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Microsoftâ Whistler
Beta 2 Release Notes


These notes support a preliminary release of a software program that bears the project code name Whistler.

Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice and is provided for informational purposes only. The entire risk of the use or results of the use of this document remains with the user, and Microsoft Corporation makes no warranties, either express or implied. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious and no association with any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred.

Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.

Whistler Beta 2 is a time-limited release and will expire 180 days after initial installation is completed. Due to the nature of pre-release software, it is not recommended for production systems, and some of your applications and hardware might not function correctly. This product does not include an uninstall feature: therefore, we recommend that you back up your data before installing this release.

ã 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Change and Configuration


Component Services

Directory Services


Internet Services

Microsoft Management Console

Network and Communications



Server Management



Terminal Services

Windows Update

Issues for 32-Bit Editions of Whistler Only

Issues for 64-Bit Editions of Whistler Only


Welcome to the Beta 2 release notes for Microsoft Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, Whistler Datacenter Server, Whistler Professional for Intel Itanium systems, Whistler Advanced Server for Intel Itanium systems, and Whistler Datacenter Server for Intel Itanium systems. This is a limited technical release that expires 180 days from the date of installation.

This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the Whistler documentation. In addition, there are several other release notes files on your Beta 2 compact disc (CD) that you should read:

  • Read1st.txt (important preinstallation information, located in the Whistler CD root directory)
  • Setup text files (located in the \Setuptxt folder on your Whistler CD)
  • Readme Notes (compatibility and postinstallation notes, located on the Whistler desktop)
  • Featguid.doc (what's new in this release, located in the Whistler CD root directory)

Change and Configuration

Action List

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, in administrative template (.adm) files that use an action list in policy settings, these policy settings are not reported correctly in Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP). The associated registry keys that appear in RSoP under Extra Registry Settings should not be present. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

The following list includes the policy settings in the System.adm file that use action lists.

  • Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Error Reporting\Display Error Notification
  • Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Terminal Services\Sessions\Set Time Limit For Disconnected Sessions
  • Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Terminal Services\Do Not Allow New Client Connections
  • User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Terminal Services\Sessions\Set Time Limit For Disconnected Sessions

Applies to users: administrators

Cross-Forest Scenarios Using Group Policy Are Not Fully Supported

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, cross-linking Group Policy objects across forests is not supported. Some administration and delegation tasks are supported. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Deleting a WMI Filter Associated with a Group Policy Object

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, you can associate a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) filter with a Group Policy object (GPO) in Active Directoryä directory service. If you associate a WMI filter with a GPO and then delete the WMI filter, the association between the WMI filter and the GPO still exists. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Editing Group Policy Objects in a Windows 2000 Domain

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if you use the Whistler client to edit a Group Policy object (GPO) in Windows 2000 Active Directory, the System.adm file located on the Whistler client is copied into the Group Policy object that is being edited. This new System.adm file contains all of the previous Windows 2000 policy settings and the 170 new settings available in Whistler. Therefore, these new settings appear when a Whistler or Windows 2000 client tries to edit these Group Policy objects that contain this updated System.adm file.

Administrators need to remember that:

  • All of the old settings function on Windows 2000 and also on Whistler clients.
  • All of the new settings that appear only affect Whistler clients and have no effect if applied to Windows 2000 clients.

To avoid confusion, in a mixed computing environment (such as Whistler and Windows 2000 clients), you should only edit Group Policy objects using a Whistler client. Whistler clients have an updated version of Group Policy that identifies the operating systems supported by a policy in the Group Policy snap-in. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Note   If a Windows 2000 client contains a more recent version of an .adm file in a Group Policy object that is being modified, this more recent version is always copied into the Group Policy object.

Applies to users: administrators

Folder Redirection

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if you select the new Redirect to the user's home directory option for folder redirection, the user's My Documents folder, which is redirected to the home directory, will not be redirected to the new path. This applies when the user's home directory path is changed. The result is that the user's My Documents folder view and the view of their home directory will be inconsistent until folder redirection policy changes and a foreground refresh of policy occurs while logging on. To work around this issue, edit a folder redirection setting in a Group Policy object that applies to this user (this can be done simply by toggling any one of the folder redirection check boxes). This will result in a policy refresh and folder redirection will move the user's documents correctly and update the My Documents path the next time the user logs on. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Internet Explorer Maintenance and Resultant Set of Policy

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Internet Explorer Maintenance displays a message when Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP), in logging mode, successfully reports the RSoP data. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Public Key Policies Settings

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Public Key Policies settings write data to registry keys. The data remains in the registry keys even if these policies are later removed.

Applies to users: administrators

Refreshing Group Policy

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, to force a refresh of Group Policy for either the user or the computer, use the new command line tool GPUpdate.exe. The RefrGp.exe tool used in Whistler Beta 1 is no longer available. Secedit.exe also cannot refresh all of Group Policy as it did in Windows 2000, but can still be used to refresh security policies. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Resultant Set of Policy

The following issues apply to Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP).

  • On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, due to a change in schema between Whistler Beta 1 and Whistler Beta 2, you might experience problems while remotely retrieving all the RSoP information from a computer running Whistler Beta 1 when using a computer running Whistler Beta 2 to view the data. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Resultant Set of Policy offers three views for applications, one of which is Removed Applications. If you click Removed Applications and then right-click Removed Applications, the Package Properties dialog box appears. On the Cause tab, text that lists reasons for the removal of an application (for example, Removed by user via Add or Remove Programs) appears. Some of these reasons might be disjointed or unclear. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Resultant Set of Policy in Planning Mode

Different Domains

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if you use Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) in planning mode to analyze a user in a domain different from the domain you are in, RSoP does not function correctly. To work around this issue, select a Whistler domain controller in the user's domain to perform the simulation. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Logon Server

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the Resultant Set of Policy Wizard uses your logon server by default to perform the RSoP planning mode simulation. In a mixed computing environment where both Windows 2000 and Whistler domain controllers exist, if your logon server is a Windows 2000 domain controller, the RSoP data is not generated and the simulations do not function correctly. To work around this issue, always ensure that you select a Whistler domain controller during the RSoP installation. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Roaming User Profiles with NetWare

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, users cannot gain access to roaming user profiles located on Novell NetWare, or other non-Server Message Block (SMB) shares. Users with profiles stored on non-SMB shares will see the following message when logging on:

"Windows cannot locate the server copy of your roaming profile and is attempting to log you on with your local profile. Changes to the profile will not be copied to the server when you logoff. Possible causes of this error include network problems or insufficient security rights. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator. DETAIL - The network path was not found."

If the user previously logged onto this computer, Whistler loads the user’s locally cached profile. Users who have never logged on are issued a temporary profile. To work around this issue, relocate the user's profile to an SMB based-share and update the users' profile path in their user object. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Setting System Access Control Lists on WMI Filters

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, you cannot change the system access control lists (SACLs) on WMI filters stored in Active Directory. The default SACLs on these objects allow only domain administrators to add or remove WMI filters from Active Directory.

Note   All authenticated users can only gain access to read WMI filters. Therefore, any user who has permission to create or modify a Group Policy object also has permission to link WMI filters to a Group Policy object.

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Software Distribution Using Group Policy

  • On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, in Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP), the user must open Add or Remove Programs at least once to ensure that the most up-to-date set of programs are displayed in the RSoP. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, some of the context-sensitive Help might be incorrect or missing. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the Contact and Phone boxes in ADE (Application Deployment Editor) cannot be edited at deployment time. As a result, these boxes are not filled in when an application appears in Add or Remove Programs. The Support URL box can be edited and appears in Add or Remove Programs on the client.
  • On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, or Whistler Advanced Server, when roaming between 32-bit computers and 64-bit computers, upon returning to a 64-bit computer after having visited a 32-bit computer, some of the 64-bit programs might be uninstalled.

Applies to users: administrators



Failover of Individual Sites in Internet Information Services 6.0

Failover of individual sites is not supported in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0. This might affect customers who deploy earlier versions of Windows NTâ  4.0. To upgrade to IIS 6.0, follow the Setup instructions. Windows Clustering support for the entire IIS 6.0 service will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)

Services for Macintosh

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server and Whistler Datacenter Server, Services for Macintosh (SFM) is not supported on a server cluster and might result in data loss. This is a result of the current implementation of Services for Macintosh, not the Cluster service.

For more information about Services for Macintosh, see article Q243839, "Services for Macintosh Not Supported in a Cluster Environment" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. To find this article, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base link on the Web Resources page at:

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Terminal Server

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, Terminal Server (also known as Terminal Services in application server mode) is no longer blocked on a server cluster. In Windows 2000, Terminal Server installation was blocked on a server cluster. Although Terminal Server can be deployed on a cluster (it can co-exist with Windows Clustering on a server), it does not fail over.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

Cluster Setup

Domain Name System Name Registration
and Replication

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, if you have multiple Domain Name System (DNS) servers, there might be delays in DNS Name Registration and Replication. This might cause Cluster Node Join to function incorrectly.

The following scenario is a known issue. Assume that you have DNS 1 and DNS 2 and both are domain controller integrated (and have latency in replicating changes). Node 1 forms a cluster and the cluster name is registered at DNS 1. Node 2 cannot join and verify the cluster name at DNS 2 unless DNS 1 replicated its changes to DNS 2. To work around thisissue, wait for replication to occur or manually perform the DNS replication.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Fully Qualified Domain Name

The Whistler Setup Wizard generates a message if a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is entered for the computer name for computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server. If an FQDN is entered as the computer name when either forming or joining a cluster, the Setup Wizard generates a message stating that the name does not comply with DNS specifications. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

IP Address

If the incorrect IP address is entered during cluster setup on computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, the cluster forms but the cluster IP resource is incorrectly labeled as "failed."

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Evicting a Node from a Cluster

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, if you change the Cluster service account used to start Cluster service, you might not be able to evict a node from the cluster. It might display the following message: "Not enough storage is available to complete the operation." The Cluster service account must be a domain-level account that is a member of the local Administrators group.

To reproduce this issue

  1. Stop Cluster service, and then change the properties of the log on account to use the Local System account.
  2. Cluster service starts and appears to function normally.
  3. At the command prompt, type
  4. cluster.exe node /force

  5. The message "Not enough storage is available to complete the operation" appears.
  6. Cluster Administrator displays the same message.
  7. Click OK to close the message.

For application programming interface (API) calls, the format of the account must be Domain/User. The message appears because the local account is in User format.

To work around this issue, change the account used to start Cluster service to a domain-level account with local Administrators rights. This issue will be addressed in a future release. For more information about recreating the Cluster service account, see article Q269229, "How to Manually Re-Create the Cluster Service Account" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. To find this article, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base link on the Web Resources page at:

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Fibre Channel Configurations

If you are running a cluster on Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server configured with QLogic QLA2200 Fibre Channel adapter with driver version– through a Fibre Channel fabric Switch, you might encounter one of the issues.

  • The message "error 170, unable to reserve PhysicalDiskx" appears, where x is the number of the physical drive, or
  • You lose connectivity to the disks, and then the cluster.log message "SCSI:Unable to attach to disk signature 0xsssssssss, error 2" might appear in the cluster.log file on the node.

To work around this issue, use the QLogic software to update the following QLogic BIOS settings to the following values on all cluster nodes:

  • Enable LIP Reset = No
  • Enable LIP Full Login = No
  • Enable Target Reset = Yes

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Forming or Joining a Cluster

Cluster Service Account in DNS Format

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, you might be unable to join a node to a cluster if the Cluster service account was specified in the following Domain Name System (DNS) format instead of the NetBIOS Domain/User format.

To reproduce this issue

  1. Install Cluster service on Node 1.
  2. On Node 1, change the Cluster service account by using Browse and specifying an account (For example,
  3. Type the password, and then start Cluster service on Node 1.
  4. To join the cluster with Node 1, install Cluster service on Node 2.
  5. The Setup Wizard prompts you for the Cluster service account on Node 1 in the form of:
  • user:
  • password: Enter your password
  • domain:
  1. When you attempt to type the password, a message appears stating that the domain is not valid.
  2. To work around this issue, change the Cluster service account from the DNS naming format to the NetBIOS naming format. This issue will be addressed in a future release. For more information about recreating a Cluster service account, see article Q269229, "How to Manually Re-Create the Cluster Service Account" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. To find this article, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base link on the Web Resources page at:

    Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

    Logging on Locally to the Cluster Server

    If you attempt to join a node to a cluster while you are logged on locally to a cluster server running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, you might receive an "Access Denied" message. This occurs even if you are logged on with a local account that has administrative rights.

    To join a node to a cluster

  3. Log on to the cluster server.
  4. Start Cluster Administrator and connect to an existing cluster.
  5. On the File menu, click New, and then click Node.
  6. Select the local computer.

The Cluster Administrator does not provide a prompt for credentials when you are trying to create a cluster with insufficient privileges, which results in this message appearing.

To work around this issue, log on to the local node with a domain-level account that is a member of the local Administrators group. Add the node to the cluster again. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Installation of Cluster Resources

DHCP/WINS Resources

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) cluster resource or Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) cluster resource might not start or install because DHCP or WINS:

  • Cannot start if the service has already started, or
  • Cannot be installed if an instance of the resource already exists.

Only one instance of a DHCP resource and WINS resource is allowed per cluster. If the cluster resource has already been installed or started, you cannot install or start another instance of the resource. To work around this issue, delete the DHCP or WINS resource, and then recreate the resource. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators


Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) no longer provide cluster dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) in Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Network Load Balancing

Adding a Host from a Network Load Balancing Cluster

If you add a host to the Network Load Balancing cluster using Network Load Balancing Manager, you will not be able to immediately remove the new host from the cluster. This happens because the icon for the new host is displayed in Network Load Balancing Manager before Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) has finished binding Network Load Balancing on the host and adding the cluster IP address to the host. To work around this issue, wait a few minutes before removing the host from the cluster. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Changing Cluster Parameters Using Network Load Balancing Manager

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the following three-step scenario results in an issue with Network Load Balancing.

Network Load Balancing Scenario

  1. A host in Network Load Balancing cluster goes offline and is manually removed from the cluster.
  2. The user changes a cluster parameter by using Network Load Balancing Manager.
  3. Network Load Balancing Manager propagates the change made by the user to a cluster parameter to all the hosts in the cluster.
  4. Network Load Balancing Manager does not update the host that was removed from the cluster. If the user manually adds this host back to the cluster, the host will have settings that are inconsistent with the rest of the cluster, potentially causing the cluster to exist in a converging state.

    To work around this issue, the user should turn off Network Load Balancing on this host when it is added back to the cluster and ensure that the cluster IP address is removed from this host. Then, the user should use Network Load Balancing Manager to add this host to the cluster so Network Load Balancing Manager can propagate the correct new settings to this newly added host. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Creating a New Cluster

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, Whistler Datacenter Server, when a new cluster is created using Network Load Balancing Manager, Network Load Balancing Manager does not check to see if this cluster already exists on the network. The responsibility of creating a new cluster that is unique rests with the user. If two clusters are created using the same Cluster IP address, this could result in IP address conflicts and router disruption. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Full Internet Name

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server, when Network Load Balancing Manager is used to connect to an existing pre-configured Network Load Balancing cluster, it assumes that the cluster has been correctly configured. This means that the entries in the Full Internet Name box in Network Load Balancing Manager on each host must be the same. However, if different Full Internet Names have been entered in the Network Load Balancing hosts, the cluster still converges and is functional. However, Network Load Balancing Manager displays the Full Internet Name that exists on the host to which it connected in order to get the cluster parameters. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Internet Group Membership Protocol

    On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, Whistler Datacenter Server, when Network Load Balancing Manager connects to an existing Network Load Balancing cluster that has Internet Group Membership Protocol (IGMP) support turned on, Network Load Balancing Manager does not show that IGMP is functioning. To work around this issue, you should manually turn on IGMP. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    IP Address Conflict

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, there is an issue with the IP address when you are using Network Load Balancing Manager.

    To reproduce this issue

  5. Use Network Load Balancing Manager to manage a Network Load Balancing cluster (Cluster A).
  6. Host H is a part of Cluster A and has Network Load Balancing bound to NIC #1.
  7. Create another Network Load Balancing cluster (Cluster B) by using Network Load Balancing Manager.
  8. Add Host H to Cluster B enabling Network Load Balancing on NIC #1 (the same NIC that was a part of Cluster A).
  9. This procedure is equivalent to moving Host H with NIC #1 from Cluster A to Cluster B. However, this might cause an IP address conflict.

    To work around this issue

  10. Remove Host H from Cluster A. This unbinds Network Load Balancing from NIC #1 and removes the virtual IP address for Cluster A from TCP/IP.
  11. Add Host H to Cluster B and choose NIC #1, which has the Network Load Balancing NIC. This turns on Network Load Balancing on NIC #1 and the VIP for Cluster A is added to TCP/IP on Host H.
  12. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Managing a Network Load Balancing Cluster

    On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if you simultaneously manage a Network Load Balancing cluster from separate computers running separate copies of Network Load Balancing Manager, this might result in inconsistencies in the cluster state. This can potentially hamper the Network Load Balancing functionality of that cluster.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Modifying Cluster Parameters

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, after a user has finished creating a Network Load Balancing cluster by using Network Load Balancing Manager, the user is not able to modify any cluster parameters by using Network Load Balancing Manager. The Cluster Parameters tab is unavailable. To work around this issue, make any changes to the cluster parameters by using the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. The user can still modify host specific properties on each host by using Network Load Balancing Manager. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Multicast Mode with IGMP

    On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, when Network Load Balancing Manager is used to add a new host to an existing Network Load Balancing cluster configured in multicast mode with IGMP turned on, the new host does not turn on IGMP automatically. To work around this issue, the user must turn on IGMP manually by using Network Load Balancing Manager or the Network Load Balancing user interface on the host. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Network Configuration User Interface

    On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if the Network Configuration user interface (used to configure TCP/IP) on a host is open, Network Load Balancing Manager cannot connect to that host remotely using Windows Management Instrumentation in order to configure Network Load Balancing on the host. To work around this issue, close the Network Configuration user interface. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Network Load Balancing Cluster Host

    Port Rules

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the following scenario causes an issue with port rules.

    Network Load Balancing Manager connects to one host in the cluster and incorrectly identifies that the remaining hosts in the cluster have the same set of port rules as that host. Network Load Balancing Manager incorrectly identifies that it is connecting to a correctly configured cluster and so displays the port rules of the host it is connected to as the port rules for the entire cluster. The user tries to use Network Load Balancing Manager to manage an existing incorrectly configured Network Load Balancing cluster having hosts with mismatched port rules.

    To work around this issue, users should ensure that when using Network Load Balancing Manager to connect to an existing operational Network Load Balancing cluster, the cluster is correctly configured. To determine this, run the Wlbs.exe query command at the command prompt.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Unicast Mode

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Network Load Balancing Manager should not be run on a Network Load Balancing cluster host when the cluster is configured in unicast mode and each host only has a single network interface card (NIC) in it. This is because in this mode there is no intra-host communication possible and so Network Load Balancing Manager will not be able to set Network Load Balancing parameters on hosts other than the one it is running on.

    To work around this issue, run Network Load Balancing Manager on a computer that is not a Network Load Balancing cluster host and remotely manage the cluster. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Network Load Balancing Installation

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Network Load Balancing is supported, but not installed by default. To work around this issue, install Network Load Balancing manually.

