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Headlines For Tuesday 29th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 04:10
EDT/09:10 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
Clinton, governors discuss; states remain split
over sales tax for e-commerce.
President Clinton and U.S. governors on Monday
wrestled with whether states should tax online sales.
"The digital marketplace must be mirrored in
a new digital government," says a report on the Internet's
impact on government, issued by the National Governors' Association
Monday in conjunction with the group's meeting at the White House.
After the meeting, governors remained split over
whether online sales should be subject to state sales taxes. It's a
crucial issue pitting states reliant on sales-tax revenues against
those with booming Internet-driven economies.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:05
EDT/09:05 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Lycos is expected to launch a free Internet access
service tomorrow, joining a market already populated by several of
its main Web portal rivals.
The Waltham, Mass., company is tapping CMGI-owned
1stUp.com to run the service, alongside AltaVista and Excite@Home on
the upstart's client list, according to people familiar with the
company's plans.
Lycos' move is in part a simple means of keeping
up with the Yahoos, as several of its closest competitors have
already attracted hundreds of thousands of users to their free Net
access services. But the deal also underlines these services' new
role as a critical piece of portals' business models, much as
free email has now become commonplace on virtually every Web site
with mass-market ambitions.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
Posted By: Matthew
Japan, one of the world's most high-tech nations,
Tuesday suffered a series of computer problems due to the leap day
rollover, including malfunctions in cash dispensers and weather
forecast devices.
The Posts and Telecommunications Ministry said
about 1,200 cash dispensers at post offices across Japan went down
due to Y2K computer bugs triggered by the Feb. 29 leap day. There
have been concerns computers would not recognize February 29, 2000,
a leap year that occurs once in 400 years.
The ministry said it had sent scores of engineers
to repair the dispensers and at least 830 machines have already been
fixed. The ministry runs some 25,000 cash dispensers.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Monday 28th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 17:18
EDT/22:18 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Prices of computers sold at retail stores rose for
the fourth consecutive month in January while the growth in sales
slowed, according to a new report, an indication that the dizzying
pace of the consumer PC market may be slowing.
Still, consumers likely need not fret yet. The
industry's hyperkinetic ability to manufacture components and
computers continues unabated, so low PC prices will likely still be
a main feature of the landscape.
The price surge, which was predicted last October
and started to be confirmed in December, is a result of a
combination of factors, according to PC Data analyst Stephen Baker.
Cooling customer interest in sub-$600 PCs, for
instance, has driven average prices up. Another key aspect is
growing consolidation among PC makers. With IBM gone, only Compaq,
Hewlett-Packard and Emachines, for the most part, define the retail
News] [Return To
Time: 17:14
EDT/22:14 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
The company, primarily known for its efforts to
make music available over the Internet, today announced a new
marketing effort for its Liquid Kiosk Network, software that allows
customers to preview and purchase music as digital singles and
create custom CDs.
The campaign marks the first time the product will
be marketed to U.S. retailers. International retailers including The
Music Company in Seoul, Korea, and TopShop/TopMan stores in London
already use Liquid Kiosk Network software.
"We believe consumers entering today's stores
have higher expectations and want a customized product and
satisfying retail experience," Phil Wiser, co-founder and chief
technology officer at Liquid Audio, said in a statement. "The
Liquid Kiosk Network solution lets traditional retailers leverage
Internet music to expand their product line while maintaining their
current storefront real estate."
News] [Return To
Time: 04:05
EDT/09:05 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Baan interim chief executive Pierre Everaert said
he could not rule out a takeover of the troubled Dutch
business-management software group.
"If someone comes along and offers a good
price and can assure further growth at Baan, how can I say
no?," Everaert said in an interview at the CeBIT trade fair in
Hanover, Germany.
Money-losing Baan, Europe's second largest
business-management software group behind Germany's SAP, is in a
management crisis after staking its future on traditional
applications while SAP and U.S. rivals such as Oracle offer their
products via the Internet.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Online auctioneer eBay Inc. is set to mount a $1.6
billion bid to take over troubled auction house Sotheby's, The
Independent on Sunday reported.
The newspaper said eBay would take advantage of
Sotheby's current turmoil to pounce after two senior executives
resigned from the 250-year-old firm amid a widening price-fixing
Antitrust probes in Britain, Australia and the
United States are investigating whether Sotheby's and its rival,
Christie's International Plc, fixed sale commissions. Between them,
the two companies control 95 percent of the world's $4 billion
auction business.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Friday 25th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 17:50
EDT/22:50 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
America Online, which seems to be spending a lot
of time in court these days, is back in legal hot water.
This time, it's the target of a class-action suit
accusing the company of releasing its latest software, AOL 5.0,
knowing that it could result in major changes to a user's operating
system, making it unstable, even unusable. According to the suit,
the software also prevents AOL customers from connecting to
competing ISPs.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of all AOL users
in Washington state who have installed 5.0, said Steve Berman, a
Seattle attorney who specializes in class-actions.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:47
EDT/22:47 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
Priceline.com Inc., the name-your-price
specialist, is getting into the gas business.
The company said Friday that it will launch a new
service allowing consumers to set their own price for gasoline and
fill up their tanks at specially selected stations.
The announcement comes at an opportune time.
Gasoline and oil prices have been jumping, and the Energy Department
and the American Automobile Association have warned that low
supplies could bump prices even higher in the coming months.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:44
EDT/22:44 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
Alex Vorobiev doesn't want to be embarrassed by a
hacker, and he's got security vendors lining up to help him.
Vorobiev, director of systems support for a
mathematics program at Swarthmore College, in Swarthmore, Pa.,
watched in horror this month as his colleagues in academia fell like
dominoes to the now-infamous DDoS (distributed denial-of-service)
University computer systems, open by their very
nature, are often called the Achilles' heel of the Internet because
of their thin security. In the wake of the DDoS attacks, computers
at schools such as the University of California at Santa Barbara
were found to be the unwitting dupes of the hackers.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:38
EDT/22:38 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Coming soon to an automated teller machine at a
bank near you: not only cash and account balances, but tickets to
the latest shows.
Tickets.com, which sells event information and
tickets online, said it will join with ATM Tix to launch the service
in Las Vegas this month. The pilot plan to turn ATMs into virtual
box offices--allowing consumers to collect tickets at any
time--could later be extended elsewhere, the company said.
"The ATM Tix partnership allows us to create
another convenient and accessible ticket distribution point for
consumers--their bank ATM machines," Thomas Gimple, chief
executive of Tickets.com, said yesterday. "Consumers using
these machines will no longer have to be dependent on the box office
or retail outlet's operating hours to retrieve tickets."
News] [Return To
Time: 17:34
EDT/22:34 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
After years of low subscriber numbers, Microsoft
now says it will offer its WebTV Internet access for free for a
limited time, a move to bolster the service in the face of a huge
threat from archrival AOL.
The promotion offers two months of free WebTV
Interactive service to customers who purchase a WebTV Plus set-top
box, which are priced around $199. Customers who sign up for the
service and send in a coupon will receive two months of the service,
priced at $25 per month.
Acquired by Microsoft in 1997, WebTV was the first
company to offer Net access through the television. Despite the
growing industry trend of accessing the Web through devices and
appliances rather than the desktop PC, WebTV has struggled to turn
initial buzz into steady growth.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:32
EDT/22:32 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
A day after issuing a public criticism against
Yahoo, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said the Web portal has
vowed to work to remove alleged racist and anti-Semitic
"clubs" from its service.
The announcement follows a statement
issued by the ADL yesterday that the Yahoo
Clubs service contained sites that reportedly belonged to
supporters of prominent hate groups. The ADL charged that the
presence of these clubs was in violation of Yahoo's terms of service
policy, which prohibits hate speech on its site.
