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IE Download
Time: 10:21
EST/15:21 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced that
"Microsoft® Casino," which offers one of the
most authentic games experiences for the PC, is now available in
"Microsoft Casino" brings the excitement
of three premier Las Vegas resorts, The Mirage®,
Bellagio® and Treasure Island at The Mirage®,
to the PC by accurately reproducing each casino in stunning detail.
Realistic graphics and video from the resorts, along with authentic
gaming tables, cards, dice and music, add to the Las Vegas ambience.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:26
EST/12:26 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Microsoft Corp and News Corp (Australia:NCP.AX
- news) (NYSE:NWS
- news) are in
discussions that may result in the software giant investing more
than $1 billion in the media firm's Sky Global Networks Inc unit,
the Asian Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.
Citing ``people familiar with the situation'', the
newspaper said if a definitive deal is reached, Microsoft would
emerge with a 3.5 percent stake in Sky Global, which consolidates
all of News Corp's global satellite-TV assets and investments.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:26
EST/12:26 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
A hacker had high-level access to Microsoft
Corp.'s computer system for 12 days - not up to five weeks, as the
company had first reported - and was monitored the entire time.
While the company says it believes no major corporate secrets were
stolen, some security experts believe the 12-day period was plenty
of time for a hacker to do damage that may not have been detected
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:14
EST/12:14 GMT | News Source: The
Register | Posted By: Byron
So did they or didn't they? Through Friday
Microsoft spokespeople, spinmeisters and execs seem to have been
largely unsuccessful in damping down the fires started by the Wall
Street Journal's 'Microsoft hacked' story, but by the end of the
day some kind of corporate line seemed to be emerging - they didn't
get anything, they didn't change anything, and anyway they weren't
in there for long.
But the trouble with the 'no story' story is that
it doesn't directly address several of the claims made by the WSJ,
that it doesn't necessarily guarantee that the hackers weren't in
there for longer (and that they're not actually still in there), and
that this Redmond corporate line wasn't completely available when
the story first broke.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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IE Download
Time: 05:15
EST/10:15 GMT | News Source: E-Mail | Posted By: Matthew
Our thanks to Rodney for pointing out for
you all Windows Update has a new recommended download
Download Internet Explorer Error Reporting and
contribute to the development of Internet Explorer browser
technology. With Error Reporting installed, when an application
fault occurs you will now see a new dialog box that gives you the
opportunity to report the problem to Microsoft. If an update or
workaround is available for the error you have reported, you are
directed to the appropriate Web site to download the update or view
instructions for the workaround.
System Requirements:
Internet Explorer 5.0
Internet Explorer 5.01
Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1
Internet Explorer 5.5
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
confirms hackers saw code for upcoming software
Time: 09:00
EST/14:00 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft acknowledged Friday that hackers had
accessed source code to programs in development, but company
representatives said the intruders did not see code for existing
The admission quells fears hackers might have
stolen the source code, or blueprint, for some of Microsoft's most
valuable programs, including Office, Windows Me and Windows 2000.
As a criminal investigation under the direction of
the FBI progressed, the nature of the attack appeared to be more
sophisticated than first suspected, adding fuel to speculations of
industrial espionage.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:15
EST/11:15 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
The judge who ordered Microsoft split in two said
he would "think very seriously" about taking himself off
the case if an appeals court found his decision was
"egregiously wrong."
U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, who
found that Microsoft illegally defended its Windows software
monopoly, raised the possibility of removing himself from further
proceedings if the appeals court wants more hearings on the breakup.
"It will depend in large measure upon the
confidence the Court of Appeals reposes in my earlier
decision," Jackson said after a speech to an antitrust seminar.
"If I am found to have been egregiously in error, then even if
they didn't remove me from the case, I might very well think very
seriously of removing myself."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:07
EST/11:07 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Corp. unveiled a brand-new MSN®, giving consumers a new
home on the Web. The updated MSN includes the new MSN Explorer,
which provides the easiest way for consumers to get on the Internet
and makes using the Web more simple and personal. Also announced
were updates to virtually all the MSN services and new industry
relationships that will continue to bring the best of the Web to
consumers. MSN has become an easier way for consumers to get online,
and it provides a unique Web experience that gives them more from
their time online. With more than 210 million unique users per
month, MSN is now the preferred choice for consumers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:55
EST/10:55 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Robert Stein
We have just posted our interview with Graham
Palmer of Intel; in this interview we talk about the speeds of the
Pentium 4 processors, release date for the 1GHz mobile, re-release
date for the Pentium III 1.13 GHz and more. Check it out!
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:30 EST/10:30 GMT | News
Source: ActiveNetwork | Posted By: Julien
just posted my review on the brand new 3D graphic card of
Guillemot International, the Hercules 3D Prophet II Ultra 64Mb.
This brand new 3D acceleration card is build around the top-notch
GeForce II Ultra chip of Nvidia. Be sure to read the review &
the tests results to know how powerful this new card is! Here is a
snippet of the review:
the release of the TNT Ultra chip, NVIDIA has begun the
undisputable reign as the 3D chip manufacturer leader of the
world. They grabbed this position with the introduction of the
GeForce chip in early 1999 when they created the world first GPU
(Graphic Processor Unit), a new concept for 3D video cards. NVIDIA
introduced a chip designed only for 3D hard-core gamers to bring
them exceptional video quality along with incredible performance.
NVIDIA’s goal of designing the GeForce ship was put only on
performance and they perfectly reached this goal. When NVIDIA
introduced the GeForce chip other competing 3D cards like the
Matrox G400 instantly beat them. Then at the beginning of this
year NVIDIA unveiled to the world the GeForce II GTS the world
first AGP 4x gigatexel 3D accelerator. Now with the GeForce II
Ultra they make things better again as like a conventional CPU
they increased the internal frequency of the chip and memory so
overall speed was enhanced. The card we will test now is probably
the most exceptional one we’ve seen yet: the Hercules 3D Prophet
II Ultra 64MB manufactured by Guillemot is not only one more board
that uses a NVIDIA chip. Indeed unlike its competitors (like
Creative Labs) who are content in releasing a NVIDIA reference
like card, Hercules has really built its 3D card around the NVIDIA
chip with the gamer in mind by enhancing hardware design in order
to obtain better performance and reliability.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:25 EST/10:25 GMT
| News Source: Active Network | Posted By: Robert
We have just posted our very comprehensive
interview with Brent Bentsen of Microsoft regarding Project 2000.
We discuss how Project aids in Windows 2000 deployment,
development details of the product, optimizing the SDK, new
features they implemented and much, much more! Business users this
is a must!
