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Headlines For Tuesday 29th February 2000 |
News |
Incite Games has taken a long
hard (insert Billy Wilson comment here) look at Massive
Entertainment's upcoming 3D RTS, Gound Control. This game is said to
utilize the best elements from games like Myth II and Force 21.
Take the
battlefields from Bungie's Myth II, the no-resource-management
concepts from Microprose's MechCommander, and the platoon-sized
forces from Red Storm's Force 21, combine them with a little science
fiction, and you may well find yourself with Ground Control.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Alone in the Dark was a really
cool game when it was released years ago. It helped pave the way for
classics like Resident Evil. Now it French developer, Darkworks, is
set on bringing us yet another chapter in the Alone in the Dark
series. This brings it up to a total of 4 games in the series.
Gamelinks has a preview up of the game.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Gamesdomain fired off a full
review of Red Storm Entertainment's upcoming turn based strategy game,
Shadow Watch. So if you liked X-Com and/or Jagged Alliance I guess you
might want to take a look at this one as well.
The fact that the operatives can
gain skills and abilities during the Campaign is also a big plus. It
makes SW more of a "Strategy/Adventure"
hybrid, maybe with a little "RPG" thrown in for good
measure. There is nothing nicer than seeing Rafael develop the
ability to blow open doors like Bear does! And developing Archer
into the "total package" as a team leader really makes a
big difference in team survivability. Overall, I thought that the
addition of these many and varied abilities enhanced the gameplay
nicely as after each mission there are decisions for you to make,
which make me feel like I'm actually in control of something.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Monday 28th February 2000 |
News |
Gamelinks has taken a good look
at Looking Glass Studios' upcoming sequel to Thief: The Dark Project.
Entitled Thief 2: The Metal Age, the game sets
you in the shoes of the lone thief who sets out to steal various items
and relics. Here's preview of the preview.
Gameplay makes the game."
This saying couldn't be more true when in reference to Looking Glass
Studios original Thief: The Dark Project game, a sleeper hit but an
instant success. Cluttered with painful 8-bit graphics and a very
tough learning curve, it's game play saved Thief: The Dark Project
from garnering such unflattering awards as "Coaster" of
the year game award. Instead the game's developers gambled with the
focus on the game, and decided that an element never really used as
a primary game play element, Stealth would be what made the game
different. The gamble paid off, big time! Garnering a huge hardcore
following, Thief: The Dark Project took gamers through a dark world
of thievery and first person adventure in which playing a thief
named Garrett enticed gamers on many different level never delved
into by first person game makers before. At the end of the first
game, Looking Glass Studios announced in the credits a sequel,
called "The Metal Age", and so gave away that a second
Thief game was already in the works. So here we are on the verge of
a March release of what is expected to be a highly successful sequel
and another cash-cow for both developer Looking Glass and publisher
Eidos Interactive, with a look at Thief 2: The Metal Age.
News] [Return To Headlines]
BBC News is reporting that the
London-based gaming company, Eidos is has taken a big fall in profits.
In fact in the nine months up until the end of '99, Eidos suffered
loses of £11million, compared to a profit of £36.2million the year
before. I guess that's what happens when you re-use the same
concept to many times, instead of coming up with a new idea.
News] [Return To Headlines]
The Adrenaline Vault scored a
bunch of new screenshots from Hasbro's upcoming Frogger 2 game. With
the first Frogger selling over 3 million copies, Frogger 2 is already
destined to be a best-seller. The game is set for release around
September this year, and will include a new female friend for Frogger,
a level set in space and much more.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Friday 25th February 2000 |
News |
GA Source got the exclusive on
some screenshot from a new upcoming Half-Life mod called Gunmen. They
also got AVI files, showing some characters.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Thursday 24th February 2000 |
News |
Once again the goodfellas (I
mean that in a non gangster sort of way) over at Gamespot has
pulled yet another fine looking preview out of their hat. This time
it's GT Interactive's upcoming space-strategi game, Imperium Galactica
II: Alliances. Here's a peak.
Imperium Galactica II impresses
almost immediately - even in the early form we tested. The interface
is slick and intuitive, from the main menu to the in-game prompts
and windows. MOO2 veterans will have little difficulty diving right
into gameplay, despite the fact that Imperium Galactica II uses a
real-time engine. No need to fear, though: This is real time in the
Star Wars: Rebellion sense (except it works), with a varying time
setting that you can pause or speed up to your heart's content. In
fact, the real-time engine works quite well in Imperium Galactica
News] [Return To Headlines]
Another preview for you today.
This one is from the blokes at Gamelinks. The have a preview up of Human
Head Studios' forthcoming epic 3D action game, Rune.
