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Over the next few weeks ActiveWin will be taking a look at the latest in
design and creative solutions from Adobe. The Company continues to challenge
itself by solving some of the hard problems persons who work in graphics and
media are facing every day. The Creative Suite is a very mature product,
with its roots going back as far as the Design Collection. With the
introduction of Creative Suite back in 2003, Adobe realized that a cohesive
experience was just as important as introducing whizz bang, how did you do
that features. We have now arrived at the CS5 release which is even more
impressive; highlights include more 64 bit ready programs, Enhanced 3D,
Automatic lens correction, Enhanced Painting Effects, HDR Pro and HDR
Toning, Variable-width strokes, faster way of distributing content using
Flash, Easy and powerful coding, Streamline object selection and editing
with InDesign, ability to Manage page items with more control using the
all-new Layers panel. This is just a tip of the ice berg when it comes to
using the new Creative Suite 5, especially the Master Collection edition.
Adobe is introducing CS5 at a very crucial time in the Company’s history.
The Internet is not just about desktop’s, laptops and Netbooks, but powerful
mobile devices called Smart Phones which have changed the way we engage with
computers. Flash has become a guiding light for bringing flexibility to how
content developers effectively create, share, manage and secure various
forms of media, whether it’s an entertaining game, movie preview or a web
based application. Flash CS5 will help developers seamlessly bring these
traditional experiences to a mobile paradigm that will provide a consistent
experience for both developers and end users regardless of the device or
mobile operating system. Apple, a company Adobe has consistently provided
creative solutions for since the 1980’s is now drawing a line insisting that
their popular Smartphone device, the iPhone is not welcoming of Flash, not
now, not ever. Google and other industry heavy weights though are taking the
safer bet by supporting Adobe Flash Player 10.1 on their latest mobile
operating system platforms. A recent demo of Flash on a Google Nexus One
device impressed me so much that I immediately realized that lack of Flash
on the iPhone is a big missing piece of the puzzle in Apples neck of the
Apple is betting on HTML5 as the best place to go, Adobe has got you covered
there too and new improvements in Creative Suite also caters to powerful
experiences for Web Designers and Developers. At Google’s recent I/O
developer conference, Adobe announced the availability of Adobe HTML 5 for
Dreamweaver CS5. Adobe says the extension is based on feedback from its
Adobe MAX 2009 conference. According to Adobe:
“This extension provides initial support for HTML5 and CSS3 in Dreamweaver
CS5. While HTML5 and CSS3 will not be finalized for some time, the extension
provides support for a set of currently implemented features”.
What’s in HTML5? Well, you will find features such as Starter layouts, code
hinting for HTML5 and CSS3 features that takes advantage of the HTML5 tags,
and WebKit engine updates and improvements to support video and audio in
Live View in Dreamweaver CS5. What it essentially does is allow Web
developers to better design web pages more easily and accurately for
multiple screens with previews of they will look in variety of browsers and
mobile devices. You can learn more at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/html5pack.html
These are interesting times indeed and Adobe is keeping ahead by being the
driving engine that powers the experiences Creatives will deliver over the
next 5 years starting with this new release of the Adobe Creative Suite.
To see the full list
of features in Creative Suite 5 Master Collection, visit:

Setup & Installation
Adobe Photoshop CS5, version 12 was
installed as part of the Adobe CS5 Master Collection, which is a massive
suite of all of Adobe’s design applications. The suite is included on
multiple DVD disks:
Adobe Creative Suite 5 Application
DVD set (multiple disks)
Adobe Content DVD (a single disc,
contains the 32-bit support package for Windows)
Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional DVD
If you plan on using Adobe Premiere Pro
CS5 and Adobe After Effects CS5, please upgrade to Windows Vista or Windows
7 “64 bit” (note the emphasis on 64 bit), since these applications will not
work on 32 bit version of either XP, Vista or Windows 7. The installation is
a simple process, insert the disk and the auto-run wizard will begin. The
wizard involves, accepting the End User License Agreement, Enter your serial
number, confirming the installation options, whether you want the entire
suite to be installed or not. The Adobe CS5 Master Collection requires at
least 18 GBs of disk space if you choose all programs. I notice I was not
given the option to upgrade an existing installation of Adobe Creative Suite
on my hard disk. Like previous versions, Adobe continues to use a co-exist
strategy. So if you are low on disk space, its recommended you remove any
previous versions. I suggest you find something else to do while the
software installs on your system. I installed Adobe CS5 Master Collection on
a HP xw4600 Workstation Intel 2.5 Core 2 Quad, 2 GBs of ECC DDR2 RAM, nVidia
Quadro FX1700 512 MBs of RAM. The installation estimated a total time of 100
to 125 mins and at times said it would take about 35 mins. The suite based
on my experience and timing took about 40 mins to install. A great thing
after the installation was complete, I didn’t have to restart!
