Desktop Tips

Secrets To A More Beautiful Desktop

OK - a beautiful desktop isn't just for couch potatoes. A nice desktop can sometimes effect your working mood. We have a couple of tips to help your desktop stay forever "beautiful & young".

Get A Nice Wallpaper

"Sure", you say. Who doesn't have a good wallpaper? You have Plus! and all the wallpapers are cool enough. If you like cartoons, Plus98! themes should keep you contented. But if you want some awesome and stunning artwork, you haven't seen anything yet. We found out that some art gallery sites such as Digital Blasphemy, offers breath-taking 3D rendered artworks for wallpapers. We guarentee once you get a few of them on your desktop, you won't want to switch back to your old wallpapers ever again.

Remember that a nice wallpaper can eat up to a gigantic 3-5 megabytes. This will consume a lot of system resources. If you have a graphic conversion program, convert it to JPEG or GIF. This will compress up to 10 times the original size and won't suffer quality loss.

Less Clutter, More Space (And Speed Too!)

A very cluttered desktop makes things hard to find and might even cloud a beautiful wallpaper. Our advice - only the most important icons should stay on the desktop. The rest must go. And also remember that the less active desktop components are there, the better because they can cause the desktop to be complicated and slow. You will find that a clean desktop will look very neat and the refresh and startup loading rate will be much faster because there are less items now.

Don't Let Icons Get In The Way

Icons are just companions to the desktop. Don't let icons effect the desktop. As we said, if you want to preserve the beauty of a wallpaper and you think icons are getting in the way, use our icon creating guide to create a transparent icon. The using the Display Properties, set My Computer, Network Neighborhood and Recycle Bin to the same transparent icon. Change the Desktop text to suit the wallpaper. That way, only the text will show up and blend nicely with the wallpaper.

More Multimedia On The Desktop

If you are quite experienced in HTML, DHTML or some programming code but never put them into good use, now is the time to show them off. You can add ActiveX pop-up menus, HTML hyperlinks, maybe a song list, or anything that your imagination can think of but it will be in a HTML file. Note that you must enable your desktop as webpage to display HTML files.

Tip: Don't think that your wallpaper will have to go if you use HTML files - you can still display them by using them as a HTML file background image.

If You Don't Need It, Don't Use It

If you don't need the active desktop, you can't disable your desktop as web page. All you need to do is to right-click the desktop, select Active Desktop and check off View As Web Page. You will find that it will speed up the desktop dramatically.

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