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09:44 EST/14:44 GMT | News Source: Press Release |
Posted By: Matthew
Sabean |
MSN® network of Internet services, the world's most popular
destination on the Internet, today announced new customer
assistance services on MSN eShop, the one-stop shopping location
on MSN. The new services, Gift Concierge and Live Online Help,
offer consumers around-the-clock access to live, online customer
assistance representatives. These features set MSN apart as the
first portal to integrate real-time shopping help and advice
throughout its site and across more than 75 merchants this
holiday season. The latest updates to MSN eShop underscore the
MSN commitment to remaining the smartest place to shop online.
"Increasingly, people are
looking for some human interaction in online shopping, and with
the new shopping features on MSN, consumers can get real-time
answers and advice," said Yusuf Mehdi, vice president of
MSN. "MSN is merging the personal service of offline
shopping with the convenience of online shopping to gift-wrap an
easier online holiday experience for consumers."
09:36 EST/14:36 GMT | News Source: Press Release |
Posted By: Matthew
Sabean |
time of year, Santa is busy making his list and checking it
twice. To keep up with the times, he’s probably checking that
list on a computer database and then cross-referencing his
address list on the Internet.
If so, Santa won’t be the
only one using the Internet this holiday season: the Gartner
Group consulting firm estimates consumers will spend more than
$19.5 billion in online shopping transactions this holiday
season -- twice last year’s total. However, the ease of
Internet shopping and the anonymity of the Web combine to form a
troubling specter of Holidays Yet To Come. A sizeable percentage
of the commerce that will take place over the Internet this
holiday season will involve counterfeit or fraudulent
The International
Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) estimates that trademark
infringement and counterfeiting robs the United States of $200
billion annually. Internet shopping and auction sites have
become a major venue for the dissemination of counterfeit goods.
While the majority of Internet businesses are honest, the
anonymity of the Web makes it easy for criminals to sell
counterfeit and fraudulent materials.
09:36 EST/14:36 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
Sabean |
Web browser has a security vulnerability that lets malicious
programmers find temporary Internet file folders and take over a
target computer, a security expert reported Monday.
Noted bug hunter Georgi
Guninski reported the vulnerability on the Bugtraq security
mailing list. He said the problem affects Internet Explorer 5.5
and Microsoft's Outlook and Outlook Express email clients.
09:35 EST/14:35 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Matthew
Sabean |
at a London press conference earlier this month, Microsoft VP
for IT Infrastructure and Hosting Jim Ewel announced that the
upcoming Windows release known as "Whistler" will
include a range of new security options, including one that will
block any software lacking a valid digital signature. Though
implemented in response to e-mail-attachment viruses like the
Love Bug and Melissa, the new feature will extend to "every
piece of code executing on the machine," Ewel told British
A Microsoft spokeswoman says
that Ewel's announcement was consistent with security features
in Windows 2000. "This is part of our overall commitment to
security. ... Signed drivers and trusted applications are
features found today in Windows 2000, and this capability will
be supported in future versions of Windows," she says.
09:31 EST/14:31 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
Sabean |
and Pulse Data International said Monday that they are planning
to develop an e-book reader for the blind and visually impaired.
The two companies said they
will work together to integrate Microsoft Reader software with
Pulse Data's BrailleNote, a family of screenless devices that
translate text into speech and braille.
Publishers are beginning to
take e-books seriously in the wake of some high-profile
successes, but they have a long way to go in winning broad
consumer acceptance. In the meantime, e-books may offer an
enormous improvement for distributing publications into niche
publishing markets, such as braille.
09:26 EST/14:26 GMT | News Source: InfoWorld
| Posted By: Matthew
Sabean |
last week met with Dimitri, the Dutch hacker who recently mocked
the software giant by hacking into one of its Web servers twice
within one week.
Dimitri, a 19-year-old
information technology student, visited Microsoft's Dutch office
near Amsterdam airport. There he met with the company's public
relations manager and three staffers, Microsoft confirmed.
Earlier this month Dimitri, who
is known only by his first name, hacked into the same Microsoft
Web server twice, the second time after Microsoft had said the
security hole was patched. Dimitri created files on Microsoft's
system boasting of his hack, and alerted the media.
06:52 EST/11:52 GMT | News Source: Active Network
| Posted By: Byron
Hinson |
have posted up my review of Microsoft newly release Encarta 2001
Reference Suite DVD. This DVD-ROM version contains all of 7 CD's
of the reference suite and a bit more all on the one DVD-ROM.
Here is a snippet from the review:
The first new
addition to Encarta 2001 that you are likely to notice is the
"Encarta Today" area at the bottom of the home area.
