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Headlines For Monday 12th June 2000 |
News |
Time: 06:03
EDT/11:03 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Matthew
There are lots of fish in the dot-com ocean, but
Singingfish.com sees a whale of an opportunity for its new search
engine that hunts down video and audio clips of music, sports,
movies and news on the Internet.
The Seattle-based start-up is set to debut its new
streaming media search service, based on a database of 2.5 million
media clips that it hopes will help satisfy a growing thirst for
multimedia on the Web.
"Not in the too-distant future we will be in
the situation of having TV with tens of thousands of stations, and
the challenge is how users can find content that is important to
them," Singingfish president Mike Behlke said.
Streaming usually requires a fast computer and
Internet connection to work well, but is becoming more popular as
technology improves.
News] [Return To
Time: 06:01
EDT/11:01 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Matthew
Key segments of the nation's news audience,
particularly younger and better-educated Americans, and those
seeking financial information, are turning increasingly to the
Internet, says a new poll on media trends.
The Web's rapid growth as a source for news
continues a splintering of that audience among the Internet, cable
and broadcast television, and print publications.
"People have so many different ways of
communicating with one another and learning about the outside world
that the environment in which the news is put out and received is
very different from five years ago," said Andrew Kohut,
director of the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press,
which conducted the survey.
News] [Return To
Time: 06:00
EDT/11:00 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
Posted By: Matthew
The U.S. Congress will soon pass legislation to
make it easier to authenticate digital signatures on the Internet,
Republican Sen. Conrad Burns of Montana said on Saturday.
In the weekly Republican radio address, Burns said
the legislation is part of the efforts of the Republican-led
Congress to make sure rural areas have access to new technologies.
``(The legislation) will make it easier for any
American who wants to transact business online, but especially folks
in rural America,'' he said.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Friday 9th June 2000 |
News |
Time: 04:48
EDT/09:48 GMT News Source: ComputerWorld
Posted By: Matthew
A group of 43 technology companies including
Microsoft Corp. and CMGI Inc. has sent a letter to Washington urging
support for instant-messaging (IM) interoperability. The letter,
sent to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC), expressed "concern" about the IM
marketplace in light of the proposed America Online Inc. merger with
Time Warner Inc.
AOL has been criticized by other vendors for
failing to allow users of its popular Instant Messenger software to
exchange real-time messages with users of other messaging software.
In the letter, a group led by the recently formed
industry organization FreeIM.org said
the government shouldn't allow a single provider to put a wall
around the market, either to keep their customers in or to keep
competition and innovations out.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:48
EDT/09:48 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
Symantec begins developing antivirus program for
handheld units.
The dreaded plague of computer viruses grabbing
headlines worldwide doesn't seem likely to end anytime soon,
particularly now that one slipped into mobile phones this week.
Security experts identified the Timofónica virus
from Spain, which infected cellular telephones and flooded them with
e-mail messages. To offer advance protection to handheld units in
the United States, antivirus software vendor Symantec
is developing software to safeguard the Palm
operating system. Handheld units running the operating system
have yet to be hit by viruses, according to Palm officials.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:47
EDT/09:47 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
A U.S. federal judge on Thursday overturned an
attempt by top credit card networks Visa and MasterCard to have a
government antitrust case against them dismissed, paving the way for
a lengthy trial.
The Justice Department sued Visa and MasterCard in
late 1998, accusing them of hampering competition through their
exclusionary relationships with banks. Visa and MasterCard --
independent networks each owned by banks -- control more than 75
percent of the U.S. credit card market.
The trial will begin on June 12 in a federal court
in New York, after Judge Barbara Jones denied Visa and MasterCard
summary judgment on several issues in a pretrial hearing on
Thursday. The card networks are owned by major banks.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:45
EDT/09:45 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Matthew
Though most U.S. newspapers are still struggling
to publish online editions, the Newspaper Association of America
wants them to think about going one step further: publishing on
wireless devices.
