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Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 2
Date: Saturday 20th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Site
Survey - AskAW - Christmas Virus |
- Monopoly
Finding Prompts More Lawsuits
Time: 13:49
EDT/18:49 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
And so it starts. At least two antitrust lawsuits
were filed against Microsoft after a federal judge called the vendor
a predatory monopolist early this month.
In a federal suit, Blaine Cox, a PC user in
Birmingham, Ala., claimed he and other consumers were overcharged
anywhere from $10 to $40 every time they bought Microsoft software.
Cox wants that money back as well as treble damages.
The figures are based on an internal study
Microsoft did to figure out how to price Windows. The study, which
U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson cited in his November 5
ruling, said Microsoft could charge $49; it ultimately charged $89.
What prompted the suit? "The ruling, of
course," said Bob Roden, Cox's lawyer from Shelby & Cartee
in Birmingham.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Christmas
virus could reformat hard drives
Time: 13:43
EDT/18:43 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
This is worse than a lump of coal.
A new quick-spreading computer virus that can
reformat a victim's computer hard drive on Christmas has been
detected, and already appears to have cropped up on three
continents, antivirus researchers said.
Dubbed "Prilissa," the malicious code is
a combination of Melissa, an earlier virulent virus spread via
email, and another program called PRI. It follows an increasingly
common trend of using security holes in Microsoft's Outlook and
Outlook Express to spread itself through email.
"Come Christmas day, you could turn on your
computer to play a new game or whatever, and it reformats your hard
drive," said Sal Viveros, group marketing manager for the
antivirus division of Network Associates.
While potentially dangerous for users, the
increased visibility of these viruses has been a boon for antivirus
companies such as Network Associates and Trend Micro, which have
seen sales of antivirus software skyrocket.
Name: Prilissa
What it does: If opened, the virus will reconfigure your hard
drive on 12/25.
Means of transmission: Email. Takes advantage of hole in
Microsoft Outlook to replicate.
How to recognize: The body of an email will read "This
document is very important and you've GOT to read this!!"
Who is at risk: Any Windows 95, 98 users
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- US
says no to DRAM duties on Taiwan
Time: 13:40
EDT/18:40 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
The United States will not impose new import
duties on dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) semiconductors from
Taiwan, U.S. officials said. ``U.S. industry is neither materially
injured nor threatened with material injury by reason of imports of
DRAMs of one megabit and above from Taiwan,'' the U.S. International
Trade Commission (ITC) said in a statement.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
98 bug patch problems continue
Time: 13:08
EDT/18:08 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
A recently discovered bug is causing headaches for
some users of the Windows 98 operating system, but Microsoft has not
yet put its finger on the source of the problem.
Some users are reporting problems after
downloading a recent update from the Windows Update Web site. The
update provides bug fixes and software updates for Microsoft's
flagship operating system for consumers.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- More Site News
Time: 13:04
EDT/18:04 GMT News Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Just a note about a few of the reviews that will
appear on the site this weekend, they will be Microsoft Sidewinder
Precision Racing Wheel, Theme Park World and Revenant. We are also
starting work on a few of the request for new sections that you have
made, we should have something to show you in a week or so.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- ActiveWindows
wins 1999 Site of the Year Award
Time: 12:48
EDT/17:48 GMT News Source: WindowPlanet
Posted By: Dennis
won the 1999 Site of the Year Award brought to you by WindowPlanet!
You can see their comments directly here.
Byron's interview is available here.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- AskAW Section
Time: 11:53
EDT/16:53 GMT News Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
We have our AskAW update up! Lots of questions
answered this time! Keep them coming. Remember we are NOT accepting
anymore questions via email. You can only submit questions via the
MSN community here.
Submit them ONLY in the AskAW Questions section on the left. We
answered about 20 or so questions so thats more than half the
questions we got. So if you submitted a question you may want to see
this update, your answer could be included!
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site News
Time: 11:50
EDT/16:50 GMT News Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
We're going to start updating our Hardware and
Gaming News sections more. So if you've visited before and no one
was updating, well we are now! The 2 sections will be updated every
day excluding weekends, but if some big news breaks we'll bring it
to you weekends or not!
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site
User Survey
Time: 11:48
EDT/16:48 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Please take a few moments of your time and fill
out our User
Profile Survey. This information will help us get a better idea
of our average user's wants and needs. With this information, we
will make ActiveWindows more customized to our viewers!
Plus, we are giving away gift certificates to PC
Connection - so it can't hurt!
Women... No women have completed our survey, so
get going!
News] [Return To
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Date: Friday 19th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Hotmail |
- Mediator
appointed in MS-DOJ case
Time: 19:31
EDT/00:31 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
The judge in the Microsoft antitrust trial has
appointed a federal mediator in a last-minute bid to get the two
sides to settle. The man who has been asked to help the two sides
resolve the landmark case is Richard Posner, the Chief Judge of the
U.S. Court of Appeals for Seventh Circuit in Chicago.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site News: New Logo - And The
Time: 18:01
EDT/23:01 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Well we have finally gotten around to changing the
main page logo, and as promised here is the reason we had to change
it. We got a nice letter from Microsoft that said they would sue us
if we didn't remove it immediately as someone at Microsoft
complained about our site....No names but it isn't hard for us here
at ActiveWindows to figure that one out. Anyway enough about them,
we hope you like the logo, just a shame that it had to be used a
month or so earlier than planned.
Feel free to post comments about the new logo
and/or the reason via our community
message board.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Here
it comes - Windows for lawnmowers...
Time: 14:41
EDT/19:41 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Many's the time that a cool feature devised for a
Bill Gates demo has contributed to feature-creep in Windows, but in
his Comdex keynote last Sunday Bill unwittingly (we hope) laid the
groundwork for the daddy of them all - a control and monitoring
system for all your electronic and automotive possessions that's
surely going to require serious modifications to the user interface,
scads more RAM and processor upgrades all round.
