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Headlines For Wednesday 10th May 2000 |
Responds - AT&T |
Time: 20:23
EDT/01:23 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft said Wednesday that a company breakup
would be the most significant remedy in the 113-year history of U.S.
antitrust law.
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said in a statement
that many elements of the government's suggested regulations are
unwarranted, even without the extreme breakup proposed. "The
government's proposals would take away Microsoft's property by
forcing us to disclose the source for our products, even though
Microsoft spent hundreds of millions of dollars to develop these
products. The government also seeks to interfere with the design of
Microsoft's products," Gates said.
"The government's so-called conduct and
disclosure remedies are just as damaging to the company, and just as
bad for consumers as their breakup demand," said Microsoft
president Steve Ballmer. "The government's proposals really
represent government regulation of software design and an
unwarranted taking of Microsoft's intellectual property."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 20:21
EDT/01:21 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft Corp.'s formal response Wednesday
evening to the government's recommendation to cleave the company in
two probably won't have much effect on its trading price when U.S.
markets on Thursday, an analyst said on Wednesday.
``It may have a mildly positive effect, if any,''
said J.P. Morgan analyst William Epifanio II. ``The response is
rather predictable.''
Shares of Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft were
trading at 65 1/2 on Instinet after the closing bell on Wednesday
evening, down from 66 3/16 on the Nasdaq.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 20:04
EDT/01:04 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Consumers who want to know if they are affected by
a recently revealed bug inside some Pentium III computers at least
have the satisfaction of knowing it's easy to get an answer.
Intel has set up a Web
site providing details on how a bug
in the memory translator hub, or MTH, can cause Pentium III
computers to freeze and display a blue screen. The site also
contains a utility to determine if a given computer contains the
Consumers are being urged to contact manufacturers
and dealers as well if they are experiencing problems.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 19:51
EDT/00:51 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
A "Diva & Goliath" battle has broken
out between Microsoft and a women's technology group that says the
software giant is upstaging its act.
The dispute was touched off in April, when
Microsoft launched a tech advice area on its Microsoft Network
Internet portal called "Digital Diva." That was a little
too close for comfort for Dana Whitmire, who says she founded her
own "Digital Divas"
group three years earlier to dispense tech know-how to Internet
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Sony
Computer Entertainment America Introduces North America To the
PlayStation(R) 2 Computer Entertainment System Aimed at the
Broadband Era
Time: 19:11
EDT/00:11 GMT News Source: ActiveDVD Posted By: Matthew
up for the biggest consumer product launch of the decade, Sony
Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced today its plans for
the North American release of the PlayStation®2 computer
entertainment system. The PlayStation 2 computer entertainment
system is designed to bring together games, music and movies, and
will redefine the entertainment lifestyle, eventually serving as a
network platform in the broadband era.
The PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system is
scheduled to launch in North America on October 26, 2000 with an
unprecedented initial launch shipment of one million units, followed
by an additional two million units through March 31, 2001.
Supporting both the audio CD and DVD-Video formats, the PlayStation
2 computer entertainment system leads the fusion of interactive
entertainment with music and video. The new system supports the
existing PlayStation software catalog of more than 800 titles now on
the market, bridging the generation of the two systems while
protecting consumers' investment in their PlayStation software
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- Raven @ E3 In LA
Time: 18:18
EST/23:18 GMT News Source: Microsoft Posted By: Byron
Microsoft's gaming character, "Raven,"
stands in a giant crate in front of the Los Angeles Convention
Center May 10, that holds the Xbox demonstration to be shown during
the E3 gaming convention through Saturday. Microsoft delivered the
Xbox in response to an Internet fan survey demanding that the
company reveal new Xbox material during the gaming convention.
Microsoft had not planned to attend this year's E3 with great

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[Translate] [Site
Time: 17:22
EST/22:22 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Corp has today launched their new look X-Box website. The site
contains more information on the upcoming (late 2001) console
including a news section, info on games creators and much more.
Anyway - here is more from the press release:
The gamers have spoken! In an
unusual move, Microsoft asked the gaming public at large how big of
a splash -- if any at all -- the company should make with their
future-generation video-game console at the Electronic Expo (E3) in
Los Angeles this year. With well over a year before release of the
console, Microsoft had not planned to attend this year's E3 with
great fanfare. With the show a scant few days away, gamers
overwhelming voted for Microsoft to bring Xbox to E3 -- and to do so
in a big way.
The Xbox poll ran over this past
weekend on gaming news sites and Xbox fan sites alike. With the
votes counted, the outcome was clear: an overwhelming 86% of fans
demanded that Microsoft go whole hog and bring the Xbox to E3.
Honoring the fans' request, Microsoft made emergency preparations
and delivered the Xbox to the Los Angeles Convention Center this
morning. Raven was on hand to ensure the safe arrival of Xbox, and
downloadable AVIs and images of the event, including action shots of
Raven, will be available later today on the official Xbox site at http://www.xbox.com
Two weeks ago, top Xbox fan sites
rallied together and asked readers to name Microsoft's animated
"Two to Tango" demo diva, which was unveiled along with
Xbox at the March Game Developers Conference. Based on that poll's
overwhelming response, and with a curiosity for how gamers would
react to a sneak peek at the system this early in the game,
Microsoft launched its Xbox at E3 poll.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 17:22
EST/22:22 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today urged U.S. District Court
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson to dismiss the government's
unprecedented proposal to break up the company and outlined more
appropriate remedies as well as a range of procedures designed to
move the remedy phase forward as quickly as possible.
"We are working to try to resolve this case
as quickly as possible, in a fair and reasonable manner. We believe
there is no basis in this case for the government's unprecedented
breakup proposal, and we are hopeful that the Court will dismiss
this excessive demand immediately so that the case can move forward
much more rapidly," said Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates.
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 16:26
EST/21:26 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) asked a
federal judge today to throw out the Justice Department's plan to
break up the software giant, saying the penalty would far exceed the
antitrust violations the judge found the company to have committed.
Microsoft offered its own remedies to correct what
U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled last month was
illegal anticompetitive behavior. The company said it was willing to
stop displaying the desktop icon in its Windows operating system
that leads users to its Web browser, Internet Explorer. In addition,
the company would allow computer makers to prominently feature any
software, including from Microsoft rivals, on the Windows desktop.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 16:08
EST/21:08 GMT News Source: Microsoft Posted By: Byron
Microsoft have, released a
number of new compatibility updates for the Windows 2000
Operating System. Here is a snippet from the Windows Update page:
Windows 2000 was specifically
architected to enable customers to easily add additional application
support after the product had shipped for general release. The May
2000 package is the second release of such additional application
support and includes software compatibility updates for Windows
2000. The May 2000 package includes the compatibility updates of the
February 2000 package.
During product compatibility
testing prior to release, Microsoft focused on the top volume
business applications (thousands of applications run
out-of-the-box). With that testing complete, we are now broadening
our original focus and have addressed some minor compatibility
issues with a few of the more popular home/entertainment/gaming
applications. View the Read This First page for a complete list of
the software programs addressed by this package.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 16:08
EST/21:08 GMT News Source: ActiveWin Posted By: Byron
We would like to welcome you all to the new and improved
ActiveWin mailing list. We have finally sorted out all of the
previous problems we had with delivering our list to you all (Our
server wouldn't send any more than 200 mailings out). So now you can
all look forward to daily e-mails keeping you up to date with
everything that is happening in the world of Windows and Microsoft.
Subscribe to
the HTML mailing list
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:55
EST/19:52 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft will outline the reasons it believes the
government's breakup proposal is inappropriate when it files its
rebuttal to the Department of Justice remedy later today. Microsoft
(stock: MSFT)
was trading down 1 7/16, to 66 3/8, in early afternoon trading ahead
of delivering its brief to a federal judge in Washington.
The U.S. government and 17 states urged U.S.
District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson to split Microsoft into an
operating system company and an applications company in its proposed
remedy April 28. The government plan runs over 10 years, with
conduct restrictions for three years. Two of the 19 states involved
in the case, Ohio and Illinois, said they preferred to evaluate the
effectiveness of the conduct limitations after three years before
deciding on a breakup.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:55
EST/19:52 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
In his first major keynote as Microsoft's chief
software architect, Bill Gates touted the benefit of the company's
Windows 2000 product as a platform for the Internet.
The Internet is moving beyond the simple
transaction phase toward becoming a full-blown platform, albeit one
with many limitations, such as spotty reliability, security, and
interoperability, Gates said at Networld+Interop 2000 on Tuesday.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:55
EST/15:55 GMT News Source: LA
Times Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. is relentlessly pursuing supremacy
in the market for delivery of audio and video over the Internet,
engaging in aggressive tactics similar to the kind that caused the
Justice Department to sue the company for breaking antitrust laws,
experts say.
