Registry Editing Tips Adding a Cascading Control Panel Menu to the Start Menu Follow these different steps: Right click the Start button, and select the Open command from the context menu. The Start Menu folder window opens. Create a new folder in the Start Menu window, and name it Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} Enter the previous code carefully, as it defines the CLSID code of the Control Panel ActiveX component. When you click outside the name box, the shell detects the new setting, Win98 changes the folder symbol to the Control Panel icon, and the title is set to Control Panel. (Note: If this doesn't work - reenter the folder name.) Close the Start Menu Window Click Start on the taskbar. Control Panel is now an option available directly from the Start Menu. When you click this option, you will get a cascading menu. This menu allows direct access to each entry in the Control Panel.
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