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  Why Computers Are Screwed Up - Video
Time: 00:01 EST/05:01 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Robert Stein

From 60 Minutes: "One day about 10 years ago, the door to my office opened and in walked Bill Gates. I knew his name but really didn't know much about him. He seemed like a nice guy, and he's done more good things with his money than most billionaires, but that's as far as I want to go being kind to Bill Gates. "

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#1 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 12:26:40 AM
Someone should tell Andy Rooney that Bill doesn't make computers.

Also, 6 computers in 7 years for writing!?!?!?!? You gotta be kidding me.

I'm a gamer and I've only had 1 upgrade in the last decade (P II - 400 to AMD Athlon TB 800). Windows hasn't even been upgraded 6 times in the last 7 years. I think Mr. Ronney should blame his local computer dealer or himself for making those purchases.

Start -- ShutDown (In short, you "start" a "shutdown" process -- simple).
Or if you want the story from an MS UI guy, look here

#2 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 12:32:20 AM
Also, how many people complain that MS doesn't offer enough security?
Yet now we have someone who thinks a password is too much security.

I guess he should get a USB keychain thumbprint reader so it can automatically log him in (I'll take one if anyone is giving them away ;-)).

#3 By 135 ( at 11/17/2003 1:28:30 AM
I don't know why people think they have to have a new computer.

Do you have to have a new car? No, but the new one is probably better.

#4 By 9589 ( at 11/17/2003 3:36:11 AM
So, the point of this article was:
A. Andy can't find the on button on his seven computers?
B. "Why 60 Minutes is Still Screwed up?"
C. "Is Andy/60 Minutes Still on the Air?"

Take your pick, but none of them should lead you to believe that is why television was invented.

#5 By 2332 ( at 11/17/2003 9:03:15 AM
Oh come on people... Andy Rooney is great.

#6 By 1124 ( at 11/17/2003 9:39:13 AM
RMD- I love Andy but he is so off based on this one. Bill Gates don't decide where the power button goes on a computer. On this one he sounds like all the bash MS folks.

BTW, I love 60 minutes!!!

#7 By 13030 ( at 11/17/2003 10:50:45 AM
Amazing how almost every geek here still misses the point...

Of course, we all know that Bill Gates didn't determine any of these things, but the perspective is from a non-technical user. More importantly, it is intended to be humorous and, as in any good humor, has an element of truth.

This post was edited by ch on Monday, November 17, 2003 at 10:55.

#8 By 3339 ( at 11/17/2003 11:15:18 AM
ch, agreed.

Hell, I can't understand why enforcer (or anyone else) doesn't understand that Andy Rooney has alot (ALOT) more money than him to spend on computers. And doesn't have to wait a decade to buy something that costs between a couple of grand and a few hundred dollars -- even if he's not a gamer.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, November 17, 2003 at 11:54.

#9 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 1:10:29 PM
Even if he has more money than I, that's beside the point.
He could go 50 years with the same typewriter even though there were electronic typewriters that could save your documents and then type copies for you, then came dedicated word processors that improved upon the electronic typewriters, yet when the computer comes along, he feels compelled to buy 6 in 7 years.

It makes no sense, and he should blame himself for his compulsive spending if he has a problem.

Choosing to blame Bill Gates for hardware issues is idiocy. Bill has never provided or engineered any PC hardware platform. Next, Rooney will blame Bill because his car gets 5 mpg (which he didn't research before buying it) and he figures it has something to do with the radio/nav system running Windows CE.

If you're going to blame someone, at least figure out the source of the problem. I wouldn't blame Intel if my Powerbook burned a hole through itself and my briefcase.

#10 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 1:20:53 PM
BTW, Rooney should win a Darwin award or something for having a dumber story than Ellen Feiss.

Rooney: "I was writing paper on the PC (as Ellen would say -- I still can't figure out how she writes paper. Whatever...) and it went, beep beep beep beep beep beep, so I needed to upgrade 6 times, once for each beep, so that I could finish my paper."

"It was a really good paper."

Yep, looks like perfect switcher material to me.

#11 By 3339 ( at 11/17/2003 1:33:44 PM
"Choosing to blame Bill Gates for hardware issues is idiocy. Bill has never provided or engineered any PC hardware platform."

Are you seriously suggesting that Microsoft and Bill Gates has nothing to do with the disconnect between hardware and OS? That the very reason hardware isn't functionally tied to software has nothing to do with Microsoft dictating the PC spec to OEMs, and OEMs delivering the least common denominator?

Come on. Wasn't this the whole point of the AthensPC? And didn't people have the idea to integrate hardware and software 20 years ago but MS more or less killed that idea for the majority of computer users?

As for Rooney's complaint--when he mentioned how many he purchased, it wasn't to complain about cost... It was to point out that each one was designed quite differently. His complaint about upgrades is a completely separate point.