The stakes are enormous because the outcome will
determine which company's technology will serve as the future
platform for how music, television, film and other media will be
delivered into homes and offices. That could mean hundreds of
millions of dollars in profits for the companies that sell software
to the various media distributors and content creators.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:50
EST/15:50 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
A spokeswoman for Microsoft Benelux in the
Netherlands has claimed that the love bug affects both Linux and
Apple, in an interview with Egbert Kalse, a journalist with the
Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. The story subsequently
appeared on the front page of the newspaper last Friday, and
included: "A spokesperson from Microsoft Benelux denies
[the virus only spreads on Microsoft software] and said that other
operating systems such as Apple and Linux are hit."
A glance at the VB script of the love bug shows
with no doubt whatsoever that it is impossible for there to be any
adverse effect on non-Microsoft software. But that's not all.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:39
EST/15:39 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) has won a
battle in its legal war with archrival Sun Microsystems
- news) after a
federal judge ruled their dispute is a contract dispute rather than
a more serious copyright violation, as Sun had claimed.
U.S. District Judge Ronald Whyte in San Jose,
Calif., issued two decisions late on Monday that dismissed Sun's
allegations that Microsoft violated copyrights on Sun's Java
programming technology. Microsoft spokesman Mark Murray said the
decisions mostly reaffirmed earlier rulings by Whyte on the issue
and did not amount to a dramatic development in the case.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:38
EST/15:38 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) chairman
Bill Gates urged other technology companies to forge ahead in
adopting smart cards instead of passwords as a way of ensuring
security on the Internet.
``The weakest link in security is the fact that
passwords are used,'' Gates said during his keynote speech Tuesday
at the NetWorld+Interop 2000 conference, a six-day computer
networking event attended by about 60,000 people.
Customers who want to buy products, bank or pay
bills online usually have to choose a password when they register
with the site. But Gates said that system wasn't secure because
thieves can call online companies and pose as customers who forgot
their passwords.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:32
EST/15:32 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Hollywood.com, Inc. (Nasdaq: HOLL
- news) announced
today that it has entered into an alliance with Microsoft Corp.
Hollywood.com will be featured at WindowsMedia.com, the MSN guide to
audio and video on the Internet, and within Microsoft's new Windows
Media Player 7.
Hollywood.com, a premier movie and entertainment
site, will provide video streams, including high bandwidth video
streams for broadband users of the Windows Media platform.
Hollywood.com video content will include movie trailers, celebrity
interviews, feature coverage of Hollywood events and coverage of
movie premieres. New content will be provided weekly to
WindowsMedia.com and will be accessible from the Media Guide of the
new Windows Media Player. It also will be accessible in the Windows
Media broadband entertainment area on Hollywood.com.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:32
EST/15:32 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
The U.S. Justice Department's top trust buster
said Tuesday Microsoft Corp.'s anti-competitive actions were not
invented for the new economy, but instead relied on the
``time-tested tricks'' of monopolists.
"When it comes to antitrust enforcement, the
new, new thing isn't so new after all," Joel Klein, the
assistant attorney general in charge of the antitrust division, said
in a speech for the Haas/Berkeley New Economy Forum being held in
the San Francisco Bay Area.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Security flaw in Hotmail
Time: 10:32
EST/15:32 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
A new security flaw has been discovered in Microsoft
Corp.'s (Nasdaq: MSFT)
Hotmail program that could give a hacker access to a user's account.
The exploit uses an HTML attachment to give a hacker access to the
account, where he or she can read a user's e-mail messages.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:31
EST/15:31 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and AT&T Broadband today
expanded their commitment to each other to bringing advanced
broadband television services to consumers and shared a progress
report on some of their behind-the-scenes development work.
This week at Cable 2000, the annual National Cable
Television Association (NCTA) convention, the two companies are
demonstrating AT&T's interactive platform on advanced set-top
boxes using Microsoft® TV Platform software, showing a
glimpse of the AT&T user interface design and a few
"teaser" consumer services. The two industry leaders also
announced the completion of definitive agreements for AT&T to
license Microsoft TV Platform software - both client set-top box
software and television server software - for AT&T deployment.
These deployments will include the creation of two showcase cities
that the two companies committed to establishing in May 1999 and
will present opportunities for additional markets beyond those
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Headlines For Tuesday 9th May 2000 |
Messenger for PocketPC/Windows CE - X-Box At e3 - Windows Me
hits RC0 |
Time: 18:40
EST/23:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
The Justice Department's top trust buster said
Tuesday Microsoft Corp.'s (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) anti-
competitive actions were not invented for the new economy, but
instead relied on the ``time-tested tricks'' of monopolists.
``When it comes to antitrust enforcement, the new,
new thing isn't so new after all,'' Joel Klein, the assistant
attorney general in charge of the antitrust division, said in
remarks prepared in a speech for the Haas/Berkeley New Economy Forum
being held in the San Francisco Bay Area.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 18:40
EST/23:40 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
offer sneak peek at 64-bit Windows 2000. But the company's supposed
"mainframe-killer" Datacenter release still remains
nowhere in sight. In a corner of their booth at the Las Vegas
Convention Center, Microsoft officials were offering a sneak peek at
the future.
During his keynote speech earlier in the day,
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates remained mum on any products under
development. But that didn't prevent his company from demonstrating
an early version of its 64-bit version of Windows 2000 to a handful
of interested attendees at the NetWorld+Interop show.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:46
EST/19:46 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at NetWorld+Interop 2000, Microsoft Corp.
Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates announced the
availability of Microsoft® Windows® Services
for UNIX 2.0 (SFU). Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 2.0 provides
an additional set of comprehensive tools to help bridge the gap
between UNIX and Windows for users and administrators. It helps
create a logical enterprise network where resources are shared
seamlessly and access control is simplified. Microsoft Windows
Services for UNIX 2.0 provides a mechanism to take advantage of
existing UNIX resources and expertise while simplifying network
administration and account management in a mixed Windows 2000-,
Windows NT®-, and UNIX-based environment.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:46
EST/19:46 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that, according to
Media Metrix'Inc.'s March 2000 data, people are spending an average
of four hours per month playing games on the MSN™ Gaming Zone
(Applications), more time per month, on average, than is being spent
on any other single activity on the Internet.* That means people are
spending more time playing Spades, "Asheron's Call®"
and "Age of Empires®" than they are on the
leading auction, stock-trading and e-mail sites. In addition,
Zone.com is one of the fastest-growing sites on the Internet. In
March of this year alone, Zone.com grew 23 percent in unique users
and over 40 percent in usage minutes per month, according to Media
Metrix. ** Featuring a wide selection of single-player and
multiplayer games, Zone.com has become the No. 1 multiplayer gaming
site on the Internet with 14 million registered members and 125
available games.
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Time: 14:34
EST/19:34 GMT News Source: Gamespy
Posted By: Byron
GameSpy.com has posted an
interview with John Howard the lead designer on Crimson Skies
the upcoming flight simulator come shoot em up to be released later
in the year by Microsoft.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 11:24
EST/16:24 GMT News Source: Active
Network Posted By: Robert
We have just posted Microsoft's latest update of
the Windows 2000 Hardware Compatibility List - This comprehensive
list vitally lists all the hardware components that will work with
Windows 2000. Check it out! The list is large - 1.7 MB in text
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 11:23
EST/16:23 GMT News Source: ActiveWin2k Posted By: Robert
We have added a small page stating Microsoft's
guidelines on upgrading to Windows 2000 or Windows 98 SE. These
guidelines should assist people who are confused on finding the
right upgrade.
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Time: 11:23
EST/16:23 GMT News Source: ActiveWin2k Posted By: Robert
We have updated our Windows 2000 Patches Page;
This updated list includes several Critical Security-related updates
- all preventing users from gaining unauthorized access. Be sure to
check it out!
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Time: 10:40
EST/15:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at NetWorld+Interop 2000, Microsoft Corp.
announced plans to deliver Visio® Network Equipment
(VNE) shapes to customers and industry partners via the Internet.
VNE SmartShapes® are vendor-specific symbols that
represent equipment manufactured by leading networking and
telecommunications vendors and are standard in Visio 2000 Enterprise
Edition. Available in the third quarter this year, Web delivery of
VNE will provide customers with immediate access to the most
up-to-date VNE shapes and enable them to download only the shapes
they need to accurately design and document their network
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:40
EST/15:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at the National Cable Television Association
(NCTA) annual conference, Microsoft Corp. and SeaChange
International Inc. (Nasdaq "SEAC"), the leader in high-end
digital video systems for television, agreed to collaborate on
extending Microsoft® Windows Media™ Technologies from
broadband Internet delivery to cable and broadcast television
systems. This collaboration will benefit content providers and
television operators with a unified digital media platform that
delivers video streams to both television and broadband Internet
networks - doing with one video streaming server what today requires
two separate server systems. In addition, content developers such as
the film and video industry will be able to lower costs and maximize
reach by creating digital media content once and delivering it
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:40
EST/15:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has acknowledged its submission of the
latest version of the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
specification. Microsoft was joined by Ariba Inc., Commerce One
Inc., Compaq Computer Corp., DevelopMentor Inc., Hewlett-Packard
Co., IBM Corp., IONA Technologies PLC, Lotus Development Corp., SAP
AG and Userland Software Inc. in submitting the specification and
proposing the formation of a working group in the area of Extensible
Markup Language (XML)-based protocols. SOAP is an open
standards-based interoperability protocol that uses the W3C's XML to
provide a common messaging format to link together any applications
and services anywhere on the Internet.
