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  How Microsoft Will Die
Time: 10:37 EST/15:37 GMT | News Source: *Linked Within Post* | Posted By: Chris Hedlund

Longhorn, by the features WFS: Cut .NET Framework: Cut MONAD: Cut Integrated Search: Cut Avalon: Who knows? Indigo: Who knows? IE7: You can repaint a Kia, lower it down, put rims on it and think you are cool, but at the end of the day it is still a Kia.

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#1 By 10022 ( at 7/1/2005 11:07:14 AM
because MONAD is going to be something every Mac user is just dying to have!!

guess what, the average Mac user has never opened their command prompt.

Apple should worry more about the fact that they have serious file corruption issues, Windows compatibility issues and performance problems.

And as for stability, I crashed Tiger (kernel panic) by playing around with Graphing Calculator the other day!! I see OS X panic all the time, way more than any Windows blue screens

#2 By 8556 ( at 7/1/2005 11:20:49 AM
What planet is the goofball author from? MS makes BILLIONS every quarter and is still growing.

#3 By 3653 ( at 7/1/2005 11:44:02 AM
Can the source be more clearly identified? If I had known I was going to a site called I would nto have wasted my mouse click.


#4 By 37 ( at 7/1/2005 11:54:45 AM
Nothing to see here. More FUD. Move along.

#5 By 1288 ( at 7/1/2005 11:56:32 AM
Yeah, I agree. Coming from an author who is so clearing a Mac fanboy, it holds little weight. I'm kind of surprised a Windows news site would even posts this.

#6 By 2960 ( at 7/1/2005 12:22:03 PM
And there's no such as a Windows Fanboy, right?


#7 By 32313 ( at 7/1/2005 2:51:44 PM
I can't wait to see the day when all 730 million Windows users migrate to an alternative platform one time. ^o)

Microsoft ain't dying anytime soon thats for sure.

#8 By 2459 ( at 7/1/2005 3:47:44 PM
Talk about clueless. None of that has been cut. Only WinFS (which he misnamed) will not make it into the original release of "Longhorn" as it's being reworked and extended due to feedback from the PDC. It will be in beta around the time of "Longhorn's" release and available as an update to "Longhorn" later.

#9 By 32132 ( at 7/1/2005 3:51:44 PM
#7 Jeff, everything you say will apply to Apple within the next year, and 20 - 50 years before it applies to Microsoft.

The Apple desktop PC is doomed. Jobs admitted as much when he decided to concentrate solely on laptops with the Pentium M.

Us PC users will gladly embrace the "creamy smoothness" of dual core for less than half the price of a dual G5. And we will do so on XP or Windows 2003 or Longhorn beta 1 (in a few weeks).

And you MacHeads will insist that a Pentium M running OS X is architecturally superior to Pentium M running Longhorn, and in fact, the Pentium M running OS X will be deemed a genuine supercomputer.

And we PC users will laugh our heads off.

#10 By 11888 ( at 7/1/2005 4:34:11 PM
oh, I think a lot of people would be happy if Parker laughed his head off.

#11 By 23275 ( at 7/1/2005 4:43:05 PM

Please delete my Activewin account.

This will be my last post and visit here.

Stuff like this is so bad that no one should allow it to be posted in a Win advocacy forum - not
even by automatic processes - they should be screened to at least some degree.

The article reflects no understanding of the Windows platform in any form, much less LH.

Good luck.

#12 By 7754 ( at 7/1/2005 5:22:13 PM
Don't leave, lketchum--you're one of a few that posts excellent, worthwhile posts here. You know how those Mac people/tech media pundits are. ;) Don't let it get to you.

"The emerging trend of this perception sees MS dragging its basket and dropping bags of sand to keep the balloon aloft."

I think that's a bit of revisionist history, which is great fun for tech media folks and Windows cynics. Truth is, some of the Longhorn items will be backported to XP... how this is a bad thing, I'm not sure! It effectively makes Longhorn more desirable, because it won't take 5 years before the enough people are using it to make it worthwhile--the technology will be available to its predecessor. WinFS is delayed--NOT cut. And it's delayed for good reason--to make it useful in a distributed environment, not just for home users (for which indexing utilities have been available for AGES, not just since Google desktop...). Monad is much further reaching than just a new CMD.exe, and it will take some time before the rest of the platform supports it... but nonetheless, it's already in a useable format; in other words, it's hardly cut. .NET framework? Um, that's ALREADY in Windows. Integrated search? No, that's not cut, either. It's not WinFS--but that underscores the fact that WinFS isn't simply "integrated search." But there is more to Longhorn that just these, and while not everyone will upgrade--a fact which Microsoft readily acknowledges--there is plenty of things that AREN'T discussed (perhaps because they have no codename so people can pick on it easily?) that will make Longhorn a worthwhile upgrade. It's not like Microsoft has been sitting still for 5 years.

#13 By 3 ( at 7/1/2005 5:40:30 PM
Maybe i'm being complete dumb here but your going to quit reading a site because of a linked article to another site. You know you do have the options of

A: Not reading the site the headline links to
B: Not reading our site if the kind of news here doesn't interest you

This site is here for you to all bitch and moan about news articles that we link to.

