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Product: Acrobat 9 Professional
Company: Adobe
MSRP: $449.00 Upgrade: $159
Standard Version: $299 Upgrade: $99
Review By:
Robert Stein |
Adobe has recently
released a new edition of one its mainstay software products - Acrobat
9. The application, the best for taking advantage of the portable
document format (PDF) comes in a few flavors: Acrobat Reader 9, the
ubiquitous free version available on the web, as well as the more robust
versions - Standard, Pro, and Pro Extended. Adobe has continued to
expand the versatility for the company's PDF format, adding new features
in version 9 such as 256-bit encryption, video playback within PDF
files, and commenting/markup features just to name a few. Does Acrobat 9
live up to its predecessors' reputation and justify the cost? Read on to
find out.
Insert video in PDF files
Insert FLV or H.264 video in PDF files for direct playback in
Acrobat and Adobe Reader.
Work with Acrobat.com
Use Acrobat.com services with Acrobat to store and share large
documents, collect form data, and review documents with virtually
anyone, anywhere.
Convert e-mail to PDF (Enhanced)
Archive e-mail or e-mail folders from Microsoft Outlook or Lotus
Notes as PDF files to facilitate easy search and retrieval*.
Unify a wide range of content in a PDF
Combine documents, drawings, e-mail, and spreadsheets in a single
compressed PDF Portfolio.
Use professionally designed templates
Choose one of many professional templates to quickly integrate
content, define navigation, and add polish to your PDF Portfolio.
Add your logo and include descriptions to guide recipients through
the contents.
Help secure PDF documents
Help protect PDF documents with 256-bit encryption.
Help protect attached files (Enhanced)
Help protect all the documents in your PDF Portfolio with 256-bit
Easily review video
Comment on video using any of the commenting and markup tools to add
feedback to a specific frame.
Easily track reviews (Enhanced)
Use the Review Tracker to monitor progress and participation in
shared reviews. View the status of reviewers, e-mail reviewers, send
e-mail reminders, or invite additional participants to a review.
Modify and end reviews
Use the Review Tracker to add and change review deadlines, end
reviews, delete reviews, and start a new review with the same
Synchronize document views
Help colleagues, clients, and partners get on the same page at the
same time with the ability to co-navigate documents. To provide
clarity and enhance discussion, use Acrobat.com services to enable
collaboration on a PDF file. Then distribute the PDF file and walk
recipients through it in real time by controlling the page view they
Easily create and manage electronic forms
Use the new Form Wizard to convert Microsoft Word and Excel
documents or scanned paper to fillable PDF forms.
Create dynamic forms (Enhanced)
Use Adobe LiveCycle Designer, a professional form design tool
included with Acrobat 9 Pro, to further customize and automate
dynamic XML forms.
Verify compliance with PDF standards
Get details on compliance with the new PDF Standards pane, which
provides information on PDF/A, PDF/X, and PDF/E