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:20 EST/10:20 GMT | News
Source: Active Network | Posted By: Robert
Madness 2 delivers even more mad-cap racing excitement with all
the wild and hair-raising racing challenges you've come to expect!
Midtown Madness 2 features two all new locations (London & San
Francisco) and nine hip new urban roadsters!
Plus, Midtown
Madness 2 features the new single-player Crash Course mission mode
where budding drivers can learn and master the tricks of Madness
racing as a Hollywood Stunt Driver on location at a San Francisco
movie set or as a Cabbie Trainee at the Imperial Cabbie Academy in
Want a free copy of Midtown Madness right now? If you can
answer a simple question you may have a chance to win yourself one
of ten copies we are offering to our faithful readers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:59 EST/10:59 GMT | News
Source: ActiveWin | Posted By: Byron
have posted our review of Microsoft's recently released
SideWinder Game Voice. Here is a snippet from the review:
Once the driver installation
is out of the way you are on to setting up the game voice
hardware itself, again this just takes a couple of minutes as
long as you read the instructions in the manual. Firstly you
need to connect your desktop speakers to the cable hub on the
game voice control pad, then the headset to the control pad and
the control pad to your sound card (Making sense?) finally you
just connect the control pad to the USB port on your PC and you
are finally ready to go at least you will be once the software
is installed you'll have to follow the steps of the audio wizard
to ensure that the input volume of the micro is correct and that
the output is sufficient. Once it's done you're ready to use
your new device.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:55 EST/09:55 GMT | News
Source: ActiveWin | Posted By: Byron
Byron has been working on what we hope will be a big
improvement in our news layout design, but before going ahead
and using it straight away - we have decided to get your views
on our first draft layout. What we would like you all to do if
possible is to check out the new
layout page and then e-mail
Byron with your views on it, what you like and what you hate
etc. We would like your views ASAP as we are working on our news
engine in tandem with this design. Please note that the only
part we need comments on at the moment is the new news layout -
anything else is still a work in progress. Thanks for all your
support over the past 2-3 years.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Hercules 3D
Prophet II Ultra 64Mb Review
Time: 11:57
EST/16:57 GMT | News Source: ActiveNetwork | Posted
By: Julien
just posted my review on the brand new 3D graphic card of Guillemot
International, the Hercules 3D Prophet II Ultra 64Mb. This brand new
3D acceleration card is build around the top-notch GeForce II Ultra
chip of Nvidia. Be sure to read the review & the tests results
to know how powerful this new card is! Here is a snippet of the
the release of the TNT Ultra chip, NVIDIA has begun the undisputable
reign as the 3D chip manufacturer leader of the world. They grabbed
this position with the introduction of the GeForce chip in early
1999 when they created the world first GPU (Graphic Processor Unit),
a new concept for 3D video cards. NVIDIA introduced a chip designed
only for 3D hard-core gamers to bring them exceptional video quality
along with incredible performance. NVIDIA’s goal of designing the
GeForce ship was put only on performance and they perfectly reached
this goal. When NVIDIA introduced the GeForce chip other competing
3D cards like the Matrox G400 instantly beat them. Then at the
beginning of this year NVIDIA unveiled to the world the GeForce II
GTS the world first AGP 4x gigatexel 3D accelerator. Now with the
GeForce II Ultra they make things better again as like a
conventional CPU they increased the internal frequency of the chip
and memory so overall speed was enhanced. The card we will test now
is probably the most exceptional one we’ve seen yet: the Hercules
3D Prophet II Ultra 64MB manufactured by Guillemot is not only one
more board that uses a NVIDIA chip. Indeed unlike its competitors
(like Creative Labs) who are content in releasing a NVIDIA reference
like card, Hercules has really built its 3D card around the NVIDIA
chip with the gamer in mind by enhancing hardware design in order to
obtain better performance and reliability.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:55
EST/14:55 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
The chief executive officer of chip titan Intel
said Friday the U.S. company's long-awaited Pentium 4 microprocessor
will be launched in about one month, just ahead of its original
year-end target.
"We'll price the Pentium 4 processor
precisely as necessary to get it in the volume desktop
marketplace," Intel CEO Craig Barrett told reporters here.
"The product will be introduced in about a
month, and we are going to ramp it very rapidly next year," he
added. Intel has not publicly given a specific date for its Pentium
4 launch, only saying that its target is the second half of the
year. The company said it had notified clients of the date, however.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:51
EST/14:51 GMT | News Source: NewsBytes
| Posted By: Matthew
It may be a Friday, but it's not a winding down
day for Microsoft [NASDAQ:MSFT] as at least one of its systems has
been hacked by a new Trojan horse application.
Warnings from F-Secure and Sophos, two major
anti-virus specialists, have been issued about the Microsoft
incident this morning, and IT managers worldwide have been warned to
be on the lookout for new variants of the Qaz Trojan horse, one of
which apparently attacked a Microsoft development PC earlier in the
Jason Holloway, F-Secure's UK general manager,
told Newsbytes that unknown hackers apparently gained access to a
development computer at Microsoft's headquarters earlier in the week
and, using the Qaz Trojan, the hackers were able to download the
source code to at least one Microsoft application in development.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Prepping Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack
Time: 09:22
EST/14:22 GMT | News Source: Microsoft
| Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft has started work on a beta test of the
first service pack for Internet Explorer 5.5. The Service Pack 1
release is due before the end of the year and includes a number of
fixes and slight improvements over Internet Explorer 5.5.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 08:51
EST/13:51 GMT | News Source: Wired
| Posted By: Matthew
Do you remember the Great Browser Wars? Three
years ago the Internet's hottest story centered on the combat
between Netscape and Microsoft. Back then it was believed that Web
browsers would soon replace operating systems, and the battle over
who would control the browser market seemed to be a crucial one.
The browser wars were also the Princess Diana of
tech media -- whenever a reporter or editor couldn't think of
something to write about, he or she would trot out a detailed
analysis of the latest shots fired by spunky upstart Netscape or
monolithic, deep-pocketed Microsoft.
But then it ended. Microsoft won. Netscape was
sold to America Online. And the glory days of easy news stories
seemed to be long over -- until this week.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 08:47
EST/13:47 GMT | News Source: Detroit
Free Press | Posted By: Matthew
It's no coincidence Microsoft Corp. launched a
revamped Internet service the same day America Online Inc. released
its latest online platform.
