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Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 2
Date: Thursday 20th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Site
Name Change |
- Site News: Site name change
update & the legal stuff
Time: 21:11
EST/02:11 GMT News Source: Active
Network Posted By: Active
As you can already probably tell - we have decided
to change our name. A few sites are going to be posting about what
Microsoft asked us to do later so we thought we would give you a
heads up on what this was really about. Again you can post a comment
about it by mailing
us or posting a note in our community
message board.
Below is the letter we received
from the Microsoft legal department...We would like to make it clear
that we did reply to Microsoft's original letter (and to this one)
despite what it says here, they were actually the ones who did not
get back to us, not the other way around. We agreed that they were
right about the logo....not necessarily right about the name. We
would also like to press the fact that we have been called
ActiveWindows for almost two years, we are also a Microsoft MVP
resource site and have had no problems until recently when we were
wrongly accused by a beta coordinator at Microsoft for posting
Millennium beta screenshots on our site (Something which we have
always strongly denied) which readers of our site would know has
never been so, after this happened - the coordinator sent all our
site details to Microsoft's legal team. The problem there was that
we had no one to complain about the false accusations so we were
stuck with it.
As a final note We have decided we
now have to change the name because we can't compete with the money
Microsoft has
Re: Microsoft Corporation
Misuse of WINDOWS Trademark www.
Our Reference:
Dear Mr. Stein:
We have not received a
response to our November 2, 1999, letter (copy enclosed for your
A review of your web site confirms
that Microsoft's Flag Logo has been removed. Thank you for your
cooperation in making this change. We must also ask that your web
site be revised to remove all prominent, trademark-type references
to "ACTIVEWINDOWS." We have enclosed a copy of one of your
web pages with the objectionable uses highlighted. A suitable
alternate term would be "ACTIVEWIN.COM." Once these
changes have been confirmed, we will consider this matter resolved.
Very truly yours,
November 2, 1999
Re: www.activewin.com
Misuse of WINDOWS'
Trademark and Logo
Dear Mr. Stein:
We represent
Microsoft Corporation in trademark and unfair competition matters.
Your use of the "WINDOWS" trademark and the Windows Flag
Logo in the title of your "activewin.com" web site has
recently come to our attention. Enclosed is a copy of your web
site's title page showing this use. We are writing to request that
you correct this misuse of Microsoft's trademarks for
"WINDOWS" and the Flag Logo and cease using
"ActiveWindows" as a trade name and service mark.
As you may know,
Microsoft has been using the trademark "WINDOWS" since
.1983 in connection with its computer software products. Microsoft
has spent over $220 million to advertise and promote products sold
under its "WINDOWS" trademark. Over 105 million copies of
Microsoft's "WINDOWS" products have been distributed
throughout the world. As a result of this extensive use and
advertisement, the "WINDOWS" mark has gained strong
consumer recognition and become one of Microsoft's most valuable
assets. The "WINDOWS" trademark and the Windows Flag Logo
are protected by trademark registrations around the world, including
U.S. Trademark Registration Nos. 097,935, 1,872,264 and 1,875,069.
While we appreciate your
enthusiasm and support for Microsoft's products, the use of
"WINDOWS" and the Windows Flag Logo conflicts with
Microsoft's trademark rights. As a trademark owner, Microsoft must
take reasonable efforts to police misuse of its marks. We ask that
you change the title of your web site to remove both "WINDOWS"
and the Windows Flag Logo.
We are interested in resolving
this matter amicably and would appreciate your cooperation in
correcting this misuse. Please call me or of our office after you
have had an opportunity to review this letter.
Very truly yours,
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- Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS00-002) - Patch Available for "Malformed
Conversion Data" Vulnerability
Time: 16:56
EST/21:56 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Product Security Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in a utility that converts Japanese, Korean
and Chinese Microsoft(r) Word(r) 5 documents to more-recent formats.
The primary shipment vehicles for the utility are the Japanese,
Korean and Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional) versions of
Word and PowerPoint(r) for Windows. (A comprehensive listing of
affected products is provided below) The vulnerability could allow
arbitrary code to be executed on a machine that opened a
specially-modified Word 5 document using an affected version of the
Read more here.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Offers a Hand With Taxes
Time: 12:32
EST/17:32 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
You have only 89 days until the taxman cometh.
This year, Microsoft wants to come to your rescue. No, Bill Gates
won't pay your taxes, but he might have tools to help you tackle
them. While you'll probably never feel comfortable shelling out
hard-earned cash to Uncle Sam (unless you're a multibillionaire),
starting on Wednesday Microsoft is bringing TaxSaver software
online, and is adding other tools to its MoneyCentral site, to help
you with the process.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Intel,
memory makers form DRAM alliance
Time: 12:24
EST/17:24 GMT News Source: InfoWorld
Posted By: Alex
Five memory chip
makers, which between them account for more than 80 percent of the
global dynamic memory market, aligned with Intel this week to
cooperatively develop the next generation of Advanced DRAM
Technology (ADT), according to Intel officials.
Hyundai MicroElecronics, Infineon, Micron, NEC,
and Samsung will work with Intel to assess all existing memory
technology applications and co-develop a unified ADT expected to
come to market sometime in 2003.
News] [Return To
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- Microsoft
Time: 12:24
EST/17:24 GMT News Source: Upside
Today Posted By: Alex
On January 13th, USA Today reported that an inside
source at the US Department of Justice was leaning toward a breakup
of Microsoft. Later that same day, Microsoft announced that Bill
Gates was giving up the CEO position to Steve Ballmer. And all of
this a mere two days after the announcement of AOL's merger with
Time Warner.
The timing of these events was probably just an
odd coincidence. But one thing is certain. Bill Gates stepping down
as CEO of Microsoft is a major milestone in the high technology
industry. Gates is without doubt high-tech's greatest titan. A move
of this magnitude indicates not only major change at Microsoft, but
also a huge sea change for the industry.
News] [Return To
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- Microsoft
Donates $344 Million in Software To Worldwide Initiative to Train
400,000 Teachers
Time: 12:22
EST/17:22 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced a $344 million
donation of software (estimated retail value) and program support to
a worldwide industry initiative to train more than 400,000 classroom
teachers to use technology to improve teaching and learning. This
support for the newly announced Intel Teach to the Future program is
the single largest software donation in the company's history and
builds on Microsoft's longtime commitment to teacher training.
Today's announcement is in response to the ongoing
worldwide focus on improving teacher quality, particularly in the
area of technology skills. In the United States, a recent Department
of Education report found that four out of five classroom teachers
do not feel prepared to use technology as part of daily instruction.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
offers ThinkPads for -- $1?
Time: 12:18
EST/17:18 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Things you can buy for one dollar: a bottle of
soda, two cans of tuna fish, an IBM laptop computer. Or so said IBM's
Web site, which for "a couple of hours" on Tuesday
erroneously offered ThinkPad i Series models 1421 and 1441 laptop
computers for $1.00. The models normally list for $1,499 and $1,899.
The company, which has been aggressively marketing
its Global Services electronic commerce consulting business, said
the error occurred Tuesday morning when an upgrade of the Web site (www.ibm.com)
resulted in what a company spokesman called "a bad data
feed," which caused the deep discount to be displayed for
"a couple of hours."
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- Gates
holds stake in gas and electricity concern
Time: 12:17
EST/17:17 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) Chairman Bill Gates said
on Thursday he holds a 5.01 percent interest in Avista Corp., a
provider of electricity and natural gas in the Northwestern United
States. Gates, the world's richest man, disclosed in a filing with
the Securities and Exchange Commission that he holds 1,787,500
common shares in Avista.
News] [Return To
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- Diamond
branching into Web tablets
Time: 12:15
EST/17:15 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
One day after Transmeta came out of hiding, the
company's first partner is set to follow. Diamond Multimedia will
announce a "Web pad" device using Transmeta's Crusoe chip
today, people familiar with the company's plans said at an event
here yesterday. Diamond, which makes such hardware as modems and
video acceleration chips, recently began manufacturing a portable
MP3 player and has previously flirted with tablet-sized computers.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Intel
seeks to ban import of Via chipsets
Time: 12:13
EST/17:13 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Intel has filed yet another complaint against
chipmaker Via Technologies, this time asking a government agency to
bar the Taiwanese company from importing products to the United
States. The giant chipmaker has filed a complaint with the U.S.
International Trade Commission to bar Via from importing, among
other products, its Apollo Pro chipsets, which work with Intel's
Celeron and Pentium III processors, said Chuck Mulloy, an Intel
News] [Return To
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- Possibility
Of Microsoft Settlement Improves
Time: 05:57
EST/10:57 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex
The possibility of settlement in the Microsoft
antitrust suit has improved despite speculation that the government
is calling for a breakup of the software giant, antitrust case
watchers said Tuesday.
Rumors were rife last week that the Department of
Justice and 19 states had agreed to break
up the company as a condition to settle. The DOJ hedged,
Microsoft was indignant. "Such a strategy enhances
settlement," said Hillard Sterling, an antitrust attorney at
Gordon & Glickson in Chicago. "It's a solid strategy to
begin with pie-in-the-sky demands and then negotiate downward."
News] [Return To
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- RealNetworks
wins ban on 'streaming VCR'
Time: 05:41
EST/10:41 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
RealNetworks has won the latest round in its legal
tussle with streaming media 'video recorder' software specialist
Streambox. Following a setback ten days ago, when US District Judge
Marsha J Pechman refused to grant RealNetworks a preliminary
injunction against Streambox products on the grounds she needed more
time to decide the issue, RealNetworks has now been granted that
News] [Return To
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- Microsoft
Launches Free Electronic Forms To Help Schools Streamline Workflow
and Increase Collaboration
Time: 05:29
EST/10:29 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
When Kim Greer, senior Internet administrator at
the Spring Branch Independent School District in Houston, gets a
written note reading "My computer doesn't work," it can
take as many as two visits and four phone calls before she has the
information she needs to fix the problem. "I lose a lot of time
before I can start troubleshooting," Greer said. She is one of
a team of educators working with Microsoft to help schools better
manage information and streamline administration processes with
easy-to-use, customizable electronic forms.
