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Date: Thursday 10th February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Pinnacle
Studio PCTV USB Review |
- Microsoft
Windows Updates
Time: 20:14
EST/01:14 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft has posted a new item on the Windows
Update Page.
Internet Explorer Security Update:
Installing this security update will eliminate the "Image
Source Redirect" vulnerability found in Internet Explorer.
Without this update, a malicious Web site operator could read (but
not add, change, or delete) certain types of files on your computer.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
2000a Alpha
Time: 19:26
EST/00:26 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Matthew
Icq has once again opened its Alpha Site for you
to download the new build 3086 ver. 4.22
I would suggest that if anyone is interested that
they download and install immediately as the previous build was
limited to a certain amount of users and when that was reached the
ability to download was shut down.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- New Beta G400 Drivers For Windows
Time: 16:33
EST/21:33 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Matrox has released new beta Windows
9* and Windows
2000 drivers for their G200 and G400 line of 2D/3D cards.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Hewlett-Packard
products, services take advantage of Windows 2000 reliability
Time: 14:43
EST/19:43 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Reliable IT systems are a powerful business tool.
And the combination of Hewlett-Packard products
and Microsoft® Windows® 2000 can help companies get the high
reliability they need to maximize productivity and customer service.
Hewlett-Packard is offering a range of hardware products, software
tools and support services that help customers optimize and take
full advantage of the reliability features in Windows 2000. The
HP offerings include desktop PCs with power protection and
servers with hot-swappable components.
With new corporate desktop PCs from HP and the
reliability features in Windows 2000 Professional, workers can
protect themselves against power losses and other system failures.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- End
to the 800MHz PIII bottleneck?
Time: 14:29
EST/19:29 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Have you gotten your 800MHz Pentium III PC yet?
Many consumers have been waiting, and then waiting some more, for
PCs configured with Intel Corp.'s 800MHz Pentium III chip ever since
its launch in late December. But the wait is apparently over, as PC
makers say that Intel's
(Nasdaq: INTC)
processor has been in better supply recently.
Supplies of the fastest Pentium III chip continue
to be tight. But whereas manufacturing lead times were as long as 30
days for PCs using the chip, large direct-PC vendors are now asking
customers to wait only one-third that time -- roughly eight to 10
PC makers attribute the faster time line to
greater supplies of the 800MHz processor, introduced Dec. 20.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- MS
moves to mandatory registration
Time: 14:29
EST/19:29 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
New users of Office 2000 will get a taste of
Microsoft Corp.’s latest anti-piracy measure: forced registration.
The company is inserting a new feature into an
upcoming release of its word processing software that will cause the
product to malfunction if a person doesn’t register after
launching it 50 times. Users of volume licenses, such as those
working at big companies, won’t have to register.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- After
Win2000, it's Whistler and Blackcomb
Time: 14:27
EST/19:27 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft Corp. wants all eyes on Windows 2000
when it officially rolls out the product next week. But its Windows
development team already has moved on to work on the next two
versions of Windows.
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
is targeting March 2001 to deliver the first full upgrade to Windows
2000, code-named Whistler, according to sources close to the
company. The follow-on to Whistler, code-named Blackcomb, is a 2002
or later Windows release.
Microsoft is looking to one of its executives'
favorite retreat destinations, Whistler Resort in British Columbia,
as the inspiration for its latest code name series. Whistler
Mountain and Blackcomb Mountain are a few hours outside of Seattle.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Firms
fight for permanent Net tax ban
Time: 14:25
EST/19:25 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Business members of a congressional Internet tax
panel urged Congress to extend for five years the ban on taxes that
single out the Internet and to permanently ban taxes on access to
On the question of state sales taxes, the six
business representatives of the Advisory
Commission on Electronic Commerce said yesterday that Congress
should establish a new definition for what constitutes
"physical presence" in a state.
The Supreme Court has ruled that states can only
collect taxes on remote sales--catalog or Internet--if a company has
such a presence within their borders.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- ActiveWin:
Pinnacle Studio PCTV USB - Review
Time: 12:16
EST/17:16 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Robert
has posted his review of Studio PCTV USB by Pinnacle Systems. Here
is a snippet:
Pinnacle is a German manufacturer
known for its great professional-capture video cards such as the
Miro Video DC30 series. The corporate has just released a new
general public device formerly named: ‘Studio PCTV USB’. This
strange green box will allow you to watch TV on your computer and
even to listen radio in some countries. It also offers basic video
capture features. It is big red button is a ‘capture’ button:
one click on it and the current displayed image is saved on your
hard disk. As it’s USB it’s really easy to install.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Windows 2000 Section Updated
Time: 13:08
EST/15:08 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Robert
We have updated our Microsoft
Windows 2000 Section; we have updated Microsoft's list of Windows
2000 Certified Programs, and added a few questions to our Windows
2000 Frequently Asked Questions Page. Be sure to check them out!
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Incorporates New Anti-Piracy Technologies In Windows 2000, Office
Time: 09:18
EST/14:18 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that it has taken
steps to make counterfeit software easier to identify and to assist
honest resellers and OEM system builders in distributing genuine
software by introducing new anti-piracy technologies as well as an
Internet monitoring program. The new technologies, the most
significant of which is an edge-to-edge hologram CD-ROM, will be
included in retail and OEM System Builder versions of both the
MicrosoftÒ WindowsÒ
2000 operating system and the next service release of Microsoft
Office 2000.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Microsoft
Alleges That Four Massachusetts Businesses Distributed Counterfeit
Time: 09:17
EST/14:17 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that the company
has filed software piracy lawsuits against four Massachusetts
companies. The lawsuits, alleging copyright violations and trademark
infringements, were filed against software distributors for
allegedly distributing counterfeit and/or infringing Microsoft®
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Bill
Gates Speaks to Local Minority High-School Students
Time: 09:16
EST/14:16 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Bill Gates, Microsoft Corp. chairman and chief
software architect, today urged a group of about 100 students in
Seattle public high schools to work hard in school so they are
prepared to take advantage of the opportunities they have as members
of "Generation I," the first generation raised on the
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Allegiance Chat Log
Time: 09:11
EST/14:11 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Allegiance Vault
has posted a
log of last night's moderated Allegiance chat, giving a progress
report on development of Microsoft's space combat game, currently in
open beta.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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gets prime seat on Windows 2000 bandwagon
Time: 05:58
EST/10:58 GMT News Source: InfoWorld
Posted By: Byron
UNDERSCORING ITS commitment to Windows 2000 as a
strategically important platform for the enterprise, IBM on
Wednesday announced a new technical support initiative that helps
users and developers to better scale and integrate the upcoming
Microsoft operating system into multi-platform environments.
Over the next few weeks IBM also will roll out two
new Netfinity 4-way symmetrical multiprocessing servers (SMP)
servers, the models 7100 and 7600, that will run Windows 2000. The
new systems both will feature several technical elements that are
integral to the company's X-Architecture, including chip-kill
correction, which supposedly provides memory capabilities that are
up to 100 times more reliable than existing ECC (error-correcting
code) memory.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft's
fortune rides on Windows 2000, analysts say
Time: 05:57
EST/10:57 GMT News Source: InfoWorld
Posted By: Byron
WITH THE launch of its Windows 2000 operating
system on Feb. 17, Microsoft will try to move up the software food
chain by beginning its assault on the lucrative midrange server
business. At stake for the company will be its ability to keep
growing at the fairytale rate it has enjoyed for the past half
decade, industry analysts said.
The new OS will also play a key role in
determining whether Microsoft retains its dominant position in the
computing industry in the years to come, analysts said. As the focus
of IT computing shifts from local networks to the Internet,
Microsoft will try to hawk Windows 2000 as a reliable platform on
which companies can build e-commerce sites and other types of
Web-based applications and services.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Windows
2000 Security: An Oxymoron?
Time: 05:49
EST/10:49 GMT News Source: WinNT
Mag Posted By: Byron
If you’ve been reading some of the headlines
lately, there was a small piece on Microsoft sandwiched in between
all the "AOL and Time/Warner Buy Everything" articles. The
source for such an article and others like it is at the Microsoft
site, and is titled "Microsoft
Unveils Security Commitment." That resounding thud you just
heard is the sound of Microsoft’s words hitting the floor.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- EU
antitrust probe into Win2k threatens MS core strategy
Time: 05:48
EST/10:48 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Today's announcement of an EU antitrust
investigation into Windows 2000 presents Microsoft with a potential
nightmare scenario, and ends Europe's policy of 'armed neutrality'
when it comes to Redmond. Although sporadic complaints have emerged
in individual European countries, the European Commission has for
the past couple of years been determinedly sitting on its hands in
accordance with its arrangement with the US antitrust authorities,
who were until today lead member on Microsoft.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Outlines New Win2K Security Strategy
Time: 05:47
EST/10:47 GMT News Source: Win
NT Mag Posted By: Byron
On January 18, Brian Valentine, Microsoft’s
senior vice president in charge of Windows 2000 (Win2K) and Windows
98, outlined Microsoft’s new Win2K security strategy in an address
at the RSA 2000 security conference. At one point, Valentine
announced that Win2K will ship worldwide with 128-bit encryption. He
explained that Microsoft saw Win2K as a chance to respond to the
security crisis that the rise of the Internet has created. He
claimed that Microsoft is trying to present an industry call to
action and raise the bar with regard to security.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Skinz Contest 2000
Time: 05:47
EST/10:47 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Stardock and BetaNews have once again teamed up to
offer skinnres from around the world to show off their skinning
Contest 2000, which is at http://www.efront.com/contest/
provides WindowBlinds skinners the chance to enter in up to 6 skins
total in two categories (3 in each category). There are significant
cash prizes being offered for those skins that are voted to be the
The two categories are:
* Best Universal Skin. This is the
type of skin that you would imagine people running system wide. Good
examples of these are WinAqua, Windows3000, Athenda, Elegant.
* Best Creative Skin. This is a
tougher type of skin and there are no good examples of this type.
WindowBlinds supports plug-ins (i.e. you can actually integrate
programs into your skin such as have a clock or a stock ticker or a
mediaplayer control or something else in the GUI). There are no good
examples of this type of skin because other than the clock plug-in,
no one has used these powerful features. Other advanced features of
WindowBlinds include translucent scrollbars, layers, conditional
buttons (see C-net Extended), etc. These skins would probably not be
used universally on a system but on a per application basis.
Visit http://www.efront.com/contest/
to check out the contest so far or to enter your own skin.
WindowBlinds itself can be downloaded from http://www.stardock.com
If you like to create skins or customize your GUI
with skins you create, here's a great chance to show off your
skills. This contest will help decide who are some of the best
skinners amongst the millions of WindowBlinds users!
