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Game Voice Share Edition - MS Train Sim Shots |
- Combat Flight
Simulator 2: WWII Pacific theater storms EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh
Time: 15:56
EST/20:56 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Julien
Microsoft today
announced that flight enthusiasts attending the Experimental
Aircraft Associations's (EAA) AirVenture Oshkosh 2000 in Oshkosh,
Wisconsin, will have the opportunity to test fly Combat Flight
Simulator 2: WWII Pacific Theater three months before its scheduled
release. Combat Flight Simulator 2 is available for demonstration
now through August 2, 2000. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is the world's
premier recreation aviation event, annually drawing more than
800,000 people and 12,000 airplanes. For daily updates from the air
show, gamers can tune into Zone.com (http://www.zone.com/flightsim2000/news.asp)
for the latest news.
Combat Flight
Simulator 2 takes the excitement, realism and challenge of the
best-selling Combat Flight Simulator from the skies over Europe to
the South Pacific for one of the most fierce air battles of World
War II. Amid the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) of 1941-43,
players will start out as rookie ensigns and will be challenged to
hone their skills to become ace of the skies by engaging in one
thrilling air battle after another. Combat Flight Simulator 2 takes
combat realism beyond the fighter plane to the pilots who fought in
the fierce action. The story line unfolds in gritty realism as the
war rages across the Solomon Islands. Players can fly for either the
Japanese or U.S. Navy in more than 120 distinctly intense and taxing
Rendered in
meticulous detail, the aircraft featured in Combat Flight Simulator
2 are four times more graphically detailed than those in the
original game. Each aircraft featured in the game is based on
extensive research and detailed models taken from Flight Simulator
2000, which was recently selected for a U.S. Navy training program
for its unparalleled realism. Planes feature their own unique flight
model, performance style and detailed cockpit. Players can even
watch the Corsair's wings fold on the aircraft carrier pitching deck
as they land with a bone-dry fuel tank. Combat Flight Simulator 2:
WWII Pacific Theater will be available at retail locations
throughout North America in October for an anticipated street price
of US$49.99.
For more
information on EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2000, visit: http://www.airventure.org
News] [Return To Headlines] [Translate]
[Site News]
Time: 09:11
EST/14:11 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Like Sylvester Stallone in the next-to-last reel
of a Rocky film, things didn’t look good for Microsoft SQL
Server 2000. With great fanfare during the launch of Windows 2000
last February, Microsoft’s Chairman and Chief Software Architect
Bill Gates announced world record-setting performance numbers for
SQL Server 2000 running on Compaq hardware. But then, last month,
the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC), which oversees
the benchmarking process, determined that the results did not comply
with one of its requirements and the results were disqualified.
News] [Return To Headlines] [Translate]
[Site News]
Time: 09:10
EST/14:10 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp., VerticalNet Inc. and Air Products
and Chemicals Inc. today announced their plan to launch a unique
e-commerce pavilion based on the Microsoft® .NET
Platform and designed to serve the worldwide gases and chemicals
industry. The "first of its kind" solution will provide
Air Products' sales network, including distributors, with a quick,
convenient, consistent and cost-effective online vehicle to
streamline sales and marketing efforts, generate sales leads and
enable online transactions.
News] [Return To Headlines] [Translate]
[Site News]
Time: 07:59
EST/12:59 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Matrox has just released a new beta version
6.01.015 of their Windows 9x display drivers as well as a 5.11.17
Windows 2000 drivers beta release for the Millennium G400/G400Max
series of graphic cards. Click the links below to download the
drivers corresponding to your current OS:
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:43
EST/10:43 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
We have posted up over thirty screenshots of
Microsoft's upcoming (well next year) Train Simulator. These include
shots never seen before. We will be posting an interview with the
Train Simulator team in the next couple of weeks.
News] [Return To Headlines] [Translate]
[Site News]
- Microsoft
SideWinder Game Voice Share Edition to be released August 1st
Time: 04:49
EST/09:49 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
A few weeks before the worldwide availability of
the five new exciting Microsoft SideWinder game devices (Force
Feedback 2, Strategic Commander, Game Voice, etc.) Microsoft will
released on August 1st a new free software download called
'SideWinder Game Voice Share Edition' on their new gamevoice
website that'll enable every one to speak within most of the actual
- Free downloadable version of
the Microsoft Game Voice software (that'll be provided with the
Microsoft SideWinder GameVoice device)
- Reduced size of 0.5 MB
- Let's you talk up to 4 other
gamers who downloaded the share version; every 5th person has to
own the complete product (Full version supports up to 64 gamers
at the same time).
- It doesn't include speech
recognition (full version is using the L&H speech engine),
so no voice-commands unlike with the full software that'll be
provided with the Microsoft SideWinder GameVoice device.