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- MS meets to set schedule for
remainder of antitrust trial
Time: 14:39
EDT/19:39 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
and government lawyers met briefly with U.S. District Judge Thomas
Penfield Jackson, the first encounter since the judge declared
Microsoft a monopoly. The judge requested the meeting to schedule
the next phase of the antitrust trial. He was also expected to
review any settlement prospects. But both sides left the courthouse
after less than 30 minutes, suggesting there was little, if any,
substantive discussion.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- WindowBlinds
1.06 Released
Time: 11:28
EDT/16:28 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
WindowBlinds 1.06 has been released for registered
users and Object Desktop customers. It includes support for skinning
progress bars and reenableds the property tab skinning that was
dropped from 1.01. Visit the download page here at www.windowblinds.net
to grab the update.
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- Microsoft sues Chinese firm over
Time: 11:18
EDT/16:18 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
has filed suit against Beijing-based Yadu Technology Group, accusing
the company of using pirated software products. It's the first time
that an end-user has been sued for piracy in China, the Xinhua news
agency said
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Gaming Zone Membership Soars to 10 Million
Time: 11:11
EDT/16:11 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the 10 millionth
member registration on the MSN™ Gaming Zone (http://www.zone.com/).
This is the latest milestone in a huge growth year for the Zone,
which now boasts the following:
- Over 500,000 unique visitors per day, more than
double the daily traffic of a year ago
- Over 50 new games, bringing the total number of
available games on the Zone to 118
- Ad revenue growth of 1,000 percent from the
previous fiscal year
- 4.2 percent reach, making the Zone the No. 1
Internet games site that offers multiplayer gaming, according to
PC Data figures for October 1999
- Average usage of nearly 40 minutes per user per
day, making the MSN Gaming Zone second only to AOL proprietary
in visitor usage minutes (Media Metrix Digital Media Report,
Sept. 1999)
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- Site News: More Job Openings
Time: 10:52
EDT/15:52 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Thanks for all of the applications from yesterdays
request, keep them coming. Today we have a few more openings so here
we go again. We are looking for another new graphics artist,
preferably someone with good Photoshop experience who can help us
create new site logos and main section logos with similar themes
across our Active Network pages when requested. Links to examples of
your work is a must.
We have a few openings free for those of you who
are interested in writing Editorials and those of you who would like
to specialize in CPU reviews (And we mean specialize). We are also
looking for a number of new Tips writers who would be interested in
helping us branch out our tips area (We are working on a large
expansion of that area as you can probably tell from the side menu)
All enquires should be mailed direct to me byron@activeie.com.
News] [Return To
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- ActiveWindows
Mouse Pads
Time: 09:51
EDT/14:51 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Mouse Pads have been so popular that we have had to order another
batch so don't forget that the first ActiveWindows
piece of merchandise is now available
to order. The first product in our new range of logos is
the ActiveWindows Mouse Pad.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Garners Top Industry Awards From COMDEX
Time: 08:03
EDT/13:03 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. this week will leave COMDEX/Fall
'99 with 17 awards for product excellence from leading industry
Microsoft garnered several awards for business
productivity software, recognizing the company's tools for the
knowledge worker. The awards reflect the success of the Microsoft®
Office family of business productivity applications, which enable
knowledge workers with the right information at the right time.
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- Latest
Windows 2000 Beta to Be the Last
Time: 03:08
EDT/08:08 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Microsoft on Wednesday was poised to issue Release
Candidate 3 of Windows 2000, the last beta test version planned for
the next-generation client/server operating system before its
long-awaited release.
After some 15,000 beta testers have a chance to
run Windows 2000 RC3 through its paces, Microsoft officials hope to
release the operating system to manufacturing before the end of
1999. The software giant has set February 17 as the official launch
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- Microsoft
Touts Quality, Linux Draws Crowds
Time: 03:07
EDT/08:07 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Want high-tech paradigm shifts spelled out for
you? Come to Comdex/Fall '99 in Las Vegas. Nowhere is the changing
of the guard more obvious.
Case in point: Windows and Linux. Wasn't too long
ago that Microsoft's Bill Gates had the same drawing power as a rock
star and kids would line up around the block just to get a glimpse
of the nerd who made good. But Monday night, it was Linus Torvalds,
developer of Linux, who held court over semi-hysterical young
groupies, while Gates trotted out the establishment party line.
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- Hitachi
Debuts DVD-RAM Camcorder
Time: 03:06
EDT/08:06 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Hitachi unveiled at Comdex the prototype of a new
digital video 110 camcorder based on a re-recordable version of
DVD--the first optical disk camcorder for consumers, and the first
to use a new version of DVD-RAM.
The DZ-MV1 camera records video in MPEG2 format
and the new single-sided 8-centimeter DVD-RAM disk holds up to 1.4GB
of data. The small form DVD-RAM, like its larger 12-centimeter
sister, comes in a cartridge. Both disks are the subject of
standardization talks within the DVD Forum and specs are expected to
be approved within the next six months, says Takeshi Hoshino, an
interface designer from Hitachi's Tokyo Design Center.
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- Pentium
III-800 brought forward to Q1 of next year
Time: 03:02
EDT/08:02 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
A report on a US wire said that Intel will bring
the launch date of an 800MHz Coppermine Pentium III forward to the
first quarter of next year. The Intel roadmap had this processor
slated to appear in quarter two, said Pat Gelsinger, a senior VP at
Intel, according to PC Week. And Intel has also acknowledged the
shortages of many of the Coppermine parts it announced in October,
as reported here a day after the launch. Gelsinger admitted that
supply of many of the Coppermine parts was tight but claimed this
was not due to any fundamental problem with its .18 micron process
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Deploys Windows 2000 Professional Internally
Time: 02:57
EDT/07:57 GMT News Source: Windows
NT Magazine Posted By: Alex
Late last month, IBM announced that it will make
Windows 2000 Professional (Win2K Pro) its standard internal desktop
OS. IBM is one of Microsoft’s rapid deployment partners. I spoke
with Dick Sullivan, IBM’s vice president of integrated software.
