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- Bridge Tourney - First Windows Me Update |
Time: 17:40
EST/22:40 GMT | News Source: BetaNews
| Posted By: Julien
The first Windows Me update has been posted to
Windows Update. The patch fixes a few minor security vulnerabilities
in the latest operating system, along with others running IE5.
According to the description on the site, "This update resolves
the "Scriptlet Rendering" and "Frame Domain
Verification" security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer.
Download now to prevent malicious Web site operators from reading
your files when you visit their sites. These vulnerabilities do not
give a malicious user the ability to add, change, or delete files on
your computer. Visit Windows
Update to download the patch.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 17:17
EST/22:17 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Julien
Judges in Texas and Rhode Island dismissed two of
the many private antitrust suits against Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) Monday, citing a federal doctrine that
doesn't allow people to sue a company for antitrust violations
unless they purchased a product directly from the firm. At least
five such suits have been tossed out so far, including three in
Iowa, Oregon and Nevada. -- Lisa M. Bowman, ZDNet News.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 12:43
EST/17:43 GMT | News Source: Press Release
| Posted By: Byron
Citing the company's commitment to providing
comprehensive service and support on its key enterprise
technologies, Microsoft has named Akili as one of only 19 Microsoft
Certified Solution Providers (MCSPs) to achieve Partner status in
the company's tri-state South Central District.
Microsoft Certified Solution Providers are
independent companies that provide IT products and services based on
Microsoft technologies to corporate, government and small business
customers. The MCSP program is designed to increase members'
technical competency and business proficiency. Partner status is the
highest level of recognition awarded to MCSP program participants.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 12:42
EST/17:42 GMT | News Source: Press Release
| Posted By: Byron
McGraw-Hill will create an industry milestone on
August 21--the one-day laydown date of the much-anticipated U.S. v.
Microsoft: The Inside Story of the Landmark Case. This will be the
first time a book of this magnitude will be available to consumers
in both print and EBook format on the same street date. The book
will release just eleven weeks after the final ruling was handed
down by U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson to break
Microsoft into separate businesses
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 12:42
EST/17:42 GMT | News Source: Press Release
| Posted By: Byron
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates may be king of
software, but he'll need a bit more practice before ruling the world
of bridge. Gates' four-member team finished 50th Sunday during the
52-team finals of the North American Bridge Championships. Despite
the showing, Gates remained upbeat about his first appearance in the
tournament, which included some of the top bridge players in the
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Weekend |
Time: 08:26
EST/13:26 GMT | News Source: Wired
| Posted By: Matthew
Rarely are employees celebrated for poking fun at
the boss. But at Microsoft, a clever group of interns parodied their
company leaders and were rewarded for their efforts.
The .NUTs
(pronounced dot-nuts) are an all-male a cappella group that sings
Microsoft parody songs like "Sue Me Baby One More Time."
They've been such a hit in Microsoft's hometown of
Redmond, Washington, that the company paid for the group to cut a
CD, expected to be made available to Microsoft employees next month.
Proceeds will support music education in the community.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:50
EST/12:50 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Matthew
new silent revolution is hitting the streets right now: while
actual PCs are now almost everywhere, power users start using
various handheld PCs to help them stay organized &
connected... Maybe some day these small new PCs will replace our
cumbersome ones... Who knows?
Want a free Windows CE computer to enter tomorrow's world right
now? Dream to have it but can't afford it? Wanna be a precursor?
If you can answer a simple question you may have a chance to win
the NEC PC we are offering to our faithful readers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 07:47
EST/12:47 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted
By: Julien
just posted my review of the new Norton Personal FireWall 2000 2.0
software. Here is a snippet of the review:
Internet user is aware that their Internet connection is a
potential risk source that grows if he stays online a lot of time.
