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Date: Tuesday 24th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: UT
- Renegade |
- Dungeon
Keeper 2 patch v 1.51 released
Time: 17:08
EDT/22:08 GMT Source: Gone
Gold Posted By: Alex H
A new DK2 patch has been released. Here is a
snippet about it:
The patch is for US and UK versions only.
Installing the update will affect your saved games. Your saved games
will start you at the beginning of the level once the patch is
The patch can be downloaded from here
and it is 1.1 MB.
- Rogue
Spear Weapons List Revealed
Time: 15:31
EDT/20:31 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Alex H
Nothing is more important to a solider than his
implements of war. To inform virtual commanders of their upcoming
squad-based tactical action game Rogue Spear, Red Storm
Entertainment has released the entire weapons list. The page gives
full details on such goods as the Desert Eagle 0.357 and more. Go here
to gear up.
- Hidden
& Dangerous Creators Sign With Take-Two
Time: 15:31
EDT/20:31 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Alex H
Take-Two has entered into a publishing agreement
with Illusions Softworks, creators of Hidden & Dangerous.
Under the agreement, the company has exclusive worldwide publishing
rights to the next five PC products created by Illusions, as well as
select console and PC add-on publishing rights for each of those
products. Initial releases include a Sega Dreamcast version of the
game and a PC add-on. Subsequently releases will include Hidden
& Dangerous 2 and Gangster.
- Black
and White preview
Time: 15:31
EDT/20:31 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Alex H
Avault have posted a review of Peter Molyneux's
upcoming game Black and White. Here is a snippet:
The premise is certainly an appealing one. Picture
a perfect world. More than a paradise, this land is like the Garden
of Eden to the tenth power. It's a nirvana, populated by a group of
tribes that parallel many of those found in Earth's history;
Japanese, Tibetan, Cossack and many others live together in perfect
peace and harmony. Players will take the role of a powerful sorcerer
who sets up camp in this world to study the activity of the tribes.
But it's not all fascination and study; each sorcerer needs the life
force generated by the resident population to fuel their magical
abilities. Magic is necessary, in turn, because there exists between
these demi-gods a constant and vicious rivalry. The tribes of this
once-perfect land become pawns in a battle for dominance, feeding
the potency of each sorcerer as they strive to establish supremacy
over their foes. The type of power brought to the table by
worshippers will vary depending on the tribe from which they hail,
so while Egyptians may provide you with building magic, Zulus aid
the cause with a contribution of combat spells. Balance will, of
course, be necessary, but may not be entirely possible based on the
tribes to which the player will have access at particular stages of
the game.
If this sounds a bit like Populous,
Molyneux's original "god-game", that's not a coincidence. B&W
builds on the foundation of the classic title, but also strives to
take the genre to an entirely new level. The most interesting aspect
of this evolution is that the title judges every action taken and
shapes the rest of the world accordingly. Each action is designated
by the AI as either good, evil or neutral, and its effects will vary
accordingly. Be good consistently, and watch your kingdom
metamorphose into a fairy-tale realm full of happy citizens. Do
evil, and your taint will spread across the terrain, bringing a dark
presence to the land. Everything in the game, from animals to people
to trees, can be manipulated and altered according to the player's
preference. These can range from frivolous introductions of
seemingly inconsequential objects to world-defining acts of power.
- Shadow
Man review
Time: 15:27
EDT/20:27 GMT Source: Voodoo
Extreme Posted By: Alex
Next Generation have posted a new review of the
Acclaim/Iguana's third-person action/adventure game, Shadow Man.
Here is some details about the graphics in the game:
Graphically, Shadow Man uses Acclaim’s new 3D
VISTA engine which allows for almost limitless viewing distances and
a complete lack of fog. It seems strange that most of the game is
still played in hallways and tunnels, wasting the impact of what
claims to be an exceptionally advanced engine. The characters are
“soft skinned”, yet player models look awfully pointy, and as
soon as they start running around, both good guys and bad guys move
with strange, jerky, broom-handle-lodged-where-the-sun-don’t-shine
kind of motions. Still, the graphics are more than adequate, and
some of the open vistas can be breathtaking.
- BC3000 2.08 RC2 released
Time: 15:23
EDT/20:23 GMT Source: Voodoo
Extreme Posted By: Alex
3dFiles has released a new
release candidate of Battle Cruiser 3000. Here is the deatils:
I am releasing 2.08RC2 to the public because this
evening a serious bug in the Glide code was found and fixed. This
bug caused the card to hang on return from Logistix, Tactical etc.
Since I know that some of you use Glide and do experience this, I am
releasing it. Funny enough, when the card dies, it causes the
monitor to go out of sync and requires a cold boot sometimes. This
fix means that you no longer have to worry about video card refresh
rates anymore and there is no longer a need to even mess around with
those settings in the bc3k3dfx.bat file anymore! Don't forget to
unpatch to v2.07 first. This version contains numerous
internal/external optimisations for surface ops. Couple o' more
fixes and 2.08 will go final (hence the RC status, instead of Beta).
So, please pass the word around and let everyone with a Glide card,
download this RC2. v2.08 is not final, so I'm not putting it on the
downloads page until then. We're shooting for this weekend.
- C&C: Renegade At The ECTS
Time: 04:59
EDT/09:59 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
At this year's ECTS (Which we will be at
remember), Westwood Studios will be showing off (behind closed
doors) Renegade, a first-person shooter based on the C&C series.
- Unreal
Tournament - Preview
Time: 04:57
EDT/09:57 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Mac Games have posted a preview of Epic's Unreal Tournament. At
the end of this preview, they also promise more shots and "VR
Movies" sometime today.
Date: Monday 23rd August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: Shadow
Man |
- G400Tweak
.004 Released
Time: 13:22
EDT/18:22 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
New G400Tweak.zip
(34KB) has been released. The new version has added taskbar
icon, help file, context help, and external bitmap support.
