Palm Pilot V Installing Programs
Installing new programs onto the Palm V is a breeze, you can visit many websites that offer free or shareware downloads of programs such as editors, calendars, drawing and games for the Palm Pilot series. Installing such programs is very easy indeed, I'll walk you through one. This program is called Fishing. The first thing you need to do is download the program from any of the Palm websites, next you need to unzip the file into a folder, there is usually a readme file with these programs that explains all this anyway. Once you have done that, click on the "Install Tool" menu item in your Start Menu's Palm Desktop folder. You will be shown the screen above, just click on Add and then find the file you downloaded. Once you have done that you just click on Done and the Install Tool program explains that the next time you do a HotSync operation that Fishing will be transferred onto your Palm Pilot. Once you have pressed HotSync you will see the Palm desktop will have the icon shown below up on the screen. You are now ready to play Palm Fishing, be proud.
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