Anyway, there's tons of real news but you guys will sit here all day bitching about someone who traditionally makes sweeping gneralizations and wild arguments just to provoke a thought or two which is valid even if his argument is retarded.

So, go ahead, attack away. Meanwhile SPOT has been postponed. MS's CTO says the PocketPC is a lousy form factor and he prefers his BlackBerry and iPod for specific use, the EU is smacking MS back and forth, the Inq has a great little detail of how fcked MS's markets are (ALL of them are subsidized by two which have the most insane margins in the world), etc...

Yeah, keep on attacking Andy Rooney, boys.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, November 17, 2003 at 13:59.

#12 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 2:16:59 PM
If more hardware vendors worked with MS and followed their recommendations instead of trying to build the cheapest box, there would be no disconnect between the hardware and software.

There are plenty of examples of run-of-the-mill hardware, and hardware built to the recommendations, and the difference in overall usability and performance is very visible. If MS didn't push the specs along, there'd be very little change/improvement. Still, all they can do is provide recommendations. Unless the vendor wants to be logoed or is building to one of MS' licensed platforms like TabletPC where there is tighter control over featureset and implementation, there is little MS can do other than provide recommendations. It the vendor's choice as to whether the recommendations are followed.

Sweeping generalizations are almost always retarded, and this one falls in that category. This makes you think of nothing other than how Rooney put himself in those situations. If he knew nothing about computers, he should have consulted with someone or took a class. Heck, he could have asked Bill to help him out. It's okay to be ignorant about computers (and other things), but to continue for years in ignorance and then act as an athority on the subject to which you are ignorant is stupid. The contents of this article is an outpouring of stupidity even if it's just an opinion. It has reach, and spreads ignorance to others. The problem is solely with himself. Simply for writing, he could still use an 8086 if he wanted. Just as the typewriter evolved while he kept his for 50 years, the computer has evolved and will continue to do so. But, as dkg_ctc said, it was his choice to upgrade (given his ignorance, he may have downgraded a few times, who knows).

Yeah, keep on attacking Andy Rooney, boys.

He placed himself in this position when he distributed this article. If I wrote an article blaming Steve Jobs for there being no flying cars readily available because of too many people crashing into his reality distortion field, you'd be the first out of the gates to attack me, and in a much more furocious and profane manner.

#13 By 61 ( at 11/17/2003 2:33:45 PM
jerk: Actually, MSN just made their first proffit and their server software has been making proffit for awhile.

It just takes time before certain areas start to gain proffit margins.

#14 By 3339 ( at 11/17/2003 2:40:27 PM
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#15 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 2:50:26 PM
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#16 By 3339 ( at 11/17/2003 2:54:01 PM
"They can't make the hardware people do something they don't want to do."

You're gonna keep me laughing all day long, aren't you?

Can't you fess up that it's PATHETIC to take Andy seriously and it's an irrational, conditioned, pavlovian response to protect and defend your favorite @sshole at all costs?

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, November 17, 2003 at 14:56.

#17 By 3339 ( at 11/17/2003 2:55:38 PM
I forgot this one: Andy says that of all the electronic devices he's purchased in the last 10 years, not a single one has a common connector at the end, everyone of them is different and can't be used in anything but the product it came with.

What an idiot! (Did you get the sarcasm that time?)

#18 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 2:57:59 PM
sj, try walking past the Starbucks once in a while.

#19 By 3339 ( at 11/17/2003 3:01:59 PM
Who the fck drinks that horrible, over-priced swill?

#20 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 3:04:18 PM
Well it was just a guess. You seem so high-strung. Don't tell me you get this emotional after a chug of bottled water. ;-)

#21 By 3339 ( at 11/17/2003 3:12:36 PM
By the way, love your creativity: rather than coming up with your own insult, you turned it around and said: "I know you are, but what amI!" That's brilliant, I've never heard that before, never seen that tactic used.

(Please tell me you can detect the SARCASM now; that there's no need to use retarded smiley faces.)

And, sure, I love coffee. But I'd rather drink day old sludge from a Truck Stop them drink that sh!t.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, November 17, 2003 at 15:21.

#22 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 3:21:40 PM
It's drippin'. Still could use a tag or two though. :-)

If the insult you are referring to was the uh...butt thing...I seriously wasn't going for reflection, I actually thought about that long ago.

#23 By 2459 ( at 11/17/2003 3:37:51 PM
BTW, WRT Rooney, maybe it has to do with the textual representation of the material (that whole expressiveness thing). I wasn't about to dl RealPlayer to watch the vid. If he delivered the material in his usual sneering (for lack of a better term) fashion, then I'm okay with the humor. But even as far as jokes go, he could use a little research. It'd make the jokes funnier and the humor more obvious. It'd also help if the site gave more of a clue that this was satire. I'm not in 60 minutes' demographic (hadn't watched it since the early 80s) and I haven't read or seen Rooney's material in at least that long.

#24 By 3339 ( at 11/17/2003 4:57:18 PM
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#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 6:50:32 AM

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