- Let's you use your own headset
/ microphone (but there's no channel management functionality)
News] [Return To Headlines] [Translate]
[Site News]
Time: 05:48
EST/09:48 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
I've just posted our long awaited Intel Pentium
III 1Ghz B and Intel VanCouver 820 motherboard review! Here is a
snippet of the review:
Intel, the Santa Clara's CPU
giant, has provided us with a nice test system featuring its new
top-notch high-end processor: the Pentium III 1Ghz B officially
announced in march 2000, exactly two days after the AMD Athlon 1Ghz
availability announcement. For the first time ever an intel
processor reaches the 1Ghz barrier. Who would believe that, a few
years ago when the most powerful CPU were only 16mhz ones? So once
again the well-known Moore theorem is right. In this review we will
see if the latest Intel's baby hold on its promises. When I unpacked
the box I was only able to say 'Wahoooooo', because when Intel says
that a PIII 1Ghz B bring power they surely mean it! Indeed the
processor is surrounded by a big heatsink with two independent power
supplied fans! This processor seems to heat enough to cook your
eggs! ;-) Buying a new air-conditioning system will be soon
imperative to use a computer safely.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:45
EST/09:45 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Creative has just posted a new set of Windows 2000
drivers for its range of 3d blaster graphic cards. You can download
them by clicking here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:40
EST/09:40 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Agfa has finally released their final set of
Windows 2000 compliant drivers, formerly named ScanWise 1.4 for
their range of scanners. You can download the ScanWise drivers by
clicking here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Friday 30th June 2000 |
Me Review |
- Windows Me
August Download For MSDN Subscribers
Time: 21:06
EST/02:06 GMT | News Source: E-Mail | Posted By: Byron
Despite this week stating to developers that they
would soon be able to download Windows Me gold from the MSDN
subscribers site, Microsoft has tonight stated that the download
will now not go live until sometime in early August, just one month
before the public release.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 16:40
EST/21:40 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
We have decided to launch our new Windows Me
section to coincide with the review of the new MS operating system.
The section contains, features, FAQ, tips and much more and will
continue to grow as the public release date gets closer and closer.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:00
EST/19:00 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Software giant Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) said Friday
it will make a $10 million equity investment in
software-over-the-Internet company FutureLink Corp. (NasdaqNM:FTRL
- news) and the two
companies together will set up a research centre in Southern
California. Microsoft is looking to become more of an Internet
company, and has targeted FutureLink's application service provider
industry, in which software is rented or subscribed to over the
Internet, as an important strategic direction.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:57
EST/14:57 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Yesterday at the second annual Smart Card Business
Development Conference, Microsoft Corp. President and CEO Steve
Ballmer addressed more than 400 smart card industry representatives,
outlining the role that smart cards can play in Microsoft's .NET
"As we move to a Web-based lifestyle,
authentication and security become critical," Ballmer said.
"Smart Cards are an enabling technology in the Microsoft® .NET
vision, providing an affordable and effective way to increase the
security of computing. We believe the demand for smart cards is just
emerging and will grow exponentially."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:43
EST/11:43 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Matthew Sabean
have posted the review of the Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback
Pro Joystick. Here is a snippet of the review:
Well it took some
doing but I finally picked up Microsoft's SideWinder Force Feedback
Pro Joystick. After all the hype and rave reviews I was set to see
if this device lived up to all it has been made out to be.
With its 16-bit
onboard processor as well as Microsoft's digital-optical technology
to add the sensation of touch to the game experience, this device
provides true-to-life feedback right from subtle sensations to raw
power forces. You experience multiple forces simultaneously and even
feel which direction the forces come from. With over one million
sold Microsoft has indeed taken serious gamers to a new level.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:43
EST/10:43 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
have completed our in-depth review of the gold version of
Microsoft's latest Windows release, Windows Millennium Edition
(Windows Me). The review features most of the new features a whole
load of screenshots and a lot of information on whether it is worth
buying come September. Here is a snippet from the review:
The Millennium
edition of Windows is aimed to help PC home users to enter into the
next millennium with a big bang as Microsoft has focused its efforts
to make Windows Me the user-friendliest, easy-to-use and
multimedia-rich operating system of all the time. Windows Me has
been developed and tested by Microsoft numerous months to ensure its
reliability but does it have what it takes to make you want to pay
out more money for a operating system that may well be too similar
to Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE. Read on for our comprehensive
review of this new operating system, Microsoft Windows Millennium
Edition (WinMe).
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Patch Available
for "Active Setup Download" Vulnerability
Time: 02:29
EST/07:29 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Product
Security | Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in an ActiveX control that ships with
Microsoft(r) Internet Explorer. The vulnerability could be used
to overwrite files on the computer of a user who visited a
malicious web site operator's site. Frequently asked questions
regarding this vulnerability and the patch can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/fq00-042.asp
The Active Setup Control allows .cab files to be downloaded to a
user's computer as part of the installation process for
software updates. However, the control has two flaws. First,
it treats all Microsoft-signed .cab files as trusted, thereby
allowing them to be installed without asking the user's approval.
Second, it provides a method by which the caller can specify a
download location on the user's hard drive. In combination, these
two flaws would allow a malicious web site operator to
download a Microsoft-signed .cab file as a means of overwriting a
file on the user's machine. By overwriting system files, this
could allow the malicious user to render the machine unusable. It is
important to note that there is no capability via this vulnerability
to actually install the software that has been downloaded -
the vulnerability only allows files to be overwritten, in a
denial of service attack. System File Protection in Windows 2000
would prevent an attack like this one from being used to
overwrite system files.
Patch Availability
Note: The patch also will be available shortly on WindowsUpdate.
When this happens, we will modify this bulletin to provide
specific information on obtaining it. Note: The patches require IE
4.01 Service Pack 2 or IE 5.01 to install. Customers using
versions prior to these may receive a message reading "This
update does not need to be installed on this system".