Rune will center around melee
combat with weapons such as swords, axes, knives, clubs and even
unconvential melee weapons such as rocks, bones, and chopped off
body parts, all encapsulated around your quest to find the secret of
the Dark Vikings bent on wiping out your family and fellow Vikings.
To allow for further interactivity with the environment, you'll be
able to pick up the weapons of those you've vanquished.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Wednesday 23rd February 2000 |
News |
Eurogamer has posted an extensive
hands-on preview of Computer Artsworks' upcoming game, Evolva. Some of
you GeForce owners may have tried the demo, that shipped with some
GeForce cards. Here's a snippet.
Objectives are fairly varied,
ranging from a basic reconnaissance
mission to recover alien genetic material to more complex missions
where you
have to locate explosives and use them to destroy an alien
structure, or
defending indigenous life forms against hostile aliens."
"And although the solution to most of your
problems is generally fairly
obvious, the frantic fast paced action and the constant mutating of
genohunters into newer and more deadly forms helps keep things
News] [Return To Headlines]
Apperently Activision is to turn
the tables on the industry by co-producing a new upcoming coming book
from publisher DC Comics. The new comic book is to be based on
Activision's upcoming Star Trek computer game, Voyager: Elite Force.
Usually it's the other way around where a game is based on a comic.
The plot of the comic is said to be identical to that of the game,
featuring Captain Janeway and the good crew of the USS Voyager.
However the comic book should be in stores before the game, which
could prove be quite a spoiler for the game plot.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Tuesday 22nd February 2000 |
News |
Michael Webster from Activision
was nice enough to send me a couple of screenshots from their upcoming
3D shooter based on the Star Trek universe, Voyager: Elite Force. In
this game you join the crew of Federation starship
USS Voyager, which is lost in the Delta Quadrant. Voyager: Elite Force
uses id Software's Quake 3 engine which has been modified to fit the
needs. The game is being developed by Raven
Software. I don't
know if all of these shots have been seen before but I thought I would
post them anyway.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Gamesdomain has popped up a
preview of Big Time Software's upcoming simultaneous turn-based WWII
3D wargame, Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord. In this game you are able
to view the battle field from a number of different 3D views.
The battlefield is displayed in
3D, with camera positions ranging from ground level (zoom 1) to eye
in the sky (zoom 7 or 8). The camera can be freely scrolled and
panned to offer a view from almost anywhere. Each minute of action
can be rewound, replayed, paused and viewed from any angle. This
makes watching the resolution of each turn exceptionally tense (as
you have no chance to intervene to give new orders) and at the same
time renders the game system ideal for play by email (pbem). If you
want to watch an event from another angle, you can do so, to your
heart's content. Scrolling the camera can now be done much faster
than in the demo, with the number pad keys giving accelerated
movement. To traverse a map quickly, you can also jump out to a
higher zoom level.
News] [Return To Headlines]
AGN3D has added a new game to
their screenshots section. Devil Inside is the name of the game, which
is currently under development by Gamesquad.
Here are some of the features.
- A
game of action/adventure created by the author of the Alone in
the Dark series, Hubert Chardeau.
- Set
in the strange world of American "real life" TV,
starring the two main characters, Dave and his female double,
- More
than 50 different enemies, each one more macabre and vicious
that the next.
- 7
different weapons, 8 psychic powers and many detailed and
atmospheric levels.
- An
exceptional production in terms of camera action and
hyper-realistic animations of the characters.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Time: 10:05
EST/15:05 GMT News Source: GA
Source Posted By: Per
Ever heard of 2 little movies
called "Saving Private Ryan" and "The Thin Red
Line"? Well apparently the developers over at Reactor did, and
decided to make a game in the same atmosphere as the 2 WWII movies. GA
Source got a hold of a couple of screenshots from the upcoming game.
If you'd like to know more about UT: 1941, than also check out the interview
they did with Lead Designer, Tuomo Korva.
What new features have you
added in terms of gameplay?
I think the best new feature in
1941 is the possibility to have a very large number of soldiers on
the battlefield. Needless to say, we had to come up with some
special tricks to accomplish this in Unreal. I don't think there's
any other games in development that simulate platoon/company scale
battles in real forest terrain, so 1941 will be quite unique.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Monday 21st February 2000 |
News |
Eurogamer is covering the Razer-CPL
Qualifier event, which is taking place in London.
The Razer-CPL tournament in Dallas
this April will be the biggest Quake 3 tourney so far, with 512
players taking part and $100,000 in prizes up for grabs! You have to
be pretty dedicated to fly out to Dallas from Europe though, and
that's where the local qualifiers come in.
The UK qualifier is taking place
at our old haunt in the heart of London, The
Playing Fields. And thanks to sponsors GamePlay
the winner will get flown out to Dallas, a free room at the hotel,
an automatic place in the last 64 at the Razer-CPL event, and £500
spending money to paint the town red .. well, a nice shade of pastel
pink maybe.