That’s why Symantec released last year its Norton Internet
Security range of software dedicated to protect every Internet
user. Norton Personal Firewall 2000 2.0 is in fact a lighted
version of Norton Internet Security 2000 and doesn’t include any
account management feature to protect family members nor Norton
AntiVirus. Norton Personal Firewall 2000 2.0 is –only- a
software firewall based on the WRQ’s AtGuard software. The aim
of Norton Personal Firewall 2000 2.0 is to protect users from
every kind of internet threat: hackers, malicious activeX or Java
code, cookies,…. So here’s my complete review of this great
product that works at least with Winndows 2000.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:45
EST/12:45 GMT | News Source: ActiveNetwork | Posted
By: Julien
have completed our in-depth review of the gold version of
Microsoft's latest Windows release, Windows Millennium Edition
(Windows Me). The review features most of the new features a whole
load of screenshots and a lot of information on whether it is worth
buying come September. Here is a snippet from the review:
The Millennium
edition of Windows is aimed to help PC home users to enter into the
next millennium with a big bang as Microsoft has focused its efforts
to make Windows Me the user-friendliest, easy-to-use and
multimedia-rich operating system of all the time. Windows Me has
been developed and tested by Microsoft numerous months to ensure its
reliability but does it have what it takes to make you want to pay
out more money for a operating system that may well be too similar
to Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE. Read on for our comprehensive
review of this new operating system, Microsoft Windows Millennium
Edition (WinMe).
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:21
EST/11:21 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Matthew
Our AskAW Helpers have been busy answering your
e-mail and we have just posted the most recent questions.
Our e-mail is still not working correctly for
anyone who has tried to reach us. If you have a question that
you would like answered then just drop us an e-mail at: activewin2000@hotmail.com.
We hope to have the e-mail up and running as soon as possible.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:13
EST/10:13 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
PC makers have started shipping the Windows Me
system a month ahead of their scheduled release.
Microsoft apparently gave PC makers permission to
begin delivering Windows Me systems to consumers well in advance of
the Sept. 14 date set for shrink-wrapped versions of the software to
go on sale. The move is intended partly to drum up interest in the
consumer operating system and to take advantage of the lucrative
back-to-school selling season, sources said.
"The advantage of making (available) Windows
Me early this way is because it keeps people from delaying a
purchase," PC Data analyst Stephen Baker said. "You are
causing some (sales) dislocation during a busy time of the year, so
any way you can minimize that is important. It's a tough time to
manage this kind of transition."
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Competition |
Time: 16:00
EST/21:00 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
Whether caused by overwhelming traffic or a technical gaffe,
Microsoft's Windows Me sweepstakes Web site has been plagued by a
series of outages that has consumers irked.
The latest outage occurred overnight, with the main Web page,
WinMeSweeps.com, accessible, but none of the links for entering the
sweepstakes functional. Though the site was up for a time this
morning, problems have continued, making entering the sweepstakes
virtually impossible. As of 10:55 a.m., the site could not be
accessed at all.
Windows Me product manager Art Pettigrue acknowledged there have
been some problems.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:25
EST/20:25 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Julien
The recent patch from Microsoft doesn't go far enough to
eliminate a security vulnerability in Access. Like a bandage that
doesn't quite cover the entire open sore, so is Microsoft's recently
released patch to fix an Access and Internet Explorer scriptlet
rendering vulnerability. Last month, BugNet reported a bug in
Internet Explorer that allows a malicious programmer to use
Microsoft's Access to run arbitrary code on a victim's computer. At
that time, the only workaround was to add an administrative password
to Access. On August 9th, Microsoft issued a revised security
bulletin and a patch to fix the bug. However, the scriplet rendering
patch only fixes a very specific occurrence of the vulnerability and
it still leaves a user's system vulnerable. So even though we
recommend downloading this new patch, users are still going to need
to lock down Access with a password to protect against the widest
range of security vulnerabilities.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:23
EST/20:23 GMT | News Source: Microsft Press Release | Posted
By: Julien
When most of the golfers tee off today at the Real Abilities
