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  Justice fails in Microsoft case
Time: 08:41 EST/13:41 GMT | News Source: USA Today | Posted By: Robert Stein

Microsoft's gamble to break the law to fend off competition paid huge dividends. Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly's decision Friday permits Microsoft to repeat illegal acts and lets it retain all of the fruits of its illegal behavior. The way is now paved for a Microsoft-owned Internet. Bill Gates has already said he plans to use Windows to dispose of the next threat (Internet-based services) in the same way Windows eliminated the browser threat. Microsoft will continue to add proprietary extensions to the browser that require the Internet-based technologies to adopt and use Microsoft's exclusive technology. Gates and company essentially paid no price for breaking the law and have already announced that they will use the same tactics to gain control of the Internet. Don't say we weren't fairly warned.

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#1 By 1845 ( at 11/5/2002 8:56:26 AM
"Mike Pettit is president of ProComp, an association backed by companies that compete with Microsoft."

If that notice would have been at the top of the article, I would have known not bother reading it.

What the heck is he talking about with using Windows to dispose of Internet based services? Is it just me, or is most of the hype in the industry about web services coming from Microsoft? Is it just me or is Microsoft heavily participating in w3c and other groups to form standards for XML, XSLT, XML Schema, SOAP, and other web service related stuff? Is it just me or has Microsoft consistantly been one of the first to implement the XML, XSLT, etc. standards and incorporate the implementations in their products and encourage their developers to do likewise?

I guess Mr. ProComp (does that stand for Pro Competitors?) would prefer us "to adopt and use" Sun's and Oracle's "exclusive technology" rather than Microsoft's. That would make the world a better place if only we used settled for second best.

I can't blame them for trying, but they if they are going to bother to try, they should certainly produce better arguments than I've seen so far. As it stands, ProComp (and by externsion the companies it represents) is full of it.

#2 By 1845 ( at 11/5/2002 9:14:42 AM
z00k, that's also the only argument that I've heard.

#3 By 1896 ( at 11/5/2002 11:03:34 AM
#10 When you talk about Religion issues intollerance is extremely common, the biggest crimes in humanity history have been committed by people blinded by their faith and Religions are based on faith. Btw Jesus Christ was accused to be a socialist/communist/marxist.

#4 By 1124 ( at 11/5/2002 12:19:40 PM
So mhfm, if Democrats are "enemy of God " and "evil" should you not smite(kill) or force them via torture to see the light(your light that is).

#5 By 2960 ( at 11/5/2002 12:28:34 PM
You people are nuts :)


#6 By 2960 ( at 11/5/2002 12:28:40 PM
You people are nuts :)


#7 By 61 ( at 11/5/2002 12:34:29 PM
Fred, on the contrary, there are a lot of democrat christians, namely, I'd say, are Baptists, especially African American ones.

#8 By 6859 ( at 11/5/2002 12:38:34 PM
"Microsoft will continue to add proprietary extensions to the browser that require the Internet-based technologies to adopt and use Microsoft's exclusive technology."

Point 1: So? MS has the right to add to their software.
Point 2: Would you rather have software that added no "upward mobility"? (ie: no improvement).
Point 3: Nobody is forcing adoptation of MS' work, use it or don't. Whatever suits you. HTML is open, define a new "goodie" and get it out there. Next thing you know, MS' IE will support it.
Point 4: People who write articles like this need to get fired. Clearly doesn't understand the industry.

#9 By 1124 ( at 11/5/2002 12:52:29 PM
#21 "Mike Pettit is president of ProComp, an association backed by companies that compete with Microsoft." This was an opinion article. Anyone can send them in to a news paper.

#10 By 10748 ( at 11/5/2002 1:33:47 PM
#16 ... that cracked me up, I didn't notice it when I read the earlier comment.

To through my 2 cents in ... I think being true to yourself and your relationship with God is all anyone could ask of a person, whether they be Democrat or Republican ...

That said, I generally believe that Republicans stand for hard work, earning what you have, and having control over what you earn ... among other things ... some good, some bad. This I believe has more of a christian value IMHO.