News] [Return To Headlines]
GA Source has the scoop on a
newly announced upcoming game from developer No Fate. Overdrive is the
title of this game which started out as a mod for Quake 3, but then
moved on to become a stand-alone game. Snip this.
Overdrive promises to take
high-speed, criminal-driving action to a whole new level. Although
only a few months into development no fate has revealed to us that
their upcoming title will be very action oriented and violent.
"Overdrive is a racer involving car bombing and completing
drive by's for the mob," Kamil Mansuri, Lead Design for no fate
told us. "Its similar in theme to Grand Theft Auto, but with
more focus on killing individual people, and it will be multiplayer
only," he explained.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Rob Waters from Warcentral had
the opportunity to interview kelly Hoemer, the producer of Daikatana
over at Ion Storm. Here's the
lo-down on when the game is gonna be out.
[RW] Finally, when can we expect
Daikatana to be on retail store shelves?
[Kelly Hoerner] Sometime in late February is what everyone here
News] [Return To Headlines]
Also at GA Source today is a
couple of new screenshots from Empire Interactive's upcoming WW2
fighter-sim, Battle of Britain.
- Simulations of Luftwaffe’s
1000 aircraft raids
- Cloud that you can hide in and
- Fly the Spitfire, Hurricane,
Bf109, Bf110, Ju87 Stuka divebomber - Act as gunner in Junkers
88, Heinkel 111, Dornier 17 Other aircraft: Defiant, Blenheim
bomber, Air-Sea rescue float aircraft
- Interactive virtual cockpits
- Range of flight models: arcade
to full realism
- Real-time fully interactive
dynamic campaigns that can be played from both sides.
- Play as a Controller or a Pilot
- Multiplayer death match, team
play and quickmission mode playable over the Internet, LAN and
direct connect.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Saturday 19th February 2000
John over at Eurogamer sends word
that they got a new interview up with Wavier Carrillo of Rebel Act.
The subject is Rebel Act's upcoming (and sweet loking) game,
"It's a portal 3D engine with
real time physics and real-time shadows", Xavier explained.
"It's very powerful, and allows a lot of interactivity with the
environment. Everything has been done to reinforce the feeling of
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Friday 18th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 11:08
EST/16:08 GMT News Source: Gamespot
Posted By: Per
Gamespot has reviewed "Who wants to be a
millionaire". This is a somewhat different type of game, than
we are used to these days. It is the game version of the TV trivia
gameshow starring Regis Philbin. Don't know the show? Well, neither
do I, but apparently it's very popular. Here's a snippet from the
Most hard-core gamers probably
gnash their teeth at the thought of Regis Philbin and his
simple-minded trivia game outselling every other supposedly
respectable game on the market. The TV game show that has every
executive from other networks feverishly reshuffling his prime-time
grid is also burning up the computer entertainment charts. With more
than a million copies sold and no end in sight, Who Wants to Be a
Millionaire is the people's choice, whether fraggers like it or not.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Thursday 17th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 11:08
EST/16:08 GMT News Source: VoodooExtreme
Posted By: Per
Incite Games has posted some new screenshots
from Eidos' upcoming Thief 2: The Metal Age, which is set for
release in late March. If you don't know what Thief 2 is about,
then Incite Games also has a preview up for your viewing pleasure.
News] [Return To
Time: 11:08
EST/16:08 GMT News Source: Bioware
Posted By: Per
Avault got word from Bioware that they will
not be supporting neither Direct3D or Glide in their upcoming
MDK2. Instead they will be using OpenGL as their main API. This
should not be a problem, since every major graphicscard has a
working OpenGL driver to go along with it.
News] [Return To
Time: 11:08
EST/16:08 GMT News Source: GameoverDK
Posted By: Per
Caliber is the name of a new in-the-works
mod(ification) for Quake 3: Arena. Although not much info has
released yet, it is clear that the creators of the mod, Mort
and Goose, knows what they are doing. By looking at the
character section one can't help but notice, how much the
first character (Mourn) looks like Neo from the movie The
Matrix. The model is very detailed.
For now we're keeping quiet
about the majority of the features in Caliber, for the simple
reason of we're not quite sure whether we'll be able to pull
of some of the ideas we have. I don't want to list a bunch of
crazy features and then end up not being able to deliver,
disappointing alot of people and making idiots of ourselves.
Basically, we're making this mod for ourselves, the game that
WE want to play. If others want to play Caliber as well,
great, we will consider that a bonus. If not, oh well, we're
having fun making it and we'll have a blast playing it at our
local LAN sessions.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Wednesday 16th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 12:58
EST/17:58 GMT News Source: Unreality
Posted By: Per
Gamelinks has posted a preview of
3DRealms' long-awaited 1st person shooter, Duke Nuke'm
Forever(/whenever?). Although there's really nothing
new in the preview, it is still a good read.