- Shadow
Man - Review
Time: 13:22
EDT/18:22 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
have posted one of the first reviews of Acclaim's new
third-person action/adventure game, Shadow Man. Here is a snippet:
Shadow Man from Acclaim Entertainment will set
fire to your senses like a spoonful of Tabasco, and leave you
wanting more. This effort, inspired by the Acclaim Comics hero of
the same name, was developed by Iguana UK and employs Acclaim's 3D
VISTA (Virtually Integrated Scenic TerrAin) graphics engine,
allowing for potentially limitless gaming environments and
providing more realistic horizons that create a greater sense of
spaciousness. Characters are rendered using an advanced "softskin"
system, resulting in very fluid and natural movement, and exhibit
realistic muscle detail and movement deformation effects, courtesy
of Acclaim's Motion Capture system. The main character's shirt
actually moves and shifts as the character jumps and twists. Gone
are the heady days of characters that resemble screaming bags of
Lego blocks.
Date: Friday 20th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: DK2
Patch Released |
- Dungeon
Keeper 2 - Patch Released
Time: 13:01
EDT/18:01 GMT Source: Bullfrog E-mail Posted By: Byron
Yes sir - the first official patch for the
excellent Dungeon Keeper 2 has been released. Here are a few of the
Gameplay tweaks and additions in
this Update
* 1024x768 resolution supported.
* Added 'No Mans Land' map. 2 player. Multiplayer and Skirmish.
* Added 'Circlet' map. 3 Player. Multiplayer and Skirmish.
* Added 'Patrol' map. 4 player. Multiplayer and Skirmish.
* Added 'Pressure' map. 3 player. Skirmish only.
* Added 'Torment' My Pet Dungeon level.
* Added 'Olympia' map. 4 player. Multiplayer and Skirmish. Also in
Bonus Pack 1.
* "The battle in the Combat Pit is over" is played when
only one creature remains.
* Selecting "Quit" from the main menu now requests
confirmation before quitting.
* "Your Library does not have enough storage" now played
when there are more spells to research but no more space.
* Added "Press Space to go to Debriefing Screen or Escape to
continue" at end of levels.
* Added a bunch more Temple Recipes.
* Added a check for 150MB disk space (necessary for swap files).
* Added a flower icon to the Hero Alarm Trap.
* Added a multi-line chat message window to MP.
* Added a multiplayer option that makes reinforced walls
impenetrable to enemy Imps.
* Added a new cheat for gaining mana.
* Added a warning box if player is timing out in multiplayer lobby.
* Added a warning for when all players in MP don't have the map
* Added A3D audio support.
* Added better confirmation that a game has been saved.
* Added better lava balls.
* Added clearer alliance notification in the Allies window in MP.
* Added current values on slider bars.
* Added functionality in MP to let you chat once you have died.
* Added functionality that lets you play on in Single Player with
the GUI available.
* Added 'Message To' functionality in the Allies window in MP.
* Added Mistress whip effect for Torture Chamber.
* Added notification of player's defeats in MP.
* Added the ability to have an allied end in multiplayer.
* Added the ability to wander the realm as a lost soul once after a
multiplayer defeat.
* Added tooltip for MPD Level Selector.
* Added Torture flower icon.
* Added Total Evil Rating calculations and names.
* Adjusted Freeze Trap mana costs.
* All players can now see a thumbnail pic of the level in the MP
* Alliance information can now be heard by all players.
* Ally window in MP now shows who is allied to whom.
* Altered terrain slightly in Hopping.
* Altered the amount of damage Boulder now takes when hitting a
* Altered the Knight's melee sounds.
* Attacking sleeping creatures in first person now wakes them up.
* Boulders now take damage when slapped.
* Campaign progress now not saved with MPD or Skirmish.
* Certain creatures now use the Temple when idle.
* Changed "New Campaign - Are You Sure?" to only display
if a Campaign has already started.
* Changed Combat Pit tooltip.
* Changed CPU player so that it uses the Combat Pit.
* Changed MPD Level Selector tooltip.
* Changed Library tooltip.
* Changed Monk's heal usage.
* Changed the eye-height of some creatures.
* Changed the highlight on the Hero Portcullis.
* Changed the highlight on the Fear Trap.
* Changed the Horny melee timing.
* Changed the 'Imps moving spellbook' tooltip.
* Coloured MP messages to differentiate between private, public and
server messages.
* Computer player can now be set in multiplayer games. Will not work
properly with all maps.
* Computer player now deals with neutral rooms better.
* Computer player stats revised to make some attack earlier.
* CRC checking of .exes to ensure that in multiplayer the .exes
match for all players.
* Creatures show how much mana they are generating from prayer.
* Dark Elves now eat and sleep if they need to when patrolling.
* De-activated game functions when in chat e.g. Zoom/Rotate.
* Debriefing stats revised.
* Disallow Full-screen map while game is paused.
* Each Mana Vault now provides an increase to the maximum amount of
* Efficiency tooltips now rounded up.
* Ensured that creatures cannot get stuck in doors which are opening
or closing.
* Ensured that creatures killed in the Torture Chamber contribute to
debriefing stats.
* Ensured that Imps only drag back unconscious bodies when there is
one spare floor tile.
* Environmental effects default to 'off' (for EAX environment
compatible soundcards).
* Creatures will no longer be targetted in First Person mode.
* Game settings now saved between games.
* Given creatures the ability to cast Heal / Armour / Invisibility
on themselves, if they have that spell.
* Hand now taken out of possession spell mode when coming out of
* 'Heal' Creature Spells now slightly more powerful.
* Hero Lair texture is now easier on the eyes.
* Host quitting out of lobby will now automatically kick other
players out of that lobby.
* Imp priorities adjusted slightly.
* Imps now have their correct death effect in the Temple pool.
* Imps stats altered so that it's easier for them to reach level 10.
* Increased the health of MPD Hero Invasion Parties for higher
* Increased the update rate of the full-screen map.
* Some Keeper Spells can now be cast into the Temple pool to
contribute to Temple Recipes.
* Lobby chat text now more legible against the background.
* Made Casino jackpot music only play for one player.
* Made chat textbox more responsive.
* Made Hi-Score Table easier to enter.
* Made Horny immune to freezing.
* Made it easier to distinguish between separate sub-objectives.
* Made rewarded creature from Temple Recipe appear at average level
of creatures dropped in pool.