"The day is coming when the portable Web will
outnumber desktops, because it's portable like the newspaper and it
becomes what (wireless) carriers call 'the unconscious carry,'"
said Melinda Gipson, director of new media business development for
the NAA .
"One won't replace the other, but newspapers
more than any existing medium have the rich local resources on which
to draw to create these tactical, useful walking-around
services," Gipson said yesterday. "This is why newspapers
should care about wireless."
News] [Return To
Headlines For Thursday 8th June 2000 |
News |
Time: 04:58
EDT/09:58 GMT News Source: USA
Today Posted By: Matthew
Thirteen computer and video game companies -
including Sony Corp. and Nintendo Co. - are suing six Internet Web
site operators, alleging they illegally sold hundreds of pirated
games, a U.S. trade group for the entertainment software industry
The video and computer game makers are seeking
court-ordered injunctions to shut down the sites. The suits also
seek penalties of as much as $150,000 for each pirated work, said
the Interactive Digital Software Association. The Web site operators
being sued are individuals in Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Idaho,
South Carolina and British Columbia.
The simultaneous filing of six such lawsuits
represents ''a major step in the direction of addressing Internet
pirating on a systematic basis,'' said Ric Hirsch, the association's
senior vice president for intellectual property enforcement.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:50
EDT/09:50 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Matthew
In the latest security breach besetting free
Web-based email services, Lycos' WhoWhere said it had fixed a
problem this week affecting millions of accounts, including those
belonging to MailCity and iVillage members.
WhoWhere representatives would not disclose how
many people have registered for the company's MailCity service, nor
would they estimate how many other accounts may have been at risk or
how long the bug might have existed. Representatives for women's
portal iVillage said the company has 4.9 million registered
subscribers for its free email service, which it has outsourced to
WhoWhere for about two years.
WhoWhere spokesman Brian Degonia confirmed the
service had a problem but said the company received no complaints
about security breaches until it was contacted Monday by CNET
News.com. He said the problem was fixed by Monday night.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:45
EDT/09:45 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Matthew
More than 40 companies have signed a letter to
federal regulators urging them to support opening up America
Online's instant messaging network when examining the Net giant's
proposed acquisition of Time Warner.
The letter is the latest attempt by two CMGI-owned
companies, iCast and Tribal Voice, to bring the issue of instant
messaging interoperability to the attention of regulators. As previously
reported, the companies have been trying to solicit industry
support from companies such as Excite@Home
and Yahoo.
The companies also filed a complaint
in April with the Federal Communications Commission asking officials
to "encourage" AOL to open its network.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Tuesday 6th June 2000 |
News |
Time: 18:38
EDT/23:38 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
MightyWords.com, the digital publishing spin-off
of online bookseller FatBrain.com, got some in getting the word out
on its online publishing and distribution service, announcing today
that BarnesandNoble.com is investing $20 million in the company.
Along with its investment, Barnesandnoble.com -
more commonly known as Bn.com - says it will also feature content
from MightyWords.com on its popular online bookstore.
MightyWords.com, launched last year to give both recognized author
and unknown writers a place to publish and sell content, has focused
its efforts on short works: essays, short stories, condensed books,
serialized pieces, updated chapters, movie scripts, speeches, white
papers and research reports.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:35
EDT/23:35 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
The co-founder of TheStreet.com, hedge fund
manager James Cramer, said Tuesday he has filed a counterclaim
against Fox News in response to the news channel's lawsuit filed
after the financial Web site canceled its television program in May.
In his counterclaim, Cramer alleges breach of
contract and seeks an injunction to keep the 24-hour news channel
from interfering with his appearance on other TV networks.
Cramer's filing in New York Supreme Court added
another chapter to the saga that began when Fox News, operated by
News Corp. Ltd.'s Fox Entertainment Group, criticized Cramer for
plugging the stock of TheStreet.com on an April 15 program.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:34
EDT/23:34 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Matthew
O.J. Simpson plans to talk to the public via the
Internet within the next few weeks, a decision he made after
controversy erupted yesterday over a polygraph test he allegedly
took after his ex-wife's death.