#14 By 3 ( at 7/1/2005 5:44:08 PM
#3 - hmm if everyone had the same view not to read a site with the name of an OS in it dependant on the OS they use, people wouldn't visit here either. I don't like the article they have posted on their site, but their site in general is excellent.

#15 By 3 ( at 7/1/2005 5:45:53 PM
#11 - parker you have been saying Apple are doomed for the past 4 years, each year stating that the next year they will die. Well four years down the line and they keep going, even showing an increase in desktop sales when others dropped. I guess it's harder to see it from the narrowminded but they are not going to be dying anytime soon, just like Microsoft won't be either. Wow did I just state something that is entirely obvious instead of picking one site over the other.

#16 By 32132 ( at 7/1/2005 5:59:13 PM
#17 For years now Apple fanatics have claimed the G5 is a "supercomputer" and runs applications a "million times" faster than a P4. Or some such thing.

It turns out they were lying.

It turns out that the P4 IS faster. And thats why they gave up on making their own desktop PC's which are being subcontracted out to Intel.

So when you say Apple will continue to thrive ... I know a joke when I hear one!

Apple ... eMachines ... Gateway ... Acer. No difference. Small fry in the P4 builders group.

On the other hand, I'll be buying an AMD X2. Because its faster than any P4. And therefore faster, by far, than an AppTel. Or Intle. Or whatever.

#17 By 7754 ( at 7/1/2005 6:34:43 PM
#18--Apple won't be using the P4, though. They'll be using the Pentium M, or whatever it will have become by that time.

But as I've said before, it was only a (short) matter of time before the Mac zealots retrenched. As you can see from this article, switching to the Pentium is now a strength of the Mac! Hahaha... and for them only a few short weeks ago it was a piece of poop? Sorry, our memories aren't that short.

#18 By 3746 ( at 7/1/2005 6:38:38 PM

I will speak for lketchum because he probably won't be back around. Maybe I am wrong but what I think he is getting at is when you authorize a link that is complete trash it reflects on your own site regardless of whether you wrote it yourself or believe what it says.

Personally, I have been reading this site for a long time and have seen the quality of the posted links drop myself. I mean the above link is pure garbage and my opinion is not coming from a Intel/Windows zealot but someone who uses whatever platform best suits my needs. If it was put up just to get some flame wars started that is a pretty sad for a site that should be about serious MS/Apple/ whatever discussion.

Maybe from now on you should try linking articles that are actually interesting and informative instead of pure shite.

#19 By 3 ( at 7/1/2005 6:44:57 PM
#18 - maybe its only me here but i don't care what processor is used in an Apple Mac, it's the operating system i there certainly is a lot of difference in Apple, emachines, Gateway and Acer in my view. Oh and you should buy an AMD X2 4800, its the best processor i have.

#20 By 3 ( at 7/1/2005 6:48:18 PM
#20 - then you will also know that we post loads of articles etc. The problem we have is that anything that gets posted and then slates Windows or Microsoft is called as "shite" as you so put it when it gets mentioned on this site, but in reality some of that "shite" is actually well written articles with a lot of good points. Yes this article was one of the bad ones, but you won't find anyone here who will stop posting articles from all these sites when 5 out of 100 are rubbish. You all have brains and hopefully can state here or on their site what you think of the articles in question, thats what freedom of speech is for.

#21 By 3746 ( at 7/1/2005 6:58:53 PM

No i don't care if someone writes an informed article on why MS is bad as there is a lot that you can write about when it comes to this. It is when someone writes something that is pure garbage and you link it up. I mean i have read some uniformed articles in my time but that is fanboy writing at its best. And I would have been just as sad to see an article written by an MS zealot in its place.

When i say shite - i mean an uniformed, wish i could get the time back that i took to read it, piece of crap. The reason i come to a news site is to hopefully have some of tha crap filtered out so i can read the good stuff. Well i am sorry to say you let the crap slip through.

(and when i say crap i don't mean something that slags one side or the other. I mean something that has no basis in reality and is an uniformed mess like the linked article is)

#22 By 29425 ( at 7/2/2005 2:03:53 AM
This "article" is just more proof that glue-sniffing is a required, daily sacrament at Apple.

I won't add anymore comments to this thread - the last thing I would want to do is dignify the referred-to link to the so-called "Apple Advocacy" site.


#23 By 13783 ( at 7/2/2005 7:55:20 PM
Dear God what a waste this article is, I couldnt even finish reading all that bull, Why a windows site would post such crappy thing?

#24 By 15406 ( at 7/4/2005 1:18:14 PM
The whining in here is so bad you'd think it was a preschool. Nobody gives a damn if you stay or go -- just do it. If you're looking for Fox News for Windows, where everything is MS wonderful all the time, then this site is as close as you're going to get except for MS Presspass.

#25 By 15406 ( at 7/4/2005 4:44:15 PM
#32: naw, I'm just looking for thin-skinned, lame-ass, MS-apologist whiners that I can ridicule. You know, guys like you.

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