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  Microsoft Unveils "Media2Go" Portable Media Player Platform
Time: 11:22 EST/16:22 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted By: Robert Stein

During his keynote address at the 2003 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Bill Gates, chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corp., unveiled the first prototype of a portable media player (PMP), based on the device platform code-named "Media2Go." "Media2Go" devices are handheld personal media players that enable entertainment on the go by providing consumers with an easy and complete solution to download, store and play back all their favorite digital media content including video, music and photos. Microsoft also announced that it is working with Intel Corp., whose early pioneering work on the personal video player (PVP) led to jointly delivering the first "Media2Go" hardware reference design developed on the Intel XScale-based processors. In addition, Microsoft announced that leading consumer electronics companies, including Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., ViewSonic Corp., SANYO Electric Co. Ltd, and iRiver are planning to deliver a variety of PMP devices based on "Media2Go" for the 2003 holiday season.

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#1 By 37 ( at 1/9/2003 12:57:34 PM
So long to the iPod! I will be first in line to buy one of these, that is for sure.

#2 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 1:04:57 PM
Have fun standing in line for the whole year. Maybe you can get a footnote in Guinness while you wait for Christmas to come along and get your exciting Sanyo wma/wmv player.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 17:40.

#3 By 37 ( at 1/9/2003 1:54:10 PM
Have fun standing in line for the whole year.

Actually SJ, I will not have to physically stand inline to buy it. I will probably get my notification when it's available via MSN/Windows Messenger pop up notification in my systray. Then I will click on the pop up to take me to the site and buy it online and have it overnighted to me via FedEx.

Should be pretty darn painless actually.

BTW, I get kudos for "knowing" you would be the first to respond to my post. You are too predictable, but in a fun way.

Happy New Year btw.

#4 By 37 ( at 1/9/2003 1:55:11 PM
Also, I would probably buy the ViewSonic™ version, not Sanyo.

#5 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 1:59:03 PM
Well, then have fun looking at your systray for a year! Whatever.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 17:40.

#6 By 37 ( at 1/9/2003 2:23:27 PM
Actually, I won't have to look at my systray for a year. I will receive the pop up on my Ipaq PocketPC 2002 Device, on my desktop, on my mobile phone, on my media center, in my email and on my TV! From what I understand, there will be an optional downloadable alert option for the Xbox Live later this year, so I will enable that too.

Ahhh yes..the joy of being connected....all from Microsoft.

#7 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 2:25:39 PM
Well, then have fun waiting for a year to get a pop up, or an email, or an alert, or whatever...

Do you get the point I am making yet, MVP? We can keep doing this... I think eventually you might get it....

This post was edited by sodajerk on Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 17:40.

#8 By 37 ( at 1/9/2003 2:39:57 PM
I will have fun waiting, thanks for your concern.

Do I get the point you are making? Oh my...whooooooooosh...right over your head. I think the bait I used was too good, and the fishing line is too strong. I best let up some slack.

Let me know when you have caught on yet.

Doh! Just got an alert....accident on I90-94!


Brian Kvalheim
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional [MVP]

HTH ;-)

#9 By 11888 ( at 1/9/2003 5:01:54 PM
let's all chip in and get Brian a hooker

#10 By 7390 ( at 1/9/2003 5:37:33 PM
where is the paypal link for me to send my $5 for this worthy cause?

#11 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 5:41:47 PM
Hey. com'n, I'm the one who got him into a tizzy -- I deserve my own whore too!

(By the way, Brian, I bolded some clues for you.)

#12 By 7754 ( at 1/9/2003 6:13:40 PM
Leave it to Microsoft to innovate and introduce a product that incorporates the features of several different devices into one. Of course, since it's Microsoft, it will be largely dismissed as a no-brainer from the pundit crowd. If Apple had released it, it would be hailed as brilliant, truly innovative, more proof that Apple is far ahead in creative abilities, extending their "digital hub" superiority, etc. Meanwhile, Apple gets wild applause for their lighted keyboard. Steve Jobs doesn't bat an eye while talking up the "greatest product Apple has ever produced" the incredible engineering effort that went into producing optical sensors that change the screen and keyboard brightness based on the lighting conditions. Hmmm... many Pocket PCs have had this feature (minus the light-up keyboard *cough*) for years now. Retrofitting an existing LCD screen, putting fiber-optics in the keys of a keyboard, optical sensors--wow, that's groundbreaking, and perhaps Apple's "greatest product" ever. That must have taken one unbelievable amount of engineering time.

Reminds me of Homer--"Why didn't you take an existing product and put a clock in it or something?"

#13 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 6:29:43 PM
Leave it to a softy to applaud MS for yet another bit of vaporware not due for another year when Archos, Apple, and others are producing similar products today.

#14 By 37 ( at 1/9/2003 6:30:00 PM
Again SJ, zinnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg...right OVER your head. This is too easy!

#15 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 7:00:02 PM
oh no, not the dreaded zing yet again!! No, I can't take it! It hurts!

Whatever, Brian.

And you haven't even posted since you last: "whooshed over my head" so how did you zing me again?

Oh, please, don't do it anymore! I can't take those painful zings!