Charity Golf Tournament, they won't use golf clubs. They will study
the fairway ahead of them, move their head slightly, and suck in one
cheek or blow in a straw. And their ball will fly toward the flag on
the first green. Real Abilities is like no golf tournament ever
held. It is believed to be the first on an actual golf course that
includes players with no use of their arms or legs. They will golf
alongside non-disabled partners, using portable computers loaded
with Microsoft's Links LS 2000 software and other assistive
technology. The tournament, being held at the Pelican Hill Golf
Course in Newport Beach, Calif., is just one example of how computer
games are opening up new worlds for people with disabilities. These
games provide an opportunity to play sports and adventure games
against all comers on a level playing field. So level, in fact, that
a Links player with multiple sclerosis has become the Tiger Woods of
virtual golf, winning nearly every tournament he enters and leading
the Virtual Golf Association (VGA) Tour, a Microsoft-sponsored
simulation of the PGA tour that hosts more than 100,000 players
daily. Though games such as Links are designed for all types of
players, improving the lives of people with disabilities is a prime
focus for Microsoft, said Gary Moulton, group product manager for
Microsoft's Accessibility and Disabilities Group. Many of the
company's leading products include features designed for people with
disabilities. Most recently, Microsoft included a narrator,
on-screen keyboard and text magnifier in Windows 2000 for those who
don't have other accessibility software. Microsoft is also
developing voice recognition software that allows computers to
process spoken commands. "Microsoft understands that technology
enables all individuals to do more, to be more productive and to
have more fun -- whether the person is using Windows 2000 or Links
LS," Moulton said. "Once a person with a disability has
access to technology, everything else becomes less restrictive. If
they can use a PC or get on the Web, who cares if they have an
adaptive keyboard or mouse or if they can't see the screen?"
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 10:16
EST/15:16 GMT | News Source: PCWorld
| Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft on Thursday disputed a report that it has been working
to port its Office productivity applications suite and other Windows
applications to the open-source Linux platform.
Doug Miller, group product manager for the Windows server group
at Microsoft, says the report by Paul Thurrott, editor of the
WinInfo newsletter, was "based on rumor" and "not
WinInfo reported that developers from Microsoft and Mainsoft, a
maker of Windows-to-Unix porting tools, have been working for more
than a year to port Office and other Windows applications to Linux.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 08:01
EST/13:01 GMT | News Source: ActiveWin | Posted By:
I've just posted my review of the new Norton Personal FireWall
2000 2.0 software. Here is a snippet of the review:
Internet user is aware that their Internet connection is a potential
risk source that grows if he stays online a lot of time. That’s
why Symantec released last year its Norton Internet Security range
of software dedicated to protect every Internet user. Norton
Personal Firewall 2000 2.0 is in fact a lighted version of Norton
Internet Security 2000 and doesn’t include any account management
feature to protect family members nor Norton AntiVirus. Norton
Personal Firewall 2000 2.0 is –only- a software firewall based on
the WRQ’s AtGuard software. The aim of Norton Personal Firewall
2000 2.0 is to protect users from every kind of internet threat:
hackers, malicious activeX or Java code, cookies,…. So here’s my
complete review of this great product that works at least with
Winndows 2000.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:36
EST/12:36 GMT | News Source: MSNBC
| Posted By: Matthew
IMUnified, the band of instant-messaging providers working to
come up with a common protocol that enables their products to
interoperate, is on schedule to have a standard published by the
end of the month.
“We’re moving along very well on the technical end of
things,” said Ross Bagully, CEO of Tribal Voice Inc., one of the
companies that helped form IMUnified. “We’re feeling very good
about where things are.”
The group, whose other members include Microsoft Corp.’s MSN,
AT&T Corp. and Yahoo Inc., is working to publish a standard
that would enable users of all of the companies’ various IM
clients to communicate with one another. Currently, a few of the
companies’ clients work together, but the new protocol is aimed
at creating a huge network of IM users, regardless of which
service they use.
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[Translate] [Site
Time: 07:31
EST/12:31 GMT | News Source: Las
Vegas Sun | Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft Corp. typically receives a jolt of revenues after
upgrading its operating system for home users, but the release
of Windows Millennium Edition on Sept. 14 is not expected to
generate much of a surge.