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Date: Wednesday 9th February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: EU Vs
Win2k |
- Microsoft
Corp. Will Cooperate Fully with European Commission Request For
Information on Windows 2000
Time: 14:51
EST/19:51 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. confirmed today that it received
from the European Commission a request for information relating to
certain features in Microsoft® Windows® 2000
operating system. Microsoft officials said the company will
cooperate fully with the Commission's request for information and
that the investigation will in no way interfere with the commercial
availability of Windows 2000, which was released to computer makers,
retail software packagers and other manufacturers on Dec. 15 and
will be officially launched Feb. 17.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- StarLancer
Trailer Released
Time: 11:09
EST/16:09 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Microsoft today announced the availability of the
first downloadable trailer for StarLancer, the highly anticipated
new game being developed by Erin and Chris Roberts, creators of the
popular Wing Commander and Privateer series. StarLancer is a
futuristic space combat game that combines the action of a
first-person space shooter with the drama and intrigue of a classic
air combat movie. The downloadable trailer is available at: http://www.microsoft.com/games/da/starlancer/
In StarLancer, countries from around the world,
including the United States, Russia, and Great Britain, have formed
strategic alliances and now battle for control of Earth, Venus and
other planets across the solar system. As part of a newly formed,
ragtag aviation unit, the 45th Volunteers Squadron, players must
prove themselves in this struggle for freedom of the solar system.
more in our StarLancer section.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- EU
to investigate Windows 2000
Time: 10:58
EST/15:58 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
The European Union said today that it will
investigate Microsoft over alleged market dominance from the launch
of W2k. The investigation is on the basis that the launch of W2k
will give Microsoft an unfair advantage in Europe, not only in the
software market but in electronic commerce too. The software giant
has four weeks to respond to enquiries that enforcement officials at
the EU have instigated.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- New
Windows Me expected in May
Time: 10:57
EST/15:57 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft's next consumer operating system, dubbed
Windows Me, could debut as early as May 26, according to a new
report. Windows Me--short for Windows Millennium Edition--is the
final Microsoft operating system based on the company's Windows 9x
line designed for home users. The launch is set for late May,
according to Paul Thurrott, publisher of the WinInfo,
a Windows user newsletter. International versions will ship to a
variety of countries by early July, according to the report.
Previously referred to by its internal code-name
Millennium, Microsoft announced last
week that it would release the operating system under the new
name. The software will be available at retail stores for PC users
to purchase an upgrade and will be loaded on new consumer computers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
and ITRAN Communications Join to Create A No New Wires Solution in
the Home
Time: 10:44
EST/15:44 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced it has signed an
agreement with ITRAN Communications Ltd., a leading developer of
robust and low-cost hardware components and solutions for the
growing power-line communications industry. The agreement will
accelerate the uniform implementation and deployment of simple and
dependable power line carrier (PLC) home networking technologies,
enabling a wide variety of smart objects to be connected to each
other easily.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Unveils Digital Broadcast Manager to Power Pay-Per-View Video And
Audio on the Internet
Time: 10:43
EST/15:43 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the availability
of Digital Broadcast Manager (Developer Preview), software that
makes it possible for companies to sell pay-per-view and
pay-per-download content via the Internet. Digital Broadcast Manager
rapidly transforms any Web site with digital media content into an
e-commerce solution. It offers a secure, easy-to-manage system for
distributing digital audio and video content in the MicrosoftÒ
Windows MediaÔ Format and makes it easy
to create digital media storefronts on the Web. This solution is the
next step in the evolution of the pay-per-view industry.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Windows
2000 Server Sees Rapid Internet Adoption
Time: 10:42
EST/15:42 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that the Microsoft®
Windows® 2000 Server operating system has seen rapid
adoption among Web sites. According to Netcraft's recent Web Server
Survey, the Windows server platform is the leading platform for Web
sites among Fortune 500 companies. The survey also revealed that the
Windows server platform powers more secure e-commerce sites than any
other operating system. In addition, the survey highlighted strong
customer satisfaction in the Windows server platform, noting that
customers of Windows are less likely to switch to other operating
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
and RadioShack Offer Affordable, Award-Winning MSN Internet Access
Service to Consumers
Time: 10:41
EST/15:41 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. has begun to provide immediate
consumer benefits resulting from its alliance with RadioShack by
announcing compelling rebates on personal computers and other
merchandise when those purchases are combined with a subscription to
MSN™ Internet Access. In addition, MSN has announced a program
with Compaq Computer Corp. to apply rebates toward Presario
computers purchased in participating RadioShack stores and other
retail outlets. Consumers who sign up for a 36-month contract with
MSN Internet Access may receive a $400 rebate to apply toward the
purchase of RadioShack products.* Consumers will be able to sign up
for MSN Internet Access in up to 5,000 participating RadioShack
locations across the nation. This offer helps propel the MSN vision
of the Everyday Web by enabling millions of Americans who shop at
RadioShack to get connected to the Internet.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Consulting and Microsoft launch new "Dot.com" Program
Time: 10:40
EST/15:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
KPMG Consulting LLC, a leading Internet
integration services company, announced today that, together with
Microsoft Corp., it is launching a new program for e-business driven
customers. The program offers a streamlined approach to the
development, integration and deployment of dot.com business
solutions and provides support and development capabilities based on
the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating
system, the foundation for the Microsoft Business Internet
initiative. The announcement comes as Microsoft gears up for its
worldwide launch of Windows 2000 on February 17. KPMG Consulting
will hire 500 professionals over the next 18 months who will be
dedicated to a newly formed practice called the "Microsoft
Dot.com practice."
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Date: Tuesday 8th February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Reviews -
Protest |
- The
cross-site scripting scam
Time: 15:14
EST/20:14 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Last week's sudden announcement of a security
breach called cross-site scripting seemed oddly suspicious. I'm now
convinced it's part of a not-so-subtle effort to scare people away
from general Web browsing and to get them to lock into so-called
safe places such as America Online or MSN.com. It's the odd timing
of the announcement, along with certain proclamations made by
Microsoft Corp., that makes me suspicious.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Accelerates Online Learning With Support for eLearning Specification
Time: 15:12
EST/20:12 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and leaders of the eLearning
community today announced support for Learning Resource Interchange
(LRN), the first commercial implementation of the Instructional
Management Systems (IMS) Content and Management Systems
Specification developed by the eLearning industry and the IMS Global
Learning Consortium. LRN is an XML-based schema that defines course
content, allowing organizations and eLearning providers to easily
create and manage compatible online learning content. LRN helps
customers maximize their investment in eLearning by enabling a wider
range of interoperable content and applications than currently
exists today.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Windows
2000 Section Updated
Time: 12:51
EST/17:51 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Robert
We have made several updates to our Windows
2000 Section; We have posted Microsoft's latest Windows
2000 Hardware Compatability List (2 MB), updated the Windows
2000 History Page, and updated our Windows
2000 FAQ.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- ActiveWin:
Delta Force 2 - Review
Time: 11:02
EST/16:02 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
have posted my review of Delta Force 2 by Novalogic. Here is a
I'll begin with the single player
game mode it is probably as straightforward as they come. You are a
member of a small team usually you are joined by two or three other
soldiers on each mission, but success is always dependant on you not
the others, if you die that is it - you will have to start the
mission again as you cannot take control of any of the soldiers on
the team other than the one you begin with.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Santana
and Cheech Marin To Perform at Microsoft Windows 2000 Equal Access
Concert Benefiting the Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Time: 09:22
EST/14:22 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today, Microsoft Corporation announced that
ten-time Grammy Award nominee, Carlos Santana, and legendary
comedian and co-star of CBS' NASH BRIDGES, Cheech Marin, would cap
off the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 launch-day activities in an Equal
Access charity concert benefiting the Hispanic Scholarship Fund to
help bridge the digital divide in under-represented communities. The
Equal Access benefit concert, exclusively for attendees of the IDG
Windows 2000 Conference and Expo, will be hosted by the Windows 2000
team and 17 of the largest technology companies in the world. The
concert will take place at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium on
February 17th in San Francisco, CA at 8:00pm PST in conjunction with
the worldwide launch of Microsoft's next-generation operating system
for businesses, Windows 2000.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Atomic
Pop and Microsoft Marketing Alliance Brings Entertainment Catalog to
Windows Media
Time: 09:21
EST/14:21 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and Atomic Pop, a leading provider
of online music, today announced the formation of a strategic
relationship through which Atomic Pop will make its entire catalog
of music, video, live broadcasts and original radio and television
programming available in the Microsoft® Windows Media™ format.
The Atomic Pop catalog includes thousands of tracks and full albums
from such artists as Public Enemy, Ice T, the Breeders, the Pixies,
Everclear and Built to Spill.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Announces New Service to Protect Children's Online Privacy
Time: 09:20
EST/14:20 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Expanding its ongoing initiatives to provide
children with a positive, safe, online experience, Microsoft Corp.
today announced it will soon make available Microsoft®
Kids Passport, a new service that helps parents protect their
children's privacy online by deciding whether children may use
participating online services that collect and/or disclose personal
information. The service will give parents an easy way to determine
whether their children should be permitted to disclose personally
identifiable information to the online businesses that participate
in the Kids Passport program. Kids Passport also offers e-businesses
an easily implemented
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- One arrested during Microsoft
Time: 08:27
EST/13:27 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Police in riot gear arrested one man among a group
of about 60 protesters marching to Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
headquarters Monday, a police spokeswoman said. The man, whose name
has not been released, was booked for disorderly conduct after he
stepped off the sidewalk and into the street during the march,
Redmond police said. The protesters, led by the Direct Action
Network (DAN), marched along city sidewalks that extend inside the
sprawling Microsoft campus carrying signs protesting corporate greed
and an effigy of Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates. Some 2 dozen heavily
armed police arrived as the march began, but the protest was
peaceful, aside from the lone arrest, eyewitnesses said.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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offers 99.9 percent uptime guarantee for Microsoft Windows 2000
Time: 03:56
EST/08:56 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft and EMC have joined forces to build and
deploy reliable, high-performance solutions based on the Microsoft®
Windows® 2000 platform.
EMC, a Fortune 500 company specializing in
enterprise storage systems, and Microsoft last week announced an
alliance to help companies deploy highly reliable and manageable
business solutions with Windows 2000 Server. The companies aim to
combine Windows 2000, storage solutions and services from EMC, and
server solutions from EMC's Data General division to meet the needs
of demanding environments and applications.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Windows
2000 Professional speaks language of lower TCO with multilingual
user interface
Time: 03:54
EST/08:54 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Doing business in more than one language is
difficult enough for most companies.
