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  Microsoft SideShow To Appear In MSN 8 and Office.NET
Time: 07:39 EST/12:39 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Thanks to Mr Anonymous who has pointed out that both MSN 8 and Office.NET will both be using Microsoft's recently leaked SideShow in their products. This ties in with what we knew was going to appear in MSN 8 (which we can now confirm will definately have SideShow included) although we cannot confirm the Office.NET news at this current time.

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#1 By 1896 ( at 7/26/2002 8:10:39 AM
What about as a stand alone product? The idea is great!!!!

#2 By 3 ( at 7/26/2002 12:39:10 PM
#4 - exactly - a lot of people/sites assumed this SideShow was actually quite new, it wasn't though, most of it is quite old now.

#3 By 5444 ( at 7/26/2002 1:01:04 PM

If you read all of hte reports on Microsoft research about sideshow and collaboration, you would find that to be true.

It primarily is designed for a large organization enviroment where an Itranet is ran. Besides the integration with Exchange and office for that matter, it has the integratoin with the bug system within MS.

But there are uses for outside of that enviroment also. Stock quotes and other things. Also in those papers there is talk of a HTTP Annotation system. so perhaps workgroups that use web sites as a media to contact through the internet can use the features also.

BTW if you look at that same site and look at some of the video and voice annotation work, there appears taht IE is going to get a major update in IE 7 look for MRAS.


#4 By 1845 ( at 7/26/2002 4:11:10 PM
John, before I can answer that I'd have to know what the services are and how much they cost.

#5 By 1845 ( at 7/26/2002 10:03:41 PM
#24 On my cell all incoming text messages are free (which means .NET alerts to my phone are free). Outgoing messages are $0.10 each.

BTW, whom are you quoting?

#6 By 1896 ( at 7/27/2002 12:16:47 AM
Are you in the US? If yes do you mind to let us know who is your carrier? I asked once to VoiceStream but the overall cost was ridiculous.

#7 By 1845 ( at 7/27/2002 12:59:12 AM
I'm in the US with AT&T Wireless. I have a Digital Advantage plan.

#8 By 1896 ( at 7/27/2002 8:35:54 AM
Well in the US most of the carriers charge you the airtime for incoming calls. Og course in Europe is different but consider that cellular phones in US is a relatively new trend.

#9 By 135 ( at 7/27/2002 12:33:36 PM
I think it's quite funny to here Europeans talk about our cell phone system when they clearly know anything about it.

Fritzly - I have a voicestream phone, you clearly did not talk to voicestream as their pricing is better than what I see offered on Vodafone's website, including even the per minute talk charges.

Wireless telephones have been around in the US since the 1960's.

mOOzilla - I guess I would be curious to hear what you think your EU cell phone systems have that we do not have in the US.

Considering how much Europeans love to nickle and dime their customers, clearly cost is not one of your leading selling points.

#10 By 61 ( at 7/27/2002 1:46:46 PM
Fritz: I have VoiceStream and pay $3.00/month for like 80 messages (Or somewhere around there).

#11 By 1845 ( at 7/27/2002 3:00:06 PM
Sorry m00, I dont' believe you have a clue about the US cell phone industry. Most pricing plans are available over the phone, online, or at any local dealer. They all give you the same info. When you call to cancel, they still offer you the same plans. Sometimes there are renewal bonus promos. If you want to know about special rates or offers, you say "I need to know if you have a plan that would better suit my calling needs."

I can travel just about anywhere in the US with full coverage. I don't get dropped calls. I get clear wonderful sound. I can call anywhere with equal clarity. My costs are quite reasonable.

By the way, your language isn't appreciated. A more civil tongue would suit you better.

#12 By 1845 ( at 7/27/2002 3:02:48 PM

These are two SMS offerings from AT&T Wireless. If you do .NET Alerts, these plans are great, since all incoming messages are free.

No monthly fee

Receive unlimited messages each month at no charge.
Just 10¢ for each message sent (includes instant messaging) from the AT&T Wireless network.

$4.99 per month

Receive unlimited messages per month at no charge.
Send, forward, and reply to up to 100 messages per month.
Additional messages sent (more than 100) cost 10¢ per message.

#13 By 1896 ( at 7/27/2002 3:14:39 PM
As usual Sodablue you never miss an opportunity to remind us what you are. I am an US citizen, I use a cellular phone since I moved to the US in 1994 when really few people used them here; I got my firsy mobile phone, back in Europe in 1975 when I also got my first car, no cellular phones at that time. I think you are confused, I never mentioned Vodafone, I used AT&T and than switched to Voicestream because it was the only carrier using GSM system; lately their problem is that the quality of the connections is horrible, probably because since AT&T got GSM there are interference between the two services. Btw there are rumors that AT&T is going to buy Voicestream from DeutschTelekom.

This post was edited by Fritzly on Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 15:29.