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Time: 09:53
EST/14:53 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Coming off of a successful 1999 season as one of
the fastest-growing PC game companies, Microsoft Corp. arrives at
next week's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles with
new versions of its popular PC games and innovative titles that have
already received industry praise as sure-fire hits. From fall and
holiday 2000 releases such as "Combat Flight Simulator 2",
"MechWarrior(tm)" and "Links(tm) LS 2001" to
next year's lineup, which includes "Dungeon Siege" and
"FreeLancer," the company moves further toward its goal of
becoming the worldwide games leader.
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:51
EST/11:51 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Global virus Armageddon will be the result of the
breakup of Microsoft, "writes" Bill Gates in this week's
Time magazine, due to go on sale today. Or very nearly, anyway; you
may well wonder how the hell he makes that one out.
It's simple, really, as Bill, or whoever
knee-jerked the piece out so swiftly, explains. The front line
defence against viruses is apparently a "continually
evolving" computer operating system that encourages large
numbers of software developers to write for it. But if Microsoft is
split into two, there would be less innovation in the software,
hence fewer developers, and ultimately less defence against viruses.
"Bill" also claims that subsequent to a
breakup new, more virus-proof versions of Office and Windows would
be "much harder for computer users to obtain."
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Time: 06:46
EST/11:46 GMT News Source: Tweak
Town Posted By: Alex
Tweak Town have updated their Windows 2000 Tweak
Guide and here is a snippet of it:
Let me guess... You've upgraded
from Microsoft Windows 95 to Microsoft Windows 98 and were cruising
along just fine. Then you delved into the unknown and upgraded to
Windows 2000 and your saying 'Windows 2000 is so slow compared to
Windows 9x' - Ahh well you see... That's what we are here for,
to help you increase the performance of your Windows 2000 Operating
System (aka NT5), as what you were used too with Microsoft Windows
I'll explain the settings in a
language that everyone can understand and apply, we won't be
focusing a great deal on the networking side of things because I
don't have much experience with that as yet. When I do find some
network tweaks I'll add them.
more here.
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Time: 05:30
EST/10:30 GMT News Source: BetaNews
Posted By: Alex
The first Release Candidate, RC0 Build 2525, of
Windows Me (Millennium Edition) was released to beta testers a short
bit ago. In a message to testers, Microsoft wrote, "Many
sources have commented that this is already the highest quality 9x
release there has ever been. Thank you for helping us reach this
goal through your cooperation, dedication, and quality of feedback.
We could not do this without you." BetaNews has received mixed
feedback on the subject, with some Windows Me RC0 users touting
perfection and others still finding it buggy. Nonetheless, Microsoft
is ready to complete testing, stating "we believe we are
extremely close to being finished - functionally speaking, what you
see today is what we plan to go out to the world in a released
product, and we are very interested in hearing your feedback on
it." Windows Me is expected to hit RTM the week of June 12th.
Testers, what do you think - is Windows Me ready for public
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Time: 04:53
EST/09:53 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Farms.com wants to help the agricultural world get
wired. The site was created by founder Benjamin Zaitz to get farmers
in touch with more buyers and to cut out the middleman by conducting
real-time auctions of agricultural products and commodities. It's a
system that takes full advantage of the Microsoft® Windows® DNA
platform. The company needed a robust platform on which to build its
auction service, and one that didn't require extensive resources.
With Windows DNA, Farms.com was able to get its service online in
just over four months and with just two developers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:51
EST/09:51 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft is helping Onyx Software Corp. to
deliver a comprehensive e-business solution.
has announced support for the Onyx Front Office 2000 suite of
e-business software products. Built on the Microsoft®
Windows® DNA platform, Onyx Front Office is integrated with
key Microsoft technologies. Onyx Front Office 2000 on the
Windows DNA platform provides companies with tools for
marketing, sales and service, and allows them to integrate
traditional and online business processes. This combination of
technologies is designed to allow organizations to more effectively
sell and market products, as well as interact with customers at any
time, in any place, in any currency or language.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:49
EST/09:49 GMT News Source: Betanews
Posted By: Alex
Software giant Microsoft has announced a
three-year deal with Atmel Corporation, makers of non-volatile
memory and RF semiconductors, to produce a secure Smart Card system.
Using Microsoft's newly developed Windows for Smart Cards and
Atmel's AT90SC AVR family of flash-based Smart Card ICs, the pair
plans to make waves in the e-commerce pool and bring security to
online transactions with the Smart Card.
In the deal, Microsoft will create development
tools for implementation on the Atmel hardware. Tools will include a
Visual Basic and Visual C++ application builders, a platform
builder, custom module APIs, compilers, and a testing system for
Smart Card certification. It will also include the ISO 7816
communications protocol and several payment systems amongst other
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Time: 04:26
EST/09:26 GMT News Source: MSXbox
Posted By: Alex
has received official word (and proof) that Microsoft is working
hard on making an impressionable presence at E3. Let me cut to the
chase and give yah the goods and a behind the scenes picture of the
Turns out Microsoft got a ton of
votes from all the "Xbox at E3" polls that have been
running all over the Web, so it looks like we'll be doing it up this
week after all! Bill was unable to fit into the Raven costume, but
we managed to find a "suitable" replacement (trust me!)
who fits perfectly into the costume. Once the votes started rolling
in, it became evident that we were going to have to make more of a
fanfare for our Xbox. We've got guys working around the clock now to
construct a theater that will be worthy of displaying the Xbox demos
- and I think it will include a glimpse at the prototype Xbox
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:26
EST/09:26 GMT News Source: GameSpy
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has some high powered titles showing at
E3 this year. On the list are Age of Empires 2: The Conquerers
expansion pack; Combat Flight Simulator II; Conquest: Frontier
Wars; Freelancer; Loose Cannon; Mech Commander 2; Metal Gear
Solid, MechWarrior 4 and Motocross Madness 2.
But arguably the most anticipated title is Dungeon Siege,
brought to you by Chris Taylor, the man behind the 1997 hit RTS,
Total Annihilation. When I chatted with Taylor in November, he
already had in mind the direction he wanted his new company's
first game to take, even though they had just settled on the name.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:18
EST/09:18 GMT News Source: BetaNews
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft is reportedly
drafting a counterproposal to the DOJ's breakup plan which may
entail giving software developers access to Windows source code.
Sources close to the discussions told MSNBC yesterday that
Microsoft will also allow computer manufacturers to modify the
desktop or "the area of the computer screen that is seen when
programs are not running," and ship versions of Windows that
"hide" the Internet browser. The proposal also bars
Microsoft from making certain deals with other computer makers to
promote Microsoft products. The final document is expected
Wednesday and will offer alternatives to each point where Judge
Jackson found Microsoft at fault. Without any specific details it
is impossible to know how willing Microsoft will be to compromise,
however analysts already say this deal falls short of Microsoft's
initial out-of-court settlement.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:16
EST/09:16 GMT News Source: BetaNews
Posted By: Alex
A Seattle glitch hunter says he has found a security flaw in
Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5 browser that makes it possible for
a hacker to use a Web page they designed to gather such sensitive
data as a Web surfer's browser history, or even their e-mail
Bennett Haselton, who is both an anti-censorship advocate and a
glitch hunter, has posted a demonstration of the problem on his
Peacefire.org site, (http://www.peacefire.org),
which normally is devoted to efforts blocking censorship of
content to and from young people. It now contains links to three
Internet hacking "exploits," or security risks, that
Haselton has uncovered since April 24.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:11
EST/09:11 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Software giant Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
said on Monday it has an agreement with Lightning Source, a firm
that stores electronic books, that will broaden Microsoft's reach
in the electronic book market. The deal, whose financial terms
were not disclosed, makes Lightning Source's electronic versions
compatible with the Microsoft Reader, software that is targeted at
a range of handheld devices. Such software would allow such
devices to compete in the electronic book market with the Rocket
eBook made by Gemstar International Group's Nuvomedia Inc.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:07
EST/09:07 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Live from Las Vegas...it's Bill Gates! Gates
kicks off this year's NetWorld+Interop keynote lineup, and ZDNet
will be there to bring it to you in a live Webcast. The big
question on everyone's mind: What's in store for Windows?
Gates, Chairman and Chief Software Architect of Microsoft, will
give you his perspectives on the future of the OS, taking into
account how advances in telecommunications, technology, and the
Internet will soon bring the fruits of the Information Age to
anyone, anywhere, anytime. You can listen to Bill Gates Keynote by
going here
and choosing your format you would like today at 9am.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:05
EST/09:05 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Alex
Is there a more cooperative Microsoft in your future?
The Redmond, Wash.-based software giant today appointed Linda
Stone, a Microsoft research manager, to become the company's vice
president of industry initiatives, a new position designed to
improve the company's relations with customers, partners and
competitors and their image of the company.
