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Windows Server 2003 Licensing Model
New changes to licensing model:
New user-based CAL.
Microsoft is introducing a new type of CAL. In addition to existing
device-based CALs (Device CAL), a user-based CAL (User CAL) will be
available for purchase. You can choose to purchase a Windows Device CAL
for every device accessing your servers, or you can purchase a Windows
User CAL for every named user accessing your servers. By having two types
of CALs, you are able to use the model that makes sense for your
organization. For example, purchasing a Windows User CAL might make more
sense if your company has a need for employees to have roaming access
using multiple devices. Windows Device CALs may make more sense if your
company has multiple-shift workers who share devices. Similarly, Terminal
Server (TS) will offer both device-based and user-based CALs: TS Device
CAL and TS User CAL.
New name for Per Seat licensing mode and
expanded usage right. The two CAL
licensing modes that exist in Windows 2000 Server still exist, but one of
the modes has a new name: The Per Seat mode has been changed to the "Per
Device or Per User" mode, and Windows User CALs can be applied. The name
of the Per Server mode has not changed, and the rights associated with
each of the modes have essentially not changed. Per Device or Per User
mode is concerned with the total number of devices or users (or a
combination of devices and users) accessing the server software across any
number of servers, at any time. In this mode, you need a Windows CAL for
every device or user that will be accessing Windows Server. In Per Device
or Per User mode, only one Windows CAL is needed for any given device or
user to access Windows Server, regardless of which servers it is
accessing. Per Server mode is concerned with the number of concurrent
connections to the server software. You need to purchase Windows CALs for
the maximum number of simultaneous connections to that server. Any device
or user can access the server, but the number of simultaneous access
connections hitting the server at any given time must not exceed the
number of Windows CALs designated to that server.
New External Connector License option.
The new External Connector license (EC) can be purchased to enable access
to your servers instead of buying individual Windows CALs for external
users (or their devices). The EC license is purchased for every copy of
the Windows server software that is accessible to the external user. An
example of an external user is a person who is not an employee or similar
personnel of the company or its affiliates. Terminal Server will also
introduce an EC license—the Terminal Server External Connector (TS-EC)—to
address a similar need: to enable external users to access a company's
terminal servers, without the need to purchase individual TS CALs for them
or their devices. Note: Companies can purchase Windows CALs and TS
CALs for entities not owned by them—for example, business partners—in
order to give those entities access to their networks and terminal
servers. This may be the best solution when a small number of business
partners or customers need access to a server or group of servers.
Replacing Internet Connector and TS
Internet Connector licenses. The
Internet Connector and TS Internet Connector licenses are being replaced
by the respective External Connector licenses.
- Removing Operating System Equivalency in
With Windows 2000 TS
licensing, if a client device is running the most recent version of the
Windows desktop operating system (OS), a TS CAL is not required to satisfy
the licensing requirement. However, with Windows Server 2003, a TS CAL
will be required for each Device or User using TS functionality,
irrespective of which desktop operating system is running on the Device.
Elements that did not change:
Every installed copy of the server
software requires the purchase of a Windows server license.
A Windows Client Access License (Windows
CAL) is required in order to access or use the server software.
A Windows CAL is not required if access
to the server software is via the Internet and is "unauthenticated"—for
example, accessing a Web site for general information where no identifying
credentials are exchanged.
A Windows CAL (Device or User CAL) can
still be designated for use with a single server, authorizing access by
any device or user, when the server software's licensing mode is set in
"Per Server" mode. In this mode, the number of Windows CALs is equal to a
maximum number of concurrent connections. Or, a Windows CAL (Device or
User CAL) can be designated for use with any number of servers,
authorizing access by a specified device or user, when the server
software's licensing mode is set in "Per Device or Per User" mode
(formerly called "Per Seat" mode). Other options have been added and are
detailed below.
- A Terminal Server Client Access License
(TS CAL) is required to use Terminal Server or otherwise host a remote
graphical user interface (GUI) session, except for a console session. In
Windows 2000, there was an exception to this licensing requirement and
that will change with this release, as outlined below.
Terminal Server Licensing Transition Plan:
Microsoft realizes that the removal of
operating system equivalency will affect customers, and is committed to
accommodating existing Microsoft customers who would like to take advantage
of Windows Server 2003 features.
Every Windows XP Professional desktop
license that you own on the date of the public launch of Windows Server 2003
will be eligible for a Windows Server 2003 TS CAL. One of following
scenarios will apply:
- Customers with either platform or
operating system component Enterprise Agreements (EAs), or Upgrade
Advantage (UA) or Software Assurance (SA) coverage for their Windows
desktop computers, will be eligible for a Windows Server 2003 TS CAL—plus
SA coverage on that TS CAL for each covered desktop owned at the time of
the Windows Server 2003 launch.
- Customers who own Windows XP
Professional licenses, without upgrade rights—no SA/EA/UA—will be eligible
for a Windows Server 2003 TS CAL for each licensed desktop owned at the
time of the Windows Server 2003 launch, but will not get upgrade rights on
the TS CAL.
This information was obtained from the
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server website at
http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/ and islinked from
ActiveWin.com for your convenience. For the most accurate information please
visit the official site.