A significant, if highly technical, detail about the release
of Millennium Edition, or Windows ME, is that it represents the
beginning of the end for Microsoft's 20-year-old operating
system architecture.
By Microsoft's own admission, Windows ME isn't an upgrade on
the scale of Windows 95 or 98. The company has done some fine
tuning - adding a more streamlined error recovery system and
speeding up the time it takes for Windows to start up. It has
also added a suite of digital media systems, including digital
music players and video editing.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Millennium Review |
Time: 19:22
EST/00:22 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted
By: Matthew
A federal judge ruled Thursday in favor of
the motion picture industry in its battle to protect DVDs from
being copied on computers. U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan
said it was ``a matter of First Amendment concern.''
Kaplan rejected as baseless the argument by
defense lawyers in a trial last month who said computer code
is a free expression of speech entitled to maximum
constitutional protection and that computer code essentially
is exempt from government regulation. ``Computer code is not
purely expressive any more than the assassination of a
political figure is purely a political statement,'' he said.
He added: ``Code causes computers to perform
desired functions. Its expressive element no more immunizes
its functional aspects from regulation than the expressive
motives of an assassin immunize the assassin's action.'' The
ruling came in a case in which eight leading Hollywood movie
studios sued a Web site publisher to stop him from making
available online, or posting links to, software that
descrambles the code meant to prevent DVDs from being copied.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Windows Millennium Edition (Me) -- Review
Time: 18:53
EST/23:53 GMT | News Source: ActiveNetwork | Posted
By: Julien
have completed our in-depth review of the gold version of
Microsoft's latest Windows release, Windows Millennium Edition
(Windows Me). The review features most of the new features a
whole load of screenshots and a lot of information on whether
it is worth buying come September. Here is a snippet from the
Millennium edition of Windows is aimed to help PC home users
to enter into the next millennium with a big bang as Microsoft
has focused its efforts to make Windows Me the
user-friendliest, easy-to-use and multimedia-rich operating
system of all the time. Windows Me has been developed and
tested by Microsoft numerous months to ensure its reliability
but does it have what it takes to make you want to pay out
more money for a operating system that may well be too similar
to Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE. Read on for our comprehensive
review of this new operating system, Microsoft Windows
Millennium Edition (WinMe).
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
confirms TV Software Delay
Time: 18:50
EST/23:50 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Julien
U.S. software giant Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
confirmed on Thursday that its interactive TV software will
not be ready for the planned October roll-out of Europe's
largest cable operator United Pan-Europe Communications NV (UPC).
"The software (called Microsoft TV), is not at a level of
stability we would want for an initial rollout," Ed
Graczyk, director of marketing for Microsoft TV told Reuters.
UPC chairman Mark Schneider said on Tuesday that software from
its 8 percent shareholder Microsoft was not ready, but that
the October launch of set-top boxes in Amsterdam would not be
postponed. He said UPC would shop around for other software if
Microsoft did not deliver on time.
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- Paul
Allen unloads more Microsoft stocks
Time: 18:45
EST/23:45 GMT | News Source: CNET
| Posted By: Julien
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, who has sold 48.585
million Microsoft shares valued at about $4.2 billion since
mid-February, plans to sell 2 million more common shares worth
$140 million, according to Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) filings.Allen, who owns professional sports teams and
invests in technology and cable companies, has routinely sold
Microsoft shares to diversify his portfolio, his spokeswoman
has said. He filed with the SEC on Aug.
7 to unload the 2 million shares, which were part of founders
stock he acquired in June 1981. The filing was publicly
released by the SEC on Wednesday. Allen's
most recent transactions included 3 million shares valued at
more than $210 million that were sold on July 31.Microsoft's
general counsel, William Neukom, made a filing on Aug. 8 to
unload 100,000 shares valued at $7.2 million.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Windows Me now! |
BizTalk Server 2000 Enterprise Beta released |
- TweakUi
for Windows Me to be available on September 14th
Time: 16:54
EST/21:54 GMT | News Source: Win98Central
| Posted By: Julien
Everyone knows that Microsoft is about to
launch on September 14th its brand new operating system
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition, formerly named Windows
Me. However if the old release of TweakUi works correctly on
the OS, a new dedicated & Windows Me compliant release of
TweakUi was claimed & expected by every power users.