"We are pleased that Yahoo has responded to
our concerns by pledging to work on upholding its terms of service
against hate," Abraham H. Foxman, ADL's national director, said
in a statement. "We hope to continue to work with Yahoo and
other Internet service providers to monitor hate and deny extremists
a platform at Web sites where user policies strictly forbid
offensive material."
News] [Return To
Time: 17:28
EDT/22:28 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Tandy is expected to pick Excite@Home as the
provider of fast Internet service over cable, to be sold through its
RadioShack chain of more than 7,000 U.S. electronics stores,
analysts said.
Tandy chief executive Leonard Roberts said he
expects to have an agreement later this year with a company he
didn't name to sell high-speed Internet connections using cable-TV
lines. Excite@Home is the largest U.S. provider of the service that
sells for about $40 a month.
RadioShack could attract more customers by selling
cable modems alongside a rival high-speed Internet service provided
by NorthPoint Communications Group that uses phone lines, analysts
said. More than 16 million U.S. homes, about one-seventh of all
households, are expected to use fast Internet service by 2004, up
from about 1.5 million today, researcher Yankee Group said.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:27
EDT/22:27 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
A recent report could give new hope to hardware
makers working diligently to expand their businesses in light of
increasingly ominous signs that the PC market is on its last legs.
A research report released today claims that the
recent boom in so-called Internet appliances--set-top boxes,
handheld devices and other Web-enabled hardware--could help expand
the sales of PCs and related technology in the next five years.
Analysts and industry experts have for some time
been predicting the death of the traditional PC, as consumers and
corporations clamor for less-expensive, easier ways to connect to
the Internet. As hardware prices have fallen--recent estimates point
to a clip of 15 percent annually--leading PC makers have scrambled
to find other strategies to keep their businesses afloat.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Thursday 24th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 17:58
EDT/22:58 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
The tech giant is in the process of expanding its
ambitions to sell and manufacture PCs more like rivals Dell Computer
and Gateway. On Monday, the company will increase the number of
products it sells directly to consumers and small businesses. IBM
also plans to enter into a direct buying relationship with 14 of its
largest customers.
In addition, IBM is building up its
"build-to-order" manufacturing capabilities, a crucial
element in selling PCs and servers directly, and a new campaign to
promote direct buying. Big Blue outlined its plans at its Personal
Systems Group headquarters here.
As with rival Compaq Computer, Big Blue is finally
taking the inevitable steps toward direct sales. The cost advantages
of selling direct--less inventory, no middleman mark-ups, etc.--have
long been known in the industry. In the past, however, both
companies concocted manufacturing and sales programs that sought to
replicate some of the cost advantages achieved by direct
sellers--without alienating their traditional dealers.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:55
EDT/22:55 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Government officials will be on watch next week
for any technology glitches related to what may be the last hurrah
of the year 2000 technology bug.
White House officials now fear that Feb. 29, 2000
may cause problems for computers that don't recognize 2000 as a leap
year. They say systems could erroneously mistake the last day of
February as March 1.
But officials may have a tough time convincing
corporate computer managers and consultants that the leap year
problem is for real. The White House is still attempting to defend
the billions of dollars spent to defend against a Y2K-related
meltdown that never really happened.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:54
EDT/22:54 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
The United States will let a computer scientist
put instructions for writing a powerful computer data-scrambling
program on his Web site, but his high-profile lawsuit challenging
U.S. export restrictions on encryption may continue, his lawyer said
President Clinton in January dramatically liberalized
once-strict U.S. export limits on encryption programs, which
scramble information and render it unreadable without a password or
software "key." The changes recognized that encryption,
used in everything from Web browsing software to cellular
telephones, has become essential for securing e-commerce and global
The move also followed a May 6 decision
by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals that the old rules barring University of Illinois professor
Daniel Bernstein from posting instructions for his
"Snuffle" program on the Internet were an unconstitutional
violation of the scientist's freedom of speech.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Wednesday 23rd February 2000 |
News |
Time: 17:47
EDT/22:47 GMT News Source: USA
Today Posted By: Matthew
Utah Governor Michael Leavitt and Virginia
Governor James Gilmore III are exploring ways to compromise, at
least on secondary issues, as a panel studying Internet tax policy
moves to wrap up its work next month.
Leavitt and other officials revised a National
Governor's Association proposal that calls for simplifying sales
taxes while allowing an expansion of sales collections to Internet
and mail order sales. The new version of the Leavitt plan softens a
controversial element involving private businesses collecting sales
taxes for states.
Gilmore, chairman of the Advisory Commission on
Electronic Commerce, has proposed six resolutions that retain the
heart of his anti-Internet tax message, yet seek to compromise on
the timing. One Gilmore proposal, modifying a plan advanced by
business leaders, would ban any sales and use taxes on consumers'
purchases during a proposed five-year extension of the current
Internet tax moratorium.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:45
EDT/22:45 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
Your notebook PC isn't the same size as your
desktop PC--so why are you using the same size mouse on both
machines? Soon, you won't have to.
Logitech will debut a smaller mouse designed for
portable PC users, as well as a wireless trackball, company
executives stated on Wednesday. Both announcements will be made at
the CeBIT computer show, which officially opens on Thursday.
The Mini Wheel mouse is 20 percent smaller and
sports a shorter cable than a standard mouse, and will be available
in May with either a Universal Serial Bus or PS/2 connection. The
company did not disclose pricing.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:45
EDT/09:45 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
Some predict the Internet will diminish the role
of the PC. But two industry giants are betting just the opposite.
Intel and Sony are partnering to develop more
connectivity and interoperability between PCs and Internet
appliances such as digital cameras, music players, and video
"The role of the PC is actually going to
expand in the home as more and more people get on the Internet and
download music and video," says Kurt Sehnert, strategic
marketing manager for Intel's desktop products group. "The PC
is a flexible device that will let people do a lot of different
things, including storing and cataloguing content and making it
accessible to other devices in the home."
News] [Return To
Time: 04:40
EDT/09:40 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
The consortium building the next-generation,
ultra-high-speed Internet is looking for a few fast applications.
Really fast applications.
The Internet2 effort is sponsoring a Land Speed
Record competition "for the most demanding end-to-end,
bandwidth-intensive Internet applications in the world."
Internet2 representatives will announce the winners at an Internet2
meeting March 29 in Washington, D.C.
The title goes to the application that can prove
(either through a live demonstration or verifiable documentation)
that it has transmitted the most bits the farthest distance, says
Greg Wood, an Internet2 spokesperson.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:35
EDT/09:35 GMT News Source: ZDNet
World Posted By: Matthew
Newest Media Metrix report says almost 40 percent
of all time spent online in the U.S. last month was spent at AOL.
America Online Inc. continued to dominate Internet
traffic during January, accounting for 38 percent of the total time
U.S. residents spent online.
Survey firm Media Metrix said Tuesday that
Americans spent 57.5 billion minutes online last month, an average
of 13.2 hours per person.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Tuesday 22nd February 2000 |
News |
Time: 19:12
EDT/00:12 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Taxpayers rushed to the Net last month, driving
traffic to personal finance and other tax services sites, Media
Metrix said today in its rankings of the top 50 most-visited Web
The measurement firm's rankings for January came
with two new metrics--average daily unique visitors and total usage
minutes--that are believed to provide a more accurate portrait of
how well a particular site is faring, Media Metrix said.
In the category of time spent online, America
Online ranked highest, with visitors spending a total of 21.6
billion minutes, or 38 percent of Internet time, on its sites in
January. Microsoft was second, accruing 4.2 billion minutes, or 7
percent of all time online, Media Metrix's report said.
News] [Return To
Time: 19:10
EDT/00:10 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Only a small number of Europeans who have access
to the Internet actually shop online, according to a survey by a
U.S. research firm.