    Applies to scenarios: improving technology

    Refreshing Network Load Balancing Manager

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, there is no way to refresh the view in Network Load Balancing Manager. If a configuration parameter on a host is changed outside of Network Load Balancing Manager, Network Load Balancing Manager does not recognize this change. To work around this issue, the user must make this change in the Network Load Balancing Manager manually. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Removing a Host from a Network Load Balancing Cluster

    On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if the user removes a host from a Network Load Balancing cluster using Network Load Balancing Manager and then immediately adds the host back using Network Load Balancing Manager, then Network Load Balancing Manager might stop responding.

    To work around this issue, the user should allow a few minutes to pass before adding the host back. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Saving Cluster Settings

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Network Load Balancing Manager does not have an option to save cluster settings to a file. If the user closes Network Load Balancing Manager, all existing settings are lost. To work around this issue, restart Network Load Balancing Manager and reconnect to existing clusters to populate Network Load Balancing Manager with cluster information. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Single-Host Port Rules

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Network Load Balancing Manager cannot configure single-host port rules in a Network Load Balancing cluster. To work around this issue, configure the single-host port rules by using the Network Load Balancing user interface in the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Uninstalling and Reinstalling Network Load Balancing

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if the user uninstalls Network Load Balancing and then reinstalls it without restarting the computer, then even if the user configures Network Load Balancing, Network Load Balancing does not function correctly. To work around this issue, restart the computer while Network Load Balancing is still uninstalled. Turn on the computer, reinstall Network Load Balancing, and then configure it. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to scenarios: improving technology

    Virtual Private Network Servers

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, when virtual private network (VPN) servers using Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) are clustered using Network Load Balancing in multicast mode, sometimes client VPN calls are dropped. In this scenario, users should use unicast mode instead.

    Applies to scenarios: improving technology

    Windows NT Load Balancing Service

    When a computer running Windows NT Server 4.0 or Windows NT 4.0, Enterprise Edition with Windows NT Load Balancing Service (WLBS) installed is upgraded to Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, then Network Load Balancing (NLB) might appear as either bound but not configured or as not installed at all.

    To work around this issue, before upgrading a computer running Windows NT Server 4.0 with WLBS installed to Whistler, first remove the virtual IP address from TCP/IP, and then upgrade the computer to avoid an IP address conflict after the upgrade is done. Once the upgrade is completed, install NLB (if uninstalled) and re-configure it. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving technology

    WMI Provider for Windows Clustering

    Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Provider for Windows Clustering is not supported in Whistler Advanced Server Beta 2 or Whistler Datacenter Server Beta 2. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

    Applies to scenarios: improving technology

    Component Services

    COM+ Administration

    Administering Windows 2000 Computers

    On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, you cannot administer Windows 2000 COM+ from the Component Services administrative tool. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    COM Security

    To clarify the current documentation for the EOAC_MAKE_FULLSIC constant (which is described under the EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES enumeration), COM servers might specify this flag in a CoInitializeSecurity call to cause COM to send the fullsic form of the SChannel principal name to the client during security negotiation. The principal name is extracted from the server certificate. If the EOAC_MAKE_FULLSIC flag is not specified, COM sends the msstd form of the principal name. This issue applies to all versions of Whistler operating systems.

    Applies to users: administrators, developers

    COM+ Applications

    In releases prior to Windows 2000, the registry key

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Transaction Server\
    Local Computer\My Computer

    specified which Oracle client libraries should be used by COM+ to communicate with Oracle. On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, the registry key


    specifies which Oracle client libraries should be used by COM+ to communicate with Oracle. For more information, see the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site at:

    Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Component Services (Formerly Known as COM+) Partitions

    On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, the following issues apply to Component Services partitions.

    Administration in Whistler Personal and Whistler Professional

    You can create COM+ application partitions on computers running Whistler Server, but not on computers running Whistler Personal or Professional. However, you can remotely administer COM+ application partitions on a computer running Whistler Server from a computer running Whistler Personal or Professional.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Administration of Base Application Partition

    To administer programs in the base program partition, you must be a global administrator.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Administration of Program Roles

    An administrator of any partition can modify roles and role memberships of any program in any partition. The only exception is the role memberships on the system program.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Installation of Long Application Names

    You cannot install a COM+ application with a name longer than 12 characters into any COM+ application partition other than a base application partition. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Reader Access for All Partitions

    If users are given reader access to any partition, then they have reader access to all partitions. Also, an administrator of any partition has reader access to all partitions.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Microsoft Visual Basicâ Debugging

    The debugging of Visual Basic (VB) programs that are in a partition other than the base application partition is not supported at this time. To work around this issue, for VB program development, debug and test the program in the base application partition. After development is complete, move the program to another partition.

    Applies to: administrators, developers

    Exporting COM+ Applications

    When a COM+ application export fails, the following message appears:

    "Error occurred writing to the application file."

    This can occur if the same type library is registered with two different paths under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib key and the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\
    key. An example of this is short file name versus long file name or different capitalization in the paths. This should not affect components generated by Visual Basic. To work around this issue, either write the same path to both the type library and the class registration key by changing the component's self-registration code or manually modify one of the registry keys by using Regedit.exe before exporting the application.

    Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Enabling Message Queuing on a Domain Controller

    On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, Message Queuing Server running on a Whistler domain controller provides support for a Message Queuing dependent client.

    To set up a Message Queuing Server on a Whistler domain controller

  13. Stop Message Queuing services.
  14. To open the Component Services snap-in, click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Component Services.
  15. In the console tree, click Component Services.
  16. On the toolbar, click Configure Microsoft DTC.
  17. In the MSDTC dialog box, click Stop, and then click Security Configuration.
  18. In the Security Configuration dialog box, select the Network DTC Access check box, select the Network Transactions check box, and then click OK.
  19. In the MSDTC dialog box, click Start to restart MS DTC, and then click OK.
  20. Restart Message Queuing.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Enterprise Deployment

On computers running Whistler Professional and Whistler Advanced Server, Message Queuing has multiple forest limitations. For example, if a user in Forest A logs on to a computer in Forest B, the user is required to specify the Directory Services server to install Message Queuing. All queries for queues issued by this user do not work correctly.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

"Failed to Install Message Queuing" Message

If you are installing Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server on a computer, when Message Queuing is selected during Whistler setup, you might see this message when you select Message Queuing in the Configure Your Server Wizard for the second time. Message Queuing installation is not affected. This will be addressed in the next release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Internet Messaging

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, Message Queuing supports sending messages to queues on the Internet and an intranet by introducing the following URL-style format name:


Note the mandatory msmq component in the name. For Message Queuing to support Internet and intranet messaging using the URL-style of queue naming, the Message Queuing HTTP Support subcomponent must be installed and correctly configured.

This Message Queuing subcomponent installs Internet Information Services (IIS) and creates an IIS extension for Message Queuing, called MSMQ, during Setup. In this Beta 2 release, the SOAP_ENVELOPE and the COMPOUND_MESSAGE properties are not available for messages sent to local queues and the maximum size of a message sent using the new DIRECT=HTTP format name is limited to 2 MB. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Internetwork Packet Exchange Network Protocol

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, Message Queuing does not support the Internetwork Packet eXchange (IPX) network protocol.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Message Queuing Multicast

The following issues apply to computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server.

  • Message Queuing is designed to support message delivery to Internet Protocol (IP) multicast groups using the Pragmatic General Multicast IP multicast protocol. In this Beta 2 release, messages sent to multicast addresses while the sending computer is off-line are lost. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • When the multicast address for a public queue is sent from a computer other than the one hosting the queue, the queue might not start accepting the messages until after a sufficient delay for Active Directory replication (commonly about 15 minutes).

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Message Queuing on Server Clusters

On computers running Whistler Professional Beta 2 or Whistler Advanced Server Beta 2, the Message Queuing service is not supported on server clusters. This will be addressed in future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Message Queuing Support for Earlier Versions

On computers configured as a dependent client running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, Message Queuing does not support the new functionality in Whistler. Message Queuing functions with clients in MSMQ 1.0 and 2.0 domains where the Microsoft Message Queue Server is installed on a domain controller to provide directory service functionality. Message Queuing supports upgrades from previous versions of MSMQ independent clients, dependent clients, and routing servers.

Clients using earlier versions as well as a Beta 2 Message Queuing dependent-client can access Active Directory using the new Message Queuing directory service, called Downlevel Client Support. This service is only required for the mentioned functionality and can be safely stopped if not needed without affecting other Message Queuing functionality.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Migration of MSMQ 1.0 and 2.0

The migration of MSMQ 1.0 and 2.0 enterprise deployments to computers running Whistler Professional Beta 2 or Whistler Advanced Server Beta 2 is not supported. This will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Multiple Queue Format

The Message Queuing COM object model does not support multiple-element format name addressing through the MSMQQueueInfo.FormatName property. To utilize multiple-element format name addressing, use the new object MSMQDestination introduced in Whistler. To work around this issue, set MSMQDestination.FormatName to a multiple-element format name and pass the object to MSMQMessage.Send. You can optionally call MSMQDestination.Open before passing it to MSMQMessage.Send.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Queue Aliases

Message Queuing introduces a new Active Directory object called a queue alias (CN=MSMQ-Custom-Recipient) that has a single Message Queuing queue format name attribute (MSMQ-RecipientFormatName). This object can act as a reference to any Message Queuing queue. This is particularly useful in allowing private queues and URL-named queues to be elements of a Message Queuing distribution list object.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Sending Messages to Multiple Destinations

Message Queuing also supports sending messages to distribution lists (DL) hosted in Active Directory as objects in the group class. Usage and format are similar to that of Public Queues: DL=GUID.

Creating and managing a distribution group object in Active Directory is done by using the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) API or by using Active Directory Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins. Messages can also be sent to multiple destinations by constructing a quotation-mark-enclosed list of comma-delimited destinations in various formats, called a multiple-element format name, for the destination parameter when sending a message.

For example, a multiple-element format name containing a direct format name, a public format name, and a distribution list format name has the following form:


Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator

The following issues apply to Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC).

Applies to users: administrators

Client Access

On computers running Cluster services on Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, if MS DTC clients select the Use network name option in Cluster service for the client cluster resources, they might not be able to connect to MS DTC. To work around this issue, select the Network Client Access option.

Applies to users: administrators

Cluster Upgrades

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, MS DTC does not support rolling upgrades on the Cluster services clusters.

To work around this issue

  1. Stop MS DTC.
  2. Upgrade MS DTC on all nodes in the cluster.
  3. Restart MS DTC.

Applies to users: administrators

Component Services Administrative Tool

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, if you use an inactive node of a cluster, the Component Services administrative tool might not connect to the shared MS DTC instance. To work around this issue, select the Network Clients option in the MS DTC security configuration, and restart the node. This ensures that the system program is restarted.

Applies to users: administrators

Configuring MS DTC

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, administrators cannot access the MS DTC property sheet by clicking Properties on the specific computers in the Component Services administrative tool. To work around this issue, administrators can configure MS DTC by clicking Configure Microsoft DTC. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Domain Controllers

MS DTC does not support Microsoft Cluster Service clusters with a subset of member nodes that are domain controllers on computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server. Either all nodes in the cluster must be domain controllers or none of the nodes can be domain controllers.

Applies to users: administrators

MS DTC on Clusters

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, if you have a single-node cluster and the MS DTC log is on the local quorum disk, the MS DTC resource might not come online.

To work around this issue

  • Run the MS DTC service as LocalSystem.

Or, delete the log file in the winnt\System32\MsDTC\Msdtc.log folder.

Applies to users: administrators

Security Enhancements

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, by using MS DTC you can turn off certain features such as Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP), Extended Architecture (XA), Network Transactions, Network Administration, and Network Clients. This minimizes the security risks involved with running unused features that open network ports or load user DLLs. In addition, MS DTC was also modified from running under the LocalSystem account to running under the lower privileged Network Service account. This change lessens the potential for damage to the system if there is a security problem. By default, TIP, Network Administration and Network Clients are turned off on all installations. In addition, on domain controllers, XA and Network Transactions are also turned off. These features are important because the administrator needs to enable features before existing client software is supported.

Applies to users: administrators

Directory Services

Active Directory Domains and Trusts

  • On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, forest trust name routing status indicators are ambiguous. Instead of showing the status as Enabled or Disabled, the status is determined by the following: SID DNS Netbios Name Routing Disabled Disabled Enabled Disabled with exceptions Enabled Enabled Disabled Enabled with exceptions Disabled Enabled Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, verification of a trust between Whistler and Windows 2000 from Whistler yields a Secure Channel error. To work around this issue, you can choose one of two options.

To check the status of a trust

  • At the command prompt, type

nltest /sc_query:domain

Or, you can verify the trust from Windows 2000. Trusts from Window 2000 to Whistler verify correctly. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Active Directory Domains and Trusts Snap-in

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, to convert a one-way forest trust to a two-way forest trust, first delete the existing one-way trust and then create the new two-way trust. If you use the New Trust Wizard to convert a one-way forest trust to a two-way forest trust without deleting the existing trust first, it creates an external trust instead. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

Adding Whistler Domain Controllers to Windows 2000 Domains

In Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the default security descriptors of various objects are adjusted to strengthen Active Directory security. By default, domain controllers that are upgraded from Windows 2000 to Whistler do not receive these security enhancements, and the security descriptors of existing objects are not changed.

A script is supplied with Whistler to add these enhancements to existing domains and the forest. You MUST run this script if you wish to retain compatibility with services running on Windows 2000 or earlier systems. If you do not run this script, services on Windows 2000 or earlier systems that read data from the directory, such as Remote Access and Terminal Server, might fail to authenticate properly. This script must be run immediately after introducing the first Whistler domain controller into an existing Windows 2000 domain.

Note that a Whistler domain controller can be added to an existing forest by upgrading a Windows 2000 domain controller to Whistler or by promoting a Whistler server to the domain controller role. The script is located in the \support\tools\UpgradeACL folder. For details about the changes the script makes and directions for running the script, see the UpgradeACLReadme.txt file in the \support\tools\UpgradeACL folder. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Create Replica From Media

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, when using Create Replica From Media to promote a replica domain controller, you should restore a backup copy of the system state data of an existing domain controller.

A user can restore a System State backup to an alternate location by using Ntbackup.exe. An alternate location is a user-specified folder where the data will be restored with its original directory structure in place. These restored backup files must be present on a local drive of the computer that will be promoted using Create Replica From Media.

Due to an issue in Beta 2 with restoring large system state files, it is not possible to restore an Active Directory backup that is over 40 GB in size to a mapped drive on a remote computer. To work around this issue, copy the backup file to the computer to be promoted and restore it locally on that computer. If the backup is on tape, either restore it directly to the computer to be promoted or restore it to a different computer and copy it to the computer to be promoted. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Domain Controller Naming

A change in the domain controller computer name might cause failure to bind to any domain controller in the same domain. Change in the global catalog computer name might cause failure to bind to any domain controller in the same forest. The type of workaround that you choose depends on whether a domain controller exists in the same site where the renamed domain controller resides.

To work around this issue if a domain controller exists

  1. Set a lower priority in the service location (SRV) records registered by a renamed domain controller by using Registry Editor and setting the REG_DWORD value LdapSrvPriority under
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CCS/Services/Netlogon/Parameters

    to the value greater than that used by other domain controllers in the domain (or, if the renamed domain controller is a global catalog, then also greater than that used by other global catalogs in the forest). If the value is not specified on some domain controllers or global catalogs or both, then they register SRV records using the default value of Priority = 0.

  3. After Active Directory replicates the updated Service Principal Name value to other domain controllers in the domain and global catalogs in the forest, set the REG_DWORD value LdapSrvPriority under
  4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CCS/Services/Netlogon/Parameters

    to the previous value. If the previous value was not specified, then delete the value from the registry.

    Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

    To work around this issue if no domain controller exists

  5. To pause Netlogon on the renamed domain controller, at the command prompt, type
  6. net pause netlogon

  7. Ensure that the new Service Principal Name (SPN) value corresponding to the new computer name of the domain controller replicates to all the domain controllers in the same domain and all the global catalogs in the forest (Note: SPN values do not propagate immediately to the replica domain controllers and global catalogs because of the Active Directory replication latency).
  8. To resume Netlogon, at the command prompt, type
  9. net continue netlogon

    Caution   While Netlogon is paused, the domain controller is not discoverable by other devices as the domain controller for the domain. It also does not pass through the NTLM authentication requests directed to other domains.

    This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Domain Name System Server

    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, a Domain Name System (DNS) server configured with a stub zone fails to resolve iterative DNS queries for the names within this stub zone. In such a scenario, the server responds with SERVER_FAILURE. The DNS server usually receives an iterative query only from other DNS servers performing recursive resolution on behalf of its clients. A DNS server usually receives an iterative query for some name only if it is authoritative for the zone containing this name or if it is authoritative for the original and progeny of the authoritative zone. To work around this issue, do not create stub zones on the DNS servers authoritative for the original and progeny zones of the stub zone. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Interoperability Between Whistler Beta 1 and Beta 2 Domain Controllers

    If you add Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server Beta 2 domain controllers to a forest with Whistler Beta 1 domain controllers, this might result in the loss of data. Whistler Beta 2 domain controllers cannot coexist in the same forest as Whistler Beta 1 domain controllers.

    Note   Whistler Beta 2 domain controllers can be added to a forest by binary upgrading an existing Windows 2000 domain controller or by promoting a Whistler server to a new replica, new child domain, or new tree.

    To work around this issue, demote all Whistler Beta 1 domain controllers in a forest before introducing any Whistler Beta 2 domain controllers. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators



    Global Effects Support Filter

    On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, after installing a Global Effects Support filter, you must restart your computer to activate the filter. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: developers


    On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the OpenGL installable client driver (ICD) is not installed as a standard component. Some OpenGL-based programs can run correctly with the display drivers installed in Whistler. If you have an OpenGL-based program that does not run correctly and you need to get the correct OpenGL ICD for your computer, contact the video card manufacturer for the most up-to-date display drivers. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Internet Services


    On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, for faster completion of the task, you should turn off World Wide Web service (W3SVC) before adding thousands of sites by using the IIS snap-in. You can also use the metabase APIs (ABO) to create sites, but if you do, close the metabase keys frequently. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


    On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Iissync.exe does not function correctly in IIS 6.0. IIS support for Cluster services will be removed in a future release.

    On computers running Whistler Server, Windows Clustering and failover support of individual sites is not supported. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators


    On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, default Web site permissions change after a clean installation. The default permission for Web sites changes from Full for Everyone to Read. If a user's application is required to create files in the user directory, then permissions must be reset accordingly. To work around this issue, change the permissions on the directory to give the relevant user (IUSR_machinename or any impersonated users or both) the appropriate permissions. Check all Web sites that inherit security properties and isolate these Web sites for security reasons. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Internet Explorer

    On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, or Whistler Advanced Server, Internet Explorer is currently developing privacy features in version 6.0. If you experience problems while using a particular Web site or receive errors related to cookies, try adjusting your Internet Explorer Privacy settings to Low to ensure compatibility.

    To work around this issue

  10. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  11. On the Privacy tab, adjust the Privacy Preferences slider to Low.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft FrontPageâ Server Extensions

After installing FrontPage Server Extensions with IIS 6.0 on a computer running any version of Whistler, the FrontPage Server Extensions snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console does not function correctly. To work around this issue, configure the FrontPage Server Extensions by using the command line tool fpsrvadm.exe. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Network News Transfer Protocol

On computers running Whistler Server, Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) does not function when used with the default settings. To work around this issue, give the Everyone group write permissions for the Inetpub\Nntpfile directory. This problem will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators


On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, system resources become depleted when the World Wide Web service is started on systems with greater than 3800 sites.

