscale and user friendly market for gadgets.

important innovation of a different sort, but important innovation even so.

#3 By 143 ( at 11/26/2004 4:32:02 PM
I like the USB drive players better :)

#4 By 10022 ( at 11/26/2004 8:46:58 PM
of course 90% of iPod users are teenages and early 20-somethings.

Just wait till they find out how lame OS X is. Wait till they see how there new $3000 G5 is about as fast as a $500 Dell for even the most basic of things you use a computer for.

For peoiple that havent used a G5- you are NOT missing anything- they feel sluggish at everyday tasks like opening applications, opening files.

The funniest thing is when iTunes skips when you try doing other things while playing mp3s!

My PC used to do that- in 1997!

#5 By 2332 ( at 11/27/2004 12:58:32 AM
People like iPods for one of two primary reasons.

1.) They are ignorant of the many alternatives which are in nearly every way superior.

2.) They don't care about the alternatives because the iPod is more than a music player; it's a statement. It says "Hey! I belong to this group of fashionable kids! I'm cool."

I have an iRiver iHP-120. I love it. It's not as pretty as an iPod, and it may not even be as easy to use (although I think it is)... but it is in every other way better than an iPod. Same size. Much cheaper. Optical in and optical out. Built in mic. Can record directly to mp3. FM tuner. Killer 16+ hour battery life. (Lithium Poly, not Lithium Ion... so it won't die after a year of recharging.) Very cool remote control. And the funny part is, there are newer models from both iRiver and other companies that are better than mine in almost every way too!

Ah... the wonders of the American consumer mind. People buy coke not because it tastes better, but because it "feels" better in their minds. Same goes for an iPod.

#6 By 12071 ( at 11/27/2004 3:34:01 AM
#7 "People buy coke not because it tastes better"
I agreed with everything you said except for this. People buy Coke precisely because it tastes better, and precisely because Pepsi and the alternatives tastes like shit.

#7 By 12071 ( at 11/27/2004 5:56:30 AM
#10 It's not an excuse, Pepsi tastes likes shit =)

But it's funny how the marketing works all over the world. I remember whilst driving around Europe in 2002 I found that in some countries all you could buy in Pepsi, Coke was difficult as hell to find, and then after I crossed the border the direct opposite was true. I started memorising which countries were Pepsi-countries and which were Coke-countries.

As for the sugar and other crap... who cares... everything is bad for you in some way, shape or form. The important thing is to make sure that you have a wide variety of things and that you have them in proportion.

#8 By 2332 ( at 11/27/2004 11:56:06 AM
#9 - "People buy Coke precisely because it tastes better"

Actually, you're incorrect. There have been several studies that included double blind taste tests. These studies repeatedly showed that while people said they liked coke better, they actually preferred the taste of pepsi. (One of these studies was used by Pepsi in an ad they did a while back.)

And it's not just a simple matter of asking a person what they liked better. One of these studies monitored the brainwaves of people. When presented with a coke advertisement or logo, the parts of their brains that motivated people to do something over an over again lit up like a Christmas tree. But when they were actually tasting both coke and pepsi, even when they knew which one was which, the pleasure centers of their brains lit up more when they had pepsi.

What Coke has is the same thing as what Apple has. They have conditioned consumers over many years to become loyal to the brand... phyiscally loyal. It's actually quite facsinating.

#9 By 37 ( at 11/27/2004 12:15:49 PM
I prefer pepsi and mountain dew, thanks.

#10 By 11888 ( at 11/27/2004 12:35:37 PM
I don't know about the "American consumer mind" but at

iRiver iHP-120: $469.99
20GB iPod: $429.99

Does anyone actually use the FM tuner if they have one in a music player? I don't understand why you would switch from your music as you want it to commercials and inane radio personality banter.

#11 By 415 ( at 11/27/2004 5:34:03 PM
RC Cola is like mother's milk!