* Magic Doors now only damaged by magic attacks.
* Mana from Prayer values tweaked for all creatures.
* More feedback when door is locked/unlocked.
* More silly speech implemented.
* MPD quicksave no longer writes over Campaign quicksave.
* Multiplayer lobby now shows IP Address of all machines.
* Now easier to get around traps in 1st person.
* Pay-day timer now starts when first creature joins your side.
* Player names now shown instead of Player 1, Player 2 etc.
* Players are now informed of players that have dropped out of a MP
* Reduced frequency of "There is nothing left to research"
* Reduced frequency of "Your Portals have attracted as many
creatures as they can".
* Removed cheats in MP.
* Rooms, doors and traps cannot be set to researchable in MP game
* Some creatures now use the Casino when idle.
* Subtitles on Level 5 appear in a better place.
* The F3 camera option is not as zoomed in.
* The Mistress now trains more and is less obsessed with the Torture
* Tidied up 2D Front End map sections.
* Tidied up Control Options in Front End Menu.
* Tidied up text in the chat window.
* Tweaked music scripting.
* When trying to join a game in Internet Dungeon Watch you now also
get a message.
* Winner's name now at the top of a MP debriefing.
* You can now assign ESC key in game and Front End.
Fixes in this Update
* After joining someone else's MP
lobby, you no longer inherit their game settings.
* After loading a saved game, correct debriefing speech now plays.
* Fixed a Multiplayer problem related to items dangling in the hand.
* Fixed a problem in MPD Level 3 involving Continual Invasion.
* Fixed a problem related to decomposing in the Graveyard.
* Fixed a problem where "Locate Hidden Land" special was
appearing at the end of a Skirmish game.
* Fixed a problem where creatures sometimes cannot get picked up in
MPD mode.
* Fixed a problem where creatures sometimes could not be dropped in
MPD mode.
* Fixed a problem where flowers of creatures in Toolbox flash for no
apparent reason.
* Fixed a problem where movies don't show video on some CD drives.
* Fixed a problem where players were forced to replay completed
* Fixed a problem where the first chicken to be picked up would be
* Fixed a problem where you could lose the spells you started with
when taking over an enemy Library.
* Fixed a problem where you couldn't view the "Cut 1"
* Fixed a problem with MPD Levels 2-6 so that creatures can be
dropped back into the Toolbox.
* Fixed a problem with news update speech on map screen.
* Fixed a stalemate bug on Level 10.
* Fixed an Alt+Tab crash
* Fixed an out of sync problem between German and non-German
versions involving Elven Archer torture anim.
* Fixed an out of sync problem related to jailbreaks.
* Fixed an "invisible Imp" problem.
* Fixed Level 20 so that Hero Gates can be collapsed.
* Fixed problem in multiplayer where loading screen was not shown at
some stages.
* Fixed problem related to experience gained through destroying
traps and Dungeon Heart.
* Fixed problem that caused framerate drop when exposing the map in
* Fixed problem where "Player Not Responding - Kick
Player" message wasn't clearing the thumbnail from the screen.
* Fixed problem where "Teach your prisoners a lesson - build
them a Torture Chamber" got played incorrectly.
* Fixed problem where "There is nothing more to research"
got played incorrectly.
* Fixed problem where "You have my allegiance, Keeper" got
played incorrectly.
* Fixed problem where being kicked from a lobby was taking a long
time before timing out.
* Fixed problem where creature spell 'Knives' were coming out in the
wrong direction.
* Fixed problem where creatures were shown in the full-screen map at
the point they were picked up from.
* Fixed problem where debriefing wouldn't show after continuing a
MPD game.
* Fixed problem where fire sound would play indefinitely.
* Fixed problem where frozen creatures in possession won't animate
when coming out of possession mode.
* Fixed problem where Horny would sometimes get stuck on the way to
the Portal Gem.
* Fixed problem where Imps weren't taking crates to blueprints.
* Fixed problem where it was possible to get idle CPU Keepers in
* Fixed problem where it was possible to get overlapping GUI
* Fixed problem where Portal Gem was created in an incorrect place
after a game had been loaded.
* Fixed problem where rebelling creatures leaving the dungeon were
getting stuck.
* Fixed problem where some walls weren't getting rendered when
exiting possession mode.
* Fixed problem with duplicated level objectives screenshots in
mission briefings.
* Fixed problem with sound in movie player on Aureal cards.
* Fixed Voodoo and non-MMX machine config problem.
* Game installed to a path without spaces in now runs from the
Autorun menu.
* High Score Table no longer displays "Level 20" after
completing a Secret Level.
* Temple created creatures now never get stuck in the pool.
* Valid video mode now set up for Matrox Millenium video card.
- C&C
2: Tiberian Sun Video
Time: 07:18
EDT/12:18 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Byron
3DFiles has posted a movie
from Westwood's C&C Tiberian Sun. It's a 50MB download
though - so maybe you're just better off waiting for a week and
picking up the game.
Date: Thursday 19th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: Outcast
- Fifa 2000 |
- Darkstone - Patch Details
Time: 16:01
EDT/21:01 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Byron
AVault have posted some info from directly from
GOD (The company that is) on what's going to be fixed in the first
patch for Darkstone. Here are a few of the fixes
- The chat box will support 80 characters
- Chat messages will be visible by the sender
- A life bar will be displayed on all
characters in cooperative mode
- The server can end the session of another
player using "K" following by the player number
- A new level of difficulty -- Hero
- The ability to call your second character
using "D"
- The ability to pre-select the spell for the
second character using Shift and 1-8
You can find out what else has been fixed here.
- Fifa
2000 - Preview
Time: 07:18
EDT/12:18 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Byron
Games.net has posted a
preview of EA Sports upcoming football game that I personally
can't wait for, FIFA 2000. Here is a snippet from the preview:
About this time each and every
year, soccer buffs around the world get giddy with glee waiting
for the release of EA Sports' newest FIFA installment. Given the
series' consistent quality, that's no surprise, but this year FIFA
fans really have something to be excited about: Not only are we at
the turn of the millennium, but we're also looking at what may be
the most ambitious FIFA title yet! And I'm not just talking about
the much-appreciated addition of America's Major League Soccer
players and teams. No, I mean gameplay additions that may forever
change the way soccer video games are played.