They don't need the added complication of using
multiple versions of an operating system. That's what Microsoft®
Windows® 2000 Professional, MultiLanguage Version is designed to
prevent. The operating system allows users to change the language of
the user interface, choosing from any one of 24 languages. Menus,
help files and dialog boxes can be switched to Japanese, for
example, or Italian or Swedish. Plus, users can create, edit and
print documents in hundreds of different languages. That can mean
significant cost savings for companies that do work in more than one
language. It also means easier system management: Instead of
deploying and managing multiple language versions of an operating
system, a company can use a single platform for the entire
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- LiveWare 3 Installation
Instructions for Windows 2000
Time: 03:45
EST/08:45 GMT News Source: NT
Compatible Posted By: Alex
Anthony Toste has updated his Liveware 3
installation instructions for Windows 2000 which allow soundfonts, 4
speaker setup and EAX under Windows 2000. To download the
installation instructions then click here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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to launch Net-access PCs
Time: 03:43
EST/08:43 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Looking to put some meat around its new
"EON" strategy, IBM Personal Systems Group (PSG) today
previewed a handful of forthcoming products, including an all-in-one
The division's Edge of the Network (EON) strategy,
which resembles a marketing philosophy more than an actual product
strategy, calls for the creation of computing devices and services
that link users to their networks, the Internet and all of their
e-business applications.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
fires up its 1.1GHz Athlon demo
Time: 03:41
EST/08:41 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. on Wednesday one-upped
rival Intel Corp. in the chip demo wars, showing off an upcoming
1GHz-plus Athlon processor.
pulled the wraps off a 1.1GHz version of the next-generation Athlon
processor with its forthcoming Thunderbird
processor core at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuit
Conference in San Francisco. AMD showed the 1.1GHz Athlon chip in
response to Intel's
discussion of a forthcoming 1GHz
Pentium III chip.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- How
a basic attack crippled Yahoo
Time: 03:39
EST/08:39 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Lesson of the day: If they can shut down Yahoo,
they can shut down anybody. An apparently coordinated attack today
overwhelmed one of the Web's most popular destinations, once again
calling into question the vulnerability of Internet companies. (See
related story.)
"Our engineers had just not seen anything
like this before," said Laurie Priddy, executive vice president
of systems and applications for GlobalCenter, Yahoo's Web hosting
service, which bore the brunt of the attack. "It would take a
concerted effort, a group of people or some sophisticated software
to generate that level of traffic."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Date: Monday 7th February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: |
- Microsoft
E-mails Skin Artists For Help
Time: 17:52
EST/22:52 GMT News Source: Beta
News Posted By: Byron
Microsoft e-mailed several WinAmp skin developers
late last week for their help with a yet-to-be announced product
involving bitmap based skinning. The message reveals Microsoft is
looking for skin artists who want to work as contractors for a
future project, which may be related to a previously reported
project which involves an extensible window manager for future
versions of Windows.
The e-mail, from Microsoft Program Manager Steve
Falcon, reads, "Microsoft is looking for skin artists to work
on a contract basis on an unannounced product. The product is
unrelated to WinAMP but supports bitmap-based skinning. Your name
was selected at random from published WinAMP skin designers. If you
are interested, please reply with your name, address, phone number,
availability, and links to skins or your other graphic
designportfolio. If all goes well, I will contact you to discuss the
project, your interest it, logistics, terms, and compensation, etc.
Since the product we are working on is unannounced, I can't tell
more about it without a confidential disclosure agreement. But I can
tell you it's very COOL! Please forward to other good skin designers
you know."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- MS
Wants Weaker Consumer Rights
Time: 17:38
EST/22:38 GMT News Source:
Computer Currents Posted By: Byron
A number of software high-rollers, including
Microsoft Corp, along with some industry associations, are
reportedly promoting the passage of country-wide state legislation
that would reduce consumer rights for users of purchased or leased
software and database information.
According to a report in today's Los Angeles
Times, the drive comes as software companies are eyed as cash cows
by local communities, which envision job creation and other economic
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Microsoft
takes one on the chin
Time: 15:14
EST/20:14 GMT News Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Byron
Under the word "spin," my dictionary
(Merriam-Webster, 1974) does not include the usage "to change
or manipulate public opinion." If it did, however, the
definition might use as an example Microsoft's official response to
the long-awaited friend-of-the-court
brief filed earlier this week by Harvard law professor Lawrence
Lessig, in the Department of Justice's antitrust case against the
software giant.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Lottery
team-up for Gates and Branson
Time: 09:05
EST/14:05 GMT News Source:
BBC Online Posted By: Byron
Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson has recruited
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates to help win the next licence for the
National Lottery. Microsoft will provide the PC technology to sell
lottery tickets, not only in shops but also over the internet and
through interactive television and mobile phones.
The deal will put Sir Richard's non-profit
People's Lottery on a good footing with barely 12 months before
Camelot's licence to run the National Lottery expires.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- MS
pitches twin controller approach for mobile devices
Time: 08:59
EST/13:59 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
One of the problems CE (and indeed, numerous other
operating systems) faces in penetrating the mobile and appliance
markets is that it's not fully real time, although the hardware
generally doesn't take too kindly to software chiming in demanding
CPU time when inappropriate. But Microsoft may have found an
interesting workaround - one that also reduces the chances of your
phone handset getting the Blue Screen of Death.
According to Kevin Dallas, group product manager
with Microsoft, at least two foundries are set to introduce silicon
with dual on-board controllers aimed at mobile handset
manufacturers. The pair are Philips and Wavecom.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Interix 2.2 Brings UNIX System Capabilities to Windows 2000
Time: 08:53
EST/13:53 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced it has released to
manufacturing Interix 2.2, a complete environment that enables
customers to easily run UNIX applications and scripts on the
Microsoft® Windows NT® and Windows®
2000 operating systems without rewriting code.
Interix 2.2 is the first version available for
Windows 2000 and a key component of Microsoft's interoperability and
application migration strategy for providing interoperability
between Windows-based and UNIX systems. Interix 2.2 allows users to
take advantage of key benefits of the Windows NT platform, including
lower total cost of ownership, easier manageability and access to
the vast array of Windows-based applications while leveraging
existing UNIX applications.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Microsoft
Receives Top Honor for Hiring, Accommodating and Creating Accessible
Technologies for People With Disabilities
Time: 08:53
EST/13:53 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that WE Magazine,
a lifestyle publication for people with disabilities, has placed
Microsoft at the top of its annual Golden Ladder list of companies
who demonstrate leadership in hiring and accommodating people with
disabilities on the job. Microsoft received this year's top honor
not only for its workplace policies and accommodation strategies,
but also for the company's efforts in creating accessible
technologies and as a founding member of the Able to Work
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Microsoft bCentral Launches Easy
Web Site Creation And Hosting Service for Small Businesses
Time: 08:52
EST/13:52 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
To make it easier for small businesses to
establish a Web presence, Microsoft Corp. today announced the
availability of Microsoft® bCentral™ Site Manager, an
innovative service that gives small-business owners everything they
need to build, host and maintain a successful Web site and to sell
products via the Internet. The service will be offered through
bCentral (http://www.bcentral.com/),
the Web-based small-business portal that Microsoft launched in
September. Site Manager is a core component of the comprehensive
suite of services from bCentral, created specifically to help small
and growing businesses leverage the Internet. The offering is the
latest in a series of online services, dubbed "megaservices,"
that Microsoft is delivering for businesses of all sizes.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Date: Sunday 6th February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Encarta
Africana 2000 |
- ActiveWin:
Encarta Africana 2000 Edition - Review
Time: 15:43
EST/20:43 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
have just posted my review of Microsoft's recently released Encarta
Africana 2000 Edition, here is a snippet from the review:
I began my browsing via the
"Find" icon at the top left of the Encarta browser, in my
view this is the easiest and fastest way of finding out information,
all you need to do is to enter a few words such as
"Muhammad" and a number of articles relating to someone
with that name will appear on the sidebar in a matter of seconds.
Once I had found a name I was looking for "Muhammad Ali"
for example, I would click on his name and a new contents area would
load up in the Encarta Browsers main window, from here you can get
to introductions about Ali, photos, web searches and Ali's great
moments in sport.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Ask
AW - Updated
Time: 14:04
EST/19:04 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
just a little note to tell you that the AskAW section has been
updated with 9 brand new questions and answers. Remember, keep all
the new questions coming!
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Online
auto sales stuck in slow lane
Time: 04:04
EST/09:04 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
New and used cars account for nearly $700 billion
in annual sales nationwide, making the industry one of the economy's
biggest drivers and dwarfing markets like books, music and travel
that have dominated online consumer sales to date. But while a
flurry of announcements have focused attention on the market's
promise, it is proving a lot easier to sell a shirt or CD than a car
over the Internet.
In fact the automotive Web sites face a patchwork
of regulations that ban online car sales in some states and make
them tricky in others, a situation unlikely to change anytime soon
given the political muscle of local dealers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Delta
flies after Ford with employee PC program
Time: 04:03
EST/09:03 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Following Ford's deal to offer PCs to its workers
around the world, Delta Air Lines said today it would strike a
similar partnership to provide its 75,000 employees with computers
and Net access.
Delta Air Lines
said its new "Wired Workforce" program will provide a
desktop computer complete with Net access to each employee for a
maximum of $12 per month. Employees must sign a three-year Internet
service provider (ISP) subscription contract to participate in the
PeoplePC's deal with Delta and yesterday's pact
with Ford could signal a change in how PCs are sold in the consumer
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Group
planning $600 million offer for Iridium
Time: 04:02
EST/09:02 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
An investment group led by cellular telephone
pioneer Craig McCaw is preparing a $600 million offer for bankrupt
satellite-telephone company Iridium, investors familiar with the
proposal said.
The offer will be made to Iridium's banks.
Motorola, which owns about 18 percent of Iridium, plans to pay the
lenders about $250 million in cash and $50 million of Iridium's 10
percent convertible notes as part of the proposal, investors said.
Iridium's banks would also get 3 percent to 5
percent of the equity in the restructured company. The buyout would
eliminate the interest of common shareholders.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Epson
unveils new photo printers
Time: 04:00
EST/09:00 GMT News Source: MacWeek
Posted By: Alex
Epson America Inc. on Thursday unveiled three new
inkjet printers for consumers and users of digital cameras. The
additions to Stylus Photo line will be available from retailers
within two months, Epson said.
The new printers include the $300 Epson's Stylus
Photo 870 and the $500 Epson Stylus Photo 1270, which replace the
750 and 1200 models available now. The $400 875DC is a new addition
to the product line.