In a telephone interview last night, Simpson said
he plans to answer questions from the public for a fee through a new
site called PublicCrossing.com.
"I've always wanted to be able to talk
directly to the public," Simpson said. "It's amazing how
many people don't know the facts of my case.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:31
EDT/23:31 GMT News Source: USA
Today Posted By: Matthew
By their own admission, the people who run the
Olympics haven't figured out what to do about the Internet.
"At the moment, we are lost,"
International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch
said in April. "We have big worries about what can happen in
the future, not only for the IOC but also sports federations."
Because of those worries, the IOC will restrict
Internet coverage of the Sydney Games. Internet-based reporters
probably won't be allowed in to cover the games. And nobody - not
even NBC, which paid $705 million for television broadcast rights to
the Sydney Games - will be allowed to use video or audio from the
Games on their Web sites.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:29
EDT/23:29 GMT News Source: Internet
News Posted By: Matthew
Handheld computer maker Palm Inc. Tuesday grabbed
privately-held Actual Software Corp. in another move to catch the
attention of mobile wireless users. The deal, for which Palm yielded
$4 million worth of cash and stock, will close in the fourth
Already a leading provider of e-mail solutions for
the Palm operating system, Actual will now better enable Palm to
provide handheld computer customers with a universal e-mail client.
As a result of the acquisition, Palm will roll out
integrated solutions that include Actual Software's client and
conduit technology to reach these goals and deliver enhanced e-mail
solutions across its product line.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Thursday 1st June 2000 |
News |
Time: 16:06
EDT/21:06 GMT News Source: PCWorld
Posted By: Matthew
Virtual casinos are booming while the laws
surrounding them remain unclear.
When he is unable to sleep or needs a quick
pick-me-up, "Neil" turns on his home computer, finds an
Internet casino, and gambles away his money with a credit card and
the click of a mouse.
From the privacy of his living room, he can
instantly find more than 800 casinos on the Web and turn his PC into
an electronic blackjack, slot, or poker machine or a sports bookie
who will take his wagers 24 hours a day.
News] [Return To
Time: 16:05
EDT/21:05 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Matthew
Japanese electronics giant Sony said today it
would spend 125 billion yen ($1.16 billion) to boost output of chips
used in its cutting-edge PlayStation2 console to smooth its overseas
debut in October.
Sony's wholly owned game-making Sony Computer
Entertainment unit will make the additional investment to its
initial 130 billion yen outlay in two semiconductor plants in
southern Japan, one for graphic chips and the other for advanced
central processing units (CPUs).
The fresh spending is aimed at boosting output of
its popular128-bit
PlayStation2 game player, which SCE launched on March 4 in Japan,
shipping more than 1 million in the first week and 2 million
machines in the first 82 days.
News] [Return To
Time: 16:03
EDT/21:03 GMT News Source: PCWorld
Posted By: Matthew
The early hype surrounding the Internet and
"dot-com" mania is giving way to a more moderate view that
will ultimately be a change for the better, according to Mitch
Kapor, who founded Lotus Development and the nonprofit Electronic
Frontier Foundation.
"I think we're at a particularly important
moment now in the evolution of the Internet," Kapor said at the
biannual Harvard Internet
& Society conferenc here on Wednesday.
The "retreat from a kind of giddy
euphoria" occurred as a consequence of the recent correction on
the technology-heavy Nasdaq stock market, Kapor said. One effect has
been that the free flow of funding for startup technology-related
companies has slowed.
News] [Return To
Time: 16:01
EDT/21:01 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Matthew
Internet service provider Juno Online today said
it has filed a lawsuit against NetZero and Qualcomm, alleging that
the two companies have infringed Juno's email advertising patent.