The new Education E-mail and Collaboration Forms,
which are built on the Microsoft® Outlook® messaging and
collaboration client and Microsoft Exchange Server, help schools
manage a wide range of information, including requests for
maintenance service, absence reports, school facility scheduling and
substitute teachers. The forms are free, downloadable from the
Microsoft Education Web site and easy for schools to customize
(connect-time charges may apply).
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- Steve
Jobs receives $1B in stock options -- and a jet
Time: 05:27
EST/10:27 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
(Nasdaq: AAPL)
said it is rewarding CEO Steve Jobs with stock options to purchase
10 million shares of Apple common stock and a Gulfstream V airplane.
At current market prices, the stock option would be worth about $1
billion. "Apple's market cap has risen from less than $2
billion to over $16 billion under Steve's leadership since his
return to the Company two and a half years ago," said Apple
Board member Ed Woolard. "Steve has taken no compensation thus
far, and we are therefore delighted to give him this airplane in
appreciation of the great job he has done for our shareholders
during this period." Jobs' salary will remain $1 a year.
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- Sun-Netscape
Alliance readies enterprise server upgrade
Time: 05:24
EST/10:24 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
The Sun-Netscape Alliance announced Wednesday it
will release in early March the iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise
Edition 4.1, formerly the Netscape Enterprise Server. The latest
upgrade includes support for the Java 2 platform (including
JavaServer Pages 1.1 and Java Servlets 2.2) and the Linux operating
system. The server, which does not include Enterprise JavaBean
support, competes with Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Information Server
and the open-source Apache server. Many experts recommend using a
Web server to deliver pages containing static information. However,
JSP and servlet support provides capabilities for lower-level
dynamic content.
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- MapQuest
Investors Eye AOL Warily
Time: 05:22
EST/10:22 GMT News Source: Washington
Post Posted By: Alex
America Online Inc. soon will face the first test
of investor confidence in its recently announced marriage to Time
Warner Inc. As AOL stock continues to swoon while shareholders
remain jittery and unsure about how to value the merger--shares have
fallen about 18 percent since Jan. 10--some investors of
MapQuest.com Inc. are watching with trepidation.
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- Chairman
role has new meaning in tech industry
Time: 05:14
EST/10:14 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Faster, quicker, younger. Like many things related
to technology, the pace at which chief executives pass the baton to
new torchbearers is accelerating. Tech CEOs typically started their
companies, reaching the corporate peak at an early stage in a
company's life, as well as their own. As a result, when they step
away from the day-to-day CEO tasks to become chairman, they're far
more active in setting long-term strategy and less inclined to be
mere advisers.
News] [Return To
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Date: Wednesday 19th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Site
News - Win 2k Final On MSDN |
- Site News: Microsoft Request Us
To Stop Using The Name "ActiveWindows"
Time: 15:24
EST/20:24 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Well now, we've had more fun with Microsoft's
Legal department today. You may remember a couple of months back we
were forced to change our logo because Microsoft said it was against
their logo program, although it was a bit of an annoyance, we didn't
mind changing it as we always planned to at some point anyway. Well
today we get another call and letter from Microsoft's Legal
department saying thanks for changing the logo but can you now cease
from using the name "ActiveWindows" as they say it is
misusing the Windows trademark and giving Windows a bad name
We would like you to comment about this either by e-mailing
us or by writing a message
on our message board so Microsoft can see it. We doubt it'll
make a difference but anyway.
We would also like to publicly state that we are
having our lawyers look into it and a decision will be made early
next month, oh and one last thing - we know who made the complaint
about this, just like she did for the logo but we're used to that
windows badly coordinated beta department being (how do we put this)
difficult so we're used to it.
News] [Return To
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- February
Training Month for Microsoft Windows 2000 Further Prepares IT Work
Force for Final Release of Product
Time: 15:36
EST/20:36 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that it
anticipates more than 30,000 additional IT professionals worldwide
will be trained on the Microsoft® Windows®
2000 operating system as part of February Training Month, designed
to prepare the industry and ready customers for the release of the
final Windows 2000 product. Microsoft has been preparing IT
professionals for the business operating system's release since
April 1999. Highlights of February Training Month include
discounted, one-day hands-on Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC)
training courses delivered by the Microsoft Certified Technical
Education Center (Microsoft CTEC) channel; Technology Week, a
one-week event providing professional trainers with information on
Microsoft Windows 2000 and other related sessions; and four new
TechNet briefing sessions to optimize IT professionals' solutions
based on the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Provides Two Comprehensive Tax Resources To Ease the Pain of Tax
Time: 15:35
EST/20:35 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Just in time for Americans to open the W-2 forms
that are landing in their mailboxes, Microsoft Corp. today announced
that its comprehensive tax resources are now available to help
consumers reduce the hassle, pain and anxiety associated with
preparing and filing their taxes this season. Consumers who prefer a
CD-based product can choose the new Microsoft® TaxSaver™
tax preparation software that arrived on store shelves last month.
TaxSaver offers an easy, step-by-step method for preparing and
filing accurate returns. For consumers interested in an online
solution, the MSN™ MoneyCentral™ online personal finance service
offers a wide range of tax resources on the Internet, including free
online filing for 1040EZ tax forms. Consumers can take advantage of
the award-winning online personal finance resource to easily
research, prepare and file their taxes from beginning to end, or as
an online companion to TaxSaver.
News] [Return To
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- Microsoft
TechNet Offers New and Unique Resources to IT Professionals
Time: 15:34
EST/20:34 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the redesign and
immediate availability of the TechNet Web site for IT professionals
at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/.
In addition to the Web site redesign, Microsoft will offer a Windows®
2000 Discussion Forum and 15 new TechNet sessions, nine of which are
focused on the Microsoft® Windows 2000 operating system.
"IT professionals have told us they want one
location where they can find the latest technical information about
Microsoft products and solutions as well as a better way to plug
into the Microsoft peer network to discuss current technical issues
and share information," said Rosa Garcia, director of TechNet
at Microsoft. "Microsoft is committed to providing innovative,
all-inclusive resources to IT professionals through the TechNet
program, and the new redesign of the TechNet Web site offers
customers a flexible, powerful knowledge source that can be
customized to address their specific organizational needs and
provide a launch pad for peer-to-peer interaction."
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- Lotus
lashes out over MS Exchange v Domino test
Time: 14:59
EST/19:59 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
What had been a little local skirmish between
Microsoft and Lotus over Notes may be escalating into a war, despite
the fixed smiles of chumminess following Lotus' decision this week
to offer MS Outlook with Notes.
Microsoft had of course hoped that Notes would
fall to Exchange as had 1-2-3 fallen to Excel many years earlier,
but it didn't happen. From time to time, Microsoft ran a campaign to
show that "independent research" purported to prove that
Exchange Server was "preferred by IT administrators", was
"easier, faster than Lotus Domino" or that it
"outperformed" Domino. The skirmishes were punctuated by
announcements that Lotus and Microsoft would "promote
interoperability on the Web" with IE4 (July 1997), or integrate
Windows Media Technologies into Lotus Notes and Domino" (last
September). The recent trouble started on 10 January when Microsoft
announced that "an independent laboratory test" showed
that "Exchange leads in email performance". It turned out
that the lab was ZD Labs.
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- Transmeta
chips to run Linux, Windows, attack Intel x86
Time: 14:57
EST/19:57 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Just hours before the big gig where Transmeta's
super-secret was due to be revealed, company CEO Dave Ditzel blew it
by spilling his guts to Dow Jones Newswires. We shouldn't be too
hard on the lad, as spinmeisters and top flight execs alike
generally melt when confronted by the Mighty Dow, but even so -
Transmeta was supposed to be the big secret, and it's a bit
careless of the boss to spoil the party. But it's happened now.
There are two chips initially, the 400MHz 3120, aimed at appliances
running Linux, among other things, and the 5400, running at 700MHz
and aimed at Windows portables.
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- Palm
loses ground to WinCE over Xmas
Time: 14:55
EST/19:55 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
The Palm handheld platform continued to maintain a
strong lead over Windows CE in the US last month, according to the
latest data from market researcher NPD Intelect. Palm Computing
ended the year with a marketshare of 73.6 per cent, up 8.1 per cent
on December 1998. Windows CE took around 25 per cent, divided
between products from Casio, Sharp, Hewlett-Packard and Compaq.
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- Microsoft
Beefs up Security Center
Time: 04:42
EST/09:42 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Microsoft plans to keep your information safe and
secure and educate you in the process, a company executive declares.
Part of that vision involves re-launching the
company's around-the-clock Security Response Center, for which
Microsoft promises a 24-hour response time to every customer report.
Brian Valentine, Microsoft's senior vice president of Windows,
described the company's plans in a keynote at the RSA Data Security
Conference here this week.
On Microsoft's security Web site, you'll find
information on security, cryptography, and firewalls, as well as
products. The site also provides patches or work-around solutions,
and posts bulletins.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- ValiCert
digital certificate validation enhances Windows 2000 e-commerce
Time: 04:27
EST/09:27 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
With Microsoft® Windows® 2000, validating a
digital certificate can be as easy as verifying a credit card.
ValiCert Inc., a leading provider of electronic
transaction solutions, has announced that its Global VA Service root
keys will be embedded in Windows 2000. The solution enables any
secure Windows 2000-based application to automatically verify all
digital certificates before trusting them for Internet transactions,
resulting in improved e-commerce security.
"Microsoft is pleased to be able to offer its
customers the enhanced security made possible through the inclusion
of the ValiCert root keys in Windows 2000," said Brian
Valentine, senior vice president of the Windows Division at
Microsoft. "Certificate validation is truly a critical
requirement to ensure trust in e-business transactions, and we look
forward to continuing our ongoing relationship with ValiCert."