“Press stories regarding [Win2K Pro] deployment are not 100
percent accurate,” he said. Some of those stories had reported
that IBM planned to deploy 300,000 copies of Win2K Pro, which is not
true. According to Sullivan, 300,000 is the number of IBM employees.
Although IBM plans to deploy several copies of Win2K Pro as its
standard internal desktop, the company won't place Win2K Pro on
every desktop.
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- New
SQL Server-based solutions improve efficiency, profitability of Web
business sites
Time: 02:53
EDT/07:53 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
To succeed in the competitive e-commerce world,
businesses need to know if their Web sites are effective.
To help businesses find that information,
Microsoft has announced the Business Internet Analytics (BIA)
initiative. BIA is a set of solutions based on Microsoft® SQL
Server™ that store and analyze data on business Web sites. These
solutions combine high-quality data analysis and data warehousing to
help businesses create more powerful and profitable Web sites. BIA
delivers unprecedented near-real-time results, so businesses can
respond quickly to the information.
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- Microsoft
judge sets date for more oral arguments
Time: 02:51
EDT/07:51 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
The judge in the Microsoft case will hear oral
arguments in February to help him decide whether the company
violated the nation's antitrust law, lawyers involved in the case
said after meeting with him today.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson met
privately with representatives of Microsoft and 19 states and the
federal government to lay plans for the next phase of the trial.
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- Microsoft
faces legal scrutiny at every turn
Time: 02:50
EDT/07:50 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
It was an arrangement that sounded uncomfortably
familiar to many high-tech industry veterans.
At the opening of this
week's Comdex trade show in Las Vegas, Bill Gates showcased a
computing product that runs a Microsoft operating system, connects
directly to Microsoft's Internet service, uses a chip made by
long-time Microsoft ally Intel and is made by Compaq, one of the
largest manufacturers of PCs sold with Microsoft software.
The concept is hardly unique, as America
Online and other competitors are striking similar deals to bolster
their online services. But the product, called the MSN
Web Companion, bears one crucial distinction: It will be offered
by the largest software company in the world, which has already been
a monopoly by the judge presiding over its historic antitrust
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- Hotmail
criticized over spam filter woes
Time: 02:48
EDT/07:48 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Two weeks after Hotmail implemented a
controversial junk-email filter, users are complaining that the flow
of "spam" to their in-boxes has not slowed.
In addition, some Internet business owners contend
that Microsoft has aligned itself with the online equivalent of
"vigilante militants."
Microsoft's Hotmail, a free Web-based email
service, last week said it had subscribed to the Mail Abuse
Prevention System's (MAPS) Realtime Blackhole List (RBL). The list
filters email coming from servers known to be conduits for
unsolicited commercial email, or spam.
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- Newbridge
slims business but considers buyout
Time: 02:45
EDT/07:45 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Newbridge Networks today said it is open to
takeover offers as the company plans to slash 10 percent of its
workforce and outsource some of its businesses to cut costs.
The struggling networking equipment firm said it
will cut about 700 employees, shut down some sales offices and
outsource its manufacturing and customer service operations.
Industry sources said it's likely Newbridge has
signed on IBM to run its customer service division. Newbridge chief
financial officer Kenneth Wigglesworth in an interview with CNET
News.com declined to comment, saying only that the firm has struck a
deal with a "world-class organization."
Newbridge executives announced the firm's new
direction today following months of financial problems and strategic
questions. The one-time leader in networking and telecommunications
equipment has struggled
in recent years to compete against Cisco Systems, Nortel
Networks, Lucent Technologies and others.
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Date: Thursday 18th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Windows
Update - Editorial |
- ActiveWindows
Time: 22:15
EDT/03:15 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We were bored and decided to make a little quiz of
some computer questions. If you'd like to see how much you know
about the computer world from Netscape to AMD this is the place to
find out!
News] [Return To
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- Microsoft's
business ethics
Time: 19:07
EDT/00:07 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
"You mean this is wrong?" asks an
obviously incredulous Bill Gates of a black-robed judge. In the
background of a cartoon from last week's Los Angeles Times, a
henchman is smothering another guy with a pillow. The caption:
"Mr. Gates discovers that his treatment of competitors is
News] [Return To
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- Microsoft
In The Land Of Opportunity
Time: 19:06
EDT/00:06 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
I think it's the beginning of the end for Bill
Gates and Microsoft, and it has nothing to do with whether the
company wins or loses its antitrust trial.
To me, it's the trial itself -- and not the
eventual outcome -- that is a turning point in computer industry
history, the moment that historians will look back on in 20 to 30
years and point to as the linchpin that led to Microsoft's eventual
fall from market power.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Editorial
- The Speed of the Computer Industry
Time: 16:24
EDT/21:24 GMT News Source: Active Windows Posted
By: Alex
I have posted an Editorial about the Speed that
the Computer Industry moves out. Here is a snippet:
In the computer retail market that
I work in it is quite scary when you have customers coming up to you
to buy their first PC and you tell them that the PC they are about
to buy will probably be out of date by the time they pay for it in
about a years time. Now this isn't always true mainly for the fact
it is down to what the PC is going to be used for. If the customer
is just going to be using their PC for word processing then they
won't really care that much the speed it will run at in a years
time. But the bulk of people that are buying it will most probably
be having games on that PC and want their PC to last as long it can.
Now I know I shouldn't complain because it is because of the speed
of the computer industry that I get the money I do and job I have.
But on saying that, people that come in are buying a PC just for the
fact that their children use PC's at school and most jobs these days
require the knowledge and use of a computer in some sense of the
word. Most first time buyers can not believe that the £1000 -
£1500 they are about to spend on a PC is going to be deflated by so
much in a years time.
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- Microsoft,
Justice prep for next step
Time: 11:32
EDT/16:32 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft today meets with U.S. District Judge
Thomas Penfield Jackson for the first time since the release of his
harsh findings nearly two weeks ago in the ongoing antitrust case.