- Outcast Ships In The US
Time: 07:18
EDT/12:18 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Byron
Appeal's third-person voxel action/adventure
title, has shipped in the US and should be in stores by the week's
end. There's also a demo of the game for download on The
Outcast website. It's an extremely large download though.
out our review of Outcast
Date: Wednesday 18th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: Terminal
Reality |
- Aliens
Versus Predator - Walkthrough
Time: 16:20
EDT/21:20 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
World has posted
a walkthrough for all of the single-player missions for Aliens
vs. Predator.
- Kali 1.99b
Time: 16:16
EDT/21:16 GMT Source: Desktop
Watch Posted By: Byron
A new version of Kali has been released. Kali is
the world's largest Internet gaming network enabling Internet play
of the most popular multiplayer games for over 250,000 players, on
more than 600 servers in 65 countries.
- Microsoft
Scores Big With New PC Sports Games
Time: 09:10
EDT/14:10 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Get off the couch and into the game! Take
it to the hoop or run it into the end zone with "NBA Inside
Drive 2000" and "NFL Fever 2000" from Microsoft
Corp., scheduled to be available in stores Aug. 26th. The
announcement comes as exciting news to sports enthusiasts and PC
gamers eager to experience the life-like intensity and excitement
these titles bring to the PC for an estimated retail price of only
$19.99 each (actual retail prices may vary). With the simultaneous
release of "NFL Fever 2000" and "NBA Inside Drive
2000," gamers receive double the action-packed, hair-raising
gameplay Microsoft's sports lineup has to offer.
- Force
Commander Preview
Time: 04:39
EDT/09:39 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Gamecenter has posted a
preview of Lucas Arts long delayed, Star Wars Real Time Strategy
title Force Commander. You can check out the preview of the here.
- H&D Patch 1.2 On The Way
Time: 04:37
EDT/09:37 GMT Source: Voodoo
Extreme Posted By: Byron
Check out this post, posted on TacticalPlanet,
regarding planned fixes, additions, and improvements for Hidden and
Dangerous patch v1.2:
Got word from Michal Bacik, Lead Programmer at IllusionSoftworks,
that they are in the testing phase for the Hidden
& Dangerous Patch v1.2. Here is a list of the planned
fixes, additions and improvements for the next H&D patch:
1. Full configurable controllers.
2. Crashes when leaving static guns.
3. Mouse lag.
4. Quick game load.
5. Cars - crashing people.
6. Boats - death of on-board soldiers.
The team is also busy working on several
in-language versions of the game as well (Korean, Japanese and
several others). They are keeping really busy and they are also
planning to attend the upcoming ECTS
in London, September 5-7. They will be in the Take2 booth,
GL100 on the 1st Floor. If you live in London be sure to attend
and drop us a line about what you saw.
- Terminal
Reality - Interview
Time: 04:35
EDT/09:35 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
FiringSquad has posted an interview with
Terminal Reality, the developers of the third-person perspective
horror game, Nocturne. Here is a snippet:
FS: The camera in Nocturne is static to help
keep framerates up, right? Do you think that video cards with
transform and lighting (NVIDIA NV10) will allow for a Nocturne
sequel with a moveable camera?
TR: Hardware transform and lighting would make
Nocturne slower and look worse. People really don't understand
what the bottlenecks are in 3D right now. Since our game does
skeletal animation of characters, we can easily append on
transform operations with no time hit. Because of that, we know
which polys are visible, and which aren't, so we only have to
upload the visible polys, instead of all the polys, which makes
rendering much faster. Half the number of polygons uploaded to the
card every frame doubles your frame rate. It's that simple. Also,
using hardware transforms, we'd have to upload twice the geometry
that's necessary to render each frame. If we left all the geometry
on the card to combat that, then that wouldn't leave any room for
texture maps. And for hardware lighting, we could use it, but
you'd loose the real-time shadows. Would you mind loosing the
real-time shadows? We would.
Date: Tuesday 17th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: G400 |
- 5.20 Drivers For G200/400 On The
Time: 12:03
EDT/17:03 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Byron
Here's the latest on what is fixed in the upcoming
5.20 drivers for the G200 and G400 and what is in progress:
- Simcity 3000 - Flickering with G200
Status: Fixed
- Darkstone - Flickering with G200
Status: Fixed
- Quest for Glory V - Goes back to desktop
Status: In progress
- Half Life - Corrupted Textures
Status: In progress
- Quake 3 Test - Switching color depth
Status: Fixed
- Final Fantasy VII - Not working with G400
Status: Fixed
- T.A: Kingdoms - Corrupted textures in menus
Status: Fixed
- Rogue Squadron - Not working with G400
Status: Lucasarts is looking into it
- Messiah and EMBM
Time: 09:09
EDT/14:09 GMT Source: Voodoo
Extreme Posted By: Byron
Just checking out Messiah
message board and spotted a Q&A on whether or not Messiah
will support Matrox's EMBM (Environment Mapped Bump Mapping). Here's
what Messiah's Producer had to say:
As Messiah gets closer to completion we are
evaluating all sorts of cards and peripherals which the game may
eventually support. While the game does not support bump mapping
at the moment, we are currently working with Matrox to see if such
a feature might be a positive addition to the title. Keep an eye
on messiah.com in the upcoming weeks, if we decide to support bump
mapping, you’ll probably see the screens posted there first.
Stuart Roch
Shiny Entertainment
Let's hope it happens, it is announced as being one
the games that will support it on the Matrox site.
- G400
Review @ ExtremeHardware
Time: 09:07
EDT/14:07 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
has posted a review of Matrox's G400
powered Millennium board. They've included tons of performance
tests, overclocking, screenshots, and a comparison to the TNT2
Date: Monday 16th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: G400
- Q3 - Swat 3 - Unreal & DX7 |
- Doom Movie Doomed?