"She's basically being appointed as Microsoft's ambassador
to Silicon Valley and the rest of the technology world at a time
when the worst fears of many of the denizens of Silicon Valley are
confirmed in the findings coming out of Judge Jackson's
court," said Rich Gray, an intellectual property attorney
with Outside General Counsel Silicon Valley in Menlo Park, Calif.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:03
EST/09:03 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Alex
A federal judge sided with Microsoft in one portion of its Java
license dispute with Sun Microsystems. U.S. District Judge Ronald
Whyte late today accepted Microsoft's request for summary
judgment, dismissing Sun's copyright claims.
The decision is the second blow to Sun's case in about a month.
On April 7, Whyte rejected
select portions of Sun's interpretation of the license with
Microsoft for its Java technology. But Whyte's actions are no
indication of a Microsoft victory or a sign the case won't make it
to trial. In February, for example, he rejected a Microsoft motion
regarding the independent development of Java.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:00
EST/09:00 GMT News Source: File
Flash Posted By: Alex
Yahoo! has released a new version of its online communications
tool for the Pocket PC and Windows CE. This version supports a
bunch of new devices and HTTP proxies.
You can download the beta from here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- &
Time: 03:58
EST/08:58 GMT News Source: File
Flash Posted By: Alex
A new Napigator is out to fix compatibility on Windows 95/98
systems with Napster Beta 6. Napigator is your free navigator
to nap servers. It is your exclusive guide to helping you find
almost all the Internet audio online you want. Napigator works
side-by-side with your favorite Windows nap client, giving you an up
to date status of all nap servers on various networks, including the
new and openly free Opennap Network and popular Napster Network.
You can download the new version from here
or the beta here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 03:54
EST/08:54 GMT News Source: EuroGamer
Posted By: Alex
EuroGamer has sent word that they have posted an article about
what all that jargon means with the graphics cards, so if you
don't know your Full Screen Anti-Aliasing from your Vertex
Skinning then head over and read this article. Here is a snippet
of it:
The last
couple of weeks has seen a frenzy of graphics card announcements
and previews, with 3dfx, ATI and NVIDIA all claiming to have
produced the best thing since sliced bread. To allay your
confusion, EuroGamer has cut through the jargon and hype to help
you pick out the contenders from the also-rans.
To start off we will be
explaining some of the most common terms that you will come across
when comparing the new generation of graphics cards, and then next
week we will be bringing you all the latest information on the
cards themselves.
more here
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Headlines For Monday 8th May 2000 |
Centers - Metabyte - MS Money - Music Deals |
Time: 18:10
EST/23:10 GMT News Source: InfoWorld
Posted By: Matthew
Symantec Monday posted a free Love Bug repair
tool, which helps eliminate the side effects for those who have been
hit by the notorious e-mail worm or its multiple variations, and is
providing the fix for free for computers running Windows 95, 98,
2000, or Windows NT at www.sarc.com.
The tool, called FIXLOVE.EXE, repairs damage to
the e-mail registry as well as Microsoft Internet Explorer settings
altered by Love Bug, although it cannot restore deleted or
overwritten files.
"This computer worm will actually enumerate,
or list, every single targeted e-mail address in the registry that
it has hit so that it does not resend itself out to each address
again," said Carey Nachenberg, chief researcher at Symantec
Anti-Virus Research Center. "In doing so, if you have a
corporation of 100,000 people, it will add literally 100,000 new
registry entries to the system, which can cause sluggishness or even
cause your machine to crash. [FIXLOVE.EXE] will go through and
remove essentially tens or hundreds of thousands of registry keys
from your system that were created by the worm to eliminate any
potential problems."
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft Expands Music Deal
Time: 14:45
EST/19:45 GMT News Source: Adweek
Posted By: Byron
Atomic Pop, an online music and pop culture Web
destination, has expanded its marketing agreement with Microsoft
Corp. so that as of Tuesday Atomic Pop became a featured music
content provider for WindowsMedia.com, Microsoft Network's guide to
audio and video. Also today Microsoft launched Windows Media Player
7, software for downloading music from the Internet, in beta form.
One of four featured content providers on the music
page, Atomic Pop (http://www.AtomicPop.com) supplies daily music and
entertainment content to WindowsMedia.com, including audio
downloads, video interviews, DJ sets, music videos and live
performances.Atomic Pop and Microsoft will continue to offer
thousands of individual tracks and albums for digital downloads from
their catalog of over 4,000 songs accessible through the music
section of WindowsMedia.com.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 10:29
EST/15:29 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
For the first time, Microsoft
Money is winning better reviews than entrenched rival Quicken -- but
so far users of home finance software seem unimpressed. For
years, Microsoft
Corp.'s (Nasdaq: MSFT)
Money product has been battling Intuit
Inc.'s (Nasdaq: INTU)
Quicken, but reviewers, customers and even Microsoft itself
(Microsoft tried to buy Intuit) saw Money as an inferior product.
And that helped Quicken hold on to a market share estimated at 70
percent or better.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 10:11
EST/15:11 GMT News Source: WinInfo
Posted By: Byron
has posted up a preview of "Activity Centers" that have
been mentioned around many times, this time he has some of the
conception designs Microsoft have been working on. Here is a
Activity Centers are single-window
applications, written in a combination of HTML and the Win32 API,
that facilitate easy ways to complete common tasks (Figure).
They are designed primarily for new and inexperienced users.
Activity Centers facilitate the completion of common, infrequently
repeated tasks, a design goal that may confuse some. The theory here
is that if is task is repeated infrequently, then the user will need
to relearn the steps needed to complete that task every single time
they attempt to perform that task. So an Activity Center should
present a simple, clear user interface that will help the user
quickly complete specific tasks without going through this
relearning process. Tasks that are repeated frequently, however, are
not appropriate for Activity Centers because these new user
interface elements stress simplicity and discoverability over
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Traditionally, fifth anniversaries are celebrated
with gifts made of wood. Those with more modernist sensibilities
prefer silverware. For gamers, the fifth anniversary of Microsoft®
SideWinder® might inspire a far more unconventional
choice: a suite of three new products to be demo'd at this year's
Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). Since its release in
1996, the original SideWinder game pad has become the No. 1 brand in
PC game devices, and its pre-eminence and versatility are extended
with the fall 2000 launch of SideWinder Strategic Commander,
SideWinder GameVoice and SideWinder Force Feedback 2.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Yesterday at Cable 2000, the National Cable
Television Association (NCTA) conference, Microsoft Corp. launched
the new Microsoft® TV Partner Programs, a coherent suite
of free and subscription-based resources to help content producers
and developers, independent software vendors (ISVs), systems
integrators, hardware manufacturers, television production tools
vendors, and other solution providers seize the opportunity of
enhanced television. The three programs - the Microsoft TV Content
Developer Program, the Microsoft TV ITV Tools Program and the
Microsoft TV Solution Provider Program - further strengthen
Microsoft's commitment to the enhanced-TV arena. This comprehensive
program builds on Microsoft's long history of excellence in
developing and supporting an evolving community of third-party
companies that build on and add value to Microsoft platform
technologies. Currently there are more than 100 members of
the Microsoft TV Partner Programs.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at Cable 2000, backed by the support
of five leading video-on-demand (VOD) vendors, Microsoft Corp.
announced a significant step forward for VOD solutions that fully
integrate with the Microsoft® TV Platform.
Concurrent Computer Corp., DIVA, Intertainer Inc.,
nCUBE Corp. and SeaChange International Inc. - all recognized
leaders in providing VOD products and/or services to the cable
television industry -are integrating with the Microsoft TV Platform
and plan to have Microsoft TV-based VOD solutions available later
this year. Several working models of their Microsoft TV
Advanced-based VOD solutions running on digital set-top boxes are
being demonstrated this week at Cable 2000, the annual National
Cable Television Association (NCTA) convention, in New Orleans.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today kicked off its presence at
Cable 2000 by announcing the Microsoft® TV Platform
family of technologies, an open, standards-based solution that
provides the most comprehensive and scalable platform for enabling
enhanced-TV services. The Microsoft TV Platform now includes
technologies that will enable network operators to deliver
Enhanced-TV services to both set-top boxes currently on the market
and new, advanced set-top boxes expected to be rolled out later this
year. Industry support for the Microsoft TV Platform continues to
grow. More than 100 companies, including content developers, tools
vendors, ISVs, IHVs, systems integrators and OEMs, are now engaged
in various stages of creating solutions based on the Microsoft TV
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at Cable 2000, NagraVision™, the digital
pay TV division of the Kudelski Group, and Microsoft Corp. announced
the integration of NagraVision's Open conditional access technology
with the Microsoft® TV Advanced client software for
advanced set-top boxes. The companies also announced the signing of
a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to further integrate NagraVision
technologies across the Microsoft TV Platform, continue to innovate
and develop new technologies, and market the integrated solution. As
part of the MOU, both companies agreed to work toward a definitive
agreement. This solution will be demonstrated this week in the
Microsoft and NagraVision booths at Cable 2000, the annual National
Cable Television Association's trade show.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at Cable 2000, Microsoft Corp. and
Matsushita Electric Industrial Company Ltd. announced they have
developed a working model of advanced digital cable set-top boxes
for the U.S. cable industry as a result of collaboration in
furtherance of a memorandum of understanding entered into in July
Matsushita will demonstrate the Panasonic-branded
digital interactive set-top box supporting the Microsoft®
TV Platform in Microsoft Booth 3501 this week at the National Cable
Television Association (NCTA) conference. The device complies with
the OpenCable specification, supports the IEEE 1394 home-networking
specification, and supports Internet browsing and e-mail.