In its lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in
Delaware, Juno alleged that Qualcomm, the maker of Eudora email
software, and NetZero, a provider of free Internet access, have
infringed on technology that Juno developed. The technology enables
advertisements and other content to be displayed while a customer is
In the filing, the New York-based company alleged
that NetZero and Qualcomm are "producing, distributing and
encouraging" the use of software that "unlawfully"
installs Juno's patented technology into the latest version of
Qualcomm's Eudora email software.
News] [Return To
Time: 15:56
EDT/20:56 GMT News Source: InfoWorld
Posted By: Matthew
Behind the scenes, much of the Internet is run on
open-source platforms, including the Linux operating system.
But bringing Linux over the divide to in-house
corporate use still remains the largest problem Linux companies
face, according to Larry Augustin, president and chief executive
officer of VA Linux Systems. "If you're using the Internet
today, you're using open-source software; you're using Linux,"
Augustin said in a keynote here Thursday at the European Linux
Augustin said 60 percent of Web servers on the
Internet are running Apache, the open-source Web server software.
News] [Return To
Time: 15:56
EDT/20:56 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Computer equipment seized from the home of
Portland, Oregon resident Craig Rosebraugh has allegedly been found
to contain a wealth of evidence pertaining to the still-unsolved
1998 firebombing of the Vail, Colorado ski area and a host of other
purported acts of "eco-terrorism."
Rosebraugh, whose computers were seized when
federal agents stormed his home three months ago, says law
enforcement officials are now claiming that they have recovered a
number of files linking him and other radical environmentalists to
the Vail arson and a rash of other "eco-terrorist" acts.
"According to the U.S. Attorney's Office,
there's a 'remarkable amount' of evidence that was found on my hard
drive that implicates either myself or other individuals in these
acts," Rosebraugh said.
News] [Return To
Time: 15:55
EDT/20:55 GMT News Source: Computer
World Posted By: Matthew
The fate of Dutch business applications vendor
Baan Co. is now known, but that of its users is less certain.
After seven consecutive quarters of losses and
leadership woes that saw four different CEOs at its helm within 18
months, Baan yesterday was potentially rescued by Invensys PLC's
offer to buy the company for 762 million euros (US$708.7 million).
The deal is expected to close in late July or early August, said
Allen Yurko, CEO of Invensys, a London-based supplier of industrial
automation and control products, during a conference call with
analysts on Wednesday.
If the deal is consummated, Baan will be
integrated into a newly created Invensys Software and System (ISS)
division. According to Katrina Roche, Baan's chief marketing
officer, 1,000 jobs will be cut from ISS, with the bulk of the
layoffs coming from the Baan side. Baan, which specializes in
enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply-chain software,
currently has a workforce of 4,300 people.
News] [Return To
Time: 15:54
EDT/20:54 GMT News Source: Computer
World Posted By: Matthew
The FBI, the Department of Justice and the SANS
Institute are jointly releasing a list detailing the 10 most
critical Internet security threats and how to eliminate them.
While those threats are mostly of concern to
network administrators, the SANS Institute also released a list of
the five worst security mistakes committed by average computer
Not surprising, at the top of that list is opening
unsolicited e-mail attachments without verifying their source or
checking their content. Apparently, people haven't yet learned the
security lessons of the "I Love You" virus, as messages
containing the virus are still being sent — nearly a month after
it was unleashed — causing an estimated $6.7 billion worth in
News] [Return To
Time: 15:53
EDT/20:53 GMT News Source: USAZ
Today Posted By: Matthew
The open-air Gorbushka market is the Alice's
Restaurant of software. You can get anything you want.
Laid out on tables under the trees of a Moscow
park - as if at a huge yard sale - are row upon row of compact
discs. The discs are crammed with pirated versions of expensive
programs worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. Vendors offer
everything from Microsoft's Windows 98 operating system to
computer-assisted-design and voice-recognition software.
Here, though, they're on sale for 75 rubles, or
about $2.75, a disc. It's all illegal, but who's noticing?
News] [Return To
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