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ActiveWin: ActiveWin Turns Five

Written By: Byron Hinson
Date: 9th October 2002
Sources: ActiveWin Content

Yes can you believe it? ActiveWin has finally reached a five year milestone. The site has gone through many ups and downs over the years, although most of them have thankfully been ups. I don't think that any of us ever expected the site here to grow as big as it has done. Every day we are getting more and more users joining us, posting comments and sending in news.

So what has made us successful over the years? Well we have had a great dedicated staff for one during these five years on the internet.

Byron Alex Delwin Will Matt
Robert Chad Sean Julien Alex R
Wayne Chris Fred Cliff Todd

There are now only three of the original staff let, they are Robert, Alex and myself, all of which are still dedicated to bringing you all of the latest Microsoft and Windows news from around the world. Although both Alex and myself will be slipping away from November.

We have also managed to stay one of the most up to date news sites on the internet with around 40 items posting on our website most days, while recently we now aim at 60 plus stories a day from Windows through to hardware, with a little bit of Xbox and gaming news thrown in too.

We have gone from other websites hosting us to our very own server and a rather expensive line during these five years too, yet we have still managed to stick to the ideology that this site will remain a hobby for all staff.

So we hope that we will still be around in another five years time, while everyone else comes and goes, doing what we do best - giving you all of the news and tips that you need. But as usual, we couldn't do any of this without you, the readers of our website. So from the heart all of us here say thank you for reading our websites, mailing in news, posting comments, using our forums and advertising us in newsgroups, mentioning us on your websites and getting us on the TV every now and then.

*A big thank you to everyone who works on the site (Especially those still here), all of which work on here for nothing other than fun.

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