Since 1995, when Microsoft introduced the
Microsoft Network alongside Windows 95, the software giant has been
tilting unsuccessfully at the AOL windmill. AOL has remained a step
ahead, first with chat and e-mail, then Web content and electronic
After quickly signing up about 2 million MSN users
in 1995 and 1996, Microsoft's growth rate flattened out. Meanwhile,
AOL's subscription figures kept climbing, and the company, based in
Dulles, Va., now claims 25 million users, compared with MSN's 3.5
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 08:45
EST/13:45 GMT | News Source: Yahoo's
Tech | Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft Corp's Chief Executive Steve Ballmer
said on Friday the future of the Internet was in making the Net's
various Web sites, services and hardware devices work seamlessly
Ballmer, on a world tour to promote Microsoft's
MNS portal, which is part of its broad .NET strategy for the easy
exchange of data across software services, was speaking at an
Internet seminar at Saltsjobaden near Stockholm.
``When I teach my handheld device to recognize
voice commands I should be teaching my PC to recognize voice command
and my mobile phone to recognize voice commands. It should be one
set of learning,'' he said, adding he expected sophisticated voice
recognition software in some three years.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:45
EST/10:45 GMT | News Source: Yahoo's
Tech | Posted By: Matthew
Software giant Microsoft Corp. said on Thursday
that hackers had broken into the company's computer system, in what
a spokesman called ``a deplorable act of industrial espionage.''
Microsoft spokesman Rick Miller declined to
comment on what specific areas of the computer network were
breached, what the specific goals of the hackers were, or the
possible motives. The company had reported the break-in to the U.S.
Federal Bureau of Investigation and was working with authorities to
protect its intellectual property, he told Reuters.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:45
EST/10:45 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Matthew
The operating system battles have been pretty
ugly. But recent database rhetoric has escalated the long-running
war of words between Microsoft and Oracle.
Trade-show keynote speeches are a sure soapbox for
vendors to dis their competitors. But not since the days of OS/2 vs.
Windows have barbs been flying as they have recently in the database
space. In fact, Microsoft Corp. has called in its lawyers over
Oracle Corp.'s recent criticisms of Microsoft's SQL Server
performance, Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL) CEO Larry Ellison mentioned
casually during a Wednesday night keynote address at Internet World.
"Microsoft's lawyers sent us a letter
threatening to sue us," Ellison told the trade-show audience.
He said Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) was unhappy with his latest stump
speech, in which Ellison said that the only software that runs well
on SQL Server running clustered Windows 2000 servers is the
Transaction Processing Council's TPC-C benchmark suite. The TPC-C is
an industry-standard test that measures
transaction-processing-system throughput in terms of orders
processed per minute.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:43
EST/10:43 GMT | News Source: TechWeb
| Posted By: Matthew
America Online has asked the appellate court
hearing the Microsoft case to allow it to file a brief in support of
the government.
America Online Inc. was one of several individuals
and organizations who requested Wednesday to file amicus, or friend
of the court, briefs. Several trade associations who filed with the
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia had participated as
friends of the court during the lower court proceedings.
Executives from AOL, Dulles, Va., testified on
behalf of the government and later as hostile witnesses for
Microsoft during the trial. In December 1998, in the midst of the
trial, AOL bought Netscape, which the Justice Department and 19
states portrayed as the victim in their antitrust suit against
Microsoft Corp.. But even after acquiring Netscape, AOL continued
its agreement with Microsoft to feature its Internet Explorer
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:00
EST/10:00 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Matthew
Our AskAW Helpers have been busy answering your
e-mail and we have just posted the most recent questions. We
also have a new page format we hope you all will enjoy.
We have an archive of questions you might want to
search through located at: http://www.activewin.com/askaw/archive/index.shtml
We are currently responding to questions in a week
or less. Any questions submitted to our Staff after the date on of
our last question/answer post will be posted the following week.
Anyone sending in a question will receive a follow-up e-mail stating
that a response has been posted. If you have a question that you
would like answered then just drop us an e-mail at: askaw@activewin.com.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:55
EST/09:55 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
Byron has been working on what we hope will be a
big improvement in our news layout design, but before going ahead
and using it straight away - we have decided to get your views on
our first draft layout. What we would like you all to do if possible
is to check out the new layout
page and then e-mail
Byron with your views on it, what you like and what you hate
etc. We would like your views ASAP as we are working on our news
engine in tandem with this design. Please note that the only part we
need comments on at the moment is the new news layout - anything
else is still a work in progress. Thanks for all your support over
the past 2-3 years.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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MSN Explorer
Final Release - Ask AW Questions Updated
Time: 11:38
EST/16:38 GMT | News Source: IT-Director
| Posted By: Matthew
It's been an awfully long time coming but it seems
that Microsoft has finally rustled up the nerve to have a pop at
Linux. For years the company has been scared of the operating system
that looks likely to seal the company's fate, for the worse
naturally, and has responded by doing little more than sending
internal e-mails saying how scared they all are. Now though its got
its finger out its rear and has come to the table with a blistering,
relatively speaking admittedly, attack on the O/S.
In an advertising campaign devised by ad agency
McCann Erikson, the company has come up with a splendidly witty
retort, given that this is the IT industry it's obviously not that
funny, to the bullish Linux brigade. The adverts consist of a number
of penguins, based presumably on Tux the Linux mascot, that all have
rather deformed, or at least mutated, heads. It's all fairly high
level you understand.
Underneath this however Microsoft puts the boot in
with the tag line that read, 'An operating system does not just have
advantages' followed by the sucker-punch – 'It can mutate
unexpectedly. But with Windows 2000, you get all of the services and
support from the same vendor. That will save time and real money.'
Pretty heavyweight stuff for Microsoft.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 10:35
EST/15:35 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
ICQ (I Seek You) Inc. has just released a new
public beta version of its well known ICQ software that lets you
chat instantly with friends when they are online. Be sure to
download it right away by clicking
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:48
EST/14:48 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission said Microsoft
Corp's (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) interactive
television unit WebTV agreed to settle charges filed by the
regulatory body, which accused the company of false advertising.
The settlement will prevent the company from
making ``deceptive advertising claims about the performance
capabilities of the WebTV system'', the FTC said in a statement. It
will also require the company to clearly disclose long distance
telephone toll charges that some consumers may incur while using the
service. The settlement ``will require reimbursement to certain
former WebTV Internet service subscribers for long distance charges
they incurred in the past''.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:48
EST/14:48 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Credit Suisse Group unveiled an Internet
partnership deal with Microsoft Corp (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) on Thursday
as the U.S. company continues moves aimed at becoming the most
popular Web destination in Europe.