For what is arguably the
most anticipated game in PC gaming history, the seas have
been for the most part quiet. Quite enough that little more
is known now about the game then it was when the game was
first announced. Along the way there have been a number of
significant changes. Some of these have been met with open
arms by fans of the long running game franchise, while other
changes have been met with fierce resistance. Nevertheless,
3DRealms has been, amongst the vast ocean of screenshots and
videos that often times drown out the anticipation of an
in-production game, very guarded about the game they are
claiming won't be released until it's the best first person
shooter ever, Duke Nukem Forever.
News] [Return To
Time: 12:55
EST/17:55 GMT News Source: AUT
Posted By: Per
I noticed over at Unreality, that the
good old Action Quake/Half-Life mod is underway in a brand
new version for Unreal Tournament. I tried the
Half-Life version once and that kicked but.
Action Unreal
Tournament is a
modification of Unreal Tournament that adds realistic
weapons, better damage simulation, new gameplay, and bags
of action-movie style.
Ever watched a John Woo flick and said 'I wish I could do
that' as a guy dived down the stairs, akimbo pistols
Now you can.
For those with a history of action games, AUT is
the followup to the successful Action
Quake2 and Action
Half-Life; we hope to continue the tradition of fun
gameplay, innovative features and consistent quality.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Time: 12:50
EST/17:50 GMT News Source: Webdog
Posted By: Per
The Labyrinth has posted the 50th
screenshot in the Diablo 2 screenshot of the week
series. I never cared much for Diablo, but I must say
that Diablo 2 is looking VERY sweet.
It features the
Paladin using his Holy Freeze skill on a pack of ravage
skeleton, while at the same time working on the Greater
Mummy. The shot takes place in Act II, judging by the
underground desert artwork of Lut Gholein.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Time: 12:45
EST/17:45 GMT News Source:
Radar Posted By: Per
Once again, the good folks over at
The Daily Radar has whipped up another fine looking
preview. This time they take a look at a new upcoming
RPG from Gremlin/Interplay called Soulbringer. The
game seems to have the usual stuff like demos, spells
and what have you.
It was a dark,
stormy night. Everyone was out of the cold, except for
a weary traveler and the man who brought him there --
the ferryman (who you callin' a fairyman?) Map in
hand, he ventures to find his long-lost uncle. With
many obstacles along the way, including brigands,
undead enemies and leery locals, it seems that the
odds are against him. Long ago, Harbinger -- a warlock
-- battled six powerful demons called the Revenants.
He alone defeated them -- or so everyone thought. The
new hero's mighty task is to finish the job.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Headlines For Friday 18th February 2000 |
News |
11:08 EST/16:08 GMT
News Source: Gamespot
Posted By: Per
Gamespot has reviewed "Who
wants to be a millionaire". This is a somewhat
different type of game, than we are used to these
days. It is the game version of the TV trivia
gameshow starring Regis Philbin. Don't know the
show? Well, neither do I, but apparently it's very
popular. Here's a snippet from the review:
Most hard-core
gamers probably gnash their teeth at the thought of
Regis Philbin and his simple-minded trivia game
outselling every other supposedly respectable game
on the market. The TV game show that has every
executive from other networks feverishly reshuffling
his prime-time grid is also burning up the computer
entertainment charts. With more than a million
copies sold and no end in sight, Who Wants to Be a
Millionaire is the people's choice, whether fraggers
like it or not.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Headlines For Thursday 17th February 2000 |
News |
11:08 EST/16:08 GMT
News Source: VoodooExtreme
Posted By: Per
Incite Games has posted some new
screenshots from Eidos' upcoming Thief 2: The
Metal Age, which is set for release in late March.
If you don't know what Thief 2 is about, then
Incite Games also has a preview up for your
viewing pleasure.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
11:08 EST/16:08 GMT
News Source: Bioware
Posted By: Per
Avault got word from Bioware
that they will not be supporting neither
Direct3D or Glide in their upcoming MDK2.
Instead they will be using OpenGL as their main
API. This should not be a problem, since every
major graphicscard has a working OpenGL driver
to go along with it.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
11:08 EST/16:08 GMT
News Source: GameoverDK
Posted By: Per
Caliber is the name of a new
in-the-works mod(ification) for Quake 3:
Arena. Although not much info has released
yet, it is clear that the creators of the mod,
Mort and Goose, knows what they are doing. By
looking at the character section one can't
help but notice, how much the first character
(Mourn) looks like Neo from the movie The
Matrix. The model is very detailed.
For now
we're keeping quiet about the majority of the
features in Caliber, for the simple reason of
we're not quite sure whether we'll be able to
pull of some of the ideas we have. I don't
want to list a bunch of crazy features and
then end up not being able to deliver,
disappointing alot of people and making idiots
of ourselves.