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- HP
quietly adopts AMD's Athlon chip
Time: 04:25
EST/09:25 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
True to its button-down culture, Hewlett-Packard
has been quietly shipping consumer PCs using AMD's Athlon processor
to some retail outlets and will likely begin to sell them on the Web
by early March.
Since the beginning of the month, Hewlett-Packard
has been selling Athlon-based Pavilion models in Sam's Clubs and
Costco stores, an HP spokesman confirmed. The PC maker is expected
to start selling them on its Web site by late February or early
March, sources have said. Although wider distribution is likely, the
decision to sell the Athlon systems online may not yet be final, the
spokesman said.
With HP adopting the chip, AMD has persuaded four
out of the top five PC makers to manufacture Athlon consumer
systems. Dell remains the holdout. Gateway said it would start using
Athlon chips earlier this month, after deciding to not release an
Athlon PC last year. AMD could not be reached for comment.
HP's use of the chip is the latest victory for
AMD, which will announce earnings for the fourth quarter tomorrow
after the market closes. AMD is expected to report earnings of 1
cent a share for the quarter, according to a consensus of analysts
compiled by First Call.
Although this will amount to a profit of around $1.5 million, AMD
hasn't posted a profit since the fourth quarter of 1998. The company
is expected to report losses for 1999 in the range of $350 million.
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- Excite@Home
Usenet death penalty lifted
Time: 04:23
EST/09:23 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Excite@Home averted a Usenet "death
penalty" today by reducing an excessive amount of newsgroup
postings emanating from spammers.
The self-appointed administrators of Usenet, a
computer bulletin board system containing topic-specific messages,
have agreed to lift a proposed
measure that would have blocked many newsgroup postings
originating from Excite@Home servers.
The Redwood City, Calif., company said the
unwanted messages have stemmed from spammers taking advantage of
misconfigured software used by some subscribers. As a result, some
spam, or junk email, appears to be originating from Excite@Home
users but is actually generated by another source.
"Because of the rapid and positive response
from the people at Excite@Home Network, the Usenet Death Penalty
originally announced to go into effect at the close of business
(Tuesday) has been lifted," Usenet spam tracker David Ritz
wrote today in an email.
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- Microsoft:
We didn't break the law
Time: 04:21
EST/09:21 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft Corp. stood its ground against
government trustbusters Tuesday with its latest legal filing to U.S.
District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson.
Citing copyright laws, a 1998 appeals court
ruling and Jackson's findings of fact, Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
claimed it is not a monopoly and did not break federal antitrust
laws by tying Internet Explorer to Windows or striking exclusionary
agreements with its partners.
In a 70-page filing, Microsoft responded to
charges by the U.S. Department of Justice and 19 state attorneys
general that the company violated both sections of the Sherman
Antitrust Act in at least four ways.
Tuesday's filing follows Jackson's Nov. 5 findings
of fact, which declared Microsoft a predatory monopolist.
In Microsoft's filing, the company argued that,
even based on Jackson's findings, it didn't break the law.
"Needless to say, Microsoft respectfully disagrees with many of
the Court's findings of fact and believes that they are unsupported
by the record," the filing stated.
The Entire Document ( RTF )
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- Windows
2000 Final Now Available On MSDN
Time: 03:43
EST/08:43 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
As expected, Microsoft yesterday released the
final version of Windows 2000 to MSDN subscribers a couple of days
early. So for those lucky enough to have a subscription, what are
you waiting for?
News] [Return To
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Date: Tuesday 18th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Win
2k & 128 Bit Encryption - The Haunting Review - Flink Ink
- CorelDraw 9 Review |
- Supreme
Court lets domain fees stand
Time: 17:28
EST/22:28 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday let stand a
ruling that the fees charged by Network Solutions Inc. for
registration and renewal of Internet addresses do not represent
unconstitutional, unauthorized taxes, as Congress approved their
The high court, without any comment or dissent,
rejected an appeal by a group of nine individuals or companies that
sued Network
Solutions (Nasdaq: NSOL)
and the National Science Foundation, a federally financed agency
that had a cooperative agreement with the company.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Lotus
to allow Domino access from Microsoft Outlook
Time: 17:27
EST/22:27 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
While Lotus says it is not ceding victory to
archrival Microsoft in a long-running messaging software market war,
it is certainly extending an olive branch.
At its annual user conference here, the company is
set to announce today that it will allow users of Microsoft's
Outlook client software to link to its Domino Web server software
across corporate networks. The move is significant, since for years
Lotus and Microsoft have fiercely defended their proprietary
messaging products.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
beats estimates with another big quarter
Time: 17:25
EST/22:25 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Although much of the focus on Microsoft lately has
been on lawsuits and executives switches, the company today got back
to its strong suit--profits--by reporting higher than expected
quarterly earnings of 47 cents a share, excluding extraordinary
Benefiting from growing demand for PCs loaded with
Microsoft operating systems and software, the company reported
earnings of 47 cents per share, on revenues of $6.11 billion. This
is up from split-adjusted earnings of 36 cents per share for the
same period last year and revenues of $5.2 billion. First Call
analysts expected the company to report earnings of 42 cents per
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
scoffs at government findings
Time: 17:23
EST/22:23 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft today disagreed with a federal judge's
findings that strongly suggest the software maker violated U.S.
antitrust law.
As reported
earlier, Microsoft filed proposed "conclusions of law"
today in its landmark antitrust case with the Justice Department and
19 states. The government filed
a similar document--but one that supported U.S. District Judge
Thomas Penfield Jackson's findings of fact--on Dec. 6.
Microsoft took the offense early in the filing,
relying on more than 20 years of precedents to show that, in legal
terms, it did not violate two sections of the Sherman Act.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Intel
Delivers Trusted Network Security Solutions With New Family of
Time: 17:21
EST/22:21 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Alex
Intel Corporation today announced, during the
ninth annual RSA Conference, its new family of Intel® PRO/100 S
network security-enabled adapters, which help accelerate network
security over the local area network (LAN) and are designed for
today's e-business network environment. In addition, Greg Lang, vice
president and general manager, Intel's Network Interface Division,
will deliver a keynote presentation during the conference on Jan. 19
entitled, ``Security Building Blocks for e-business.''(b)
Featuring an on-board network encryption
co-processor, the Intel® PRO/100 S Management Adapter and the
Intel® PRO/100 S Server Adapter help enable higher performance and
end-to-end security within the LAN to safeguard continuously the
confidentiality and integrity of data that flows between the
personal computer (PC) and the network server.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Zero-Knowledge
hires Mozilla's "international incident"
Time: 16:57
EST/21:57 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
A company devoted to keeping Net users' identities
under wraps is planning to take its software out in the open.
Systems, a Canadian firm whose Freedom software lets users
conceal their identities online, today said it had hired Mike
Shaver, who is currently winding
up his short tenure heading developer relations and evangelism
for America Online's open source browser development group,
The Canadian Shaver, whose whimsical title at
Mozilla was "international incident," will be chief
software officer at Zero-Knowledge.
Hiring Shaver signals the company's plans to move
its software into open source development, in which the underlying
source code is published, volunteer developers can work on it, and
people and companies can use it under the terms of a public license.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- CorelDRAW
9 Review
Time: 16:57
EST/21:57 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
has posted his review of CorelDraw 9. Here is a snippet of the
Corel doesn't just want you to be
able to edit some images or fool around with a print-shop knock off.
They want to give you the best of all graphics worlds, and package
them all together, in one box. They want to call it CorelDRAW 9. And
they have.
The box weighs at least 5lbs, and
it contained tons of stuff. I must admit, it frightened me to see
not one, but three user's guides, three discs (not including the
CorelSTUDIO demo that is included), and 35 pages of a feature list.
That's a lot of stuff. But, there are a lot of features too.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Flink
Ink: Embedded Linux Strategies
Time: 16:53
EST/21:53 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
As an old (junior-grade) UNIX™ guru, I'm well
aware of the (pre-) history of Linux and the Open Source movement.
Spare me a few moments while I describe the first UNIX wave and
draw some parallels with the current explosion of interest in Linux.
If Windows is your thing, don't turn away! It doesn't
matter which side of the fence you stand on, the fence will still be
there! ....besides, the grass is always greener on the other side,
Part of the success of UNIX was timing. This
portable, cheap, and very coherent OS appeared at just the right
time to catch the introduction of the minicomputer. The
"mini" meant an order-of-magnitude drop in the cost of
computing. It also meant there wasn't enough profit in computer
sales to support a proprietary operating system from each vendor.
Every vendor's OS development shop was under pressure to match the
hardware scale-change with operating software for one-tenth the cost
of the prior generation. Further, the customers were suffering
out-of-control training costs as more and more relatively
inexpensive minicomputers with incompatible operating systems made
there way into the organization. A major change was required. A
portable, vendor independent OS was just the ticket.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Flink
Ink: Thunder in the Clouds: AOL-TW, DoJ & Microsoft
Time: 16:51
EST/21:51 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
The gods on mount Olympus have seriously
rearranged the furniture this week! The news the first week of Y2K
was how quietly the year passed. Apparently the gods had been
hunkered down in their bunkers waiting for the predicted disasters
to strike. In stunning contrast, this week they came out with
lightening bolts and thunder galore!
As everyone on the planet knows by now, AOL and
Time-Warner have agreed to merge in a stock swap with AOL's Steve
Case leading the combined company. Though the merger of Internet
with the mainstream media has been talked about for years (e.g. Web
TV, Interactive Television, Cable Modems, etc.) nothing so bold was
expected so quickly. This truly is a Y2K-class event, a deal for the
new millennium! In this editorial I'll try to summarize why this is
such a stunning move and analyze a bit of the fall out from the
perspective of us "e-Developers".
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
2000 to Deliver 128-Bit Encryption Abroad
Time: 16:41
EST/21:41 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Alex
News we posted about last
month but no one took any notice of it - anyway, here is the PR:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT
- news) today
announced that the Windows® 2000 operating system will be the first
platform with 128-bit encryption to be shipped internationally under
the federal regulations on encryption exports announced Jan. 14,
2000. Microsoft worked closely with U.S. government regulators to
obtain the necessary approvals to ship Windows 2000 with strong
encryption to worldwide customers, irrespective of industry or
Previously, international
customers with increased security needs had to buy additional
software and add on strong encryption. International customers will
now be able to benefit from built-in 128-bit encryption in
Microsoft® Windows 2000 when it ships. This eliminates delays and
restrictions associated with individual export licenses.