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Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at Cable 2000, Microsoft Corp. and Pace
Micro Technology plc announced a far-reaching memorandum of
understanding under which they plan to cooperate closely to develop
a wide range of applications and enabling technologies to meet the
rapidly expanding demand for digital television. The memorandum
builds on a five-year relationship between Microsoft and Pace, the
world's leading developer of digital set-top box technologies, and
is likely to provide important business opportunities for both
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:15
EST/12:15 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft and Lightning Source, a subsidiary of
Ingram Industries Inc., today announced a new alliance that will
give publishers and retailers a revolutionary technology platform to
meet growing consumer demand for eBooks and provide dramatically
expanded access to thousands of new titles in Microsoft Reader
For users of Microsoft Reader, this alliance will
dramatically increase both the selection of eBooks titles available
as well as the number of retail options for purchasing eBooks.
Lightning has long-standing, trusted relationships with publishers
and retailers around the world, and has an established reputation as
the one of the most knowledgeable providers of digital content in
the book industry. By utilizing Microsoft technology to help offer
its titles in electronic format, Lightning's digital library will be
more accessible to an increasing number of publishers, retailers,
and consumers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 06:20
EST/11:20 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
``Love Bugs'' of the future could be harder to
protect against if Microsoft is split in two, company co-founder
Bill Gates writes in an essay published in this week's Time
New versions of the Windows operating system and
Office applications software that could offer protection from
outside attacks would ``be much harder for computer users to
obtain,'' Gates wrote in ``Viewpoint.'' The issue hits newsstands
The Love Bug virus invaded computers across the
world last week in an e-mail carrying the subject line,
``ILOVEYOU.'' The virus, which only affected computers running on
Microsoft's Windows operating system, attacked the company's Outlook
e-mail program and Internet Explorer browser.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:20
EST/11:20 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates is part of a
``secretive'' American syndicate that has approached New Zealand's
championship America's Cup team to race for the United States, the
Observer reported Sunday.
The syndicate wants the New Zealanders to sail
under the Stars and Stripes for the next America's Cup in 2003. The
Observer said 20 of the team's 30 members have been offered a total
of $200,000 with the promise of American citizenship if they switch
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:19
EST/11:19 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Metabyte Networks, Inc., a Personal TV technology
and service company, today announced it is demonstrating Metabyte's
MbTV(TM) on the Microsoft TV Platform for the first time at the
National Cable Television Association Cable 2k conference. MbTV, the
totally automatic and totally private personal television service,
will be demonstrated on the Microsoft TV Platform in Booth 5675.
MbTV creates personal profiles by automatically learning what a
viewer likes to watch.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Headlines For Sunday 7th May 2000 |
Time: 13:52
EST/18:52 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. is developing a response to the
U.S. government's breakup proposal that would put curbs on its
business practices, including offering a version of the Windows
operating system that ``hides'' access to the software giant's
Internet browser, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.
The Post said under the Microsoft counterproposal,
computer makers also would be given flexibility to alter Windows
software and Microsoft would refrain from entering into certain
deals with computer makers that promote Microsoft products over
rival products.
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Time: 07:26
EST/12:26 GMT News Source: Washington
Post Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft Corp. is drafting a counterproposal to
the government's breakup plan that involves limits on its business
practices, such as giving computer makers more flexibility to alter
Windows software and offering versions of Windows without access to
the company's Internet browser, people familiar with the plan said
The company's proposal is meant to show U.S.
District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson that there is a remedy
directly addressing the court's verdict--that Microsoft broke
federal antitrust law--without going to the "radical"
extent of breaking the company in two, sources close to the company
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:20
EST/11:20 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Some antitrust experts predict the Justice
Department won't settle its landmark case against Microsoft Corp.
until President Clinton leaves office. The predictions were made by
Microsoft legal consultant C. Boyden Gray, who served as an aide to
Presidents Reagan and Bush, and Nicholas Economides, dean of New
York University's Stern School of Business, at an NYU legal
conference on the case held late last week.
``I think the likelihood is that it will be
settled,'' Gray said - but after the November election. The Justice
Department would be ``more the same with Gore, but there would be a
change. Any administration is going to put new people in.''
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Headlines For Saturday 6th May 2000 |
Headlines For Friday 5th May 2000 |
Ink - Vote For The X-Box At e3 - More Virus Info |
- Microsoft Working On love.vbs Fix
Time: 19:04
EST/00:04 GMT News Source: ActiveWin Posted By: Byron
Microsoft have informed us that a fix for the
love.vbs file that millions have been infected with should be posted
on the Microsoft homepage
within the next hour or so.
Update: http://support.microsoft.com/support/exchange/love_letter.htm
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft Use Aided Virus Spread
Time: 18:55
EST/23:55 GMT News Source: Associated
Press Posted By: Matthew
Widespread use of Microsoft products contributed
to this week's spread of the ``love bug'' virus, making it easier
for the virus writers — with the help from millions of unwitting
accomplices — to blanket the globe with it in less than a day.
Through Microsoft's Windows operating system —
found on more than 85 percent of personal computers — and Outlook
e-mail program, virus writers had a large audience for their
mischief. They also took advantage of Microsoft features that make
computers more efficient and easier to use.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 18:25
EST/23:25 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
The proposed breakup of Microsoft Corp., under
which all the company's third-party investments and joint ventures
would fall under a new applications business, could cripple
Microsoft's plans in two hot markets: wireless and end-to-end
By their nature, those markets further blur the
lines between operating system and application. Case in point:
technology from STNC Ltd., a British company that Microsoft acquired
last July. STNC developed the small browser technology that
Microsoft plans to use for a future cell phone that runs Windows CE.
If Windows CE falls into the government's proposed
operating systems company and STNC into the applications company,
Microsoft's wireless plans could suffer, especially since its
competitors in this space won't face the same restrictions. Palm
Inc., which is moving its PalmOS into cell phones through
partnerships, generally bundles features such as the calendar
application with the operating system; both are burned into the
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 18:25
EST/23:25 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
While Microsoft works on its counter-remedy
proposal in the Department of Justice antitrust case, the company
plans to move to have the DOJ's remedy proposal thrown out.
Microsoft intends to claim that the DOJ's remedy
proposal introduces arguments and evidence that were not part of the
government's original case, and thus should not be considered by the
judge overseeing the case. "We believe this remedy brings in
issues that were not part of this case," said spokesman, Jim
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 18:23
EST/23:23 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft and Netscape Communications are pointing
fingers at each other over a browser-related security problem that
neither company has any intention of fixing.
In a security scenario that lets a hostile Web
site pilfer private information, including email passwords and some
browsing history, both Netscape and Microsoft play a role. An
exploit would use privileges granted by Microsoft's Internet
Explorer browser to run a script placed on the Web site visitor's
computer by Netscape's Communicator.
"This is by-design behavior, not a security
vulnerability," said Scott Culp, security program manager with
Microsoft's security response center. IE "allows a Web site to
run any script that it trusts, including scripts placed on the (Web
page visitor's) computer."
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Flink Ink:
Time: 15:05
EST/20:05 GMT News Source: ActiveWin Posted By: Byron
Well wasn't that 'I LOVE YOU' virus/worm
fun! So a teen in the Philippines can bring down email systems
world wide. I can hear the rumble of thousands of other kids
saying, "Heck, that was easy! I bet I can do
better!" What a sad thought. You may as well
prepare because there will be lots of copy-cat email viruses in
coming days! Ok world, you've had your wake up call! Now
get busy doing what you SHOULD have done all along.... Protect
yourself! Here's how. It does NOT take that much effort!
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Flink Ink:
Time: 15:05
EST/20:05 GMT News Source: ActiveWin Posted By: Byron
On April 8th and with updates on the 22nd I posted
an article suggesting an Internet Future that involves the serious
integration of the TV and other electronic entertainment media with
the computer and Internet. As a vision, it's not very
revolutionary, having been in the movies and science fiction nearly
as long as these technologies have existed. What is
significant is that we're on the verge of making this real in
our day-to-day lives. And this can have revolutionary impact
on the Information Technology industry and the broader society.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- X-Box At E3? Vote Here
Time: 14:20
EST/19:20 GMT News Source: Microsoft Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has asked us to help them decide a new
poll on whether they should bring the Xbox to E3 with them (Which
we're going to by the way with a number of interviews with
Microsoft). So get voting.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 14:14
EST/19:14 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft will announce its revamped interactive
television software Monday, sources say, as the software giant aims
to focus its TV strategy. Microsoft will unveil new features in its
Microsoft TV software suite, including TV-based chat, scripted
dialog, and improved parental control software, at the National
Cable Television Association convention in New Orleans, sources
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:30
EST/10:30 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Security issues tied to Microsoft's Outlook email
program drew heated criticism today from security analysts after a
new virus swept through computer systems across the globe.