Set to ship by mid-March, the 870 and 875DC
printers are aimed at home and business users, while the new 1270
model is targeted at professional photographers, Epson said.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Date: Saturday 5th February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: ActiveDVD |
Tips & Easter Eggs
Time: 14:12
EST/19:12 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
We have posted a load of new Easter Eggs for
various DVD releases including the following recent releases:
American Pie
John Carpenter's In The Mouth Of Madness
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Flink
Ink: My FAVORITE Win2K Security Features
Time: 12:58
EST/17:58 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron Hinson
When we have a chance to experiment with alternate
ways of doing things, sometimes the best is the simple old
solutions of the past. Windows 2000 provides a wonderfully
rich opportunity to re-explore the old and the new of OS
technology. Sometimes we're simply floored by the brilliance
of something new. Often we're floored by the rediscovery of
how smart designers were in the Good Ole Days! Here's
my favorite security features new with Windows 2000, but somewhat old
in the minds of the Linux and UNIX guru.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- ActiveDVD
- Updates
Time: 09:25
EST/14:25 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Matthew
Just a quick note to say that ActiveDVD is now
being update daily as we are moving to expand the site to contain
far more news, information, articles and tips for both DVD and DVD-ROM
hardware users. We are hoping to have some big competitions coming
up on the ActiveDVD site quite soon.
So if you haven't checked it out in a while why
not take a look.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- ActiveDVD:
The Thing: Collector's Edition: DVD - Re-Review
Time: 09:20
EST/14:20 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
have posted my re-review of The
Thing: Collector's Edition. Here is a snippet:
There are a number of bonus extras
packed onto this DVD, they include an great documentary "The
Thing: Terror Takes Shape" which features Carpenter, Russell,
Cundey and many other members of the cast, they go into great detail
explaining film, special effects etc. The running commentary is also
well made, with Carpenter and Russell discussing all aspects of the
movie and for once on a DVD, never boring you to death with
pointless dribble.
News] [Return To Headlines]
- Caldera-Microsoft:
Not over till it's over
Time: 09:15
EST/14:15 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
New documents reveal that a former Microsoft
employee admits she destroyed potential evidence.
Caldera and Microsoft may have ended up settling
their 4-year-old antitrust suit before it went to trial, but the
fireworks aren't over yet.
The latest explosion: Former Microsoft Germany
employee Stefanie Reichel admitted in a deposition that she
destroyed files and other information that potentially could have
been used as evidence against Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
in the Caldera case.
Reichel also admitted in the newly public
deposition excerpts that her supervisor discarded hard drives of
computers in Microsoft's German office.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Redmond
plays underdog in wireless land
Time: 09:10
EST/14:10 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Accustomed to its unrivaled status in the software
industry, Microsoft is finding that its powerful brand does not
translate easily to the booming wireless Web market.
It's an unfamiliar and uncomfortable role for the
company, which has used its dominance in the PC market as a
foundation for success in other corners of the computing world. The
software giant has been forced to scramble for partnerships with
others that do wield real mobile power in one of the fastest-growing
technology markets worldwide.
This week, CNET News.com learned that the software
giant was close to signing deals with Sprint PCS and AirTouch
Communications to allow its MSN
Mobile Web portal to be featured prominently on those company's
services. The company is also in negotiations for a
still-confidential "major deal" with British Telecom and
AT&T, according to an internal
email inadvertently sent to a CNET editor.
"This might be one of the first times where
they've come into an industry and they can't just throw their weight
around," said Larry Swasey, vice president of Allied Business
Intelligence, a communications consulting firm. "They're not
the dominant player here. They're a new player."
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Bad, Money Good
Time: 09:05
EST/14:05 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
The folks milling around LinuxWorld may have
expressed concern this week about the future commercialization of
open source software, but they were also freely enjoying their
Meanwhile, pro-Linux fundraising groups announced
deals with credit card companies, free software advocates talked
about their stock options, and everyone enjoyed poking fun at
The most visible jab at Microsoft was flapping in
the cold February air across the street from LinuxWorld's Jacob
Javits Center home. The huge Linuxcare banner mocked the "Death
Star's" logo: "Where I want to go today is Linux."
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- PCs
for Ford, Delta workers: Global trend?
Time: 09:04
EST/14:04 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matthew
The cost is high, but the benefits many, to giving
employees free or low-cost PCs and Internet access, say analysts.
Will the programs announced by Ford and Delta spread to other
New programs introduced this week by Ford Motor
Co. and Delta Airlines giving employees heavily subsidized computers
and Internet access could be the start of a global business trend,
according to industry observers.
On Thursday, Ford (NYSE: F)
announced a partnership with PeoplePC, a provider of low-cost
computers and Internet access, which will give Ford employees a free
computer along with Internet access provided by UUNet for $5 a
month. The program is available to all of Ford's 350,000 global
employees and will be managed by PeoplePC of San Francisco.
Delta Airlines (NYSE: DAL)
announced a similar partnership with PeoplePC on Friday.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Songwriter
pokes fun at AOL Time Warner execs
Time: 09:03
EST/14:03 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
An Atlanta entrepreneur is adding levity to the
merger of America Online and Time Warner by registering the domain
names of both companies' top brass and writing humorous songs about
them that can be heard online.
Chris Cook, 30, is boosting his budding musical
career with songs such as "Steve Case lost his Cyber Parking
Space" and "Amazon Dot Red."
Cook said he has registered the names of AOL
chairman Steve Case, Time Warner vice chairman Ted Turner, Warner
Music Group chief executive Roger Ames, and Time chief executive Don
Logan, among others. He has written songs dedicated to Time Warner
top executives, as well as songs that poke fun at Internet
companies. Then he links to the songs from the executives' URLs.
For instance, PC users who log on to StephenCase.com
are directed to Cook's music site at MP3.com. There they can hear
"Steve Case lost his Cyber Parking Space."
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
hopes to entice town to file taxes electronically
Time: 09:00
EST/14:13 GMT News Source: Nando
Media Posted By: Matthew
Software giant Microsoft Corp. has
"adopted" a small Texas town in hopes of getting the 1,900
or so citizens who are filing taxes to do their taxes
With a high school band playing and former Gov.
Ann Richards lending her support, Microsoft kicked off an effort to
make the people of Comfort feel more comfortable - get it? - about
filing their taxes online.
Microsoft hopes to get all tax filers in Comfort
to use its Microsoft TaxSaver tax-preparation software and at least
25 percent to file electronically.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Friday 4th February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: |
- Windows
2000: Big Whoop
Time: 21:21
EST/02:21 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
Do you remember Windows when Windows wasn't cool?
Maybe not. Windows always created a buzz, even
before it shipped. Way back at the Comdex Fall 1983 show, it
appeared in beta form alongside many other strange windowing-for-DOS
creatures, crashing just as enthusiastically as the rest of them.
But it was always the point of reference--out-pointing technically
better alternatives even when we in the press still thought that
technical excellence was the key to success in operating systems.
the article
News] [Return To Headlines]
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to add thin-client Windows 2000 support
Time: 16:05
EST/21:05 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
IBM on Monday will add Windows 2000 support to its
existing line of thin-client systems, hoping to satisfy customers
looking for a simplified computing package.
A thin-client computer is a stripped-down PC that
runs programs off a powerful server computer instead of from a unit
on the desk.
The move is part of IBM's ongoing expansion of its
thin-client strategy. Earlier this week, Big Blue started supporting
Unix variant developed by Linus Torvalds--on thin-client systems.
IBM, like many other PC manufacturers, is also
ramping up support for Windows 2000, Microsoft's corporate operating
system that is scheduled to be formally released
on Feb. 17.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Palm
slashes prices to make way for new models
Time: 16:03
EST/21:03 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Palm Computing has cut prices on all of its
handheld computers, ostensibly in preparation for the release of new
models, including its long-awaited first device with a color
As first reported
by CNET News.com, Palm will release the Palm IIIc with color display
on Feb. 20, along with the Palm IIIxe, which will expand the memory
of the Palm IIIx device. As is typical practice for the company, it
is now cutting prices across its line of products in preparation for
the new releases.
Although the introduction of the first color Palm
is clearly a technical milestone for the company, analysts are
unsure whether the fancy displays will offer much real value to
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Pending
Microsoft wireless deals point to computing shift
Time: 16:01
EST/21:01 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Used to being the unrivaled giant of the software
industry, Microsoft is finding itself cut down to size in the
wireless world.
Microsoft is recognized as the dominant software
provider for the PC industry. But the company is finding that its
powerful brand doesn't translate easily in the exploding wireless
Web, one of the fastest-growing technology markets worldwide. That's
forcing the company to scramble for partnerships with the companies
that do wield real mobile power.
It's an unfamiliar and uncomfortable role for the
software firm, which is used to having its massive control of the PC
market to use as a foundation for success in other corners of the
computing world.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- ActiveDVD
- Updates
Time: 15:31
EST/20:31 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron Hinson
Just a quick note to say that ActiveDVD is now
being update daily as we are moving to expand the site to contain
far more news, information, articles and tips for both DVD and DVD-ROM
hardware users. We are hoping to have some big competitions coming
up on the ActiveDVD site quite soon.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS00-004) - Patch Available for "RDISK
Registry Enumeration File" Vulnerability
Time: 14:31
EST/19:31 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Product Security Posted By: Matthew
On January 21, 2000, Microsoft released the
original version of this bulletin, discussing a security
vulnerability in a Microsoft(r) Windows NT(r) 4.0 administrative
utility. The original version of the bulletin discussed the
vulnerability within the context of Windows NT 4.0 Server, Terminal
Server Edition. However, we have since learned of scenarios under
which the vulnerability could also affect Windows NT 4.0 servers and
workstations, and have revised the bulletin accordingly.
The utility creates a temporary file during
execution that can contain security-sensitive information, but does
not appropriately restrict access to it. Under certain conditions,
it could be possible for a malicious user to read the file as it was
being created.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
DirectX to Feature Real-Time Voice Technology
Time: 13:30
EST/16:30 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft Corp. today announced plans to
incorporate real-time voice technology, called DirectPlay® Voice,
into the next version of its popular Microsoft® DirectX® suite of
multimedia application programming interfaces (APIs). The innovation
was adapted from the Battlefield Communicator (BattleCom)
application created by ShadowFactor Software Inc., a Canadian
company acquired by Microsoft in June 1999. The new DirectPlay Voice
technology will be integrated into the DirectPlay networking API in
DirectX and optimized for use in multiplayer games.