``Windows 2000 will be the most
secure operating system Microsoft has ever shipped, and we are
excited to be able to further extend this security for our
international customers via 128-bit encryption,'' said Brian
Valentine, senior vice-president of the Windows Division at
Microsoft. ``In addition, we are pleased to have worked so closely
with the federal government in developing a security solution that
benefits all international computer users.''
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Digital
receipts for brick-and-mortar sales?
Time: 16:39
EST/21:39 GMT News Source: ComputerWorld
Posted By: Alex
Within a year to 18 months, shoppers could be able
to opt for an XML-based digital receipt that can be viewed through
their Web browsers under a proposed standard NCR
Corp. unveiled last night in conjunction with Visa International
Inc., Office Depot Inc. and several major high-tech vendors.
Backers said consumers no longer would have to
worry about losing receipts, since they'd have an always-available
record that could be used for warranty and potentially even tax
purposes. The digital receipts also could benefit businesses that
want to better manage and track employee purchases made with
procurement cards, proponents said.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Athlon
1GHz Review Part 2: Synthetic Benchmarks
Time: 16:25
EST/21:25 GMT News Source: CPU
Review Posted By: Alex
CPU Review
have posted part two of their 1Ghz Athlon review. This part covers
synthetic benchmarks; and includes results from:
- Final Reality
- 3DMark 99 Max
- 3DMark 2000
- Indy3D
- RC5 client
- Pov-Ray
- Sandra 99
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Camera
Connect Pro Review
Time: 16:21
EST/21:21 GMT News Source: CPU
Review Posted By: Alex
CPU Review
have posted a review of the Camera Connect Pro. Here is a snippet of
the review:
Digital cameras are fantastic, but
don't you just HATE downloading images from your camera? I've been
getting REAL tired of downloading 24Mb at 115.2kbps (or hooking up
my laptop to the network and using a CompactFlash to PCMCIA
converter). Quite frankly the hassle of downloading pictures from my
"workhorse" camera (a Kodak DC200) has limited how much I
use it.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Crusoe Processor News
Time: 16:16
EST/21:16 GMT News Source: Betafiles.com
Posted By: Alex
Introducing the Crusoe Processor from Transmeta,
a brand new architecture, a new rival in today's world of limited
choice, this could be big, this could be huge. This project has the
backing of Linux, lets just hope that Microsoft follow suit. This
processor appears to be a new mobile processor, able to run under
ANY architecture that is currently available. More news as it
breaks. The processor is going to be launched on January 19th at 9am
PST (12 midday EST) (5pm GMT), with the website going live 3 hours
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Win2K
RAM Requirements and Pagefile Size
Time: 16:11
EST/21:11 GMT News Source: Windows
NT Magazine Posted By: Alex
Last week, Microsoft advised editors reviewing
Windows 2000 Server (Win2K Server) and Windows 2000 Advanced Server
(Win2K AS) that the reviewers guide for Win2K Server and Win2K AS
contained incorrect information about system requirements; the
system requirements appear to have grown since the last time
Microsoft told us about them. The new figures for Win2K Server are:
- CPU: 133MHz or faster Pentium-compatible
- RAM: 256MB recommended minimum (though
Microsoft will support 128MB)
- HD: 2GB with a minimum of 1GB free (you'll need
more free space for network install and for pagefile space—see
note below)
Win2K AS has the same minimum requirements, but it
supports up to eight CPUs in a multiprocessor configuration (Win2K
Server tops out at four), and up to 8GB of RAM (Win2K Server tops
out at 4GB). What's striking about this change is that the memory
requirement has doubled. Although Microsoft will support users
running Win2K Server or Win2K AS with 128MB of RAM, the company no
longer recommends it. That echoes my experience with Win2K Pro,
which really needs more than the required 64MB to minimize disk
swapping. Remember that Win2K is built on the Windows NT kernel, and
NT has always benefited from extra RAM—so do yourself a favor, and
don't skimp on memory.
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- New
CEO could change Microsoft's image
Time: 16:07
EST/21:07 GMT News Source: USA
Today Posted By: Alex
Bill Gates' decision to step down as CEO is an
opening for Microsoft to change its image, branding experts say. And
they warn it's an opportunity not to be squandered.
Can Microsoft's new CEO Steve Ballmer breathe new
life into the software giant's image? (AP) "We live in an era
of CEO brands," says Sam Hill, president of Helios Consulting.
"You have Larry Ellison, Richard Branson, Bill Gates. One way
to move a company's brand image is to change the CEO."
News] [Return To
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- Goodbye,
or hello, to Gates?
Time: 16:00
EST/21:00 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
So Bill Gates is stepping down and passing the
baton of CEO to his long-time friend, confidante, and coworker Steve
Ballmer. Ostensibly Gates is going to focus on making great software
and great development tools and will leave the business aspects of
running Microsoft to Steve. Why did he do this? There are a number
of theories.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- AOL-Time
Warner could be trouble for Road Runner
Time: 15:55
EST/20:55 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
While striking his own multibillion-dollar deal,
America Online's chief executive Steve Case may have decided the
future of Net-over-cable firm Road Runner. When Case agreed to
acquire media giant Time Warner for $160 billion in stock last
week, he may have set in motion a series of events that could
spell the end of Road Runner.
Many believe privately held Road Runner has huge
potential in growing market for high-speed Net services, but it hasn’t
yet successfully capitalized on its position. Owned by Time Warner
and cable operator MediaOne Group, among others, Road Runner trails
only Excite@Home in the market in terms of subscribers. Yet it doesn’t
carry nearly the same clout in the financial markets as does
Excite@Home, often a closely watched metric of the recent Net stock
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Former
MS prosecutor joins New York law firm
Time: 15:34
EST/20:34 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Stephen Houck, who helped prosecute the
government's case in the Microsoft antitrust case has joined the New
York law firm of Reboul, MacMurray, Hewitt, Maynard & Kristol as
a partner. Houck, who was the lead trial counsel for the 19 states
participating in the landmark antitrust trial, will focus on
antitrust and commercial litigation. Houck had previously worked as
chief of the New York State Attorney General's antitrust bureau.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Intel
unveils 'SpeedStep' Pentiums
Time: 15:32
EST/20:32 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
As expected, the Santa Clara Calif., company
Tuesday introduced two mobile Pentium III processors, running at
600MHz and 650MHz. Intel
(Nasdaq: INTC)
also reduced prices on its stable of existing mobile chips.
The chips are the first to offer Intel's SpeedStep
technology. The design allows notebooks to power down from 600MHz or
650MHz to 500MHz when running on battery power.
SpeedStep arose as a response to some of the
power-management compromises that notebook PCs present. Intel's
research showed that most notebook users spend the majority of their
computing time plugged in, so SpeedStep is focused on providing
notebooks with maximum performance while plugged in and maximum
battery life while not.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- All
eyes on new Lotus CEO
Time: 15:30
EST/20:30 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Don't come to the feel-good home of Walt Disney
World looking for negative vibes about Lotus Development Corp.
Kicking off the annual Lotusphere conference here Monday, Lotus
executives painted an extremely positive picture of the IBM
subsidiary's current success and future prospects.
"We're at the absolute peak of product and
business strength as we enter the new millennium," said Jeff
Papows, making what could be his last public appearance as Lotus'
president and CEO. Papows, who announced earlier this month he was
resigning as of Feb. 1, says he's leaving on a high note, with Lotus
coming off its "greatest period of revenue growth in many
years" in 1999.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- PC
surge expected to boost Microsoft earnings
Time: 15:28
EST/20:28 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft will report higher fiscal second-quarter
earnings today as sales of personal computers boosted demand for its
software, analysts said. Microsoft is expected to report that its
earnings for the period ended Dec. 31 rose to 42 cents a share from
a split-adjusted 36 cents a year ago, according to analysts polled
by First Call/Thomson Financial. Revenue rose to $6.2 billion from
$5.2 billion, analysts forecast. The company has beaten earnings
forecasts for the past eight quarters, and unofficial
"whisper" estimates run as high as 47 cents a share.
Microsoft benefited from strong sales of personal
computers during the holiday season, boosting sales of its Windows
operating system and application programs such as its Office
products, analysts said. Microsoft's Windows software runs on more
than 90 percent of PCs sold in the U.S. today.
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- Microsoft
antitrust response due today
Time: 15:26
EST/20:26 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
A battered but confident Microsoft today for the
first time will officially respond to harsh antitrust findings
issued by a federal judge.
Microsoft will present its proposed conclusions of
law later today to U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson in
the landmark antitrust case brought by the U.S. Justice Department
and 19 states.
In November Jackson concluded in his findings that
Microsoft wielded immense monopoly power and had illegally acted to
preserve it. The findings are not a final ruling in the case.
The government filed
a similar brief last month where it concluded Microsoft violated two
sections of the Sherman Act.
Microsoft must base its brief on the findings of
fact Jackson issued
on Nov. 5. While on the surface Jackson's findings appear to have delivered
the government a great victory, the findings leave plenty of wiggle
room for Microsoft to turn near-certain defeat into a quasi draw,
said legal experts.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- The
Haunting: DVD - Review
Time: 13:26
EST/18:26 GMT News Source: ActiveDVD Posted By: Byron
have posted my review of Dreamworks, The Haunting directed by Jan De
Bont of Speed fame. I have also redesigned the review pages to
include more information about the DVD and to improve the look. Here
is a snippet from the review:
I'll get the basic story out of
the way first so I can talk about the actual DVD content. The movie
is based on the old story "The Haunting Of Hill House" and
features the excellent Lili Taylor as Nell, a shy woman who has been
looking after her sick mother so long she has started to lose her
mind and has trouble sleeping, next up we have Theo played badly by
Catherine Zeta-Jones a bisexual woman who is also having trouble
sleeping...Finally we have Liam Neeson who takes the part of Dr.