Some analysts said the "I Love You"
attack points to serious flaws in Microsoft code. They noted that
the virus takes advantage of well-known exploits involving Visual
Basic script files, which end in the extension ".vbs."
Visual Basic is a high-level programming language developed by
Microsoft that is graphically oriented.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:28
EST/10:28 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
As the landmark antitrust case against Microsoft
winds its way through the legal system, the software giant will have
to guard against employee defections to keep its competitive edge,
experts warn.
Microsoft faces two likely futures. One would
involve breaking the business into an operating system company and
an applications company. The other scenario involves continuing the
legal battle with the Department of Justice at the appellate level.
Each option, however, creates looming uncertainties, which in turn
could lead to defections among Microsoft employees, one of the
company's most valuable assets.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Manufacturing
users tell Microsoft to slow down new products
05:16 EST/10:16 GMT News Source: Computer
World Posted By: Alex
The year-old Microsoft Manufacturing User Group
(MS-MUG) wants the software giant to slow down the introduction of
new operating system releases affecting real-time manufacturing
Manufacturers can't afford to shut down plants to
implement new operating systems or service packs as often as
Microsoft Corp. plans, members of the MS-MUG said in interviews
today. The 50-member group, which includes technology managers at
large processing plants, recently sent Microsoft officials its first
report addressing the issue of product turnover, or churn, according
to a press release issued by MS-MUG today.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Online
job service employs Windows 2000 Server for high availability,
05:05 EST/10:05 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
In the high-tech job market, job seekers and
employers want a way to connect anytime, anywhere.
ComputerJobs.com serves the IT community with more than 50,000
online job listings and a screened resume database. The site is
available around the clock thanks to Microsoft® Windows® 2000
Server. Since migrating its 40 production Web servers to
Windows 2000 from Windows NT® 4.0 Server, ComputerJobs.com has
gained higher availability, better performance and simpler
"Our competitive advantage hinges on the
continual availability of our entire site," said Mike
Gilfillan, CEO and founder of Atlanta-based ComputerJobs.com.
"Windows 2000 has helped us keep a high-volume Web site up
at a very low cost, in a very stable and efficient
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Modem
Blaster Windows 2000 Updates
05:03 EST/10:03 GMT News Source: File
Flash Posted By: Alex
A bunch of new drivers have been posted for
download from the Modem Blaster website. If you have a Modem Blaster
and are using Windows 2000, head over there and grab them.
You can download the file from here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- EU
extends deadline on Microsoft/Micro Leader probe
05:01 EST/10:01 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
The European Commission said on Thursday it had
given U.S. software giant Microsoft Corp <MSFT.O>
extra time to provide data in a probe into a complaint brought by
French company Micro Leader Business.
"We've extended the deadline to May 12 from
May 2," Commission spokeswoman Amelia Torres said. "We're
in a fact-finding mission to find out if we have a case. Micro
Leader supplied us with more information, so we asked Microsoft more
questions. This led us to extend the deadline."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- New
variant of 'ILOVEYOU' virus
04:59 EST/09:59 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
A new variant of the "ILOVEYOU" virus is
spreading, according to several sources. An unknown copycat has
created a new virus that may continue to spread by changing the name
of the attached .vbs file to "Very Funny.vbs" and the
subject of the e-mail to "joke." In all other respects,
the virus appears to be the same.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Inside
the 'ILOVEYOU' worm
04:57 EST/09:57 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
In less than six hours Thursday, Love spread
worldwide. The ILOVEYOU worm struck hundreds of thousands of
computers in Asia, Europe and the United States as workers clicked
on an e-mail attachment called LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs.
Late Thursday, the worm had turned. Some users
reported receiving the same nasty e-mail, but one that substituted
"I love you" wording with "very funny joke."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Intel
workers indicted in alleged software piracy ring
04:55 EST/09:55 GMT News Source: CNet
Posted By: Alex
Prosecutors today announced the indictment of a
global ring of suspected software thieves and five workers at
chipmaker Intel who allegedly exchanged hardware for access to an
array of pirated software.
A federal grand jury in Chicago indicted 17
people, including a former Microsoft employee and two Europeans, for
allegedly infringing the copyrights on more than 5,000 computer
software programs.
Of those indicted, 12 allegedly were members of
the group known as "Pirates with Attitudes" (PWA), a
software piracy ring that was infiltrated by government
investigators last year.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Thursday 4th May 2000 |
Officer Leaves |
- Microsoft not planning Worm
15:23 EST/20:23 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
said it has no plans to issue a patch or security warning to its
customers on the "ILOVEYOU" worm. Instead, the company is
simply reminding its users to continue to follow best security
practices, such as to be leery of dubious e-mail. "The
antivirus companies are the experts here. We are working closely
with the antivirus community to provide them with any information we
can," said a Microsoft security spokeswoman. She added that
right now Microsoft has no plans to temporarily shut down its own
internal mail servers -- something the company did to halt the
proliferation of the "Melissa" virus last year.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
15:19 EST/20:19 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted
By: Byron
The Microsoft Manufacturing User Group, or MS-MUG,
recently issued its first feedback report detailing key issues faced
by manufacturers when applying Microsoft technology in industrial
automation applications. MS-MUG, currently operating as a working
group within the Open Architecture Controller User Group, or OMAC,
is devoted to addressing issues faced by manufacturers when applying
commercial software technology to manufacturing automation
applications. The group's first feedback report to Microsoft
highlighted problems with DLL Hell, version management, and other
issues that spawned the initial formation of this working group.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
15:13 EST/20:13 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted
By: Byron
Microsoft Corp.(NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) Chief
Technology Officer Nathan Myhrvold, the brains behind the software
titan's $3 billion-a-year research lab, has left the company,
officially ending a nearly year-long leave of absence.
Myhrvold, who at age 40 holds a doctorate in
theoretical and mathematical physics and masters degrees in
mathematical economics, geophysics and space physics, will continue
to act as an advisor to Microsoft co-founder and Chairman Bill
Gates, the company said in a statement on its Web site.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
15:13 EST/20:13 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted
By: Byron
The European Commission said on Thursday it had
given U.S. software giant Microsoft Corp (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) extra time
to provide data in a probe into a complaint brought by French
company Micro Leader Business.
``We've extended the deadline to May 12 from May
2,'' Commission spokeswoman Amelia Torres said. ``We're in a
fact-finding mission to find out if we have a case. Micro Leader
supplied us with more information, so we asked Microsoft more
questions. This led us to extend the deadline.''
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:14
EST/14:14 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
InfoCure Corporation (Nasdaq: INCX
- news) announced
that it has signed a definitive agreement with Microsoft Corp.
(Nasdaq: MSFT
- news) in which
Microsoft will make a strategic resource investment to accelerate
InfoCure's marketing and product development efforts. The investment
will further the development of new healthcare applications and
service offerings by VitalWorks, the comprehensive practice
management solution for physicians, as well as the continued
development of ASP applications. These efforts will produce an
advanced software and services solution for healthcare providers,
powered by Microsoft platforms, in the InfoCure and VitalWorks
application suite and service offering.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:15
EST/14:15 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and Plural Inc. today announced a
strategic relationship designed to provide Global 2,000 and Internet
start-up clients with market-leading e-business solutions. Plural
and Microsoft will jointly invest to drive the adoption and
deployment of innovative interactive-based solutions built on the
Microsoft® Windows® DNA platform.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:13
EST/14:13 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that it has filed
software piracy lawsuits against three companies in Iowa and one in
Nebraska. The lawsuits, alleging copyright violations and trademark
infringements, were filed against businesses in both states for
allegedly distributing counterfeit and/or infringing Microsoft®
software. The lawsuits aim to protect customers and legitimate
distributors from the effects of software piracy.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:11
EST/14:11 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
CAIS Internet Inc. (Nasdaq "CAIS") and
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq "MSFT") today announced a broad,
three-tiered alliance that will advance broadband access and content
services for consumers nationwide and selected international
markets. CAIS and Microsoft will develop a co-branded portal that
will distribute Internet content via CAIS's broadband networks in
the hospitality industry, with an option for Microsoft to
participate with CAIS in multifamily dwelling unit industries. In
addition, Microsoft® BackOffice® will be an operating platform for
CAIS and MSN™ services. In connection with this agreement,
Microsoft has also agreed to make a $40 million equity investment in
CAIS Internet in convertible preferred stock at a conversion price
of $24 per share.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:09
EST/14:09 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Driveway.com, (http://www.driveway.com/),
the leading provider of personal online storage, has entered into a
strategic alliance with Microsoft Corp. that will offer visitors to
MSN™ a variety of methods to save important documents and files
online. The agreement regarding MSN (http://www.msn.com/),
one of the top three most visited Internet portal sites according to
Media Metrix Inc., will include integrated placement throughout the
MSN network of Internet services.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:07
EST/14:07 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that Dr. Rick
Rashid has been promoted to senior vice president of Microsoft
Research (MSR), and Dr. Dan Ling has been promoted to vice president
of Microsoft Research, Redmond.