Basically, we're making this mod for
ourselves, the game that WE want to play. If
others want to play Caliber as well, great, we
will consider that a bonus. If not, oh well,
we're having fun making it and we'll have a
blast playing it at our local LAN sessions.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Headlines For Wednesday 16th February
2000 |
News |
has posted a preview of 3DRealms' long-awaited
1st person shooter, Duke Nuke'm Forever(/whenever?).
Although there's really nothing new in the
preview, it is still a good read.
what is arguably the most anticipated game
in PC gaming history, the seas have been for
the most part quiet. Quite enough that
little more is known now about the game then
it was when the game was first announced.
Along the way there have been a number of
significant changes. Some of these have been
met with open arms by fans of the long
running game franchise, while other changes
have been met with fierce resistance.
Nevertheless, 3DRealms has been, amongst the
vast ocean of screenshots and videos that
often times drown out the anticipation of an
in-production game, very guarded about the
game they are claiming won't be released
until it's the best first person shooter
ever, Duke Nukem Forever.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
noticed over at Unreality, that the good old
Action Quake/Half-Life mod is underway in a
brand new version for Unreal Tournament. I
tried the Half-Life version once and that
kicked but.
Unreal Tournament
is a modification of Unreal Tournament that
adds realistic weapons, better damage
simulation, new gameplay, and bags of
action-movie style.
Ever watched a John Woo flick and said 'I wish
I could do that' as a guy dived down the
stairs, akimbo pistols blazing?
Now you can.
For those with a history of action games, AUT
is the followup to the successful Action
Quake2 and Action
Half-Life; we hope to continue the
tradition of fun gameplay, innovative features
and consistent quality.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Labyrinth has posted the 50th screenshot in the
Diablo 2 screenshot of the week series. I
never cared much for Diablo, but I must say that
Diablo 2 is looking VERY sweet.
features the Paladin using his Holy Freeze
skill on a pack of ravage skeleton, while at
the same time working on the Greater Mummy.
The shot takes place in Act II, judging by the
underground desert artwork of Lut Gholein.
News] [Return To
again, the good folks over at The Daily Radar
has whipped up another fine looking preview.
This time they take a look at a new upcoming RPG
from Gremlin/Interplay called Soulbringer. The
game seems to have the usual stuff like demos,
spells and what have you.
was a dark, stormy night. Everyone was out of
the cold, except for a weary traveler and the
man who brought him there -- the ferryman (who
you callin' a fairyman?) Map in hand, he
ventures to find his long-lost uncle. With
many obstacles along the way, including
brigands, undead enemies and leery locals, it
seems that the odds are against him. Long ago,
Harbinger -- a warlock -- battled six powerful
demons called the Revenants. He alone defeated
them -- or so everyone thought. The new hero's
mighty task is to finish the job.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Tuesday 15th February 2000 |
News |
has done up a review of Take 2 Interactive's
Airport Inc. In this "Sims"-type game
the objective is to successfully run an airport
(you would have never guessed right?).
Although this game is hitting the streets at the
same as The Sims from Maxis, it does have a
unique advantage over most other sim-games. It
has fully real-time 3D graphics. Gamerush liked
the game a lot, and gave it a 93% score.
introduction to game is pretty simple looking,
nothing to flashy at all, until you realise
the whole game is in 3D! Yep, you heard me
right a sim game in full 3D! sim games always
sell well, you just have to look at the
success of games like Sim City 3000 which was
the top grossing game of last year in the US.
One thing that's lacking in sim games these
days is the level of interactivity you have
with your creation. All that is about to
change thanks to the Airport Inc developer,
Krisalis, who have come up with something that
little bit special.
News] [Return To
Mean Arena got in touch with main man Christian
"Xian" Antkow, level designer at id
Software. Antkow was one
of the level designers on Quake 3: Arena.
How did you first become involved with id
Wolfenstein 3D =) I was hooked. I remember
logging into a some BBS (who's name escapes
me) on the eve of DOOM shareware being
released, and playing it deathmatch with a
bunch of gamers at the office. It was a
wonderous experience seeing DOOM for the first
time. I was a pretty big id-fanboy and through
the years, I had gotten to know Barrett
Alexander and American McGee when Quake I was
released, and was offered a job as a network
admin about half-way through Quake II's
development. I did levels in my spare time and
I guess the owners liked my work enough to put
me on levels full time.
a dream job.
News] [Return To
has released an update to their ever so popular
3D game, Half-Life. This new version
includes 2 new maps for Team Fortress Classic as
well as server improvements and more. Get it
from Blues News.
News] [Return To
Source scored some new screenshots from BioWares
upcoming 3rd person action-game, MDK2. In
addition to the 12 new shots, they also had a
chance to chat a bit with the President and
Joint CEO of BioWare, Greg Zeschuk. Wet your
mouth on this.
