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Product: Print Office 2000
Company: Corel, Inc.
Estimated Street Price: $49.99
Review By: Julien JAY


Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Corel Print Office 5
3: Corel Photo House 5

4: Corel Central 9 & WEB.DESIGNER 2
5: Conclusion

Corel, one of the biggest world software maker, has recently announced OEM agreements with various hardware manufacturers like HP to provide end users with a simple, intuitive and powerful software to create high impact documents, websites, photos and more with their new hardware. Here at ActiveWin.Com we decided to review Corel Print Office 2000 to see what users can really do with it. Corel Print Office 2000 is in fact a suit of Corel software, that includes: Corel Print Office 5, Corel Photo House 5, Corel WEB.DESIGNER 2 and Corel Central 9. Corel Print Office 2000 which is also available as a stand alone software, is a small business and home user dedicated software that fulfils users needs to make high impact and professional looking documents.

    Corel Print Office 2000 Features:
  • Exclusive IXLA technology to add pictures from digital cameras easily,
  • Publish to the web feature,
  • Multimedia Tours and easy to use and understand GUI,
  • More than 1.000 professional looking customizable documents to help anyone create a document in a minute,
  • 27 special effects to add fun to your photos,
  • More than 25.000 cliparts,
  • More than 10.000 photos,
  • 300 fonts,
  • Various pictures conceived for the web,
  • Models from the website directly exploitable through a simple drag & drop,
  • Great choice of downloadable pictures,
  • And much more!


As usual with Corel the setup program of Corel Print Office 2000 is fast, user-friendly, efficient and will install the full suite in a few minutes. You can also create your own customized setup by selecting which components you want to install. If you’ve got a digital camera you’ll be prompted to install the appropriate color profile for it by selecting your digicam model.

Corel Print Office 5 -->


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