Credit Suisse said it had concluded a strategic
pan-European partnership with Microsoft in which the Swiss financial
group's new investment service will feature on Microsoft's MSN Web
More alliances are expected in coming weeks as
Microsoft prepares the launch of the MoneyCentral personal finance
channel on MSN in Europe, with Chief Executive Steve Ballmer
currently in Switzerland as part of a European tour.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:45
EST/14:45 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
As people with disabilities continue the struggle
to obtain meaningful employment in the face of an enormously high
unemployment rate, Microsoft Corp. today announced its latest round
of grants as part of a program designed to improve the employment
situation for individuals with disabilities. The announcement was
made today at the Business Leadership Network national summit in
Seattle, a conference of over 400 business and government leaders
from across the nation. A total of $250,000 in grants are being
awarded to nine innovative organizations across the country that are
working in the area of employment for this traditionally overlooked
and underutilized segment of workers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:44
EST/14:44 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft WebTV Networks, Inc. today
announced that for $9.95 a month, UltimateTV® service
subscribers will have up to 35 hours of digital video recording
(DVR), the ability to pause live TV, interactive television and
three hours of Internet access. For an additional five dollars, or a
total price of $14.95, subscribers can use their own compatible
Internet service provider (ISP) such as the MSN® network
of Internet services. DIRECTV programming is sold separately;
package prices vary.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:44
EST/14:44 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Fulfilling the long-awaited promise of broadband
entertainment direct to the television, ZoomTown.com, the
wholly-owned Internet broadband subsidiary of next-generation
communications provider Broadwing Inc., together with Intertainer,
uniView Technologies Corp. and Microsoft Corp. today announced that
ZoomTown.com will market-test a service to provide asymmetrical
digital subscriber line (ADSL) broadband entertainment directly to
consumers' televisions. ZoomTown.com expects to deploy the service
to its more than 35,000 subscribers next year following successful
completion of the trial.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:04
EST/14:26 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Robert Stein
Madness 2 delivers even more mad-cap racing excitement with all the
wild and hair-raising racing challenges you've come to expect!
Midtown Madness 2 features two all new locations (London & San
Francisco) and nine hip new urban roadsters!
Plus, Midtown
Madness 2 features the new single-player Crash Course mission mode
where budding drivers can learn and master the tricks of Madness
racing as a Hollywood Stunt Driver on location at a San Francisco
movie set or as a Cabbie Trainee at the Imperial Cabbie Academy in
Want a free copy of Midtown Madness right now? If you can answer
a simple question you may have a chance to win yourself one of ten
copies we are offering to our faithful readers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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MSN Explorer
Final Release - Ask AW Questions Updated
Time: 17:33
EST/22:33 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Product
Security| Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in the Microsoft(r) virtual machine
(Microsoft VM) that originally was discussed in Microsoft Security
Bulletin MS00-011. Like the original vulnerability, the new variant
could enable a malicious web site operator to read files from the
computer of a person who visited his site or read web content from
inside an intranet if the malicious site was visited by a computer
from within that intranet.
The Microsoft VM is a virtual
machine for the Win32(r) operating environment. It runs atop
Microsoft Windows(r) 95, 98, Me, Windows NT(r) 4.0, and Windows
2000. It ships as part of each operating system, and also as part of
Microsoft Internet Explorer.
The version of the Microsoft VM
that ships with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and Internet
Explorer 5.x contains a security vulnerability that could allow a
Java applet to operate outside the bounds set by the sandbox. A
malicious user could write a Java applet that could read - but not
change, delete or add - files from the computer of a person who
visited his site or read web content from inside an intranet if the
malicious site is visited by a computer from within that intranet..
The vulnerability at issue here is
a new variant of the vulnerability originally discussed in Microsoft
Security Bulletin MS00-011. The only significant difference between
the new and original variants lies in the specific programming
technique used to exploit the vulnerability; in other respects, the
two are virtually identical. Applying the new patch eliminates both
the new and original variants.
Affected Software Versions:
Versions of the Microsoft VM are identified by build numbers, which
can be determined using the JVIEW tool, as discussed in the FAQ. The
following builds of the Microsoft VM are affected: - All builds in
the 2000 series. - All builds in the 3000 series.
New versions of the Microsoft VM
that include a fix for the vulnerability can be downloaded from the
following locations:
- 2000-series builds: A patch specifically for the 2000-series
builds will be available shortly. Customers who wish to eliminate
the vulnerability can also do so by upgrading to build 3319 at http://www.microsoft.com/java/vm/dl_vm40.htm
- 3000-series: Upgrade to build 3319 or later at http://www.microsoft.com/java/vm/dl_vm40.htm.
Note: 2000-series builds are
shipped as part of Internet Explorer 4.x; 3000 series builds are
shipped as part of Internet Explorer 5.x. However, customers may
upgrade the Microsoft VM on their machines independent of the
browser, and the Microsoft VM also ships as part of many other
applications, so it is possible for the actual build number to be
higher than the one associated with the version of IE that is
installed on the machine. In such cases, customers should determine
what version of the patch to install based on the build number, not
on the version of IE.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 13:17
EST/18:17 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Electronics Boutique Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ: ELBO
- news), a leading
global specialty retailer of interactive entertainment products,
today announced a strategic alliance with Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT
- news), whereby
its retail customers will receive rebates up to $400 after they have
purchased eligible merchandise and signed up for MSN Internet
Access. The promotion, beginning today, expands upon Electronics
Boutique's internet arm EBWorld.com and its successful relationship
with MSN as the premier video game and PC retailer on Zone.com.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 13:17
EST/18:17 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Microsoft Canada and Navantis Inc. today announced
an agreement that will see the companies collaborate on the
marketing of Knowledge(at)Work; a new knowledge management tool from
Navantis designed specifically to help small businesses easily build
and maintain a full-function business intranet. The initiative was
announced in conjunction with the Microsoft Big Day Tour small
business seminar in Mississauga. Ted Arnott, Parliamentary Assistant
to the Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Trade Al
Palladini, delivered the opening address.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 13:17
EST/18:17 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Software giant Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) on
Wednesday took the wraps off its refurbished MSN Web service,
backing the offering with a $1 billion war chest in its biggest
effort yet to topple leading Internet access rival America Online
- news).
The new service, which includes a colourful new
Internet browser as well as content updates, is also MSN's first
step toward carrying out Microsoft's broad .NET strategy to make it
easy to swap data across its software and services
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:07
EST/15:07 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Robert Stein
I've just posted my look at the Microsoft Meet Me
Tour... Check it out! "As I walked towards the Meet Me booth,
out of the blue I was promptly greeted with a nice Windows Me bag
full of brochures and received a nice Windows Me pen (although
somebody else I know received about twenty from a different guy, see
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:08
EST/15:08 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Anyone who regularly searches the Internet knows
the common frustrations. Ask a search engine for one thing, and it
often gives you another. Search for breaking news, and you get last
month’s headlines or sketchy overviews. Ask for music and video
clips, and you have to wade through several screens of links to find
what you're after -- if it’s even offered. Try locating a local
business or product online, and you must re-type the words of your
search each time you enter a new window or Web site.