To work around this issue, control system resources by setting the following registry parameter:


Setting this key overwrites the internally set default value. LogBufferSize is a REG_DWORD type, and the values are in bytes.

You can also increase paged pool memory for the kernel by using the following registry key:


Set PagedPoolSize to -1 (0xFFFFFFFF), which is the maximum possible paged pool for the kernel memory.

Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

URL Redirection

On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, when processing a URL that passes in an argument containing the plus character (+), IIS escapes the '+' character. As a result, character substitution occurs and redirection fails. To work around this issue, use redirect arguments singularly or use another character. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Localized/International Versions

German Language Version of Certification Authority

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, or Whistler Advanced Server, when using the German language version of certification authority and proxy Web pages, the user is requested to download and register the Xenroll.dll ActiveXâ control every time the user visits the Web page because the control is not correctly registered. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Microsoft Management Console

Administration Tools Pack

If you upgraded from Windows 2000 or an earlier beta version of Whistler to the Beta 2 release for Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server and installed Adminpak.msi, remove the Administration Tools Pack by using Optional Components in Add or Remove programs. You can obtain an updated version of Adminpak.msi from the current Whistler media (do not install earlier versions of Adminpak on Whistler). The Terminal Service Client has been removed from Adminpak. The Terminal Service Client is now installed by default with the operating system (On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to Communications, and click Remote Desktop Connection). Terminal Server Manager is still included with Adminpak. Additions to Adminpak in the Beta 2 release include Network Load Balance Manager and Certificate Manager.

Applies to users: administrators

Object Model: Scripting

On all versions of Whistler, there is a known issue in the Whistler Beta 2 release because the MMC 2.0 class ID is not set correctly in the registry. The registry key


does not have a subkey CLSID. It should have the same CLSID subkey as


Developers writing scripts using the MMC 2.0 object model receive a message when attempting to run a script that tries to create the COM object of type "MMC20.Application", and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) applications change the script reference from "MMC20.Application" to "MMC20.Application.1".

For example, the workaround for VBScript is:

Set objMMC = WScript.CreateObject("MMC20.Application.1")

If you have a Visual Basic application, use late-binding and refer to "MMC20.Application.1".

For example, the workaround for Visual Basic is:

Set objMMC = CreateObject("MMC20.Application.1")

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Network and Communications

Connection Manager

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, new Connection Manager client features include the following:

  • Users can select a VPN server to use when initiating a VPN connection.
  • An administrator can fill in the User Name and Password boxes for client use.
  • Client log files for a connection can be created, cleared, and viewed by a user.
  • Client use of terminal windows during connection is supported for all Windows platforms except Windows 2000.
  • The Connection Manager client features the ability to define, save, and apply Favorite location properties and dialing rules as defined by the user.
  • On a successful connection, the server can call back the client.
  • Server/client authentication includes a dialog box that allows a user to re-enter a rejected user name or a password or both.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Connection Manager Administration Kit

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, new Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK) features include the following:

  • The Connection Manager Administration Kit Wizard supports inclusion of a VPN server file to make available user choice of VPN server at connection time.
  • The dialog boxes for constructing service profiles have been improved.
  • The Connection Manager Administration Kit Wizard supports inclusion of automatic proxy configuration in a service profile.
  • The Connection Manager Administration Kit Wizard supports inclusion of routing table updates in a service profile (to enable split tunneling).
  • A dialog box for advanced customization allows and simplifies editing .cms and .cmp files before the service profile is built.

Known Issues

  • The Connection Manager client features listed above are not available for clients running Windows 2000.
  • Users logging on to a Windows operating system with a Connection Manager profile might encounter problems authenticating the connection. To work around this issue, users should retype their password information.
  • Users might experience a temporary delay when they open the Properties dialog box of a Connection Manager profile. To work around this issue, administrators should set the HideICSTab key to 1 in the .cms file of the profile.
  • Some Connection Manager profiles might not be fully compatible with Internet Connection Sharing or Internet Connection Firewall. Users might encounter unexpected results if they choose to designate a Connection Manager profile as a shared connection.

These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Internet Authentication Service

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Internet Authentication Service (IAS) features the ability to ignore dial-up properties of the user account. To support multiple types of connections where IAS is providing authentication and authorization, it might be necessary to turn off the processing of the dial-up properties of the user account to support scenarios where specific dial-up properties are not needed.

The dial-up properties of the user account contain the following:

  • Remote access permission
  • Caller ID
  • Callback options
  • Static IP address
  • Static routes

The caller ID, callback options, static IP address, and static routes properties are designed for a dial-up client dialing into a network access server (NAS).

These settings were not designed for wireless access points. A wireless access points that receives these settings in the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) message from the IAS server might be unable to process these settings and disconnect the wireless client. When IAS is providing authentication and authorization for users who are both dialing in and gaining access to the organization network using wireless devices, the dial-up properties must be configured to either support dial-up connections (by setting dial-up properties) or wireless connections (by not setting dial-up properties). In Whistler, you can turn on the processing of the dial-up properties of the user account for some scenarios (such as incoming) and turn off the processing of the dial-up properties of the user account for other scenarios (such as wireless and authenticating switch) by configuring the Ignore-User-Dialin-Properties attribute on the Advanced tab of the profile settings of a remote access policy.

To turn on the processing of the dial-up properties of the user account, set the Ignore-User-Dialin-Properties attribute at its default value, which is 0. For example, for the remote access policy that is designed for dial-up connections, no additional configuration is needed.

To turn off the processing of the dial-up properties of the user account, set the Ignore-User-Dialin-Properties attribute to the value of 1. For example, for the remote access policy that is designed for wireless or authenticating switch connections, set the value of the Ignore-User-Dialin-Properties attribute to 1.

When the dial-up properties of the user account are ignored, remote access permission is determined by the remote access permission setting of the remote access policy. These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

IP Security Monitor Utility

The Windows 2000 Internet Protocol security (IPSec) monitor utility Ipsecmon.exe does not function on any version of Whistler. The IP Security monitor MMC snap-in replaces Ipsecmon.exe. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

IPSec Using Encapsulating Security Payload

On all versions of Whistler, IPSec using Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) with encryption only (DES or 3DES) and without integrity (neither MD5 nor SHA1) is being deprecated. ESP with encryption SHOULD always be used with integrity to prevent network attacks on ESP packets. ESP with integrity only and no encryption is still supported. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators


The Windows 2000 tool Ipsecpol.exe does not function on any version of Whistler. Ipseccmd.exe replaces Ipsecpol.exe in Whistler. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

IP Telephony and TAPI

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, or Whistler Server, the following network and communications issues involve Internet Protocol (IP) telephony and Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI). These issues will be addressed in a future release.

  • IP telephony video streaming support and video streaming related features are not available on Itanium-based systems.
  • Internet Locator Service (ILS) is no longer shipped with the operating system. To work around this issue, use a TAPI Application Directory Partition within Active Directory to store Conference and Users objects. Whistler TAPI clients can still use servers to store these objects. For more information about TAPI Application Directory Partition, see Whistler Help and Support Services.
  • Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) might cause IP telephony sessions using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or H.323 to fail to interoperate with other systems. To work around this issue, you should turn off AEC by using one of following methods.

By using Phone Dialer

  1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to Communications, and then click Phone Dialer.
  2. On the Edit menu, click Options.
  3. On the Audio/Video tab, clear the Enable acoustic echo cancellation check box.

By using the Tuning Wizard

  1. Right-click Start, and then click Explore.
  2. In Microsoft Windows Explorer, click the Program Files folder, and then click the Windows NT folder.
  3. Double-click Rtcclnt.exe to open Phoenix.
  4. On the Tools menu, click Tuning Wizard. Follow the instructions that appear.
  5. Select the I am using a headset check box.
  • You cannot install Dialogic boards on computers running Whistler Beta 1 or Whistler Beta 2. To work around this issue, install Dialogic (DNA 3.x) boards on a computer running Windows 2000, and then upgrade to Whistler Beta 1 or Whistler Beta 2.
  • If the computer name is changed after publishing the Tapisrv.exe, which is a service process for telephony service providers, you will not be able to run Tapisrv.exe on this computer.
  • Whistler TAPI and real-time communications clients were tested and are known to work with the following video cameras:
  • Intel PC Camera Pack USB
  • Intel PC Camera Pro Pack USB
  • Intel Create and Share Camera Pack USB 2.0
  • Philips PCA645VC PC Camera VGA USB with Video Creator SW
  • Philips Vesta Pro SuperVGA USB PC Camera
  • Philips PCA646VC USB PC Camera
  • Intel Create and Share Camera Pack USB 1.0

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

IP Version 6 Networking Support

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) networking support is available in all versions of Whistler. To install the IPv6 protocol on Whistler Beta 2, at command prompt, type

ipv6.exe install

and restart the computer when prompted. For IPv6 software development, use the Platform SDK for Whistler Beta 2. For more information about IPv6 support, see Whistler Help and Support Services. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: developers, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Legacy Networking Components

Support for the following networking protocols has been removed from all versions of Whistler. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

  • NetBEUI - a non-routable protocol for file and print sharing.
  • DLC - a non-routable protocol for communicating to certain mainframes and older printers.

To work around this issue

  • NetBEUI functionality is superceded by the TCP/IP protocol, which is installed by default.
  • DLC protocol is included with Host Integration Server. For more information, see the Microsoft Host Integration Web site at:

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Network Configuration

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, turning on the group policies that prohibit Windows 2000 group policies for administrators results in undefined behavior. These policies do not work correctly and administrators still have all privileges with regards to the connections folder and other entities managed by the Network Configuration Group Policy engine. This affects all user policies for administrators when the policy called Enable Windows 2000 policies for administrators is turned on. Computer policies (ICF, Bridge and Shared Access UI) will still work correctly. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

Resource Kit


If you've installed Timestamp.sys from the Resource Kit (the client and server versions) and upgraded to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, your IP settings will be lost. To work around this issue, uninstall Timestamp.sys by running Tsinstl.exe from the Resource Kit and follow the instructions that appear. First select (2) uninstall, next select the interface (per network adapter). You will need to restart your computer before you perform an upgrade to Whistler.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Routing and Remote Access Service Client Features

Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server Beta 2 versions include new Routing and Remote Access service and virtual private network (VPN) client features, as detailed below:

  • Routing and Remote Access service messages include additional Help information.
  • Dial-up connections to the Internet created with the Make New Connection Wizard have NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) turned off by default, preventing probing of computer and user names.
  • All-user connections appear in the Network Connections folder for every user. For Whistler Professional computers not joined to a domain, and for all Whistler Personal computers, all new connections are created as all-user connections. For the Whistler Server family, and for Whistler Professional computers joined to a domain, an administrator can create a new outgoing connection for all users, or for individual use only; non-administrative users can create connections only for their individual use.
  • Global credentials: Users can make user name and password information available to all users of an all-user connection. Any user can then start this connection without needing to know the user name and password. If user name and password information is saved for all users, an outgoing connection remains active if different users log on and off.
  • An outgoing connection can be designated as the default Internet connection. This connection is dialed automatically if a program requests an Internet resource and no Internet connection is active.
  • Internet Connection Firewall integrates seamlessly with incoming VPN connections.
  • VPN connections authenticate and connect more quickly and robustly.
  • Pre-shared keys are supported for Internet Protocol security (IPSec)-based VPN connections.
  • The remote access client supports Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) for broadband connections.
  • On a successful connection, the remote access client caches user credentials so that they can be used to access resources on the remote network.
  • On a successful connection, the remote access client issues DHCP-inform requests to obtain the DNS domain name and subnet mask for the network to which it has connected and to obtain optional routing information for that network.

At the release of Whistler Beta 2, most third-party VPN clients are functioning incorrectly in all versions of Whistler. If you encounter a problem with one of these clients, please contact the application vendors to ensure they are aware of your issues and to see if they have an updated client. Whistler Server and many third-party VPN servers support Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)/IPSec and Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). If your third-party VPN client is not working correctly, to work around this issue, use the native Whistler VPN client for L2TP/IPSEC or PPTP connections. For more information on the native client, please see the online Help or your product documentation.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Routing and Remote Access Service Server Features

All Beta 2 versions of Whistler include new Routing and Remote Access service and virtual private network server features.

New RRAS and VPN server features:

  • Pre-shared keys are supported for IPSec-based VPN connections.
  • If Quality of Service (QoS) is enabled, a Routing and Remote Access service can be configured to prioritize multimedia packets over other network traffic for modem and ISDN connections.
  • The Routing and Remote Access service includes an NetBT gateway so that remote access clients can access intranet resources by name without requiring a WINS or DNS server on the intranet.

Known Routing Issue

  • The routing interface that sends packets in IP tunneled mode (IP-in-IP interface) is no longer supported.

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Services For Macintosh

  • On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Macintosh users cannot change permissions on folders or files on shared volumes. This includes creation of drop boxes. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Mac OS X running in native mode cannot view or browse Windows 2000 or Whistler file server shares or printers. Mac OS X uses only Service Location Protocol (SLP) for browsing resources, which is not supported by Windows 2000 or Whistler servers. Emulation of OS 9 on OS X does not have this problem. Macintosh OS X users can view and connect to shares if they enter the IP address in the network browser window. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Macintosh OS 9 and OS X clients cannot dial into the Whistler remote access server by selecting the Guest option. Users should use the logon information of a registered user. In the Username box, type


In the Password box, do not make any entries. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

  • A computer running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server does not include a Microsoft user authentication module (UAM) that runs on Mac OS X. Users should be able to run the current Whistler and Windows 2000 Microsoft UAM under OS 9 compatibility mode. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • If a computer running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server has the AppleTalk protocol installed and bound to a network interface and the Remote Access Service (RAS) is turned on, then this server advertises itself as an AppleTalk router. As a result, other AppleTalk clients send traffic to the server. The server does not route the AppleTalk packets. The result is loss of AppleTalk connectivity for the network. To work around this issue, turn off AppleTalk for that network interface. Edit the connection properties for the network interface and clear the check box that turns on the AppleTalk protocol. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Token Ring Adapter

On a computer running Whistler Personal, when sending a data packet on a token ring adapter, there might be a loss of functionality because the data packet could contain a variable length MAC header. This bug check will be in Generic Packet Classifier (GPC) caused by QoS Packet Scheduler or in the Packet Scheduler itself. To work around this issue, restart your computer and uninstall the QoS Packet Scheduler driver. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

To uninstall the QoS Packet Scheduler driver

  1. Click Start, point to Settings, click Networking connections, and then right-click Local area connection.
  2. Click Properties, and then click QoS Packet Scheduler.
  3. Click Uninstall.

Once these steps are completed, you can upgrade to Whistler.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Remote Installation Services

The following sections address issues for Remote Installation Services (RIS).

RIPrep.exe Tool

The following issues apply to using the RIPrep.exe tool with Remote Installation Services (RIS).

  • If you run RIPrep.exe on a computer running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server and let it run through mini-setup three times, when you run it a fourth time, RIPrep fails immediately before it gets to the copy file phase. No message appears to note this has happened. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • When you run RIPrep.exe on a computer running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, a message might appear stating, "Access denied – c:\documents and settings\foldername (where foldername is either networkservice or localsystem) could not be copied because access to the file was denied. The file will not be included in the new installation image." The RIPrep image will still be created and can be used for testing. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

RIS Server

Due to Active Directory changes, if you have any Whistler domain controllers within your Active Directory directory service, your RIS Server must also be upgraded to Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server. If all domain controllers within your domain are running Windows 2000, you can run either a Windows 2000 or Whistler RIS server. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs


The Remote Installation Setup description is incorrect. When you run RISetup.exe on Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server by using Windows 2000 Server media, the description will incorrectly identify the operating system as Windows 2000 Professional rather than Windows 2000 Server. All files will still be copied correctly. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs


Certificate Services

Automatic Enrollment for Version 2 Certificate Templates

Computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server configured to automatically enroll for version 2 certificate templates that require a signature on the certificate request will fail. No message is displayed. To work around this issue, do not require signatures on templates used for computer certificates. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Certificate Manager

On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, a Certificate Manager allowed to manage a group (issue and revoke certificates for that group) cannot manage a user within that group. To work around this issue, add the Certificate Manager user account to the Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group in the domain of the group being managed. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Certificate Templates

On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, version 2 templates cannot be used or issued by a Whistler certification authority until they have been initialized.

To work around this issue

  • Open Certificate Templates, and on at least one default template, right-click Properties, and then click OK.

Applies to users: administrators


On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, Certrqxt.asp currently does not display any certificate templates that are a CROSS_CA type. This is a new certificate type in addition to MACHINE and USER. Therefore, cross-certificates cannot be issued through the Web enrollment pages in Whistler Beta 2.

To work around this issue, cross-certificates can still be issued by using the command line tool Certreq.exe. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Netscape 4.76

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, a Netscape 4.76 client enrolling to a Microsoft Enterprise certification authority (CA) fails and the message "Request Status Code: 0x80094805 (-2146875387) -- The request is missing a required SMIME capabilities extension. Request Disposition: 0x1f (31) -- Denied Request Disposition Message: Denied by Policy Module" appears. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Web Enrollment

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, or Whistler Advanced Server, Web enrollment to a cross-certified root CA with the Enable user root store Group Policy object turned off causes the Web enrollment client to fail while downloading the root certificate. Although a message to the contrary does appear, the certificate was issued successfully and the message can be ignored. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Whistler Enterprise Certification Authority

A Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server Enterprise certification authority (CA) in a Windows 2000 domain issues certificates with a blank subject name or fails to issue certificates from version 2 templates. To work around this issue, upgrade the schema of the forest to a Whistler schema. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Configuring Web Proxy to a Stand-alone Certification Authority

On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, when you configure a Web proxy to a stand-alone certification authority and both computers are not in a Windows 2000 or Whistler domain, certificate requests do not function correctly. The message "Access Denied" also appears. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Forest Trust

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, domain tree depth is limited for logging onto a network between forests when using Kerberos V5 authentication. The server can be located in the first (root), second, or third level of the domain tree in the trusted forest. The client must be located in the first or second level of the domain tree in the trusting forest. If the client's domain is any lower in the tree, Kerberos V5 authentication to a server in a trusted forest fails. NTLM is not affected. Thus, deeper domain trees can be used with applications that request authentication protocol negotiation because they will roll back to NTLM.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Smart Card

On all versions of Whistler, to enable monitoring of Microsoft's internal smart card testing, code has been added to Winlogon to record smart card usage. When configured and able to connect to the appropriate database, the monitoring code writes information to a SQL server such as: successfully logging on with a smart card, failure while logging on with a smart card, error code on failure, computer name, smart card reader type, and smart card type. Monitoring is switched off by default. A key exists to switch on logging; it is switched off by default. Microsoft is investigating ways of making the schema available to enterprises planning on deploying smart cards. The value used to switch on monitoring is:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\

This value is of type REG_DWORD. The default value is 0 (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled).

Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Smart Card Certificates

On all versions of Whistler, certificate auto renewal fails for smart card certificates on Gemplus smart cards when the card has been used to log on to the session where renewal is initiated. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

Smart Card Enrollment

When enrolling users for logging on using a smart card by using the Smart Card Enrollment Station or the Certificates MMC snap-in on all versions of Whistler, you cannot use the smart card enrolled for logging on from a Windows 2000 computer. If you want to use the smart card to log on from a Windows 2000 computer, the enrollment should take place from a Windows 2000 computer. You can use the smart card enrolled in this way to log on from a Windows 2000 or Whistler computer.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

Smart Cards/Terminal Server

On all versions of Whistler, if a user connects to a Whistler Terminal Server which has redirection turned off or to a Windows 2000 Terminal Server, using a Whistler Terminal Server client running on a Windows 2000 or Whistler computer with a smart card reader attached and a smart card in the reader, the Terminal Server will show the Welcome to Windows dialog box (asking the user to enter the secure attention sequence) instead of the password dialog box. On a server running Whistler Terminal Server, this behavior is a result of smart card redirection on the Terminal Server being turned off by default. On a server running Windows 2000 Terminal Server, this behavior is as a result of smart card redirection not being supported. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

To work around this issue

  • Enable the feature if you intend to use smart cards,

Or, ensure that your users are aware that Terminal Server requires the user to press CTRL+ALT+END (instead of CTRL+ALT+DEL) to open the password dialog box.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

Smart Cards/Terminal Services

Terminal Services in Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server support smart card redirection, which is a new feature for users who have a smart card reader and a smart card suitable for logging on. By using this new feature, a person using the Whistler Terminal Server client running on Windows 2000 or Whistler can use the smart card to log on to a Whistler Terminal Server. This feature is turned off by default in Whistler Beta 2.

To turn it back on, you need to set the following registry value:

Windows NT\Terminal Services\fEnableSmartCard
(0 = disabled, 1 = enabled).

Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

Note   To implement this change, you must restart your computer.

There are certain scalability limitations for Whistler Beta 2 that were fixed after the feature was developed. These changes could cause problems in certain stress conditions. You should turn on this feature only on Terminal Server to test the usability of the smart card logon feature. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

User Names and Passwords

All versions of Whistler have a new feature that you can use to store user names and passwords for later reuse when connecting to specific servers or Web sites. The user is prompted to enter these credentials and has the choice of saving them for future use. When using Internet Explorer in Whistler Beta 2, if the user is prompted to enter credentials when accessing a Web site and the user does not select the Remember my password check box, Internet Explore saves the credential until the user logs off. To remove this credential, go to the key ring and delete the credential.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Windows Logon Issues

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, when you lock or log off a non-domain-joined computer that has a smart card reader installed, the dialog box with the text "Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to begin" appears over the Welcome screen. This occurs only on a non-domain joined computer configured to use the Friendly UI Welcome screen. To work around this issue, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and log on by using the Welcome screen as you normally would. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Server Management

Windows Management Instrumentation

AMD Duron Processors

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, some AMD Duron processors are reported incorrectly by the System Properties dialog box as Athlon processors. This information is being reported directly as a text string from the AMD processor and is not the result of a problem with the Whistler operating system.

To check whether this is occurring on your operating system

  • In Control Panel, open System, and then view the General tab.

Applies to users: OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Command Line

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the following are guidelines for using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) command line tool.

In interactive mode:

  • To start the application tool, at the command prompt, type


Or, in Windows Explorer, double-click Wmic.exe.

  • For help and support, at the WMIC wmic:root\cli> prompt, type

alias name /? or switch name /?

  • For list of the syntax and available aliases, at the WMIC wmic:root\cli> prompt, type


  • For options available for the Process alias, at the WMIC wmic:root\cli> prompt, type

process /?

  • For running a specific command, at the WMIC wmic:root\cli> prompt, type

alias name or switch name

In non-interactive mode:

  • For help, at the command prompt, type

wmic /?

  • For a brief list of processes running on the current computers (nodes), at the command prompt, type

wmic process list brief

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Deprecated Properties and Classes

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the following WMI properties and classes are marked as deprecated in this beta release. Several of them were also marked deprecated in Windows 2000. From time to time it is necessary for Microsoft to deprecate certain classes, properties, and methods because the information they provide is no longer available or relevant or has changed in some way. There are also cases where the data was supplied in an incorrect format originally (for example, the data type used should have been an array instead of a scalar value) and it is necessary to deprecate the existing property and create a new one. In these situations, the object in question is marked with a Deprecated qualifier, and its associated Description qualifier is updated to indicate the object is deprecated and, where applicable, what alternative object to use instead. When a particular object is deprecated, you should update your products accordingly to stop using these objects as soon as practical. Please see the Description qualifier for each of these objects or the Platform SDK documentation for further details. The following is a list of deprecated properties and classes in this Whistler version involving Win32â :

  • CIM_ProcessExecutable.ModuleInstance Win32_AllocatedResource
  • Win32_Battery.ExpectedBatteryLife Win32_Battery.BatteryRechargeTime
  • Win32_CDROMDrive.FileSystemFlags Win32_DisplayConfiguration
  • Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration
  • Win32_NetworkAdapter.Installed
  • Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.IPPortSecurityEnabled Win32_PageFile
  • Win32_Printer.PrinterState Win32_Printer.SpoolEnabled
  • Win32_PrinterConfiguration.BitsPerPel Win32_PrinterConfiguration.DisplayFlags
  • Win32_PrinterConfiguration.DisplayFrequency Win32_PrinterConfiguration.LogPixels
  • Win32_PrinterConfiguration.PelsHeight Win32_PrinterConfiguration.PelsWidth
  • Win32_PrinterConfiguration.XResolution Win32_PrinterConfiguration.Yresolution
  • Win32_Product.InstallDate Win32_ProgramGroup Win32_SCSIController.DeviceMap
  • Win32_SystemLogicalMemoryConfiguration Win32_VideoConfiguration

These issues will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: developers, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Namespaces Security

If you upgrade your computer from Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Special Edition, or Windows Millennium Edition to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional and apply special user security to the WMI namespaces, the namespaces are removed and replaced with system defaults. To work around this issue, add the WMI namespaces by adding the WMI Control snap-in to MMC. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Notification Query Against Decoupled Event Providers

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, when an application running at the identity level of impersonation creates a subscription using IWbemServices::ExecNotificationQuery/Async for events generated by a decoupled provider, the first notification query does not function correctly. The message "Access denied" appears unless a permanent subscription for the same event is already registered. The second notification query succeeds and functions correctly.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

Provider Hosting and Security

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the following issues pertain to provider hosting and provider security.

For provider hosting, in Windows 2000 and Whistler Beta 1, all providers are loaded in-process to Windows Management service, which runs under the LocalSystem account. In Whistler Beta 2, the providers load into a provider subsystem. In general, hosting providers out-of-process guarantees that a faulting provider affects only the providers in the same host and hosting providers out-of-process cannot end the critical Windows Management process. The provider host's lifecycle is fully controlled by Windows Management. The latter automatically restarts the host if it exits for any reason. This effort increases WMI robustness and reliability for applications that rely on the key services that WMI provides.

For provider security, providers should use the NetworkService security account. This account is intended for services that have no need for extensive privileges, but have the need to remotely communicate with other systems. Using this account eliminates the potential risk that a corrupted or compromised provider could remove the entire computer (or domain, in the case of a domain controller). It also ensures that no privileged information is revealed to a user in case the provider does not correctly impersonate the client's context.

To enable this security, make the following changes in the provider registration managed object format (MOF)

  • If your provider is defined as INPROC_SERVER set __Win32Provider::HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost," or
  • If your provider is defined as LOCAL_SERVER set __Win32Provider::HostingModel = "SelfHost," or
  • If the data source requires more privileged identity than NetworkService, set __Win32Provider::HostingModel = "LocalSystemHost"

Event providers do not perform operations on behalf of individual subscribers; instead, event providers listen for occurrences or changes in event provider data sources and then start events. This means that event providers access their event sources while not impersonating anyone (they rely on the internal event system to perform the appropriate access checks before firing events).

Given these security requirements in Whistler, if you load any instance, class, or method provider into LocalSystemHost (by default or by explicitly setting the hosting mode) the subsystem generates a warning entry in the NTEventLog indicating that this might pose a security risk in the enterprise.

These issues will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Remote Client Security

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, WMI has tightened security for remote client connection to WMI as part of improving the security and performance for Whistler.

For example, in Whistler, WMI runs Svchost.exe, which requires higher security access to connect to WMI (RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PACKET). Specific remote access scenarios where programs are affected are as follows:

  • Computers running Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 or Whistler Beta 1 cannot remotely connect to a computer running Whistler Beta 2. A workaround is provided in both Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 and Whistler Beta 2 that allows clients to remotely connect to a computer running Whistler Beta 2. For more information about using CoSetProxyBlanket () correctly, see the following section.
  • If a program specifically overrides the distributed component object model (DCOM) and sets the authentication level to CONNECT (by using CoSetProxyBlanket), the program cannot remotely connect to WMI on a computer running Whistler Beta 2 (because this overrides DCOM security negotiation). You should avoid using proxy security in the program. To work around this issue, use CoInitializeSecurity() instead.

If the program is required to use CoSetProxyBlanket(), the following changes must be considered

  • Programs deployed on Windows 2000 and Whistler can use RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT instead of CONNECT.
  • Programs deployed on a broad range of operating systems (for example, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Whistler operating systems) that require remote access to Whistler can use CoQueryProxyBlanket(). Return DCOM security settings and use these parameters to set the security on the proxy using CoSetProxyBlanket().

These issues will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Reporting Intel Itanium Processor Speed

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) property Win32_Processor.CurrentClockSpeed (and therefore user interface components that make use of it such as the Computer System Properties dialog box) reports incorrect values on Intel Itanium processors. This issue is caused by a problem in a kernel API where the information is being retrieved. This issue will be addressed in the future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Time Provider

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the system clock class is defined as:

<class Win32_CurrentTime { uint32 Year; uint32 Month; uint32 Day; uint32 DayOfWeek; uint32 WeekInMonth; uint32 Quarter; uint32 Hour; uint32 Minute; uint32 Second; [key] sint32 UTCOffset; };>

Currently, we can form queries for a specific point in time in the future. The basic form of a query is:

<select * from __InstanceModificationEvent>


TargetInstance = class "Win32_CurrentTime"

TargetInstance.Year = 1999

TargetInstance.Month = 10

TargetInstance.Day = 4

TargetInstance.Hour = 11

TargetInstance.Minute = 0

TargetInstance.Second = 0

This query specifies a single point in time, irrespective of the time at which it is to be evaluated, at which an event should be generated. If the time specified is in the past at the time it is evaluated, then no event occurs. Queries are coded assuming universal time (UTC). All times returned in the __InstanceModificationEvent object represent the current system time in UTC at the time the event was generated.

The fundamental unit of time recognized by the time provider is seconds. This means, for example, if a query omits the seconds field, then when all supplied parameters (year, month, day, and so on) match the current time, an event will be generated every second that the current time matches the query. The same is true for minutes, hours, and so on. The field UTCOffset is not recognized for event queries. The event queries must be defined in Greenwich mean time (GMT). For instance queries, it represents the time zone offset from UTC time with UTC time itself in time zone UTCOffset = 0. For instance queries there exists one Win32_CurrentTime object for each time zone -12 far west to far east +13. Thus, a total of 26 instances exist. When queried, each instance represents current system time adjusted for that time zone.

The following issues will be addressed in a future release.

  • The class type for Win32_CurrentTime and the classes derived off of Win32_CurrentTime
  • The class type for Win32_UTCTime and Win32_LocalTime

In order to be valid, a query must have each of the following properties:

  • A query must be specific enough to define the complete set of all times for which an event is to be generated.
  • Each time the expression is evaluated, it must be possible to specify unambiguously the closest point after the current time when the next event will occur. For example, if (<WQL expression>, <current time>) then <next event time>.
  • The frequency of events must not be such that it overwhelms the system under a normal load.

These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs


On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the WMI method Win32_Process.Create() might not function correctly due to a problem in the COM layer. This issue will be addressed in the next release.

Applies to users: developers

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

WMI Filters

When upgrading your domain controller from Windows 2000 to Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the first Windows Management Instrumentation Filter user interface is started. Attempts to save the WMI filter do not function correctly unless the user currently logged onto the computer has domain administrator privileges. The reason for this loss of functionality is that the Active Directory container required to store this WMI filter has not been created automatically during the upgrade.

To work around this issue, contact your local domain administrator to save the first WMI filter, which creates the container. This issue will not be encountered on a clean installation of Whistler.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Removable Storage

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the following storage issues apply to Removable Storage. These issues will be addressed in a future release.

  • Removable Storage can mount the wrong tape in some Sony TSL libraries. If tapes in the library are exchanged (moving a tape in slot 1 to slot 2 and moving a different tape from slot 2 to slot 1), Removable Storage might not recognize this action and then complete the mount requests for these tapes without verifying the tape identities.
  • Desktop systems only support the desktop class devices such as some Quarter-Inch Cartridge (QIC) and Travan devices, 4-mm tapes, 8-mm tapes, and 120-mm discs.
  • Some discs in a CD/DVD changer might play automatically while Removable Storage reads and identifies contents of the changer.
  • After you restart your computer, libraries that were unavailable are labeled as "not present" instead. To work around this issue, delete the library in Removable Storage, uninstall the changer and its drives in the device manager, and then restart the computer.
  • The time of the last cleaning for some tape drives is not listed correctly.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Comments Link

On computers running any version of Whistler, if a message appears and is confusing, too complex, or unreadable, please report your comments to the Windows Beta Web site at:

You should report your comments immediately to ensure your comments are received in a timely manner.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Exception Reporting Client

On all versions of Whistler, error reporting does not receive notification when a system stops responding until Savedump.exe completes. If an administrator logs in before Savedump.exe completes, the administrator does not receive the option to report the error to Microsoft. To workaround this issue, log off from the administrator account and log in as an administrator again after Savedump.exe has completed. Use Windows Task Manager to determine when Savedump.exe has completed. This issue will be addressed in the next release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Remote Assistance

The following Remote Assistance issues apply to Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server.

Assistance on Itanium-based Computers

For the Whistler Beta 2 release, users must have Microsoft Outlookâ Express installed on Itanium-based computers in order to use Remote Assistance. MSNâ Instant Messenger-based Remote Assistance is not supported. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Breaking Control: ESC key

When the expert controls the computer requesting assistance, the user can press ESC at any time to stop the expert control due to privacy or security reason. Because of strong security, any key combination which includes the ESC key sequence stops the expert control. This includes keys such as ALT+INS, which the system translates to CTRL+ESC. However, the expert can prompt to re-establish control immediately.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Connection Failure Due to Changed IP Address

When a request for Remote Assistance is sent, it contains the IP address of the computer making the request. This allows the expert's computer to connect back to the caller. If the IP address of the requesting computer is changed (such as by logging out and logging back in a dial-up account or by DHCP), then the expert's computer cannot make a connection since it only has the old IP address. This is mainly an issue when an e-mail for assistance is sent and the computer changes its IP address before the expert responds. If possible, the computer requesting assistance should try to keep the same IP address (for example, by not restarting) until the connection is made. If an IP address change is unavoidable, then simply cancel and resend the assistance request. You can do this easily by selecting the View Invitation Status link. Select the request that you'd like to resend, and then click the Resend button. This will send the expert a refreshed request with the new IP address.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Connection Failures Due to Firewalls and NAT

If the computer requesting or providing Remote Assistance is behind a firewall or network address translation (NAT) (not directly on the Internet), there might be issues with establishing connections. However, if the helper or expert and the person requesting assistance are in the same local network, then direct connections are supported.

Opening the RDP Port

For security reasons, firewalls might not allow inbound or outbound connections for Terminal Services (Remote Desktop Protocol on Port 3389). To work through a firewall, the network administrator can choose to open Port 3389 and allow Remote Assistance and Terminal Services over their firewall.

Using VPN to Assist

Alternately, the administrator can give the helper or expert outside the firewall a VPN logon account to gain access to the intranet. This is the recommended solution for managed intranets where some support services are outsourced to engineers who are outside the network. Once the engineer logs in on the VPN account, the engineer become part of the managed network and can directly provide Remote Assistance to computers on the intranet. VPN has the added advantage of providing more security, policy based privileges and auditing support.

Whistler Internet Connection Sharing

For the Whistler Beta 2 release, Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) works transparently for Remote Assistance. If your ICS server (host) computer uses Whistler or Windows Millennium Edition, then all operations should succeed without further configuration. If the ICS host computer uses other operating systems, or if a broadband connection is used that has more than one network connection, then any computer behind such a system can offer Remote Assistance, but cannot receive it.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Display Optimization for Slow (Dial-up) Connections

Remote Assistance connections need to transfer large amounts of screen information. LAN and DSL are ideal for fast screen transfer. For slower connections, such as dial-up modems, to improve the Remote Assistance experience, the following optimizations are strongly recommended on the computer of the person being assisted:

  • Switch the Wallpaper off during assistance (required in dial-up; recommended for broadband).
  • If connection is still slow, switch the display temporarily to use 256 colors (recommended for dial-up).
  • If using 256 colors you can also switch the theme from "Whistler" to "Windows Classic."
  • Finally, using a smaller display resolution (800x600) will also improve performance (optional).

Remote Assistance will automatically try to optimize your display settings during the session. The wallpaper will be turned off and 256 colors will be used for fastest performance. Settings will be restored once the session is disconnected.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Issues with Multiple IP Addresses

For computers requesting assistance that have multiple IP addresses, the helper's computer tries to call back to each reported IP until one succeeds or all fail.

For example, if you use a dial-up connection to connect to the Internet and then use VPN to connect to your computer, your computer has two IP addresses—one from the ISP and one on the LAN. When you request assistance, your request will carry both IP addresses (ISP address and LAN address).

If your helper or expert is on the LAN that you currently connected to by VPN, the helper can connect to your computer through the LAN. However, your helper might not receive a response from your computer because your Internet IP address (ISP provided) is temporarily inaccessible to all connections while you are on the LAN and using the VPN. If you disconnect from the VPN, your Internet address starts to respond to connections and the helper outside the LAN can connect to you.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Offering Remote Assistance

In order to offer Remote Assistance, the expert should have administrator privileges on the user's computer. Remote Assistance can be offered to users with computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advance Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server. For information about how experts can offer Remote Assistance from a Whistler Professional computer, see Whistler Help and Support Services.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Remote Assistance: Multiple Sessions

If you need assistance, you can request Remote Assistance from multiple people. Any or all of them can help you, but you can connect to only one person at a time. Simultaneous connections from multiple helpers to a single user session are not supported.

If you are providing assistance, please help one person at a time. Supporting multiple people from the same session is not supported.

However, if several different users are using multiple Terminal Services sessions on one computer, then each user can be helped by a different expert simultaneously.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Using Other E-Mail Clients to Request Assistance

To use Remote Assistance through e-mail, you need a client that supports the Simple Messaging Application Programming Interface (SMAPI). Outlook, Outlook Express, and many other popular e-mail programs are supported. However, if your default e-mail client does not support simple MAPI, Remote Assistance attempts to use Outlook Express and MSN Hotmailâ to send your invitation. To use other e-mail clients such as AOL first, save the invitation ticket to a local folder and then send it as an attachment in your preferred e-mail.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Terminal Services


On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the Active desktop wallpaper policy has been removed. This policy is normally present in Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Terminal Services. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if a Terminal Services connection is configured for an idle timeout at the server, a session might be disconnected during printing. The print traffic is not detected as active, so if the session is left idle while printing occurs, and if the server's idle session timeout is passed, the session will be disconnected and the print job lost. To work around this issue, in the Terminal Services Configuration program in the RDP connection properties, turn off the idle disconnect timeout feature.