,.|.. ..|.,

#12 By 12071 ( at 11/27/2004 9:25:43 PM
#13 "Actually, you're incorrect."

No I'm really not =) I've taken the blindfold test and "The Pepsi Challange" several times in order to prove to people such as yourself that it is very easy to pick the difference between Coke and Pepsi. I'm yet to fail in picking Coke as the overall better tasting drink.

But Hal is correct, at the end of the day, what's "better tasting" is a matter of personal preference. For you and Brian that may be Pepsi, for myself and many other's it's Coke.

#17 "RC Cola is like mother's milk!"
I really don't want to know what you meant by that :p

#13 By 2332 ( at 11/27/2004 10:34:55 PM
#15 - Perhaps there is some strange import costs for iRiver, but those prices are simply stupid. has the iHP-140, which is the 40GB version of the iHP-120, for $385.00.

#18 - "No I'm really not =) I've taken the blindfold test..."

Clearly, you're missing the entire point of my post. I am making claims about not what YOU think tastes better, but how consumers in general react to Pepsi versus how they react to Coke. Most people do indeed think Pepsi tastes better... even if they say they don't. This is exactly the kind of control marketing and branding has over people's minds, and is exactly why people think iPods are better.

In addition, you clearly didn't bother to read the links I posted. If you had, you wouldn't have made those comments.


#14 By 12071 ( at 11/28/2004 2:16:23 AM
#20 I'm not missing the "entire point" of you post, I'm simply disagreeing with it. You're claiming that Pepsi is overall better, but it's only through Coke's superior marketing that people falsely believe that Coke tastes better. I'm not underestimating the power of marketing, which is why I didn't disagree with the articles you linked to (even though both were about the same study). Perhaps you should tell Pepsi to put out better marketing campaigns. Note that you didn't link to any of these tests where it proved that people actually preferred Pepsi over Coke so that we could see whether it was like most of Microsoft's independent research for instance. Did you miss this bit in the second article you linked to???:

"and its results, Montague says, belie claims made during the “Pepsi Challenge” advertising campaign".

So where did you get "Most people do indeed think Pepsi tastes better" from??? Stop sighing so much.

Here's a book you might be interested in reading, go borrow it from your local library, it'll show you how to conduct one of those test so that the end result is what you're after:

#15 By 143 ( at 11/28/2004 4:16:46 AM
I've taken the Pepsi Challenge and Coke cleans off battery acid much better.

#16 By 23275 ( at 11/28/2004 12:07:07 PM
How to grow Apple?

Is it worth it? Yes!

Possible? Not likely.

I sense we have a unique perspective - a very close one, but one at the same time that is metered by reality - the parallel existence of both business requirements and personal choice. We support two companies that have a mix of MAC and Windows clients with Windows 2003 Server and MS Servers supporting their networks. Toss in some IRIX based workstations to keep it all interesting... Add a dose of dogma and a close mindedness that is laughable....nah, more sad than anything else...despite claims of being so tolerant and "open" we have come to know MAC users as the most intolerant group of people one is likely to encounter.

Saving Apple <from itself> is different than saving OSX. Both require that Jobs hit the road - sad as that is, he just cannot get over innovating for the sake of innovating and innovation alone is not enough.

Apple could open its mind and license its OSX to third party OEMs - but that would invite head to head comparisons about how their OS actually performs on x86 and other hardware - something that they cannot allow as Windows would shred it and they know it.
Beyond that, the OEM's trying it would lose their fourth points of contact. They would however have a better interface than FreeBSD and perhaps cut into that and the Linuces market. Their design teams could design for other OEM's for broad hardware distribution and support builders with kits - allowing the use of Wintel internals and MS Platforms. Few however would likely care to spend 70 bucks at retail for a standard keyboard. Still, a percentage would use much of that equipment.

Any and all of this requires a change in the one thing that will not change - ever - Apple's user base. No matter how we have reached out, coded to include, or how politically inclusive, open and self-deprecating we have been, the Apple/MAC user base does not seem willing to yield that anything good exists within the Wintel space, or that anything lacking exists within the Apple/MAC system.