"With the addition of this technology to the
DirectPlay API in DirectX, Microsoft will provide game developers
with a powerful set of programming interfaces to cleanly integrate
voice technology into their games," said Paul Donlan, program
manager for DirectX at Microsoft. "Real-time voice
communication between players will greatly enhance the gameplay
experience. Imagine table talk during an online bridge game or squad
collaboration during World War II-era flying games such as 'Combat
Flight Simulator.' Once embedded into DirectX, voice technology will
bring multiplayer gaming to a new level."
In addition to enhancing PC games, the
incorporation of voice technology into DirectX will enable computers
based on the Microsoft Windows® operating system to be used for the
development and operation of additional PC-to-PC voice solutions,
including voice-rich Web pages, real-time document sharing with
voice collaboration, and Web-based customer-service voice
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Altec-Lansing's
ACS54 Speaker System Review
Time: 05:01
EST/10:01 GMT News Source: CPU
Review Posted By: Alex
CPU Review
have posted their review of Altec-Lansing's ACS54 Speaker System.
Here is a snippet of it:
Recently I reviewed the Sys
Cold Fusion 1000 system (1GHz Athlon) - which was shipped with
an OEM version of the Altec-Lansing ACS54 speaker system. I was
quite pleased with their performance, so I purchased a retail boxed
ACS-54 speaker system - after all, I needed a 4.1 speaker system for
testing four channel capable sound cards!
News] [Return To Headlines]
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in IT alliance with Microsoft
Time: 04:55
EST/09:55 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd said
on Friday it would work with Microsoft Corp to improve the bank's
worldwide web-based technology which would help cut costs and
improve its customer service.
ANZ declined to say how much it was spending on
the project nor how much it expected to save by adopting a single
worldwide data and communications network and Windows 2000 desktop
system, except to say the expected savings were large.
``Clearly they're substantial numbers or we would
not be putting so much effort into it,'' said ANZ's head of
technology, David Boyles.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Intel
Forum To Map A Three-Front Battle
Time: 04:47
EST/09:47 GMT News Source: Tech
Web Posted By: Alex
Intel executives will create a product triangle of
sorts when the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) opens Feb. 15 in Palm
Springs, Calif. Some 3,000 participants are expected to hear Intel
describe the Timna processor with integrated graphics; the
next-generation 32-bit Willamette microarchitecture; and the Itanium
64-bit processor.
The company expects this trio of products to be
introduced to the market this year, and to position Intel in the
value, performance, and high-end-server portions of the computer
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Former Microsoft Board Member
Quits Mattel
Time: 04:46
EST/09:46 GMT News Source: Tech
Web Posted By: Alex
Jill E. Barad on Thursday resigned as chairman and
chief executive officer of toy-maker Mattel. Until she declined to
seek re-appointment last November, Barad was the only female member
of Microsoft's Board of Directors. Last week, former U.S. Secretary
of Labor Ann McLaughlin was appointed to replace Barad at Microsoft.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Dualing
Modems Reach 112 K
Time: 04:44
EST/09:44 GMT News Source: Wired
News Posted By: Alex
Is it more annoying to wait for DSL to come to
your area, or to wait for those MP3s to download?
For those with no alternative to analog modems,
modem maker Cambridge
Computer is offering a way to get 112 kbps downloads using two
56 K modems in tandem. The DataBridge Elite 112 K includes two 56 K
modems with special firmware and software that takes two connections
to the same ISP and merges them into a fast connection.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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puts best foot forward with Windows DNA platform
Time: 04:41
EST/09:41 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
When "the world's biggest shoe store"
stepped up to the Web, it needed a scalable, reliable e-commerce
NORDSTROMshoes.com needed an e-commerce system
that could handle high traffic, go live quickly and make room for 20
million pairs of shoes. The Nordstrom department store's new online
shoe store also had to deliver the company's traditionally superior
customer service. Nordstrom chose the Microsoft® Windows® DNA
platform—and opened the electronic doors at NORDSTROMshoes.com in
only three months.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Customers
confirm greater reliability of Windows 2000 helps them achieve
business goals
Time: 04:39
EST/09:39 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Reliable IT systems are a must for business.
Companies adopting Microsoft® Windows® 2000 say
it provides greater reliability than previous versions of the
operating system. CenterBeam, Panel Processing and Toshiba report
higher system uptime, greater resilience in the face of application
failures and decreased planned downtime. Meanwhile, solution
providers such as Digex and Symix are recommending Windows 2000 to
their customers because of its improved reliability.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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software features sneak out
Time: 04:35
EST/09:35 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Want a sneak preview of what the new Buddy List
and tool bar will look like on a forthcoming version of America
Online software? America Online Inc. doesn't want you to see its
early depiction of Version 6.0 software, due for release in August,
but on several Web sites you can get an unauthorized look. A
spokeswoman for the online service says the documents were obtained
illegally, most likely by hacking into their system.
Yet a high school student who will identify
himself only as "RainMa" claims he got the information by
randomly browsing public files on the site using a regular AOL
account and an internal AOL tool he has from his days as a volunteer
content developer at the service.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Intel
buys DSL firm in second acquisition of day
Time: 04:35
EST/09:35 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Intel opened its wallet twice today as the chip
giant said it will purchase Ambient Technologies for $150
million--hours after it agreed to pick up Indian chip designer
Thinkit Technologies.
Ambient specializes in processors for modems for
digital subscriber lines (DSL),
a high-speed form of Internet access that rivals many of the
features of cable Internet access. Thinkit, meanwhile, specializes
in chips for communications infrastructure equipment such as
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Russia,
Latin America installing fiber-optic networks
Time: 04:33
EST/09:33 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
While the United States struggles to keep up with
demand for higher-speed data connections, communications carriers
are getting an early jump on the international market.
A handful of network operators have begun
deploying high-speed fiber-optic and cable networks in areas where
Internet religion has yet to explode.
Two recent examples include Impsat Fiber Networks,
a communications carrier building a series of fiber-optic networks
across Latin America, and a joint
venture between Andersen Group and Comcor to build a fiber-optic
Internet and cable TV network in Russia.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
battles pair of security bugs
Time: 04:29
EST/09:29 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft bug exterminators are at work on two
security flaws that could expose users' information to the prying
eyes of online attackers.
Microsoft has acknowledged that bugs in its Java
virtual machine for the Internet Explorer browser and its
Outlook Express mail reader for IE enable malicious hackers to look
at more than they ought to be able to see on targets' computers.
Microsoft said it was devising patches for both
With Outlook Express, a malicious user can embed a
script within a message that will let him or her read the mail of
the targeted user while the initial message window remains open. The
bug does not affect the standard version of Outlook.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Date: Thursday 3rd February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: |
- Virgin
Atlantic limits auction to Windows users
Time: 15:54
EST/20:54 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Virgin Atlantic is offering tickets for some of
its flights to Europe and other destinations via a new online
auction site. But if you're a Macintosh or Linux user, don't bother
visiting. To access the ticket auction, consumers need to first
download a program from Voyager Technologies. That program only
works on Windows-based PCs.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Microsoft
Announces Alliance With Fujifilm and Inclusion Of Picture It!
Express 2000 in New Fujicolor CD
Time: 15:50
EST/20:50 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced it has formed an
alliance with Fuji Photo Film USA Inc. to make digital imaging even
more accessible for consumers. As part of the alliance, Fujifilm
will incorporate Microsoft® Picture It!®
Express 2000 photo-editing software into every new Fujicolor CD.
Jon Schwarz, worldwide product manager for
Consumer Publishing and Imaging at Microsoft, stated that the
digital imaging industry has experienced great success because early
adopters embraced digital imaging technologies, but the consumer
portion of the market has been growing at a slower pace.
"Consumers are interested in digital imaging, but they still
think it is hard to do or that it requires expensive
equipment," Schwarz said. "That's why we are excited to be
working with Fujifilm on its new Fujicolor CD."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- VA
Linux buys Slashdot.org
Time: 15:49
EST/20:49 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
VA Linux is to buy Andover.net,
owner of Slashdot.org, Freshmeat.net
and a clutch of disparate Linux web sites, for $1 billion in shares
and some cash. Speaking at LinuxWorld Expo, Larry Augustin, VA Linux
CEO, said the company would pull the Andover sites into a
"great developer community and resource online to drive Open
Well it’s certainly a way of building bulk
rapidly -- so far as Linux-friendly eyeballs are concerned. The
combined web sites will account for "two thirds of the total
traffic of major Open Source sites, putting the combined network in
the top 100 web destinations world wide". Andover.net brings 50
million page impressions per month to the party.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Customers,
Market Watchers and Application Service Providers Confirm
Reliability of Windows 2000
Time: 09:46
EST/14:46 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced an independent
survey conducted by Sunbelt Software Inc., which concluded that on
average the Windows® 2000 Professional operating system
is twice as reliable as the Windows NT® Workstation 4.0
operating system and three times more reliable than either Windows
98 or Windows 95. Application service providers such as DIGEX Inc.
and solution providers such as Symix Systems Inc. are seeing
increased plans for adoption of Microsoft® Windows 2000
because of the enhanced reliability of the platform. Customers such
as CenterBeam Inc., Panel Processing Inc. and Toshiba America
Information Systems Inc. are deploying Windows 2000 Professional and
Server and are experiencing tremendous reliability improvements,
including higher system uptime, application failure resiliency and
decreased planned system downtime.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- States
MS brief: Bork aims to undermine appeal court ruling
Time: 09:46
EST/14:46 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Judge Robert Bork has been prominent on the
sidelines of the Microsoft case. He's a former US solicitor general,
federal appeals judge, a believer in "constitutional
originalism", and the author of a much-cited antitrust tome.
He's also a pal of Judge Posner, the Chicago-based
mediator. Microsoft tried to recruit him to advise on its defence
but he decided to accept an invitation to do this for Netscape
instead, as well as to be an adviser to the anti-Microsoft ACT
analogue, the Project to Promote Competition and Innovation
(Procomp). Bork ended up with the consolation prize of writing the
Amicus brief for the Plaintiff States. His workmanlike brief does
not regurgitate the Finding of Fact, or the Joint Proposed
Conclusions of Law. He decided that his job was to address three
legal principles: that Microsoft has monopolised and violated
section two of the Sherman Act; that Microsoft's antitrust
violations have harmed consumers; and, most importantly, that
"the Court of Appeals consent decree decision provides no
shelter for Microsoft's illegal conduct".
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Gateway
Stores Preview Win2000
Time: 05:23
EST/10:23 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Dying to see Windows 2000 in action? You don't
have to wait until Microsoft's official launch on February 17 if you
have a local Gateway Country showroom with a Business Solution
center inside it. The company announced Tuesday that owners of small
and medium-size businesses who want a sneak peak of the new
operating system can stop by for a test drive.