This message is incorrect. More information is available in KB
article Q265258. Note Additional security patches are available at
the Microsoft Download Center
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Thursday 29th June 2000 |
- Asheron's Call Interview |
Time: 11:05
EST/16:05 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
- news), a leading
architect and builder of global Internet enterprises, today
announced that Zinook, its global econet for seed stage companies,
entrepreneurs, angel investors and service providers has entered
into an agreement with Microsoft Israel (Nasdaq:MSFT
- news;
``Microsoft'') in which Microsoft is to become a founding sponsor of
Zinook. Zinook (www.zinook.com)
brings simplicity, efficiency and speed to the process of seed
investing on a global basis, combining the three critical elements
of THCG's unique V3 concept: Venture Development, Venture Banking
and Venture Funding. Together, Microsoft and Zinook will seek to
accelerate the development of selected next generation Israeli
technology successes.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 11:05
EST/16:05 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
In a move to capture a bigger share of the
fast-growing authentication market, BioNetrix Systems Corporation,
the leading provider of direct personal assurance products and
services, today announced that it will support Microsoft Windows for
Smart Cards in the company's flagship product, the BioNetrix
Authentication Suite(TM). The combination of Microsoft Windows for
Smart Cards and the BioNetrix Authentication Suite offers a robust
platform for conclusively verifying users accessing critical
business information and applications.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:07
EST/11:07 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
We have posted up our interview with the lead
producer of Microsoft's massive online multiplayer game Asheron's
Call. The interview features questions about spells, graphics,
Asheron's Call 2 and the chances of seeing it on the X-Box.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:24
EST/09:24 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Alex
Oracle Corp. CEO Larry Ellison is making no
apologies for funding an investigation of what he called
"Microsoft's covert activities." At a pre-scheduled
software strategy press conference at Oracle headquarters in Redwood
Shores, Calif., Ellison said he was proud to inform the public about
Microsoft's behavior because Microsoft's anti-competitive tactics
are unparalleled in the high-tech industry.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:22
EST/09:22 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Alex
gave a sneak peek today at its upcoming low-cost Internet appliance,
a version of the MSN Web Companion--but whether consumers will want
the stripped-down PCs remains unclear.
The MSN Web Companion that Emachines detailed
today will have no CD-ROM, floppy or hard disk drive. Like other
Microsoft Network-based devices being produced by PC makers and
consumer electronics companies, Emachines' unit will use Microsoft's
Windows CE operating system to connect directly to the Internet
through Microsoft's MSN service. The device will hit shelves and Web
sites this fall.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:20
EST/09:20 GMT | News Source: PC
World | Posted By: Alex
In a continuing effort to make Dell
PCs the center of a consumer's "Internet experience," the
company announced here Tuesday plans to offer a special Dell/Microsoft
MSN Internet service as well as a Dell-branded digital music
receiver based on S3
The PC will remain the predominant method for
accessing the Internet, says Stephan Godevais, vice president and
general manager of home and small-business products at Dell. Down
the road, he sees the home PC as the hub that connects a network of
household appliances to a broadband pipe running out to the
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Wednesday 28th June 2000 |
2000 Sales - Pentium 4 |
Time: 15:18
EST/20:18 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Corporation today announced the Intel® Pentium® 4 processor brand
name for its new generation of desktop microprocessors (formerly
code-named Willamette).
The new Pentium 4 name builds upon one of the
world's most recognized brands to convey the most powerful personal
computing experience. Scheduled to be introduced in the second half
of 2000, the new Pentium 4 processor is based on revolutionary
technology designed to maximize performance today and in the future,
keeping consumers on the cutting edge of the Internet.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:18
EST/19:18 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Microsoft and Euroseek have entered into a Nordic
co-operation agreement which will provide access to Euroseek's
search engine on Microsoft's MSN and Internet Explorer portals. The
Swedish company Euroseek (www.euroseek.com),
with Internet services such as portals, search engines, information,
entertainment, e-commerce and wireless broadband access, has entered
into a Nordic co-operation agreement with Microsoft in Kista.
``The co-operation agreement with Microsoft will
result in more visitors to Euroseek's search engine and greater
exposure for the Euroseek brand,'' says Catherine Sahlgren, Managing
Director of Euroseek.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:13
EST/19:13 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Byron
The first shots in the C# versus Java battle have
been fired, with Sun claiming that Microsoft has submitted a
confusing and incomplete technology to an inappropriate standards
(Nasdaq: SUNW)
engineers have been combing through technical information on C#
since Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
released it on Monday and say it is no Java killer. They say that
although they can't tell exactly what C# does because Microsoft's
documentation is incomplete, they believe that C# is "the next
revision of C or C++" tied back to the Windows platform.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:13
EST/19:13 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Reaffirming the strength of its technology,
business model and vision, PFN, Inc. announced today it has
appointed Jeffrey Wheeler, the former Network Architect in Microsoft
Corporation's Information Technology Group (ITG), as its Chief
Technology Officer. In this role, Wheeler will institute and manage
PFN's Research and Development and Interoperability facility where
engineers will advance PFN's patented business communications
network infrastructure technology and expand the Company's
policy-based networking initiatives.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:24
EST/14:24 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Today at PC EXPO 2000, Microsoft Corp. announced
that the beta version of Microsoft® Commerce Server 2000
is now available for customers to test and evaluate. A major upgrade
to Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition, Commerce Server 2000 is
designed to meet the challenges of next-generation e-business. In
addition to the broad new functionality in Commerce Server 2000 for
personalization, user and catalog management, and sophisticated
business analytics, Microsoft and industry partners announced
compatible products that build on and tightly integrate with
Commerce Server 2000 in the areas of content management and business
analytics. The final product release is scheduled for this fall.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:24
EST/14:24 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Today at PC EXPO 2000, Microsoft Corp. and
Interwoven Inc. (Nasdaq "IWOV"), the leading provider of
enterprise-class content-management software, announced the beta
release of Content Express for Microsoft® Commerce
Server 2000. Microsoft and Interwoven worked together on Content
Express, which is designed to enable business users to easily create
and manage content for e-commerce solutions built using Microsoft
Commerce Server 2000 and the Microsoft Windows® DNA 2000
platform. In a related announcement, Microsoft Commerce Server 2000
beta release was announced today. The Content Express beta release
is available via the Interwoven Web site at http://www.interwoven.com/cs2000/.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:23
EST/14:23 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
The MSN network of Internet services and eMachines
Inc. (Nasdaq "EEEE") the third-largest vendor of desktop
PCs sold through U.S. retailers, today announced they plan to work
together to provide consumers with an MSN® Companion
device later this year. Further delivering on the MSN vision of the
Everyday Web, the new device, to be sold by eMachines, will be
designed to make it simple for users to get online, surf the
Internet and communicate with others.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:23
EST/14:23 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
IBM, Microsoft Corp. and Champion Computer
Corporation announced the Business Champions' Advantage, featuring
Microsoft® BackOffice® Server running on
solution-optimized IBM® Netfinity® servers,
at the PC EXPO 2000 trade show today.