This is because people do not trust the Internet
in general, and non-English speakers cannot always find sufficient
Web sites in their language offering familiar products, Forrester
Research analyst Reineke Reitsma said at a news briefing today.
In France, companies trying to promote online
sales have an additional obstacle in the form of competition from
Minitel, the country's widely used teletext service, she said.
The survey in July 1999 and August 1999 covered
17,000 households in Europe's three largest markets--Germany,
Britain and France--as well as Sweden and the Netherlands.
News] [Return To
Time: 19:04
EDT/00:04 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
This week Palm adds color to its line of personal
digital assistants. But for $449, are 256 colors enough to make the
The Palm IIIc resembles the Palm III, but has a
color screen. It runs on a 20-MHz Motorola Dragonball processor with
8MB of memory. Its bright display lets users view images, play
games, and read text easily. PC World took a close look at it, along
with the upgraded operating system (see "Palm Gets Color, OS
Upgrade," link at right).
The Palm IIIc offers 8-bit color with 160-by-160
pixel resolution, which is not great for photos. The IIIc's color
range is limited by the fact that the device maintains the small
unit size and long battery life typical of Palm products.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Monday 21st February 2000 |
News |
Time: 04:05
EDT/09:05 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Matthew
FBI cybersleuths, hunting those responsible for
the attacks on some of the World Wide Web's most popular sites, said
on Friday they have combined sophisticated computer tracing methods
with old-fashioned police work in trying to catch computer hackers.
FBI officials said investigators attempt to gather
evidence by tracing from the victim's computer, often through a
series of complex intermediary steps, back to the hacker responsible
for launching the attack.
But in addition to the technical computer
techniques, they said they also use traditional investigative
methods, such as interviewing cooperating witnesses and victims,
court-ordered eavesdropping on communications and executing search
News] [Return To
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
A Colorado legislative committee has passed a bill
that would require spammers to tag unsolicited email with a special
subject line.
"[Senders must] use the exact characters
'ADV:' ... as the first four characters in the subject line of an
unsolicited commercial electronic mail message," reads the
so-called Colorado Junk Email Law, House Bill 1309.
Colorado is the latest among a gaggle of states
nationwide seeking to put a dent in the flood of commercial email
flooding in-boxes. Internet service providers say junk email dumped
onto their servers daily costs them massive amounts of money in
bandwidth charges. Many email users, meanwhile, despise the unwanted
messages piling up in their in-boxes.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Friday 18th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 20:36
EDT/01:36 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Matthew
Britain's first flat-fee Internet service has
suffered a major failure in its launch week, with operator Telewest
blaming the collapse of its e-mail system on overwhelming demand for
the 10 pound ($16.04) a month deal.
Users of its Cable Internet service, including
15,000 subscribers to the unlimited access deal, were unable to
receive e-mail from late on Thursday until 1100 GMT on Friday,
Telewest said on its Web site.
It blamed a storage problem triggered by the
``huge success'' of the deal launched on Monday, which it trumpeted
as an example of the cheap Internet services promised by Chancellor
of the Exchequer Gordon Brown on Wednesday.
News] [Return To
Time: 20:38
EDT/01:38 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
A "free browser enhancement" from
Internet portal GoHip.com may end up enhancing more than just your
browser. According to Internet security firm Finjan, the browser
enhancement, which is distributed through GoHip's Web site, uses
Microsoft's ActiveX to automatically modify files on a user's PC.
The small print in the agreement to download the
video browser enhancement offered on the Web site states the program
will also change the user's default home page and search default to
GoHip.com pages. But it also makes other changes that it doesn't
mention at all, according to Finjan representatives.
When you accept GoHip's terms, the site copies an
executable file to your system and executes automatically. In
addition to modifying your default home page, the program also
changes the default signature in your e-mail program.
News] [Return To
Time: 20:36
EDT/01:36 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
AdSubtract.com is trying to turn a heated privacy
debate into profits. The company is giving away free software that
blocks "cookies" and ads delivered by DoubleClick to Web
The company has singled out DoubleClick because it
is the "most aggressive Internet advertising firm identifying
and tracking people surfing the Web," says Ed English,
president of AdSubtract.
As part of its marketing pitch, AdSubtract
software (a 2.5MB download) comes preconfigured to block DoubleClick
ads and cookies. But you can make the software block all Internet
ads and decline all cookies, which are unique snippets of code that
a Web site puts in a file in your browser, to "remember"
you when you surf to that site. What's more, AdSubtract keeps a
running scorecard on the number of items it blocks. English adds
that while protecting privacy, the software also boosts download
speeds of Web pages by removing banner ads.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Wednesday 16th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 18:31
EDT/23:31 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
The Federal Trade Commission is conducting an
informal probe into whether DoubleClick Inc. engaged in unfair or
deceptive practices in collecting and maintaining data concerning
Internet users.
(Nasdaq: DCLK
), the leading company placing banner ads on Web sites, said it
received a letter from the federal consumer watchdog agency on Feb.
8 and is cooperating with the inquiry, according to a filing with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.
DoubleClick's disclosure was found amid the
details of a lengthy amended registration statement to sell 7.5
million shares of stock that was filed with the SEC on Feb 14.
Controversy about the company erupted last month
when DoubleClick revealed a new plan to track Internet user's
movements on the Web and combine that data with people's real names
and addresses.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:18
EDT/23:18 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
Last week's hacker attacks on major Web sites have
stoked widespread concern among home computer users. Almost half of
U.S. online consumers will think twice before sharing credit card
data over Internet, a poll released on Tuesday finds.
But while 90 percent of home computer users
surveyed in a PC Data Online poll express fear in the wake of the
attacks, less than a third say they believe the government should
take the lead in policing the Web.
"Last week's Web attacks officially marked
the end of our celebration with holiday e-tail. Reality set
in," says Julie Oliver, senior manager of surveys at PC Data
"The attacks served as a wake-up call to all
concerned that this brave new world on the Internet may be growing
faster than our ability to protect it and its users," she says.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:17
EDT/23:17 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Justice Department and FBI officials Wednesday
told a Senate panel that last week's denial of service attacks
provide ample reason to give law enforcement bigger budgets and
additional powers.
Attorney General Janet Reno testified that the
Clinton administration's fiscal year 2001 budget request would give
agents the "capacity to trace and detect cyber criminals around
the world."
Neither Reno nor FBI Director Louis Freeh divulged
details about suspects in last week's assault against prominent Web
sites, except to say agents are interviewing people and reviewing
records kept by the companies that were attacked.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:14
EDT/23:14 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
As the Internet becomes more integrated with
Americans' lives, people are spending less time with friends and
family, shopping in stores, or watching television and instead are
working longer hours by bringing their work home, according to a new
The study, conducted by the Stanford Institute for
the Quantitative Study of Society, assesses the social consequences
of Internet use among a large portion of American households,
including Internet users and nonusers.
The key finding of the study is that "the
more hours people use the Internet, the less time they spend with
real human beings," said Stanford professor Norman Nie, who was
one of the principal investigators of the study.
The crux of the study, that people who engage in
heavy Internet use are increasingly isolated from others, runs
counter to the assertions by some Netizens, who maintain that the
Internet brings them closer to a greater number of people through
electronic relationships. Net enthusiasts claim that they can find
people with similar interests through discussion groups and
communities and that they also stay in better touch with friends and
relatives through email.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:07
EDT/23:07 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
Sega today unveiled a new digital camera for its
Dreamcast gaming system, a sign that gaming consoles are gaining
momentum as PC alternatives.
