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the fourth incarnation of Microsoft’s premier messaging system, the guys and
gals in Redmond have decided to pull out everything that they could to make
this THE corporate email solution. Microsoft Exchange 2000 has got a
lot of claims to fame; after all it was the first application to take full
advantage of Active Directory. New features have been placed to
simplify your job of management and recovery. It helps the end-user
get to the information that they need, be it email or documents, as soon,
and in as many ways, as possible. There are a bunch of things that you
need to do to get to that point, but after this brief review you’ll see if
this is the messaging system for you and what it should take to get you
there. Did you know that Exchange is built on SQL Server? It has been
for quite some time now. Think of the evolution of SQL Server and the
evolution of Exchange. SQL 2000 supports multiple Instances of a
Server on a single computer, Exchange supports Multiple Mail Stores.
SQL 2000 supports XML, as does Exchange 2000. SQL is a transactional
database application, Exchange uses transaction logs.
New Features
Built in Instant
– MSN Messenger can be deployed in your network to allow you users
to send instant messages to each other without doing it through email.
No more single-line messages taking up your mail server…
IP Multicast and H.323
– If you want to do video conferencing, Exchange has the ability to
switch between IP Multicast and H.323 Gateways; this will be discussed
more in depth later in the article.
Multiple Mail Stores
– Just imagine the possibilities. If
you could separate the users across multiple mail stores, you could
restrict basic users to have a maximum of 50 MB per mailbox and give
Executives no limit on the same server. This functionality was
available in 5.5, but you had to configure the limit on the server and
bypass it on a user-by-user basis. Now, you only have to do it
twice, once on each mail store. You could also backup the Executives
every night and the regular users once a week.
Improved Outlook Web
– Do you like the interface of
Microsoft Outlook 2000? Well, OWA for Exchange 2000 looks VERY
close. Microsoft now uses XML instead of ASP pages to retrieve
information from the Information Store which increases performance quite a
Active Directory
– Exchange adds some
attributes to user objects as well as Group objects to allow you to
configure them from one window instead of several ones. Security
Groups in Windows 2000 can now be mail-enabled as well.
Front End and Back End
– Front End Servers handle
client requests and Back End servers store email. This method of
distributing the load helps to increase performance and system stability
because clients never directly access the servers with actual data; so if
a Front End Server experiences a failure, another Front End Server can
handle the requests without the clients seeing any downtime.
Enhanced Cluster Serving
– Multimaster clustering allows client
requests to occur on multiple servers until one fails. Previously
Exchange supported fail-over clustering; this method required that one
server be essentially dedicated to a dummy role until a failure actually
occurred, resulting in underutilized servers.
Web Store
– The Web store is the
central repository where all information, Public Folders and Private
Folders, is kept in Exchange Server. If you go to your Exchange
Server and open up Windows Explorer, you will see an H drive letter.
This drive letter is mapped to your Exchange Private and Public
Information Store Database files and it allows you to navigate through
them as you would your normal file system. A user can also access
all of his or her information just by typing the path in the Internet
Explorer address bar. For example, if a user wants to access a File
called Employee.doc in the HR public folder, he or she could simply type
http://exchangeserver/public/HR/employee.doc and the file would
open in Microsoft Word. This allows amazing support for Developers
wanting to create collaborative applications with ASP and XML coding on
top of IIS.
Web Forms
– These are similar in
functionality to the Web Store as far as access goes. A developer
could develop a customized form with FrontPage and post it in Exchange,
then all of the clients could access that form to fill out their expenses
just by typing the URL of the form.
Database File Structure
– Information Store Databases now consist of
two Database files, an EDB file (Exchange Database) and an STM file
(Streaming). The EDB file holds all Exchange Rich text formatted
messages, like email messages. The STM file hold non-exchange files
like video, audio, voice, http files and so on. This allows Exchange
to not have to convert files from their native format into MDBEF format
like in previous versions of Exchange where there was only one file.
This accommodates for increased performance because Exchange can work with
only one file for email or MAPI requests and one for everything else.
Single Instance Store
– If you send a 20 MB message to ten users on
one Server, Exchange stores that message one time and creates pointers
that it sends to the recipients, cutting down on space taken up in the
Routing Groups
– These replace Sites in Exchange 5.5.
A routing group is defined by a collection of well-connected Exchange
Servers that require full-time connectivity. Exchange now
communicates with all servers in a routing group using SMTP which is more
tolerant of low-speed, unreliable bandwidth situations.
Link State Algorithm –
This allows Exchange to
be more intelligent when it comes to determining the path that a
message must take to reach its destination. It essentially work like
the OSPF protocol works with routers; exchange can query other servers to
find out when certain connectors are down and choose another path before
the message is sent out from the server. It would be nice if in
future versions Microsoft could connect this to OSPF compliant routers to
determine where links are down physically on the Internet as well…