The first of the Business Champions' Advantage
program's two solutions features the Netfinity 5100 Server. It is
designed to appeal to branch offices of larger companies seeking a
turnkey solution to allow standardization on a common hardware and
software configuration across the organization, and it is priced at
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:45
EST/09:45 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Alex Harris
Microsoft Corp. today announced reaching several
milestones with the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 product line --
achievements that reflect momentous customer and industry support
for the platform. Sales of the Windows 2000 operating system license
are expected to exceed 3 million by June 30. The company exceeded
its goal of obtaining at least 100 "Certified for Windows"
applications while training more than 266,000 IT professionals on
the platform to date. The expected summer release of Windows 2000
Service Pack 1 (SP1) remains on target, and is expected to further
drive deployment of the business platform.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:43
EST/09:43 GMT | News Source: Microsoft
Daily News | Posted By: Alex
With the huge number of variables financial
services companies track, it’s no surprise that they demand
high-performance solutions.
And Microsoft, Intel Corporation and SunGard are
working together to provide those solutions. At the Securities
Industry Association's Technology Management Conference and Exhibit
last week, the three companies announced they are collaborating on
the first 64-bit eProcessing solutions for the financial services
industry to run on a 64-bit version of the Microsoft® Windows®
operating system and 64-bit Intel® Architecture (IA-64) Intel
Itanium™ processor-based systems. eProcessing refers to SunGard's
solutions for online trading and account services that automate and
integrate business-to-business processes.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:39
EST/09:39 GMT | News Source: Microsoft
Daily News | Posted By: Alex
new framework from Microsoft will ease the exchange of business
information over the Internet.
Microsoft has released a draft of Microsoft®
BizTalk™ Framework 2.0, which provides open specifications for the
design and development of XML-based solutions that enable
communication between applications and organizations. The new
version is compliant with Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1
to increase interoperability across platforms and languages. Other
enhancements include specifications for reliable server-to-server
messaging that guarantees exactly-once delivery of business
documents over the Internet, and the addition of Multi-Part MIME
(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoding guidelines.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:32
EST/09:32 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Alex
Want to know how Microsoft will try to take over
the Web?
They'll use the same bag of tricks they used to
dominate the PC. And the most powerful trick is a morsel of computer
knowledge well known to developers but obscure to almost everyone
else: Application programming interfaces (APIs).
APIs are functions that allow software
applications to talk to one another. Control over them is a key
weapon Microsoft wields to make sure its software works better on
Windows -- which is just another software application -- than
anybody else's. The judge in the Microsoft antitrust case ruled that
Microsoft must make its APIs open and available and, of course,
Microsoft has balked and appealed.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:30
EST/09:30 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Alex
The years-long war of rhetoric between the
software industry's leading rivals ratcheted up another rung late
Tuesday after Oracle admitted it had hired a detective agency to
investigate Microsoft's allies.
In a prepared statement, Oracle
(Nasdaq: ORCL)
acknowledged that it had hired the detective agency of Investigative
Group International Inc. as part of a year-long effort to surface
the relationship between Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
and lobbying and trade groups supporting the software giant during
its antitrust fight with the government.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:26
EST/09:26 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Alex
Microsoft says that by Friday it expects to have
shipped out more than 3 million copies of its most crucial new
product: the Windows 2000 operating system for businesses.