The meeting today, which includes government lawyers, is nothing
more than a housekeeping discussion before moving on to the next
stage of the antitrust case.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site News: Job Openings
Time: 10:52
EDT/15:52 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We have a few openings free for those of you who
are interested in writing Editorials and those of you who would like
to specialize in CPU reviews (And we mean specialize). We are also
looking for a number of new Tips writers who would be interested in
helping us branch out our tips area (We are working on a large
expansion of that area)
All enquires should be mailed direct to me byron@activeie.com.
News] [Return To
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- Site
User Survey
Time: 09:14
EDT/14:14 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Please take a few moments of your time and fill
out our User
Profile Survey. This information will help us get a better idea
of our average user's wants and needs. With this information, we
will make ActiveWindows more customized to our viewers!
Plus, we are giving away gift certificates to PC
Connection - so it can't hurt!
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
Update - Updated
Time: 06:27
EST/11:27 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has posted a number of new fixes and
downloads up on Windows Update. Here are a few of them, Internet
Explorer 5.01 which we mentioned yesterday, being the obvious biggy.
It is always worth checking out the site each month to keep your
version of Windows updated.
Windows Security Update, November
12, 1999
Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement (November Update)
Internet Explorer 5.01 and Internet Tools
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Windows 2000 manageability enhanced with new Full Armor software
Time: 03:21
EST/08:21 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
A powerful operating system has to be manageable
to be truly useful.
That's why Microsoft has included extensive
manageability features in Microsoft® Windows® 2000. And that's why
Full Armor, a provider of
enterprise policy management software, this week announced that it
is developing critical manageability support for Windows 2000.
Full Armor will provide extensive management of Windows 2000
Active Directory™, Group Policy and Windows Installer in its
policy management product, Full Armor Zero Administration (FAZAM).
The expanded version of FAZAM will be designed to further increase
efficiency and reduce the total cost of ownership in
Windows 2000 environments.
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- Microsoft
Project 2000, Microsoft Project Central aim to boost team efficiency
Time: 03:21
EST/08:21 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Teamwork breeds success, and upcoming products
from Microsoft can help companies make teams more effective than
Monday at COMDEX/Fall '99, Microsoft President
Steve Ballmer announced Microsoft® Project 2000, a major upgrade to
the company's project management software, and Microsoft Project
Central, a Web-based companion to Microsoft Project 2000 that helps
teams share product-related material on the Internet. Used together,
these tools are designed to make it easier for teams of employees to
plan, manage and collaborate on projects, increasing the quantity
and accuracy of the information they give to project managers.
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- McNealy,
Ellison call for Microsoft bust-up
Time: 03:13
EST/08:13 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
The chief executives of two of Microsoft's
bitterest rivals have called upon the government to bust up the
software giant.
Look beyond the beige box Wednesday: Win 2000
beta? PC Mag's Excellence Awards Appearing separately in Los Angeles
and Las Vegas, Larry Ellison of Oracle (Nasdaq:ORCL) and Scott
McNealy of Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW) stumped on behalf of stiff
remedies against the software giant. (Meanwhile, Microsoft CEO Bill
Gates once again publicly raised the possibility of a deal with the
Ellison and McNealy regularly lob verbal bombs at
Microsoft, but their comments took on heightened significance as
they came only a couple of weeks after judge Thomas Penfield Jackson
rebuked the software maker as a predatory monopolist. Many legal
experts believe the judge will determine that Microsoft broke the
law when he issues his conclusions in the long-running antitrust
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- Why
Microsoft Finally 'Gets' the Web
Time: 03:13
EST/08:13 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Imagine you're at the tuxedo shop helping your
teenage son choose a prom outfit. He struts out of the dressing room
in a powder blue tux. He actually thinks he looks great. You wince,
then urge him to try a black one.
For years, I've been wincing at MSN's silly,
sophomoric Web efforts. Remember the original, proprietary version
that was incompatible with the Internet? Or Mungo Park, the exotic
travelogue? Or all those cheesy, Hollywood-esque shows?
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- Details
emerging on secretive start-up Transmeta
Time: 03:13
EST/08:13 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
More clues about Transmeta, one of the most
secretive companies in Silicon Valley, are slowly becoming
available, including the name of its first processors.
While details about its first products are still
sketchy, the chip company evidently has decided on a name for them:
Crusoe. The Crusoe processors will be targeted at mobile
applications, according to the company's recently revised Web page.
The secrecy surrounding the company's plans have
led to much speculation about the nature of the start-up. But the
secrecy is something of a ruse: The company has actually been
working hard to promote itself by being just secretive enough to
spur interest.
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- Via
to release cut-rate processor early next year
Time: 03:11
EST/08:11 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Via Technologies will release its first
microprocessor for low-cost PCs by the end of January, company
executives said today, opening a new round in its duel with Intel.
Code-named Joshua, the processor will run at clock
speeds of 433 MHz, 466 MHz and 500 MHz. More important, it will fit
into the same circuit boards as Intel's Celeron processor, making
the chip the first Celeron clone.
A new generation of chips will follow in the third
quarter, company executives said at the Comdex trade show here
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Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Wednesday 17th November
Today's Top Headlines: IE 5.01 -
MSN Messenger 2 Preview - MSN.Com |
- Internet
Explorer 5.01 Released
Time: 18:49
EST/23:49 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Microsoft has released Internet Explorer 5.01
tonight. This new version contains many bug fixes and security
patches that occurred in Internet Explorer 5. Make sure you download
it, as it also manages to speed things up a bit.
Internet Explorer 5.01
Installation Notes
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- But
Did Microsoft Actually Hurt Consumers?