#16 By 7754 ( at 1/9/2003 7:06:03 PM
No, SodaJerk, Apple isn't producing similar products today. The iPod plays music, not video. My point is the double-standard that Applephiles have about innovation. A light-up keyboard? Please. This product from Microsoft isn't earth-shattering, but had Apple introduced it, imagine the attention it would get from Jobs during its introduction. Microsoft takes existing technology and ideas and produces something new--not noteworthy; in fact, it's stealing. Apple takes existing technology and ideas--genius. Hogwash.

#17 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 7:22:50 PM
Well, bluvg, that's why I mentioned Archos first. You were the one to congratulate them and say they were innovating when you clearly know there are video and music players now.

And do you really think that by Christmas Apple will not have either a portable video player or some other video device?

Some people are making a big deal of the keyboard, but you brought it up. In fact, there was no mention of Apple in this post--so I interpret this as quite a bit of Apple-envy on your part. No one said MS was stealing ideas. No one said anything really, except for the idiot Brian who's predicting the death of the iPod which has been revamped every three months a year ahead of a PR announcement schedule for products which may or may not get built (a la the Sendo smartphone).

But since you brought it up, it is an innovation. No other notebook, no other company has this technology in a product. You say it's the same thing as the LCD display--no, it's not, but if it is, who is using fiber optics to detect ambient light? I'm curious because we aren't just talking about having different levels of backlighting... Anyway... it's you who's making a mountain out of a molehill. If Apple fans like something, why can't they vocally applaud it? And I've heard more from softies drooling over it than I have from Mac fans... that's the funny part. It's all a bunch of envy... Check out the reaction at Neowin--

#18 By 7754 ( at 1/9/2003 8:13:25 PM
SodaJerk, again, the point is the double-standard about innovation. It's not Apple-envy, nor is it even an attack on Apple (I have always said that I like the PowerBooks). It's frustration with Applephiles and their uninformed proselytizing and debating. (And c'mon, it's a common claim that MS steals ideas.)

As for the keyboard, lighting it isn't a new idea:

It wouldn't take a whole lot of engineering to add a control to change the brightness in response to ambient light. Btw, it's not the fiber optics that detect ambient light, it's a light sensor. The fiber optics are only for the lighting itself. This is not new technology, nor are these ideas new.

The point, still, is that this is at best no more innovative than Microsoft, despite the endless droning from Applephiles with which many of us have to deal daily. My post was bait for you, of course, but also a poke at the Apple admiration glee club.

#19 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 8:17:03 PM
Right, so none of these its-not-new-products vary their intensity based on ambient light. So it's new. I'm happy to take the bait if it's something I like to talk about.

Rather than focus on the Apple end, shouldn't you being saying how this media player is innovative? Oh wait, it's not. What was the point?

#20 By 2459 ( at 1/9/2003 8:27:59 PM
Sodajerk, Apple isn't using fibre optics to sense light levels. They are using fibre optics to output light to the keyboard keys. Most likely the light sensor is similar to the ones you find on TVs or other devices. If your TV has one, find it and cover it with your hand. The light from the screen will adjust its intensity. This is a common component that has been used in other devices. As bluvg said, this has been used in PocketPCs.

Concerning Media2Go: This tech is also available today in the form of the PocketPC. The M2G devices simply are more task specific rather than general purpose, and they have been comming for some time. Intel has shown off several prototypes and reference designs in the past. You should be able to find the old videos on

This post was edited by n4cer on Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 20:30.

#21 By 3339 ( at 1/9/2003 8:44:54 PM
Fine, enforcer, I mispoke--still what's the point? It still sounds like you and bluvg are expressing envy. I personally don't care. And still... are there any computers or PDAs using ligt sensors to adjust keyboard fibre optic backlighting?

Seriously, do you guys have a point? Besides expressing your envy...

#22 By 2459 ( at 1/9/2003 8:50:22 PM
Sodajerk, I am expressing what I know about this topic. I have no Apple envy.
To echo your words, I personally don't care.

Just making coversation. :-)

#23 By 135 ( at 1/9/2003 8:56:32 PM
Apple is great. We are all idiots for not buying Macintoshes.

Steve Jobs is god. All bow down and worship the mighty master!

#24 By 7754 ( at 1/9/2003 8:59:45 PM
SodaJerk, the point (again) is the double-standard. Did the Apple admiration society hail the Tablet PC as a great innovation? No. It's merely the combination of a Wacom tablet, a display, and a PC laptop--all existing technology.

Hmmm, wait--fiber optics? Not new. Optical light sensors? Not new. Hmmm, lighted keyboards, not new. Optical sensors used to change device lighting based on ambient light? Not new. But wait, combine them together--WHOA!! Genius!! since the Apple logo is on it. Put a Dell/Gateway/Compaq/HP logo on the same keyboard, no big deal.

My issue is not the new 17" PowerBook--it's a great machine (although personally 17" is getting a bit large for my preference... I'd take a 1600x1200 15" Dell screen if I had that kind of cash). My issue is with the perception of Apple as King Innovator and Microsoft (and many of its partners) as tag-alongs or copycats. This ongoing misperception phenomenon needs to be "paperclipped" (a la the #1 resolution to support calls from iMac users at my last job).

#25 By 7754 ( at 1/9/2003 9:07:36 PM
(Part of this, of course, is just payback for all the silly, unfounded, and/or dubious claims I've heard from Apple fans over the years. I shudder at the thought of the claims I haven't witnessed that have gone unchallenged....)

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