"Rick and Dan have built Microsoft Research
into a world-class research lab that is contributing both to the
development of innovative products for Microsoft customers and to
academic and computer industry efforts to create dynamic new
technologies that benefit consumers around the globe," said
Microsoft President and CEO Steve Ballmer.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:05
EST/14:05 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
A new computer virus is proliferating at rapid
speed across Europe and has already felled at least three UK
businesses according to a number of reports. According to these
early reports, the virus is contained within an email headed:
ILOVEYOU, and is contained within an attachment called... A Love
Letter For You.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:03
EST/14:03 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Personable.com Inc., a new application service
provider funded by memory giant Kingston Technology, announced that
its service now allows Mac users to run Microsoft Windows 2000
applications through Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. The service,
launched last December, previously worked only with Windows-based
browsers. The company said it also plans to add Netscape support.
The company's technology, developed in cooperation
with Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT),
provides access to a virtual Windows 2000 desktop through the
browser. It then allows users to run such popular Windows
applications as Microsoft Office, Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:01
EST/14:01 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
A poet went to Redmond in search of Microsoft's
kinder, poetic side ... and found youthfulness, bouyancy -- and,
yes, arrogance -- on the day the DOJ dropped its hammer. A camel
will get through the eye of a needle now and then, and a poet will
lecture at Microsoft. Not only did I get to lecture Microsoftees, I
did so the day the government announced its intention to slice the
company in half. I didn't expect to see dazed and staggering life
forms passing out all over the manicured lawns, but I did hope for
some articulate anxiety.
No such luck. Over salmon, garlic potatoes and
spinach salad in the three-star cafeteria, my table companions
declared as one that "the anxiety level is zero."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 08:59
EST/13:59 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Game developer Id Software Inc. announced on
Wednesday that its flagship first-person shooter has a security flaw
that could leave Quake III players' computers open to attack while
they play.
"The basic nature of the exploit is that
malicious server operators could overwrite any file on a client
system," wrote Robert Duffy, a programmer at Id
Software , in his .plan
file on Wednesday.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:05
EST/11:05 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) may ask a
federal judge to throw out the Justice Department's plan to break up
the company, arguing that the government improperly based its
proposal on evidence that wasn't presented at trial, according to
people close to the antitrust case.
Microsoft objects to the statements of five
outside experts in the plan submitted to U.S. District Judge Thomas
Penfield Jackson of Washington, D.C., by the Justice Department and
17 states, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:04
EST/11:04 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Nathan Myhrvold, the chief technology officer at
Microsoft Corp., said Wednesday he will not return full time to the
company he served for 14 years. Myhrvold said he would continue to
advise Microsoft chairman Bill Gates occasionally, as he has since
going on leave last summer to pursue other interests. ``If I wanted
to do a single thing, I'd go back to Microsoft,'' Myhrvold said.
``But there's so much I want to do and try, and so far I've been
having a great time doing it.''
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Wednesday 3rd May 2000 |
2 Gold - Rebuttal - SWAT 3 Review |
Time: 14:34
EST/19:34 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
An Executive Briefing issued today by Internet
strategy consulting firm Mainspring, says that a government-proposed
breakup of Microsoft would have a dramatic impact on Microsoft's
vision of moving to a distributed model of Internet computing,
called Web Services, as well as have critical implications on how
existing businesses plan their future e-business strategies and
technical architectures.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
3 Review
Time: 11:15
EST/16:15 GMT News Source: ActiveNetwork Posted By:
have posted my review of Sierra's SWAT 3. Here is a snippet of the
As an
officer of D Platoon SWAT you must have a deep and abiding reverence
of human life and a firm resolve that all possible alternatives have
been exhausted before employing deadly force.
a video introduction you are presented with the main menu which
gives you the choice to start a Mission, New Career, Restore Career
(Save Game) and Over and Out (Exit). The Mission tab lets you play
any mission in any order, quite handy if you want to practice a
certain level, or if you really love a level. The Career tab
initiates a career path for you and you have to play the missions in
order. The restore career tab takes you to the save game screen
where you can continue playing a game you have already started.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Motocross Madness 2 - Gold
Time: 10:27
EST/15:27 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
We'll keep this short and sweet - Microsoft has
just sent word that Motocross Madness 2 has hit gold and should be
out in stores on May 26th.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:27
EST/15:27 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Why do Chairman Gates and CEO Ballmer insist on
waving a red flag in front of a charging bull? It's Microsoft's
right to express dismay over the government's proposed remedy to
break up Microsoft as a remedy for its alleged wrongdoings on the
antitrust front.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:21
EST/14:21 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
One of the surprises in the recent filing by the
DoJ was a series of six weighty accompanying Declarations. Five have
been put online, but not the one by Ernest Von Simson, who is
described by the DoJ as "a computer consultant to large global
enterprises". In fact Von Simson was previously director of
research for the Diebold Group, and is now with Asera, a
Kleiner-Perkins backed business solutions provider in Redwood City,
California. He is also on the board of Linuxcare.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:23
EST/12:23 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Lawyers for Microsoft are preparing a response to
the government's broad "remedy" proposed to U.S. District
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson that is widely expected to push the
trial's endgame well past a scheduled May 24 courtroom hearing.
Two hours after the government formally asked
Jackson on April 28 to split Microsoft into two companies - one for
Windows operating systems, subject to a raft of conduct
restrictions, and one for Microsoft's Office software suite and
other applications - the beleaguered software giant's general
counsel, William Neukom, vowed to push for "a significant
expansion of the remedy process."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:23
EST/12:23 GMT News Source: NewsBytes
Posted By: Byron
With the release of its beta version of Windows
Media Player 7, Microsoft Corp once again proves that imitation is
the ultimate form of flattery, according to one technology analyst.
"They've taken a page from all of the
successful media players," says Billy Pidgeon, a Web
technologies analyst for Jupiter Communications.
Microsoft made today a big day, announcing the
release of its latest multimedia player in a pre-launch beta
version, which is available free for download from Microsoft's home
site at http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmedia.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:22
EST/12:22 GMT News Source: Mac
Central Posted By: Byron
According to a story
in the Calgary Herald, the Calgary Board of Education moved much of
their system to Windows based computers and now has to deal with a
virus shutting the system down for two weeks.
CBE officials shut down the computer system Friday
after staff detected the computer virus, W32FunLove, in the system.
FunLove was discovered last November in the United States, Britain
and the Czech Republic. It infects files with an .exe ending when
using the Windows 95/98 and Windows NT systems. The virus is able to
give all users access to every file, regardless of security
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:22
EST/12:22 GMT News Source: Mac
Central Posted By: Byron
Macintosh users can soon use Windows 2000-based
software, without installing software emulation packages like
Virtual PC or Soft Windows, to run Windows 2000 applications on
Macintosh platform, according to Personable.com.
How? The company says because of its new browser
support. Personable.com, the first Application Service Provider
(ASP) offering a range of "shrink-wrapped" software for
rent over the Internet via standard Web browsers, claims to be the
first company in the ASP space to serve Windows 2000 Applications to
the Macintosh community.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Tuesday 2nd May 2000 |
Media Player 7 Beta - Ad Campaign |
Time: 14:37
EST/19:37 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT
- news) and I/O
Software Inc. today announced their cooperation to foster widespread
growth of biometrics through the integration of biometric
authentication technology in future versions of the Microsoft®
Windows® operating system. Microsoft has acquired I/O Software's
Biometric API (BAPI) technology and SecureSuite core authentication
technology to provide users with a higher level of network security
based on a secure and reliable personal authorization method. The
integration of biometric authentication will enable users to log on
to their computers and conduct secure e-commerce transactions using
a combination of fingerprint, iris pattern or voice recognition and
strong private key, instead of a password.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:37
EST/19:37 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft plans to ask for authority to seek
government records and subpoena witnesses to support its argument
that breaking the company in two would be going too far, a company
spokesman said today. Jim Cullinan said he expects a long discovery
process to find out how the Justice Department came up with its
``Draconian and overbearing'' proposal.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:33
EST/19:33 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
A whole load of new Creative Labs drivers have
been released, be warned though that as per usual with new Creative
releases - the server is just about dead - here is a bit more
Graphics Blaster RIVA TNT, 3D
Blaster RIVA TNT2 3D Blaster RIVA TNT2 Ultra Graphics Blaster RIVA
TNT2 Value (32Mb) 3D Blaster GeForce/3D Blaster GeForce Pro for
Windows 2000
Blaster Live! for Windows 95/98 and NT
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:19
EST/14:19 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Corp. today announced the immediate availability of the beta version
of Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player 7. The beta
release, available for download from http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmedia/
and http://WindowsMedia.com/,
furthers Microsoft's efforts to bring digital media to the
mainstream by enabling consumers to enjoy a full range of digital
media activities, including CD audio playback, streamed and
downloaded audio and video, jukebox capabilities for CD recording,
media management, and Internet radio. The Windows Media Player 7
beta version introduces pioneering new features including SRS WOW™
3-D audio enhancement technology, breakthrough audio and video
quality, unmatched support for popular portable devices and storage
media, and new customization features.