The company said Windows 2000 sales remain strong
as computer makers ship PCs and servers, which run Internet sites
and corporate networks, with the software installed. Yet analysts
have said sales of Windows 2000 for servers, released in February,
are slower than they expected.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Headlines For Tuesday 27th June 2000 |
Me |
Time: 09:22
EST/14:22 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Today at PC EXPO 2000 Microsoft Corp. and Aether
Systems Inc. announced the launch of a simple and convenient
integrated wireless solution for Microsoft® Windows®-powered
Pocket PCs. Aether’s wireless Enterprise ISP service for Pocket
PCs will provide a single point of purchase where businesses can
obtain everything they need -- device, modem and service -- to get
customers or employees up and running with a wireless Pocket PC.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:22
EST/14:22 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Furthering its commitment to the Extensible Markup
Language (XML) and open industry standards, Microsoft Corp. today
released a draft of the MicrosoftÒ
BizTalk™ Framework version 2.0. This newest version of the BizTalk
Framework has been redefined to be SOAP 1.1 (Simple Object Access
Protocol) compliant, thereby allowing BizTalk Framework XML
documents to travel over a network in the form of SOAP messages. In
addition, version 2.0 has been extended to include specifications
for reliable server-to-server messaging, guaranteeing exactly-once
delivery of business documents over the Internet. Multi-Part MIME
(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoding guidelines also
have been added to the framework to support the inclusion of one or
more non-XML attachments within a BizTalk message. Microsoft BizTalk
Server 2000 will support BizTalk Framework 2.0 as the protocol for
reliable interoperability over the Internet.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:22
EST/14:22 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Franklin Electronic Publishers Inc. (NYSE: FEP), a
worldwide provider of handheld reading devices, and Microsoft Corp.
(Nasdaq "MSFT") today announced that the two companies
will work together to incorporate Microsoft® Reader into Franklin’s
new line of next-generation multimedia eBook devices.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 06:05
EST/11:05 GMT | News Source: BetaNews
| Posted By: Alex
Microsoft's Digital Dashboard Resource Kit 2.0 is
now available, this resource kit is "Microsoft's Internet
standards-based framework for creating Web Parts and customizable
digital dashboards." You can download it to learn about the so
called 'second-generation digital dashboards.' Digital Dashboards
are customizable by end users, and are presented new way to
distribute Web-based services to the desktop with 'Web Parts'. Check
out the Digital Dashboard Site for more info.
Or take a look at the Online Demo
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:00
EST/11:00 GMT | News Source: Microsoft
Daily News | Posted By: Alex
sooner Internet startups get to market, the sooner they can start
earning profits.
Now they'll be able to get online faster—and
with top-notch technology. Microsoft, Compaq and Intel have
announced a new program called speedStart, which provides products,
services and resources to help Internet startups rapidly deploy
scalable, reliable business solutions that build on the Microsoft®
Windows® DNA 2000 platform. Businesses can apply for membership and
find more information at the speedStart portal.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:58
EST/10:58 GMT | News Source: Microsoft
Daily News | Posted By: Alex
With the huge number of variables financial
services companies track, it’s no surprise that they demand
high-performance solutions.
And Microsoft, Intel Corporation and SunGard are
working together to provide those solutions. At the Securities
Industry Association's Technology Management Conference and Exhibit
last week, the three companies announced they are collaborating on
the first 64-bit eProcessing solutions for the financial services
industry to run on a 64-bit version of the Microsoft® Windows®
operating system and 64-bit Intel® Architecture (IA-64) Intel
Itanium™ processor-based systems. eProcessing refers to SunGard's
solutions for online trading and account services that automate and
integrate business-to-business processes.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:56
EST/10:56 GMT | News Source: Wired
| Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has won the browser war.
Over 86 percent of computers with Web browsers
have Internet Explorer installed, according to the latest
figures from research firm WebSideStory
Netscape's once-dominant browser has slipped to an
all-time low of just under 14 percent as of June 18, WebSideStory
A remarkable jump of 20 percent in the last two
months has cemented IE's position as market leader, and relegated
the firm that popularized the Web browser and the Internet to a
potential footnote in computing history.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:52
EST/10:52 GMT | News Source: Planet
Allegiance | Posted By: Alex
I just read on Planet Allegiance that the latest
Shadow Server version of Allegiance has been moved over to the
Retail servers! This means that the Rixians should be available for
Allegiance Zone subscribers. They have also posted the Readme file
of what changes have been done with this patch. Here is a snippet of
it, but for the full readme file head over to Planet
- User interface changes:
- If you have changes yout
input configuration, you will need to remap your keys.
- The pilots of a ship with
turrets can "promote" a turret gunner: the pilot
and gunner swap roles. Shift-Y, shift-U, shift-I &
shift-O to promote turret 1 - 4.
- Probes and minefields
display a "time left" bar in the "all"
radar mode.
- The radar icons for
treasures have changed slightly. In most radar modes:
- Treasures that will, if
recovered, give your side a new technology are shown
with a 'T' icon.
- Powerups are shown with
a lightning bolt icon.
- "Useful"
treasures (e.g. missiles that your ship can launch, or
ammo if you have a mounted weapon that uses ammo) are
shown with a "+" icon.
- If you are ripcording, the
sector mini-map will display a red triangle in the sectors
were you will ripcord to another ship and a red diamond in
the sectors where you will ripcord to either a teleport
probe or a teleport receiver.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 05:50
EST/10:50 GMT | News Source: 3DRage
| Posted By: Alex
have posted a Windows 2000 Tweak Guide. Here is a snippet of it:
Now that you've made the
transition to the Windows 2000 environment, or just have it set up
in a dual boot configuration as suggested in our Dual-Boot
Win98/Win2k guide, it's about time to do a little tweaking in
order to optimize your performance so that this operating system
will become even more powerful than it already is. While Windows
2000 is a substantially more powerful operating system than Windows
98, there are still hundreds of tweaks than can be applied as a
performance enhancer, or to make for easier accessibility to certain
folders or items of the operating system(like the tweak to put the
Control Panel on the Start Menu in Windows 98). This guide will be
an on-going process to keep users up to date with the best tweaks
for Windows 2000 as soon as they come to my attention.