Gateway has Business Solution centers in about 95
percent of its 232 Gateway Country showrooms (click here
to go to the Web site locator ). By offering small-business owners a
chance to see a prerelease demonstration of Windows 2000, it lets
them plan ahead in the same way that IT departments in larger
companies can, says a Gateway spokesperson.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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sued over 5.0 install
Time: 05:17
EST/10:17 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
A suburban Washington, D.C., law firm sued America
Online Inc., alleging Wednesday that AOL's new Version 5.0 Web
browser puts rival Internet service providers at a disadvantage.
A spokesman for AOL
flatly denied the charges, saying the suit has no basis in law or in
fact and that consumers who choose AOL as their default browser can
easily switch back to another.
Fritz Schneider of Yates & Schneider in
Gaithersburg, Md., said that when AOL's new browser is installed it
"has the effect of disabling or interrupting the user's access
to the Internet through any other Internet service provider."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Bug
found in MS Java machine
Time: 05:16
EST/10:16 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
As it continues its battle with Sun Microsystems
Inc. over the future of Java, Microsoft Corp. is finding itself
facing an entirely different type of obstacle: a newly uncovered
security glitch in its Java virtual machine.
According to a
report by Dr. Hiromitsu Takagi of the Japanese Ministry of
International Trade and Industry, the bug might allow an attacker to
steal files from Web surfers who are using versions 4, 5 or 5.01 of
Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser that include Microsoft's Java
virtual machine. (Microsoft makes the Java virtual machine an
optional, user-selectable component of IE.)
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Intel's
'Willamette' heats up GHz race
Time: 05:14
EST/10:14 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
The race to -- and past -- 1 gig heats up in two
That's when Intel Corp. will lure developers to
Palm Springs, Calif., for some winter golf and the semiannual Intel
Developer Forum, where the company will unveil the latest in its
processor technology.
The highlights will include two new processor
architectures along with a new -- yet familiar -- one, Itanium.
"Willamette," the code name for Intel's
(Nasdaq: INTC)
next-generation desktop processor, will headline the show and will
offer clock speeds of "well in excess of 1GHz," says Pat
Gelsinger, vice president and general manager of Intel's Desktop
Products Group.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Coalition
says Linux ready for Intel's upcoming chips
Time: 05:12
EST/10:12 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
A Linux coalition called the Trillian project has
publicly released a version of the operating system that works on
Intel's next-generation microprocessors.
The software
now is available to anyone, not just the select few from a handful
of companies that currently have worked on the Trillian
project, executives at the LinuxWorld
Conference and Expo said here today.
The Trillian effort began two years ago with David
Mosberger's work at HP, the company that developed the architecture
used in the upcoming 64-bit Itanium chip. Now the effort has
expanded to include IBM, SGI, VA Linux Systems, Intel, Red Hat,
Caldera Systems, SuSE, TurboLinux, CERN and Cygnus Solutions, a
company acquired by Red Hat.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
software firm latest to tap IPO craze
Time: 05:10
EST/10:10 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Amid growing investor interest, e-commerce
software maker WebMethods next week will become one of the first
Extensible Markup Language software companies to go public.
which builds software that allows companies to do business with each
other online, hopes to raise $45 million in its public offering.
From an investor's point of view, the company is doubly blessed: It
markets XML-based software in the business-to-business e-commerce
market, a red-hot sector that is growing exponentially as more
companies tap the Web to expand their businesses.
is a Web standard for exchanging data that proponents say will allow
companies to easily and cheaply conduct
online transactions with customers and partners.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Time
Warner execs can cash out on AOL merger
Time: 05:08
EST/10:08 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Time Warner may be facing an early exodus of top
executives who instantly became eligible to cash in all their stock
options under an unusual company provision that took effect upon
last month's takeover announcement by America Online.
The long-standing provision, which applies to a
takeover by any company, was triggered Jan. 10, when Time Warner
signed off on America Online's historic $160
billion merger bid, according to Time Warner spokesman Ed Adler.
That means Time Warner employees with previously unvested options
won't have to wait for the merger to officially close before
exercising them. They can do so now.
"There are many folks here measuring their
lives now. Should they continue working at this pace or
retire?" said a Time Warner executive who requested anonymity.
"I know there is a lot of chat about farms and islands."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Date: Wednesday 2nd February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Windows Me |
- Windows
2000 Computer Systems Currently Available
Time: 16:09
EST/21:09 GMT News Source: Active
Network Posted By: Robert
As of last week, computer manufacturers have been
distributing factory computers preinstalled with the Microsoft
Windows 2000 operating system; we have posted a list of Windows
2000 computer systems currently available on the market. This is
a handy reference to consumers who are about to buy a computer with
the new operating system - check it out!
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft,
Matsushita (Panasonic), SanDisk and Toshiba Announce Support for
Windows Media Format in New SD Memory Card
Time: 15:12
EST/20:12 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq "MFST"),
Matsushita Electric Industrial Company Ltd. (Panasonic, NYSE
"MC"), SanDisk Corp. (Nasdaq "SNDK") and Toshiba
Corp. today announced that the new SD Memory Card specification
includes support for the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Format. This
new memory card, the size of a postage stamp, is designed to store
secure digital media content, including digital music, on portable
music devices.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Split
decision in latest Microsoft filings
Time: 11:27
EST/16:27 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Take a heavyweight Harvard antitrust law professor
hand-picked by the judge in the Microsoft antitrust case, have him
write a deliciously malleable legal brief about one of the most
contentious aspects of the trial and what do you get? A true
testimony to ambiguity: both Microsoft and the government, reading
the same document, proclaim it supports their case.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft Conquest Developers
Time: 08:47
EST/13:47 GMT News Source: VE3D
Posted By: Byron
posted word that Digital
Anvil's site has been updated with a new Conquest
developer's journal and a new Conquest
team bio, which focuses on artist Steven Stahlberg. This
new installment to the dev. journal was done-up by Art Director
Sergio Rosas. Sergio talks nasty about various members of the Conquest
art team, and on deadlines. Finally, there are four
new concept art pieces from Conquest as well. Here's a
little FYI on Conquest, taken from Microsoft's
Conquest page:
Currently being developed by
Digital Anvil, Conquest: Frontier Wars is the visually stunning,
3D space real-time strategy game that combines ease of play with
unique strategic depth.
Build massive fleets to explore,
colonize and exploit far-flung worlds. All this while governing
your home population, overseeing scientific research, and
interacting with galactic neighbors as you move ever closer to
your goal - Galactic Domination!
Conquest: Frontier Wars is
scheduled for a early 2000 release.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft reports drop in Baltic
software piracy
Time: 07:52
EST/12:52 GMT News Source: Reuters Posted By: Byron
Software giant Microsoft said on Wednesday that
piracy level of business software in the Baltics has started to fall
but remains high. Microsoft's Baltic and Nordic anti-piracy head,
Norvald Heidel, told a news conference the piracy rate among
Estonian businesses had fallen to 72 percent of all software used at
the end of last year from 86 percent in 1998. Pirated software among
Latvian firms dropped to 85 percent from 90 percent and among
Lithuanian companies to 81 percent from 92 percent. But, he said,
there is a long way to go before average Nordic piracy levels of 35
percent are met
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Friends
of MS flounder in court brief
Time: 05:24
EST/10:24 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
The first surprise in the Association for
Competitive Technology's amicus brief supporting Microsoft against
the DoJ and the States is that the ACT appears to be claiming 9,000
company members. A very careful reading shows that it counts the
corporate members of other industry associations that have joined
ACT, which is rather presumptious since it assumes that each of
these members supports the ACT when they may not be aware that they
are numbered amongst Microsoft supporters.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Microsoft
plans to Windows You in Y2K
Time: 03:54
EST/08:54 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
The final (maybe, we reckon) Microsoft retread of
the old Dos-Windows 9x code will ship this year under the tag
Windows Millennium Edition, according to the usually reliable Paul
Thurrock. We say usually reliable because, love him as we do, we
can't help recalling he was assuring the world earlier this month
that the blessed thing would be called Windows 98 Third Edition.
But if you play games with the mercurial and
eminently changeable minds of Microsoft marketing spin doctors,
you're going to get burned, so we don't hold it against him. From
the look of the explanation the spinmeisters probably only thought
of how they were going to market the blessed thing the other
morning, after a seriously damaging session at TGI Friday's the
previous night.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Unsealed
Caldera files detail MS evidence-shredding claims
Time: 03:54
EST/08:54 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Evidence given under oath that Microsoft
deliberately destroyed evidence that could be used in pending or
forthcoming antitrust actions has finally come to light. Although
its existence had been generally known, Microsoft has succeeded
keeping it secret until now.
But following an application by the Salt Lake
Tribune, the San Jose Mercury and Bloomberg to unseal documents in
the now-settled Caldera case, Judge Ronald Boyce released some of
the sealed filings. Amongst the sealed pages were some extraordinary
things: the lengths of golf course holes in China, photographs of a
woman and an insect, published articles, and many blank pages.
Caldera argued that the designations were "done by
monkeys", but Microsoft protested that the purpose of these was
to discourage other potential plaintiffs rather than the media.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Another
Microsoft Executive To Leave
Time: 03:48
EST/08:48 GMT News Source: Tech
Web Posted By: Alex
Rich Tong, a longtime Microsoft executive who
worked on Excel and most recently BackOffice, is leaving the
company. Tong is vice president of marketing for the business
productivity application group. He is one in a long line of top
executives to leave the company, including chief financial officer
Greg Maffei, chief technical officer Nathan Myhrvold, senior vice
president Brad Silverberg, channel vice president Sam Jadallah, and
Web TV guru Steve Perlman.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Bouygues
Telecom Launches Wireless Internet Services Portal Based on
Microsoft Software Platforms
Time: 03:46
EST/08:46 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at the GSM World Congress, Bouygues Telecom,
one of France's major wireless carriers, and Microsoft Corp.
(Nasdaq: MSFT
- news)
demonstrated Bouygues Telecom's new wireless portal, http://www.bouygtel.com,
which is based on Microsoft's standards-based, flexible, end-to-end
mobile Internet solution. One more way that Microsoft is working
with the wireless industry to enable information access any time,
anywhere and from any device, the new mobile portal is available
immediately to Bouygues Telecom's subscribers, at no additional
Bouygues Telecom has worked closely with Microsoft
to develop a standards-based Internet solution based entirely on
Microsoft® products including Windows NT® Server with Microsoft
Message Queue Server (MSMQ), Microsoft Commercial Internet System
(MCIS), Microsoft SQL Server(TM) and the Microsoft Internet Cellular
Smart Access (ICSA) e-mail server. In addition to providing the
technology, Microsoft was able to share with Bouygues Telecom its
extensive experience in developing consumer Web portals.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Unilever
, Microsoft extend online deal
Time: 03:44
EST/08:44 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Unilever NV/Plc said on Wednesday it had signed a
three-year deal with Microsoft(NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) for the
development of interactive and on-line marketing strategies for its
key brands in France, Germany and Britain.