With the newest version of its popular search
engine, MSN Search, released in October 2000, MSN predicts that
users will notice richer, more diverse content when hunting for
information on the Internet. MSN has upgraded its search
functionality to integrate new interpretive search methods and tabs
that make it easier and faster to find information in a variety of
ways. Also, the search engine puts a wealth of up-to-date news,
music and video clips one mouse click away.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:07
EST/15:07 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
The MSN® network of Internet services
will air the first, exclusive online episode of Music in High Places
(MIHP), a yearlong series that will feature top recording artists as
they travel to some of the Earth's most cultural and sacred
locations. Music lovers can enjoy the adventures and experiences of
12 artists as they make their journey to their destination.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:07
EST/15:07 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. unveiled a brand-new MSN®, giving
consumers a new home on the Web. The updated MSN includes the new
MSN Explorer, which provides the easiest way for consumers to get on
the Internet and makes using the Web more simple and personal. Also
announced were updates to virtually all the MSN services and new
industry relationships that will continue to bring the best of the
Web to consumers. MSN has become an easier way for consumers to get
online, and it provides a unique Web experience that gives them more
from their time online. With more than 210 million unique users per
month, MSN is now the preferred choice for consumers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:06
EST/15:06 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
The MSN® network of Internet services
today announced the most aggressive worldwide marketing campaign
since the Windows® 95 operating system launch. The
campaign's objective is to make the MSN network the No. 1 global
Internet brand that will achieve the same kind of recognition as
Windows and Microsoft® Office. The $150 million global
advertising campaign highlights the ease of use and benefits of
MSN's rich Internet services and content and includes television ads
that will run in North America, Europe and Asia. The first
commercials are scheduled to begin airing Oct. 25, 2000.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:06
EST/15:06 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced the availability
of the Speech SDK version 5.0. This version of the toolkit includes
a redesigned, industry-standard speech application programming
interface (SAPI) targeted at developers, the same speech technology
that will ship with the next version of Microsoft®
Office next year. Thousands of developers have already received a
beta version of the SDK through MSDN® and at the
Microsoft Professional Developer's Conference in July. Today, more
than 20 speech engine companies, tools developers and independent
software vendors (ISVs) have announced plans to release products for
the Windows® operating system based on Speech API 5.0
(SAPI 5.0) in the near term.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:00
EST/11:00 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
Byron has been working on what we hope will be a
big improvement in our news layout design, but before going ahead
and using it straight away - we have decided to get your views on
our first draft layout. What we would like you all to do if possible
is to check out the new layout
page and then e-mail
Byron with your views on it, what you like and what you hate
etc. We would like your views ASAP as we are working on our news
engine in tandem with this design. Please note that the only part we
need comments on at the moment is the new news layout - anything
else is still a work in progress. Thanks for all your support over
the past 2-3 years.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:22
EST/10:22 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Matthew
Our AskAW Helpers have been busy answering your
e-mail and we have just posted the most recent questions. We
also have a new page format we hope you all will enjoy.
We have an archive of questions you might want to
search through located at: http://www.activewin.com/askaw/archive/index.shtml
We are currently responding to questions in a week
or less. Any questions submitted to our Staff after the date on of
our last question/answer post will be posted the following week.
Anyone sending in a question will receive a follow-up e-mail stating
that a response has been posted. If you have a question that you
would like answered then just drop us an e-mail at: askaw@activewin.com.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
04:30 EST/09:30 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted
By: Matthew
As mentioned yesterday, Microsoft released the
long awaited Final Release of MSN Explorer 6.0 at 12 Midnight PST.
The benefits of MSN Explorer 6 are:
one program that does it all:
MSN Explorer is your one-stop shop for using the Web, from
browsing and listening to music to e-mail and instant messaging.
Just launch MSN Explorer and you're all set!
- It's a new, friendly face
for the Web: with
one-click access to your favorite Web features!
- Sign-in once and you're
done: When you sign in
to MSN Explorer, you are automatically connected to MSN features
such as MSN Hotmail®, the MSN Messenger service, and MSN
Calendar so that you no longer have to retype passwords.
- It's here to help:
No need to retype things you've done before with smart
technologies such as AutoComplete for Web addresses, e-mail
names and passwords. And our search tools take mistyping and
even the time of year into account when generating results, to
help you hunt less and gather more.
- Low-impact installation:
An easy and safe download with a streamlined setup
- Easy switching:
It is easy to convert your Internet Explorer favorites or your
contacts from Outlook® Express or America Online when switching
to MSN Explorer.
- Guided Tour: An
interactive tour of the features in MSN Explorer will help you
get up and running quickly.
- Automatic updates:
Innovative new automatic update mechanism delivers updates
(service improvements and new features) to you. You don't have
to worry about searching for new versions!
- Create your own Web site,
Photo album or Web community: Integrated
MSN® Custom Web Sites service provides an easy way to create
your own site on the Web, from photo albums and file cabinets
for storing files such as Microsoft Office documents, to
full-fledged Web communities.
- Watch or listen while you
browse: With MSN
Explorer, you can listen to music or watch a video while
browsing the Web or using E-mail - without opening up separate
programs or windows! Windows Media Player provides leading
performance and supports a wide range of formats, including
Windows Media and MP3.
- My Radio with
favorite presets: You can choose from thousands of radio
stations throughout the world to listen to while browsing the
Web. You can even compile a list of your favorites for easy
playing in the future.
- Personal finance:
Keep track of accounts, pay bills online and receive financial
advice with award-winning MSN MoneyCentral service.
- Watch or listen while you
browse: Online
shopping: Research and compare products and purchase online from
hundreds of online merchants using integrated MSN eShop service.