Time: 18:45
EST/23:45 GMT News Source: Washington
Post Posted By: Matt
Ever since 1890, when Congress passed the Sherman
Act, the antitrust laws have sought to protect consumers and prevent
the evils of concentrated economic power. No company seems to pose
those dangers so starkly today as Microsoft. Yet, the case against
Microsoft still isn't made, even after Judge Thomas Penfield
Jackson's denunciation of the company. The trouble is that Jackson's
opinion doesn't show how Microsoft's brutal competitive behavior has
hurt consumers.
Companies compete, after all, to defeat their
rivals. The social harm arises only if consumers suffer from excess
economic power. Despite months of bad trial publicity and Jackson's
scathing decision, most Americans still doubt the government's
antitrust case. A Gallup poll taken after the ruling found that, by
a 67 to 16 percent margin, people have a favorable view of
Microsoft. Asked whether the company should be broken up,
respondents objected by 54 to 35 percent.
Popular skepticism isn't just ignorance. "In
many ways, [Microsoft] is a weaker company now than several years
ago," says Michael Gartenberg of the GartnerGroup, a computer
research firm. "It dominates the desktop, but it doesn't
dominate every market it enters." Predictions that Microsoft
would rule on-line Internet services and e-commerce haven't
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- GT
Interactive and Epic Games' 'Unreal Tournament' has gone gold and
the title will ship Nov 22nd Worldwide
Time: 17:23
EST/22:23 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
In addition, Unreal Tournament features a
innovative tutorial that guides novice players through the basics of
multiplay and allows them to hone their skills before going online
to play. In a partnership with S3 Incorporated, Unreal Tournament
will be the first game to ship with over one gigabyte of original
textures. Players whose PCs and laptops accelerator cards utilize S3
Incorporated Savage4 and Savage/IX 3D mobile accelerator chips will
experience photo realistic environments, graphics and textures. S3's
patent texture compression technology allows for rapid loading times
of extremely complex, detailed textures. Unreal Tournament ships
November 22 for an estimated retail price of $54.95. For more
information about the game, visit <http://www.unrealtournament.net/>.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
backs off messaging clash with AOL
Time: 15:34
EST/20:34 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
After months of wrangling, Microsoft announced
today that its MSN Messenger service will no longer communicate with
America Online's AOL Instant Messenger.
The decision comes with the release of Microsoft's
next-generation version of MSN Messenger, the company's instant
messaging software. The announcement coincided with the launch of
its redesigned MSN Web portal.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Cosmic Music Network Selects Windows Media As Featured Technology
Time: 15:04
EST/20:04 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
CDNOW Inc. (Nasdaq "CDNW"), a leading
online music destination, and Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq
"MSFT") today announced that Microsoft® Windows Media™
has been selected as a featured technology for music downloading and
streaming audio on CDNOW's Cosmic Music Network (CMN), a new
comprehensive and innovative online community uniting unsigned bands
with music lovers. The CMN site, at http://cosmic.cdnow.com/,
goes live tomorrow and bands interested in joining CMN can register
free through the site.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Messenger 2.0 Preview - Local Download
Time: 14:59
EST/19:59 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We have made MSN Messenger 2.0 Preview available
to download locally as we are one of the official download sites for
MSN Messenger now. We will be setting up a special messenger page
very soon too.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and Blockbuster Team Up to Distribute Free Y2K Video
Time: 09:13
EST/14:13 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that Blockbuster
Inc. stores nationwide will carry a year 2000 (Y2K) video that helps
customers prepare their home PC for the year 2000. Through this
program, Microsoft has produced a free, 30-minute video titled
"Is Your Computer Prepared for the Year 2000?" to be
carried in the Community Service section of participating
Blockbuster stores. When consumers check out the free Microsoft Y2K
video, they will also be provided with the Microsoft Year 2000
Resource CD, which includes the latest updates for key Microsoft®
products as well as an assortment of tools and information related
to Y2K.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Billboard
Brings Music Charts to Life With Microsoft Windows Media
Time: 09:10
EST/14:10 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Billboard Online and Microsoft Corp. today
announced that Billboard's weekly chart of music popularity,
distributed to more than 75 of the largest online retail and media
Web sites, will now include streamed audio samples in the
Microsoft® Windows Media™ format. Web sites subscribing to the
service will be able to offer their users a chance to sample all the
hits on the Billboard charts.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site News, Community Update and
Time: 06:21
EST/11:21 GMT News Source: Slate
Posted By: Byron
Hi again everyone. As you have probably noticed,
we never managed to get our new Active Network logo up the other
day, we "should" have the new logo up tonight though. As
usual it is also time to mention our MSN
Community, we are currently still the leading Operating System
community on MSN, so make sure you check us out - our next chat is
on the way on 27th November.
We also plan to have our online interviews area
ready for launch in a couple of weeks with a few interviews with
various important people from around the industries we cover
including Microsoft, Games, DVD and Linux interviews.
I have decided to clean up our reviews layouts so
that our new reviews will be better than ever in terms of layout and
information than before. I have also decided to clean up our
upcoming reviews list, getting rid of the old and bringing in the
new (Or at least the stuff we know is going to be reviewed)
Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel (This Weekend),
Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer, SoundBlaster Live! Platinum,
Microsoft Force Feedback Steering Wheel, Microsoft Force Feedback
Software: Theme Park World (This
Weekend) Gabriel Knight 3, SWAT 3, Interstate 82, Star Trek: Hidden
Evil, Indiana Jones & The Infernal Machine, Ultima 9, Revernant
(This Weekend), Asheron's Call, Unreal Tournament, Wheel Of Time,
Delta Force 2, Nocturne, Prince Of Persia 3D, Flight Simulator 2000
Pro, Pandora's Box, Firestorm, System Shock 2, Rogue Spear, Driver,
Encarta Africana
Applications: Corel Suite 9, Vizact
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- My
Visit to Microsoft By Al Gore
Time: 06:21
EST/11:21 GMT News Source: Slate
Posted By: Byron
I've just walked into the Slate offices
after an hour-long free-form discussion with about 200 Microsoft
employees. I loved the discussion. There was obviously tension in
the air, because my visit--though long-scheduled--came on the heels
of the "Findings of Fact" by the judge presiding over the
antitrust case brought against Microsoft by the Justice Department.