Shiny's MDK received critical acclaim from the
press as a truly unique title to the action
genre, it didn't sell that well. Why do you
think that was?
is somewhat of an enigma. As you mention, it
was a big critical success - the press loved
it, and it sold reasonably well but maybe not
as much as people expected it to. I don't
actually know the exact sales numbers so I
can't really say if it was an overall
financial success.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Headlines For Monday 14th February 2000 |
News |
Gamespot have
done a feature article on Shogun: Total War,
which is being developed by The Creative
Assembly. I recently tried out the demo version
and must say the it is looking very nice. You
can grab the demo
here. And here is a bit of the
morale, honour and tiredness will affect the
way they fight as will the wisdom of your
command decisions. The cheapest troop unit -
the yari ashigaru - are basically peasant
farmers with spears. They are useful as
fodder, but even if they gain battle honour
points they'll always be the first to
high-tail it in a difficult situation. Elite
heavy cavalry will not buckle so easily.
However, if you stupidly send a unit charging
uphill against a wall of pike-wielding samurai
they'll think better of it and exit
stage-left, leaving you in the lurch. And it
serves you right for being a crap commander.
Use archers to soften up the enemy, use
spearmen to protect the archers and lead
headlong assaults and use cavalry to outflank
or chase down retreating units and you're on
safe ground.
News] [Return To
have posted a preview look at Pterodon/Illusion
Softworks upcoming game, Flying Heroes. The game
is said to support all kinds of cool 3D effects
and also multiplayer modes. Check it.
from the Czech republic...
is a relatively small team of game developers
working on an exciting and fun game called
Flying Heroes. They cooperate together with
Illusion Softworks to get the job done and I.S.
is the company responsible for creating the
successful Hidden & Dangerous.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Headlines For Sunday 13th February 2000 |
News |
If you are a fan
of Electronic Arts' Need for Speed series, you
will want to scope this one out. IGN PC put up a
page full of NFS lovin'. They got no less than
32 screenshots and 4 Quicktime movies. I must
say that the graphics are looking very nice.
News] [Return To
Cliff Bleszinski
of Epic posted a note in the GT UT forum, saying
a bit about how things are going with the
upcoming bonus pack for Unreal Tournament. The
bonus pack will contain not only new maps, but
also new models and relics. (On a side note,
while you are waiting for the bonus pack,
I suggest checking out the Infiltration
mod for UT which is very sweet.) Here
is what Cliff had to say.
only bugs that remain now are the ones that
are related to testing between UT versions.
For instance, a person with the bonus pack
connecting to a version 400 server having
issues, or a person without the bonus pack
running version 400 connecting to a 405 server
that's running the pack.
This would have gone a lot quicker if we just
had maps and did not have new models and the
cool Relics. It'll be worth it, though!
a bit of info on the pack's distribution by
game magazine CD's:
it will be on coverdisks.
But it's only 15 megs. If you're on a 56K,
just set it up to download before you go to
bed and use GETRIGHT!
News] [Return To
Digital Extremes
has announced their next title, hot in the
trails of Unreal Tournament. DARK SECTOR is the
name of the game and Digital Extremes also
released some concept art shots to go along with
the announcement. Here a bit snippet of the
game is set in the trail of world devastation,
when survivors are scattered throughout the
solar system in a vast web of outposts and
space stations. Anarchy reigns as violent
factions wage war over limited resources. As
the story goes, remnants of world government
have sanctioned bounty hunting in a desperate
attempt to control the growing chaos. Players
carve out their destiny in a violent struggle
for fortune and fame. One can begin a career
as a bounty hunter, pursuing a target from
Mars to the moons of Jupiter, and then face
off in an ice mine on Europa. Or one can
choose a more evil path hunting law-abiding
citizens as an assassin.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Friday 11th February 2000 |
News |
I noticed over at
GA-Sports that they got a First look at
Codemasters upcoming boxing game, Mike Tyson
Boxing. This game is sporting a unique physics
based engine and much more. I wonder if there
will be a special "ear-move".
physics based fight engine, allowing much
greater freedom of movement around the ring
than in other games
viewpoint and scoring system that help to
bring out the ring tactics and accurately
mimic the physical effects of boxing
different punches per boxer that can combine
via a free-form combination attack system
that allows players to find their own
combination attacks rather than having
sequences of predetermined button presses
international boxers each with their own
unique personality and fighting style in VS
and showcase modes (initially 8 with 8
locked + 3 secret hidden characters)
boxers in three weights (24 controllable and
66 opponents) in Career mode
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Date: Thursday
10th February 2000
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: Internet
News |
multiplayer demo released
PST/18:55 GMT News
Source: VoodooExtreme
Posted By: Per
Westwood has released a demo
version of their long awaited RPG, Nox. The
demo even features multiplayer support. If
you don't know what Nox is all about, then
check out IGN's
preview. You can grab the demo from
3Dfiles. Here's a bit of the description.
are the 20th century savior of Nox -
summoned to the land in a cosmic accident.