- Personal home page:
Special MSN.com home page includes a new look, personalized
content, Message Center, and one-click personalization
- "My Stuff" bar:
New left-hand navigation bar provides one-click access to
features important to you. For example, receive local weather,
news and events automatically! You can also get a real-time view
of stocks you are tracking, without losing your place on the
- Instant access to the
people, places and information YOU care about most: You'll
see real-time notifications when your buddies are online, send
you a message, or when you receive new messages in your hotmail
inbox. And then you've got instant, one-click access to them
- Instant alerts: Enjoy
up-to-the-minute alerts for new e-mail, friends coming online
and instant messaging, so you are always aware of important
- Best-of-breed E-mail:
MSN Explorer provides a fun new look and feel to your free MSN
Hotmail® e-mail account. Hotmail provides support for HTML mail
and protection against "SPAM" e-mail. MSN Explorer
also allows you to "archive" mail to avoid limitations
on the size of your inbox and also makes it easier to address
messages via the integrated address book.
- Support for multiple users: MSN
Explorer supports up to 9 users, each with their own settings
such as favorites, e-mail and instant messaging buddies. If you
share your computer, MSN Explorer will be great for you!
- Member Center: An
integrated page that provides information on your account and
allows you to modify your Web settings, such as which content is
available on your home page or even delivered to your cellular
- Roaming: Stay connected
no matter where you are using e-mail and other features that are
available from any PC, as well as Web-enabled devices like
cellular phones.
You can download it now by clicking
here. Install today and you could be eligible to win a
"Wired Home" - a $10,000* technological home
renovation! You'll also get, just for entering, the MSN
Explorer sweepstakes gift - $10 off your next purchase of $40 or
more at BarnesandNoble.com!
For those of you who are interested in knowing
what has changed since the last preview 2. Here is the list:
- Robustness/stability issues
throughout MSN Explorer were addressed.
- Error messages were improved
with regard to signup and communications features.
- Improvements were made to the
upgrade experience for users of previous versions of MSN
Internet Access.
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MSN Explorer
- News Layout Test - MSB ( MS-00-080 )
- MSN Explorer
Final Release Tonight @ Midnight
Time: 15:50
EST/20:50 GMT | News Source: Microsoft | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
Just an update on the release of MSN Explorer -
Microsoft has informed us that the program will be released at 12
midnight PST that's 8am GMT for us in Europe. So it won't be long
before you can all get hold of the final release of MSN Explorer.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:37
EST/15:37 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Robert Stein
We have just posted our very comprehensive
interview with Brent Bentsen of Microsoft regarding Project 2000. We
discuss how Project aids in Windows 2000 deployment, development
details of the product, optimizing the SDK, new features they
implemented and much, much more! Business users this is a must!
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:57
EST/14:57 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
At the European Microsoft Exchange and
Collaboration Solutions Conference, Microsoft Corp. today announced
the Exchange consumer services program that extends the strength of
Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server for enterprise
application service providers into the carrier, Internet service
provider (ISP) and portal marketplaces. By providing one platform
that offers a range of services -- from simple e-mail functionality
with Exchange consumer services to "business-class"
productivity and collaboration -- Exchange 2000 represents new and
significant business opportunities for providers of Internet
The Exchange consumer services program includes
the following components:
- Commercial licensing optimized for consumers
and small businesses
- Extensions to provisioning features in the
Exchange 2000 Server Hosting Pack through companies such as Xevo
Corp. and Portal Software Inc.
- Microsoft Commercial Internet System (MCIS)
migration and Exchange deployment services for ISPs and carriers
from Compaq Computer Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) and eQuest
Technologies Inc.
- MCIS Migration Kit for existing MCIS 2.5
customers migrating to Exchange 2000
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:57
EST/14:57 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
At the Cartes 2000 trade show, Microsoft Corp.
today announced substantial rollouts of multiapplication smart cards
based on the Microsoft® Windows® for Smart
Cards operating system. New Windows Powered Smart Card-based
applications and services include a network security and logon
service developed for British Telecommunications PLC (BT) by
Authentic8 International Inc. and a 500,000 smart card deployment
for home cholesterol monitors developed by Lifestream Technologies
Inc. in the United States.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:57
EST/14:57 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. and Eloquent Inc., a leading
provider of Web-based rich media business communications solutions,
today announced a strategic agreement to develop a comprehensive
end-to-end enterprise communications solution for the management and
delivery of streaming media. This solution will help address the
growing needs of enterprise customers to manage the large volume of
streamed Windows Media™ content on their corporate networks.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:51
EST/14:51 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
In the industry's leading independent caching
competition, Microsoftâ Internet
Security and Acceleration Server 2000 (ISA Server), a member of the
Microsoft .NET enterprise server family, demonstrated its superior
Web-caching performance. The Measurement Factory Inc., of Boulder,
Colo., applied the Web Polygraph test to 31 caches from 15 different
organizations; ISA Server was rated No. 1 in price/performance and
received high honors in throughput (requests per second) and in hit
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- EMI to release
tunes in Microsoft format
Time: 06:59
EST/11:59 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Byron
EMI Records has chosen Microsoft
Corp.'s (Nasdaq: MSFT)
Windows format for downloadable versions of its music. In a deal to
be announced Tuesday, the record company will tap RioPort to encode
and help distribute the record company's catalog. A RioPort
spokesman said EMI's digital downloads will be encoded in the
Microsoft Windows Media format. The decision is the second in less
than a week from EMI. Last week, EMI Records and the Tornado Group
inked a deal to use Tornado groups' DMDS technology, which can
operate on Microsoft Windows Media Player, to distribute EMI music
in Europe. EMI is in the middle of a downloading trial that began in
July with what the company claimed was the biggest digital music
release ever. Sony
and Universal, two other record companies mulling digital music
releases, all use a proprietary software to encode their music.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:56
EST/11:56 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Guinness World Records Ltd. today announced the
launch of its new GuinnessWorldRecords.com Web site, built on the
e-business solution from Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp. Microsoft
and Intel were selected as the primary technology providers,
replacing a Sun Microsystems strategy, with only 90 days to meet the
launch deadline. With the cost and flexibility advantages of the
Microsoft and Intel solution, that deadline has been met and the
site is live today.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:56
EST/11:56 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
A year on from knocking 5 per cent off Microsoft's
price through careless talk about overvalued stock, Steve Ballmer
has returned to the fray by describing some companies as
"dramatically overvalued." But don't hit the phones - last
time he blurted that this included Microsoft, but this time around
he left his own company out.
Overall Ballmer thinks the stock market "is
now very rational," but he didn't express a view on Microsoft's
price. Although last week's results cheered up the analysts a
little, Microsoft still needs a more convincing and sustained rise
to keep the show properly on the road. Ballmer didn't say who he
thought was overvalued, but last week he did make some sour
remarks about Sun...
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:00
EST/11:00 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Product
Security| Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in Microsoft(r) Internet Information Server.
The vulnerability could allow a malicious user to "hijack"
another user's secure web session, under a very restricted set of
IIS supports the use of a Session
ID cookie to track the current session identifier for a web session.