All Features:
and reliably share PDF documents
Easily convert any document that prints to PDF to preserve
formatting and ensure document integrity.
convert files to PDF
Convert documents to PDF with one-button ease from Microsoft Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Project, Visio,
Access, and Publisher, as well as Autodesk® AutoCAD® and Lotus
Scan to
PDF with OCR
Scan paper documents to PDF and automatically recognize text with
optical character recognition (OCR) technology to create compact,
searchable PDF documents.
web pages as PDF Enhanced
Convert complete web pages, or just the portions you want*,
including or excluding rich and interactive media. PDF versions of
web pages are easy to print, archive, mark up, and share.
and share 2D CAD
Convert DWG files to Adobe PDF files without using AutoCAD or
Maintain individual file settings
Maintain digital signatures and security settings within each
individual PDF file and form when combining them in a PDF Portfolio.
multiple documents into one PDF file
Combine documents, drawings, and rich media content in a single
polished PDF document. Optimize file size and arrange files in any
order regardless of file type, dimensions, or orientation.
only the pages you need
Specify which pages, layouts, or sheets should be included from
source files in your final, merged PDF file or PDF Portfolio.
Optimize PDF output
Select from multiple file size and quality settings to optimize PDF
output for your intended purpose.
regenerate a PDF Portfolio
Re-create a PDF Portfolio after revising source files, without
having to locate and gather the native files again.
with headers, footers, and watermarks
Automatically remove headers and footers from source files and add
unifying headers, footers, or watermarks to your merged PDF file or
PDF Portfolio.
native files
Share source files by including documents in their original, native
protect data with passwords and permissions
Use passwords to help control access to PDF documents. Use
permissions to restrict printing, copying, or altering. Save
passwords and permissions as security policies that can be easily
applied to new PDF files.
Permanently remove sensitive information
Use redaction tools to black out sensitive text, illustrations, or
other information, permanently deleting the content from the PDF
hidden data
Inspect PDF documents for metadata, hidden layers, and other
concealed information, and remove it before distributing the files
to others.
PDF documents
Use digital IDs to certify documents, signifying that they came from
a trusted source.
documents digitally
Apply digital signatures to authenticate documents, manage their
status, and help protect against unauthorized modification.
Adobe Reader users
Extend digital signature capabilities to anyone using free Adobe
Reader software (version 8 or later).
Adobe Reader users
Enable anyone using free Adobe Reader software (version 8 or later)
to participate in e-mail- or server-based reviews using all of the
commenting and markup tools in Acrobat 9, including notes, stamps,
highlighting, lines, shapes, and more.
and print comments
Easily compile all comments into a single PDF document. View and
print feedback for easy reconciliation. Sort comments by author,
date, or page. Search comments for words or phrases.
e-mail-based reviews
Initiate a document review in PDF via e-mail. Merge inbound comments
and markups from all reviewers into one PDF document with a single
comments to Word or AutoCAD
Select and export comments back to your original Word or AutoCAD
file. Comments appear in Word as tracked changes and in AutoCAD as a
separate layer.
PDF documents
Automatically highlight the differences between two versions of a
PDF document, including text and images, so you can quickly and
easily identify what has changed.
electronic document reviews
Gain the input you need through interactive, shared document reviews
that help participants see and build on other reviewers' comments,
which can be sorted by author, date, or page.
Optimize form distribution
Easily distribute forms, combine collected forms in a single
document or view for easy filtering and analysis, and export
collected data to a spreadsheet†.
track forms and participation
Use the Form Tracker to see when forms have been completed and by
whom and to send reminders.
started with form templates
Take advantage of an existing library of common form templates, such
as human resources forms, invoices, and expense reports.
and validate accessible PDF documents
Ensure your PDF documents are optimized for people with
disabilities. Create accessible PDF documents from almost any source
to help comply with standards. Quickly evaluate, correct, and
automatically tag PDF documents for optimized accessibility and
Installation on both Windows Vista
Business/Ultimate and Windows XP Pro operating systems is a breeze, and took
less than ten minutes total to complete, both on machines that had Acrobat 8
Pro installed, as well as clean machines. The install on Vista took a
whopping 1.5 GB, so make sure you have the room prior to installing. Adobe
also has the option to participate in their continuous improvement program
(similar to Microsoft's), more information about that is here:
http://www.adobe.com/misc/apipfaq.html. No restart is necessary, but you
have to accept the user agreement before starting.

Interface &
The interface of Adobe Acrobat 9 is nearly
identical to the previous edition, with not many changes, but still having a
nice of array of features. You have full customizability of the toolbars,
navigation panes (as shown below), ability switch from normal mode to
reading mode or full screen mode, add rulers/grids, use cursor coordinates,
use the "read aloud" feature (note, think WarGames type computer voice),
change the page display mode (one page continuous, one page single, etc.),
rotate and more.

You can now encrypt PDF documents to the 256-bit level in
Acrobat 9, either by creating encryption via security certificate (using an
preexisting Digital ID or one-create on the spot with Acrobat), or using the
encryption via password feature (picture below). On this page, you can
choose what level you what like the document encrypted. There is a drop down
with compatibility options with the previous Acrobat versions, ie. Acrobat 7
& 8 can handle 128-bit AES, Acrobat 6 can handle 128-bit RC4, etc. as well
as options to set passwords for opening the document, etc. The security
features are fairly significant, and Adobe provides easy access to show all
the document's security settings, policies and more.

Services (Review / Markup Features)
Some of the new
collaboration features involve the new Adobe Buzzword on Acrobat.com. This
site offers a ton more features than we can cover here, so we will focus on
just the ones involving Acrobat 9 Pro. Even if you do not have the software,
however, I recommend you visit the site because it is pretty cool. As
noted on the website,
"Welcome to Buzzword®, Adobe's Flash-based word processor. Buzzword is
part of Acrobat.com — the new offering from Adobe® which includes web-based
file sharing and storage, create PDF services, and on-line web conferencing
and screen sharing. "
Anyway, to take advantage of these tools, first open the PDF document you
would like to share. Under the collaborate menu, click send for review, fill
out the form and create a Acrobat Buzzword account (right in Acrobat 9 Pro).
Fill out the form to whom you want to send, and click send. The document
will upload to acrobat.com, the person will receive an e-mail notifying its
available, they then can go to the website and make changes. Meanwhile, back
in Acrobat 9, you can in real-time check and see if any comments have been
added, and accept them. Also, you can track all changes by reviewers using
review tracker. Please check out the photo sequence below to more accurately
see how the process is completed. The features are a really nice plus to
Acrobat, and are a plus to employees across multiple offices who may not
want to use a shared network drive to exchange comments. By using this
service, all comments and changes are directed back to the author for
his/her approval. You can also comment, and review all the integrated video