Sega's Dreamcast machine has been at the forefront
of the market for Internet devices, as the console offers both
gaming capabilities and Internet access. Sega has painted the
machine as the centerpiece of its digital entertainment and home
networking strategy. With today's release of the digital camera,
called the Dreameye, Sega is acting on its digital entertainment
Digital cameras may just be the tip of the
iceberg. Dreamcast-like television-based Net appliances are already
proving among the most popular ways for non-PC users to access the
Web, according to a recent report from International
Data Corp. Although many homes still don't own a PC, most have a
television that can be used as an alternate medium to access the
Net, analysts have said.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:05
EDT/23:05 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
The effort to bring Linux to Intel's
next-generation Itanium chip moved forward today with the arrival of
critical programming tools, another key step for the upstart
operating system.
Linux distributor Red Hat today released the
crucial software--called a "compiler"--that translates
programs into instructions that can be understood by Intel's
upcoming 64-bit Itanium chip. The move comes at a time when a
similar development effort between Sun Microsystems and Intel has
turned into an ugly spat.
Itanium is the first member of a new class of more
powerful processors from the chipmaker. Hardware maker SGI said it
will release its compiler as well, promising that its version will
result in faster programs.
News] [Return To
Time: 18:00
EDT/23:00 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
America Online and copier company Kinko's said
today that they will team to cross-sell products in a five-year,
multimillion-dollar strategic alliance.
The agreement, whose terms were not disclosed,
calls for AOL and privately held Kinko's to develop Internet
Solutions Centers in the copier company's more than 1,000 stores.
The centers will provide computers featuring AOL interactive
services, including access to the Internet, the companies said.
The Ventura, Calif.-based Kinko's and AOL also
will create a co-branded online destination for AOL members and
small-business and home office customers. The sites also will be
available on AOL.com, Netscape and Digital City.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:10
EDT/09:10 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
H&R Block's Web-based tax preparation service,
which is the premier sponsor of Yahoo's Tax Center, experienced a
technical glitch that accidentally switched some tax filers'
records, the company confirmed today. As a result, when some
registered users signed on to the service to work on their tax
returns, they instead received someone else's filing--including a
social security number, home address, annual income and other highly
sensitive information.
"What we discovered was that some of our
clients' data was appearing in other clients' data files," said
Linda McDougall, vice president of communications for H&R Block.
"We discovered a problem with our site on
Monday and took it down. We're keeping it down until we're convinced
that he problem has been corrected," she said.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:05
EDT/09:05 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
Apple has announced a revamped line of notebooks
for professional users, an upgraded iBook for consumers and faster
chips in its professional desktop computers.
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs made the
announcements in Japan at the Macworld Tokyo trade show. Jobs has a
penchant for providing surprises at U.S. Mac trade shows, and, for
the first time in recent memory, Macworld Tokyo was the scene for
the introduction of a number of pieces of new hardware.
Apple added a new model to the iBook line that
offers a 366-MHz PowerPC G3 chip, more memory and a larger hard disk
News] [Return To
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
Two major music suppliers, Valley
Media and Amplified.com, today announced that they will merge in
a move that could hasten the adoption of digital downloading as a
means of commercial distribution.
A leader in its field, Valley Media distributes
CDs, cassettes, videos and DVDs to more than 200 nationwide
retailers, including the Wherehouse and e-commerce sites such as
Amazon.com and CDNow. Amplified
supplies more than 200,000 digital music tracks to many of the same
customers' Web sites.
Now the companies will combine their catalogs,
allowing e-tailers or stores with kiosks to let consumers hear
samples and read descriptions of all the songs in their database.
The value of the merger was not disclosed.
"This is a very exciting merger of the
digital and physical worlds of music distribution," said Wayne
Parker, president of Amplified.com. "This merger will speed the
availability of digital downloads and make it easier for people who
want to sell music online and for artists and record companies that
want to distribute music this way."
News] [Return To
Headlines For Tuesday 15th February 2000 |
Auction Scams - Rambus - H&R Block |
Time: 17:31
EDT/22:31 GMT News Source: New
York Times Posted By: Matthew
Responding to growing criticism of its tracking of
consumers as they make their way around the World Wide Web,
DoubleClick, the Internet's leading advertising placement company,
began a new service yesterday along with an educational campaign to
help Web surfers protect their privacy.
The effort was immediately denounced by privacy
advocates as a weak attempt at crisis management.
The campaign and the reaction to it are the latest
point-counterpoint in the intensifying policy debate over when and
how consumers should be given the option to keep their personal
information personal.
DoubleClick's "Internet Privacy Education
Campaign" comes only days after a leading privacy group filed a
formal complaint against the company with the Federal Trade
Commission and on the heels of a survey showing that the company was
collecting personal information from Web sites that claimed such
information was not being shared.
News] [Return To
Time: 16:35
EDT/21:35 GMT News Source: PCWorld
Posted By: Matthew
Stuffed toys, computer systems and collectible
lunch boxes are among the millions of items available at online
auctions, one of the fastest growing areas of the Internet for both
consumers and the con artists who prey on them.
Federal and state law enforcement agencies
announced a crackdown Monday against Web scammers who offer goods
they don't have or accept payments and don't deliver.
''We want Internet auction users and the online
auction industry to know that the e-con artists who capitalize on
them are going, going, gone,'' said Jodie Bernstein, director of the
Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Consumer Protection. ''We don't
intend to let a handful of rogues erode consumer confidence in
Internet commerce or Internet auctions.''
News] [Return To
Time: 16:30
EDT/21:30 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
Rambus shares rose almost 40 percent on
expectations that Intel will reaffirm its support for the developer
of chip technology at a conference that begins today, an analyst
Shares of the Mountain View, Calif.-based firm
climbed $44.19, or 39.65 percent, to $155.63 in near-closing
trading. The shares have risen 46 percent in the past week.
Intel, the giant chipmaker, is expected to make
positive comments about Rambus' technology at the Intel Developer's
Forum, said Mark Edelstone, an analyst at Morgan Stanley Dean
Witter. The three-day conference in Palm Springs, Calif., will
feature speeches by chairman Andrew Grove as well as other Intel
executives including Albert Yu, Paul Otellini and Mark Christensen.
News] [Return To
Time: 16:26
EDT/21:26 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Matthew
H&R Block's tax preparation Internet site is
down a second day as the U.S. tax season continues to heat up.
Company spokeswoman Linda McDougall said the
world's largest tax preparation company took the site down yesterday
to upgrade software. This is the second time in two weeks the
company's site hasn't been available for tax preparation.
"We're currently experiencing difficulties
serving everyone trying to use our online tax program," H&R
Block said on its Web site. It expects to have the system running
"within a few days."
The shut down comes as more people file their
returns electronically and file them earlier in the year. Last year,
the Internal Revenue Service said 10.29 million taxpayers filed
their returns online by Feb.12, up 17.7 percent from 8.74 million in
News] [Return To
Headlines For Monday 14th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 17:55
EDT/22:55 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Another Web attack, this time on encryption
security firm RSA.
Computer security firm RSA
Security Inc. (Nasdaq: RSAS)
had one of its Web sites effectively defaced by computer criminals
apparently keen to make a point about the insecurity of DNS (Domain
Name System) authentication. The affected site is an older RSA site,
not its primary home page.
According to security and encryption expert Brian
Galdman, the culprits appear to have gained access to a high-level
DNS server rather than broken into the server that hold the page
This latest high-profile attack adds to the
argument that, as illustrated by the recent spate of distributed
denial-of-service attacks, there remain major security issues --
even for the best-equipped Web sites.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:51
EDT/22:51 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Privacy groups blasted Internet advertising firm
DoubleClick Inc.Monday, after the company sought to better protect
the privacy of consumers it tracks online and defuse a looming
New York-based DoubleClick, which places
advertising banners on thousands of Web sites and keeps track of who
views them, ignited a firestorm of criticism last month when it said
it would begin adding people's actual names and addresses to its
tracking program.