Hopefully it seems that Microsoft plan to release a new
version of TweakUI, the famous powertoy, designed especially
for Windows Me. TweakUi offers to every power users an easy
way through various settings to customize Windows Me without
the need to dig into the complex and touchy registry. TweakUi
is the result of the baited work of Raymond Chen, a Microsoft
employee that has updated it each time that a new version of
Windows is unleashed. According to our WinInsider
colleagues Microsoft will release TweakUi 2000 for Windows Me
on September 14th.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:53
EST/19:53 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Julien
The U.S. government on Tuesday urged the
Supreme Court to consider Microsoft Corp.'s appeal of
antitrust violations on an expedited basis, rather than have
the case go first to a lower appeals court. The Justice
Department said in a filing that the case had ''immense
importance to our national economy'' and satisfied legislation
allowing direct appeal of major antitrust cases. District
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson found in June that Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT) had used
its monopoly power in personal computer operating systems to
compete illegally, and said the company should be split in two
to prevent future violations. Last
month, Microsoft urged the Supreme Court to let the case be
heard first by the U.S. Court of Appeals, a court that ruled
for the company in a related 1998 government-initiated
antitrust case. The company said its
appeal raised a "morass" of factual and legal issues
best left to the U.S. Court of Appeals. But the Justice
Department said Microsoft overstated the complexity of the
case and that it should go straight to the Supreme Court on
appeal. "It is especially important to the rapidly
developing high-technology sectors, which need to know how
they will be affected by the remedies resulting from this case
...," the government brief said. "This
Court alone has the authority and therefore the
responsibility, to ensure that the public interest is not
harmed and that justice is not denied through delay."
Microsoft has the option of filing a reply
on Aug. 22. The Supreme Court would decide sometime after that
whether to keep the case.
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- MSN and
Compaq Announce First MSN Companion Device
Time: 14:28
EST/19:28 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press
Release | Posted By:
MSN® and Compaq Computer Corporation today
announced the availability of the first MSN Companion device,
the Compaq iPAQ Home Internet Appliance TM, to
provide consumers an easy and affordable way to access the
Internet and use email. The simplicity of the device provides
a convenient and rich Internet experience that makes it easy
for consumers to stay connected to the people and information
they care most about.
"Nearly half of the adults in the U.S.
aren't connected to the Internet," said Yusuf Mehdi, vice
president in the Consumer Group at Microsoft. "We've
simplified the process of getting connected, so consumers can
get on the Web literally within minutes using this simple,
exciting new device."
"With only two connections, a power
cord and a phone cord, the iPAQ Home Internet Appliance with
MSN Companion makes it easy for any user to access the power
of the Internet -- from viewing new pictures of the grandkids
to checking the current status of stocks," added Sean
Burke, vice president, Consumer Products Division, Compaq
Computer Corporation.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 09:36
EST/14:36 GMT | News Source: Forbes.com
| Posted By: Byron
Love it or hate it, Microsoft Windows is a
fixture in the lives of just about everybody who uses a
personal computer. So when a new version of Windows makes an
appearance, you can bet it will be analyzed more closely than
a black glove behind O.J.'s fence.
A detailed examination of Windows Millennium
Edition (Windows ME), which makes its debut next month,
reveals a respectable upgrade of Windows 98 and Windows 95,
the programs that set the tone for computing in the late '90s.
But if you're expecting major improvements, you'll probably be
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:35
EST/14:35 GMT | News Source: ZDNet
| Posted By: Byron
If he could live out a fantasy, John Warden,
Microsoft's lead lawyer in the company's antitrust trial,
would surely love to parade around San Jose's convention
center, hand-in-hand with Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson.
"Your honor," Warden would say,
sweeping his hand for emphasis. "You see before you the
full expanse of a flourishing industry. Forget all that
chatter about Linux being the software operating system that
could. This is the operating system that will!"