This is the first place that the internet is being blended more
and more into Encarta as each new version comes out. Encarta
today is updated every day as expected, with new articles or
information on helping you achieve better grades or special
reports on certain special dates of the year.
05:10 EST/10:10 GMT | News Source: Active Network
| Posted By: Julien |
the look for a cool new smart game? If so check out the review
of Microsoft Casino I've just posted! Here is a snippet from the
regularly releases ‘smart’ games that aren’t dedicated to
hardcore gamers. With the release of Microsoft Casino, Microsoft
has introduced the first Casino game that costs nothing when you
play with it but that earns nothing too. This game will open the
doors of Casinos to everyone and promises to bring you a lot of
fun due to the challenging games. The game has many interesting
aspects: the first one is that you can loose thousands of
virtual dollars without impact on your finances, the second one
is that you can live a Casino experience while being at home
without going to the real thing. The final aspect I found in
this game is if you’re not a Casino addict like me you’ll
learn the rules of all these popular games so you’ll be able
play a little poker with some friends next time they ask and not
actually lose.
Official Launch of Intel
Pentium 4
13:55 EST/18:55 GMT | News Source: Active Network
| Posted By: Julien |
CLARA, Calif., Nov. 20, 2000 - Intel Corporation today
introduced the Intel® Pentium® 4 processor, its newest
microprocessor for high-performance desktop computers. Clocked
at 1.5 Ghz and 1.4Ghz, the
Pentium 4 models are priced at $819 & $644 each (in 1000
unit quantity). The Intel® Pentium® 4 processor is designed to
deliver end-user appreciable performance gains for today's and
tomorrow's Visual Internet, including Internet audio and video
streaming, high-performance 3D graphics, digital photography and
digital video, speech recognition, multimedia, and MP3 encoding.
Saving time when encoding to MP3 music files, higher frame rates
for 3D games, and more quickly creating, editing, and sharing
professional-quality video are just a few areas where the
Pentium 4 processor can deliver end-user appreciable benefits.
With innovative features such as Hyper Pipelined Technology, 400
MHz System Bus, Execution Trace Cache, and Rapid Execution
Engine the Pentium 4 processor delivers awesome performance for
today's Visual Internet but is also designed for where the
Internet is going. Major computer makers and software suppliers
around the world have spent months readying products based upon
the Pentium 4 processor. All major desktop PC makers have
Pentium 4 processor-based PCs or workstations under development.
Many manufacturers are expected to start taking orders today and
will begin delivery of PCs based on the Pentium 4 processor. The
Intel Pentium 4 chip is the first CPU to use a brand new
architecture since the release of the Pentium Pro, five years
ago. Several new features are included in the Pentium 4:
- Hyper
Pipelined Technology, which enables the Pentium 4
processor to execute software instructions in a 20-stage
pipeline, as compared to the 10-stage pipeline of the
Pentium III processor.
- Rapid
Execution Engine allows frequently used Arithmetic
Logic Unit instructions to be executed at double the core
clock. The industry's first 400 MHz system bus speeds the
transfer of data between the processor and main memory.
- In
addition, 144 new instructions have been added to
further speed the processing of video, audio and 3-D
applications. These and other technical innovations make
Pentium 4 processor-based PCs the ideal machines for
creating and experiencing Internet media.
The Intel Pentium 4 is designed
to work with Intel i850 chipset that'll soon equip top notch
motherboards. Intel 850 chipset features dual RDRAM memory banks
complement the Pentium 4 processor's 400 MHz system bus,
providing up to 3.2 gigabytes of data per second. Intel also
announced availability of the Intel Desktop Board D850GB, which
supports the new Pentium 4 processor in the ATX form factor.
Stay tune on ActiveWin.Com as we'll review and benchmark this
new processor in the next few weeks.
You can read more of the past months news
in our News Archive for September and Previous
October News.
Mailing List Up & Running
We would like to welcome you all to the new and improved
ActiveWin mailing list. So now you can all look forward to daily
e-mails keeping you up to date with everything that is happening
in the world of Windows and Microsoft.
to the HTML mailing list
On ActiveWin
Would you like to advertise your company on the 'Web? Would
you like to reach a highly technical, educated and internet savvy
audience? ActiveWin has some of the most competitive ad rates in
the industry, and with high returns on your ad campaign it is a
smart business decision to start today. E-mail bobstein@activewin.com
for rates and more information.
The ActiveWin community based at http://communities.msn.com/ActiveWindows
is going from strength to strength with even more things for you
to see and do. The message board is well on the way to becoming
one of the most popular ones on the MSN Communities website and
has new posts daily so check it out.
From the middle of this month we should be
online with proper ActiveWin forums running directly off of our
website instead of the MSN one. This will be inline with our
slight redesign that incorporates our news engine.
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