Privacy groups have previously attacked the
tracking plan, which is not yet up and running, with one group
filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and another
starting a consumer protest campaign.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:46
EDT/22:46 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
America Online has ended its lobbying push in
various states for legislation requiring cable companies to share
high-speed Internet lines with competitors, officials at the No. 1
ISP said Monday.
The move was expected after chairman Steve Case
said last month that AOL no longer favors government-mandated open
access to high-speed cable lines in light of its $120 billion
acquisition of cable giant Time Warner.
Nationwide, the battle over open access, which had
pitted AOL, other ISPs, and consumer groups against the cable
industry, could write the ground rules for fast-growing cable
high-speed Internet services.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:44
EDT/22:44 GMT News Source: PCWorld
Posted By: Matthew
New technology targets ads and PC support, won't
reveal your identity.
A small but discernible trend in the technology
used to target consumers is focusing on protecting privacy rights
rather than invading them. Companies are discovering that there is
money to be made in offering privacy protection along with their
much-prized one-to-one marketing model.
The first products are bubbling up out of the PC
online support industry.
McAfee.com, which sells antivirus and security
products, will launch its offering in the second quarter. The
technology, called Silhouette, creates a Personal Advertising
Profile on the desktop with the user's participation. The profile
holds data on the system configuration and resident software. On the
server, advertisers specify rules that deliver only those ads which
are based on the system configuration in the user's profile.
News] [Return To
Headlines For Friday 11th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 06:05
EDT/11:05 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
The cyber manhunt for the denial-of-service
attackers is 'very difficult' if not 'impossible,' security experts
say. But can the offender resist bragging?
The FBI might have vowed to bring the "packet
warriors" responsible for taking down eight major Web sites to
justice, but several Internet security experts remain doubtful the
bureau can deliver on that promise.
"It will be virtually impossible (to track
the attackers down)," said a "white-hat hacker" who
identifies himself as "Mixter" and who authored the Tribe
Flood Network. TFN is a tool used to cause denial-of-service attacks
such as those that hit Yahoo!, eBay, Buy.com, Amazon.com, E*Trade,
MSN.com, CNN.com and ZDNet earlier this week.
"All providers have to scrutinize their
router logs tracing back traffic," Mixter said, and that's a
time-intensive process.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Time: 05:59
EDT/10:59 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Sony has lost a key appeal in its lawsuit against
Connectix, a computer products maker the entertainment giant accused
of tinkering with Sony PlayStation game console software.
In a ruling handed down Thursday, the 9th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Connectix's right to use a process
known as reverse engineering to develop a product for playing
PlayStation games on PCs.
A lawyer for Connectix said the ruling set a new
legal precedent for reverse engineering -- the process of taking
apart and analyzing products to develop new applications with the
News] [Return To Headlines]
Time: 05:55
EDT/10:55 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
The White House is organizing a meeting next week
with the nation's top computer security experts and technology
executives, and this week's Web attacks will top the agenda, the
National Security Council said today.
President Clinton and Sandy Berger, the national
security adviser, will attend.
Unnerved by a rash of hacker
attacks on the world's leading Web sites, big Internet companies
today rushed to strengthen their computer systems in a high-tech
game of cat-and-mouse with the phantom perpetrators.
Taking advantage of an apparent lull in major
disruptions, big Web companies and government agencies stepped up
training of technicians in detecting unusual activity. Others
installed advanced software filters to detect and block delivery of
suspicious electronic data.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Headlines For Thursday 10th February 2000 |
News |
Time: 04:10
EDT/09:10 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Borders.com is taking the weekend to overhaul its
popular books and music e-commerce site.
Borders.com, the Net division of the Borders Group
and the third-largest bookseller online, today said it will close
its site beginning at 6 p.m. EST on Friday and will reopen sometime
Monday morning. During that time, the company will upgrade its
search engine and checkout process and complete a redesign of the
site, the company said. Borders.com also will increase its editorial
"The enhanced site is based on the idea of
customer choice," Tami Heim, newly
appointed Borders.com president, said in a statement.
"Customer feedback, which we have aggressively solicited since
the debut of Borders.com, was a key driver of the changes we've
The site redesign follows increased efforts by the
book giant to integrate its offline and online business. In the last
six months, the company has started to tie its 290 offline stores
across the United States more closely to its Web site.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Time: 04:04
EDT/09:04 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
While the media remains riveted by the devastation
wrought in the e-business world by a group of unknown hackers, the
electronic security industry has reason to smile.
"Security researchers have warned for years
that we are building a house of cards," said computer security
expert Simson L. Garfinkel, part owner of a security
counter-measures firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts. "Companies
spend far less on security than they should."
Maybe companies have learned a lesson as a result
of the attacks. But if they did, they'll probably be reaching deeper
into their wallets for the protection they suddenly realize they
News] [Return To Headlines]
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
Chase Manhattan and Deloitte Consulting on
Wednesday unveiled plans to form a company designed to help
businesses streamline procurement of such items as office supplies,
temporary help, and computers.
The companies said the venture, which has not yet
been named, can wring as much as $350 million in annual savings from
procurement costs for major companies, resulting in profit margin
improvements of up to 25 percent.
The company will provide electronic procurement,
electronic marketplace, and payment management services to link
customers' purchase and payment processes.
News] [Return To Headlines]
Date: Wednesday 9th February 2000
Today's Top Business Headlines: Internet
News |
Time: 17:59
EDT/22:59 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Matthew
Business members of a congressional Internet tax
panel urged Congress on Wednesday to extend for five years the
current ban on taxes that single out the Internet and to permanently
ban taxes on access to cyberspace.
On the question of state sales taxes, the six
business representatives of the Advisory Commission on Electronic
Commerce said Congress should establish a new definition for what
constitutes ``physical presence'' in a state. The Supreme Court has
ruled that states can only collect taxes on remote sales - catalog
or Internet - if a company has such a presence within their borders.
Intended to head off multiple lawsuits from states
trying to collect taxes, the proposal says states could not define
``physical presence'' through such things as an Internet service
provider, a server, telecommunications equipment or a home page.
In addition, the plan encourages state and local
governments to draft a uniform sales tax law within three years that
would simplify the system and remove collection burdens for remote
sellers when compared with traditional brick-and-mortar retailers.
News] [Return To
Time: 17:52
EDT/22:52 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Attorney General Janet Reno promised today that
federal law enforcement authorities will do all in their power to
combat a wave of Internet vandalism.
Responding to a rash of attacks that disrupted
several flagship Web sites, Reno said, "These cyberassaults
have caused millions of Internet users to be denied services."
She said the motives of the vandals are not known,
"but they appear to be intended to interfere with and disrupt
legitimate electronic commerce." "We are committed in
every way possible to tracking down those who are responsible,"
she said.
Ronald Dick, a Net security expert at the FBI,
said the hackers could face a maximum penalty of five to 10 years in
jail and up to a $250,000 fine, or in some cases "twice the
gross loss to the victim."
News] [Return To
Time: 04:12
EDT/09:12 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Adobe developed and licenses the Portable Document
Format, which is designed to speed the delivery and transfer of
documents online. Integrating this technology into the Palm software
would theoretically allow a Palm user to read any document stored in
the PDF format.
Although electronic book readers have not been big
sellers, handheld computing companies have been working feverishly
to include the technology to read e-books. Microsoft unveiled
improved fonts and e-book technology for its Pocket PCs at the
Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last month, while Palm
licensee Handspring has demonstrated an e-book add-on cartridge for
its Visor device.
The trend indicates the growing interest in
expanding the features and functionality of handheld devices, as
industry attention shifts from developing services and applications
for the home computer to creating inexpensive, scaled down
Internet-centric devices capable of performing a few limited
Palm, which is set to go public sometime this
month amid its separation from parent company 3Com, has stacked up
partnerships, alliances and licensees at a near breakneck pace in
the last few months. In addition to high profile licensees like
Handspring, Sony, and Nokia, the company has announced alliances
with Motorola and America Online.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:10
EDT/09:10 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Striking back against allegations that it violated
the copyrights on thousands of CDs, MP3.com is charging that the
recording industry has engaged in unfair business practices to
undermine the Net music firm.