However, .ASP in IIS does not support the creation of secure Session
ID cookies as defined in RFC 2109. As a result, secure and
non-secure pages on the same web site use the same Session ID. If a
user initiated a session with a secure web page, a Session ID cookie
would be generated and sent to the user, protected by SSL. But if
the user subsequently visited a non-secure page on the same site,
the same Session ID cookie would be exchanged, this time in
plaintext. If a malicious user had complete control over the
communications channel, he could read the plaintext Session ID
cookie and use it to connect to the user's session with the secure
page. At that point, he could take any action on the secure page
that the user could take.
The conditions under which this
vulnerability could be exploited are rather daunting. The malicious
user would need to have complete control over the other user's
communications with the web site. Even then, the malicious user
could not make the initial connection to the secure page - only the
legitimate user could do that. The patch eliminates the
vulnerability by adding support for secure Session ID cookies in
.ASP pages. (Secure cookies already are supported for all other
types of cookies, under all other technologies in IIS).
Affected Software Versions: -
Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 - Microsoft Internet
Information Services 5.0
- Microsoft IIS 4.0:: http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/Release.asp?ReleaseID=25233
- Microsoft IIS 4.0:: http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/Release.asp?ReleaseID=25232
Note: - The IIS 4.0 version of
this patch can be installed on Windows NT(r) 4.0 systems running
Service Pack 6a, and will be included in Service Pack 7. - The IIS
5.0 version of this patch can be installed on Windows(r) 2000
systems with or without Service Pack 1, and will be included in
Service Pack 2.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:17 EST/20:17 GMT | News
Source: Active Network | Posted By: Robert
We have just posted our interview with Graham Palmer of Intel;
in this interview we talk about the speeds of the Pentium 4
processors, release date for the 1GHz mobile, re-release date for
the Pentium III 1.13 GHz and more. Check it out!
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 13:52 EST/18:52 GMT | News
Source: Press Release | Posted By: Byron
Software giant Microsoft Corp's (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) chief
executive officer Steve Ballmer said on Monday that some hi-tech
stocks are still overvalued, and a further market correction could
be expected.
``I think the stock market, with some exceptions, is now very
rational. I do think there are some companies that are
dramatically overvalued, and that we can expect to see more
correction,'' he said speaking at a presentation of Microsoft's
strategies in Milan.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 13:51 EST/18:51 GMT | News
Source: Press Release | Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) and an
Egyptian partner are launching an innovative ``e-Pigeon'' Arabic
and English message-unifying service to make phone, fax, e-mail
and other messaging services accessible any time, anywhere.
The interactive service is the first such bilingual service and
is being launched by Middle East Network Solutions (MNS) using
Microsoft programmes. It is called eZagel.com, as ``zagel'' is the
Arabic word for carrier pigeon.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:50 EST/15:50 GMT | News
Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted By: Byron
The MSN® network of integrated content and services
today announced that later this week it will launch its new MSN
Kids channel, rounding out its family of content with a focus on
helping children get the most from the Web. The new MSN Kids
channel, found at http://www.msn.com,
will feature premier content from leading consumer brands,
including Discovery.com and Walt Disney Internet Group. MSN, the
No. 1 Internet destination worldwide, has evolved into a
comprehensive destination that people of all ages can count on for
complete content and high-quality services.
"We are thrilled to bring together the leaders in kids'
content and programming to MSN to deliver an exciting and unique
experience for children," said Yusuf Mehdi, vice president of
MSN Marketing at Microsoft Corp. "Through our relationships
with Disney and Discovery, we aim to deliver a special place for
kids on the Internet in which they can safely learn, play and have
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Secures Exclusive Worldwide Rights To Publish "Oddworld"
Games for Xbox
Time: 09:00 EST/14:00 GMT | News
Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced that it has signed a deal with
leading interactive entertainment publisher Infogrames Inc. to
obtain the exclusive worldwide publishing and distribution rights
to the best-selling "Oddworld" game series, created by
Oddworld Inhabitants. Beginning with the much-anticipated game
"Munch's Oddysee," Microsoft will exclusively publish
the next four installments in the "Oddworld Quintology"
for its Xbox video game console. Scheduled to launch in fall 2001,
"Munch's Oddysee" will be available only on Xbox.
"The opportunity to bring the full force of our publishing
and marketing resources to bear on such a popular game series as
'Oddworld' is a major coup," said Ed Fries, vice president of
games publishing at Microsoft. "This maps perfectly to our
longstanding strategy of working with the world's best game
designers to create experiences that will excite the imaginations
of gamers everywhere."
Since its debut, the "Oddworld" game series has
become one of the most globally popular game franchises of all
time, with more than 4 million copies worldwide, garnering more
than 100 industry awards and gracing the cover of more than 35
magazines. The two previously released chapters, "Abe's
Oddysee" and "Abe's Exoddus," have been heralded as
revolutionary for their mix of brilliant graphical artistry,
unique personality and compelling gameplay. The upcoming
"Munch's Oddysee" continues the inventive spirit.
According to Lorne Lanning, president and co-founder of
Oddworld Inhabitants, the choice of the Xbox platform was an easy
one. "Our goal with 'Munch's Oddysee' and future installments
in the 'Quintology' has always been to create an immersive
experience that pushes the boundaries of reality. Only Xbox gives
us the graphical muscle and intense digital sound to unleash our
creative juices and allow us to bring the imaginary world and rich
characters of Oddworld to life."
The popular "Oddworld" series was originally
published by Infogrames. According to Yves Blehaut, senior vice
president of Infogrames Inc., allowing Microsoft to exclusively
publish the next titles in the "Oddworld" series will
further strengthen its worldwide popularity. "The 'Oddworld'
franchise lends itself to cutting-edge technology such as that
provided by the Xbox system. We feel Microsoft's marketing plans
for the Xbox launch coupled with its first-party publishing
support will provide tremendous value for 'Munch's Oddysee',"
Blehaut said.
Oddworld Inhabitants joins an impressive list of development
studios - including Lionhead Satellites and Stormfront Studios -
that will create exclusive Xbox content under the Microsoft label.
"Teaming up with Microsoft also gives the opportunity to
combine the talents of two great companies," Lanning said.
"We were impressed with Microsoft's marketing and
distribution muscle, but what really won us over was its
commitment to and vision for producing the best games."
Today's announcement is the latest in a series of
momentum-building events solidifying industry support for Xbox.