Adobe Photoshop
After installation, I launched the industry standard image
editing solution. I was greeted by Adobe’s latest artistic splash screen
which seems to be an origami layout, not sure to be honest. Users should
note that Adobe Photoshop CS5 which is the Company’s flagship product is now
20 years old. Developed in the late 1980’s by brothers Thomas and John
Knoll, Photoshop was initially released as Image Pro version 0.9 for the Mac
and was bundled with scanner hardware. Adobe became aware of the product and
acquired it releasing the first version for Macintosh in 1990. Adobe did not
release the Windows version until version 2. Since then, Adobe has
consistently released corresponding versions for both Mac and Windows.
Some might ask, why would I really want to upgrade to version
CS5 especially if I am running CS4, which is 64 bit, contains 3D imaging and
many other features I am probably still trying to understand.
Immediately I saw some differences to the CS5 interface
layout, panels are more intuitively displayed, showing a minimal amount of
features probably just to reduce the overwhelming experience of using such a
powerful application initially. If you are new to Photoshop, transitioning
from an earlier version or Photoshop Elements, users should feel more
comfortable, a new ‘What’s New?’, feature will get you up to speed with the
newest features of the product so you can start implementing some of the
latest design features in your project.
Complex selections made easy
Clean removal of unwanted photo elements
HDR Pro and HDR Toning
Extraordinary painting effects
Reshaping image elements with Puppet Warp
State-of-the-art raw-image processing
Automatic lens correction

Adobe is a Company of innovation and it’s really about
pushing the edge and finding answers to problems in a number of areas, from
3D to basic 2D graphic design. Photoshop CS5 could be summarized about
making some of the common pain points of digital image editing much easier.
Content Aware Fill is one of the major highlights I love using in the new
Photoshop CS5, when working on complex images with intricate aspects, the
process can be demanding, complex, impossible and very time consuming.
Content Aware Fill makes working on these types of images much easier using
technology to remove certain objects from within an image and make it seem
like it was never there in the first place. The way it works is almost like
magic, but the engineering is actually the magic, by detecting the minute
details of photo, by finding what are objects within the photo itself. You
can use the familiar tools of Photoshop CS5 such as Fill command or Healing
Brush when a selection is made within the photo.
Users of Photoshop CS5 will notice that the Refine Edge
dialog is greatly enhanced with better accuracy when making selections
within an image. Smart Radius automatically matches the best selection
approach with the subject’s changing edge characteristics, and the extra
view modes assist you in previewing the quality of your selections. The
Refine Radius and Erase Refinements tools customize your masks and
selections as you make them. These tools help you brush in tricky image
elements like hair. As selections are applied within a photo, the Refine
Radius tool will customize masks when made, Color decontamination helps
eliminate any residual background color from around the edges of your
selections, and more output options provide extra flexibility when using the
completed mask.
Puppet Warp
This feature allows you to have a greater depth of control
over objects with a project. For example, you can reshape, transform,
reposition and object to suit a particular layout by using a simple drag and
drop action. Photoshop will automatically adjust the additional parts of the
image to apply to the adjustments.
If you work mostly with the Painting tools in Photoshop, CS5
introduces a new set of brushes such as Mixer and Bristle Tip that are more
naturally familiar to users of competitive packages such as Painter with a
more realistic result . The Mixer Brush for instance offers on-canvas color
blending, and Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush
strokes. You can apply painted effects on photos and makes images have a
higher level of realism than before by controlling the level of wetness and
mix rate. Bristle Qualities define key bristle properties such as shape,
length, stiffness, thickness, angle, and spacing, which affect how the color
is laid on the image as you paint. The Bristle Brush Preview feature
provides a visual representation of these changes, and you can save your tip
configurations for future use, allowing you to build a customized collection
of Bristle Tips to experiment with when using Photoshop brush tools.
Enhanced 3D
If you are running the Extended version of Photoshop CS5, you
will be pleased to find some great new enhancements. Adobe Repoussé makes it
surprisingly easy to convert 2D artwork into 3D objects and then create
depth by altering the extrusion properties of the 3D model. Extrude text to
create logos and 3D artwork for use in websites, video frames, or layouts.
Alter the look of your 3D model by manipulating its key extrusion
properties: depth, scale, bend, shear, twist, or inflate, located in the
Repoussé dialog box. This great for creating special Word Art effects using
your own style.