MP3.com, which offers digital audio by 50,000
artists, filed a complaint in San Diego Superior Court yesterday
alleging that the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
and its president, Hilary Rosen, gathered technical information from
the Net music company and spoke to analysts about its stock price
just days before suing
it for copyright infringement.
The RIAA quickly countered today, calling
MP3.com's claims "ridiculous."
In its lawsuit, which could garner billions of
dollars in damages, the RIAA accuses MP3.com of creating
unauthorized copies of more than 40,000 CDs through its Instant
Listening and Beam-it services, which were
launched last month. MP3.com argues that its services fall under
the "fair use" exemptions in the copyright law, which
permit consumers to make copies of works they own, but only for
personal use.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:05
EDT/09:05 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
An apparent attack on the technology that supports
the Yahoo website is a warning that security can not be taken for
granted -- and that the information technology industry needs to
work harder, experts said Tuesday.
On Monday, a stream of millions of apparently
untraceable data packets collided into the routers that connect to
the servers hosting Yahoo.com, one of the most heavily-visited
websites on the Internet. The site was offline for approximately 3
hours, depriving users of services and costing the company from
$200,000 to $500,000 in lost revenues from advertising and sales.
The attack may be the most visible manifestation
of what analysts call a distributed denial-of-service attack, a new
form of sabotage designed to freeze a website by rendering it unable
to manage a torrent of service requests. This data flood comes from
a group of computers operated by remote control by people who have
stealthily gained access to them.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
As part of its reorganization due to financial
troubles, Baan Co. said Tuesday that it is selling off its corporate
accounting software division.
Science Systems, a U.K.-based procurement and
finance software shop and service provider, will pay approximately
$50 million in cash for the assets and operations of Baan's CODA
unit, the companies said.
Baan said it expects to gain about $30 million on
the deal, although the purchase price and reported gain are subject
to finalization. The deal is expected to close before the end of
next month.
Baan, Herndon, Va., is trying to recover from a
financially trying year. Last month, the company's stock plunged
after the departure of CEO Mary Coleman, who joined an Internet
holding company. Midday Tuesday, Baan stock was trading at 7 13/32
on the Nasdaq.
News] [Return To
Date: Tuesday 8th February 2000
Today's Top Business Headlines: Internet
News |
Time: 04:35
EDT/09:35 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Marcelo Siero, a computer consultant from San
Jose, California, hit the jackpot last month when an unnamed buyer
paid him $3 million for the rights to Loan.com in an online auction.
Well, the buyer is unnamed no more, and here's a
shock: It's a bank. The Bank of America, to be precise.
In a statement released Tuesday, BofA said buying
Loan.com was a strategic investment aimed at strengthening its
position as the leading provider of loans in the United States.
The prices being paid for domain names have
skyrocketed in recent months. The largest known payment was for the
www.business.com domain, which fetched a tidy $7.5 million from
eCompanies, a California venture capital firm.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:35
EDT/09:35 GMT News Source: New
York Times Posted By: Matthew
Yahoo Inc. blamed a "planned attack" by
computer hackers for a service failure that lasted nearly three
hours today, in a rare interruption of one of the most popular and
best performing sites on the World Wide Web.
The company attributed the failure to an attack in
which one or more hackers flooded a network with a steady stream of
data, causing the network to become clogged.
The assault, which Yahoo called a
"distributed denial of service attack," directed a flood
of data from dozens, sometimes hundreds, of computers, making it
impossible for the company to exchange information with its regular
News] [Return To
Time: 04:31
EDT/09:31 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
In an effort to pave an easier path to all that
the Web offers, AltaVista has upgraded its search engine to seek out
specific video and audio files as well as text references.
The new version, activated Monday, is designed to
search more than 30 million audio, video, and image documents for
specific content and display the results immediately. The hot areas
are expected to be photographs, movie trailers, and, of course, MP3
AltaVista is now a wholly owned subsidiary of
CMGI. The search engine was part of the deal when Compaq bought
Digital Equipment Corporation, but the PC manufacturer soon sold off
that part of the business. This is AltaVista's first major upgrade
since the ownership change.
News] [Return To
Date: Monday 7th February 2000
Today's Top Business Headlines: Internet
News |
Time: 18:59
EDT/23:59 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Yahoo, the second most popular Web site on the
Internet, was unreachable for three hours on Monday before being
restored to full operation by 1:30 p.m. (PST).
The company's highly visible yahoo.com,
broadcast.com, and my.yahoo.com sites were down, although some other
properties such as Geocitiesremained
A router owned by Global Center, a Sunnyvale,
California-based company that provides connectivity to Yahoo,
reportedly was the cause. Other Global Crossing customers, such as
Ziff Davis, MP3.com, and eToys.com, did not seem to experience any
"At this point we're just working with Yahoo
to figure out what the problem is," a spokeswoman for Global
Center said.
News] [Return To
Time: 05:05
EDT/10:05 GMT News Source: SiliconValley.com
Posted By: Matthew
Be Inc. (BEOS.O), the company founded 10 years ago
by the flamboyant former Apple Computer Inc.(AAPL.O) executive
Jean-Louis Gassee, may finally have found its niche in life.
On Monday, the company will unveil at the Demo2000
conference a new operating system called BeIA, formerly code-named
Stinger, which is targeted at the nascent but potentially hot market
for Internet appliances -- a market where the ``WinTel'' alliance in
personal computers of Microsoft software and Intel chips is not
expected to dominate.
Until now, Be has been known for its BeOS
operating system, an alternative desktop operating system that has
never taken off in the commercial market. It mostly has been used by
software developers and computer enthusiasts.
Last month, Be, which just went public last July,
said it would give away its latest version, BeOS 5, for free, as it
focuses primarily on the Internet appliance market.
News] [Return To
Time: 05:00
EDT/10:00 GMT News Source: SiliconValley.com
Posted By: Matthew
The Information Appliance Era has been looming for
some time. Maybe it's about to arrive for real.
Consider, for example, a personal digital
assistant and mobile-communications device that understands what you
say to it and can talk back to you. Or a tabletop radio that pulls
in stations from the AM and FM bands -- and the Web. Or a
stand-alone screen in a frame that goes out to the Net, downloads
and then displays photographs.
Those are among the various connected and
unconnected info-appliances to be unveiled this week at the annual
Demo technology conference in Indian Wells. They come just four
years after the spectacular Demo debut of the PalmPilot. The Palm,
in many eyes, validated a new kind of market for digital devices
that do one or a few things well and simply, and emphatically are
not personal computers.
Also on view at Demo, as usual, will be a variety
of software, Web applications and other notions that stretch the
boundaries of information technology. I'll tell you about some of
these in Tuesday's column. Let's look here at some cool-sounding
News] [Return To
Time: 04:58
EDT/09:58 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Matthew
Researchers at International Business Machines
Corp. this week will show designs of computer chips that they say
will be the world's fastest.
IBM researchers will announce at the International
Solid-State Circuits Conference that they have developed a new
family of high-speed computer circuits that run at speeds of 3.3 to
4.5 gigahertz, up to five times faster than today's fastest Pentium
III chips.
The new design employs conventional silicon
transistors, but uses only half the power of a standard
high-performance chip.
``Not only are we in the gigahertz era of
microprocessors, but we see our way clear to three to four gigahertz
in the future,'' said Randall Isaac, vice president of systems,
technology and science at IBM Research, in an interview.