Applies to scenarios: improving technology, improving user experience

Remote Desktop

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, over a slow link (for example, a 56 Kbps dial-up connection), Remote Desktop performance is slower than normal with the default Remote Desktop settings.

One possible workaround for this issue is to turn off the wallpaper on the Remote Desktop server computer. However, the user might wish to turn on the wallpaper while using the computer and turn off the wallpaper while working remotely over a slow link.

A better workaround for this issue is to change the color depth for the Remote Desktop connection to 256 colors by using the Terminal Services Client. This automatically turns off the wallpaper as well as causes the shell to change to the Windows Classic desktop theme for the duration of the remote connection. When the user logs back in directly to the console, the theme returns to the Whistler default theme.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, you cannot control the operating system volume level using a Terminal Services session. The sound can be turned off completely, but the volume level control does not function. Applications with their own volume level control are not affected (For example, Sonique, WinAmp, Windows Mediaä  Player, and so on). This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving technology, improving user experience

Terminal Services Client

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, use the Terminal Services client to connect to a server. In the Display Properties dialog box, on the Desktop tab, the following elements are not available:

  • Background list
  • Browse button
  • Position box

The element name associated with these elements is also unavailable. This is done by design because removing the wallpaper and background improves network performance. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Web Client Expiration Date

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the Web Client expiration date is January 15, 2002. The client does not function after the expiration date. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology, improving user experience

Windows Update

Automatic Updates

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, or Whistler Advanced Server, if you turned off Automatic Updates by using System in Control Panel, you need to restart your computer before attempting to turn Automatic Updates back on. If you turned on Automatic Updates without first restarting your computer, Automatic Updates does not function correctly.

To correct this problem

  1. Turn off Automatic Updates.
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Turn on Automatic Updates.
  4. If you continue to have problems, you can turn logging on by creating the following DWORD registry key:

    WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\DebugType=1

    Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

    Please treat specification noncompliance issues as bugs and report them to the Windows Beta Web site at:

    This issue will be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to users: administrators

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Issues for 32-Bit Editions of Whistler Only


    Upgrade from Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition with Office XP and Speech Installed

    On computers running Windows Windows 98 or Millennium Edition with Office XP and Speech installed, upgrading to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional will result in no speech functionality in Office XP. No message appears to inform you of this loss of functionality.

    To work around for this issue

  5. Open Control Panel.
  6. If you are in Classic view, open Speech. If you are in Category view, open Sound, Speech, and Audio Devices, and then open Speech.
  7. Under Recognition Profiles, click New, and then create a new profile.

Speech functionality in Office XP returns. However, all profile and training data accumulated on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition is lost. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Adaptec CD Recording Program

There is a known issue between the Whistler CD recording program and the Adaptec DirectCD recording program. If you run both programs on a computer running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, one of the programs might not function correctly.

To work around this issue

  • You can uninstall the Adaptec DirectCD recording program or turn off the program by using its property sheets. The Whistler CD recording program might then start functioning correctly.

Or, open the Properties dialog box, click the Recording tab, and then turn off the Whistler CD recording program. The Adaptec DirectCD recording program might then start functioning correctly as a result.

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user technology

Adobe FrameViewer 5.5

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, you cannot install Adobe Postscript printer drivers. A message box titled "setup.exe - Entry Point Not Found" appears and the following message is displayed "The procedure entry point SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_32 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." There is no known workaround at this time. This issue will not be addressed in future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 and 6.0

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, or Whistler Advanced Server, users might experience problems using Adobe Photoshop 5.5 if the computer has an Intel Pentium 3 microprocessor. While using Photoshop 5.5 or 6.0, the system stops responding.

The electrical problem on the affected motherboards is triggered by computer operations that use the pathway (called a bus) between the processor and the random access memory (RAM) for an extended number of microseconds. The operating system or other programs can cause this problem; however, it often appears when using Photoshop because few other programs move memory as rapidly as Photoshop does.

Some Photoshop extensions optimize the way Photoshop moves data. Although removing or disabling these extensions can reduce the problem in some computers, this workaround is temporary because it slows the processing speed of Photoshop.

This issue occurs with Dell Optiplex GX1 computers and ASUS P2B-F and P3B-F motherboards and might also occur with other motherboards.

Note   If your computer is manufactured by Dell Computer Corporation, the computer might return the error, "Alert: Regulator Error."

There are three possible workarounds for this issue:

Workaround 1

  • Contact the motherboard or computer manufacturer for assistance resolving this issue, which occurs because of an electrical problem on some motherboards.

Workaround 2

  1. Quit Photoshop.
  2. In Windows Explorer, move the Extensions folder from Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 5.5\Plug-Ins\Adobe Photoshop Only to a location outside of the Adobe folder (for example, move it to the desktop).

    Restart Photoshop.

    Note   Perform this procedure if the computer has only one processor. Moving the Extensions folder turns off the extensions in the folder that optimize data movement by Photoshop. After you move the extensions, Photoshop 5.5 performance slows noticeably.

    Workaround 3

  3. Quit Photoshop.

By using My Computer, move the MMXCore.8bx and FastCore.8bx files from the Program Files\Photoshop 5.5\Plug-Ins\Adobe Photoshop Only\Extensions folder to a location outside of the Adobe folder (for example, move them to the desktop).

Restart Photoshop.

Note   Perform this procedure if the computer has multiple processors. The MMXCore and FastCore plug-ins optimize data movement by Photoshop. After you move the extensions, Photoshop 5.5 performance slows noticeably.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Antivirus Programs

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, or Whistler Advanced Server, only antivirus programs written for the specific operating system run correctly. Antivirus drivers not written to run on the specific Whistler operating system might cause problems. Other issues might include a lack of real-time scanning for viruses or system vulnerability to virus attack. These problems range in severity from recoverable errors to loss of some or all of the data, to the computer becoming unusable. There is no workaround for this. This issue will not be addressed in future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, during BMC PATROL 3.4 setup, a dialog box might appear with the text, "Error: Cannot access this Domain or Workgroup." To work around this issue, click OK and continue the setup. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Calypso Mail

Calypso Mail versions 3.1 and 3.10.03 will not run correctly on Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional. Any attempt to configure a mailbox during or after installation of Calypso will result in loss of functionality. Without the ability to configure the mailbox, the application loses its primary functionality. There is no known workaround at this time. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Citrix MetaFrame 1.8

Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 is not supported on Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server. This issue will not be addressed in a future release. For support information, see the Citrix Web site at:

Web addresses can change, so you might not be able to connect to the Web site or sites mentioned here.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Configuresoft ECM 3.1.1

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, when using the Automatic Discovery feature of ECM 3.1.1, users might encounter a message. This message can be ignored because it does not affect the functionality of the program. This issue is addressed with ECM 3.6.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Delphi 1.0

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the following issue applies to Delphi 1.0

  • On the Help menu, when you click Interactive Tutors, the following message appears:

"X Interactive Tutors are not available on systems running Windows NT."

After you click OK, the following messages appear:

"Application Error"

"Exception EUnhandledException in module TOOLHELP.DLL at 0001:0e2f."

"TOOLHELP.DLL caused a General protection fault at 0001:0e2f."

"Shutdown of Delphi is recommended."

The program closes. Restart the program. These messages will not appear again. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

  • After an upgrade from Windows 98 Special Edition to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, Delphi 1.0 does not start. To work around this issue, reinstall Delphi 1.0. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

DHTML Menu Builder 2

After you migrate to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the application does not function correctly. If you use the start menu shortcut, Windows Installer starts. If you start the program by running DMBuilder2.exe, an error message appears. To work around this issue, reinstall the application after the OS upgrade. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

ESS Audio Rack

After migrating to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the ESS Audio Rack program does not function. Running the program in the Windows 98 Compatibility Layer provides some functionality, but also creates graphical issues. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

FaxLink 1.4

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, near the end of the installation of FaxLink 1.4, when the program starts to install a print driver, the following messages appear:


"Unable to copy files from c:\Program Files\VisionLab\FaxLink\Fmfaxdrv.nt4 to"

"C:\WINNT\System32\Spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\Fmfaxdrv.dll due to system error 2."

These messages are followed by seven identical errors involving different file names, and then the following message appears:


"Setup failed - Unable to add monitor due to system error 126."

To work around this issue, use version 1.6a or later. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

FileNET Web Server 3.0

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Panagon FileNET Web Server 3.0 software does not create an Open key for files in the registry. You cannot open files by using IDMView.exe. To work around this issue, install FileNET Web Server 3.1. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Great Plains

Users might experience problems while installing Great Plains Enterprise or Dynamics 6.0 with the /3GB switch present on computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server. To work around this issue, remove the /3GB switch during the installation of the program. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Hewlett Packard OmniBack II

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Hewlett Packard (HP) OmniBack II 3.1 users might experience loss of functionality when using the product in a non-domain environment. To work around this issue, users should upgrade to OmniBack II 3.5. This upgrade is free to OmniBack II 3.1 customers. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Hewlett Packard OpenView ManageX

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, HP OpenView ManageX 4.23 quits unexpectedly when users use the Performance Monitor feature and turn on the NTMemory Health option. To work around this issue, do not turn on the NTMemory Health option in the ManageX Performance Monitor. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

HostExplorer 6.2

The following issues apply to HostExplorer 6.2:

  • After you upgrade from Windows 98 Second Edition to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the Inetd configuration file cannot be saved. If you start Inetd Configuration by double-clicking the icon in the notification area, and then clicking Save or Reload, the following messages appear:

"INETD Error"

"Error opening configuration file"

To work around this issue, reinstall the program after the upgrade and ensure that only one Inetd.ini file created for Whistler Professional is on your system. It should be in the C:\Winsys32\Hummbird folder. When saved with the Control Panel extension tool supplied by the vendor during Setup and started from the notification area, the HostExplorer functions properly. You should delete any other copies of this file.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

IBM ThinkPad Battery Maximizer Gauge

After upgrading a IBM ThinkPad to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the Battery Maximizer Gauge might impede performance of the Start menu and taskbar. This is currently under investigation and can be temporarily resolved by removing the following registry entry:

Run\BMMGAG REG_SZ RunDll32 c:\ progra~1\ThinkPad\

Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, after remotely installing the Inoculan beta release, users might experience difficulty when trying to modify Real-Time Monitor. To work around this issue, install the program locally. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Kernel-Mode Drivers

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, there is a new Group Policy setting called Disallow installation of printers using Kernel Mode drivers. This setting prevents the installation of printers using kernel-mode drivers and is located in the details pane under Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Printers. By default, the state of this Group Policy setting is Not configured. This prevents the installation of programs such as Lotus Millennium 9.5 Net-it Now Printer.

To work around this issue

  • Right-click the Disallow installation of printers using Kernel Mode drivers setting, select the Disabled check box, and then click OK.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Legato Octopus 4.0

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Legato Octopus 4.0 cannot browse the network using the Get List option. There is currently no workaround for this. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Logitech MouseWare v9

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, when starting Logitech MouseWare v9, another mouse driver program is started instead. Some applications, which provide additional mouse functionality, might be replaced with the standard Whistler mouse program. This does not remove mouse functionality, but some add-on components of the original mouse program might not be available in Whistler. This issue is under investigation. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Lotus R5 Enterprise Server 5.0.3

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, if you install Lotus R5 Enterprise Server 5.0.3 using Autorun, the Lotus Applications shortcut is not placed on the Start menu. This issue does not affect the functionality of the program. To work around this issue, run Setup.exe directly from the Servers\W32Intel folder located on the Lotus R5 Enterprise Server CD. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Lotus SmartSuite 9.5

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, when you attempt to create an Adobe Acrobat document in Lotus SmartSuite 9.5, an access violation might occur. To work around this issue, you must install Adobe Acrobat and not just Adobe Acrobat Reader. This issue will not be addressed in a future release

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft Excel

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, or Whistler Advanced Server, when an Excel table is copied into an Outlook message, the table formatting might be lost. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

MSN Explorer

  • On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, when MSN Explorer is installed, opening an HTML file does not automatically start the Web browser. When MSN Explorer has been previously started on a computer, an HTML file cannot be opened unless the browser is currently open. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, if MSN Explorer is running but no MSN Explorer windows are open, you might not be able to view a published Web site from within FrontPage or open a local HTML file by double-clicking it. To work around this issue, start Internet Explorer before attempting to view a published Web site or open a local HTML file.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

OmniPage 10

Before you migrate to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, OmniPage 10 should be uninstalled or the program might not function correctly after the migration. After Whistler is installed, reinstalled OmniPage 10.

If the program is not functioning correctly, perform the following workaround.

To work around this issue

  1. Open Control Panel. Under Other Control Panel Options, double-click Caere Scan Manager 5.0.
  2. Right-click the installed scanner, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Change TWAIN Driver tab.
  4. Select the WIA driver if one is available, otherwise select the TWAIN driver for your installed scanner (This driver might need to be reinstalled.), and then click Set as Default TWAIN Driver.
  5. On the TWAIN Scanner Settings tab, ensure that Yes. Show TWAIN settings before Scan is selected.

This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Online Games

Since the online games are running on a beta server to a restricted audience, you might experience delays in finding an opponent. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

PeopleSoft 7.56

When installing PeopleSoft 7.56 on Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server in a dual-boot scenario with any version of Windows 2000, the operating systems must be installed to different partitions. If not, PeopleSoft 7.56 does not create a program group or icons on the Start menu. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the following issues apply to SAP R/3 4.0b, 4.5b, and 4.6b.

  • While installing SAP R/3 4.0b on computers running Whistler Advanced Server by using a network file share as the CD file source location, the final export CD is not copied during Setup. To work around this issue, copy the CD to your hard disk before beginning the installation.
  • If you use MMC to stop SAP services, six minutes elapse before SAPMMC detects that the Msg_server.exe process stopped.
  • When you perform a clean installation or upgrade to Whistler, the SAPOSCOL (SAP OS Collector) causes an access violation when trying to stop the service in MMC. To work around this issue, in the SAP directory, use the command line tool Saposcol to stop the service. To find help on Saposcol, at the command prompt, type

Saposcol -?

These issues will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Server Applications

Application Center 2000

Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server do not support Application Center 2000. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Exchange Server 5.5

Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server do not support Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 4 and earlier versions. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Exchange 2000

Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server do not support any version of Exchange 2000. This issue will be addressed in a future release. For more information about Exchange 2000, see the Microsoft Exchange Server Web site at:

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

ISA Server 2000

Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server do not support Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft BizTalkä Server 2000

Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server do not support BizTalk Server 2000. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Proxy Server 2.0

Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server do not support Proxy Server 2.0. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Site Server 3.0

Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server do not support Site Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 and earlier versions. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

SNA Server 4.0

SNA Server 4.0 is not supported on Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

System Management Server 2.0

Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, and Whistler Datacenter Server do not support Systems Management Server 2.0 Service Pack 2 and earlier versions. This issue will be addressed in a future release. For more information about Systems Management Server 2.0, see the Microsoft System Management Server Web site at:

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, SigmaPlot version 5.01 and version 5.05 displays the following message any time you plot a graph:

"-------------------------- Graphics Page Library --------------------------- Handle type doesn't match function's expectations sp~pagwf.dll D:\spw5src\pagew\Gps_doc.cpp(188) 8e000002 --------------------------- OK ---------------------------"

After this message, the program closes and any data previously entered is lost. To work around this issue, use SigmaPlot 2000 (v6.1). This issue will not be addressed in future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Sony Programs

After migrating to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional on a Sony Vaio, the majority of Sony's proprietary programs might not function. This includes, but is not limited to, DVGate, Smart Capture, MovieShaker, JogDial, BatteryScope, PowerPanel, and Media Bar. This issue is presently under investigation.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Veritas Backup Exec

Veritas Backup Exec versions 8.0 and 8.5 lose control of storage devices after you upgrade your computer to Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

To work around this issue

  1. By using the Device Wizard in the application console, remove all Veritas drivers for tape devices, and restart the computer.
  2. After you log back on to the computer, stop the Remote Storage service for Services.msc.
  3. Re-install the Veritas backup device drivers claiming the device for Backup Exec and restart the computer again. This gives Backup Exec control of the device again.
  4. Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Veritas Backup Exec 8.5

    Browsing the Network For Access to a Remote Computer

    Users of Computer Associates Backup Exec 8.5 might experience problems when trying to browse the network for access to a remote computer on Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server.

    To work around this issue

  5. Select the Manually enter the domain check box and type
  6. domain name

  7. Select the Manually enter the additional systems check box and type


This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Open File Option

Do not install the Open File Option of Veritas Backup Exec 8.5 on Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server. Installation of this option might cause a loss of functionality on your computer. For more information about support on the Open File Option, see the Veritas Web site at

Note   Web addresses can change, so you might be unable to connect to the Web site or sites mentioned here.

This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Visioâ  5.0

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, Visio 5.0 users share a common document directory. To work around this issue, after installing the program, run the Visio5.cmd script located in the systemroot\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install folder to provide each user with a unique document directory.

Note   Any Visio settings changed for one user apply to all Visio users.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

WinFax Pro 10

After migration from Windows 98 Special Edition to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional with WinFax Pro 10 installed, the following two errors are displayed during startup:

Error WinFax Monitor install failed. Error code -> 126

Error The WinFax printer add failed. Error code -> 1801PrinterName=WinFax (Photo Quality).

To work around this issue, reinstall the application after upgrading the operating system. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Wonderware FactorySuite 2000 7.1

On computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Wonderware FactorySuite 2000 7.1 might generate a message when users are browsing the network by using the FactorySuite License Utility. This message can be ignored since it does not affect the functionality of the application. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Application Compatibility - Programs and Scripts

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, all programs with an application compatibility script that was automatically installed by the operating system through Add or Remove Programs run the install script after restarting. If the program was installed through the command line or any other way besides Add or Remove Programs, the application compatibility script must be run manually after restarting. This issue will not be addressed in a future.

Lotus SmartSuite 9.5 (Millennium Edition)

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, multiple user support for Lotus SmartSuite 9.5 is not available. To work around this issue, run the Ssuite95.cmd script located in the systemroot\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install folder. This changes the default registry permissions necessary for non-administrator users so that they can run SmartSuite 9.5 (Millennium Edition). In addition, it adds the SS95usr.cmd script to UsrLogn2.cmd.

If you installed Lotus SmartSuite 9.5 on a computer running Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition and then upgraded to the Whistler Advanced Server Beta 2 release with Terminal Server, you should uninstall and reinstall Lotus SmartSuite 9.5. Then, to enable multiple user support for Lotus SmartSuite 9.5, run the Ssuite95.cmd script located in the systemroot\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install folder.

Note   The application compatibility scripts in the Whistler Beta 2 release do not require a SmartSuite node install for each user.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Lotus SmartSuite 9.0 ScreenCam

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, Lotus SmartSuite 9.0 ScreenCam must be turned off during installation or the installation does not successfully complete. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft Office 97 and Office 97 Programs

Office 97 has various program compatibility issues with Whistler Advanced Server. They include:

  • Files that need permissions that are different from the defaults.
  • Files that need to be moved to the user's home directory.
  • Removal of the Find Fast option.

To correct these compatibility issues, after installing Office 97, run the Office97.cmd installation script located in the systemroot\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install folder.

The installation script also adds the Ofc97usr.cmd script located in the systemroot\Application Compatibility Scripts\Logon folder to UsrLogn2.cmd. This script ensures that the needed per-user directories and files have been configured.