Windows Media Player 7 Beta From ActiveWin - an official download
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:17
EST/14:17 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced a dramatic upgrade
to WindowsMedia.com, the Internet's most popular audio and video
guide*, now offering unmatched search and navigation capabilities,
integrated access to artist and album information from Alliance
Entertainment Corp.'s All Music Guide, and one of the Web's largest
directories of downloadable music from major and independent labels.
WindowsMedia.com's new features make it easier than ever for
mainstream consumers to find and enjoy music, movies and more in the
high-quality Windows Media™ Format.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:08
EST/14:08 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
I-Jam Multimedia LLC, a pioneer in the development
of the smallest digital music players, and Microsoft Corp. today
unveiled the new Win-Jam Digital Music Player, the first device to
exclusively support the Microsoft® Windows Media™
Format. I-Jam developed the Win-Jam Player to enable consumers to
easily enjoy CD-quality digital music that is half the size of
equivalent MP3 files, while breaking through the price barriers of
first-generation portable digital music players. The Win-Jam Digital
Music Player is scheduled to be available in July for a suggested
retail price of $129.99. Today's announcement underscores the rapid
mainstream acceptance of the Windows Media Format among both
portable device manufacturers and consumers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:08
EST/14:08 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at the annual CardTech/SecurTech conference,
Microsoft Corp. announced that five new original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) have signed on to build and distribute
Microsoft® Windows® Powered Smart Cards,
another indication of the technology's rapid industry adoption since
its initial availability less than six months ago. The newest
licensees include Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., California
Plastics Inc., ICT, Rainbow Technologies and Eastgate Smartron Pte
Ltd. Windows for Smart Cards makes it easy and cost-effective for
these companies to use industry-standard smart-card technology to
produce secure solutions for data access and storage.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Windows Media 7 Beta Today
Time: 08:47
EST/13:47 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
will today release a public beta of the new version of Windows Media
player - this brings the player up to version 7. It should be
downloadable on both the Windowsmedia site and Windows Update later
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 08:47
EST/13:47 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Microsoft's PocketPC launch couldn't have come
sooner, according to a report by NPD Intelect. The US market
research company's numbers, cited by All Net Devices, show
retail sales of Windows CE devices have all but dried up.
NPD Intelect's stats, derived from sales through
US retail and mail order channels, show Palm held 87.3 per cent of
the PDA market in February, an increase of over 20 per cent on its
February 1999 share of 65.5 per cent. IBM, a PalmOS licensee, also
experienced growth, seeing its share rise 0.5 per cent to 1.5 per
cent between February 1999 and February 2000.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- ActiveWin Mailing List
Time: 08:47
EST/13:47 GMT News Source: ActiveWin Posted By: Byron
We would like to welcome you all to the new and
improved ActiveWin mailing list. We have finally sorted out all of
the previous problems we had with delivering our list to you all
(Our server wouldn't send any more than 200 mailings out). So now
you can all look forward to daily e-mails keeping you up to date
with everything that is happening in the world of Windows and
Subscribe to
the HTML mailing list
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:29
EST/10:29 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft has launched newspaper and television
advertising in response to the government's recommendation to break
up the software giant on antitrust grounds, but experts said Monday
the campaign was unlikely to affect the outcome of the case in
Even so, advertising, public relations and legal
professionals said efforts by the world's largest software company
to shore up its image with the public, its employees, and
shareholders could prove critical for Microsoft's business in the
months and perhaps years before the dispute is finally resolved.
Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and President and
CEO Steve Ballmer, in a full-page ad appearing in the Wall Street
Journal, The New York Times, and other major newspapers, argued that
splitting the company in two would hurt consumers and punish
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:29
EST/10:29 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
The government's proposed remedy in the Microsoft
case looks toward competition in future products instead of breaking
up the software giant's existing monopoly, a well-known antitrust
attorney said Monday.
Furthermore, the U.S. Supreme Court has said a
remedy can extend to products beyond the original lawsuit, said
George Washington University law professor William Kovacic.
"But it's got to have a relationship," he said. "You
can do it, but you're going to have to look over your shoulder
more," he added, referring to the judges reviewing the case on
Breaking up Microsoft (stock: MSFT
) into more than one operating system company would have
immediately created competition, but would have disrupted
engineering units and resulted in duplication, Kovacic said.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:28
EST/10:28 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Could Microsoft end up its own worst enemy? That
seems to be the government's thinking. Assistant U.S. Attorney
General Joel Klein summed up the Department of Justice's reason for
recommending a Microsoft Corp. breakup: The best competitor to
Windows will come from a Microsoft Office company.Klein reiterated
the Windows vs. Office line
of reasoning on Sunday morning's "Face the Nation" on
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:24
EST/10:24 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) has
launched newspaper and television advertising in response to the
government's recommendation to break up the software giant on
antitrust grounds, but experts said on Monday the campaign was
unlikely to affect the outcome of the case in court.
Even so, advertising, public relations and legal
professionals said efforts by the world's largest software company
to shore up its image with the public, its employees and
shareholders could prove critical for Microsoft's business in the
months and perhaps years before the dispute is finally resolved.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Monday 1st May 2000 |
2 |
- Lotus 'Bluejay' lands in MS
Time: 15:03
EST/20:03 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
In anticipation of this summer's expected release
of Microsoft
Corp.'s (Nasdaq: MSFT)
Exchange Server 2000, Lotus
Development Corp. is working on a project that will make Domino
and Notes more Microsoft-friendly. Lotus' new effort, code-named
Bluejay, will take the form of a Domino add-on and enable Exchange
users to run a Domino back end while deploying an Exchange client.
Story to follow.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 11:07
EST/16:07 GMT News Source: ActiveWin Posted By: Robert
and I have posted our review of Microsoft's new IntelliMouse
Optical. Here is a snippet from the review:
As if the first generation of
Microsoft's IntelliEye mice were not good enough, the second
generation has just gotten better. Microsoft's latest mouse, the
IntelliMouse Optical has the same attractive new look as the former,
however this time it features a new ambidextrous design for improved
comfort. The lefties and odd-sized hand people of the world
will now love Microsoft as this new style is ergonomically fit for
everyone. Combined with the newest IntelliEye Technology and the new
programmable buttons, even the sternest curmudgeons will buy this
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:55
EST/15:05 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
New evidence that Microsoft Corp. is continuing to
use its Windows monopoly to muscle into new markets helped persuade
state and federal antitrust enforcers to propose breaking up the
software company, government officials said.
The Justice Department and 17 states asked a
federal court Friday to slice the company into competing camps --
one armed with Microsft's
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
Windows operating-system software; the other with its widely used
Office and other applications, plus Microsoft's Internet businesses.
In addition, they asked the court to impose immediate and
far-reaching restrictions on Microsoft's conduct to protect
competition during expected appeals, which could delay any ruling by
a year or more.
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- Before the Bell - Microsoft
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Shares in Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) rose in
pre-opening trade on Monday after federal and state antitrust
authorities proposed breaking up the software powerhouse. Microsoft
was at 72 on the Instinet electronic broker system, up from a Friday
close at 69-3/4.
On Friday federal and state antitrust enforcers
proposed breaking Microsoft in two, the harshest antitrust penalty
sought by the government in two decades. ReliaStar Financial Corp.
(NYSE:RLR - news),
the No. 8 publicly held U.S. life insurer, was up at 51-1/4 from a
Friday close of 43-1/16. Dutch financial services group ING Groep NV
(NYSE:ING - news)
said it was buying ReliaStar in a $6.1 billion deal.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq "MSFT") today
announced support for Onyx Front Office 2000, a leading
enterprisewide, customer-centric e-business suite of software
products from Onyx Software Corp. (Nasdaq "ONXS"). Onyx
Front Office 2000 on the Microsoft® platform provides
companies with an Internet-based competitive advantage by enabling
superior marketing, sales and service for employees, customers and
partners with a broad e-business platform that allows companies to
combine traditional and online business processes.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and American Honda Motor Co.
Inc.'s Motorcycle Division today announced that they have reached an
agreement to feature a lineup of Honda 2000 series off-road
motorcycles in the new Microsoft® "Motocross
Madness™ 2" game for the PC. In addition to providing
heart-pumping racing action, "Motocross Madness 2" lets PC
owners take their favorite Honda off-road motorcycles, including the
race-inspired CR®125R, CR 250R and the high-performance
XR™400, on virtual test rides in over 40 photo-realistic riding
environments and tracks.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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