Even though the Justice Department makes its own
independent decisions in such matters without input from the White
House, its leaders--including Joel Klein--are appointees of the
current administration. For that reason, I couldn't comment on the
decision that was clearly on many people's minds on the Microsoft
campus today. I did make clear that there is a fundamental American
value in making sure that neither heavy-handed government nor unfair
business practices stamp out competition.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MSN.Com
Time: 05:54
EST/10:54 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
After weeks of it being on http://beta.msn.com
its finally up on http://www.msn.com.
This is a site on its own, not many sites have the great layout that
MSN has developed nor the technology in the Message Center.
Note: We've received word that not everyone can
view the new page including UK visitors, but you can access it
directly via this
What are you waiting for? After reading all the AW
news check out http://www.msn.com!
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Evidence mounts of exodus from Windows CE
Time: 05:09
EST/10:09 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
Three years after its debut, evidence is mounting
that Microsoft's efforts to spread the use of its Windows CE
operating system to gadgets are not faring well.
The latest clues can be seen here at the Comdex
trade show from the likes of Compaq Computer, Sony and Everex,
another hardware maker that will stop making devices based on
Windows CE, Microsoft's scaled-down OS.
To boot, Sony yesterday said it was licensing
the Palm operating system from 3Com's Palm Computing for use in
next-generation handheld devices.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- GE
retakes top spot from Microsoft
Time: 05:02
EST/10:02 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
Microsoft has lost its spot as the country's
most-valuable company to General Electric just days after a federal
judge said the world's biggest software maker is a monopoly.
Microsoft's shares have fallen 4.6 percent since
the Nov. 5 ruling, cutting its market capitalization to $450.5
billion. GE's shares have climbed 4.4 percent in that time, giving
the latter a market value of $457.6 billion. In late January,
Microsoft's value exceeded GE's by almost $100 billion.
The narrowing of the gap has accelerated since
Sept. 20 as Microsoft's investors, awaiting a ruling in the landmark
antitrust trial, pushed down the stock about 11 percent. GE--whose
market value reached $400 billion Sept. 20--has climbed about 14
percent since then as the multiindustry company prepares to deliver
its sixth consecutive year of record sales and profit in 1999.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Junk
mail from MS: whose spam is it anyway?
Time: 04:45
EDT/09:45 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
"Spammers are thieves... They're hijacking
your system to deliver their unrequested, unwanted
advertising," says a new Microsoft web site paper by R'ykandar
Korra'ti. But Microsoft is on shaky ground when it comes to spam -
in recent newsgroup posting the company's own abuse manager Mike
Lyman has effectively been conceding that Microsoft sends out
unwelcome, unsolicited mail, and that company staff are unwilling
and unable to do much about it.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Athlon/Pentium
3 Price Comparison
Time: 04:43
EDT/09:43 GMT News Source: CPU
Review Posted By: Byron
This is the tenth edition of the K7/P3 Price
comparison article; I hope you find the information useful. In this
edition I added pricing information on the 650Mhz and 700Mhz speed
[Note: Read CPUReview's Athlon
600 Review and Athlon
600: Running Linux for more information on the Athlon]
The price war is quieting down; AMD K7's are
cheaper than P3's at both the low and the high end. As of today you
can get a K7-650Mhz processor for $115 less than an Intel P3-650Mhz!
here for the previous version of this article; with prices from
November 3.]
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Messenger 2 Preview Download Released
Time: 01:12
EDT/06:12 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Messenger Service 2.0 for the Windows® operating system includes
many new features:
- Easier setup: MSN Messenger Service
version 2.0 includes several features that make it easier to
quickly get your friends up and running on the service,
including an easier setup process and the ability to search for
your friends' e-mail addresses in your Windows® Address Book or
the Hotmail® Member Directory and send them instructions for
how to get started on the service.
- Links to news and information: MSN
Messenger Service now includes news and headlines from MSN.
- Message formatting: Version 2.0 enables
you to customize your message font, color and style.
- Improved Hotmail integration: The new
Mail toolbar button gives you easier access to your Hotmail
account as well as an up-to-date count of your unread e-mail.
- Always on Top mode: You can now choose
to keep MSN Messenger Service in the foreground at all times so
you have easier access to MSN Messenger Service features when
using other programs.
- Usability improvements: There are
several basic usability improvements to MSN Messenger Service
version 2.0 based directly on your feedback, including the
ability to view your current online status in the status bar as
well as changes to some of the names used to designate status.
MSN Messenger 2 Preview Version
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Tuesday 16th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Piracy -
Win 2K |
- Site
User Survey
Time: 16:39
EDT/21:39 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Please take a few moments of your time and fill
out our User
Profile Survey. This information will help us get a better idea
of our average user's wants and needs. With this information, we
will make ActiveWindows more customized to our viewers!
Plus, we are giving away gift certificates to PC
Connection - so it can't hurt!
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- COMDEX: MS demonstrates its new
'Web companion'
Time: 16:36
EDT/21:36 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
new Internet access device is so easy to use it could replace
reading the newspaper at breakfast time. Or so said officials with
the company's MSN.com Monday at Comdex as they demonstrated the
low-cost MSN-based "Web companion" that gives consumers
one-click access to the Internet. (Microsoft Chairman and CEO Bill
Gates showed off the appliance Sunday in his Comdex
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Gates
Comments on Possible Break-Up
Time: 15:29
EDT/20:29 GMT News Source: Avault
Posted By: Byron
Reuters has reported that Bill
Gates, in a published interview, refused to rule out breaking up his
company to settle a government antitrust suit. But a spokesman said
Monday the company rejected a break-up. Gates said that although he
wants to settle, he would oppose any deal that would restrict the
company's freedom to design Windows and assure its consistency. But
in the interview with Time magazine he twice refused discussion
about a solution that might involve breaking up the software giant.