#11 By 135 ( at 11/5/2002 1:38:23 PM
Fredzilla - Christians can be democrats. The thing you have to remember here in this discussion is that mhfm is not a christian. That's become abundantly clear the more mhfm posts here.

#12 By 10748 ( at 11/5/2002 2:03:52 PM
Ok ... here is the proof ....

Ecclesiastes 10:2 (Direct quote from NIV)

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left."

Enough said .... One other thing, "Judge not lest ye be judged"

This post was edited by Pixel on Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 15:13.

#13 By 10748 ( at 11/5/2002 2:16:25 PM
True enough Fred =)

#14 By 135 ( at 11/5/2002 3:25:32 PM
mhfm - Begone from here satan!

#15 By 1310 ( at 11/5/2002 4:58:01 PM
OK... this guy's off his rocker...

#16 By 2 ( at 11/5/2002 5:07:17 PM
A democrat owns this site.. cool it :-)

#17 By 2 ( at 11/5/2002 5:34:23 PM
Kudos to you fellow Pittsburgher :-) Wohoo!

#18 By 1896 ( at 11/5/2002 6:46:44 PM
mhfm in spite of your hate for everybody who disagree with you I honestly believe that God will forgive you. Said that for me you are just a modern version of people like Torquemada or Pol Pot but hopefully you will not as succesfull as them. Btw about your statements about drugs and libertarians I would suggest you to run an internet search about Dr. Jose' Delgado a guy who, among other things, wrote "Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain."

This post was edited by Fritzly on Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 18:54.

#19 By 135 ( at 11/5/2002 8:36:10 PM
PeterTHX - "To be a "true liberal" you can't be a true christian."

Uh huh. You do realize that Adolf Hitler was a Christian? Or at least, like mhfm, he proclaimed it so.

It's good that you guys have a hero you can rally around.

Was that over the top? Tough. I have never been so insulted in all my life than to hear some the idiocy written here. The 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights exists primarily because of the attitudes that you are portraying here.

This post was edited by sodablue on Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 20:40.

#20 By 2 ( at 11/5/2002 8:48:50 PM
\Dem"o*crat\, n. [Cf. F. d['e]mocrate.] 1. One who is an adherent or advocate of democracy, or government by the people. - websters
n 1: a member of the Democratic Party [syn: Democrat] 2: an advocate of democratic principles [syn: populist]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
lib·er·al Pronunciation Key (lbr-l, lbrl)
Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.

#21 By 2 ( at 11/5/2002 10:34:56 PM
Not all democrats favor bureacracies and are against big business.

#22 By 135 ( at 11/5/2002 10:38:55 PM
mhfm: Yes, but you are also a Christian in name only. I find it absolutely hilarious that you claim to be offended by my responses to your hate speech. Did you expect something different coming in here?

PeterTHX: "True Christians don't murder their fellow man, especially some 6 million of another religion/race. So, no, Hitler wasn't an observing Christian. "

They also don't go around preaching hatred, but that's what we're seeing here, is it not?

"The demonization of Republicans"

That's funny... Rush Limbaugh did that to the party.

"race-card playing"

You mean like the Novak column I posted? Again, pretty funny.

"Supression of true free speech and ideals"

Oh you mean by calling everything critical of their programs liberal?

"ever hear of a little movement called political-correctness?"

Like how I'm supposed to tolerate hate speech from mhfm?

"That isn't conservatism at work"

What you just described is the Republican party.

"Goebbels would find a job on the DNC in a heartbeat these days."

He found a job in the Republican party. "Tell a big lie often enough and widely enough and people will come to believe it." Whitewater, Vince Foster, Travelgate, TrooperGate, Paula Jones, your post here... mhfm's constant marxist and communist attacks... You learned well.

"Hate to break it to libs, but big-business, while not perfect, creates the jobs, pays the bills."

Hate to break it to you idiots, but President Clinton was more pro-Business than Bush has been.

"Pays 90% of the taxes."

You sure about that?

"Democrats create bureaucrats. "

Government grew faster under Reagan, then Bush and Bush again than it did under Clinton.