You can read more of the Tweak Guide here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:40
EST/10:40 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Alex
Microsoft today announced it has submitted a new
Java-like software programming language to an industry standards
group, hoping to succeed where rival and Java creator Sun
Microsystems has failed.
As reported
earlier, Microsoft has proposed its new language, called C#
(pronounced "see sharp") to an industry standards body
called ECMA. As first
reported by CNET News.com, with C#, Microsoft aims to make it
easier and faster for software developers to build Web-based
services and is part of the company's new software strategy, announced
last week.
Analysts say C# offers features that are similar
to Java,
a programming language that has long been considered a threat to
Microsoft. Java is touted by Sun, IBM, Oracle and dozens of others
as the language developers can use to write software that is
compatible with all types of computers and operating systems.
Microsoft has in the past steered developers to write software that
runs only on Windows.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Windows Me To
MSDN Subscribers - Very Soon
Time: 05:22
EST/10:22 GMT | News Source: E-Mail | Posted By: Byron
Received an e-mail from the MSDN mailing lists
that states that Windows Me should appear on the subscribers
download page any time now (So assume this week like the press get
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:22
EST/10:22 GMT | News Source: Brad
Wardell | Posted By: Byron
Yesterday Microsoft outlined its .net
strategy.There is a good article on it at ZDNet about it. http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2592779,00.html?chkpt=zdhpnews01
Microsoft’s plan might seem foggy at first but
what it essentially amounts to is switching the focus from buying
products to subscribing to services. In a few years, a majority of
the computing public will be wired to the Internet via a high speed
connection. This will transform the way we work and play on
our computers.
There will be services that allow you to get your
daily work and play done (subscribing to access the latest/greatest
word processors and games) which we’ll call “content services”
and there will be a service underneath all this that connect you to
all your devices and data seamlessly which we’ll call ROOT.NET.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Server Change
Time: 05:22
EST/10:22 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
Byron Hinson
A quick note to tell you that our server change
over to an Windows 2000 machine should be happening any time in the
next day or so (Just await the change as everything is on the new
server already). There won't now be any downtime and updates will
start to continue from today onwards. This means ASP pages,
streaming Windows Media etc will start to be used on the site more
and more.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Headlines For Monday 26th June 2000 |
Me |
Time: 14:17
EST/19:17 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT
- news) today
announced Microsoft® C# (``C sharp''), a modern, object-oriented
programming language built from the ground up to exploit the power
of XML-based Web services on the .NET platform, which was announced
last week at Forum 2000. With its Visual C++® development system
heritage, C# will enable millions of C and C++ developers to use
existing skills to rapidly build sophisticated XML-based .NET
applications. To simplify integration and interoperability,
Microsoft is working with ECMA, an international standards body, to
create a standard for C#, enabling multiple vendors to deliver the
language and supporting tools. Full details about C# and related
technologies, as well as an early technical preview release, will be
provided at the upcoming Professional Developers Conference (PDC),
July 11, in Orlando, Fla.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:17
EST/19:17 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
European Competition Commissioner Mario Monti said Monday his
agency will continue to investigate Microsoft Corp.'s (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) alleged
anti-competitive behavior in Europe, no matter what happens in a
similar case in the United States or in the presidential race.
Microsoft is appealing a landmark court ruling it abused monopoly
power to prevent competitors from springing up to its Windows
operating system. A U.S. judge this month ordered the company split
in two to end the abuses, but delayed the break- up until appeals
are completed.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 10:07
EST/15:07 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
WebSideStory, Inc. (http://www.websidestory.com),
a provider of real-time Internet intelligence and Web audience
analysis, today reported that 86.08% of Internet surfers worldwide
use Microsoft Internet Explorer. The figure, as reported at
WebSideStory's StatMarket on June 18, 2000, represents an all-time
StatMarket (www.statmarket.com)
is an Internet intelligence service that gathers and reports data on
global Internet user trends. StatMarket's statistics are collected
from more than 50 million visitors a day to tens of thousands of Web
sites using WebSideStory's HitBox Web audience analysis technology.
StatMarket's information is gathered in real-time and reported
Usage of Internet Explorer has climbed steadily in the past 18
months, from 64.60% on Feb. 8,1999, StatMarket reported.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 10:07
EST/15:07 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
MediaBay, Inc. (Nasdaq: MBAY
- news), the
leading provider of premium spoken word audio content and products
in hard goods and digital download formats, announced today that Rob
Green, Business Development Manager, Digital Media Division at
Microsoft Corporation (Nasdaq: MSFT
- news), has joined
its Technology Advisory Board.
``Rob is a valuable addition to our Technology Advisory Board. He
has a strong background in emerging technologies, business
development and digital media. He also has significant experience
working with numerous digital media and technology companies. We are
confident that Rob will be an asset to our company as we continue to
execute our strategy to maintain and extend our leadership position
in the digital audio download space,'' said Michael Herrick, chief
executive officer and president of MediaBay, Inc.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:07
EST/15:07 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Justice Department lawyers might think it no coincidence that
Microsoft has chosen Sept. 14 as the release date for Windows Me. On
Sept. 14, 1901, President McKinley took his last gasp, eight days
after being shot by Leon Czolgosz. And in Microsoft's case, Windows
Me (Millennium Edition) will be the last gasp for Windows 98, which
was supposed to have been replaced by Windows 2000 but will instead
be replaced by something still in development, code-named Whistler.