You can select materials from the library of included
presets, download additional materials by choosing 3D > Browse 3D Content,
create your own, or even edit existing materials to customize them for your
needs (in the materials section of the 3D panel). Test a variety of looks
for your 3D models and extruded designs by adding different materials or
textures to their surfaces. The Repoussé dialog box and the Materials
section of the 3D panel both contain options for applying a single material
to all surfaces. They also enable you to choose different treatments for
individual sections and surfaces of your models.
Photo Pro’s
Photoshop CS5 remains true to one of its early group of
adopters, photographers. Photoshop CS5 introduces HDR Pro for more control
over the HDR merging process and greater adjustment power over the styling
of HDR output, resulting in images that range from photorealistic to highly
HDR Pro offers extended controls, an enhanced dialog box, and
improved image processing. New algorithms enable more accurate alignment of
source files and automatically deghost any problem areas caused by moving
subjects. New tone-mapping tools and adjustment controls give you the power
to implement your own HDR vision, producing photos that vary in look from
fully textured photos of high-contrast scenes where detail and tone prevail,
to colorful and dramatic, hyper-realistic creations.
With support for more than 275 camera models, the new Camera
Raw 6 Plug in introduces enhanced sharpening and noise removal. You can
apply new styles such as vignette and film grain in your RAW projects. The
Automated Lens Corrections offers new features that greatly simplify
photographer workflows with tools for geometric distortion, chromatic
aberration and vignetting. Lens profiles can be customized with a free
download of Adobes Lens Profile Creator plug-in.
Adobe Illustrator CS5
The new version of Adobe’s vector illustration program offers
tighter web integration and cohesiveness with sibling Flash CS5, but, the
program does not leave itself out when it comes to traditional illustrators
and painters, new features such as the new perspective drawing feature and
perspective grid tool adds more depth to the artboard feature introduced in
CS4. The 3D like environment allows you to alter the path of vertical
planes, raise or lower the ground level including switch between 1-, 2- and
3- point perspectives. You will find new controls for multiple artboards
make it much easier to share and work on multiple projects in one place,
this is especially handy when your work is centered around a theme or
campaign, you are able to have more control and clarity over various aspects
of the design process.
Another enhancement I am appreciating in this release is the
ability to place one or more in the same location across all your artboards.
This further gives you the ability to rearrange artboards on a regular grid
with layout and spacing of your choice. Artboards can even be reordered on
the fly so that pages saved as a PDF look just the way you want it to. To
keep things in order, you can have further control of your artboards by
keeping them locked so they don’t interfere with other options on the canvas
itself. The new width-control handles simplifies the experience of working
with strokes in a more convenient way. You add width-control points wherever
you want them, move them around, and save width profiles for reuse.
Arrowhead control, including size and position options, is now in the Stroke
panel, along with options to choose how your dashes lie along a path. Art
brushes and pattern brushes are now more controllable and easier to work

Creating your own shapes
Building shapes is so much easier and accurate in Illustrator
CS5, prior versions were more of a luck if you got the result you wanted. A
new Shaper Builder tool allows you to merge objects, breaking overlapping
shapes into distinct objects, subtracting areas, and more. For example, you
can draw a stroke across the middle of a circle and quickly create two
half-circles—no need to open a panel. Coloring fills and strokes is easier
now, too. The Shape Builder tool includes interactive color selection for
quickly filling closed or partially closed areas your artwork, automatic gap
detection, and the option of choosing whether or not to automatically fill
new shapes.
Designers will discover improvements have been made to
previous features too. For example, the new mode called Draw Inside
automatically creates a mask out of selected objects—no need to use the menu
to make a mask. The option to Draw Inside automatically creates a mask that
you can edit as you would any mask or clipping path. You can use the Control
panel button Edit Contents to move and scale the placed photo. The Draw
Behind mode enables creation of new artwork underneath any selected object,
exactly where you want in the stacking order. Scale a symbol and retain the
readability of the text in it, along with the consistency of the corner
Paint with vectors that resemble real‐world
brush strokes. With the new Bristle Brush, you can set bristle
characteristics such as size, length, thickness, and stiffness. Set brush
shape and bristle density. And set paint opacity, which uses transparency
variations to simulate lifelike blending.
Use the Bristle Brush to create versatile, scalable designs
that can be used for many different outcomes, as is the case here, creating
an ad for an apparel line called “Bristle.” This intricate but flowing
artwork can go on a billboard as easily as a mobile phone, thanks to the
vectors that make up the painterly surfaces.
