Hints and Tips
Easter Eggs

Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail
Ok, we know a lot of you guys here just can't get enough of LSL7. Here are a few LSL
Easter eggs that will allow you to play the game you want it to be. (Remember: don't get
too dirty-minded, guys!)
- In the outer room of the library, click on the stuffed beaver, select Other, and type milk.
When you enter the Juggs's dressing room, you will see them doing their hair before the
concert, au naturel.
- Go back to the lounge after the Juggs's concert. Climb up onstage, then go one screen to
the left. Click on the mixer, select Other, and type feel. You will get a
set of earplugs, which will prevent you from hearing Drew when she tells you to look her
in the eye.
- As soon as you enter the ballroom, and before you talk to Jamie, click Larry, select
Other, and type dream. You will...
- At one point in the game, you'll be looking at Drew when she's covered by only a branch.
Click on the branch that's concealing her torso, select Other, and type push.
The branch will move out of the way....
- Click the orgasmic powder on Drew's drink. Click the drink, select Other, and type drink.
When Drew leaves to go to your room, your view will be unobstructed.
- After Vicki's transformation (before talking about the weather) hold ctrl
and click on the man taking a shower on her computer screen then when you talk about the
weather you can see her chest at the end.
- After killing the old man go back to Annete's room and click the third statue on the
lefts and type unzip, ring the doorbell and watch Annete go.
- When talking to Peggy, look at her chest. You'll hear the narrator complain about his
standerdsa nd hear Al Lowe laughing in the Background.
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