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A Look at the Microsoft Meet Me Tour

I recently had the pleasure of visiting the Microsoft Meet Me tour which stopped by a local shopping mall near Pittsburgh, PA. Of course, I cannot make it to the shopping mall without taking my significant other with me (even with all the poor excuses I conjured), so it eventually ended costing me some dough even before I made it to the end of the mall near the booth.

As I walked towards the Meet Me booth, out of the blue I was promptly greeted with a nice Windows Me bag full of brochures and received a nice Windows Me pen (although somebody else I know received about twenty from a different guy, see above).

I started perusing the booth, and it was evident to me that Microsoft was emphasizing on Win Me's main points; home networking, Internet, digital media and user experience. Microsoft does set out to impress! I could see new consumers were amazed the different media features that were being displayed and could tell some customers (although they weren't selling the product directly from there) were being gained by their show. There was a plethora of people willing to help and show users about all the different features of the product. Staffers were also pushing the Meet Me Sweepstakes ( There were videos and music playing, just enough to catch peoples' attention but not too overwhelmingly annoying.

I also had a chance to talk with Chris Preston, Group Program Manager of Marketing for Consumer Windows. He was a very nice fellow who seemed to be a bit exhausted from the weekend's tour. We discussed how the Meet Me tour was doing, and customer's reactions to the product so far which varied but for the most part were good. He showed me the Windows Me fanatic video (the fanatic was a band member from the Win Me launch party), which shows even Microsoft has fun sometimes. He talked about the success of the Windows Me Launch event and some of the different ideas that went into that to make it happen. It was surprising more people tuned into Windows Me than the Windows 2000 launch. I could tell that he was very dedicated to his job and enthusiastic what he worked on!

Overall I enjoyed the visit and recommend people go visit the tour, which is in selected cities throughout the U.S. through November 12th. There are many worse ways of spending your free time on the weekend than visiting Microsoft's tour - and at the very least you get a free pen!

For More Information on the tour, visit:

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