Web Integration
Create vector objects precisely on the pixel grid for
delivering pixel-aligned artwork, and choose one of four text anti-aliasing
options for each of your Illustrator text frames. Illustrator CS5 includes
these enhancements for online projects, as well as the exciting new
integration with Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 for designing interactive
When you’re designing artwork for the web, it’s critical that
raster images look sharp, especially standard web graphics at 72ppi
resolution. With Align To Pixel Grid, objects are automatically nudged to
the closest pixel edge when you create them or apply transformations. Now, a
one-pixel stroke won’t straddle two pixels and looked blurred or get lost
due to anti-aliasing.
Create readable text for the web, mobile devices, handsets,
gaming devices, or any destination where you need to generate raster images
from your Illustrator artwork. You can apply a different rule to each text
frame in your artwork, and your specifications are saved with the document.
Working with Adobe Flash Catalyst
Use Illustrator CS5 for interaction design. Develop your
ideas and design your interface in Illustrator, creating screen layouts and
individual elements such as logos and button graphics. Then open your
artwork in Flash Catalyst, where your effects and file structure are
perfectly preserved, and where you can add actions and interactive
components—without writing code.
Adobe Flash CS5 Professional & Flash
Catalyst CS5
Interactive content continues to be a major part of the web
experience, whether you are developing for it or consuming it as the end
user. The biggest draw for users coming from prior versions of Adobe Flash
is the more integrated experience version CS5 provides with its Creative
Suite siblings in addition to more robust tools to produce more powerful
solutions. Some highlights include, a powerful new text engine, expanded
support for mobile and consumer devices, and enhanced coding tools are among
the new features in Flash Professional CS5. Stronger integration with Adobe
Photoshop®, Illustrator®, InDesign®, and After Effects® software, and
creating a design workflow that extends the potential of your interactive
content across media formats is also something to look forward to. Flash
Professional CS5 integrates support for Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR®, and
mobile authoring, allowing you to easily and consistently deliver
interactive content, advertising, and video virtually anywhere.
New Text Engine
Flash Professional CS5 adds support for the new Text Layout
Framework built into Flash Player 10, which produces print-quality
typographic functionality with more sophisticated results. Support for the
Text Layout Framework provides, multilingual typographic control previously
not available in Flash Professional, as well as a comprehensive set of APIs
to manipulate text content, layout, and markup. The new text engine in Flash
Professional CS5 also maintains layout and text formatting with better
results when moving content to other products such as InDesign. One of the
benefits of the advanced text support in Flash Professional CS5 is that
layout and text formatting are maintained with higher level of reliability
when importing content from Adobe siblings such as After Effects.
If you are a designer, you want to have that exact experience
when transitioning content from programs such as InDesign to the web.
Replicating the typographic creations is often the sticky part of job that’s
most difficult reproduce for a complex platform. Flash CS5 Professional
offers a greater level of power and control through the new Text Layout
Framework. Immediate benefits include richer typographical controls with
advanced text styling such as kerning, ligatures, tracking, and leading, and
advanced text-layout controls including threaded text blocks, multiple
columns, and text wrap. The multi-lingual support is also an exciting
addition too! The ability to display and edit not only right-to-left
scripts, but also top-to-bottom scripts, and those that often uses a mixture
of left-to-right and right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew is a
definite welcome. Additional features for East Asian typography, including
an East Asian justifier, vertical text support, and Tate-Chu-Yoko, or blocks
of horizontal text embedded into vertical runs of text, are also supported.
The support for these new capabilities makes Flash even more accessible to
customers in a wider range of markets.
XML-based FLA source files
When you save a file from Flash Professional, it appears on
your computer as a single compressed binary file with an FLA extension. This
single file contains everything in your project, including symbols, images,
movies, and scripts, and can be opened or worked on by only one person at a
time. When a team of designers and developers work collaboratively on a
large project, this current workflow requires managers to break projects
into multiple parts, which is harder to control. It’s also harder to
integrate such projects with version-control systems.
Now, with Flash Professional CS5, you can choose to save your
file as a single compressed FLA file as before, or you can choose to save
your file in an uncompressed XML-based implementation of the FLA file format
called XFL. This compact and efficient file format maintains data in a Flash
document and makes the individual elements easier to manage and use. When
saved in this way, uncompressed projects appear not as a single FLA file,
but as a folder which contains all of the assets for your project, allowing
you to easily swap out assets and work collaboratively with others.
Improvements to Coding
Coding is an essential part of using Adobe Flash
Professional, the new version provides an extensible code snippets feature
which allows you to quickly add prebuilt code to your project, and you can
code faster using custom class introspection and code completion when
writing ActionScript code. In addition, you can use Adobe Flash Builder
software for authoring, debugging, and testing your code. Flash Professional
CS5 also provides a new way to quickly include code for things like timeline
navigation, actions, animation, audio and video, and event handlers with the
Code Snippets panel. By injecting prebuilt code into projects, you can work
faster so you can focus more on the design experience of your project. The
performance of your work flow is also greatly improved with the improved
ActionScript Editor, additions such as custom class code hinting and code
completion, and referencing your own code or external code libraries can be
done more efficiently. If you just starting with coding in Flash, you can
start projects and have code hinting provide help as you learn the
fundamentals of the ActionScript language. Flash Professional CS5 can write
the import statement for libraries, while more experienced and advanced
developers can more quickly reference their own code or external code
libraries they’re using.