Being from Earth, you are the only living
being on Nox that may touch a magic Orb in
the possession of the wicked-evil queen of
the undead - Hecubah. You must find this Orb
and harness its power in order to construct
the staff of oblivion and defeat Hecubah.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Studios sold
PST/18:55 GMT News
Source: Gamecenter
Posted By: Per
Zombie Studios, who is
well known for creating Spec Ops and Spec
Ops 2: Green Berets, has been sold to
Advanced Interactive for an undisclosed
amount. The reason for the takeover however
is not directly game related, but has to do
with a new technology that Zombie has been
working on called HQ.com, which is a system
for connecting military personnel with their
News] [Return
To Headlines]
2 wedding to be held online
PST/18:55 GMT News
Source: Quake3DK
Posted By: Per
Just when you thought you had seen it all,
along comes this peace of news. Apparently two
Quake 2 players from South Africa have decided
to get married while being online on a Quake 2
server. The two players, BadBoyBubba and
db_High (there's a fine couple eh?),
will be tying the knot of love on the
Battleground server on Monday the 14th (which
is also Valentine's Day), at 7.00PM (South
African time). In real life the ceremony will
take place in an internet café in Kempton
Park. If you would like to take part in the
online ceremony, you need to download a PAK
file for Quake 2. And no...as far as I know
John Carmack will not be performing the
One wonders if there will be a deathmatch
contest to see who gets the wedding bouquet.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Date: Wednesday
9th February 2000
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: Internet
News |
DVD players with gaming capabilities
PST/21:55 GMT News
Source: DVD
Town Posted By: Per
Toshiba, Motorola,
Samsung and Raite Optoelectronics have
announced a new technology called NUON that
will allow you to play games on upcoming DVD
movie players.
As a
gaming platform, NUON’s performance seems
fairly competitive with the current generation
of consoles. Legendary Atari designer Jeff
Minter has designed a NUON version of the
arcade classic Tempest that is fast, furious,
and visually stunning, but does not
necessarily appear to be out of reach for
current PlayStation technology.
Additional games that have been
announced include Sherlock Holmes, Consulting
Detective and Dracula Unleashed — two early
full-motion video games that appeared on the
PC market in the early 1990s as multimedia
became a household word; Myst, the
biggest-selling CD-ROM game of all time;
Merlin Karting, a Mario Kart-esque racing
game; and an interactive version of the Rocky
Horror Picture Show.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
3 models that didn't make final
PST/21:55 GMT News
Source: The
Oxygen Tank Posted By: Per
Something Awful
have put up a page with pictures and
descriptions of some Quake 3: Arena models,
that didn't make the final version of the
game. Amongst the models is a very bigbreasted
women with a machinegun in one hand, and an
explosive dildo in the other. This is all
meant as a joke (at least I sure hope so,
but one never knows), and is actually
quite funny.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
- John Carmack
Time: 12:00P
PST/19:00 GMT
News Source: Firingsquad
Posted By: Per
Thresh's Firingsquad
have whipped up a nice long (16 pages)
interview with one of the biggest and most
well known guys in the gaming biz, John
Carmack. They talk about his money,
inspiration, Linux, the next id game and more.
Here is a snippet:
You have a good deal of money now - how does
that affect you?
I have sufficient money that I don't need to
work anymore; I really don't have to. That's a
nice freedom, the freedom from anyone having
the ability to have any leverage over you, as
long as you've got the money to take care of
yourself and you aren't wrapped up in having
more and more money. There are a lot of people
even though they have a lot of money, they can
still be manipulated by the carrot of having
more money.
my position I have basically everything I
want. I've got enough money to take care of
myself and family so nobody, not any company,
can have a significant leverage on me.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
- Hitman: Codename 47
12:00P PST/19:00 GMT
News Source: Daily
Radar Posted By: Per
The good folks over at
Daily Radar have done up a preview of IO/Eidos
Interactive's upcoming 3D action game, Hitman:
Codename 47. In this game you take on the role
of a hitman who makes a living out of killing.
But the game is not just about killing as many
people as possible. Actually the goal is to
kill the target without any unnecessary
killing. A simple sniping job is often better
than a "messy" direct-on assault.
Great, finally a game that actually encourages
camping. Here are some of the features you can
expect from the Hitman 3D engine:
Large (1 Meg)
realtime shadows
Dual texture
Real time
lights via Gouraud shading
Real time
volumetric lights
100% dynamic
Real time
mirrors with recursion depth and lightning.
