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  FBI arrests MSBlast worm suspect
Time: 14:14 EST/19:14 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

An FBI representative confirmed the arrest Friday but said details were sealed until the suspect made an initial court appearance Friday afternoon.

The Associated Press, citing an unnamed Minnesota court official, identified the suspect as 18-year-old Jeffrey Lee Parson of Hopkins, Minn. The report said that during a search of his home Tuesday, Parson admitted to creating a variant of the Blaster worm.

The U.S Attorney's Office in Seattle, which has led the MSBlast investigation, is scheduled to hold a news conference at 1:30 p.m. PDT to discuss recent developments in the investigation, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Washington.

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#1 By 415 ( at 8/29/2003 2:37:36 PM
Cake or Death?

#2 By 16451 ( at 8/29/2003 2:56:24 PM
>>> I had to patch 1,500 PC's because of him

If you had to maintain 1,500 PCs I'm amazed (cough) you have time to be here.

And you had to patch the PCs due to the underlying vulnerability, not because of any single person who might have taken advantage of that vulnerability.

#3 By 135 ( at 8/29/2003 3:07:21 PM
RH7.3 - "If you had to maintain 1,500 PCs I'm amazed (cough) you have time to be here. "

Computers are very useful for automating things.

"And you had to patch the PCs due to the underlying vulnerability, not because of any single person who might have taken advantage of that vulnerability. "

This is you:

#4 By 2459 ( at 8/29/2003 3:31:00 PM
nice comic, sodablue. :-)

#5 By 10896 ( at 8/29/2003 4:12:40 PM
Great Work by the FBI. The only way to stop these scumbag hackers is some serious jail time and no more slap on the wrists. The should also be given a large fine and have to work the rest of their wretched lives paying back for the damages they have done.

#6 By 3339 ( at 8/29/2003 4:45:32 PM
"Great Work by the FBI."

Huh? We diverted the resources of the US Attorney's office, the Dept. of Homeland Security, the FBI, state and local authorities for a number of states -- in the process spending who knows how much money and wasting energy/not attending to far more significant issues -- to hunt down a kiddie in his parents basement who simply modified a worm that has been around for how long now?

That's not good work.... That's Ashcroft and others getting their rocks off because they aren't doing anything else right ... not to mention the fact that they are spending half of their time and money fighting the states from doing the job they should be doing in the first place (Oregon v. WCOM, the NY AG, et al...)

This post was edited by sodajerk on Friday, August 29, 2003 at 16:46.

#7 By 135 ( at 8/29/2003 4:51:12 PM
sodajerk - Yup, that's what the FBI does... track down criminals, even if they are just kids in some parents basement.

As far as Ashcroft... well he's being coming a liability for the Bushies. But just because he's there doesn't mean the Justice Dept isn't capable of doing something right occasionally.

#8 By 3339 ( at 8/29/2003 5:03:38 PM
Going after crime is one thing, but this was pathetic police work. The bulk of it came after the effects had already been minimalized, hence, there was no rush or need for such an intense amount of resources, manpower, and time. It was not a National Security issue. And the perpetrator wasn't going anywhere.

It was a pathetic, overboard attempt to distract the counttry from the fact that the federal authorities aren't doing their job and the states are fighting back.

Simple. Catching the kid and fighting crime is nice, good.... But good job? Good police work? No F'ing way!

What about this kid made him particularly evasive? What about the law enforcements techniques made it superior to any other work? What about this case required the manpower commitment? What sharp and brilliant minds worked overtime to accomplish something that had never happened before? Hell, could 5 techies locked away in a room solved this case? Hell, yeah! So why the Dept of Homeland Security, US Attorneys, FBI, multi-state and local police departments need to get involved?


This post was edited by sodajerk on Friday, August 29, 2003 at 17:23.