Integration with Flash Builder
Adobe Flash Builder (formerly Adobe Flex® Builder™) is a
professional Eclipse-based development tool that enables intelligent coding,
interactive step-through debugging, and visual design of the user interface
and behavior for Flex applications. Rather than having to choose between one
integrated development environment (IDE) and another, you can now write your
ActionScript code in Flash Builder and then test, debug, and publish your
content in Flash Professional.
Spring for Bones
Flash CS4 Professional introduced an easy-to-use Inverse
Kinematics (IK) feature, giving you the ability to quickly create and
control animation. With Flash Professional CS5, Adobe integrates the power
of a dynamic physics engine into the Inverse Kinematics system. This engine
allows new users to create physics-enhanced animation with ease, and gives
expert users powerful functionality that is supported for both runtime and
authortime. Spring for Bones gives IK animation lifelike movement that is
100% configurable, so you can get realistic multi-object interactions that
look less robotic and rigid.
Video improvements
More designers are looking to use video content within their
design solutions because they offer a dynamic nature to the experience. With
integrated support for content created with Adobe Premiere® Pro or Adobe
After Effects software, it’s easy to work with video content directly in
Flash Professional CS5. Quickly and easily incorporate video, and make the
video content more meaningful by timing content against cue points.
New Deco drawing tools
Flash Professional CS5 extends the functionality of the
dynamic Deco brush tools, enabling you to easily draw shapes and add
advanced animation effects. Use these new brushes to quickly add graphical
elements to your projects.
Any device, any platform, anywhere…but the iPhone
A preview of the Packager for iPhone component is included
with Flash Professional CS5, and it compiles ActionScript bytecode into
native iPhone application code that developers can then distribute as iPhone
application installer (IPA) files via the iTunes store. (The preview is also
available in the Adobe AIR SDK.) Unfortunately, Apple Inc. recently made
some suspicious changes to its iOS 4 SDK License which prevents major third
party developers such as Adobe and others from using development tools other
than those created by Apple to author and package applications for
distribution on the Apple iTunes App Store. Apple says it’s nothing
personal, but more of a chance to control the experience of applications
created for the iPhone and to keep the clout it has gained over the past
three years since the introduction of the wildly popular device.
Steve Jobs has said, it’s about maintaining the quality of
applications for the device and not becoming beholden to a third party
developer to introduce innovations. I can understand this view, but I am
missing where Apple is not willing to work with Adobe to help make the
technology which is ubiquitous with the web reach a satisfactory level for
the iPhone, Adobe is willing to go the extra mile. Yes, HTML5 is a reality,
even Adobe realizes that, but Flash is not going anywhere and HTML 5 is
still missing a lot of maturity, even when it does reach the mainstream,
Flash will remain a significant part of the web. Moving on from this rant,
Adobe has decided to move forward and embrace the next best option which is
Google’s Android which is fully supporting Flash in version 2.2 code name
Froyo (it should be available to most Android devices by the time you read
this review). Microsoft has also committed to supporting Flash on its next
generation mobile OS Windows Phone 7, but that won’t be for now. Flash right
now represents a unique opportunity to really get your app a mass market
appeal, when you look at social networking apps such as Seesmic or TweetDeck,
which are very popular on Windows, Linux and OS X, the opportunity to
democratize and simplify the end user experience is a key benefit of
developing with Flash CS5 Professional.
Flash CS5 Catalyst –
Design and
development are two fields that always seem to face that oil and water
obstacle when it comes creating a cohesive, seamless experience for the web.
Adobe believes they have the answer with a new version 1 tool called Flash
CS5 Catalyst. This interactive design solution allows persons who don’t know
how to write one line of code have all the power of a person who does by
allowing you to create impressive graphical elements that can be used in
your Flash projects. Flash Builder and Catalyst CS5 go hand in hand to
really achieve the results. So, you could also describe as more of a
workflow tool that helps to simplify the design process and reduces some of
the bottlenecks for persons who are not on the same level. Let’s face it,
you sometimes just don’t get the best of both worlds, a brilliant coder, but
no taste, a brilliant designer, but no logic. This is a great effort on
Adobe’s part and I like the fact that the Company is trying to narrow the
two and open both philosophies to each other more gently.