"I can't go down the path of
saying what the settlement would be," Gates replied when asked
about breaking up Microsoft. In a follow-up question, Gates was
asked if Windows must be part of Microsoft.
"In terms of discussing the
details of a settlement, I can't do that," he replied.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Microsoft Previews Project 2000 At Comdex
Time: 15:20
EDT/20:20 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft President Steve Ballmer took the
slightly unusual step of launching a major product upgrade from the
show floor at Comdex on Monday, introducing Microsoft Project 2000
to attendees who packed the company's theater Pavilion.
Ballmer also introduced a new Web-based companion
called Microsoft Project Central that is to be used with Microsoft
Project 2000. Ballmer made the announcement about the new
productivity tool for the Office family in between an appearance
with Unysis executives discussing a powerful electronic business
environment and a Windows 2000 briefing.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- COMDEX: Microsoft Launches
Website For Palm PCs
Time: 15:15
EDT/20:15 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Microsoft at Comdex launched a user-community
website called Uplink to showcase the things people are doing with
palm-size PCs. While not a newsgroup, Uplink content will come from
enthusiasts and be hosted by Microsoft.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Gates: Digital image firms face obstacles
Time: 15:15
EDT/20:15 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
The future of digital imaging is promising, but
there are many obstacles yet to overcome, Microsoft chairman Bill
Gates told a Comdex crowd here.
Gates addressed the crowd of press and analysts in
his capacity as founder of Corbis, which is developing a database of
digital images taken from private and public photography and art
collections, rather than as chairman of the software giant. Gates
did not touch on the recent setbacks in the antitrust case filed
against Microsoft.
News] [Return To
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Microsoft Launches Windows 2000 RC 3
Time: 15:08
EDT/20:08 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft announced at Comdex Monday the delivery
of the final beta code of Windows 2000--Release Candidate 3--this
The beta code, which will be delivered to just
15,000 joint development partners, incorporates final bug fixes but
no major new features, executives said. The Redmond, Wash., software
giant originally planned to launch the product at the show.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Settles Software Piracy Suit Against Megabyte Corp
Time: 14:59
EDT/19:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the settlement of
a lawsuit against Megabyte Corp. The suit, which was filed under
seal on Sept. 29, 1998, charged Megabyte with distributing
counterfeit Microsoft® End User License Agreements (EULAs), as well
as counterfeit Microsoft software. The settlement, the terms of
which will remain under seal, was signed on April 2, 1999
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Financial
Services Industry Leaders Embrace Microsoft Windows 2000
Time: 14:59
EDT/19:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at the Financial Technology Expo, Microsoft
Corp. showcased customer and industry support for the forthcoming
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating system, including plans for
migration by financial services companies. The company also
announced new services from Compaq Computer Corp. that will assist
financial services companies in migrating to this new platform.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Reed sues Microsoft
Time: 09:51
EDT/14:51 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Cahners Travel Group, a division of Reed Elsevier,
has filed suit against Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
and its Expedia Inc. division, charging them with breach of
contract. Cahners says it had a contract to provide hotel
information to the Expedia site and had signed a deal with Microsoft
to "be the exclusive provider of ad sales support" for the
hotel directory advertising on Expedia. Cahners said Microsoft
violated that contract and misappropriated its database.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft to buy back PCs
Time: 09:49
EDT/14:49 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
has launched a new program to buy back PCs from small business for
$500. The buy-back is part of the company's Small Business Windows
2000 Web service, the company said.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Delivers Windows for Smart Cards
Time: 05:06
EDT/10:06 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
At COMDEX/Fall '99 today, Microsoft Corp.
announced availability of the Microsoft® Windows®
Smart Card Toolkit, which will enable developers and card customers
to build a broader range of smart-card applications and services
more easily by utilizing a common operating system and familiar
tools. Windows Powered Smart Cards, which are the size of a credit
card, have a crypto-capable microprocessor and can perform a number
of practical applications, such as secure corporate logons for
Windows 2000; Web and phone authentication; medical data storage;
and debit, credit or cash transactions. Windows Powered Smart Cards
are being used in a number of pilot projects both in the United
States and Europe.
In addition to the availability of the Windows
Smart Card Toolkit, Microsoft announced a pilot program with British
Telecom (BT) that will provide BT's 35,000 mobile workers with
one-touch remote network access from any device through Windows for
Smart Cards technology.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Delivers Windows for Smart Cards at Cartes 99
Time: 05:04
EDT/10:04 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at Cartes 99, Microsoft Corp. announced the
availability of the Microsoft® Windows®
Smart Card Toolkit, which will enable developers and card customers
to more easily build a broader range of smart-card applications and
services by utilizing a common operating system and familiar tools.
In addition, Microsoft showcased the Windows for Smart Cards
operating system's wide industry support through its rapidly
expanding Smart Card Associates Program.
"Microsoft is proud that within a year we
have worked with key players in the smart-card industry to transform
our Windows for Smart Cards operating system from a potentially
intriguing technology to a credible and powerful smart-card solution
that is already being implemented around the world," said
Philippe Goetschel, director, Smart Cards, Microsoft. "We are
especially happy to see that companies have embraced using the
Windows for Smart Cards operating system in a wide variety of
smart-card applications, whether it be support for GSM SIM cards,
logon for Windows 2000, Web authentication, medical record storage,
or debit, credit and cash transactions."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Project 2000 and Microsoft Project Central Extend Project Management
to a Broader Knowledge Worker Audience
Time: 05:04
EDT/10:04 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at COMDEX/Fall '99, Microsoft Corp.
President Steve Ballmer announced Microsoft® Project 2000, a major
upgrade to the world's best-selling project management software. He
also announced Microsoft Project Central, a new Web-based companion
product that when used in conjunction with Microsoft Project 2000
delivers a flexible and scalable solution, which enables knowledge
workers on teams of any size to manage projects collaboratively.