Time: 17:33
EDT/22:33 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
It sounds as if the big screen version of the Doom
computer game has gone up in smoke.. According to the IGN SciFi website,
John Carmack owner of Id Software and one of the programmers of the
game revealed at the QuakeCon gaming convention that the project is
kaput. The site quotes Carmack as saying that the company looked at
"at a couple of scripts" which were described as
"awful." Carmack also revealed that TriStar let the film
option on the project lapse and no one else has come looking to pick
them up. One of the scripts mentioned may have been the script to
have been written by Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, as reported in
the Insider way back on December 21, 1998.
- Blizzard At The ECTS
Time: 16:59
EDT/21:59 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Blizzard Entertainment sent out a media advisory
today announcing that they will hold a press conference at the
European Computer Trade Show (We'll be there btw) to announce its
next game title. The product announcement will be followed by a
brief question and answer session. Press kits will be distributed to
media types at the end of the press conference.
The press conference will take place on September
5 from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m at the European Computer Trade Show - Henly
Suite, Olympia Conference Center London, England.
- Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch Delayed
Time: 16:52
EDT/21:52 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
As expected, the Dungeon Keeper 2 patch has been
delayed until later on in the week. Here's the blurb:
The DK2 update that was scheduled for release on
Friday 13th has had to be delayed, due to last minute bug fixes.
To give you some details, we've had a few problems implementing
the code that allows you to carry on playing after completing a
level. Once you had completed a level, creatures dropped from the
hand were invisible! Obviously, being able to continue after
winning the level is an important feature, that a lot of players
of DK2 have asked for, and we want to get it absolutely right.
Tonight, we shoud be building a final version,
but this means that it will need to go back through the whole
testing procedure, tonight and over the weekend, to make sure that
one feature does not knock another out of place. Hopefully, if the
update does not come out of the testing phase, we'll be able to
post the update some time next week. When it's ready to be posted,
you'll be able to download it from here.
Once again, sorry for the delay. Everyone here
is working flat out to get this update out to you, but it's vital
to us that when we do post it, it's to the best quality we can
make. We hope you understand, and thank you for your continued
The DK2 Team (realizing that scheduling for
Friday 13th was a BIG mistake!)
- The
F.A. Premier League Stars - Review
Time: 12:06
EDT/17:06 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
have posted my review of EA Sports latest. The
F.A. Premier League Stars. Here is a snippet from the review:
It isn't all doom & gloom
though as EA Sports have added one good feature that Fifa players
have been asking for, the power bar. The power bar allows you to
judge how far or fast you will shoot or lob the ball, this makes
doing different types of shots much, much easier. There is also now
an on-screen health bar showing your players energy rates, this
helps you decide when or if you will drag the player off the field
and replace him with another. The replays have also been
improved, after you score a goal you are greeted to replays from
multiple angles, not just the one view like in Fifa 99.
- Unreal & DirectX 7
Time: 05:59
EDT/10:59 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Byron
Unreal Technology Page has been updated
with information regarding DirectX7. Here is all of the news:
Some people have been asking about our plans for
supporting the upcoming DirectX7. Unreal Tournament will ship with
DirectX6 support, and will be compatible with (but not optimized
for) DirectX7. As soon as Microsoft has released DirectX7 and
we've had a chance to optimize the code for DX7 and test it across
a wide range of cards, we'll release an Unreal Tournament patch
with complete DirectX7 optimizations. This has been the plan all
DirectX7 has lots of cool new features. The ones
which Unreal Tournament will exploit are:
Improved texture management.
Hooks to enable 3D card drivers to perform their own texture
management to improve performance.
Optimized polygon path for significantly faster polygon rates.
Windows 2000 support.
- Bleem!
1.4a Released
Time: 05:54
EDT/10:54 GMT Source: 3DFiles
Posted By: Byron
has posted Bleem! 1.4a. This new version of the extremely popular
Playstation emulator fixes CDROM problems, some D3D transition
issues, and adds a few other things.
it here.
- Police
Quest: Swat 3 - Interview
Time: 05:53
EDT/10:53 GMT Source: CGO
Posted By: Byron
To go with our other news just a minute ago,
Gaming Age Online has put up an
interview with Rod Fung, the producer of Sierra's upcoming SWAT
3: Close Quarters Battle. Here is a snippet from the interview:
GA: I have noticed when shot, but not fatally, a
player leaves a trail of blood. Is it possible to bleed to death?
If so will there be ways of preventing this?
Rod: No, I’m sorry, the player will not bleed
to death, but you will be able to track down wounded suspects by
following their blood. There will also be an option to turn the
‘blood’ off if that is desired.
- Police
Quest: Swat 3 - Preview
Time: 05:51
EDT/10:51 GMT Source: CGO
Posted By: Byron
has posted the third installment of their preview of Sierra's
SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle. Here's a snippet
Thus are the laws of physics in
computer-generated reality. Or at least they has been—SWAT 3
Close Quarters Battle hopes to change that. In the game,
environmental objects such as walls and doors are each assigned
penetration characteristics depending on the nature of the
substance. When a player (or a suspect) fires a weapon, the
bullets will penetrate to a specific depth based on the material
in question (wood, plaster, glass… even flesh) and the type of
weapon and ammunition used. The screenshots above illustrate an
example of how bullets (fired from an M4A1 Carbine) can penetrate
walls and kill a character on the other side. Note the exit holes
on the back of the wall, and the smaller holes on the facing wall
across the hallway. It is not inconceivable that bullets could
penetrate multiple surfaces, depending on the material, weapon,
and ammo in question.
- Quake 3 Arena Wallpaper
Time: 05:47
EDT/10:47 GMT Source: Voodoo
Extreme Posted By: Byron
Well we are a Windows based site, so here are some
wallpaper files that were sent into Voodoo Extreme.
fired off two sweet new Quake3 inspired images, perfect for
wallpaper. Of course these are not official (from id), but they do
look pretty damn cool (he did a little something different with
the logo). Check 'em out (both images are at 1081x1344):

- G400
Time: 05:02
EDT/10:02 GMT Source: Murc
News Posted By: Alex H
There are a few benchmarks over on MGA
Optimisation Tools from beta testers of MGATweak which is
looking very slick and should be out in open beta soon.