News] [Return To
Date: Friday 4th February 2000
Today's Top Business Headlines: Internet
News |
Time: 13:51
EDT/18:51 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
The Justice Department has queried eBay about the
company’s efforts to block third-party auction search engines from
accessing items listed for sale on eBay, a company spokesman said
The preliminary investigation by the Justice
Department’s antitrust unit focuses on eBay’s dispute with
auction portals Bidder’s Edge and AuctionWatch, the eBay spokesman
said. The department is studying the online auction market and
looking into whether eBay’s moves are anti-competitive.
"Our dispute with Bidder’s Edge is a
commercial one that concerns eBay’s right to prevent unauthorized
intrusions into its computer system, and use of eBay content in a
manner which confuses and misleads eBay users," Jay Monahan,
eBay's senior intellectual property counsel, said in a statement.
"We are confident that the court in the Bidder’s Edge matter
will agree with our position and enjoin Bidder’s Edge from
continuing its improper access."
News] [Return To
Time: 13:45
EDT/18:45 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Palm Computing has cut prices on all of its
handheld computers, ostensibly in preparation for the release of new
models, including its first device with a color display.
As first reported
by CNET News.com, Palm will release the Palm IIIc with color
display on Feb. 20, along with the Palm IIIxe, which will expand the
memory of the Palm IIIx device. As is typical practice for the
company, it is now cutting prices across its line of products in
preparation for the new releases.
The Palm IIIe has been marked down from $179 to
$149. The Palm IIIx has come down to $229 from $299, while the Palm
V is now $329 and the Palm Vx has an estimated retail price of $399.
The Palm VII with wireless Internet access has been cut from $499 to
News] [Return To
Time: 13:38
EDT/18:38 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
Musician and broadcaster John Tesh got his name
back Thursday when Celebsites.com agreed out of court to relinquish
the domain name JohnTesh.com.
Tesh had sued Celebsites for rights to the name
under the Anti-Cybersquatting and Consumer Privacy Act of 1999. The
law protects against misappropriation of domain names with obvious
benefit to a certain group or person for commercial benefit.
JohnTesh.com will likely redirect users to
Tesh.com, the new age maestro's Web site.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:35
EDT/09:35 GMT News Source: PC
WorldPosted By: Matthew
Any recent PC nails your basic tasks, but analysts
say you should sell within two years. Why?
"You've got to know when to hold 'em, know
when to fold 'em." Kenny Rogers was talking about gambling, but
he could have been talking about PCs. Choosing when to ditch a PC
and buy a new one can seem like quite a gamble.
And it's not getting easier. While any recent PC
does a good job browsing and handling basic office or home
productivity tasks, industry analysts tell us we are dropping them
quicker than ever. Or we would, if we knew what was good for us.
Ten years ago, you could buy a PC and expect to
get at least five years of good quality work out of it. In 1990, the
average lifespan of a typical PC for use in a home or office was
between five and five and a half years, according to a study done by
Carnegie Mellon University.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:05
EDT/09:05 GMT News Source: New
York Times Posted By: Matthew
Unless a home PC is placed in an isolation tank,
computer security experts say, it is vulnerable to a panoply of
potential intrusions.
For that reason, it can be an extremely hazardous
place to keep anything remotely confidential, much less the
classified documents that John M. Deutch, the former director of
central intelligence, had stored on his unsecured home computers in
"The more software people have on their
computers, and the more they are online, the more vulnerable they
become to attack," said Avi Rubin, an Internet security expert
at AT&T Labs Research in Florham Park, N.J. "All the
factors that contribute to increased vulnerability are becoming more
and more common."
To be sure, general awareness of security
vulnerabilities among home PC users was not very high in 1996, when
people were beginning to explore the World Wide Web in increasing
News] [Return To
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: New
York Times Posted By: Matthew
The Ford Motor Company said today that each of its
350,000 employees worldwide, from factory workers in India to car
designers in Michigan, would be offered a high-speed desktop
computer, a color printer and unlimited Internet access for just $5
a month.
Employees' families will be encouraged to use the
equipment, made by the Hewlett-Packard Company, and will be given
e-mail accounts. The Ford offer, which executives said was intended
to promote computer literacy, includes color monitors, speakers,
technical support and ample capacity for workers and their families
to create their own Web sites.
Ford officials said they did not know how many
workers would want the computers, but predicted that almost all
would take them. Delivery of the Hewlett-Packard computers and
ink-jet printers will start in the United States in April, and the
price might be set lower than $5 a month for workers in lower-wage
countries, said James Yost, Ford's chief information officer.
News] [Return To
Date: Thursday 3rd February 2000
Today's Top Business Headlines: Internet
News |
Time: 04:10
EDT/09:10 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
NetZero, a provider of free Internet access and
email with online advertising, accused rival @Home, a cable Internet
company, of infringing its "Defenders of the Free World"
Westlake Village, Calif.-based NetZero says in a
suit filed in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana last month that it
was awarded ownership of the trademark in December, 1999.
NetZero says it discussed a possible collaboration
last August with @Home's Excite@Home service, but never gave @Home
permission to use its trademark. In January, @Home wrongly began
advertising ''Free World Powered by Excite,'' NetZero alleges in the
News] [Return To
Time: 04:08
EDT/09:08 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
Free browser add-on eliminates the need to retrace
your Web steps--but why?
Say you're using a search engine and your query
pulls up pages and pages of results. You want to look through them
all, but by the second page you've found something else that piques
your interest. Off you go, on a Web-surfing tangent, never to return
to your list of search results. Right?
Not any longer. A new free browser add-on from
SpotOn could keep you on the right Web track, even if you're prone
to making detours.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:05
EDT/09:05 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
Antivirus software needs to become more proactive.
In an effort to provide IT managers with more automated virus
protection, McAfee has combined its antivirus software with policy
management, reporting, and enforcement capabilities.
McAfee, a unit of Network Associates, is releasing
McAfee Active Virus Defense, an integrated suite of antivirus
products. The software suite centralizes policy management and
enforcement, and provides enterprise reporting, virus analysis, and
distribution of updates.
While archrival Symantec is moving in a similar
direction with its Norton AntiVirus suite, adding more automated
capabilities and providing links to its policy management tools,
McAfee has integrated these features directly into its new release.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Intel plans to buy a Colorado chipmaking plant
from Rockwell International and invest $1.5 billion in it, in a move
Intel sees significantly boosting its short-term manufacturing
Intel, the world's biggest chipmaker, expects to
begin manufacturing flash memory at the Colorado Springs wafer
fabrication facility by late this year. The facility is currently
The company said it has signed a letter of intent
with Rockwell, but did not disclose details of the agreement.
News] [Return To
Date: Wednesday 2nd February 2000
Today's Top Business Headlines: Internet
News |
Time: 19:32
EDT/00:32 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
While RealNetworks, Microsoft and other
corporations battle for control of the streaming media market,
efforts to provide open source alternatives to streaming media
products are cropping up from groups ranging from lone university
students to Internet behemoth CMGI.
The products, largely developed under open source
rules that make the end product available for use under a free,
public license, have the potential to throw a monkey wrench into
corporate streaming plans much the way the open source Linux
platform has threatened Microsoft's grip on the market for computer
operating systems.
Groups working on free versions of streaming media
products like those for sale by RealNetworks and others include Free-expression.org,
Xiph.org and Icecast,
which was acquired by CMGI last month.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:59
EDT/09:59 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
A leading privacy group on Tuesday started a
campaign urging Internet users to keep their personal information
and Web surfing habits away from DoubleClick, the leading Net
advertisement placement service.
The move followed DoubleClick's announcement last
month that it planned to begin combining tracking of Web surfers'
visits to about 1,500 Internet sites with people's actual
Currently, the New York ad firm puts unique
identifying traces on the computers of people who visit many Web
sites where it places ads and tracks what people are viewing. But
the profiles are not linked to people's actual names and addresses.