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 08:15
EST/14:15 GMT | News Source: ActiveNetwork | Posted
By: Julien
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a security
vulnerability in Internet Information Server that ships with
Microsoft® Windows 2000. Under certain conditions, the
vulnerability could cause a web server to send the source code
of certain types of web files to a visiting user.
Frequently asked questions regarding this vulnerability and
the patch can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/fq00-058.asp.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:05
EST/11:05 GMT | News Source: Active Network | Posted
By: Julien
Microsoft® BizTalk™ Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
enables the development and management of business processes
within and between organizations. Companies can easily build
distributed business processes that integrate applications
and partners, as well as quickly establish reliable, secure
trading relationships with customers and key partners over
the Internet. By supporting important Web technologies such
as XML and SOAP, BizTalk Server 2000 allows an organization
to leverage open standards and specifications in order to
integrate disparate applications independent of operating
system, programming model or programming language.
The BizTalk Server 2000 Enterprise Beta, released today,
features the following enhancements from the Technology
- NEW! BizTalk
Orchestration visual business process modeling
environment, based on Microsoft Visio 2000.
- NEW! BizTalk
Orchestration business process execution engine, based
- Easier
to use management and configuration tools, including
many new UI Wizards.
- Support
for BizTalk Framework v2.0 Draft Specification for
reliable messaging.
- Additional
capabilities in BizTalk Mapper to enable more complex
data transformations.
here to download right now Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000
Enterprise Beta. Please notice that US,
Canadian & International
customers can order the Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000
Enterprise Beta Kit for $9,95 that contain: Microsoft®
BizTalk Server 2000 Enterprise Edition Beta on CD, Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Beta 2 on CD &
Microsoft Visio 2000 Standard SR1a 120-Day Evaluation
Edition on CD.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:15
EST/10:15 GMT | News Source: PCWorld
| Posted By: Matthew
The U.S. Department of Justice and state
officials are filing a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on
Tuesday, rebutting Microsoft's argument that the antitrust
case should move next to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia.
The Justice Department and 19 U.S. states
that were plaintiffs in the antitrust case want the next step
to be the U.S. Supreme Court. Microsoft petitioned the Supreme
Court in July to return the case to the appeals court.
Microsoft contends an appeal is warranted because it claims
the lawsuit was full of factual and legal errors.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Time: 05:10
EST/10:10 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
A high-level reorganization has left
Microsoft headquarters directly in charge of WebTV's most
promising businesses, a move that sources say effectively
takes much of the company's operations away from its
co-founders for the first time since the subsidiary was
purchased three years ago.
Microsoft confirmed today that Jan DeVaan,
senior vice president of the software giant's interactive
television group, will personally manage WebTV's
"platform" operation, also known as Microsoft TV.
That operation has become increasingly important to
Microsoft as it has intensified efforts to move into the
nascent interactive TV market, while WebTV's original
services have waned by comparison.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
05:06 EST/10:06 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Matthew
Noted bug hunter Georgi Guninski issued
a security alert today warning that Microsoft Windows 2000
and later versions of Internet Explorer may be vulnerable
to security problems planted in local and remote network
In a security advisory, Guninski said he
identified a vulnerability triggered when folders accessed
through Microsoft Networking are viewed as Web pages,
which occurs in Windows 98 and is the default setting in
Windows 2000.
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2001 |
Time: 17:28 EST/22:28 GMT
| News Source: Active Network | Posted By: Matthew
Our AskAW Helpers have been busy answering your e-mail
and we have just posted the most recent questions.
Our e-mail is still not working correctly for anyone
who has tried to reach us. If you have a question
that you would like answered then just drop us an e-mail
at: activewin2000@hotmail.com.