"Like in China. Like in the old USSR. Remember them? Socialism doesn't work. "

Good thing the Democrats favor Capitalism then, isn't it?

"Ever see the unemployment rates of European countries? "

Ever see the unemployment rate under our Republican administrations?

Keep it coming, your little fantasy world is so easy to rip to shreds.

This post was edited by sodablue on Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 22:45.

#23 By 135 ( at 11/6/2002 12:07:15 AM
PeterTHX: Ohhh... back for more!

"Also, you guys like saying Gore got more votes. Well, Clinton never, EVER, had a majority either. 43% ring a bell?"

Oh yes, I remember this whine from the Republicans well. Very weird that you'd bring it up given in 2000 Bush lost the popular vote. Again, this is why I call for the Instant Run-Off election so we never hear this complaint again.

"Like Republicans are out to hurt Social Security and minorities?"

Hey, ask mhfm what he has to say about Social Security... better yet, read some of his responses here. Strange how that same attitude pervades right-wing politicking.

"Several people went to prison because of Whitewater, including the Gov. of Arkansas. McDougal, etc. "

McDougal went to prison because she refused to testify against Clinton, not because she did anything wrong.

You know, it could just be that the Gov. of Arkansas was guilty... You think? But what this had to do with Clinton we never found out, as Starr dropped the whole thing because of a lack of evidence.

"Travelgate, you forgot Hillary's FBI file snooping."

Turned out to be a mistake by a bureacrat.

"Did you know people went to prison in Watergate for a couple files, meanwhile Hil's buddies had many, many more files. "

Goebbels has trained you well, my son.

"Still lower than Europe."

Curious what Europe has to do with the US.

"The economy doesn't start and stop on a dime. The last economic expansion BEGAN in 1991 after the gulf war, yet dems during the 1992 kept saying "recession, recession, recession." Talk about BIG LIES."

recession? No, they simply said "It's the economy, stupid", and they were right. Slow job growth, high interest rates, stagnant economic growth. Hardly what you'd call an "expansion". If you want to talk about "recession, recession, recession" you'll want to go back to Dick Cheney in December of 2000 trying to sell a tax cut.

Then we look at the expansion we had after the Dems fixed the budget in 1993... reduced deficit spending into a surplus, were able to pay down the debt. Lower mortgage rates, fantastic growth, low unemployment.

Talk about distorting the record.

Keep it coming, as long as you continue to distort the record I'll gladly correct you.

#24 By 1845 ( at 11/6/2002 1:14:50 AM
Wow this thread is really hopping!

m, once again, you don't understand government. You look at the former USSR and say that socialism doesn't work, therefor Democrats are evil. That's very curious, since the USSR was a communist nation. It's also curious, since the country after becoming a democracy has had worse economic times than it ever had under communism

"Yeah, it's funny most everybody gets this, except soda, Fredzilla2000 and BobSmith. " I haven't figured out what is worse accepting the moral degeneracy almost embraced by the Democrats or accepting the stifling individualism and pride embraced by the Republicans. You admit that the Repulicans are flawed, yet you vote for them because they are less flawed. I guess that means you should go to a lesser hell than the Democrats (but still not heaven) because though you didn't support the greatest evil, you still supported evil. Your statements condemn you.

In general, m, you are very ignorant. You don't understand the God you are trying to support. You don't understand the Savior you try to worship. If you have read the scriptures, you do not understand them. You are a disgrace to Christianity in general and the Catholic Church specifically.

I've read your posts. I watched your videos. I've listen to your radio broadcasts. I've read your FAQs, Canon Law, etc. You want to say that I'm close minded? I've had respect enough for you do to that, what have you done for me? You've attacked me. You've condemned me. You've maligned my character. Thank you, my dear brother, for the Christlike love you've shown a brother in need. I hope you remember too that you will be judged of your works, for as they stand now in the context of this site are very poor indeed.

#25 By 1845 ( at 11/6/2002 1:15:48 AM
So how much did that ignore user feature cost, BobStein? ; - )

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