The following issues will not be addressed by a future release. For specific Office 97 program compatibility issues, see the following sections.

Adding Users to Access 97 Workgroups

To add users to an Access workgroup on the Tools menu by using the Security command, in the workgroup information file, you must first change the permissions to Write. The default workgroup information file is System.mdw and is located in the systemroot\System32 folder. Once users have been added, you should change permissions back to Read.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Creating Access 97 Workgroups

To create a new Access workgroup by using the Wrkgadm.exe file and to make Access 97 available to all the users within the workgroup, you need to change the security permissions for the groups Administrator and Everyone. To do this, in the new workgroup information file, change the security permissions to Read. Only administrators can create workgroup information files.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Custom Dictionaries

The only per-user custom dictionary is the Custom.dic file created in the \Office97 subdirectory in the user's home directory. The list of custom dictionaries is not private for each user, and so other users can view any new custom dictionary that might be created by the user.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Data Map Dictionary

The data map dictionary in Office 97 (Geodict.dct) is common to all users. If one user deletes a map, other users no longer can gain access to that map.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Excel 97 Tools and Wizards

Some Excel wizards and tools do not support users using the Template Wizard.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft Access 97 Spelling Options

Only administrators can modify the spelling options in Access 97 because the spelling options in Access 97 are common to all Access users.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft Access 97 Tools and Wizards Workgroups

Some Access 97 wizards and tools do not support concurrent use, including Combo Box Wizard, Database Documenter Wizard, Field Builder, List Box Wizard, Lookup Wizard, Option Group Wizard, Switchboard Manager, Table Analyzer Wizard, and Table Wizard. In addition, the preferences for the wizards are common to all users. Database Documenter is not supported by servers using the NTFS file system and running in Secure mode. To use the Documenter database, users must have permission to modify the System.mdw file. To use Database Documenter, users must be granted Write permission in System.mdw located in the systemroot\System32 folder. In order for non-administrative users to be able to run the Access wizards (or Access Add-Ins in Excel) locate the following lines in the Office97.cmd file and delete Rem:

Rem If Exist "%O97INST%\Office\WZLIB80.MDE" cacls "%O97INST%\Office\WZLIB80.MDE" /E /P "Authenticated Users":C >NUL: 2>&1

Rem If Exist "%O97INST%\Office\WZMAIN80.MDE" cacls "%O97INST%\Office\WZMAIN80.MDE" /E /P "Authenticated Users":C >NUL: 2>&1

Rem If Exist "%O97INST%\Office\WZTOOL80.MDE" cacls "%O97INST%\Office\WZTOOL80.MDE" /E /P "Authenticated Users":C >NUL: 2>&1

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft PowerPointâ  97 Conference Presentations

Only one person on a server can use the Presentation Conference command on the Tools menu. It is not possible for several people on a server to conference among themselves.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft Word 97 Tools and Wizards

Some Word wizards and tools do not support concurrent use, including Clipart Preview.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Outlook 97 Auto Signature

The Outlook 97 wizard uses the same profile for all users. A unique profile can be specified for each user using Mail and Fax. To do this, in Control Panel, double-click Mail and Fax.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Outlook 97 Tools and Wizards

Some Outlook wizards and tools do not support concurrent use, including the Template Wizard.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Tools and Wizards

Users should avoid enabling the Menu Animation component in Office 97. Enabling this component can severely affect system performance.

All of these Office 97 and Office 97 programs issues are applicable for the following users and scenarios.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Visual Basic Editor Controls

Users without administrative rights cannot use or create additional controls in the toolbox. Only users with Write permission for the systemroot\System32 folder are able to perform this task.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Office 2000 and Office 2000 Programs

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server, Office 2000 cannot be installed using Terminal Services. To work around this issue, prior to installing Office 2000, you must install the Terminal Server Tools transform file from the Office Resource Kit. Then, install Office 2000 using that transform file.

To install Office 2000 by using Terminal Services using the command line

  1. Install the Office Resource Kit.
  2. At the command line, type
  3. change user /install

  4. Install the Terminal Server Tools from the Office Resource Kit.
  5. To install the desired Office components with the transform file, at the command line, type
  6. Office 2000 path\Setup TRANSFORMS="Office Resource Kit path\TermSrvr.mst"

    where TermSrvr.mst is the transform file.

  7. If you manually switched to install mode, switch back to execute mode after the installation. To do this, at the command line, type

change user /execute

For clarification, note the following example. Install the Office Resource Kit to its default location on the C drive. Then, insert the Office 2000 CD into the D drive. At the command line, type

D:\Setup.exe TRANSFORMS="C:\Program Files\
ORKTools\ToolBox\Tools\Terminal Server Tools\TermSrvr.MST"

Certain features of Office 2000 are purposely turned off during this transform installation.

  • Only the still agent is available. Users cannot select a different agent.
  • Since only an administrator can install Office 2000, Demand install and Detect and repair components are not supported under Terminal Services.

A specific compatibility issue that applies to Office 2000 programs is that the Help System Information function does not function correctly when running in Terminal Server mode. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Change and Configuration

User State Migration Tool

If you are migrating to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the following issues involve the User State Migration Tool (USMT).

  • User passwords are not migrated.
  • If Always dial my default connection is selected, a message prompting you to dial the Internet appears. To work around this issue, do not dial the Internet. Continue through the migration.

To check if Always dial my default connection is selected

  1. On the source computer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  2. On the Connections tab, if you select Always dial my default connection, you are prompted to dial the Internet while migrating to Whistler.

These issues will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Microsoft Office 2000

If you are migrating to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, Office 2000 most recently used (MRU) lists might not be valid after migration. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Microsoft Word

The custom dictionary does not migrate and merge correctly. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators


If you are migrating to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, in Outlook:

  • On the Tools menu, in Options, on the Preferences tab, some settings do not migrate correctly.
  • Message rules do not migrate.

These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Outlook Express

If you are migrating to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, in Outlook Express:

  • Migrating multiple times to Outlook Express can cause incorrect merging.
  • Message rules do not migrate
  • When applying the settings and files to your new Whistler system, you might be prompted to log off when the Setup Wizard finishes. This might cause an End Now dialog box to appear. To work around this issue, click Cancel, and the Setup Wizard continues.
  • Files with extended (and foreign) characters in the name, might not migrate correctly.

These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

File Systems

Volume Management

Data partitions on basic disks that are converted to dynamic simple data volumes might be extended. On Windows 2000, the conversion retains all of the original partitions on the disk. On Whistler, the original partitions are converted to a single container partition. All data simple volumes can be extended.

Data partitions on dynamic disks can no longer be installation targets. You can install Whistler onto existing dynamic system or boot volumes or to any primary partition or extended partition on a basic disk.

Whistler includes a new diskpart command line for volume management. Anything that can be done with the Disk Management snap-in can be done with diskpart. However, commands that are not available to Whistler Personal and Professional are not blocked in diskpart. Running commands to create and break mirrors or RAID volumes on a Whistler Personal or Professional installation can cause system instability. Additionally, commands relating to dynamic disks might cause system instability on Personal.

Drive letters are assigned incrementally starting from C for all drive letters with the exception of network mapped drives, which start from Z and get assigned in reverse order (Z, Y, and so on). This is to help keep the namespace separate on computers, especially in Terminal Server environments.

These issues will not be addressed in future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology


Digital Media and Imaging

Kodak 4800 Zoom Digital Camera

On computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the Kodak 4800 Zoom Digital Camera with Firmware version 1.0 will not be automatically recognized as a supported device until the firmware in the camera has been upgraded to 1.04 or later.

To work around this issue

  1. Download the 1.04 firmware upgrade from the Kodak Web site at:

    Note   Web addresses can change, so you might be unable to connect to the Web site or sites mentioned here.

  3. Install the firmware upgrade to the camera according to Kodak's instructions.
  4. Re-connect the camera to your computer.
  5. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Scanners and Cameras

    Microtek V600 Parallel Scanner

    Microtek V600 Parallel Scanner does not work correctly if you upgrade your computer to Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server.

    To work around this issue

  6. Uninstall the device and the associated software before upgrading to Whistler.
  7. Install Whistler.
  8. Re-install the device and the associated software after the Whistler installation is complete

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker requires the following minimum system configuration:

  • Processor: Intel Pentium II 300 megahertz (MHz) or equivalent processor
  • Memory: 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM
  • Free hard disk space: 2 gigabytes (GB) (recommended)
  • Audio capture device
  • Video capture device (required to record video)
  • Internet connection
  • E-mail software (required for sending a movie to a Web server or attaching a movie to an e-mail message)

The following devices have been preliminarily tested with Windows Movie Maker on computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional:

Web cameras

  • Alaris QuickVideo DVC1 USB (using the driver version from Alaris)
  • Intel PC Camera Pro CS430 (using the drivers that are included with the product).
  • Intel PC Camera CS330 (using the drivers that are included with the product).
  • Kodak DVC325 (using the latest Windows 2000 drivers from the Kodak Web site).
  • Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000 (using full release driver version 5.3 for Windows 2000).
  • Logitech QuickCam Express (using full release driver version 5.3 for Windows 2000).
  • Philips PCVC690 (using the drivers that are included with Whistler).

Analog video capture cards

  • ATI All-In-Wonder (using the drivers that are included with the product).

IEEE 1394 digital video (DV) capture cards

  • ADS Pyro Digital Video 1394
  • OrangeMicro OrangeLink FireWire

USB Microphone

  • Telex M-560 Super-directional USB Digital Microphone

If you change the video line input in the Change Device dialog box, ATI All-In-Wonder analog video capture cards might not run correctly in Windows Movie Maker.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Acer TravelMate

Audio is not supported on some Acer TravelMate notebooks running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional. There is no workaround for this.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Alps Touchpad Drivers

Alps touchpad drivers do not work on Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server after an upgrade or a clean install. To work around this issue, uninstall the drivers before setup and use the generic class drivers to get functionality. Beta drivers are available through Alps. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Application Compatibility

All applications that have an application compatibility script, which was installed with the operating system, will require that the application compatibility script be run manually after restart.

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the following audio hardware issues involve application compatibility.

  • On computers installed with an Aureal sound device, the game Microsoft Close Combat: Bridge Too Far does not function correctly. A message appears after playing the game for a few seconds stating that an unspecified error occurred in the DirectSoundâ API.
  • The program Cubase VST/32 5.0 r1 does not start after upgrading from Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition to Whistler. To work around this issue, uninstall Cubase VST/32 5.0 r1 before upgrading to Whistler, and then reinstall the program.
  • The game Riven: The Sequel to Myst plays does not synchronize the sound with the introductory video and game. This is a known issue with the Diamond Monster Sound MX-300 (Aureal 8830) sound device.
  • The program SoundDiver cannot communicate with external Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) devices over a universal serial bus (USB). System Exclusive requests and transmissions do not function correctly.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Creative Labs Live!Ware

If you installed Creative Labs Live!Ware 3.0 for Windows 2000 on computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the main volume slider does not function correctly. The hardware MIDI synthesizer does not play and the driver does not correctly display the volume controls for additional channels. If you choose the four-speaker setup, the operating system stops responding.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Dell Laptops

On Dell laptops with Allegro/M3 designs running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the audio does not function correctly when the laptop is docked. The mute buttons and volume buttons do not function correctly. The volume control does not work when playing audio from the docking station's audio output. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Loss of Audio When Returning from Hibernation or Standby

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the following audio hardware issues involve the loss of audio when returning from certain power modes.

  • This problem is a known issue for ESS Technology Solo-1 audio devices. If you play a looping audio sample and return from hibernation or standby, all audio functionality is lost. To work around this issue, put the computer in standby and resume again.
  • ALI sound hardware and the Ensoniq AudioPCI card (ES1371) loses audio functionality when returning from hibernation.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft SideWinderâ Force Feedback Joystick

On computers running Whistler Personal Beta 2 or Whistler Professional Beta 2, the following sound devices do not function correctly when used with the SideWinder Force Feedback joystick:

  • Creative Sound Blaster Live.
  • ESS Technology Solo-1.
  • Turtle Beach Santa Cruz.

The joystick is functional except for the force feedback level.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft Visual Studioâ  6.0 Enterprise Edition

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, Visual Studio 6.0 sets up several default document settings that are specific to the user who installed the program. To give each user unique default directories, after completing the Visual Studio 6.0 installation, run the Msvs6.cmd script located in the systemroot\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install folder. Note the following issues:

  • In Visual Basic 6.0, all users share a common default project directory.
  • In Microsoft Visual FoxProâ , users cannot use the ActiveX catalog tools. Multiple users cannot use the Forms Wizard, Database Wizard, Label Wizard, Multimedia/Sound Player, or Setup Wizard simultaneously in Visual FoxPro. If one user creates a default macro set in Visual FoxPro, it applies to all users on the server.
  • In Microsoft Visual C++â  6.0, quick macros do not support multiple users. Only one user at a time can record a quick macro and only the user that created the quick macro can run it. The default file name and directory for macro files (\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Msdev98\Macros\MyMacros.dsm) is common for all users. To run Visual C++ 6.0 tools from a command prompt, users must run Vcvars32.bat located in the \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\ folder.

These issues will be addressed in a following release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Netscape Communicator 4.7x

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, in Netscape Communicator 4.7x, the User Profile Manager can now create different user profiles for each user. When a user initially opens Netscape Communicator, the user is prompted to create his or her own profile or to copy an existing user profile. However, any user on the system can gain access to the user profiles.

After installing Netscape Communicator, run the Netcom40.cmd script located in the systemroot\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install folder. This sets up the root drive to point to the user profile directory for each user. For example, after the user runs Netcom40.cmd, the user profile drive (W:) is mapped to the C:\Documents and Settings\user name directory. Netcom40.cmd adds the Com40usr.cmd script located in the systemroot\Application Compatibility Scripts\Logon folder to UsrLogn2.cmd. This logon script sets the permissions on the user's Netscape Communicator profile directory so only that user can gain access to his or her profile directory.

The following issues still remain:

  • The Netscape default user profile directory is always set to the Netscape program user directory (for example, \Program Files\Netscape\Users\Default). Each user should select a unique name (such as their user name) for the Netscape profile directory. If they select a name that already exists, Netscape Communicator displays a warning message. The user can still, however, select that directory. The user that originally created that directory is unable to run Netscape Communicator, and has to use the Netscape User Profile Manager to create a new profile to run Netscape Communicator. After Netscape Communicator is initially run, the permissions for each user's Netscape profile directory are set the next time the user logs on to the computer. The user must log off after initially running Netscape Communicator.
  • The AOL Instant Messenger program that installs with Netscape Communicator 4.7x does not support multiple simultaneous users.
  • If you installed Netscape Communicator 4.7x on a computer running Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition and then upgraded to Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server with Terminal Services, Netscape Communicator might not function correctly. To work around this issue, you should uninstall and reinstall Netscape Communicator, and then run the Netcom40.cmd script.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Toshiba Tecra Laptops Audio Playback

On Toshiba Tecra 8100 laptops running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, when running the laptop on battery power, the audio playback is uneven. To work around this issue, use the AC power cable as the power source for the computer.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

USB Speakers

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the following audio hardware issues involve universal serial bus (USB) speakers.

  • In Hasbro Interactive's Monopoly: Star Wars game, the audio introduction loops.
  • In 3DO's Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 Version 1.25, the game does not have clean sound output.
  • In Sierra Studios' Homeworld game, the audio introduction does not have clean sound output. Sound interruption and audio looping effects occur during the videos and game play. When running the tutorial, the narrator skips at random intervals. To work around this issue, play the audio through a sound card.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Volume Settings

After you upgrade your computer from Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, your previous volume settings are not saved. The device volume is set to High.

To work around this issue

  1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Sounds and Audio Devices.
  3. On the Volume tab, adjust the volume to your preferred level, and then click OK.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Creative WebCam

When you upgrade your computer from Windows 2000 to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional with a Creative WebCam Go or WebCam Go Plus attached, leave the camera unplugged from the computer during Setup.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Digi PCI Multiport Serial Adapters

When you install Digifep.sys-based Digi PCI multiport serial adapters on computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, a Code 10 error message is reported and the device cannot start. The adapter is listed in the Multiport Serial class of Device Manager, but does not function correctly.

To work around this issue, double-click on the adapters in Device Manager. On the Ports Configuration tab, click OK. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Gateway computers running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server that use 1 GHz AMD Athlon processors with BIOS 0AAVWB02 might display a Stop error or might not display all the accelerated graphics port (AGP) textures. To work around this issue, you must upgrade to BIOS 0AAVWB05 or a later version. This issue will be addressed in a future release. For more information on this BIOS, see the Gateway Web site at:

Note   Web addresses can change, so you might be unable to connect to the Web site mentioned here.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

DVD Decoders and DVD Player Applications

Upgrading from a computer running Windows 95 or Windows 98 to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional might cause your DVD player application to function incorrectly. This is due to a DVD decoder incompatibility between these operating systems, which often also affects the associated DVD player application.

To work around this issue, install a Windows 2000 or Whistler-compatible DVD solution after performing the upgrade. For more information on how to obtain the Whistler compatible DVD solution, refer to the upgrade report information that appears during Whistler Setup. If no information on how to obtain a Whistler-compatible DVD solution appears, see the online Help or your product documentation to obtain a Windows 2000 or Whistler-compatible DVD solution. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Equinox Multiport Serial Adapters

If you upgrade your computer from Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 to Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, Equinox multiport serial adapters might list the port numbers as 9999. This happens most often with an adapter configuration with more than 256 ports. To work around this issue, uninstall and then reinstall the adapters. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Logitech QuickCam

After you perform a clean installation of Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional on your computer, you cannot install the Logitech Driver Package version 5.3. A message appears stating that Logitech's QuickCam USB Cameras Installer is unable to locate a working USB port on the computer. To work around this issue, try either of the following:

Workaround 1

  • Install Logitech Driver Package version 5.4.

Workaround 2

  1. Start Setup.
  2. Cancel the Setup Wizard when the message is displayed
  3. Connect the camera to the computer.
  4. Start the Hardware Wizard and specify the directory created by the setup program (for example, C:\QcamWeb).
  5. The .inf files and all other necessary files to install the camera can be found in that location. This does not install the Logitech software application.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft ActiveSyncâ  3.1

If you have ActiveSync 3.1 installed on a computer running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional and if you transfer files by using Windows Media Player 8 to a portable media player, ActiveSync tries to connect to the portable media player as well. To work around this issue, close ActiveSync 3.1 and proceed with the file transfer using Windows Media Player 8. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Parallel Port Compact Flash Reader

Parallel port Compact Flash reader fails to function correctly if the user tries to hibernate/suspend a computer running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server when the Compact Flash reader is busy. To work around this issue, do not power-manage your computer while there are transfers in progress. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Sony PCG-F540 Laptop

After you upgrade from the factory-preloaded Windows 98 Special Edition with OEM applications to Whistler Personal, you cannot uninstall Battery Scope by using Add or Remove Programs. Battery Scope does not function correctly in Whistler.

When the user tries to uninstall this program, a message appears prompting the user to restart the computer. After restarting, the following message is displayed: "Problem with Shortcut." The program still shows up in the Start menu, but the link is broken, which causes the message to appear. This issue also occurs when trying to uninstall Power Panel, which is another Sony program that does not function correctly in Whistler.