Catalyst works great with other siblings such as Adobe
Illustrator and Photoshop, so you can start your projects in either two and
bring them over into Catalyst to add the interactivity and logic behind
animations for instance. Using Catalyst though, I wondering if there is a
possibility that Adobe might not just merge it with Flash in the future,
especially if you want a lot more power, you still have to depend on Flash
CS5 Professional to do a lot of the heavy lifting. It’s a great effort for a
1.0 release and you see what Adobe is trying to do to help everyone stay on
the same page. Kudos to that!
Adobe PRemiere Pro Cs5
The new version of Adobe’s world renowned video editing
solution includes a host of significant improvements such as exclusive 64
bit native support, accelerated graphics and built in support for the latest
tapeless camera formats which lets you begin editing without delay. Premiere
Pro CS5 also adds a new script to screen workflow that helps you turn
project ideas into actual production faster.
HD remains a difficult and costly endeavor for small
production companies, what Adobe aims to do is harness the power of the
latest commodity off the shelf hardware affordable yet powerful enough to
compete against pricey proprietary systems from the likes of AVID. The key
to this is the underlying power of the Premiere Pro CS5 software, for
starters, its 64 bit only, which means you can tap into larger sums of
memory than before. 64 Bit processors allow you use more than 4 GBs of
memory, you can build a cheap 12 GBs of RAM, Intel Core i7 system for under
$2,000. The clear benefits are less time to complete large scale projects
because of the ability to crunch more data than before. One aspect of 64 bit
with Premiere Pro CS5 is the new Mercury Playback Engine which significantly
improves performance when working on difficult time lines at a high
resolution such as HD and 4K, this is done through GPU acceleration which
takes the burden off the processor for rendering task. To realize the
benefits of the Mercury Playback Engine you will need to have a qualifying
video card, certain video cards in nVidia’s CUDA lineup support this, so its
recommend you check out those if you are planning to build a system just for
Adobe Premiere and After Effects.

The benefits when you deploy Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 on
appropriate configurations is tremendous, the immediate performance
benefits. The ability to finally do real time hi-definition editing should
help to make production much faster and less costly. If you don’t meet the
recommendations for running Premiere Pro CS5 efficiently Adobe still makes
it acceptable run it under certain conditions. For example, you can open
projects faster, scrub through HD and higher resolution projects fluidly,
and handle long-form content and effects-heavy sequences more reliably. Play
through most common transitions and effects without waiting for rendering.
Plus, you can usually see results instantly when performing multiple color
corrections and tasks such as keying with Ultra, applying Gaussian blurs and
blend modes to footage, and working with numerous other effects.
Integration with OnLocation
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 has beefed up support for OnLocation
CS5 which integrates closely with Adobe Story*, essential elements in the
script’s formatting that identify new scenes, characters, production notes,
dialogue, and so on are automatically captured as metadata. When the script
is imported into OnLocation, that same metadata is used to automatically
create placeholders in the OnLocation Project panel shot list, this saves a
lot time by eliminating the need to manually create shot placeholders and
metadata during preproduction. Another nice addition to OnLocation CS5 when
used in combination with new tapeless camera support in Adobe OnLocation
CS5, the script-to-screen workflow saves even more time on set or later in
production process. The new Logging Without Wires feature lets you tell
OnLocation which shot is currently recording and then enter related notes,
comments, and additional metadata—even when the camera isn’t connected to
OnLocation. Say for example you are recording at a shoot, select a
placeholder clip in the shot list, and then click the new Timestamp
button—this tells OnLocation which clip is being recorded. As long as the
internal clocks in your cameras and computer match, when clips are copied
from the tapeless camera, OnLocation automatically merges the metadata in
each placeholder with the corresponding video clip.
The new Turbo Comments is a great feature which lets you add
frequently-used words—cast names, sports highlights, and so on—with a simple
keystroke to log live action accurately, consistently, and efficiently.
OnLocation lets you store up to nine comments with shortcuts for each one,
for instant, timecode-accurate logging and commenting.