Look at the
highlighted improvement on fillrate after overclocking. It can be
as high as 20%. Another interesting result is that in both cases,
the fillrate improvement is almost the same regardless of the CPU
used. However, Intel Pentium III seems to have a much better
utilization of the tremendous fillrate the G400 offers. This shows
that G400 is clearly CPU-bounded. With more powerful next
generation CPUs coming out, such as AMD Athlon and Intel Mercs, we
can expect G400 performance to scale accordingly. On the other
hand, let's hope that Matrox will once again flex his muscles on
driver development, offloading more processing chores from the
host CPU to G400. That will definitely improve the low-res
performance and make G400 sell like hot cake!
- G400
Tweak released
Time: 04:58
EDT/09:58 GMT Source: 3D
Guru Posted By: Alex H
The Matrox User's Resource Group has posted a new
utility for the Matrox G400 (MAX and vanilla), G400Tweak, that
allows you to alter various registry settings that should boost the
performance of the G400. Apparently they have also posted
behnchmarks on MGA Optimization Tools from beta testers of MGATweak
(which they say should be available in an open beta soon). Visit
resource group
Date: Saturday 14th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: SS2 |
Date: Friday 13th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: Braveheart
Patch - Planet Heat - System Shock 2 Navy details |
- Dungeon Keeper 2 Easter Egg Found
Time: 11:50
EDT/04:50 GMT Source: me! Posted By: Alex
Bullfrog pulled off an Easter Egg! Last
night while playing DK2 really late, I was working on level 14 (14b
I think)... while training my creatures in the combat pit... at
around 1:30 into the game, I was notified that the "Jackpot was
hit!" in my casino. I scrolled over to the casino and
heard "Disco Inferno" playing and the monsters were
dancing. Fireworks were also going off all around the
room. It was pretty hilarious. Incidentally, my casino
was set to "generous."
- Dungeon
Keeper 2 - Bonus Pack 2 Released
Time: 16:50
EDT/21:50 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Bullfrog seem to have failed with their long
awaited patch for Dungeon Keeper 2 (It was due today) but they have
released a new Bonus
Pack which includes a new level.
- Beta Testers For Pharaoh
Time: 16:29
EDT/21:29 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Impressions Games have announced they will be
accepting beta testers for the upcoming Winter release of
August 16th through August 20th, game fans can visit the official
Pharaoh Web site to register to become an official beta tester
for Impressions Games. To qualify, gamers need only have a
desire to play and test the game and offer quality feedback in the
time frame specified. Once the registration process is
complete, Impressions Games will begin notifying those selected to
participate via e-mail beginning Monday, August 23.
- Kingpin
Time: 14:44
EDT/19:44 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Guru 3D has posted a Kingpin
review. It includes a few screenshots. Here is a snippet:
language in the game might be considered a bit harsh by the prudes
and other cretins who have nothing better to do except bitch about
things that don't concern them, but it suits the game perfectly.
It's hard to imagine a pimp going up to you and saying "Excuse
me, my good man. Would you mind not looking at this young
lady?". Let's face it, "Yo, don't be lookin' at ma
bitch!" is much more realistic. Come to think of it, that's
about the nicest thing anyone has to say to you during the game.
- John Carmack's Quake 3
Time: 12:33
EDT/17:33 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Alex
I got an email today with a link on it that has an
in depth summary of John Carmack's Quake 3 Presentation at QuakeCon
'99. Over on 3D Action Planet
they have the info which can be seen here.
- System Shock 2 "Navy"
character details
Time: 12:33
EDT/17:33 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Alex
I got an email today about the Navy character
details. Here is what the Press Release had to say:
Arts and Looking Glass Studios today revealed details about the
"Navy" character in the new sci-fi/horror RPG, System
Shock 2, which hits stores this week. The Navy character undergoes
the most balanced training of all of the game's characters, picking
up skills in all types of basic weaponry, computers, and a small
smattering of psi skills.
The Navy
character possesses great technical skill, and can manipulate
weapons by modifying them to have shorter reload times or larger
ammo clips. Additionally, as weapons decay and jam over time, Navy
characters with a few abilities in repairing or maintaining weapons
can greatly extend the life of their weapons, and even themselves.
Shock 2 also features non-combat skills that the Navy character can
learn, such as researching alien organs (which can give advantages
in combat) and hacking. Hacking allows a player to do a number of
interesting things, like disable security cameras, break into
computer-locked rooms, and even lower the cost of certain ammo and
items available throughout the ship's replicators.
Hacking a
computer, keypad, or replicator brings up a hack screen with the
difficulty of the hack identified on screen (which changes,
depending on the players' abilities). For a small cost, the player
can try to hack these systems, but failure could result in the item
breaking, or even exploding. These tactics are simple to use and
understand, and add a great deal to the game. In fact, a player can
hack a security system, find slug and laser turrets that are
disabled, and then hack those as well. Then, the turret will attack
enemies for the player.
- Planet Heat to be unveiled at the
Time: 12:14
EDT/17:14 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Alex
I got an email today from Human Soft about their
new game Planet Heat. Here is what the press release had to say and
some screen shots:
Human Soft
Inc. is unveiling its latest futuristic racing action game in
development at the California Pavilion (G552B) during the European
Computer Trade Show, in London, England. This single player and
multiplayer game is set on different planets as well as in special
deathmatch arenas. Our goal in exhibiting at ECTS is to find a
publisher for this superb PC title that should hit shelves for
Christmas 1999.
Human Soft
has been developing Planet HEAT, a Windows 95 game for one and a
half years utilizing proprietary technology. The 3D engine was
specifically developed for Planet HEAT. It supports a whapping
10,000 polygons simultaneously, allowing it to display any planet's
terrain in a life-like fashion. Racing conditions range from mere
rain to severe tornadoes. Some powerups, such as turbo mode, help
you in your endeavors, while others, such as a puncture, hinder you.
The race is against aggressive AI cars that swiftly roam towards the
finish, not keeping to any pre-set path.

- Microsoft
Flight Simulator 2000 Website Launched
Time: 07:07
EDT/12:07 GMT Source: CNet
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft announced today that the official Web
site for Flight Simulator 2000, the new version of the Flight
Simulator franchise, is now live at http://www.microsoft.com/games/fs2000/.