To work around this issue for either program, uninstall the program before performing the upgrade.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

3Com HomeConnect Camera

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the 3Com HomeConnect Camera does not function correctly using the currently available Windows 2000 drivers. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Toshiba Portégé 7200

Toshiba Portégé 7200 laptops running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional intermittently stop responding. To work around this issue, replace the Whistler video driver with the Toshiba Windows 2000 driver for the laptop.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Universal Serial Bus

ABIT VP6 Motherboard

On all versions of Whistler, if you connect a USB device to a computer using the ABIT VP6 motherboard, the computer might stop responding.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Video Capture Application Compatibility

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, if you change screen resolution or color depth while previewing or capturing video, the computer might stop responding. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Video Capture Devices

Whistler Personal and Whistler Professional currently only include drivers for the following video capture devices:

  • ATI All in Wonder Pro and Regular video cards with TV Tuners using the BT829 capture chip.
  • Intel Create & Share Camera Pack and the Easy PC, Pro PC, and Deluxe PC USB cameras.
  • Philips PCVC 645, PCVC 646, Vesta, Vesta Pro, Vesta Pro Scan, and ToUcam XS USB cameras.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Video Capture and Video Preview Applets

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, some custom video capture and video preview programs that many hardware vendors released with Windows 98 drivers for their USB, television, and analog capture devices might not function correctly. To work around this issue, contact your hardware vendor for a Windows 2000 version of the program.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Video Conferencing Cameras

If you upgrade your computer from a Windows operating system to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, video conferencing cameras and bundled programs might not function correctly. The workaround that you choose depends on whether the issue is caused by device driver incompatibility or program incompatibility with the upgraded operating system.

To work around device driver incompatibility issues

  • Install a Windows 2000-compatible device driver.

To work around program incompatibility issues

  • Install a program upgrade from the camera manufacturer.

For the latest information about Windows 2000 compatible-device drivers and programs, see the camera manufacturers' Web site. These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA

Installing the drivers for the Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA with a USB docking station on a computer running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional causes the computer to function incorrectly. There is no workaround for this.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Internet Services


On computers running Whistler Server, the domain name is ignored for Basic authentication while logging on to a computer. When using Basic authentication, the logon process does not correctly validate the domain name and the user can log on to the computer using an unrecognized or unregistered domain name. In this case, the user name and password must still be valid and must be valid for the domains for which they are associated. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

SharePointä Team Services from Microsoft

  • On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server with SharePoint Team Services installed by using the Configure Your Server Wizard, you must restart the Internet Information Server (IIS) Administrator Service (iisadmin) before the site becomes completely functional. To do this, open a command shell and type

net stop iisadmin

Click Yes to answer all prompts, and then type

net start w3svc

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

  • On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, when provisioning a virtual server with SharePoint Team Services, if the virtual server has a pre-existing Default.htm or Default.asp file, the provisioning process does not function correctly. To work around this issue, rename your default home page with a different file name, then provision the site. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Windows Media Player 8

The following issues apply to Windows Media Player 8 installed on computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional. These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Backup Licenses

Before upgrading computers running Windows 98 or Windows 2000 to Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, you must back up the Windows Media Player 8 licenses. After the upgrade is complete, you can use Windows Media Player 8 to restore the licenses.

To back up your licenses

  1. On a computer running Windows 98 or Windows 2000, start Windows Media Player 8.
  2. On the Tools menu, click License Management.
  3. Find the folder or drive where you want to store the licenses, and then click Backup Now.
  4. Follow the instructions that appear.
  5. When the backup is complete, you can upgrade to Whistler.

    To restore your licenses

  6. On the computer running Whistler, start Windows Media Player 8.
  7. On the Tools menu, click License Management.
  8. Find the folder or drive where the licenses are stored, and then click Restore Now.
  9. In the License Management dialog box, click OK.
  10. Follow the instructions that appear.
  11. Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    CD Audio Playback and Copying

    On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, Windows Media Player 8 detects whether your hardware supports digital playback and digital copying. If Windows Media Player 8 cannot use digital playback and copying, you are prompted to turn off digital playback and copying, which means that analog playback and copying are used.

    When analog copying is used, some sound cards also record background noises. If possible, use digital copying or mute your microphone volume to eliminate the background noises.

    To use digital copying

  12. Open Windows Media Player 8.
  13. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab.
  14. Click the appropriate CD-ROM drive, and then click Properties.
  15. Under Copy, click Digital.
  16. If you want to correct minor flaws while copying, select the User error correction check box, and then click OK twice.
  17. To use analog playback and copying

  18. Open Windows Media Player 8.
  19. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab.
  20. Click the appropriate CD-ROM drive, and then click Properties.
  21. Under Playback or Copy (whichever option you want to set), click Analog, and then click OK twice.
  22. To ensure that digital playback is not set on the drive

  23. Click Start, and then click My Computer.
  24. In the Devices with Removable Storage area, right-click the appropriate drive, and then click Properties.
  25. Click the Hardware tab, click the appropriate drive, and then click Properties.
  26. Under Digital CD Playback, clear the Enable digital CD audio for this CD-ROM device check box, and then click OK.
  27. To mute your microphone volume

  28. In Control Panel, click Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices.
  29. Click Adjust the system volume.
  30. In Device volume, click Advanced. The Master Volume dialog box appears.
  31. Under the Microphone slider, select the Mute check box.
  32. Note   If the Microphone slider is not shown, you do not have a microphone attached to your computer or the microphone slider is not selected to display.

  33. To display the slider in the Master Volume dialog box, click Options, click Properties, click Recording, and then in the Show the following volume controls area, select the Microphone check box.
  34. Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Computer Stops Responding During Streaming Video

    Computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional that have an Intel 82810 motherboard will stop responding after you watch streaming video on Windows Media Player. If your computer uses an Intel 82810 motherboard, do not connect to streaming video. If your computer stops responding, you might have to restart it.

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Copying from CDs in Digital Mode Might Reduce Sound Quality

    On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, if you have a slower CD-ROM drive, switching the copy settings to Digital might add pops or scratches to copied tracks. To work around this issue, copy CDs in the Analog mode.

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Copying from CDs Might Result in Silent Copies of Tracks

    On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, if tracks that you copied from CDs are displayed in Media Library but are silent during playback, then your operating system settings and Windows Media Player settings are not set for digital mode. To listen to the tracks, reset your playback and copying settings to digital mode, and try copying again.

    To set your playback or copying settings to digital mode

  35. Open Windows Media Player 8.
  36. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab.
  37. Click the appropriate CD-ROM drive, and then click Properties.
  38. Under Copy, select Digital, and then click OK.
  39. On the desktop, open My Computer, and in the Devices with Removable Storage area, right-click the CD-ROM drive, and then click Properties.
  40. Click the Hardware tab, and from the list of drives, select your CD-ROM drive, and then click Properties.
  41. Click the Properties tab, and select the Enable digital CD audio for this CD-ROM device check box

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Creating Your Own CDs

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, Windows Media Player relies on a function of the operating system to copy (burn) audio CDs. If Windows Media Player does not recognize your CD recorder (burner), verify that the CD recorder is recognized by the operating system, open My Computer, and in the Devices with Removable Storage area, verify that the CD recorder is listed. If your CD recorder is not recognized, you cannot create an audio CD. If you are having problems copying to CDs and your CD recorder is recognized by the operating system, verify that the Enable CD recording on this drive check box is selected in the Properties dialog box for that drive.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Downloading Album Art

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the album art might not refresh immediately after copying a CD to your computer. To work around this issue, on the desktop, double-click My Documents. On the View menu, click Thumbnails. Right-click My Music, and then click Refresh Thumbnail. If you are connected to the Internet, album art for audio CDs you previously copied is downloaded as well.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

DVD Decoders

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, to use the DVD features in Windows Media Player, a Windows 2000-compatible DVD decoder compliant with DirectShowâ is required. If your computer does not have a compliant DVD decoder, the DVD features are turned off. If your DVD decoder software does not meet these requirements, contact your computer or DVD player provider. In some cases, Windows Media Player does not recognize a software decoder because the software decoder must be used with its accompanying application. If Windows Media Player cannot play a DVD, try using the accompanying DVD player supplied by your original equipment manufacturer (OEM) first, then close the OEM-supplied DVD player, and open Windows Media Player.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

DVD Playback

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, if you have the required DVD hardware and software and your DVDs still do not play, your video card might have limited VRAM. If your video card has 8 MB or less of VRAM, change your monitor color quality to medium (16-bit) and screen resolution to 1024x768 pixels. DVD playback is similar to video playback. If you have difficulty playing DVDs and you have a Windows 2000-compatible DirectShow-compliant DVD decoder installed, see the release note for "Video Playback" later in this document.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Hardware Playback and Copying Issues

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the following table lists playback and copying issues for specific hardware.

  • 4X Sony CD U77U - Digital playback and copying do not function and no warning is provided. To work around this issue, use analog playback and copying.
  • Acer IDE 36X CD-ROM - Digital playback is not used. To work around this issue, use analog playback.
  • BTC 24X CD-ROM SLL24 - Skips when using analog playback. To work around this issue, use digital playback if possible.
  • Hewlett Packard CD-Writer+8200a - Clicking or warping sounds occur during playback. To work around this issue, use analog playback and copying.
  • LiteOn CD-ROM LTN242 - Digital playback and record do not function and no warning is provided. To work around this issue, use analog playback and copying.
  • Matshita UJDA110 - Clicking or warping sounds occur during playback. To work around this issue, use analog playback and copying.
  • Plextor 4/12 CD-R - Digital playback is not used. To work around this issue, use analog playback.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Scratches and Pops in Copied Tracks

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, if you hear scratches and pops when using digital playback or copying, try using error correction. If the scratches and pops are not removed after using error correction, try turning off digital playback and copying. Use the following procedures to turn on error correction and turn off digital playback and copying.

To use error correction when playing or copying tracks

  1. Open Windows Media Player 8.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab.
  3. Click the appropriate CD-ROM drive, and then click Properties.
  4. Under Playback or Copy, select the Use error correction check box.
  5. Click OK twice to close the open dialog boxes.
  6. To turn off digital playback and copying

  7. Open Windows Media Player 8.
  8. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab.
  9. In Devices, click the appropriate CD-ROM drive, and then click Properties.
  10. In the Playback or Copy area, clear the Digital playback and Digital copying check boxes.
  11. Click OK twice to close the open dialog boxes.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Supported Portable Devices

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, Windows Media Player 8 supports many popular portable devices, including the RCA Lyra, Palm-size and Pocket PCs running Windows CE, and more. The following devices have known problems and do not currently work with Windows Media Player.

  • Diamond Rio
  • Nike PSA
  • Compaq iPAQ PA

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Troubleshooting Your Portable Device

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, occasionally audio errors can occur when you simultaneously play and copy tracks to your portable device. If you notice audio errors, avoid playing tracks while your computer is copying the tracks to your portable device.

If you encounter errors while playing tracks on your portable device, it might be the result of a bad copy of the track. Ensure that your storage card was properly formatted, and do not play tracks simultaneously when copying. If your portable device is properly formatted, try copying the track to your portable device again. Occasionally, a storage card might have a bad sector that causes errors while playing a track.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Using RCA Lyra

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, to use Windows Media Player 8 with the RCA Lyra, you must install the RCA Lyra storage card reader software that came with your RCA Lyra. After the storage card reader is installed, two drives names, such as Lyra (F:) and F:, are shown in the drop-down list on the Music On Device tab. You must select Lyra (F:) to play the tracks you are copying to the RCA Lyra.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Using the Internet

Windows Media Player is not configured to use the Internet by default on computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional. To configure Windows Media Player’s Internet features such as Media Guide, run Internet Explorer first.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Video Playback

Microsoft is working with driver manufacturers to resolve some difficulties associated with video playback on computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional. If you experience some of the following problems with video playback, you can adjust your video acceleration as described below.

  • When switching to full–screen video, the video stops playing or only the controls are displayed.
  • When playing video, the bottom one-quarter of the screen is scrambled.
  • Video performance is not good and frames are dropping.
  • Windows Media Player is still present after switching to full-screen video.

To adjust your video acceleration

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. Click the Performance tab.
  3. Under Video acceleration, drag the Hardware acceleration slider from Full to the three-quarters Full, and then click OK.
  4. Stop and restart the video.
  5. If the problem persists, drag the slider to the left again and repeat Steps 3 and 4. If the problem persists, and the hardware acceleration is set to None, Windows Media Player might be present after switching to full-screen mode. This is a known issue and will be addressed in a future release.
  6. Note   If you continue to have a problem with this feature, you can provide feedback by clicking the Comments link located in the right-hand corner of the Player.

    Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

    Localized/International Versions

    Asian Characters Are Not Displayed for Fax Service Cover Pages

    On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, personal fax cover pages that use Asian characters from an English-only version of Fax Service display the characters incorrectly.

    To change a personal fax cover page to display an Asian language correctly

  7. Open Fax Console.
  8. On the Tools menu, click Personal Cover Pages.
  9. Click the cover page you want to edit, and then click Open.
  10. When the Cover Page Editor Tips dialog box appears, click OK.
  11. To modify the default font for the cover page, on the Edit menu, click Select All.
  12. On the Format menu, click Font, select the appropriate language font, and then click OK.
  13. To save the modified cover page

  14. On File menu, click Save As.
  15. Enter a file name, and save the template in the default folder.

Note   The computer must be configured for multiple languages. To do this, in Control Panel, open Regional and Language Options.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Network and Communications

Discovery and Control

The following issues involve the feature Discovery and Control in Home Networking.

  • On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, Windows clients can discover and control a Whistler Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) host using Discovery and Control, which is new feature for Whistler Personal and Whistler Professional. A known issue with Discovery and Control is that the Status dialog box incorrectly reports statistics for local computers. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, turning off and then turning on Internet Connection Sharing on a connection causes Discovery and Control to function incorrectly. To work around this issue, restart your computer. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • The Discovery and Control Status dialog box incorrectly updates the status of the ICS host when the ICS host public connection switches from a media disconnect state to a connected state. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • Disconnecting a RAS connection from the ICS host that was initiated from an ICS client results in the user interface staying in a disconnecting state. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

Home Networking

The Home Networking Components (Internet Connection Sharing, Internet Connection Firewall, Network Bridge) have been removed from Whistler Advanced Server and Whistler Datacenter Server. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

Home Networking Wizard

The following issues involve the Home Networking Wizard.

  • On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the Home Networking Wizard currently sets a computer's workgroup to MSHOME and does not use any customized entry for this field. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • The Home Networking Wizard does not currently run on Windows 98, Windows 98 Special Edition, or Windows Millennium Edition. To work around this issue, users should manually configure their network clients to use DHCP for network connectivity. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the Home Networking Wizard does not set Internet Explorer to Dial whenever a network connection is not present. This might lead an ICS host using a dial-up networking connection to dial incorrectly when a user on the ICS host tries to connect to the Internet.
  • On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, if a user selects a PPPoE connection as their public connection on the ICS host, but the connection to the Internet is not already activated, the Home Networking Wizard functions incorrectly. To work around this issue, connect to the Internet before running the Home Networking Wizard on the ICS host. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Internet Connection Sharing/Internet Connection Firewall

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, the FTP proxy currently does not allow connections to FTP servers that use a port other than Port 21. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Legacy Networking Components

  • Upgrading to Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server removes DLC protocol. Support for the DLC networking protocol has been removed from Whistler and the DLC protocol will be removed after the upgrade. To work around this issue, for mainframe communication, DLC protocol is included with the Host Integration Server for the 32-bit edition for Whistler. For more information on Host Integration Server, see the Microsoft Host Integration Server Web site at:

For the 64-bit edition, DLC protocol is not available. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

  • Support for AppleTalk networking protocol has been removed from Whistler Personal and Whistler Professional. Whistler Server continues to implement AppleTalk as part of Services for Macintosh (SFM). This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving technology


On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, drivers for the following modems might exhibit a dialing problem when using pulse dialing in Japan. This problem might occur in other countries that have public telephone networks with pulse dialing. If the computer is under heavy load during pulse dialing, the telephone network might misinterpret the pulses produced by the modem and cause the wrong telephone number to be dialed.

This issue might occur in the following modems:

  • ACER Inc HCF 56K PCI Modem
  • Aztech Systems MDP3858V-U Data Fax Modem
  • Aztech Systems MDP3858-U Data Fax Modem
  • Aztech Systems MDP3880-W(B) PCI Modem
  • Aztech Systems MDP3900V-U Modem
  • Aztech Systems MDP3880-W(U) PCI Modem
  • Aztech Systems MP3930V-W(C) Data,Fax,Voice MiniPCI Modem
  • Aztech Systems MDP3900V-W Modem
  • Best Data Inc 56FW PCI V90 56K Modem
  • CIS 5614 series Modem
  • Compaq 56K V90 HCF MiniPCI Modem
  • Compaq Global 56K V90 HCF MiniPCI Modem
  • Conexant, Inc. HCF 56K PCI Modem
  • Creative Modem Blaster Flash56 PCI DI5630
  • Creative Modem Blaster DI5601
  • Diamond Multimedia Systems Inc SupraExpress 56i PRO
  • Digicom D-F-V V.90 DI3635
  • ELSA MicroLink 56K PCI Modem
  • GVC 1156IV+ International series V90 Modem
  • IBM HCF 56K PCI Modem
  • NEC Fax 56K Modem
  • NEC Data+Fax 56K Modem
  • Sony HCF 56K PCI Modem

To work around this issue

  • Stop or pause programs that put heavy load on the computer before dialing with the modem.

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Network Bridge

On computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional installed with 1394 cards, IP addresses change every five minutes. This might lead to network connectivity issues. Additionally, an error occurs if you type the following command at the command prompt

ipconfig /renew

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

RRAS/NAT Upgrades

If you upgrade a computer running Windows 2000 that uses Routing and Remote Access service (RRAS) with a network address translator (NAT) to Whistler Server, FTP traffic cannot flow through the NAT. To work around this issue, turn off and then turn on RRAS with NAT. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology

Universal Plug and Play

The following issues involve Universal Plug and Play devices.

  • A computer running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, or Whistler Server does not download the device-specific icon for display in the My Network Places folder when you install a Universal Plug and Play device. Instead, a generic icon is displayed in My Network Places.
  • If the IP address of a computer running Whistler Personal, Whistler Professional, or Whistler Server changes, then Universal Plug and Play devices on the new network are not present in the My Network Places folder until those devices advertise their presence on the network.
  • If you select the Browse in a New Process option, then Universal Plug and Play devices are present in the My Network Places folder on the desktop, but not in the My Network Places folder in Windows Explorer.
  • When a Universal Plug and Play device is discovered, the device icon is displayed in the notification area. If you right-click the device icon, a shortcut menu opens with the option of creating a shortcut. Currently, the shortcut is not created even if the user tries to create a shortcut. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Fax Service

Cover Pages

On computers running Whistler Personal and Whistler Professional, after you edit an object in a cover page, move the cursor outside the object and click. Then, click Save.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Missing Context-Sensitive Help in Fax Console

On computers running Whistler Personal and Whistler Professional, some context-sensitive Help topics are not yet documented. To search for help on a particular issue, on the toolbar in Fax Console, click Help. On the Search tab, type the text for which you want to search. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Missing Notification Functionality

Notification functionality described in the documentation for Fax Service is not implemented on computers running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Non-Textual Content Cannot be Copied and Pasted into Outlook Fax Documents

If you are using Outlook 2000 on a computer running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, you cannot use Fax Service to send a fax that includes non-textual content, such as graphics and tables that have been copied and pasted into the fax document. To work around this issue, save the non-textual content to a file and attach it to the Outlook document.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Reinstall a Modem if the Fax Printer is Deleted

When installing Fax on a Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional computer with a local fax device installed, a local fax printer is created automatically. If a fax device is added after Fax has been installed, a fax printer is created at that time.