#14 By 1896 ( at 7/27/2002 3:25:07 PM
CPUGuy this is fun, after I read your post I called Voicestream and asked about the offer you mentioned, the representative I spoke with not only denied that it exists but also informed me that besides the cost of the service you also use a certain amount of airtime. I think is better to try again on Monday. Btw what about spamming? I mean if you get all your email on the cellular how can you filter the all the junk mail? I am just curious, because I can receive them both my house and my office and for now this is enough.

#15 By 1896 ( at 7/27/2002 3:28:28 PM
BobSmith thanks for the info; I am considering switching from VoiceStream to AT&T because of the service quality issues I am experiencing right now and surely the plan you mentioned is an incentive to do the move, the only problem is that carriers here so far have been able to avoid implementing the "number portability" and this is a big issue.

This post was edited by Fritzly on Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 15:31.

#16 By 1896 ( at 7/27/2002 6:04:07 PM
I use an Ericsson T39 and work fine. I loved the Motorola MicroTac back in the early 90 and than later the StarTac; after that they lost the leadership, at least IMO.

#17 By 135 ( at 7/27/2002 9:23:57 PM
Fritzly - You know every time you post you appear to do nothing but shove your foot into your mouth.

Go back, read what I said and respond to it. What price did Voicestream quote you which you thought was outrageous? I mentioned vodafone because someone brought up Europe, and they are one of the larger providers there. Looking at their rates, they are substantially higher than US rates.

AT&T Wireless used to have exceptional service. I worked for them back in '96-'97. I don't know what they are like today, but I've noticed their rates are still higher for what you get than the competition. There were also rumors of them raising rates and offering people the option of canceling their contracts.

mOOzilla - If you are roaming on a US phone system with a European phone, I'm not surprised you have troubles. If I take my US phone to Europe I can't roam either, I guess that must mean the European phone network sucks, eh?

Otherwise I've never had any difficulty roaming. I fly to Chicago, my phone works... I fly to San Diego, my phone works. I go to Des Moines and my phone works. Not only that, but the phone behaves exactly like I was at home, including the cost... i.e. it's included right in my small monthly charge.

I think in the future it would be nice if you both would specify exactly what it is you do not like. If it's prices, then give us a competitive quote from your favored market. It may just be that you are not aware of everything that is available in the US.

#18 By 1896 ( at 7/27/2002 10:30:16 PM
Sodablue I hope you would understand I can't go so low to level with you and therefore I am simply ignoring your raucous insults.

Getting to the point:
Your attempt to make a direct comparison between the rates of Vodafone and the ones here is simply preposterous! A realistic comparison should take in consideration so many other factors like the monthly salary buying factors, average yearly income and costs etc. etc.
Your habit to histerically attack peeople is, after a while, annoying; you stated speaking about me:
" I think it's quite funny to here Europeans talk about our cell phone system when they clearly know anything about it."
Fact is that i have and use a cellular phone service here and one in Europe while, in order to make a statement about what is going on in Europe you had to get references on a web site.

Finally you completely missed the point: the discussion was focused not on prices but on the billing system that is completely different. I prefer the European one and I am also convinced that the adoption here of the same system would substantially increase the average use of the cellular phones and, consequentially, carriers revenues.

This post was edited by Fritzly on Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 22:31.

#19 By 5444 ( at 7/28/2002 2:56:07 AM
Don't know,
I have triband ericson world phone and Havn't had any issues roaming in the US or europe or even in Japan.

What I do do though is since it is a GSM phone, I will set the service on vacation when I travel (unfortantly voicestream only allows you to do this once or twice per year) and I have my phone unlocked. so when I am on another system I buy a local sim service to save roaming fees. (voicestream is 2.99 a min on internatinoal roaming)

What I was hopeing with Tmobile buying voicestream, that they would get rid of that silly roaming fee in teh tmobile network. but that doesn't appear to be. as Tmobile is looking to dump voicestream.


#20 By 135 ( at 7/28/2002 3:29:04 AM
Fritzly - "Sodablue I hope you would understand I can't go so low to level with you and therefore I am simply ignoring your raucous insults. "

You know, maybe if you weren't so damned insulting all the time you wouldn't see others posts as insults. All I ever see you do here is attack me.

The rest of your post is ludicruous and not worth responding to.

This post was edited by sodablue on Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 03:35.

#21 By 135 ( at 7/28/2002 3:43:53 AM
eldoen - Considering Voicestream is right now going through the effort of rebranding the company in the US as T-Mobile, I'd say they are not planning on dumping voicestream.

The only rumor I have heard of is another merger either with AT&T Wireless or Cingular. Personally I think that's a good move which I would like to see. Maybe get it down to 3-4 major carriers, so we'd have more universal coverage.

#22 By 5444 ( at 7/28/2002 6:58:42 PM
DT just had a new CEO take over, and he is under pressure to get the company turned around. According to news reports. the Voicestream aquisiton wasn't a popular one. so it is on the auction block.

This is all in the past 3 or 4 weeks. about a week after tmobile started rebranding in the US.


#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/25/2023 9:09:24 PM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 8:37:54 PM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 4:57:11 AM

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