Marrow and Owen Wilson who plays another sleep deprived character
called Luke.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft check auctioned on eBay
Time: 10:43
EDT/15:43 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
A man who helped Microsoft Corp. out of a jam with
its e-mail service is auctioning off the company's reward check on
eBay. Michael Chaney received a $500 check from Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
after he helped the company get its Hotmail free e-mail service back
on track.
service had been shut down over Christmas weekend after a
billing mix-up with Network Solutions Inc. over the passport.com
domain. Chaney noticed the problem and paid the $35 fee to get the
service up and running again. As a reward, Microsoft sent Chaney the
check and some software. Chaney is auctioning
the check off on eBay and says he will match up to $2,000 of the
winning bid and donate the proceeds to charity.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Be
to offer free version of its latest OS
Time: 10:42
EDT/15:42 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Be Inc. said today that will offer the newest
version of its operating system for free later this quarter. Version
5 for the desktop will be available for download to pre-registered
individuals. Be (Nasdaq:BEOS)
will also work with publishers and other partners to distribute the
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Gates
lacks golden touch with $5bn investment portfolio
Time: 07:28
EDT/12:28 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Bill Gates has around $5 billion in private
investments outside his $100 billion Microsoft holding, but he seems
to have been losing on many of the quoted stocks in his portfolio
over the past few months. That's quite hard to do in a bull market.
He doesn't seem to possess any magic touch so far as his investments
go, and has chosen some sectors that are seriously under performing
the market.
Gates' precise private holdings are shrouded in
secrecy, because Michael Larsen, his investment manager who runs the
investment vehicle Cascade Investments on his behalf, has
successfully invoked a confidentiality provision in the SEC rules to
keep his acquisitions and sales secret for around a year, unless
Gates accumulates more than 5 per cent of a company.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and CyberSafe Extend Windows 2000 Security Across the Enterprise
Time: 07:26
EDT/12:26 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and CyberSafe Corp., a leading
provider of enterprise network security solutions, today announced
they have collaborated to extend Microsoft® Windows®
2000-Kerberos interoperability to enterprise customers operating
mixed-system environments. Based on cooperative efforts with mutual
customers such as Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and Co., this
announcement validates the interoperability of Kerberos v5 in the
Windows 2000 operating system, with other Kerberos implementations
in real-world, customer environments, bringing to the enterprise
heightened security as well as the flexibility to continue utilizing
existing infrastructure investments.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Monday 17th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS00-005) - Wheel of Time Review |
- Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS00-005)
Time: 19:59
EDT/00:59 GMT News Source: E-mail Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in the Rich Text Format (RTF) reader that
ships as part of Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 95 and 98, and Windows
NT(r) 4.0. Under certain conditions, the vulnerability could be used
to cause email programs to crash.
RTF files consist of text and control information.
The control information is specified via directives called control
words. The default RTF reader that ships as part of many Windows
platforms has an unchecked buffer in the portion of the reader that
parses control words. If an RTF file contains a specially-malformed
control word, it could cause the application to crash.
Microsoft believes that this is a denial of
service vulnerability only, and that there is no capability to use
this vulnerability to run arbitrary code. The most serious risk from
this vulnerability would result if a user had preview mode enabled
on a mail program like Outlook, and received an email that exploited
the vulnerability. Because preview mode causes the mail to be parsed
without user assent, the mail program would continue to crash until
a subsequent mail was received or the mail program was started with
preview mode disabled.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
2000 vs Win98SE in Games and Windows
Time: 19:45
EST/00:45 GMT News Source: PC
Gunk Posted By: Matthew
The people over at PC Gunk have posted an
interesting article comparing games run on Windows 98SE with the
same games running on Windows 2000.
All benchmarks were performed on a clean install
of Windows98/Windows2000.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Public
Invitation to Millennium Install Fair
Time: 19:25
EST/00:25 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Matthew
This advertisement was found in the Seattle Times
Sunday paper in the Personal Technology section by one of our
The Advertisement
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
2000 Professional Wins Popular Mechanics' "Design &
Engineering Award"
Time: 18:49
EST/23:49 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Windows 2000 Professional, which becomes available
to consumers on Feb. 17, has earned Popular Mechanics magazine’s
prestigious Design & Engineering Award for technology.
The magazine announced its year 2000 award winners
in its December 1999 issue. The awards recognize innovative design
and engineering quality in new products in five major categories --
automotive, home improvement, science, technology, and outdoors.
In honoring Windows 2000 Professional, the
magazine called Microsoft’s new client operating system "the
ticket to turn your computer into a powerhouse."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Oxygen
Media Announces Online Advertising Agreement With MSN Hotmail
Time: 18:43
EST/23:43 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Oxygen's Popular Women's Health and Fitness and
Soon-to-Be-Launched Teen Sites Will Provide Content to MSN Web
Courier Newsletters, Reaching 45 Million Subscribers.
Oxygen Media and Microsoft Corp. today announced
that Oxygen Media has entered into an advertising agreement with the
MSN™ Hotmail™ Web-based e-mail service. This agreement was
announced by Sarah Bartlett, Oxygen's editor in chief, and Jim
Kinsella, general manager of MSN sales and marketing at Microsoft
and president and CEO of MSNBC.
Under this agreement, Oxygen will have premier
placement in the Hotmail Women's newsletter and will be an anchor
tenant within its Health and Fitness and Teen categories. Among
others, Oxygen Media's popular online properties Girls
On , Moms Online , Breakup
Girl , Oprah.com , Thriveonline,
and the soon-to-be-launched sports site We
Sweat will supply content for the Hotmail Web Courier, which
distributes free online newsletters three times each week to 45
million subscribers to Hotmail. Further, Oxygen expects to see a
significant increase in traffic to its online site, Oxygen.com.
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- Lotus
Agrees With Microsoft
Time: 17:58
EST/22:58 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matthew
Lotus has reached an agreement with Microsoft to
allow Outlook as an alternative integrated platform for Domino, the
president of Lotus said.
Jeff Papows, speaking at the company's Lotusphere
conference, said the collaboration with Microsoft was not admitting
defeat but acknowledging that companies have to work together to
give customers all the options.
"We must collaborate with other
companies," Papows said, "even those we compete with. We
have not conceded the client market here, not 1 inch. We have a
superior offering. But Microsoft Office is a good product."
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Headlines] [Translate]
- MS preparing to make more
antitrust filings
Time: 16:55
EST/21:55 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
After a heady week that included the America
Online-Time Warner merger announcement, a settlement with Caldera
Systems, Steve Ballmer's promotion and truculent leaks from the
Department of Justice, Microsoft attorneys are scheduled to file
Proposed Conclusions of Law on Tuesday as part of the next phase in
the company's ongoing antitrust trial. In the document, Microsoft
will try to create doubt about key DOJ allegations in the
government's case and attempt to soften the blow of November's
scathing Findings of Fact, which tagged the company a monopoly.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- The
race is on: Linux vs Windows
Time: 16:55
EST/21:55 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
With a month to go until Microsoft Corp.
officially launches Windows 2000, some Linux stalwarts are realizing
there's not much time left to capitalize on a golden PR opportunity.
Linux enthusiast Deepak Saxena is attempting to
rally the troops to create some alternative publicity on or around
Microsoft's Feb. 17 launch date. Saxena has created a Web site
where corporate sponsors, Linux User Groups and other interested
parties can link up and organize.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Joins Cisco Security Associate Program
Time: 16:52
EST/21:52 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at the RSA Conference 2000 in San Jose,
Microsoft Corp. announced that it has joined Cisco Systems Inc.'s
Security Associate Program, demonstrating commitment for
interoperability of the Microsoft® Windows®
2000 Professional and Server operating systems with Cisco Secure
network security solutions.
Customers benefit from the security innovations
that Microsoft has built into Windows 2000, including native
Kerberos implementation, an encrypting file system, an
easy-to-manage public key infrastructure (PKI), extensible
authentication device support, encrypted end-to-end communications
and secure virtual private networking (VPN). Joining the Cisco
Security Associate Program is a natural extension of Microsoft's
commitment to security, which is embodied in the features of its
highly anticipated operating system. The objective of the Cisco
Security Associate Program is to ease deployment for customers of
third-party security products by fully testing and verifying them
for complete interoperation with Cisco Secure offerings.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Wheel
of Time Review
Time: 13:38
EST/18:38 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
have posted my GT Interactive/Legend Wheel of Time review. Here is a
snippet from it:
The Wheel of Time
books have spawned a generation of followers, which I am one of
them. I was so pleased when I heard that they were going to make a
game of this wonderful series of books. But the only thing that I
was worried about was that the images I had created in my mind for
what the characters would be completely different from the game. But
now onto the features.
Wheel of Time uses
an enhanced version of the Unreal engine to bring Robert Jordan's
world to life. In addition to the Unreal engine's core capabilities
like 24-bit color (with MMX), multiple dynamic (and colored) light
sources, complex geometry, smooth character animation, real
moving/rotating brushes, seamless level transition, and a powerful
scripting language, they have endowed the engine with a host of
WoT-specific effects. The particle system they created for Wheel of
Time makes for some of the coolest explosions and smoke effects
you've ever seen. In addition, they went in and provided support for
weather effects like rain, snow and wind.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Crusoe
chip mystery to be revealed
Time: 04:58
EST/09:58 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
Transmeta Corp. has been secretive about its new
Crusoe processor, but the veil will be lifted -- partly -- in the
coming week.
Can the world's most secretive technology company
change the world? The folks at Transmeta Corp. think they can.
But they're not talking. At least until Wednesday,
when the company will lift its veil of secrecy at an event in
Silicon Valley and reveal details behind its mysterious new
processor named Crusoe.