Meanwhile, Windows 2000 is the new name for Windows NT. Is that
conspiracy, or what?
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Headlines For Thursday 22nd June 2000 |
Visions - Win Me |
Time: 14:20
EST/19:20 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
at Forum 2000, Microsoft announced a new generation of software,
called Microsoft .NET, that will enable every developer, business
and consumer to benefit from the powerful combination of a variety
of new Internet devices and programmable Web services that
characterize the Next Generation Internet. Melding the best of
computing and communications, and based on Internet standards such
as XML and SOAP, Microsoft .NET helps advance the Internet’s
transformation from HTML-based presentation to programmable
XML-based information. By giving customers the Web the way they want
it, Microsoft .NET services, products and tools will give businesses
the power to engage seamlessly and securely with customers and
partners, and provide consumers with an integrated, secure and
easy-to-use Internet experience.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 14:20
EST/19:20 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Byron
a new era of personal empowerment and business opportunity for
consumers, businesses and software developers, Microsoft Corp. today
unveiled the vision and road map for its next generation of software
and services, the Microsoft® .NET platform. Capitalizing
on the explosion of Internet-based computing and communications,
Microsoft .NET (pronounced "dot-net") will provide easier,
more personalized and more productive Internet experiences by
harnessing constellations of smart devices and Web sites with
advanced software through Internet protocols and formats.
This new family of Microsoft .NET products and
technologies replaces the previous working title of Next Generation
Windows Services (NGWS) and includes software for developers to
build next-generation Internet experiences as well as power a new
breed of smart Internet devices. Microsoft also announced plans for
new products built on the .NET platform, including new generations
of the Microsoft Windows® operating system, Windows DNA
servers, Microsoft Office, the MSN™ network of Internet services
and the Visual Studio® development system.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Internet Explorer 5.01 SP1 Mess Up
Time: 14:19
EST/19:19 GMT | News Source: E-Mail | Posted By: Byron
For those who haven't noticed yet, Microsoft has
removed the link relating to Internet Explorer 5.01 SP1 from there
website. This is because for the 2nd week in a row the web
publishers for Microsoft have posted about a product that wasn't
supposed to be launched yet (They posted that Internet Explorer 5.5
final was out a week or so ago). We will post here as soon as either
of them are available to download.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 11:07
EST/16:07 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Byron
Forget the possibility of company breakup. Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
officials and many market watchers have claimed that one of
Microsoft’s biggest stumbling blocks, in terms of product
development going forward, could be a court-mandated two-way breakup
of the Redmond, Wash., juggernaut. In reality, Microsoft's biggest
challenge in repositioning itself to sell software as a service will
come from within, according to companies that already have taken the
hosting and subscription-license plunges.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 11:06
EST/16:06 GMT | News Source: The
Register | Posted By: Byron
Compaq will not port Windows 2000 to the Alpha
processor, it confirmed today. That follows a report in WinInfo,
labelled exclusive, which suggested that the departure of senior VP
Enrico Pesatori had led to the firm changing its mind about the
platform. Richard George, marketing director of Compaq Europe,
firmly squashed the reports this morning.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:53
EST/10:53 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Microsoft's new chief software architect, Bill
Gates, will take the stage at the company's headquarters on Thursday
and reveal what he's been up to since he stepped down as chief
executive officer in January. According to analysts who watch the
company, it had better be good.
Microsoft is hosting a group of journalists and
analysts to discuss the company's technological roadmap, gathered
under the ungainly title of Next-Generation Windows Services. The
company hopes to bring the popular features of Windows and its
Microsoft Office software to the Internet, allowing customers to
access them through a Web browser for a subscription fee, instead of
purchasing the software all at once.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 05:53
EST/10:53 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Shares in Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news), dogged in
recent weeks by antitrust woes, jumped on Wednesday after the trial
judge froze a set of tough restrictions on its operations. Microsoft
opened about $2 a share higher and rose steadily to 80-11/16, up
5-3/4 on the Nasdaq. Volume was heavy, with 80.2 million shares
trading compared with a daily average of 38.6 million shares.
Microsoft was the most active stock on the exchange.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:52
EST/10:52 GMT | News Source: The
Register | Posted By: Byron
Just when you're getting used to the idea that
Windows ME really is the last of the Win9x line of operating
systems, you get a hint that maybe it's not, after all. Once upon a
time Win98 was officially the last of the Win9x line, but since then
Microsoft has put out two more upgrades, Win98 SE last year and now
Windows ME - the latter is almost certainly definitely the last, but
if it is, what's Tiger?
The Register has received information that
bugs logged from the ME development programme have been sent to a
mysterious new project, codenamed Tiger. Although we can't as yet
confirm the truth of this, the information is claimed to have come
from Microsoft developers who worked on Windows ME.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Headlines For Wednesday 21st June 2000 |
Goes To High Court |
Time: 18:25
EST/23:25 GMT | News Source: E-Mail | Posted By: Byron
For those of you who don't see a reason to wait
for Internet Explorer 5.5 - Microsoft has today released service
pack 1 for Internet Explorer 5.01. You can download it direct from
the Microsoft Internet Explorer website.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 17:59
EST/22:59 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft, Sun Microsystems and other operating
system vendors will try to impress the high-powered financial
services industry this week with top-of-the-line offerings.