#17 By 23275 ( at 11/28/2004 12:07:39 PM
Just one of far too many examples...we recently helped a client by building an interactive DVD for them - that they had failed to produce. Their media dept. - using MACs and its available SW had not been able to reach the standards the client was looking for - they were using one program and trying to stuff the client's requirements into what that program could do.

In one <more> event, the group and Apple itself revealed what is wrong with that kind of thinking and therefore Apple...

Rather than use the client's requirements to drive the process and then reach into a broader framework and its tools to satisfy them, they wag the dog, by living inside a few programs and working from those limitations. In desperation, our client sent the original source tapes to us <Finally! and after their media dept. denied us access to them for a week>. In a day, we took the source tape and produced a product that not only worked in any DVD player [PC or stand alone], but one that also worked in any CDROM only PC/Laptop - by embedding a CDROM only version inside the production and an .ini file that a stand-alone DVD simply could not see - it was gorgeous and player controls on-screen were mapped to the player. Many programs and techniques were used - vice what a few in one media dept. with MACs were familiar with.

The biggest difference had zero to do with platform, but one's willingness to simply ask, "What do you need to do and by when? That and taking a "who gives a flip how we do it, or with what..." approach - so long as the requirement is met.

From what I have seen, Apple and MAC OSX advocates simply do not think that way.
They probably can, but they do not want to.

One other fact applies here and it is called "Competitive Parity" - any innovation, like the iPod is subject to it, and sooner rather than later, customer demands for "What else can I do?" forces change which produces parity. Rest assured that there will be an iPod killer - there always is, and thanks be to heaven, there always will be.

Mobile MCE's using content aggregated by base MCE's will likely be that killer and address what people always want...."More!" Parity. This is human nature and I assert that any form of Dogma runs contrary to it and is smaller in its frequency of occurrence. Hence the limited number of MAC users relative to others.

From a numbers/business standpoint, Apple's stock is grossly over-valued and anyone holding it needs to short it - despite our tendency to support and cheer any underdog.

We can all bet that our economy and certainly the PC will become much more granular and highly specialized. The biggest secret about Longhorn and all the SW that will run on it is just that - how finely granular it is - e.g., always ready to address an individual desire for more.
Apple just doesn't think that way - despite trite comments about thinking differently, or outside the box - they just like a different box and declare it better than all others.

#18 By 2332 ( at 11/28/2004 1:16:11 PM
#22 - Ah, I see. When you disagree with the statistics due to personal experience, the statistics must be lies.

Ya know, people don't need statistics to be dishonest.

#19 By 3653 ( at 11/28/2004 3:26:41 PM
coke vs. pepsi. personally, i buy whichever is cheapest that week at the grocery. they seem to alternate. i stockpile several of each, and couldn't give a rat's ass which one i'm drinking. Can i taste the difference between them. Definitely. Is it enough difference to care? Not for me personally.

Personally, my favorite is Diet Cherry Coke, right now. In early 2004, I favored Vanilla Coke and Pepsi Edge.

As if you guys care what I drink...

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Sunday, November 28, 2004 at 15:27.

#20 By 12071 ( at 11/28/2004 8:24:58 PM
#26 "Ah, I see. When you disagree with the statistics due to personal experience, the statistics must be lies."
No that was just a separate point, hence the new paragraph. Funny how you STILL haven't responded to your claim that Pepsi indeed tastes better. The article you linked to even proved you were wrong yet you ignored that part. Instead you get on your high horse and claim that I'm disagreeing with the statistics. The statistics are disagreeing with YOUR claim!

#21 By 3339 ( at 11/29/2004 6:50:18 PM
You know the iPod is a legitimate success when the only argument produced is a senseless Coke v. Pepsi debate.

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 12:58:18 PM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 11:38:00 AM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 11:26:39 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 9:11:41 AM

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