The biggest mystery, however, is how Transmeta's
new technology will change the landscape of computing -- although it
is safe to say Transmeta intends to shake things up.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Ballmer
As CEO May Help Microsoft
Time: 04:48
EST/09:48 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Matthew
Steve Ballmer, the back-slapping, boisterous
salesman who became Microsoft's chief executive last week, is giving
the company a friendlier public face for its stare-off against the
government. But will the switch from a more-aloof Bill Gates, whom
he replaces, really make a difference in the antitrust case? It
depends on whom you ask.
As Microsoft Corp. moves through a critical stage
of antitrust settlement talks with U.S. prosecutors, the watershed
management change has triggered speculation that Microsoft may show
new flexibility in the negotiations, helping to bridge diametrically
opposed views.
Known as a friendly guy who promotes smooth
relationships with customers, Ballmer's personality contrasts
sharply with the arrogant and distant image perpetuated by Gates
during his testimony at the antitrust trial. Gates' fumbling
videotaped deposition last year was criticized by U.S. District
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, who ultimately agreed with the
government's contention that Microsoft is a monopolistic high-tech
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Earnings Seen Showing Strong Gains
Time: 04:05
EST/09:05 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Matthew
Despite its dramatic reshuffling at the top and
signs that the ``post-PC era'' has Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news ) in a
quandry, look for the software giant to report strong earnings on
The reason: The Wintel world is still alive and
kicking up strong earnings, fueled by the growth of the Internet
that eventually is supposed to make Microsoft's packaged software
Not yet though. Results next week will show strong
double-digit earnings growth, with most analysts expecting a 16 to
17 percent gain. The consensus earnings per share forecast is 42
cents a share, up from 36 cents a year ago.
Those results, too, come ahead of the anticipated
February release of the Windows 2000 operating system that will
update Windows NT to make it a stronger player in the booming
Internet server market. The new system will sustain, and perhaps
accelerate, the growth rate through the year, analysts said.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MS
settlement chances even more remote
Time: 04:00
EST/09:00 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
The plot thickens. More papers are to be filed
Tuesday, as the software giant and DOJ sling charges of media leaks
and reckless remedies. And was the Gates-Ballmer CEO shuffle a smoke
Chances of a settlement in the Microsoft Corp.
antitrust case were never very good, but after a week of raucous
public debate over breaking up the company the possibility of a deal
seemed more remote than ever.
Both sides had promised Judge Richard Posner --
the chief of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit acting as a private mediator in the case -- to stay quiet
during the talks
The quiet lasted from late last year until last
week, when USA Today reported the government was going to propose
breaking the company into two parts.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Saturday 15th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: X-Box |
Date: Friday 14th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: MS
Stocks - Washing Windows |
- Site News: Job Opportunity
Time: 19:44
EST/00:44 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Graphic Artist - We are looking for a new graphic
artist to help enhance our range of sites, if you are interested in
this position then please apply to us with links to examples of your
Payment details via e-mail to: byron@activeie.com
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft:
Win2K will play nice in security world
Time: 19:42
EST/00:42 GMT News Source: PC
Week Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft Corp. is standing on its head to convince other vendors
that Windows 2000 won't turn the security market on its ear.
At the RSA Conference 2000 in San Jose, Calif., next week,
Microsoft will conduct interoperability demonstrations with Entrust
Technologies Inc. and CyberSafe Corp. The point, according to
officials at the three companies, will be to prove that Microsoft
can play nice in the security world.
That's been a concern to some. Windows 2000 comes with built-in
security, including PKI (public-key infrastructure) and Kerberos
authentication, which has long been a popular means of
authenticating users in Unix environments.
Companies such as Entrust, which builds software for running a
PKI rather than running an outsourcing service, appear to have the
most to lose when Microsoft, of Redmond, Wash., embeds similar
technology in its operating system. But the signals coming from
Entrust so far are positive.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
2000 systems to debut three weeks early
Time: 15:48
EST/20:48 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Major PC makers will begin selling Windows 2000 systems on Jan.
24, nearly three weeks before Microsoft formally unveils the new
operating system. Compaq Computer, Dell Computer and IBM are among
the PC manufacturers that will be offering PCs, notebooks and
servers before Feb. 17, the official launch date for Windows 2000.
After several delays, the software giant recently completed
writing, testing and revising the code for the operating system,
widely thought to be the most important software development project
in the company's history. Windows 2000 will also be the centerpiece
of Microsoft's overall strategy going forward, designed to power,
enhance and augment all of the company's other software and Internet
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site News: New Sites &
Community Information
Time: 15:23
EST/20:23 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We have decided to delay the launch of our news engine
indefinitely - we expect it early this year if all goes to plan,
this is due to a slight redesign of all our sites expected to come
online February 2000 along with a few new sites around the same time
as the new design.
As most of you already know, we plan to launch http://www.activelinux.net
at some point next month. The site will contain all of the news,
reviews and tips that you expect from us. We have begun our regular
daily updates of ActiveSci-Fi,
so those of you who are interested in science fiction - check it
out. As you know we take your feedback seriously here - so if you
have any comments on the Sci-Fi site just let
me know.
As usual it is also time to mention our MSN
Community, we are currently still the leading Operating System
community on MSN and we are yet again the main site featured in the
Windows 95/98/NT/2000 area, so make sure you check us out - our next
chat will be early next year. Here is a list of our upcoming
Hardware: Microsoft
Force Feedback Steering Wheel, Microsoft Force Feedback Joystick
Software: Tomb Raider 4, Quake 3,
Gabriel Knight 3, SWAT 3, Interstate 82, Star Trek: Hidden Evil,
Ultima 9, Asheron's Call (Ongoing Monthly), Unreal Tournament, Wheel
Of Time (Sometime this week), Delta Force 2, Flight Simulator 2000
(Next week), Encarta Africana
Applications: Corel Suite 9, Vizact
DVD's: Inspector Gadget, The Last
Broadcast, The Iron Giant, Wild Wild West, The Haunting, The Thin
Red Line
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Realigns Mobile Product Group
Time: 15:21
EST/20:21 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has created a mobile device division and named a vice
president to oversee development of handheld devices, pocket PCs,
and telephone devices. The organizational refinement comes about a
week after the Consumer Electronics Show, which was dominated by a
plethora of non-PC mobile devices.
Microsoft named Ben Waldman, formerly general manager of the
company's Macintosh business unit, to run the mobile division, which
falls within the business productivity group. Headed by Bob Muglia,
group vice president, the productivity group targets so-called
knowledge workers, the Redmond, Wash.-based software giant said this
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
stock remains steady
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Red
Herring Posted By: Byron
Following the announcement Thursday that Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
Chairman and CEO Bill Gates would relinquish his CEO title to
Microsoft President Steve Ballmer, Wall Street appeared to receive
the news calmly, and Microsoft stock was not expected to be
exceptionally volatile in trading on Friday.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- "Microsoft
will not lose a step"
Time: 09:59
EST/14:59 GMT News Source: Red
Herring Posted By: Byron
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
will not lose a step. That's the conclusion of about a dozen
industry watchers -- from VCs to CEOs to analysts -- about Bill
Gates's announcement Thursday that he will step down as the
company's chief executive officer. Even once-fierce competitors said
they do not expect Microsoft to stumble.
Some made light of the news. "I wonder if he's interested in
being a CEO of another company -- if he goes to a startup, I
wouldn't mind investing in it," said Marc Andreessen, cofounder
of Netscape
and chairman and cofounder of stealth Internet startup Loudcloud.
Other vocal Microsoft critics were notably silent: Oracle
(Nasdaq: ORCL)
chairman and CEO Larry Ellison had "no comment."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft's
New CEO Will Wash Windows
Time: 09:56
EST/14:56 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Byron
As Bill Gates steps down as Microsoft's chief executive officer
and dons a new hat as its chief software architect (while still
remaining chair), he'll help carry out the new vision of Windows
touted by Steve Ballmer, now CEO as well as president.
Ballmer promises a new user interface, a new file system, and a
natural-language capability in the Next Generation Windows Services.
The technology builds on the current Windows operating system, but
Microsoft officials describe it as a drastic change equivalent to
Windows' effect on the text-based DOS world of 1985, when the
graphical operating system first shipped.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Bill's
big adventure: Windows as universal Web platform
Time: 09:52
EST/14:52 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Yet another version of Windows? Unsurprisingly the Next
Generation Windows Services plan (strategy is too strong a word, as
yet) Microsoft unveiled yesterday as Bill Gates cashed his chips
went largely unnoticed. But an examination of the admittedly small
quantity of information Microsoft has released so far reveals
something rather larger than some vague vision intended to justify
Gates' new "software architect" role -- this could turn
out to be bigger than anything Microsoft has done so far.
Point number one is that NGWS is not going to be an operating
system, but is instead being prepared as a universal and unifying
services platform. It's Windows, Jim, but not as we know it. Point
number two is that, although the tag isn't one anybody has heard of
previously, NGWS is more than just slideware, because many of its
components already exist, or are at least undergoing development. To
some extent it's the next stage in the Microsoft software services
strategy that Microsoft now claims Bill first unveiled in September,
but which was in fact rolled out by minions, including new company
boss Steve Ballmer, rather earlier last year, at the time of WinHEC.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
skin site re-posts MacOS X desktop theme
Time: 09:50
EST/14:50 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Windows-modification site Skinz.org yesterday re-posted, albeit
with minor modifications, software that makes Windows look like
Aqua, Apple's upcoming user interface for MacOS X, according to MacWeek.com.
The move follows demands from Apple lawyers earlier this week
that the site remove the WinAqua 'skin' or face a world of legal
pain. The Mac-maker alleged the skin was an infringement of its
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Thursday 13th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Gates
Quits - Internet Keyboard Pro |
- Top Story
Bill Gates Promotes Steve Ballmer to President and CEO; Gates
Creates New Role as Chairman and Chief Software Architect
Time: 17:35
EST/22:35 GMT News Source: MS Press Release Posted
By: Byron
the company's major strategy initiative, Microsoft Corp. today
announced that its co-founder, Bill Gates, has created a new role
for himself -- Chairman and Chief Software Architect -- so that he
can dedicate all of his time to helping drive the next generation
Windows Internet platform and services. Microsoft announced that
Steve Ballmer becomes president and CEO, and will take over
management of the company.