#9 By 9589 ( at 8/29/2003 5:37:45 PM
Amid Sodajerk's sneering, PMS-induced anger toward the Bush administration, another issue is taken off the table for liberals? lol

Hey, everybody, have a great Labor Day weekend - even you Sodajerk!

#10 By 3653 ( at 8/29/2003 6:12:40 PM
jerk - you are the most predicatable person. ABM ABM ABM. Sucka!

Have a good weekend you bunch of nerds! ;-)

#11 By 3339 ( at 8/29/2003 6:42:09 PM
"you are the most predicatable person. ABM ABM ABM. Sucka!"

Huh? Please fcking quote one word in any of my posts for this article that says sh1t about Microsoft.

You are the predictable muthafcka, mooresa... hunting the site looking for any comment I make claiming I'm attacking Microsoft.

I understand, you are illiterate and a certified moron. So I'll reiterate: I was attacking the overuse of our federal law enforcement and security resources on something that did not require it, something that by all accounts does not stand out as anything special in the world of law enforcement... and by extension, I was criticizing any person who attempted to pat them on the back as if they did something superb.

The fumes from Bill Gate's @sshole must be affecting you too strongly if you read anything ABM in that. Pull out and take a step back!

Again, where's the ABM sh!t, crackhead? Predictable dumb@ss!

This post was edited by sodajerk on Friday, August 29, 2003 at 18:51.

#12 By 135 ( at 8/29/2003 7:02:29 PM
sodajerk - "Going after crime is one thing, but this was pathetic police work."

I think any person who purposefully and maciously causes multiple millions of dollars in damage to our nation's businesses is guilty of a fairly severe crime. People who pull false fire alarms go to jail, and that's a far less serious crime than what this kid did.

Anyway, this was a pretty easy case for the FBI. Took 'em about a week to locate an apprehend the guy. Now there's someone else who masterminded the first attack, and they're still searching for that one.

Most criminals are caught because they do something stupid. In this case, this maroon bragged about his activities to friends who turned him in.

The only thing pathetic in this case, is this loser who hurt Americans and you for defending him.

#13 By 3339 ( at 8/29/2003 7:11:19 PM
I am NOT defending him! Please, where the fck do you people come from where you take one comment and turn it into: I am attacking Microsoft and defending a worm writer.

What I am saying is: they didn't prevent anything--not the attack, not further attacks... it required no special effort, additional skills, or new techniques to get at him, it was already after the fact.

In other words, the cast of Reno911 (literally--the actors) could have apprehended this guy. Hell, one of them could have. So why are we acting as if the FBI did something fantastic and almighty when they redirected the resources of so many people and organizations: the FBI, the US AG's office, Homeland Security, state and local law enforcement... To catch a kid that ultimately would have been found by one good techie with an internet connection or the local cop who overhears a 12 year old saying I know the dude who released Blaster...

You people are complete d1psh1ts if you cannot separate my point from the notion that this idea forms an attack against MS or a defense of the kid.

#14 By 3653 ( at 8/29/2003 7:41:02 PM
lol. its just so fun for me to kick the stupid monkey (jerk) and watch him spin around in confusion. Does that make me a bad person, just because I have fun at the expense of a less evolved simpleton?

#15 By 3653 ( at 8/29/2003 7:42:03 PM
ouch parker. so on target that I had to smile. But then I remembered all those that reno murdered. sad.

#16 By 182 ( at 8/30/2003 12:38:57 AM
Sodajerk, you misunderstand the role of law enforcement if you think that their job is to prevent crime directly. They prevent crime by deterrence via prosecution for breaking the law.

Considering you have no access to the evidence in this case, it is spurious and ignorant for you to assess their performance as inadequate, as you cannot know without that information whehter or not they did good work.

#17 By 135 ( at 8/30/2003 1:00:23 AM
parker - "Not as much as Reno was for Clinton. At least Ashcroft let the kid live. "

LOL! You are so living in a fantasy world.

And in other news... Alastair Campbell resigns.

Now here's an interesting news piece...