We hope to have the e-mail up and running as soon as
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 16:10 EST/21:10 GMT
| News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted
By: Julien
Microsoft Corp. today announced the release of the
newest version of its personal finance software, Microsoft
Money 2001 Deluxe. Many enhancements in this release of
the product are based on contributions from American
Express, which has been providing financial planning
expertise for Microsoft Money since 1998. Money 2001
Deluxe is the third release of the product to which
American Express has contributed. Money 2001 is available
right now in three different editions: Standard, Deluxe,
Deluxe & Business that cover all the users finance
needs. Many new features were added to Money, making it
the ultimate personal finance management software. Here
are the top 10 new features included in the Deluxe
Edition of Money 2001 priced at $64,95:
- Priorities:
New Money Setup Assistant feature lets you choose the
financial areas and goals you want to focus on. Based
on these priorities, Money tailors your experience to
your needs.
- Feedback
pane: Real-time feedback in the Account Register
provides essential information to help monitor
financial health, watch for financial opportunities
and pitfalls, and do common tasks related to account
and bills management.
- Budget
maintenance: Budget reallocation adjusts for
financial changes or over- or under-spending.
"Balance" overspending in one category by
adjusting amounts in other categories or time periods.
- Cash
Flow Review: Cash flow projected based on
forecasted bills and historical data from your Money
file. Money analyzes past transactions to estimate
cash flow even if you have not set up bills or created
a budget.
- 401(k)
Manager: Creating and updating 401(k) and 403(b)
accounts in Money is now simplified. Now you can
download statements from participating plan providers,
eliminating manual data entry.
- Asset
Allocation: Step-by-step wizard helps you learn
about asset allocation and determine the best
allocation for your portfolio and short- and long-term
financial goals.
- Tax
Withholding Estimator: New Estimator helps
determine the appropriate withholding amount for your
particular situation and how many withholding
exemptions you should claim.
- Integration
with Kiplinger TaxCut: Full integration with
Kiplinger TaxCut lets you review or update your
tax-related data and import the data directly into
TaxCut tax preparation software.
- Home
Valuation: HomeAdvisorTM online real estate
service provides quick access to home valuation data.
- Baseline
Plan Comparison: Baseline Plan Comparison chart
lets you see how your Lifetime Plan has changed over
time, identify patterns, and see how changes affect
your plan.
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- US
Customs announced Local Software Counterfeiting Crackdown
Time: 16:08 EST/21:08 GMT
| News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted
By: Julien
Tomorrow, Aug. 15, at 10 a.m. from its Atlanta Office
of the Special Agent in Charge, the U.S. Customs Service
will announce criminal action against two Georgia-based
businesses for the alleged distribution of counterfeit
Microsoft® software. Customs will also display a large
sampling of the counterfeit software seized from the two
companies. A Microsoft corporate attorney will be present
to talk about the impact of software piracy in Georgia and
to announce the launch of a new statewide campaign by
Microsoft intended to thwart piracy in the local area
through consumer education and increased investigations
and enforcement against illegal suppliers.
In Georgia, the current piracy rate is nearly 26
percent, an increase from 24 percent in 1998. This means
that more than one in four copies of software are pirated.
In 1999 alone, the state lost more than $206 million in
taxes and wages due to software piracy. Consumers who
acquire counterfeit products have an increased potential
for obtaining viruses, often find that their software is
missing key elements, and are ineligible for valuable
technical support, warranty protection and upgrades.
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- Microsoft
Announces Broad Support for BizTalk Server 2000
Time: 16:07 EST/21:07 GMT
| News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted
By: Julien
Continuing its commitment to partners and customers,
Microsoft Corp. today announced broad support for
Microsoft® BizTalk™ Server 2000 from leading
application vendors and consulting partners such as Nortel
Networks, Compaq Global services, Clarus corp., Navision
software, Onyx software, etc. BizTalk Server 2000 is a
comprehensive, open and standards-based platform upon
which partners can develop e-business integration
BizTalk Server 2000 will unite, in a single product,
business process orchestration, secure and reliable
delivery, routing and transformation of business
documents, as well as development tools and application
adapters to a wide range of applications. Microsoft is
working with a variety of partner organizations to provide
complementary product and service offerings to enable
e-business integration solutions for customers. Concurrent
with the broad availability of BizTalk Server 2000 beta,
Microsoft is pleased to announce significant and building
support from leading application vendors and consulting
partners toward building and deploying e-business
integration solutions for customers.