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 is definitely worthy upgrade, the
native 64 bit support is a significant highlight, because it contributes so
much to making the product not only easier to use or obviously faster but
less costly especially when integrate with workflow capabilities of
OnLocation to really make post production work so much smoother. Definitely
a worthy upgrade, the 64 bit support should not be a deterrent, the majority
of systems sold within the last 3 years a 64 bit capable too, so the only
consideration should be the operating system. Windows 7 Home Premium cost
about $119 and it’s a worthy upgrade, you can even get a Family Pack for 150
and have 3 powerful 64 bit systems for Premiere Pro CS5, After Effects and
Adobe After Effects CS 5
Along with Adobe Premiere Pro’s new 64 bit native support,
the suites premier Motion Graphics solution also takes advantage of the new
exclusive 64 bit power. The Roto Brush is a significant and very impressive
addition to After Effects CS5. What it allows you to do is identify key
foreground and backgrounds using broad strokes with the green brush, you can
shrink the brush size to detect elements such as edge highlights, hair, and
ears. The red brush can be used to identify the background. Although I
discovered the learning curve can be steep, don’t jump in expecting to know
it out of the box, you need to practice and get the hang of it. When you do,
the results are worth it. One thing users of After Effects CS5 should
realize all those investments in 32 bit plug-ins will be left behind. You
will need to obtain 64 bit native Plug ins for this release. Included third
party applications/plugins Mocha & Mocha Shape, and Color Finesse have been
updated. The Digieffects Freeform effect (formerly known as Forge Freeform
by Mettle.com) is a new addition to the plug-in lineup. It allows you to add
simulated depth and distortion to flat 3D planes you can apply either a
displacement map to the 3D layer or sub-comp, or manipulate the distortion
mesh to create unique effects in a 3D environment.

It’s a worthy upgrade that offers richer capabilities for
persons working in 3D with more depth and control. The ability to take
better advantage of the powerful hardware will just like Adobe Premiere Pro
CS5 will offer greater performance to your workflow while also delivering
results faster.
Adobe Fireworks CS5
When Adobe purchased the assets of Macromedia, a product that
was thought to be on the chopping block for sure was Fireworks, since Adobe
already had its solution for optimizing images for the web called
ImageReady. Those assumptions were of course unfounded and Adobe instead
replaced ImageReady with Fireworks. Fireworks CS5 is more than just about
prepping your images for one platform, which a few years ago you would
assume as being the traditional web browser on a computer. Adobe has focused
on making it easier to move your project to a mobile device using its Adobe
Device Central integration so you can use the programs correct
specifications using device profiles to make sure content looks ready for
the mobile device platform you are targeting. You can import assets from
Adobe Photoshop® or Illustrator® software and export to PDF, HTML, CSS, or
Adobe AIR®. Export your Fireworks designs in FXG format to Adobe Flash®
Catalyst™ CS5 software, where you can add interactivity.
Fireworks CS5 is heavily focused on improving user
productivity, for instance, significant changes have been made in the user
interface that enable you to access key features directly from the
Properties panel. Resizing objects proportionally using accurate numeric
values is one of those everyday tasks that you want to complete as quickly
and efficiently as possible. Doing this in Fireworks CS4 required several
steps: choose Modify > Transform > Numeric Transform to open the Numeric
Transform dialog box, check Constrain Proportions, and then enter values for
width and height. In Fireworks CS5, you can accomplish this task much more
quickly by working directly in the Properties panel.
The new Gradient Editor features let you quickly reverse
gradient direction. Another new gradient feature allows you to dither a
gradient fill to smooth gradients that might otherwise suffer from banding.
Together, these features allow you to more quickly create gradients that
look exactly the way you want them to. Specifying whether a stroke aligns to
the inside, center, or outside of an object’s path is now much faster.
Instead of opening the Stroke Category menu, choosing Stroke Options, and
then selecting stroke alignment, you can accomplish this task directly in
the Properties panel. Now you can quickly and easily optimize the stroke on
every graphic you create.
Custom stroke editing and creation
Editing and creating custom strokes in previous versions of
Fireworks took several steps involving menus and dialog boxes. Now you can
access the Edit Stroke dialog box directly from the Properties panel, which
makes working with custom strokes much faster and more convenient. Saving
custom strokes also enables you to ensure consistency across multiple
You can now preview pages in a Fireworks PNG file before
opening it. You can also choose which page of a multipage document opens as
the active page. And you can insert selected pages from a Fireworks PNG file
into an open Fireworks document. Documents saved in Fireworks CS5 include
page thumbnails by default.
Fireworks CS5 supports the latest FXG format (2.0) so you can
easily export individual objects or multipage designs as editable FXG
elements for use in Flash Catalyst and other software. In addition to
exporting individual objects in FXG format from Fireworks to Flash Catalyst,
you can export entire pages. Flash Catalyst accurately preserves page
elements such as text and layers, opacity, and more. Designers can use
Fireworks to mock up rich media content, and then export that content in FXG
format to hand off to an interaction designer or a developer.
Fireworks CS5 includes numerous features to enable you to
precisely control the placement and appearance of design elements. In
addition to those already described—stroke alignment, type-handling
enhancements, proportional scaling, and FXG export—Fireworks CS5 allows you
to create crisp graphics that align to the underlying pixel grid.