These changes were announced following the release
of Microsoft® Windows® 2000, which the
company said is a crucial building block of its strategy to focus on
software services -- a major technology shift that will transform
the industry in the way the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the
Internet did. Driving this major shift is the need for a better
Internet User Experience to enable businesses, consumers and
developers to better personalize and tailor the services they use,
and to store and share the information they need -- any time, any
place and on any device.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Top Story
Gates To Step Down From Microsoft Helm
Time: 17:30
EST/22:30 GMT News Source: MS Press Release Posted
By: Byron
Bills Gates has said he is to step down as chief
executive officer of US software giant Microsoft after 25 years. Mr.
Gates, who has held the post since co-founding the firm in the
mid-1970's, will take on a new role as its chief software architect
and remain chairman.
Billionaire Mr. Gates said he wanted to
"return to what I love most - focusing on technologies for the
future" Company president Steve Ballmer will take over as chief
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Exclusive:
Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro - Preview
Time: 12:43
EST/17:43 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Exclusive Posted
By: Robert
have posted our Exclusive preview of the Microsoft Internet Keyboard
Pro. Here is a snippet from the preview:
Don't feel like bending over to
plug in USB devices or wasting time looking for Internet or
multimedia buttons? With the latest keyboard coming out of Redmond
it looks like now you don't have to. With customer concerns
addressed, this newest keyboard is a beauty. Comfort, Design, and
Timesaving elements are just a few of the things the tech savvy
engineers at Microsoft implemented with this keyboard debut. And to
top it off, they even made sleep mode at the touch of a button.
Along with the new programmable mice, life couldn't be any easier.
The Microsoft® Internet® Keyboard Pro is
Microsoft Corp.’s most technologically advanced standard-geometry
keyboard to date, offering 19 timesaving hot keys and a pair of USB
ports. The Internet Keyboard Pro preset controls make PCs easier for
novices to use and allow experienced PC users take their systems to
new levels of customization.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS00-003) - Patch Available for "Spoofed LPC
Port Request" Vulnerability
Time: 16:50
EST/21:50 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Security Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in Microsoft(r) Windows NT(r) 4.0. The
vulnerability could allow a user logged onto a Windows NT 4.0
machine from the keyboard to become an administrator on the machine.
LPC Ports is a facility that allows LPC calls on a
machine. One of the functions in the LPC Ports API set enables, by
design, a server thread to impersonate a client thread on the same
machine. However, a flaw in the validation portion of the function
would allow a malicious user to create both the client and server
threads, and manipulate the impersonation request to allow it to run
in the context of any desired user on the local machine, including
the System itself. The primary risk from this vulnerability is that
a malicious user could exploit this vulnerability to gain additional
privileges on the local machine. However, it also could be used to
cause audit logs to indicate that certain actions were taken by
another user. A malicious user would require the ability to log onto
the target machine interactively and run arbitrary programs in order
to exploit this vulnerability, and as a result, workstations and
terminal servers would be at greatest risk.
Affected Software Versions
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server - Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server,
Enterprise Edition
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server, Terminal Server Edition
- ActiveWindows listed on TechNet
Time: 16:45
EST/21:45 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
thought our readers would be interested by the fact that
ActiveWindows has been listed on Microsoft's TechNet site in the
website section for Windows 98/95 and Windows 2000. To see the site
listed then check out these websites:
Windows 2000 Technology Centers site - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/win2000/websites.htm
Windows 98/95 Technology Center site - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/win98/websites.htm
- Testing
Of Windows 2000 Apps Raises Questions
Time: 16:40
EST/21:40 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex
When Microsoft's long-awaited Windows 2000 ships
next month, it may be more stable and easier to manage than prior
versions of NT, but it remains to be seen how well older
applications work with the new OS.
For its part, Microsoft officials insist that
7,000 applications are "Windows 2000-ready." But that
doesn't mean they will work well.
In an effort to address lingering concerns by IT
managers about how stable applications will be on the new system,
Microsoft said it plans to offer a more rigorous certification
program next month. By certifying an application, Microsoft said it
wants to assure IT managers that the application doesn't just run on
Windows 2000 -- it runs well. A certified application is one
thatdoesn't make illegal system calls and get into conflicts with
other applications that frequently crash the operating system,
according to Microsoft officials.
But with only 40 applications to be certified as
Windows 2000-ready when the operating system becomes available on
Feb. 17, one analyst questioned whether the certification program
will be too little, too late.
"One of the things that Microsoft realized is
that if it wanted to be a member of the enterprise software club, it
needed to produce an environment that was reliable, consistent, and
manageable," said Dan Kusnetzky, an analyst at International
Data Corp.
- Rumors
of Microsoft breakup proposal not surprising
Time: 16:27
EST/21:27 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Legal experts today said they are not surprised by
reports that government lawyers are proposing a breakup of software
giant Microsoft and that news of the plan yesterday was most likely
leaked to accelerate settlement discussions.
Reports yesterday indicated that the Justice
Department and 19 states have proposed to break Microsoft up into
two or three smaller companies. Under a breakup, one company would
likely take over operating systems, while a second company would be
in charge of applications. A third would own Microsoft's Web
properties. A breakup on lines like this have been suggested earlier
by antitrust experts and others.
That the government--or for that matter,
Microsoft--would make such a proposal is no revelation, said legal
experts. However, until now, both sides have kept secret ongoing
negotiations with Judge Richard Posner, who heads the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Both the government and Microsoft
have repeatedly refused to comment on settlement talks.
Legal experts speculate that if there was an
intentional leak, it may have come from the states.
Justice Department spokeswoman Gina Talamona
reaffirmed federal trustbusters are respecting the secrecy of
settlement talks.
- Athlon/Pentium
3 Price Comparison
Time: 16:23
EST/21:23 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
CPU Review
have updated their comparison with new pricing information from
PriceWatch from January 12, 2000. To read more of the article then
click here.
- Windows
2000 Compatibility Program released
Time: 16:21
EST/21:21 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
Microsoft have released a program that you can
download that will check your hardware to make sure it is compatible
with Windows 2000. You can download the program from the following
- StarNet's
X-Win32 Review
Time: 16:17
EST/21:17 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
CPU Review
has posted a review of StarNet's X-Win32 for Windows 95/98/NT; it
lets you run X applications on a Unix / Linux computer and display
its desktop on your Windows box. To read the review click here.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
2000 virus detected
Time: 15:28
EST/20:28 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Windows 2000 won't come out for another month, but
anti-virus software makers say they've found the first virus that
targets Microsoft's forthcoming business operating system. The
virus, known as the Win2000.Install or W2K.Installer virus, inflicts
no damage, but can potentially point out conceptual vulnerabilities
for future virus authors, said researchers at anti-virus software
makers Symantec and F-Secure. So far, Win2000.Install has not been
released in the "wild," or infected users at large.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- WindowBlinds 1.1 - Released
Time: 15:25
EST/20:25 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Finally after FOUR months, the longest time
between public updates ever, Stardock has released WindowBlinds 1.1
to the general public. The new version adds a host of new features
including Start bar and Start button skinning, support for creating
scrollbars, progress bars, and notebook skins, and much more.
The update supports numerous performance enhancing
features that skin authors can use to speed WindowBlinds up to 40%
over the previous version. Over 4 months of testing and effort went
into making v1.1 far more compatible and stable on a wide variety of
Stardock has also created v1.1 Enhanced for
registered users which enables scrollbar, progress bar, notebook,
and tab skinning. WindowBlinds is a program that allows people to
completely change the look and feel of Windows to however they want
it to look like.
A screenshot is available at:
Users can download it at:
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Customers
Choose Windows 2000 As Foundation for the Business Internet
Time: 15:23
EST/20:23 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that companies
such as Alibre Inc., Commerce One Inc., Data Return Corp., Dell
Computer Corp., Getronics NV, Prologic Corp., PublicHost Corp. and
Trilogy Corp. are using the Microsoft® Windows®
2000 operating system as the cornerstone of their Business Internet
solution, which provides customers with scalable, reliable and
highly manageable solutions. These companies are experiencing
phenomenal benefits in a wide range of scenarios, because of the
Internet-enabling capabilities of Windows 2000.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Flink
Ink: Who do YOU trust? ....Insure to Assure
Time: 15:19
EST/20:19 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Charles has posted his latest editorial called Who
do YOU trust? ....Insure to Assure. Here is a snippet:
According to Merriam-Webster,
the words ensure, insure, and assure are
"interchangeable in many contexts" with assure
stressing the removal of doubt and suspense from a person's mind,
while insure stresses taking action beforehand to guarantee a
certain outcome. In our brave new e-World, we want to be assured
that we can trust our fellow e-Citizens, but for many of us, that
time won't come until we can be insured against losses. How
can we go about this?
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
2000 Hardware Compatability List Updated
Time: 12:47
EST/17:47 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Robert Stein
We have added Microsoft's update of the Windows
2000 Hardware Compatability List to the Windows 2000 section.
Very handy document, however be careful as it is about 500 KB.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- ZD
Labs Proves Windows Media Sounds More Like CD-Quality Music at Half
the Size of MP3
Time: 11:29
EST/16:29 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. announced today a new consumer
study that proves digital music in the Microsoft®
Windows Media™ Format sounds more like CD-quality audio in half
the size of MP3. ZD Labs conducted a study that compared Windows
Media- and MP3-formatted content to original CD recordings. The
study found that when compared to the CD-quality originals, nearly
90 percent of consumers tested preferred or could not tell the
difference in quality between music in the Windows Media Format and
songs in the MP3 format that were twice the size. In addition, this
study revealed that consumers overwhelmingly chose the quality of
Windows Media for live streaming of audio at 32k bps and at 64k bps
over MP3.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Sporting
goods maker scores high in collaboration, productivity with Office
Time: 03:09
EST/08:09 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
For sporting goods maker Lifetime Products, work
is a team effort. And Microsoft® Office 2000 helps make teamwork
possible. Employees at Lifetime, which manufactures portable
basketball and table tennis equipment, can easily share information
and collaborate on documents now that the company has upgraded to
Office 2000. The move to Office 2000 also reduced the workload for
IT staff because the suite can be deployed more quickly and requires
less support than the company's former system.