Adobe has
created a new form wizard to, in conjunction with LiveCycle Designer, to
help create forms for a variety of functions such as timesheets, invoices,
etc. You can use form tracker, similar to review tracker, to manage all the
forms responses, etc. as well as export the form data to Word, Excel and
more. With this feature, there is also Quickbooks integration on common QB
forms such as Purchase Orders, Invoices, etc. to help the small business.

Portfolio Maker
In Acrobat 9
Pro, you can create PDF Portfolios. PDF Portfolios are packages of PDFs
organized how you want them to be distributed, in addition to such features
as welcome screens, custom colors/images, and more. Simply go to "create
portfolio" and select the files you want to add. Then, modify the
portfolio's unique aspects using the toolbar on the right, and when done
click "publish." The portfolios can be used by anyone using Adobe Reader.

from a web page
One of the
great features that has been enhanced in this version to allow the other new
features Adobe has added. For example, click "create PDF from web page"
enter in the adobe.com address, and then Acrobat downloads the entire page,
working flash content and all, into Acrobat for publishing to a PDF file.
Very handy!

Office 2003 & 2007 Integration
Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional integrates perfectly with
Office 2003. In the office programs, such as Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. a
Adobe PDF drop down menu will be added to the menu bar. With PDF maker, you
can easily convert Office files individual PDFs. For example, within Outlook
(see below), you can convert individual files or folders, on a schedule,
etc. To combine Office files, go into the main Acrobat program.

In Office 2007, you
need to choose if you want to use the PDF Maker, I would recommend not
installing the Microsoft PDF add-in, as they do not work nicely at all. You
really should choose one or the other. For more detailed information, I've
included some important links on Adobe's website that explain known issues
within Acrobat 9 and in particular a list of fixes for the Microsoft issues
if you encounter them.
Final Comments
How It Grades |
Features: 97%
Ease of Use: 90%
Documentation/Help: 92%
91.8% |
As you can see, Adobe
Acrobat 9 Professional is a very robust program with a ton of features. In
an office environment, the cost of either the full version or the upgrade is
definitely worth it, especially when used for collaboration purposes across
users in many offices using Acrobat.com and the review/markup features. The
PDF from web feature is very handy, and the fact of the automatic
integration with embedded Flash content without additional steps is
impressive. In addition, for marketing/advertising/pr, etc. users I feel the
portfolio tool is useful in presenting multiple documents to one user. The
new security features, combined with the already good redaction features,
makes Acrobat perfect for law office use. The layout and interface are user
friendly, with many options to customize as you need. For the individual
user, due to the cost I recommend either the standard version or just using
the default PDF add-in in Office 2007 if your needs are not too great.
Specs & Package |
Overall Score |
91.8% |
Version Reviewed |
Acrobat 9 Professional |
Release Date |
Out Now |
The Good Points |
Adobe Buzzword Integration
Security Features
PDF from a Web page
Flash Integration
Portfolio Maker |
The Bad Points |
Office 2007 & Acrobat Pro 9 Do Not Play Nice
Full Version Pricey |
Important Information |
Acrobat 9 Known Issues:
Adobe Website List PDF Maker
Does Not Work in Office 2007 |
In The Box |
Similar Product |
Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard, Pro Extended |
System Requirements |
Acrobat Pro for Windows
1.3GHz or faster processor
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home,
Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2 or 3
(32-bit and 64-bit); Windows Server® 2003 (with Service Pack 2
for 64-bit); or Windows Vista® Home Basic, Home Premium,
Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with or without Service Pack 1
(32-bit and 64-bit)
Internet Explorer 6.0
256MB of RAM (512MB recommended)
2.13GB of available hard-disk
1,024x768 screen resolution
DVD-ROM drive
Video hardware
Acrobat Pro for Mac OS
Acrobat Pro for Mac OS
PowerPC® G4 or G5 or Intel® processor
Mac OS X v10.4.11 or 10.5
256MB of RAM (512MB recommended)
1.42GB of available hard-disk space
1,024x768 screen resolution
DVD-ROM drive