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Product: PhotoShop 6.0
Company: Adobe
Estimated Street Price: $609.00
Review By: Julien Jay


Table Of Contents
1: Introduction & OverView
2: Features
3: Advanced Features

4: Conclusion

   The heavy weight photo editing program is back with a brand new version 6.0 aimed to surpass the features’ abundance found in the previous version 5.5. More web-oriented than every other picture editing software, Adobe PhotoShop 6.0 is the long awaited update to Adobe’s best seller software. Over the years, the San Jose, California founded company imposed itself as the standard and unavoidable photo software both on PCs and Macs. It has become in the professional graphics world, as standard as Microsoft Word is today: every designer, printer, photographer, and artist uses this software to edit digital pictures. It’s so common that it’s now even bundled with digital cameras or scanners. Since 1982 Adobe didn’t stop constantly improving Photoshop to make it the most powerful, flexible, creative, and feature rich photo editing software. I’m sure if Eastman Kodak was told that one day everyone would be able to edit color photos in order to remove unwanted objects, enhance contrast, boost clearness, remove red-eye effects, cleaning blurs, white-up teeth, change the color of an object, erasing scratches and dust, turn negatives into positives, change the color levels, or more, he’d surely have loved the idea and would want to experience it. All of this (and much more), that seemed totally impossible only twenty years ago, is now possible within reach of everyone through Adobe PhotoShop. So let’s now see how PhotoShop 6 has been improved.

New Features

  • Advanced PDF OutPut Options

  • Superb Vector Support

  • Layer Styles

  • Image Warping

  • Slice Tools

  • Weighted Optimization Controls

  • Dynamic Layer-based slices

  • Tighter Integration with Adobe ImageReady 3.0

  • Enhanced Layer Management

  • Expanded Text Features

  • Streamlined Interface

  • Preset Manager


   Installing PhotoShop 6 is fast and easy. Once you’ve typed your name along with your very own serial number, you are able to perform a typical, compact or custom installation. The custom setup lets you choose the components of the program you want to install (like Image Ready 3, filters, etc.) and will let you decide with which pictures’ file format you want the program to be associated with. Then the setup will copy the files and update your system in a few minutes: once it’s done you’re ready to start editing pictures with PhotoShop 6.


  Features »


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