More than 150 of the world's best game companies recently pledged
their support for the platform because its future-generation
technology will allow them to realize their creative visions for
News] [Return To Headlines]
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DirectX 8
- DirectX 8 -
RC 1 Released To Testers
Time: 11:51 EST/16:51 GMT | News
Source: ActiveWin | Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has reached what is expected to be the final
release candidate for the next version of DirectX - DirectX 8.
Release Candidate 1 was release yesterday to Microsoft's beta
testers and is due to go gold as early as next week with a
release in 2 weeks time.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Mechanic 3.5f update for Windows Me - Weekend
Time: 18:32
EST/23:32 GMT | News Source: The
Register | Posted By: Matthew
Driver compatibility and support is probably the
biggest problem associated with Windows Me. In the past month
several vendors have come up with drivers - for example, Creative
has released Live!Ware 3.0 and drivers for users with a Sound
Blaster sound card. Those with a Sound Blaster Live! Platinum 5.1,
X-Gamer 5.1, MP3+ 5.1, and Digital Entertainment 5.1 do not need
this, as the CD already contains the latest software.
Microsoft doesn't take the view that it didn't
come up with the goods in time; the company says that Windows Me is
designed for the home user, and has even better driver support than
Windows 98 for items likely to be used in a home environment. A
spoekswoman added that Windows Me's driver collection is not
necessarily a superset of Windows 98.
But there are clearly plenty of people out there
with hardware that wasn't supported from day one, and who still want
to run Windows Me. So either the vendors screwed up by not using the
two months they had before Windows Me hit the shelves, or Microsoft
did not prepare the vendors enough. But if you haven't got your fix
yet, you can keep trying to look for drivers at sites like WinDrivers.com,
or go to Microsoft's driver support page here.
Some progress had also been made on bugfixes and workarounds.
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Time: 07:21
EST/12:21 GMT | News Source: ActiveNetwork | Posted
By: Julien
Iolo has just released a new build 3.5f of its
awesome System Mechanic pack of utilities to fix more Windows Me
issues. In this release, NetBooster incorrect Windows Me detection
has been fixed as well as two major registry issues while the Eraser
tool has been slightly enhanced. You can download this update for
free by using the build-in WebUpdate feature of your software. If
you prefer you can download the whole pack by clicking
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Time: 07:20
EST/12:20 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
just posted my in-depth review of Microsoft Project 2000, the
project management software solution from Microsoft. Here is a
snippet of it:
Microsoft has released a few
months after its new Office 2000 software suite, a new version of
its brand new project management software. This new version was long
awaited since the previous one was released in 1998. When Microsoft
Corp. first introduced in 1990 Microsoft Project 1.0 for Windows,
the software was one of the first of its race. Since then this kind
of project management software has grown relatively fast and is now
used by almost every person responsible who is in charge of a
project in the computers and services business sectors. Microsoft
Project 2000 is the sixth release of Project and is aimed to conquer
even more users than the already existing 3 million. The basis of
Microsoft Project 2000 is to provide workers management software
that is easy to use and flexible to plan and track the evolution of
their collaborative projects.
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Time: 07:17
EST/12:17 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
just updated my review of PowerQuest Second Chance 2.07 that is now
compliant with Windows Me. Here is a snippet of it:
Have you ever installed a software
update that failed, erase a system file or get a virus that
accidentally crashed your system? If so, you know that restoring to
a healthy working system is painful and can be a chase just to find
the origin of the failure and that is just the beginning of the
problem. If you aren’t yet a Windows Me user, PowerQuest has got a
software solution for you named Second Chance 2.0. As its name
indicates, Second Chance 2 will give you a second chance to restore
a working PC environment.
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Time: 07:15
EST/12:15 GMT | News Source: Active
Network | Posted By: Robert
We have just posted Microsoft's latest update for
the Windows 2000 Hardware Compatibility List. This text format list
has all the different hardware by type and manufacturer that works
on the Windows 2000 platform. It's a must have! 2.2 MB!
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Time: 07:14
EST/12:14 GMT | News Source: ActiveNetwork | Posted
By: Julien
Adobe, the well known maker of PhotoShop has just
released the new version of its web site designing software. To
learn what's new in this release 5, be sure to read our review! Here
is a snippet of the review:
January 1999 Adobe bought CyberStudio their website design solution
software named GoLive. This new buy brought to Adobe the control of
the graphic chain from A to Z as they now offer a software solution
for each need. Since they have bought this software they first
adapted it to Windows with the fourth release, as it was originally
Mac only software. Adobe now unveils its new release 5 of GoLive
that comes with several new enhancements. The aim of Adobe is clear
with this release: they want to have a high-end web design software
able to compete with Macromedia DreamWeaver 3.0.
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Time: 07:12
EST/12:12 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Robert Stein
I have updated our list of upcoming Microsoft
games which will be released later this year or next year. If you
heard about a game and want to know it's release date, website and
more be sure to check it out!
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Time: 07:09
EST/12:09 GMT | News Source: ActiveNetwork | Posted
By: Julien
you on the look out for a new burning software to burn in all piece of
mind your CDR? If so be sure to take a look at our just posted review
on the most complete burning software out on the market: Nero 5. Here
is a snippet of the review:
software sent us the latest release 5 of one of the most powerful
burning software of the world for review. You’ll probably wonder why
this software is called Nero? In fact long ago when the Roman Empire
was dominating Europe, a mad Emperor called Nero decided to put fire
to Rome just for its viewing pleasure. So this burning software is
called that as it’s aimed to put fire to your CD when you burn them.
This new release is intended for power users due to its relative
complexity and comes with several enhancements.
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[Site News]
Time: 06:55
EST/11:55 GMT | News Source: Active
Network | Posted By: Robert
We have just posted Microsoft's latest list of
critical patches for the Windows 2000 Operating System. This updated
list also designates which prior patches are included in Service
Pack 1. Check it out!
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Time: 06:53
EST/11:53 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Matthew
AskAW Helpers have been busy answering your e-mail and we have just
posted the most recent questions.
We have an archive of questions you might want to
search through located at: http://www.activewin.com/askaw/archive/index.shtml
We seem to be back on track and are just about a
week or so behind from when you send in you requests. Anyone
sending in a question will receive a follow-up e-mail stating that a
response has been posted. If you have a question that you would like
answered then just drop us an e-mail at: askaw@activewin.com.
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Time: 09:22
EST/14:22 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
If you cannot access anymore the Help &
Support Center applet of Microsoft Windows Millennium as it says
when you launch it: 'Unable to display page' we've got the solution!
We've posted a reg file that will definitely fix the problem and
repair your PCHealth so you'll be able to use it again. Click
here to read the tip and download the file.
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From the middle of this month we should be online
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