The agreement, of which no financial details were
disclosed, is an extension of the cooperation between the two firms
started in the United States in 1998 to promote Unilever brands, the
Anglo-Dutch food-to-detergents group said in a statement.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- TheStreet.com
and Microsoft MSN MoneyCentral Announce Syndication Alliance
Time: 03:42
EST/08:42 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
TheStreet.com Inc., a leading Web-based financial
news provider, and Microsoft Corp. today announced a content
syndication alliance. Through the agreement, selected commentary
from the award-winning MSN™ MoneyCentral™ online personal
finance service will be provided on the main TheStreet.com site,
which will become free during the second quarter of 2000. The deal,
the first under which MSN MoneyCentral will syndicate content to an
outside site, expands a previous content syndication agreement
between the two companies.
Under the terms of the one-year agreement,
TheStreet.com will publish two commentaries each week from
influential MSN MoneyCentral columnists including Jim Jubak, Jon
Markman and Mary Rowland.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Microsoft
bCentral Launches Business-to-Business-Focused Auction Site With
Time: 03:40
EST/08:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft® bCentral™ small-business
portal, a new Web-based business portal created to meet the needs of
small and growing companies, and FairMarket SM, Inc., a
leading provider of private-label, outsourced, networked auction
services, today announced bCentral auctions. The site, http://auctions.bcentral.com/,
provides a dynamic trading place for small businesses to buy and
sell everything from Web site domain names to travel accessories.
Powered by FairMarket, bCentral auctions is
connected to the FairMarket NetworkSM, a consortium of
auction sites that includes the MSN™ network of Internet services,
Lycos Inc., Excite@Home, Xoom.com, CompUSA Inc., Dell Computer
Corp., Outpost.com and many others. As a member of the FairMarket
Network, users of bCentral have access to high-quality items from
these vendors as well as listings from other participants in the
bCentral community.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Aetna
creates virtual company meeting for 35,000 employees using Windows
Time: 03:38
EST/08:38 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Even with a workforce dispersed across the globe,
Aetna Inc. easily keeps its employees informed about what's going on
at the company through the use of streaming media on its intranet.
Using Microsoft® Windows Media™, the health
insurance provider streams company meetings live to 35,000
employees' desktop PCs. Impressed by the quality and effectiveness
of this streaming solution, Aetna plans to expand its use of Windows
Media to employee training, knowledge management, media relations
and customer education. Aetna also plans to deploy Windows Media
capabilities to another 15,000 desktops in the next year.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- The
Sony Emotion Engine: We're Talking Gigaflops
Time: 03:36
EST/08:36 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Microprocessor engineers, analysts, and
journalists gathered for an industry dinner here Thursday night to
talk about recent triumphs and future milestones. They discussed the
highly regarded Athlon chip from Advanced Micro Devices, Intel's
groundbreaking new Itanium processor, and the impending release of
1-GHz chips. But the real buzz was about something completely
different: a game machine.
Specifically, the story of the day was Sony's
upcoming PlayStation 2, and the Emotion Engine processor that will
run it. Developed by Sony and Toshiba, experts predict the high-tech
processor will offer unprecedented gaming power. More importantly,
it could provide the processing power for the PlayStation 2 to
challenge cheap PCs as the entry-level device of choice for home
access to the Web.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- $499
PC Offers Linux/Windows Dual Boot
Time: 03:34
EST/08:34 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Can't make up your mind whether to stick with
Windows or try out Linux? Internet retailer PC Shopping Planet is
offering a $499 computer that allows you to boot up in either the
Windows or the Linux operating systems.
Offered through the retailer's Bay Micro Computers
wholly owned subsidiary, the computers are available at the PC
Shopping Planet Web site or through the Bay Micro reseller network,
the company said in a statement Tuesday. PC Shopping Planet is the
Web retail presence of iChargeit Inc., based in Torrance,
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Clinton
anti-hack plan attacked
Time: 03:32
EST/08:32 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
A White House plan to protect telecommunications,
energy and other key systems from cyberattacks relies too much on
detecting intrusions and not enough on improving security, a report
by Congress' investigative arm said Tuesday.
President Clinton last month proposed spending $2
billion to eliminate computers' vulnerability to hackers and
terrorists in key parts of government and private infrastructure.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
files response to government rebuttal
Time: 03:30
EST/08:30 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Additional briefs filed today in the Microsoft
antitrust trial case cast the software maker's behavior in
strikingly different lights.
Microsoft filed a brief that amounts to a rebuttal
to the government's rebuttal brief submitted last week, arguing that
the document lacked substance. Also today, onetime Supreme Court
nominee Robert Bork filed a "friend of the court" brief on
behalf of 19 states, along with the Justice Department (DOJ), which
alleges Microsoft violated antitrust law. Harvard Law professor
Lawrence Lessig filed another brief at the request of presiding U.S.
District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Internal
email discloses Microsoft's wireless plans
Time: 03:28
EST/08:28 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft is negotiating distribution deals with
Sprint PCS, AirTouch and others to boost its technology in the
rapidly expanding market for wireless devices, according to an email
received by CNET News.com.
A "major deal" with British Telecom and
AT&T also is in the works, according to the email, which was
inadvertently sent to a CNET editor late today. "We're in
discussions for a major deal with these companies," the email
said, referring to British Telecom and AT&T. "This is still
highly confidential." The email did not provide details, but
investments were not mentioned.
The internal correspondence discusses the
company's possible announcements at the upcoming Wireless 2000
industry trade show that begins Feb. 28. Microsoft chairman Bill
Gates is scheduled to speak at the event. Microsoft executives
declined to comment on the email.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Date: Tuesday 1st February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Site News
- Smart Cards |
- Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS00-007) - Patch Available for "Recycle Bin
Creation" Vulnerability
Time: 18:09
EST/23:09 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Product Security Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in Microsoft(r) Windows NT 4.0. Under a very
daunting set of conditions, a malicious user could create, delete or
modify files in the Recycle Bin of another user who shared the
machine. In most cases, the vulnerability would not allow the
malicious user to read the files unless they already had read
permission to do so.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
gets personal with Windows Me
Time: 16:44
EST/21441 GMT News Source: CNN
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft announced Tuesday that the new consumer
version of their Windows operating system will be called the
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition, also known as Windows Me.
Windows Me is so dubbed to alleviate what it terms
"customer confusion" between the consumer and business
editions of Windows. Windows 2000 is actually the successor to the
enterprise OS Windows NT, rather than the consumer OS Windows 98,
despite what the title implies.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Frequently
Asked Questions - Windows Millennium Edition - Updated
Time: 16:11
EST/21:11 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
We have updated the Windows
Millennium Edition frequently asked questions section now that
the operating system has an official name. If I hear people going
round calling it Windows Me I'll probably be forced to kill them.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- IE 5.5 and Windows Update
Time: 15:37
EST/20:37 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Alex
have been receiving a few emails about how people who have Internet
Explorer 5.5 installed cannot connect to Windows Update. The
screenshot they get is show here. Microsoft is aware of the problem
as it only started yesterday. We will keep you posted about the
situation when we get some more news about it.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Windows
Enters the Millennium
Time: 15:37
EST/20:37 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
It may be a third version of Windows 98, or its
successor (as Microsoft calls it). But whatever it is, Microsoft's
next consumer operating system finally has a name. From this day
forth, it will be known as Windows Millennium edition. But please,
call it WMe for short, says a Microsoft spokesperson (although she
doesn't know exactly why the "e" in WMe is lowercase).
The new name is not so surprising, since the
operating system's code name was also Millennium. Analysts say that
Millennium is not a new operating system, but a third edition of
Windows 98 dressed up with new features for remarketing purposes.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Sun-Netscape
Alliance targets wireless Net niche
Time: 15:35
EST/20:35 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
The Sun-Netscape Alliance wants a piece of the
emerging wireless Internet market.
The Alliance, a partnership between Sun
Microsystems and America Online subsidiary Netscape, will soon ship
wireless software that will let people access their email, calendars
and address books from their cell phones and other handheld devices,
such as Palm VIIs.
The product, called iPlanet Wireless Server, is
aimed at telecommunications companies, Web portal sites and
businesses that offer wireless Internet services to people.
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and Microsoft Form Strategic Global Alliance
Time: 15:27
EST/20:27 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
EMC Corp. and Microsoft Corp. today announced a
strategic alliance designed to help organizations worldwide more
effectively build and deploy highly reliable, available and
manageable business solutions using the Microsoft® Windows® 2000
Server network operating system. The companies will combine Windows
2000, leading storage solutions and services from EMC, along with
end-to-end solutions and services from EMC's Data General division
to address the computing requirements of customers with the most
demanding information technology environments.
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- Microsoft: DOJ trying to rewrite
the law
Time: 15:25
EST/20:25 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
As friends and foes of Microsoft Corp. line up to
submit legal briefs in its antitrust case, the company filed
documents Tuesday rebutting charges against it. In two documents
filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia,
Microsoft argued that the DOJ and 19 state attorneys general are
trying to rewrite antitrust law and force the courts to implement
unprecedented restrictions on technology products.
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- Friends,
foes file comments in Microsoft antitrust case
Time: 15:20
EST/20:20 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
The landmark Microsoft antitrust case will heat up
again today as lawyers descend on Washington to file a slew of
"friend of the court" briefs. Harvard Law School professor
Lawrence Lessig is expected to file his amicus, or "friend of
the court," brief sometime today and post it on the Berkman
Center for Internet & Society page.
The Software and Information Industry Association
(SIIA), the largest software trade association, will also file an
amicus brief on behalf of the Justice Department (DOJ) sometime
before 1 p.m. PST. In addition, antitrust expert and onetime Supreme
Court nominee Robert Bork is expected to file another brief on
behalf of the 19 states involved in the trial.
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HomeAdvisor Introduces New Credit Center
Time: 11:12
EST/16:12 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
The MSN™ HomeAdvisor™ online real estate
service, the award-winning guide to finding homes and loans on the
Web, today announced it has signed an exclusive, multiyear agreement
with QSpace Inc., the Web's largest provider of online credit
reports. Now, consumers looking to buy, sell, rent or refinance a
home can access detailed and instantaneous credit information.