The companies are expected to claim ownership of
the high-end crown at the Securities Industry Association show -- a
showcase event for vendors, integrators and customers in the
financial services market, where reliability and scalability are key
Microsoft is slated to provide an update on one of
its high-end operating system releases -- its 64-bit edition of
Windows 2000, a product that has yet to go to beta test, but which
company officials continue to promise will ship simultaneously with
Intel's IA-64 processor family at the end of this year. Microsoft
has offered a few previous sneak peaks of pre-alpha versions of this
release, the latest at Networld+Interop in early May.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 17:59
EST/22:59 GMT | News Source: Yahoo
| Posted By: Matthew
Shares in Microsoft Corp., dogged in recent weeks
by antitrust woes, rose 7 percent on Wednesday after the trial judge
froze a set of tough restrictions on its operations.
Microsoft opened about $2 a share higher and rose
steadily to 81-3/4, up 6-13/16, by late afternoon on the Nasdaq, its
highest level in two months. Volume was heavy, with 73.7 million
shares trading compared with a daily average of 38.6 million shares.
Microsoft's shares had tumbled from a 52-week high
of 119-15/16 set last December, falling as low as 60-3/8 following
the judge's April ruling against the company.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 17:40
EST/22:40 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft tomorrow plans to unveil its vision for
Web-based computing, as a looming antitrust battle and tougher
competition cloud the software giant's future.
Microsoft is expected to disclose a new strategy
to develop Internet-based software and services called Next
Generation Windows Services (NGWS). Chairman Bill Gates, CEO Steve
Ballmer and other executives are scheduled to announce the new
initiative at company headquarters in Redmond, Wash.
Along with fighting
government officials intent on breaking up the company--and
potentially derailing the new software strategy--Microsoft also is
battling competitors. While the company is promoting the
announcement as its biggest in five years, analysts say that other
software makers are embarking on the same road and that Microsoft
may be playing catch-up.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 13:09
EST/18:09 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Alex
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
is working with General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE)
to develop a standard for lightweight home-control networking. At
the Home Automation Show and Conference in Chicago, Microsoft
demonstrated a version of the Simple Control Protocol, a
lightweight, royalty-free networking technology for devices such as
smart appliances and home-control products. Microsoft said SCO is
compatible with universal plug-and-play technology.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 13:09
EST/18:09 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Alex
Making good on an earlier promise, Microsoft said
today it will add to its software a technology that controls how
much information Web users reveal.
Microsoft said it will include support for the
Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) specification in its Windows
operating system and Internet Explorer Web browser next year. The
P3P support will be part of the next version of Windows, code-named
Whistler. The new version will be based on Windows 2000 and targeted
at both home and business users.
P3P allows Web users to define what types of
information they are willing to give, as well as whether they mind
sharing that information with outside parties. Internet surfers will
receive a warning before visiting sites that go beyond that level.
Microsoft's embrace of P3P is expected to spur Web
sites and other software companies to embrace the privacy
technology. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an Internet
standards group, is working
to finish the P3P specification soon.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 05:40
EST/10:40 GMT | News Source: Microsoft
Daily News | Posted By: Alex
With more people storing sensitive files on
notebook PCs, security is a growing concern.
And in response, Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) has
released a new product that builds on the features of Microsoft®
Windows® 2000 Professional to protect the security of notebook PCs.
The HP Mobile ProtectTools 2000 Smart Card security kit, an
accessory available for all HP OmniBook notebook PCs running Windows
2000, capitalizes on key security features in the operating system
to protect and authenticate sensitive user data and safeguards data
in an encrypted, tamper-proof removable smart card.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:35
EST/10:35 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Alex
In a split decision that awarded something to each
side, the judge in the Microsoft antitrust case on Tuesday sent the
software maker's appeal directly to the Supreme Court for
consideration, acting under a special law that permits the judge to
bypass an intermediate court.
That was something that the government had urged
upon U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, who was
considering Microsoft's request to send the case to the appellate
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:33
EST/10:33 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Alex
Alexander Seropian, founder and CEO of game
developer Bungie Software Products Corp., told MacCentral that its acquisition
by Microsoft Corp. will stretch, not break, Bungie's current line of
Mac and Windows titles.
Seropian put an optomistic spin on the future of Bungie's
products, its corporate culture and its employees. He also commented
on the most pressing question many Mac gamers have -- the fate of
the company's long-awaited Halo title.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:15
EST/10:15 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) is set to
unveil a sweeping plan to fuse its software with the Internet, even
as it battles the U.S. government's antitrust suit stemming from its
earlier attempt to do just that.
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Thursday is to
reveal details of so-called Next Generation Windows Services, a
strategy he has hammered out during the six months in his new job as
the company's ``chief software architect''.
The announcement is Microsoft's most significant
since Gates' ``Pearl Harbor'' speech in December, 1995 that marked
the company's assault on cyberspace and led to its Internet browser
software that lies at the heart of its current antitrust woes.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:14
EST/10:14 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Byron Hinson
judge in the Microsoft antitrust case sent the company's appeal
directly to the Supreme Court, and suspended stringent business
restrictions of the software giant he had ordered to take effect in
If the Supreme Court decides to keep the case, a
resolution of the landmark trial could come as soon as next year, as
the government has urged. Alternatively, the high court could send
it to the U.S. Court of Appeals to hear first, which Microsoft
U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson
ordered the break-up of the company June 7 to prevent future
antitrust violations, but suspended the split until all appeals were
finished. Jackson also ordered temporary business restrictions that
were to take effect on Sept. 5.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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