Snap To Pixel
With Fireworks CS5, blurry vector strokes on squares and
rectangles are a thing of the past. If a vector edge is positioned on a
half-pixel—creating a blurred, anti-aliased stroke—you can restore a sharp
edge quickly and easily using the Snap To Pixel feature.
Creating complex vector shapes is much faster and more
flexible in Fireworks CS5, thanks to the Compound Shape tools in the
Properties panel. The Compound Shape tools allow you to group vector shapes
temporarily as you draw them, so you can both move the objects as a group
and edit individual objects one at a time. You can also achieve
nondestructive effects such as punching, intersecting, or cropping
overlapping vectors. With the Compound Shape tool, you can use simple shapes
to build complex vectors faster and more flexibly.
Fireworks completes a very cohesive set of workflow
experiences in the Adobe line up, allowing you flexibly move content and
media from traditional platforms to new and more embraced ones such as
mobile devices such as cellular phones and tablet devices that are all the
rage these days. What it ultimately does is allow you to work faster, more
efficiently bringing impressive solutions to market in a short time period
than it would have taken with prior releases. With the growing threat of the
web these days, Fireworks is playing an even more important role than ever.
Final Comments
How It Grades |
Performance: 95%
Design: 95%
93.25% |
We have now reached the end of our Adobe Creative Suite 5
Review and I must say it was impressive, overwhelming, but is certainly a
worthy upgrade that solidifies Adobe’s commitment to design and innovation.
Let me be honest, this suite is not for the faint of heart and does take
some learning, but I must say, it’s worth every penny of investment, not
because it’s the latest and the greatest, but simply because of the
opportunities it delivers. Adobe did a respectable job with CS3 which was
the first upgrade of the suite that introduced us to a combination of Adobe
and Macromedia assets. With CS5 what we are seeing here is a completely
revamped suite that melds everything together in a way that makes the
workflow experiences a major reason to upgrade. Every CS5 program knows and
understands each other. The seamless process of moving projects from one
environment to the other without having to worry should be highly commended.
The cohesiveness of the interfaces to help make the learning process faster,
the focus on taking advantage of the latest in hardware innovations through
64 bit support and powerful video card technologies are examples of why I
know you should be running CS5 if you haven’t upgraded.
Specs & Package |
Overall Score |
93.25% |
Version Reviewed |
Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection |
Release Date |
Out Now |
The Good Points |
Extensive Features
Professional Grade Software
GPU Acceleration
CS Live Online Services
Improvements over CS4 |
The Bad Points |
Learning Curve
Does Not Include
Adobe Acrobat X
Pricey (Subjective) |
In The Box |
Adobe Creative Suite 5 Application
DVD set (multiple disks)
Adobe Content DVD (a single
disc, contains the 32-bit support package for Windows)
Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional DVD
Similar Product |
CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 |
System Requirements |
Intel® Pentium® 4 or
AMD Athlon® 64 processor (Intel Core™2 Duo or AMD
Phenom® II recommended); Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD
Phenom II required for Adobe® Premiere® Pro
Processor with 64-bit
support required for Adobe Premiere Pro and After
Microsoft® Windows®
XP with Service Pack 3; Windows Vista® Home Premium,
Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack
1 (Service Pack 2 recommended); or Windows 7
64-bit edition of
Windows Vista or Windows 7 required for Adobe
Premiere Pro and After Effects
2GB of RAM (4GB or
more recommended)
24.3GB of available
hard-disk space for installation; additional free
space required during installation (cannot install
on removable flash-based storage devices)
1280x900 display
(1280x1024 recommended) with qualified
hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit
color, and 256MB of VRAM
Adobe-certified GPU
card for GPU-accelerated performance in Adobe
Premiere Pro; visit the
Adobe Premiere Pro system requirements page for
the latest list of supported cards
Some GPU-accelerated
features in Adobe Photoshop® Extended require
graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
Some features in
Adobe Bridge rely on a DirectX 9–capable graphics
card with at least 64MB of VRAM
7200 RPM hard drive
for editing compressed video formats; RAID 0 for
Adobe-certified card
for capture and export to tape for SD/HD workflows
OHCI-compatible IEEE
1394 port for DV and HDV capture, export to tape,
and transmit to DV device
Sound card compatible
with ASIO protocol or Microsoft Windows Driver Model
DVD-ROM drive
compatible with dual-layer DVDs (DVD+-R burner for
burning DVDs; Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray
Disc media)
Java™ Runtime
Environment 1.6 (included)
QuickTime 7.6.2
software required for QuickTime and multimedia
Adobe Flash® Player
10 software required to export SWF files and to play
back DVD projects exported as SWF files
Broadband Internet
connection required for online services*