Earlier this week the Linux kiddies were hailing Brazil for their wonderful foresite at using Linux. This article indicates that slavery is still rampant within Brazil on plantations. What an enlightened country this must be.

mooresa56 - "ouch parker. so on target that I had to smile. But then I remembered all those that reno murdered. sad. "

Why don't you tell us about these imaginary victims?

This post was edited by sodablue on Saturday, August 30, 2003 at 01:02.

#18 By 135 ( at 8/30/2003 1:13:27 AM
Now here you go sodajerk...

This is what the Bushies are really protecting us from... Evil doer kids who write stories.

Oh and mooresa56 and parker...

Don't worry. Hinckley isn't a threat to GW...

Of course you have to believe the last link, you believe every other cockemanied conspiracy story your little tinfoil hats communicate to you. LOL!

#19 By 13998 ( at 8/30/2003 1:57:17 AM
I thing what is more serious here is that they give the name of the suspect: Jeffrey Lee Parson , a 18 year old guy.

i thought everyone was innocent till it is proved that he is guilty. So what if he's really innocent? Who has the right to ruin an 18 year old guy's life?

#20 By 135 ( at 8/30/2003 1:50:08 PM
parker - Waco was a fault of the religious zeal of Koresh and the Bush administration policies, particularly with regards to the ATF... the same people who brought you Ruby Ridge.

Nice try, but Reno and Clinton apologized profusely for the mistakes made and worked to clean up the ATF and FBI as a result of the shock felt. It's curious how after Waco we no longer had collosal failures where LEOs attacked citizens, did we?

In fact that's one of the reasons why I am so disgusted at the present Bush administration and Ashcroft... they're moving back down the path that brought us Waco.

So let me ask you. How do you reconcile defending Ashcroft with attacking Reno over Waco?

It seems like you've put yourself in a logical fallacy again, one of the unfortunate side effects from taking an anti-Government position in attacking Clinton and a pro-Big Brother Government position in defending Bush.

#21 By 135 ( at 8/30/2003 7:40:42 PM
parker - "Reno personally approved the FBI's attack plans. "

Yes, on the basis of bad advice given by Bush officials she approved the plans.

Which is why she took responsibility for and apologized for the incident, and then proceeded to clean house in the ATF.

Now instead of distracting from the issues by talking about the past... Why don't we talk about the present and how the Ashcroft Justice Dept has abused the authority granted to them by the Patriot Act?

Or are you afraid to support Bush based on his record?

#22 By 135 ( at 8/30/2003 7:46:19 PM
BTW... Local news article on this arrest.

And RickNL... Yes, everybody is presumed innocent until convicted. That doesn't mean the FBI is wrong in making an arrest if they have strong evidence to support their case.

As far as destroying a kids life... I think that happened when a culture has been supported which encourages attacking other peoples computers. People need to understand that actions which harm others will have consequences attached to them.

#23 By 3653 ( at 9/1/2003 1:33:30 AM
blue - I didnt realize I had defended Ashcroft. My comments were related to reno. And you are correct... she apologized... but that doesnt change the fact that IT HAPPENED and she was allowed (by clinton) to stay in office.

#24 By 135 ( at 9/1/2003 2:50:04 AM
mooresa56 - Interesting spin job, and I guess I'm not surprised you are unwilling to defend Ashcroft. Although it's curious that you laid claim to Ashcroft being better than Reno, without then substantiating that with facts.

Anyway, I remember that time well. I remember how Republicans also tried to pin Ruby Ridge on Reno, despite it having occured in 1992. I remember the calls of Jack Booted Thugs by the right-wing extremist talk radio jockeys. And I also remember a man by the name of Timothy McVeigh who was incited by all of this hatred and planted at bomb in Oklahoma City.

At some point one would think that you'd wake up, look around you and realize the damage your petty partisan politics has caused this nation. But then maybe I'm just asking for too much.

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 6:22:33 AM

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