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Time: 16:06 EST/21:06 GMT
| News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted
By: Julien
With the rise of the digital economy and the advent of
fantastic new technologies for sharing and processing
information has come the promise of entirely new ways of
doing business. The vision: seamless electronic networks
that allow companies to manage the exchange of goods,
services, and market intelligence automatically, not only
within their own organization, but across their entire
value chain of partners and suppliers. The result: a new
kind of commerce characterized by once-unimaginable
efficiency and transaction costs approaching zero.
So far at least, the reality has failed to live up to
the promise. The combination of faster, more powerful
computers and the Internet has, of course, led to new
opportunities for business through increased efficiency,
greater speed, and the possibility of global reach. But
the new technology has also introduced unprecedented
challenges. The complexity and cost of sharing data over
proprietary and private networks and across
often-incompatible applications has made the kind of
friction-free commerce businesses have long envisioned
almost unachievable.
That is about to change. A new product from Microsoft
is about to deliver on this promise for companies of all
sizes. Called Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000, and now
available in beta release, it offers the tools and
infrastructure needed to allow e-commerce business
communities to integrate, manage, and automate business
processes across boundaries that once seemed
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Time: 16:05 EST/21:05 GMT
| News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted
By: Julien
Imagine a classroom that's missing the one element long
considered fundamental to reading, writing and arithmetic
-- paper. No notebooks, no textbooks, no photocopied quiz
sheets or wide-ruled tablets. Nor are there pencils,
pencil sharpeners, paper clips or ink pens that seem to
run out of ink at the critical moment. It's just such a
vision that has driven and inspired middle-school teacher
Stephanie Sorrell, who teaches language arts to seventh
and eighth graders in the Eminence Independent Schools in
Eminence, Ky.
"You have to learn to dig in and not be frightened
by technology," says Sorrell, 25, who is starting her
fourth year of teaching. "The year before we started
this project, we worked out of three-ring binders. Then we
took our projects and moved them to personal digital
assistants [PDAs], which eliminated the need for
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2k Datacenter |
20:34 EST/01:34 GMT | News Source: Microsoft
Press Release | Posted By:
The Redmond, Wash.-based software giant
today announced it will start to charge for some of the
product support that, to date, has been free. Customers,
for instance, will get free support with Microsoft Office
for only two "incidents," or problems, starting
Sept. 14. An incident can involve multiple phone calls.
Currently, Microsoft gives Office customers unlimited free
Consumers will also get only two free
support incidents on Windows 98 or Windows 2000. Customers
now get free, unlimited support for the first 90 days
after installation. Windows 95, meanwhile, will move to a
"paid-only assistance model," according to
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10:30 EST/15:30 GMT | News Source: CNet
| Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced the
release to manufacturing of the Microsoft®
Windows® 2000 Datacenter Server, completing
the product family for the Windows 2000 operating system.
The Windows 2000 Datacenter Server and its complementary
Windows Datacenter Program delivers today's enterprise a
high level of reliability, scalability and serviceability
for line-of-business, e-commerce solutions and hosting
environments. Windows 2000 Datacenter Server provides
businesses with the best business value for enterprise
computing today and also provides a platform for
tomorrow's .NET applications, which require the highest
degrees of scalability and reliability, support for a wide
range of devices, adherence to key standards like XML, and
support for software as a Web service.
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10:29 EST/15:29 GMT | News Source: CNN
| Posted By: Byron
The Navy's next-generation aircraft
carrier -- the symbol of American military might around
the world -- will rely on a futuristic version of
Microsoft's Windows operating system and other commercial
technologies for command and control.
Officials from Microsoft Federal Systems
last week attended an initial design review of the Navy's
future CVN-77 aircraft carrier. The company has been
selected to lead information infrastructure development
for the ship and to define the overall systems
architecture for high- performance information exchange.
Lockheed Martin Naval Electronics and Surveillance Systems
(NESS) is the lead company, along with Newport News
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