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©1997/2012, Active Network. All Rights Reserved.
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once great and now only mildly amusing Simpsons TV series is back on our
gaming screens in what is a far more authentic adventure for the family.
From first looks it seems as if EA has done everything right...the
perfect cartoon graphics, the full cast and crew for the speech and
story and a full blown platform title. So does it work out?
Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa use exciting, all-new
powers to save the world from rising chaos. To help the Simpsons, gamers
at home must journey through all of Springfield (as well as vast worlds
beyond!), vanquish an amazing array of villains, and fight their way
through parodies of multiple popular games.
- Play Your Favorite Characters – Battle enemies and save
Springfield while playing as your favorite dysfunctional TV family;
Homer, Bart, Lisa, Marge and even Maggie Simpson.
- The Real Simpsons – With the actual voice actors from the TV
show and movie reprising their roles; characters from The Simpsons
Game sound exactly as they should.
- Unique Character Abilities – While The Simpsons family have
general abilities that can be used to fight opponents, interact with
environments, and finish puzzles; each one has been imbued with
special abilities that are unique to their personalities. These
abilities grow and change as they progress through the story to
battle tougher and tougher enemies in their quest to save
- Looks Like The Simpsons – Using innovative 3D into 2D
technology, the developers have been able to recreate Springfield
and the entire cast of The Simpsons as the most visually authentic
Simpsons game to date.
- Featuring Favorite and Original Springfieldeans! – The Simpsons
Game features over 100 of your favorite Simpsons characters from the
show along with 50+ new characters that were inspired by the
- An Original Episodic Adventure – The Simpsons Game features a
100% original script from the writers of the show with 4 distinct
acts divided into 16 episodes and over 8,000 lines of dialogue.
- Springfield Hub – The open-world Springfield was designed as a
central locale to jump into episodes with iconic locations to visit,
characters to be visited and interact with, and hundreds of
collectibles to be found.
- Co-op Play – With two members of The Simpsons family involved in
each episode, all episodes can be played cooperatively in addition
to being played in single-player mode. Play by yourself and switch
between characters to solve the various puzzles or have a friend
come over, pick up a controller and drop-in drop-out of any episode
they choose.
- Collectibles – Roam throughout the episodes and Springfield
itself to discover custom video game clichés, and unique
collectibles for each member of The Simpsons family. Collectibles
lead to trophies that increase your family’s powers, and can be
viewed in your trophy rooms back at home on Evergreen Terrace.
- Time Challenges – Every episode can be replayed, and each
unlocks a unique Time Challenge. Use the skills you’ve learned
throughout the game to beat target times over 16 individual Time
- Enjoy more than 6,000 lines of dialogue and 16 chapters of
How Does It play
Review Quotes |
"As I
have mentioned, the story itself is well written by the
crew, it is perfectly suited the show and tends to be
funnier than that has been for some time so all credit
there. The style of the game is also pretty close to
perfect, the HD-cutscenes are great, while the in-game
cutscenes while not spot on are very close to the original
style of the TV series." |
I have been a fan of The Simpsons for
many years, though I have to say I have drifted away from watching it on
TV due to the lack of quality that the show has shown in the past two
seasons. This year saw the release of the movie which, while ok, was
nothing special. The game actually manages to be funnier than most of
the recent episodes which is a good start, but the adventuring and
combat is where the game is a let down.
Firstly the game is split into around 16
levels all based around a different story, the game starts in chocolate
land which is your basic tutorial level in which you guide Homer around,
collecting various bonus objects and beating chocolate bunnies up to
reach the end of the level. This isn't a bad start as it helps introduce
the premise of the game quickly, but it is here that it also goes wrong.
The camera is very poor and can be a
right royal pain in the butt to maneuver around some levels, especially
when it just moves of its own accord whenever it feels like it. Also the
levels are quite basic, they all involve the same things in each one
with very little variety shown at all. They are also very small in size
and the game can be completed in around 7-8 hours which seems to be the
norm these days for a lot of titles and that in itself is disappointing
to me.
The gameplay is platform and combat
based. You need to swap characters to do certain things in the game such
as using pressure pads, using Bart in his Bartman costume to fly around
levels to unlock things and such like, this part works quite well and is
better if you are playing the game in the co-op mode which can bring
some camera problems of its own into the fray. The fighting part is very
basic, each character can punch as well as have a special move such as
burping or using a Sax to stun people.
You also have special moves such as
Bart's Bartman costume in which he can fly around and climb things and
Homer's Rollerball which he can use to move around faster, go over ramps
and smash through things. These all work well but sometimes it can be a
little annoying to swap between characters and find the character you
need it far away from the place you want them to be at. Marge and Lisa
also enter the game around half way through it with Marge allowing you
to add various town folk to your group to follow you around and do
things/destroy things for you.

With the levels always being parodies of
various games such as Shadow of the Colossal Donut, I have hoped that
they would show a lot of variety, but as I have already said, each of
the first few levels are the same over and over. It isn't until you
become Marge before a little bit of variety comes into the game and
probably the best level of the lot - Grand Theft Scratchy. The game has a number of achievements for
those gamerpoint fans out there, with a lot of searching around and
collecting of bonuses available.
As I have mentioned, the story itself is
well written by the crew, it is perfectly suited the show and tends to
be funnier than that has been for some time so all credit there. The
style of the game is also pretty close to perfect, the HD-cutscenes are
great, while the in-game cutscenes while not spot on are very close to
the original style of the TV series. The voice work throughout the game
is excellent just as it should be, but there are times when repeated
voices show through which is a shame and can get a little annoying.
Final Comments
Despite all the criticism here, The Simpsons Game is
still the best Simpsons title since the arcade game was released all
those years ago. It manages to create a perfect look of the cartoon and
also with the voices and writing cast on board it manages to have the
same wit and unique feel to it.
The problems come from the fact that the gameplay
itself is nothing special at all, it is a basic platformer with a very
poor camera which doesn't make it stand out above anything else that has
been released in the past few months. I guess with a few months more
work the camera could have been made better, but the gameplay wasn't
likely to change much and with the likelyhood of most users completing
it in less than 8 hours there isn't much here for gamers to come back
for again and again. A shame really as graphically and sonically the
game is almost perfect.
Specs & Package |
Overall Score |
75% |
Version Reviewed |
The Simpsons Game
(PAL) |
Release Date |
Out Now |
In The Box? |
1 The
Simpsons Game (PAL) DVD-ROM
1 Set Of Instructions |
The Good Points |
Very good graphically
Some good co-op ideas
Excellent voice work |
The Bad Points |
Too easy
Gameplay is too basic |
HD Resolutions |
1080p |

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