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SU0409 Installation Error

SU0409 is caused by applications or built in anti-virus protection that 
prevent Windows Millennium Setup from reading certain areas of the hard disk. Applications that typically cause this are anti-virus applications, and system security or system recovery utilities. Network Associates PGP Desktop Security and Adaptec/WildFile's GoBack are some of the applications known to cause SU0409. You may have other similar applications running on your computer that could have 
caused this error. 

Below we have outlined a few applications that we know can cause SU0409. To determine which applications you may have installed, double-click Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel, click Install/Uninstall, and check to see which programs are on your computer. The programs that came pre-installed with your computer should be listed here. 


No version of GoBack (Wildfile, Adaptec) can be active during 
Windows Millennium Setup. GoBack versions 2.1e and earlier are not 
compatible with Windows Millennium and can not be re-enabled or 
reinstalled after Windows Millennium Setup is complete. GoBack version 
2.1f is compatible with Windows Millennium and can be re-enabled. 

To disable GoBack prior to setting up Windows:

1. Click Start, click Programs, and then click GoBack.
2. When GoBack menu appears, click Options.
3. On the History tab, click Disable GoBack. 
4. In the GoBack Setup dialog box, click OK to restart your computer.
6. Before Windows desktop appears, the GoBack Disable dialog box appears; click Yes to proceed. 
7. In the dialog box saying that GoBack has been successfully disabled, click OK.
8. When prompted to re-enable GoBack the next time you restart, click No.

After Windows Millennium is installed, if you try to start GoBack you will 
be prompted to restart your computer. Because Windows Millennium does not support running applications in MS-DOS mode, GoBack version 2.1e and earlier cannot be re-enabled.


To remove PGP Desktop Security from your computer:

1. Click Start, click Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. Click PGP Desktop Security in the box.
4. Click the Add/Remove button.
5. When asked "Are you sure you want to Uninstall Desktop Security?", Click Yes. 
6. Click Finish to restart your computer.
7. After installing Windows Millennium Edition, reinstall PGP Desktop 
Security from your original installation source.


To turn off virus-detection software running on your computer, follow the online Help 
instructions for your virus-detection software.

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