DoubleClick said that under its new program, not
yet in effect, it would still use the information only to tailor
advertising and direct mailings to desirable customers. And the
company would also continue to exclude sensitive data about health
and sexual matters along with "detailed" financial
information from its profiles.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:25
EDT/09:25 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Internet health sites are collecting and sharing
with other companies detailed personal information about visitors,
often without their knowledge and despite promises to protect
privacy, according to a study released today.
A survey conducted for the California HealthCare
Foundation found several lapses from policies pledging to guard
personal information and email addresses at 21 of the most popular
medical Web sites.
"The privacy policies of health Web sites do
not match up with their own practices," said Janlori Goldman of
Georgetown University's Health Privacy Project, which conducted the
survey with Internet security consultant Richard Smith.
For example, companies were sharing email
addresses and other information when they promised they would not.
News] [Return To
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
In the latest David vs. Goliath dispute over Net
name ownership, soft drink giant Coca-Cola has taken a hard-line
approach with a fan site called "Vintagecocacola.com" that
was established as a favor to a group of senior citizens.
Web site administrator Randy Martin of Maxistore.net
said that the site originally was founded in a "goodwill
gesture" as a place for Coca-Cola fans to display their
collections of vintage Coca-Cola merchandise.
But on Jan. 5, Coca-Cola sent Maxistore a cease-and-desist
letter asking the site to discontinue using the Coca-Cola
trademark and to either assign the domain name to Coca-Cola or
abandon the name immediately.
"I was completely shocked," Martin said
in an interview. "Never in a million years did I dream they
would be offended by a site that said great things about their
products." He added that no merchandise was exchanged on the
site and that no one was making money off the project.
News] [Return To
Date: Tuesday 1st February 2000
Today's Top Business Headlines: Internet
News |
- Email
marketers try new tactics for consumer attention
Time: 17:55
EDT/22:55 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Is spam poised for respectability?
Long considered the bane of the Internet, bulk
email advertising is undergoing a quiet transformation as direct
marketers implement more sophisticated techniques for better
targeting messages to people who may actually want to see them.
So-called one-to-one marketing is considered the
Holy Grail for Internet advertisers. But the industry has faced
harsh and persistent criticism for indiscriminately blanketing
millions of email addresses with annoying and unwanted messages.
Such excesses have sparked calls for the eradication of email
marketing and have inspired laws imposing fines for spam campaigns.
Now bulk emailers are starting to heed their
critics, boosting efforts to gain permission from consumers before
sending pitches via email. By most accounts, the new system has
proven a win-win where it has been adopted.
News] [Return To
- Go.com
readies new site for extreme sports
Time: 17:50
EDT/22:50 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Walt Disney's Go.com Internet network will
introduce a new Web site devoted to "extreme sports"
tomorrow, Go.com president Steve Wadsworth said.
The new site will be called EXPN and focus on
extreme sports, activities outside traditional sporting events, such
as trick bike-riding. A beta version is set to be unveiled tomorrow,
Wadsworth said.
Go.com last week decided to narrow
the focus of its general-purpose portal to concentrate on
entertainment, lifestyle, recreation and leisure after struggling to
compete with Yahoo, America Online and Microsoft.
"We have fine-tuned and reformatted the
portal to fundamentally capitalize on our strengths as a media and
entertainment company," Wadsworth said during a presentation at
the Banc of America Securities technology conference in San
News] [Return To
- Palm
to tap color for next release
Time: 04:12
EDT/09:12 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
The days of the colorless Palm screen are coming
to an end. Sources expect hardware and an upgraded OS in February.
The company, soon to be spun off from 3Com Corp.
(Nasdaq: COMS) as Palm Inc., is expected to begin shipping the
latest version of its Palm operating system, as well as the first
color Palm handheld, in February.
Sources said Version 3.5 of the Palm OS will be
preinstalled in some handheld devices, such as the Palm Vx, even
before the new OS is formally launched in February or early March.
Palm OS 3.5, released to developers last October, is significant to
Palm users because it is the first Palm OS to support color.
Aside from color, the new OS includes many smaller
enhancements, including subtle user-interface changes. One source
familiar with the OS said Palm may be taking advantage of the full
4-bit depth of the screens in its newest devices to a provide deeper
and more crisp -- almost 3-D like -- quality to the way icons are
News] [Return To
- Marimba
Offers New Castanet
Time: 04:08
EDT/09:08 GMT News Source: InternetNews
Posted By: Matthew
Marimba Inc. Monday announced an updated version
of its flagship product line, Castanet, which includes self-repair
features, installation options and support for Windows 2000.
Castanet is an enterprise solution designed to
provide infrastructure by which companies can distribute, update,
and manage applications and related data over corporate intranets,
extranets, and the Internet. Version 4.5 features new application
installation policies and self-repair options, as well as extensible
inventory, subscription and reporting to automate and simplify the
end-to-end management of e-business applications across the extended
enterprise, the company said.
"Castanet is empowering our customers to meet
their core business objective of minimizing the time to market for
key e-business applications," said Jacqueline Ross, vice
president of marketing at Marimba (MRBA) . "With Castanet 4.5,
we expect customers to see improved control over this process,
resulting in faster installation, reduced downtime and a better user
experience for their customer base."
News] [Return To
- Intel
Developing New Bus Design
Time: 04:06
EDT/09:06 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
Intel is developing a new "quad-pumped"
processorbus that is expected to reach a clock speed of 400 MHzwhen
running in Intel's next-generation Foster and McKinley server
microprocessors, according to industry sources.
Sources contacted last week at the Platform 2000
Conference in San Jose, Calif., said the new frontside bus (FSB)
will be common to both the 32-bit Foster and 64-bit McKinley, the
latter of which is slated to succeed the Itanium processor.
Foster is expected to be unveiled late this year
or early in 2001, and will be available with up to a four-processor
configuration per server. The device will be supported by the new
Colusa chipset, which sources said also is in development.
McKinley will debut next year as the
full-production version of Intel's IA-64 architecture, after
Itanium, formerly known as the Merced processor, is rolled out late
this year. The new 128-bit bus will have double the width of Intel's
highest current processor FSB, sources said.
News] [Return To
- Sony
Announces Improved VAIO PictureBook
Time: 04:04
EDT/09:04 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
Sony generated serious buzz last year with its
VAIO C1 PictureBook, a sub-three pound mininotebook with a built-in
digital camera. The company hopes to thrill again with Monday's
announcement of the new C1XS PictureBook that is smaller and faster
and offers better digital images.
The new PictureBook weighs just 2.2 pounds, a
half-pound lighter than the original, says Mark Hanson, senior
director of Sony's Personal Network Solutions Company. The unit's
dimensions are 1.14 inches by 9.8 inches by 6 inches. Designers
shaved off size and weight by going to a fully enclosed magnesium
case, but somehow managed to squeeze in a larger, more comfortable
keyboard than before, he says.
News] [Return To
- Lawmakers
propose permanent ban on Net taxes
Time: 04:00
EDT/09:00 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Two U.S. lawmakers proposed today making permanent
the current 3-year ban on new taxes by states and localities on
billions of dollars of goods and services sold over the Internet.
Sen. Ron Wyden, (D-Ore.), and Rep. Christopher
Cox, (R-Calif.), said they would introduce bills "soon" to
set in stone the moratorium on new Web taxes enacted by Congress in
October 1998 and due to expire in October 2001.
The upcoming Cox-Wyden bill would solidify
temporary bans on new "multiple" or
"discriminatory" taxes on cyberspace, such as state and
local levies on the monthly fees consumers pay to use Internet
Many of those taxes probably will be recommended
for repeal by most of a 19-member blue-ribbon panel appointed by
Congress to study the nettlesome Web-tax issue.
News] [Return To
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