If this fax printer is deleted for any reason, to work around this issue, recreate the fax printer by installing any modem. Even though you do not actually have to install a real modem, the process will recreate your local fax printer. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Sending a Fax from Outlook Using Both E-Mail Addresses and Fax Numbers

When using Fax Service on a computer running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional to send a fax from Outlook 2000 with Exchange 2000 as the mail server, if the fax has both an e-mail address and a fax number, you receive a message stating that the e-mail cannot be sent because the e-mail address is incorrect. However, the fax message is submitted and sent successfully. This issue will be addressed in a future Exchange 2000 service pack.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Sending a Fax with HTML Document Attachments from Outlook

When using Fax on a computer running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, you cannot send a fax from Outlook 2000 with HTML document attachments. In addition, you cannot print documents using the Print To menu option with the fax printer when HTML files are attached. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Support in Send Fax Wizard for Other Languages Besides the System Default Location Language

When sending a fax using the Send Fax Wizard on a computer running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, if you enter an address from the Windows Address Book with characters in a language other than that of the default system location, the characters will appear as question marks ("?") in the To box. This occurs because Fax Service does not support Unicode for this entry. For recipient names to appear correctly in the To box, before you select a recipient from the address book, you must change the system location to one that represents the language of the recipient. For example, if the system location is English (United States) and you want to include the name of a recipient that appears in Japanese, you must change the system location to Japan.

To change the system location

  1. In Control Panel, double-click Regional and Language Options.
  2. On the General tab, in the Location list, select the required location, and then click OK.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Temporary Functionality

  • At present, Whistler Professional supports sharing for the fax printer. This issue will be addressed for Whistler Server versions in a future release.
  • The current release supports the use of more than one local fax device. This issue will be addressed for Whistler Professional and Whistler Personal in a future release.
  • In this release, the Fax Service Manager is available in Whistler Personal and Whistler Professional. In future releases, only the Whistler server family will support this feature and some of the functionality in the Fax Service Manager will be available from the Printers and Faxes program in Whistler Personal and Whistler Professional. The Whistler Beta 2 documentation reflects this future functionality.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Unsupported Modems

On a computer running Whistler Personal or Whistler Professional, Fax Service does not fully support the following modems: Aiwa PV-BF5606, Omron ME5614D, and Hucom-EX. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Certificate Services and Group Policy

On computers running Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server, changes to relocated policies in the registry only propagate additions and not deletions. Group Policy objects added to the relocated registry policy are recognized and propagated to Active Directory directory service and are visible through remote administration on other computers. However, deletions are only recognized on the computer on which they were performed. They are not recognized or propagated to Active Directory and are not visible through remote administration.

In public key policy and software restriction policy settings, IGPEInformation copies the policy from Active Directory to a special place in the registry. It is edited there and when called, the PolicyChanged method writes the policy back to Active Directory. The expected behavior in a single domain controller domain is that the policy appears the same whether it is viewed on the domain controller or viewed remotely from a joined computer. When the policy is copied back to Active Directory as a result of a call to PolicyChanged, it appears that only additions to the policy are being copied back to Active Directory, but deletions are not.

To work around this issue, delete the extra request objects by using Group Policy on the domain controller itself. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Certificate Services and Manager

Certificate Server

Certificate Server 1.0 cannot be upgraded directly from Windows NT 4.0 to Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server. If you do so, your Certificate Server settings are not saved, and Certificate Server automatically uninstalls. To work around this issue and preserve all your Certificate Server settings, upgrade first to Windows 2000 and then upgrade to Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server. This issue will not be addressed in the future.

Applies to users: administrators

Upgrading a Certification Authority

Upgrading a certification authority (CA) to Whistler Server or Whistler Advanced Server might cause the upgraded Whistler CA to publish a delta certificate revocation list (CRL), but fail to publish a base CRL. To work around this issue, manually publish a base CRL. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators


Exception Reporting Client

On English versions of all versions of Whistler, error reporting is only available in English. On localized versions of all versions of Whistler, error reporting is available in English and the localized language.

Applies to users: OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Terminal Services


The default permissions settings for Terminal Services in Whistler Advanced Server have changed from the Windows 2000 default. Computers running a clean installation of Whistler Advanced Server with Terminal Services turned on provide full compatibility with Whistler permissions settings by default unless specified otherwise during the operating system installation. This ensures that newly installed systems can operate under full Whistler security unless specifically directed otherwise. If a computer running Windows 2000 Terminal server is upgraded to Whistler Advanced Server, the existing compatibility settings are preserved.

A user cannot run some legacy programs under full Whistler permissions settings because they require Power Users permissions. At the time of Terminal Services installation, the administrator selects from two options: Full Security (permissions compatible with the Whistler Users group), or Windows NT 4.0 Compatible Security (permissions compatible with the Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition Users group). To work around this issue, use the Terminal Services Configuration tool to choose the Windows NT 4.0 Compatible Security option and increase compatibility with some older programs.

The exact behavior of the permissions compatible with the Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Users Permissions setting is also different in Whistler from what it was in Windows 2000. In Windows 2000, users can gain full access to registry information by selecting this option, just as they had in Windows NT 4.0. In Whistler, this option only provides permissions to those parts of the registry accessed by the program, thus providing greater security without compromising compatibility.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Licensing Grace Period

If a terminal server cannot find a License Server within 90 days of the first connection made to it, it stops accepting connections. For the Beta 2 release of Whistler Advanced Server and Whistler Datacenter Server, this period has been extended to 180 days. This extension is for the beta release only and is meant to simplify test deployments.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Program Compatibility Scripts

The first time a program compatibility script is used on a computer running Whistler Advanced Server, the script checks to see whether Rootdrv.cmd has been edited. Rootdrv.cmd is a script that maps a drive letter to the client's home directory. For example, if W:\ is specified as the drive letter to be used for mapping, then W:\ would be mapped to %homedrive%%homepath%. With this technique, you can specify what appears to be a shared path, such as W:\Mail\Mailbox.dat. Yet, the drive mapping causes each user to get a unique copy of the file in their home directory. This script starts Notepad and requires that you type a drive letter and then save and close the file. The program compatibility script then resumes. Rootdrv.cmd is run only if you have not already mapped a drive letter for use.

If you wish to change the drive letter later, open the Rootdrv2.cmd file in Notepad, edit the drive letter, and save the file. Rootdrv2.cmd is where Rootdrv.cmd stores the final drive mapping information. You also need to update the following registry key with the new drive letter.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\
Terminal Server\RootDrive

Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

Note   Logon scripts are not executed for users who are logged on until they log off and log back on. Many programs do not behave correctly when run before the logon script begins. For this reason, you should install programs when no users are logged on to the system.

When upgrading or adding components to an existing installation of a program covered by compatibility scripts, you should rerun the script. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Session Directory Service

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server, Session Directory recovery for Terminal Services is not fully functional. As a result, if you stop and restart Session Directory Service, or if you change the cluster or Session Directory to which a Terminal server subscribes without restarting the Terminal server, the Session Directory Service does not function for any existing disconnected sessions. In such cases, the Session Directory Service works for any existing session created after the recovery, but does not redirect a client to an existing session on another server if the existing session was disconnected prior to recovery. This issue can occur if one or more of the following circumstances occur.

  • The Session Directory Service does not function correctly or is stopped and then restarted, but the Terminal servers subscribing to that Session Directory Service are not restarted.
  • One or more Terminal servers are reconfigured to a different cluster name without being restarted.
  • One or more Terminal servers are reconfigured to join a different Session Directory Service without being restarted.
  • Participation in the Session Directory Service is stopped and then restarted on one or more Terminal servers without restarting the server.

To work around this issue, users can manually connect to their disconnected sessions to avoid the loss of data that might result from restarting Terminal servers with existing disconnected sessions. To do this, use Terminal Services Administration or the command-line utility qwinsta to determine the server hosting the disconnected session, and then connect directly to that server. You need to supply users with the names or IP addresses of the individual Terminal servers in the cluster.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Terminal Services Advanced Client

If Terminal Services Advanced Client (TSAC) is installed on a computer running Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, and you do not uninstall TSAC before installing the Whistler version of the Terminal Services client on the computer, the Whistler client setup program does not function correctly. The message "File could not be copied over the network" appears and the Whistler version of the Terminal Services client is not installed, but TSAC is still functional. To work around this issue, uninstall TSAC.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Issues for 64-Bit Editions of Whistler Only


16-Bit Applications

The 64-bit editions of Whistler do not support 16-bit editions of DOS, Windows, or OS/2 applications. This is significant to applications in which the Setup.exe file is a 16-bit dummy routine which checks the computer type and then starts the real 32-bit installation program that actually performs the installation. On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, certain 16-bit Setup programs do not run correctly and might affect other applications. These applications have their own proprietary Setup program.

If you try to run 32-bit applications that rely on a 16-bit installation program, the message "Not a Valid Win32 application" appears. To work around this issue, use Win64ä CreateProcess (), which loads the new dynamic-link library (DLL) Ntvdm64.dll. Ntvdm64.dll contains the necessary recognition engine. Recognition is done within CreateProcess () by using the code path that on Win32 would have started the Windows Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) to run the 16-bit .exe file.

The list of substitutions is stored in the registry in the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\

Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

As installed, the 64-bit edition of Whistler contains built-in support for both 16-bit traditional Microsoft Setup program technology (ACME) and InstallShield 5.x installations. Also, some applications include a 16-bit uninstall program that does not function correctly.

This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

32-Bit Antivirus Applications

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, 32-bit file system drivers do not function correctly and must be ported to a 64-bit version. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

32-Bit Applications

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, the .dll file name extension for 32-bit applications that installs an InProcServer dynamic-link library (DLL) does not function correctly. This is a design criterion of WOW64 in which mixed 32-bit and 64-bit DLLs within the same process are not permitted.

WOW64 is the 32-bit emulator that starts and runs Win32-based applications on 64-bit editions of Whistler. It is intended to run 32-bit personal productivity applications needed by software developers and administrators.

Most commonly, these are shell extensions that are loaded by Internet Explorer, which is 64-bit. The 64-bit Windows Installer can install 32-bit Microsoft Installer-based applications on 64-bit Whistler. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

32-Bit Drivers Are Not Supported on Whistler 64-Bit Editions

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, the 64-bit kernel cannot load or run 32-bit drivers. All kernel-mode drivers must be ported to 64-bit native code. Also, WOW64 cannot transparently thunk (call) one critical API for device drivers. The API is NtDeviceIoControlFile() (also known as Win32 DeviceIoControl()). This API is highly polymorphic and depends entirely on the implementation of the kernel-mode driver being called. The 64-bit driver must identify that it might be called from a WOW64 process and that the input/output control (IOCTL) data buffers might contain data formatted using 32-bit data types. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

32-Bit Plug-ins Do Not Function on 64-Bit Editions of Internet Explorer

The 64-bit browser that is the installed with computers running the 64-bit editions of Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server will not load 32-bit plug-ins. However, a 32-bit edition of Internet Explorer ships with 64-bit editions of Whistler.

To work around this issue

  1. Double-click My Computer.
  2. In the Program Files(x86)\Internet Explorer directory, double-click Iexplore.exe.

This file is the 32-bit edition of Internet Explorer. Use this browser to visit Web sites which contain 32-bit plug-ins. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

32-Bit Printer Drivers Are Not Supported on 64-Bit Editions of Whistler

32-bit printer drivers are not supported on computers running 64-bit editions of Whistler. As a result, the following printer drivers were not added during installation:

  • WinFax Pro 10
  • HotFax Message Center 4.01

For more information, contact the software vendor. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

32-Bit Server Applications

32-bit server applications are not supported on Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

ActiveSync 3.1

  • ActiveSync 3.1 contains a 32-bit USB device driver. 32-bit device drivers are not supported in Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.
  • After you start ActiveSync 3.1 and click the Explore button, the following message appears: "The path does not exist or is not a directory." ActiveSync relies on 32-bit Windows Explorer shell extensions. In the 64-bit editions of Whistler Professional and Whistler Advanced Server, the 64-bit edition of Windows Explorer is the default shell.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

BoundsChecker 6.03/6.5.1 Error Detection and Debugging Tool

In BoundsChecker 6.03/6.5.1, if, on the File menu, you click Open and select an .exe file, the message "The procedure entry point DeviceIOClntrol could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.DLL" appears. The entry point is not found in the Kernel32.dll file on computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Cannot Insert an Office 2000 Object Into WordPad

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, if you attempt to insert an Office 2000 object into WordPad, the message "Failure to Create Object. Make sure the application is registered in the system registry" appears. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Dragon Naturally Speaking 5

Dragon Naturally Speaking 5 does not install on computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server. A message stating there is not enough space occurs during the setup process. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Mail Icon Not Present in Control Panel

Reconfiguring mail after installing Outlook 2000 on computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server requires uninstalling and then reinstalling Outlook 2000 to reconfigure mail. This issue will be addressed in a future release of 64-bit editions of Whistler.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Outlook 2000 Not Listed As a Program Option in 64-Bit Internet Explorer

After installing Office 2000 SR-1 on computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, Outlook 2000 is not listed as a program available within the 64-bit edition of Internet Explorer in the E-Mail list box. To navigate to the E-mail list box, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options, and then click the Programs tab. Microsoft is aware of this issue and will address this issue in future versions of 64-bit editions of Whistler.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

pcAnywhere 9.2

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, when you restart your computer after the pcAnywhere 9.2 installation, the computer stops responding when the user logs on. Safe mode does not function correctly as well. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

PowerPoint 2000 Pack and Go Is Not a Valid Win32 Application

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, the Setup program that the PowerPoint 2000 Pack and Go uses is a 16-bit application. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

VMware 2.03 Cannot Recognize Network Interface Card During Installation

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, during Setup of VMware 2.03, you might receive the following message: "No Ethernet adapter cards were located on your system. This may be due to improper installation of an adapter. The network adapters on your system will be rescanned and any with an unspecified media type will be presented for use in bridge networking. Beware that Ethernet adapters can be used with bridged networking support. If you select a non-Ethernet adapter the service will not function correctly." This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Change and Configuration

Offline File Encryption

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, using Folder Redirection in conjunction with an encrypted Offline File cache can cause the following issues:

  • Computer performance decreases if you use a redirected application data folder.
  • An unexpectedly large number of messages appears in the application event log.
  • All the event log messages state that Whistler saved the user s-1-5-18 registry while an application or service was still using the registry when you logged off from the computer. The user's registry is stilled stored in memory because it is in use. The user's registry will be unloaded from the memory when it is no longer in use by an application or service.
  • Excess disk activity occurs. To work around this issue, either turn off encryption of the Offline File cache or do not redirect the application data folder.

These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Cluster Setup

Master Boot Record

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, cluster disks on a shared bus must be partitioned as master boot record (MBR) disks and not as globally unique identifier (GUID) partition table (GPT) disks. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

If the cluster is installed with GPT shared disks, the cluster creates a failed disk resource. To work around this issue, delete the failed disk resource, convert the disk resources to MBR, and then add the MBR disk resources by using Cluster Administrator.

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

QLogic Drivers

On computers running Whistler Advanced Server or Whistler Datacenter Server, QLogic 2100 and QLogic 2200 drivers are not supported on Windows Clustering configurations.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs

Directory Services

Directory Database

Do not follow the instructions in the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit to install the Active Directory System Monitor counters under the Database object (the Extensible Storage Engine (ESENT) performance counters) on computers running Whistler Server, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server. Data collection from these counters causes all processes that use the shared dynamic-link library Esent.dll to fail. These issues will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators, developers

File Systems

The Web Digital Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) redirector might not correctly resolve the users proxy settings on computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server. If a target location is not reachable through file or network operations but can be successfully reached using a Web browser, then this condition might apply.

To work around this issue

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  3. On the Connections tab, click LAN Settings.
  4. Select the Automatically detect settings check box. If it is selected already, clear it and select it again.
  5. Restart your computer.

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience, improving technology



System Sounds

On computers running Whistler Professional, all Whistler system sounds are played as "ding." This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Debugging Tools

On computers running Whistler Professional or Whistler Advanced Server, because debugging tools are turned on and the current operating system code contains numerous breakpoints to catch bugs, it is relatively easy to cause the operating system to stop responding by setting illegal register values, executing illegal instructions, and so on. These actions might cause the operating system to stop at a kernel-mode breakpoint or cause the operating system to stop responding. These operating systems should not be deployed in environments where these actions might result in loss of data or in which unauthorized personnel can gain access to the computer.

To work around this issue, turn off the kernel debugger. You can do this by removing the proper start options in the Start Manager. This might reduce the probability of problems caused by these debugging tools. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: developers, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Extensible Firmware Interface

Computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server support the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) specification version 1.02. This issue will not be addressed in a future release. Please treat specification noncompliance issues as bugs and report them to the Windows Beta Web site at:

Applies to users: administrators, OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Network and Communications

Home Networking

The Home Networking technologies (Internet Connection Sharing, Internet Connection Firewall, Network Bridge, Discovery and Control, Home Networking Wizard) are not available on Itanium-based systems. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving technology

Legacy Networking Components

Support for IPX/SPX networking protocol is not implemented in Whistler Professional, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server. To work around this issue, use x86-based (32-bit) hardware for IPX/SPX functionality. This issue will not be addressed in a future release.

Note   Support for IPX/SPX protocol is being phased out in the future versions of Windows.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Installing Windows on an Itanium-based System

On computers running Itanium-based versions of Whistler, you must install the operating system to the first data partition on the GPT disk. Failure to do so can result in an installation that will not start. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to users: administrators

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience

Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java

Microsoft virtual machine for Java (Microsoft VM) is no longer included with Whistler Itanium-based operating systems.

Applies to users: administrators, developers, OEMs



On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, the following printers do not work in the 64-bit versions of Whistler:

  • Lexmark 3200 Color Jetprinter
  • Lexmark 5700 Color Jetprinter
  • Lexmark Z11 Color Jetprinter
  • Lexmark Z12 Color Jetprinter
  • Lexmark Z22-Z32 Color Jetprinter
  • Lexmark Z31 Color Jetprinter
  • Lexmark Z42 Color Jetprinter
  • Lexmark Z51 Color Jetprinter
  • Lexmark Z52 Color Jetprinter
  • Compaq IJ300 Inkjet Printer
  • Compaq IJ600 Inkjet Printer
  • Compaq IJ700 Inkjet Printer
  • Compaq IJ750 Inkjet Printer
  • Compaq IJ900 Inkjet Printer
  • Compaq IJ1200 Inkjet Printer

This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Smart Card

The 64-bit editions of Whistler Professional, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, do not support the Schlumberger smart card Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) shipped with the product. These problems do not affect the 32-bit editions of Whistler. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


Exception Reporting Client

On computers running Whistler Professional, Whistler Advanced Server, or Whistler Datacenter Server, when a 64-bit program does not function correctly, error reporting prompts the user to connect to the Internet even when there is a previously established active Internet connection. Error reporting fails to send a report.

Applies to users: OEMs

Applies to scenarios: improving user experience


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