"Office 2000 lets us deliver rock-solid,
lightning-fast desktops," said John Bowden, director of
Information Systems at Lifetime. "And it makes the jobs of the
IT department easier and provides our end users with the tools they
need to make the best business decisions fast."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
licenses FastLane technology to speed NetWare-to-Windows 2000
Time: 03:07
EST/08:07 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Upgrading to a new operating system can be
intimidating, but new tools from Microsoft are helping to ease the
move to Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server.
Microsoft has licensed technology from FastLane
Technologies designed to speed and simplify the migration from
Novell NetWare to Windows 2000 Server. The technology helps
administrators move large numbers of files to Windows 2000 while
maintaining directory structures and security permissions. It also
allows employees to access their data while administrators migrate
the files.
Microsoft will release the technology in the
Microsoft File Migration Utility (MSFMU) component of Services for
NetWare version 5. A collection of tools and services to help
organizations migrate from NetWare to Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft
for NetWare is expected to be available soon after the launch of
Windows 2000.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Wednesday 12th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: W2K |
- More X-Box Information
Time: 17:56
EST/22:56 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Microsoft will finalize hardware and first and
third party development plans by January 15th, 2000. The current
plan is to have the X-Box technology finalized and in the factory by
April 2001. This will allow Microsoft to realize the company's
target fourth quarter 2001 release. Microsoft planned to have a
fifty percent share of the PC market by now, but has only managed to
achieve a twenty-percent share to date. The X-Box is seen as a fresh
start by Microsoft.
There are around twenty-five first party titles to
be released per year for the X-Box. Microsoft expects to capture a
thirty to thirty five percent market share. Microsoft is also
pursuing top third party companies to develop for the X-Box. Before
major third parties will commit, Microsoft needs to build and test a
new Operating System for the unit.
The confirmed X-Box titles from Microsoft so far
are: Age Of Empires III (a 3D version of the original Age Of
Empires), Black Pearl, Cartoon Mayhem and Links PGA Golf.
Oh and one last thing - the hardware features
(Graphics etc) have not been finalized.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- X-Box: Officially Non Official
Time: 17:46
EST/22:46 GMT News Source: IGN
Posted By: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2000/Jan00/ZDLabspr.asp
According to at least one developer, the X-Box was officially
signed off on by Microsoft last year, and is ready to do battle with
Sony this year with a 100% PC compatible system. IGNPC has spoken
with a developer who has confirmed that Bill Gates signed off on the
X-Box on the 21st of December, making the product official with
publishers who have been rumored to be working on upcoming projects
with Microsoft. Though the hardware has not been confirmed by the
company officially, the word is that higher-level publishers have
been given the green light in regards to developing for the system.
The developer went on to say that Microsoft is touting the system
as 100% compatible with all current PC titles, giving it an
advantage over the Windows CE-ready Dreamcast. Sony, however, is the
companies' main concern, and the console is to be Microsoft's
attempt to stop Sony's control of the console marketplace, says the
developer, an arena that Microsoft (at least up until now) has yet
to step into. With Microsoft on the verge of making an official
announcement regarding the system, perhaps we won't have to wait
until E3 to find out what the software companies' release dates and
specs are regarding its big console venture (GeForce, anyone?).
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- Downloadable Allegiance Beta To
Begin Friday
Time: 17:43
EST/22:43 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Microsoft announced today that on Friday, January 14, the gaming
public at-large will be able to download Allegiance, an online
space-action game, and participate in the game's open beta program.
Coming to stores in March, Allegiance will be playable on the MSN
Gaming Zone as well as independent game servers worldwide.
Allegiance combines furious space combat with the social challenge
of squadron-based combat in a stunning 3D universe.
To participate in the Allegiance open beta, gamers must visit the
official site this Friday at http://www.microsoft.com/games/allegiance/.
The site will feature details on where to download Allegiance and
how to begin playing with thousands of other gamers from around the
In Allegiance, players can pilot and customize many different
classes of ships; from scouts and fighters to battle cruisers. They
also have the ability to switch between a variety of combat roles,
including pilot, turret gunner or base commander. Hundreds of
players can engage each other in death-match style arenas or in
cooperative play. Gamers will be able to represent their identity,
through recorded accomplishments and medals, giving combatants the
chance to become part of an ongoing, dynamic universe. Allegiance
also features rich strategic elements such as controllable assets,
researchable technology and command features.
Planets, novas, nebulae, black holes, asteroids, naturally
occurring wormholes, and over 36 user-controllable spacecraft are
rendered in amazing graphic detail. Unique digitized sounds
delivered in 3D stereo accompany conditions ranging from the thud of
asteroid impact to the scream of failing shields.
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- Microsoft
Exchange Server Gains Momentum With Leading Application Service
Time: 15:23
EST/20:23 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that a growing
list of leading application service providers (ASPs) have committed
to using Microsoft® Exchange Server as the foundation of
their managed corporate messaging and collaboration offerings. The
growing availability of managed Exchange services will enable
customers to deploy messaging and collaboration more quickly, and
potentially reduce total cost of ownership by outsourcing hardware,
network and application management to an ASP.
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- Report:
Gov't wants Microsoft breakup
Time: 10:31
EST/15:31 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Government prosecutors reportedly appear to have
reached a consensus that would punish Microsoft Corp. for
anticompetitive behavior by splitting the software giant into
separate companies.
According to a report in USA Today, which quoted
unnamed sources, government lawyers favor splitting Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
into two companies - one for its Windows operating system, and a
second for software such as word processing.
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Joins Global Launch Effort for Microsoft Windows 2000
Time: 09:03
EST/14:03 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that IBM Corp. has
joined Adobe Inc., Cisco Systems Inc., Commerce One Inc., Compaq
Computer Corp., Dell Computer Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., i2
Technologies Inc., Intel Corp., SAP AG, Toshiba Corp. and Unisys
Corp. as a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Global
Launch Partner. These industry leaders are showcasing significant
investment in the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system through
solutions, services and support.
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- Windows
2000 - More Tips & Tricks
Time: 05:40
EST/10:40 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We have added four more Windows
2000 tips and tricks to the Windows 2000 tips section, we will
be adding four tips each day as we have quite a lot to post. So keep
checking back daily for more updates.
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Date: Tuesday 11th January 2000
Today's Top Headlines: W2K |
Calendar Beta
Time: 19:18
EST/00:18 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
today released a beta version of its MSN
Calendar service. The service features appointment tracking,
tasks, reminders and notes all viewable via the web. The service
also allows you to print off your calendar dates via various
printing options.
MSN Calendar
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- Microsoft
Appoints New Vice President of Mobile Devices Division
Time: 15:29
EST/20:29 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the appointment of
Ben Waldman, 32, as vice president of the Mobile Devices Division in
Microsoft's Business Productivity Group. Effective immediately,
Waldman will report to Microsoft Group Vice President Bob Muglia to
lead the design, development and marketing of software for mobile
devices such as Pocket PCs, Handheld PCs and mobile phone products.
"In his more than 10 years at Microsoft, Ben
has led several teams in the development of highly innovative
products that have delighted customers and won numerous
awards," said Bob Muglia, group vice president of Microsoft's
Business and Productivity Group. "I believe his talent and
creativity, applied to this exciting and emerging business, will
help us develop and ship a new generation of intelligent, connected
devices that further Microsoft's vision of empowering people through
great software any time, any place and on any device."
News] [Return To
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- Windows
2000 - More Tips & Tricks
Time: 15:23
EST/20:23 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We have added four more Windows
2000 tips and tricks to the Windows 2000 tips section, we will
be adding four tips each day as we have quite a lot to post. So keep
checking back daily for more updates.
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- Matrox
G400 Windows 9* DirectX 7 Beta Drivers
Time: 15:20
EST/20:20 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Matrox has released a beta set of DirectX 7
drivers for Windows 9*. These are version 5.50.005 (Similar to the
beta drivers for Windows 2000).
News] [Return To
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- Windows
2000 Evaluation Edition is now available from MSDN
Time: 04:38
EST/09:38 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Important: Please note that the Evaluation Edition
of Windows 2000 will expire 120 after installation. Please be sure
to upgrade your installation to the retail version of Windows 2000,
available from this site on January 20th, 2000.
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- Microsoft,
Caldera settle long-standing lawsuit
Time: 04:38
EST/09:38 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft and Caldera announced that they have
settled a long-standing lawsuit between the two companies, just
weeks before a trial was supposed to begin.
In a statement, both firms announced they had
reached a "mutually agreeable settlement" of the suit
filed by Caldera against Microsoft in July 1996.
As part of the announcement, Microsoft said it
will record a one-time charge against earnings for the quarter
ending March 31, which will cut earnings per share by about three
cents. This could mean that the settlement could cost somewhere in
the neighborhood of $150 million, based on one analyst's estimate,
although the actual settlement could be higher. Caldera had been
expected to ask for at least $400 million, according to another
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- Merger
drops a bomb on Microsoft
Time: 04:35
EST/09:35 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
America Online's surprise acquisition of Time
Warner was a frontal assault on Microsoft's ambitions to become a
major content player, capping a year-long series of battles between
the two technology companies.
By enlisting Time Warner's vast arsenal of assets,
AOL has gained a commanding lead in the race to deliver content
across an array of media. Analysts say the move may further weaken
Microsoft's already-wavering commitment to content and hasten the
company's to return to its software roots.
"AOL is a content company, and Microsoft is a
software company," said Jon Puricelli, an analyst with A.G.
Edwards. "This solidifies it. Microsoft shouldn't try to be a
content company; these two companies shouldn't be competing in the
least bit.
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Read more of the past months news in
our News Archive for November
and December News.
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