Complete credit reports can be requested online in the new Credit
Center on HomeAdvisor, and, for only $4, consumers can know their
entire credit history in seconds.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Donates More Than $3 Million in Software to Aid Low-Income Students
Seeking Post-Secondary Education
Time: 11:12
EST/16:12 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced its latest grant
of more than $3 million in software* to TRIO programs in 49 colleges
and universities across the United States, providing greater
technology access to low-income and first-generation students
seeking post-secondary educations. Microsoft's donations to TRIO
programs now total more than $24 million in software since 1996.
Federally funded, TRIO programs currently help more than 700,000
low-income Americans between the ages of 11 and 27 enter college,
graduate and move on to participate more fully in America's economic
and social life.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Windows
for Smart Cards Gaining Broad Industry Acceptance
Time: 11:11
EST/16:11 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at the GSM World Congress, Microsoft Corp.
announced that within three months of the launch of Microsoft®
Windows® for Smart Cards at Cartes 99, it has received orders for
over 15 million Windows Powered Smart Cards solutions from card
manufacturers. The first companies to use the Windows for Smart
Cards operating system include British Telecommunications PLC, which
is taking part in a pilot program aimed at bringing one-touch remote
network access to mobile workers, and BRED Banque Populaire in
France, which will offer a full authentication and security solution
for business-to-business Internet commerce. At the conference,
Microsoft will demonstrate phone calls on GSM cards using Windows
for Smart Cards with customized services for carriers such as
e-mail, calendar, stock quotes and other Internet applications.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Announces Windows Telecommunications Alliance
Time: 11:10
EST/16:10 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the Windows®
Telecommunications Alliance, a new industry program designed to
support the more than 1,700 network equipment providers (NEPs) and
independent software vendors (ISVs) currently engaged in developing
Microsoft® Windows operating system-based telecommunications
solutions for the corporate and service provider markets. The
Windows Telecommunications Alliance is designed to provide its
members with information and resources that will help them
successfully build business-engineering, marketing, sales and
support infrastructures for telecommunications products based on the
Windows platform. The Alliance is also designed to provide members
with a forum for sharing technology and selling insights with
Microsoft and each other, exchange best practices, and pass along
business-to-business referrals.
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- ActiveDVD:
Wild Wild West: DVD - Review
Time: 10:56
EST/15:56 GMT News Source: ActiveDVD Posted By: Byron
have posted my review of Will Smith's recently released box office
flop, Wild Wild West. Here is a snippet:
Most people in Hollywood believed
that Will Smith could do no wrong, no matter what type of film he
was starring, but when Wild Wild West was in production there were
rumors afoot that the movie had a poor script and very few ideas but
it was a script that Smith and his Director from Men In Black, Barry
Sonnenfeld both read through and accepted as a good one.
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- Microsoft
Demonstrates Mobile Internet Solutions at GSM World Congress Show
Time: 04:37
EST/09:37 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
This week at the GSM World Congress, Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT
- news) will
demonstrate its position as a key driver of the mobile Internet by
showcasing solutions that enable operators of global system for
mobile communication (GSM) and other networks to deliver secure,
next-generation network services for their consumer and business
customers. Through the consumer and corporate user scenarios on
display, Microsoft will show how it is working with the GSM industry
to deliver on its promise to provide information access any time,
anywhere, and from any device.
Microsoft's flexible and scalable solutions span a
range of standards-based software products and services including
Microsoft® Mobile Explorer, Windows® for Smart Cards, the Internet
Cellular Smart Access (ICSA) e-mail server, Microsoft Exchange
Server, Microsoft BackOffice® family products and MSN(TM) Mobile
Services. With these solutions, GSM operators and their partners can
take advantage of the benefits of using industry-standard
technologies to deploy mobile data services on today's networks as
well as on the higher-bandwidth networks to come in the near future.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Windows
for Smart Cards Gaining Broad Industry Acceptance
Time: 04:35
EST/09:35 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at the GSM World Congress, Microsoft Corp.
(Nasdaq: MSFT - news) announced that within three months of the
launch of Microsoft® Windows® for Smart Cards at Cartes 99, it has
received orders for over 15 million Windows Powered Smart Cards
solutions from card manufacturers. The first companies to use the
Windows for Smart Cards operating system include British
Telecommunications PLC, which is taking part in a pilot program
aimed at bringing one-touch remote network access to mobile workers,
and BRED Banque Populaire in France, which will offer a full
authentication and security solution for business-to-business
Internet commerce. At the conference, Microsoft will demonstrate
phone calls on GSM cards using Windows for Smart Cards with
customized services for carriers such as e-mail, calendar, stock
quotes and other Internet applications.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Top
Lawyers to Aid Microsoft
Time: 04:34
EST/09:34 GMT News Source: Washington
Post Posted By: Alex
Two former attorneys general and two former White
House lawyers are part of a high-powered team recruited by a group
with close ties to Microsoft Corp. to take the software giant's side
in its antitrust battle with the federal government.
The Association for Competitive Technology, a
trade group backed by Microsoft, has hired the Washington law firm
Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering and recruited prominent lawyers to
join in a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that Microsoft did not
break federal antitrust laws, said Jonathan Zuck, the group's
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- Windows
2K security hole 'a major threat'
Time: 04:33
EST/09:33 GMT News Source: USA
Today Posted By: Alex
It's not scheduled for release until Feb. 17,
but Microsoft has already released the first patch affecting Windows
The patch, released by Microsoft on Wednesday,
repairs two different security bugs in Microsoft Index Server, the
more egregious of which allows hackers to view files stored on a
target Web server. Index Server is an add-on to Windows NT 4.0 and
is built into Windows 2000 (in the form of Indexing Services). Index
Server provides developers with Active Scripting and query
management capabilities.
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- Bill
G. or Baywatch? No Contest
Time: 04:31
EST/09:31 GMT News Source: Wired
News Posted By: Alex
Local tabloids had a tough call to make over the
weekend when the world's richest man and the world's most
recognizable lifeguard arrived in the German capital.
Pamela Anderson Lee, in town for a talk-show
appearance, may have won the contest of cover stories. But Bill
Gates still attracted a respectable 2,000 guests to Saturday's
preview of the new exhibit of Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Leicester.
"Since the age of 10, I have thought that
Leonardo is the most amazing person in history," Gates told the
invitation-only crowd, which included German president Johannes Rau,
Berlin mayor Eberhard Diepgen, and Richard Roy, chairman of Microsoft
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft,
Data General Form Win 2000 Pact
Time: 04:28
EST/09:28 GMT News Source: Tech
Web Posted By: Alex
Microsoft, cranking up the marketing buzz leading
up to the Feb. 17 launch of Windows 2000, plans to detail yet
another enterprise customer partnership. Microsoft and EMC's Data
General division on Tuesday will discuss a global Win 2000 alliance.
Deborah Willingham, vice president of Windows marketing, will host a
press and analyst teleconference.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- PeopleSoft
deploying Windows 2000 on Toshiba portables for "fantastic
mobile solution"
Time: 04:26
EST/09:26 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
To do their jobs well, mobile workers need
flexible software and powerful PCs.
PeopleSoft, a world leader in enterprise software,
expects to make work easier for its 10,000 mobile employees by
deploying Toshiba notebooks running Microsoft® Windows® 2000
Professional. PeopleSoft says the manageability and mobile features
of Windows 2000 and the performance of the Toshiba portables make a
powerful solution for workers on the road.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Watch
Out Microsoft, Here Comes Corel
Time: 04:26
EST/09:26 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
If you're looking to kiss Microsoft Office 2000
good-bye, Corel's new WordPerfect Office 2000 Small Business Edition
might be your opportunity.
Scheduled to hit store shelves during February,
WordPerfect Office promises a little something for everyone--myriad
tools to create charts, documents, spreadsheets, and Web pages--for
$449 new or $159 for an upgrade.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Joshua
Processor May Come Early
Time: 04:25
EST/09:25 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Intel has faced fierce competition from archrival
AMD in the race to produce the fastest processor. Soon, Intel may
also be facing some serious competition at the low end of the chip
market. A new PC processor is looming nearer that will compete at
the slower end of the performance spectrum.
The long-awaited Joshua processor from Taiwanese
chip set maker Via Technologies may have its launch details
announced as early as this week, according to Kevin Krewell, a
senior analyst with the research firm MicroDesign Resources,
publisher of Microprocessor Report.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Why
Microsoft Wants Your Money
Time: 04:23
EST/09:23 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Microsoft wants your money, or at least wants to
help you manage it. No, the world's richest man isn't going to come
over and balance your checkbook. Instead, Microsoft's MSN
MoneyCentral site offers several tools to help you manage your
funds, file and prepare your taxes, track investments, and pay
bills. Now you also can access a personal financial control center
and an IPO Center.
In mid-February, My MoneyCentral plans to offer
what the company calls your "financial control center."
The center is really a personalized finance page (on MSN's portal
site) you set up with your own portfolio data, bank balances, charts
of your holdings, bills, and member pages. You can also set up a
stock ticker, but you'll have to add the ticker symbol of each of
the stocks you want to scroll across the page.
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- Intel's
Grove to sell $50M in shares
Time: 04:21
EST/09:21 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC)
Chairman Andrew Grove plans to sell $50 million in shares of the
semiconductor maker, according to a recent Securities and Exchange
Commission filing. Grove filed to sell 484,208 class A common shares
that he acquired after exercising a stock option, the Jan. 18 filing
stated. He has not sold any Intel shares in the past three months,
the regulatory document showed.
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- Expedia
buys two travel sites, tops estimates
Time: 04:20
EST/09:20 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Expedia Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPE), the online travel
site of Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT), said Monday it would buy two
online travel companies, VacationSpot.com and Travelscape.com for
$177 million in stock. Expedia also posted a smaller-than-expected
loss in its first quarter as a public company.
Under the terms of the deals, Expedia would issue
about 2.6 million shares and options, valued at about $82 million,
for VacationSpot.com, an online lodging reservation service.
Expedia, which went
public in November, also said it would issue about 3 million
shares, options and warrants, valued at about $95 million, for
Internet hotel consolidator Travelscape.com.
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- Industry
group files pro-Microsoft court brief
Time: 04:18
EST/09:18 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
A pro-Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
industry group filed court papers Monday arguing that Microsoft
Corp. engaged in the kind of vigorous competition envisioned in the
nation's antitrust laws, rather than violating those laws. In a
46-page "friend of the court" brief, the Association for
Competitive Technology (ACT) laid out its views of the antitrust
case for U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson. The
brief is one of four Jackson will get as he ponders whether
Microsoft broke the law in charges brought against the company by
the Justice Department and 19 states. The briefs are due Tuesday,
but ACT released its paper on Monday.
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