The Flight Simulator 2000 Web site offers a wealth
of information such as a detailed features list for both the
Professional Edition and the Standard Edition that is designed for
seasoned and novice pilots alike. The site also provides current
news and articles, links to the flight simulation community, and
screen shots.
The official Web site features exclusive
screenshots of some of Flight Simulator 2000's aircraft, such as the
Boeing 737, Boeing 777-300, Bell 206 Helicopter, and Raytheon Beech
King Air 350. Flight Simulator enthusiasts can also view exterior
and interior shots of the Mooney Bravo and an interior shot of the
Cessna 182.
- Braveheart
3.14 Patch released
Time: 06:37
EDT/11:37 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Alex H
Just read on Avault that a new patch for
Braveheart has been released. Here is what it fixes:
general stability problems relating to compatibility with lower-end
3D graphics cards. Specifically a texture leak that caused some
slow-down and a camera bug where F4 moved the camera to an 'illegal'
-Multi-player game is now fully functional under TCP/IP (although
some stability issues may occur)
-The bug which prevented players from completing the tutorial has
now been fixed.
-A specific warning message has now been added if the system is
running low on hard-drive space.
-Improved AI in 3D world relating to water. This fixes an
occaisional problem where manouvering troops in close proximity to
water could result in a game crash. Troops will now no longer appear
near to water and will avoid rather than blindly ignore these
-Improved AI and game mechanics when the user invades England.
This patch is for UK/European versions only and
can be downloaded from here
- Drakan
to Feature Gore ''Lock-Out'' Feature
Time: 06:34
EDT/11:34 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Alex H
Psygnosis' forthcoming PC game, DRAKAN Order of
the Flame, will include an option that enables parents to restrict
the level of graphic violence viewed by their children. The company
said it believes the inclusion of this password-protected violence
reduction feature will help ensure that the violent content will not
hinder the game’s broad appeal when it hits North American shelves
on Aug. 20. Although a fantasy-based action and adventure offering
that does not contain guns or human opponents, the publisher
ventured its hand-to-hand sword combat may be too graphic for some
- EA
To Unveil Alice on Friday the 13th?
Time: 06:30
EDT/11:30 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Alex H
Electronic Arts is going to be uploading some
mysterious surprises today to the website for American McGee’s
Alice in Wonderland-based 3D shooter. The official site contains the
admonition to return at 11:00 PST today -- if you dare. For more
information, read our news item announcing the title.
These will be welcome changes that should leverage
the emerging DVD consumer-base. For the nostaligic, our early
preview of the game is available
Date: Thursday 12th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: H&D
Patch - Fly! Patch |
- 20,000 Leagues to Benefit from
DVD Technology
Time: 14:28
EDT/19:28 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Byron
For ages, the three most dubious words in
adventure gaming were “full motion video.” Many games that
claimed to offer unparalleled realism due to use of the technology
offered little more than rigid boredom. SouthPeak Interactive
attempted to change this perception with a technological innovation
called Video Reality, intending to improve full motion video's
Early titles that used the engine demonstrated
that PC hardware had not advanced to the point that games could
benefit from the technology. Dark Side of the Moon was shipped on
six CD-ROMs and played out in a small, choppily-rendered window. A
DVD-ROM version was later made available, but no changes had been
made to the window size or rendering speed. Now, due to a vastly
improved engine and a better generation of hardware, the publisher
is set to change things for good.
The Adrenaline Vault has learned that a number of
exciting changes are in motion for their next adventure title to use
Video Reality, 20000 Leagues: The Adventure Continues, based on the
Jules Verne novel and due out in Spring 2000. For starters, the game
will ship on a single DVD-ROM, which means an end to disc swapping.
Additionally, by developing the title specifically for the chubby
storage medium, which can hold up to 17 times more information than
a traditional CD-ROM, the designers were able to switch to wide
screen for navigation and full screen for dramatics and
These will be welcome changes that should leverage
the emerging DVD consumer-base. For the nostaligic, our early
preview of the game is available
- European Air War Patch
Time: 08:55
EDT/13:55 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
A new EAW 1.2 patch has been released, which
mostly improves multiplayer lag and warping problems, but adds a few
new features and functions.
- 6 Megs
- Quake 3 Bus
Time: 05:04
EDT/10:04 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
has have posted a small feature on the id/Activision's
Quake III bus that is making its way through a few of the states in
the west of the US.
- New
Voodoo3 3500TV Drivers
Time: 05:00
EDT/10:00 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
3dfx has released new drivers for their recently
released Voodoo3 3500TV video card. You can download the new drivers
from their website here.
- Fly!
Patch Released
Time: 04:59
EDT/09:59 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
mentions that there is a patch out for Fly! (Only released last week
in Europe), from the guys/girls over at Terminal Reality. You can
download this 2.07MB patch from
Avault here.
- US
Hidden & Dangerous Patch 1.1
Time: 04:57
EDT/09:57 GMT Source: AGN
3D Posted By: Byron
AGN have posted a new patch for the US version of
Hidden & Dangerous, version 1.1. Here is the info and local
download link:
US Patch v 1.1 corrects the following problems:
- Zooming in sniper or binocs mode - sometimes,
the zoom resets after movement....FIXED
- Dropping weapons held in hands in FP mode when
laying - aim object still shown....FIXED
- Tanks problems (2 turrets after destroying,
driving if driver is enemy soldier)....FIXED
- Internet gameplay with more players shows a big
latency and sync problems. ...IMPROVED
- Random deaths at missions with trains/trams
(Italy1, Danube2)....FIXED
- Loading saved game - soldiers in vehicle
standing, or laying soldiers floating in air....FIXED
- Improper item saving in game profile after
mission finished....FIXED
- Great slow-down in campaign 1 missions 5,6 and
few other missions within the game....OVERALL SPEED OF GAME
- Game hanging after few minutes of
- Gun site randomly disappearing in 1st person
Additional features:
- An aiming line drawn for static guns and tank
turrets when used by player. This makes aiming such guns much
Download Locations:
here to download the patch (3.13MB)
Date: Wednesday 11th August 1999
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: System
Shock 2 Ships - 3DNow! TR3 Patch |
- Sid
Meier's Antietam preview on IGN
Time: 15:26
EDT/20:26 GMT Source: IGN
Posted By: Alex H
IGN has posted a preview of the
new Sid Meier game, Antieam, which is a Civil War game. Here is a
snippet of the preview:
Meier's Antietam builds on the engine that made Gettysburg such a
success. It's combination of real-time strategy and detailed but
intuitive interface have won loyal fans. The combat is all based at
the regimental level on a fully rotatable 3D, contoured battle map.