32-bit Color
Open GL and
Glide support to 1280x1024 resolution
Full 3D audio
News] [Return
To Headlines]
The German Unreal
Tournament fan-site UTworld, got an
interesting interview up with Epic programmer
Brandon "Greenmarine" Reinhart. They
get the lo-down on stuff like the upcoming UT
bonus pack, the next tech patch, Valve's Power
Play and more. They even got him admitting
that he sometimes plays Quake III deathmatch.
Here is the bit where they talk about Epic and
Playstation 2:
What are
your plans for the future? Will there be an
Unreal Tournament 2? Or what about the next
Unreal engine games? Are you looking forward
to one special game?
BR: Epic's immediate future is
Playstation 2. We are working extremely long
hours to get a strong demonstration of our
Playstation 2 technology prepared for GCDC. As
far as Unreal Tournament 2...I think that
there probably would be a sequel at some
point, but I don't know when.
The next Unreal engine games? From us or from
licensees? I'm really REALLY looking forward
to Duke Nukem Forever. Duke Nukem is one of my
all-time favorite game characters. I'm also
really looking forward to Deus Ex. I saw it up
close at the last E3 and it looked very very
Epic's next game is up in the air. We've got a
lot of ideas on the table ranging from sequels
to UT to entirely new games. We aren't sure
where we want to go...a lot of it depends on
our chosen Playstation 2 strategy. Whatever
the game will be, it'll be cool.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Date: Tuesday
8th February 2000
Today's Top Gaming Headlines: Internet
News |
review - The Sims
04:33P PST/07:20P
EST News Source: VoodooExtreme
Posted By: Per
Rich Kyanka have reviewed one of the hottest
new games on the market, The Sims. Although
this game has gotten some very good reviews
around the net, Kyanka was not impressed. Here
is a bit from the review:
graphics, which are all fully three
dimensional (unlike many previous sims), are
some of the best in the genre. Many of the
character animations are fluid and well done,
effectively conveying whatever actions they're
supposed to be performing. The art design has
a distinct retro feel to it, much like X-Com:
Apocalypse did (only you didn't get to choose
what wallpaper you wanted to tile your bedroom
with in X-Com). You'll definitely dig the art
direction in this game if you're a fan of the
"Atomic Age", when children
routinely ducked and covered to protect
themselves from Japanese U-boats that were
transporting Tang and Necco Wafers to Beatniks
who were protesting the Dewey Decimal system
and liking Ike. Or something like that, I'm
not a real history buff. The game is bright
and colorful, employing a large amount of
different textures and pastels to give it the
a nostalgic 1960's feel.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
may offer face-mapping
04:20P PST/07:20P
EST News Source: FGN
Online Posted By: Per
Promethean Designs Russel
Ritchie recently talked to FGN about their
upcoming game, Picassio. An interesting bit
was that Promethean may decide to offer
face-mapping, wich will allow a user to
"map" his/her own face onto the
game character.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
- Divinity: Sword of Lies
04:20P PST/07:20P
EST News Source: 3DNews
Posted By: Per
3DGaming have posted a
preview of a Larian
Studios upcoming RPG, Divinity: Sword of
Lies. Although I am not big on RPG's, I must
say that the graphics in Divinity are
looking very sweet. Here is a taste of the
with Baldur's Gate, you can pause the game
at any time during combat, but if you prefer
the pace and action of something like
Diablo, no one's holding a gun to your head
to force you to press the pause button. At
least I sure hope not, because you might
really want to refrain from putting the game
on pause, but then you also want to not die,
so you can see the conflict of interest
there. Another innovative feature in the
game will be the way spells and skills are
handled. Much like an RTS game (which may or
may not have a sword), you research skills
and spells. If you're interested in various
thieving skills, you have to pay for them
with experience points to research and be
able to use them. You also have to research
spells to use them, and the more powerful
you become with a spell, then you can gain
ability in the use of the spell, perhaps
even changing it's appearance when used.
There's also speculation about a spell that
turns undead skeletons into undead Elvis
impersonators, but you didn't hear it from
us -- because we aren't talking out loud.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
Star Trek RPG underway
04:20P PST/07:20P
EST News Source:
IGN Sci-Fi
Posted By: Per
Activision has recently
announced that they are planning a new RPG
based on the Star Trek universe. Although
not much is yet known about the game, it is
being developed by Verant Interactive who is
well known for their RPG Everquest. Verant
is also a part of Sony Online Entertainment,
which means that we may also see it on
Sony's upcoming Playstation 2. The Star Trek
RPG is set to be even bigger than Everquest,
and Activision is hopping for 400.000 to
500.000 subscribers to the online RPG. But
don't hold your breath just yet. The game is
not expected until 2001.
News] [Return
To Headlines]
the past months news in our News
Archive for December and January News.
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