The map is incredible. Not only is it one of the most faithful,
contoured reproductions of an actual battlefield I've seen. It's
also pretty good looking in its own right.
- Tribes'
Lead Designer Leaves Company
Time: 11:53
EDT/16:53 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Alex H
The lead designer of Dynamix’s
Starsiege Tribes is leaving to join Electronic Arts online games
division as the lead designer on an upcoming multiplayer title.
Scott Youngblood has been with the Eugene, Ore.-based developer for
nine years; recently he has been serving as the lead designer on the
sequel. He updated his .plan today to announce his upcoming
departure and express his feelings regarding his years at Dynamix.
“It has been a great nine years
here in Eugene, and I will always [remember] these years fondly. The
decision to leave was very difficult for me, but I have an
opportunity I cannot pass up,” he wrote. He also mentioned that
development on the sequel is "progressing very nicely."
Youngblood’s entire .plan update can be read here.
Time: 10:57
EDT/15:57 GMT Source: 3D
News Posted By: Alex H
It looks like another ION person has left. My
Finger Shack tells me that Mike Montague no longer has a .plan
at ION. Also according to My
Finger Shack, he was the AI and Sound Programmer.
- QuakeCon
99 a Hit
Time: 10:46
EDT/15:46 GMT Source: Gamecenter
Posted By: Alex H
What started three years ago as a way for die-hard
fans of id Software's Quake
to get together and frag one another on a LAN (local-area network)
has grown into a company-sponsored, high-profile, three-day event,
complete with workshops, tournaments, and plenty of prizes. Braving
the blistering Texas heat (which reached more than 100 degrees each
day), and dodging insects the size of bread loaves, more than 1,000
gamers descended on QuakeCon 99
in the Mesquite Convention Center last weekend. We have the details,
along with a
few pictures.
Late Thursday, the night before the event
officially opened, the line of gamers queued up to preregister
stretched down the hall, even as the final network setup was taking
place. Security was tight, with a number of volunteers filling out
and checking detailed inventories of each gamers' equipment, and two
uniformed police officers on duty at all times. It was pretty quiet
at the beginning, because the network wouldn't be live until Friday
- Final
Fantasy VIII Publisher Announced
Time: 10:46
EDT/15:46 GMT Source: Gamespot
UK Posted By: Alex H
Eidos, not Square EA, will publish Squaresoft's
Final Fantasy VIII for the PC. On Tuesday morning, Eidos announced
that it has extended its agreement with Squaresoft to publish the PC
version of Final Fantasy VIII, despite Square's yearlong association
with Electronic Arts. Under the terms of this deal, Eidos will
release Final Fantasy VIII throughout Europe and Australia as soon
as the PC port is complete.
"Eidos' commitment to the PC version of Final
Fantasy VII has been obvious, and we have no doubt that our
continuing relationship with Eidos will be mutually beneficial,
resulting in strong sales of the PC version of Final Fantasy
VIII," said Square president and CEO Tomoyuki Takechi.
- C&C2
Time: 10:40
EDT/15:40 GMT Source: AGN
Posted By: Alex H
Gamers Depot has posted a few new C&C2
cool blokes down at Westwood Studios just fired off these new screen
shots at us! The lower graphics are at a higher quality,
and may take a tad longer to load in..... Enjoy!"
- 3DNow!
Tomb Raider 3 Patch released
Time: 10:35
EDT/15:35 GMT Source: AGN
Posted By: Alex H
3DNow sent word that 3DFiles.com
has the new 3DNow! Tomb Raider 3 Patch available for download. Tomb
Raider 3 3DNow! Patch. Download
[466 kb]
III AMD's 3DNOW! Patch The new EXE file has been optimized to
support AMD's 3DNOW! technology. This is a self extracting .zip file
which will update your tomb3.exe file. If for some reason you'd like
to switch back to the original TOMB3.EXE, simply re-install the game
per instructions in your manual.
- System Shock 2 Ships
Time: 10:28
EDT/15:28 GMT Source: Email Posted By: Alex
Prepare to be SHOCKed! Electronic Arts(TM) and
Looking Glass Studios today shipped System Shock(TM) 2, a 3D science
fiction/horror role-playing game (RPG) and sequel to System Shock,
one of the most critically acclaimed computer games in history. The
game, which again pits players against the evil artificial
intelligence SHODAN, was co-developed by Looking Glass Studios and
Irrational Games, and is being co-published by Looking Glass Studios
and Electronic Arts. The title will begin hitting stores today and
will be available nationwide by Friday, with a suggested retail
price of $44.95. The initial shipment will be available in a limited
edition package with chromium embossing.
"The wait is finally over for gamers who got
hooked on Shock and have been looking forward to System Shock
2," said Paul Neurath, managing director of Looking Glass
Studios. "When they come face to face with Shodan, they're
going to feel like their worst enemy is back."
- GLClock
5.0 released
Time: 10:28
EDT/15:28 GMT Source: Voodoo
Extreme Posted By: Alex
I just read on Voodoo
Extreme that GLClock 5.0 has just been released. Here is a
snippet of what it is about:
version support for more graphic cards, such as the Voodoo3. GLClock
renders a clock (with your time) in real-time using OpenGL as
acceleration. To benchmark your OpenGL speed use the benchmark.bat
file. Wood, Marble and Sky the different shades the clock can have.
It is a 599 kb and can be gotten from here.
Read more of the past months news in
our News Archive for Previous
August News.
Do you have any Windows based news?
Just Remember To Get In Touch!

Media Player 6.4
UI For Windows 98 SE
98 Spinning Globe Background