At a time when organizations increasingly are
turning to team-based structures to accomplish their work, Microsoft
Project 2000 is designed to make it simple for team members to help
manage the multiple details of projects. "Microsoft is
delivering breakthrough collaborative technology to the knowledge
worker with Microsoft Project 2000," Ballmer said.
"Project 2000's new Web collaboration will increase teams'
productivity and accuracy. Even knowledge workers who don't think of
themselves as 'project managers' can benefit from the product
because it improves their ability to manage details and work more
effectively with others."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
to Deliver Extensive Music Video Library Via Microsoft Windows Media
Time: 05:03
EDT/10:03 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
EMI Recorded Music and Microsoft Corp. today
announced an agreement under which more than 5,000 EMI music videos
will be made available in Windows Media™ format, making it the
single largest conversion of music video content from a major label
into any streamed digital media format. The videos will be available
for streaming in both high-quality broadband as well as narrowband
"This agreement will help in our continuing
effort to make EMI artists' content available in all formats, so
that the consumer is better served," said Jay Samit, senior
vice president of New Media, EMI. "We are looking forward to
being able to offer the consumer the depth of our video catalog
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MS:
'We'd Love to Resolve This'
Time: 05:01
EDT/10:01 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, locked in a legal
battle with the US government over domination of the software
market, was quoted Sunday as saying he insisted on the right to
determine what goes into the company's widely used Windows operating
Gates was interviewed by Time magazine after a
federal judge ruled last week Microsoft was a monopoly that had
bullied rivals and hurt consumers by stifling competition, a ruling
that analysts said could have drastic consequences, including a
possible break-up of the company.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- NT
Servers: Fast, Cheap, And Out Of Control
Time: 04:59
EDT/09:59 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex
NT Servers: Fast, Cheap, And Out Of Control
(11/15/99, 7:47 p.m. ET) By Jan Stafford , VARBusiness Fast, cheap,
and out of control: that's the corporate NTserver scenario painted
by Data General's NT server division. At Comdex, the company is
touting an NT server consolidation strategy designed to corral the
stampede of NT servers. Oh yes, the strategy will also give Data
General--which was recently acquired by EMC--a way to differentiate
its value in a crowded marketplace.
"Every time Intel comes out with a new chip,
the gains offered in price performance are a compelling reason for a
company to buy a different server," says David Flawn, Data
General's vice president of NT server marketing. The result is a
management nightmare in which hundreds of NT servers are sitting in
workgroups in a company. "This is making corporate-wide
information sharing, security, revision control, application
compatibility, and backup very difficult to implement," says
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Lucent's
Major Breakthrough
Time: 04:57
EDT/09:57 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Alex
In a breakthrough that may lead to high-rise
processors, Lucent's Bell Labs claims to have found a way to build a
chip's components vertically instead of horizontally.
Dubbed one of the "Holy Grails" of the
semiconductor industry, the ability to manufacture chips vertically
may give current chip-making technology a new lease on life, Bell
Labs said.
The chip industry is widely believed to be
approaching the physical limits of how small chips can be
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Gates:
The best CEO, the worst CEO
Time: 04:51
EDT/09:51 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Results of a survey of U.S. CEOs named Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT)
Chairman and CEO Bill Gates as the CEO who most skillfully managed
his company's reputation during the past twelve months.
Paradoxically, he was also voted as the business leader who handled
his company the least skillfully. The October PR Week survey polled
269 CEOs from leading U.S. companies. The survey was completed
before the release of the findings of fact in the Microsoft
antitrust trial.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MS
employees put Gore on defensive
Time: 04:50
EDT/09:50 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Vice President Al Gore defended U.S. antitrust
laws on Monday in a visit to Microsoft Corp. headquarters where he
was peppered with questions about the government case against the
software giant.
Gore's meeting with about 250 mid- and senior
level Microsoft
executives came just 10 days after a preliminary ruling against the
company in the long-running antitrust case and was nearly canceled
over a closed-door press policy.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Netscape
Netcenter to launch redesign
Time: 04:48
EDT/09:48 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Netcenter, the Web portal for America Online
subsidiary Netscape Communications, is close to relaunching its site
in a bid to draw more daytime traffic.
Two alternate beta versions of the redesign went
live recently at two URLs: "http://home.netscape.com/index_c.html?cp=HOMFB"
and "http://home.netscape.com/index_c.html?cp=HOMDB."
"These are two new home page designs that we
are considering for Netcenter," said Nathan Tyler, a Netscape
spokesman. He would not disclose a date for Netcenter's relaunch.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft,
DOJ to meet with judge Thursday
Time: 04:46
EDT/09:46 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Lawyers for Microsoft, the Justice Department and
19 states will meet District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson Thursday
to discuss scheduling matters in the firm's landmark antitrust case,
people close to the case said Monday.
The meeting, the first since Jackson said in his
findings of fact that Microsoft uses monopoly power to harm
consumers and other companies, will help set the stage for the next
phase of the trial.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Linux
founder: User needs shaping new era
Time: 04:43
EDT/09:43 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
Linux is moving into a different era, a time when
the future of the operating system software will be driven by user
needs instead of programmers' curiosity, the movement's founder said
"The technology is not driving the market any
more. What people want is driving it," Linux Torvalds said in a
well-attended speech here.
"The iMac comes in five colors. Who cares
from a technical standpoint? But they're obviously selling like
crazy," said Torvalds, who launched the Linux programming
effort five years ago while a student in Finland.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Ballmer
aims to end 'Blue Screen of Death'
Time: 04:41
EDT/09:41 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft Corp. Microsoft
executives including President Steve Ballmer showed off some of the
new features of the company's upcoming Windows 2000 operating system
such as infrared file sharing during a presentation at Comdex/Fall
'99, and they promised fewer of those blue screens of death.
Microsoft vice president Jim Allchin also said the OS still was on
track for a Feb. 17 release.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Monday 15th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: 3Dfx -
COMDEX - Site News |
- Survey:
Microsoft's media player catching up to RealNetworks
Time: 16:16
EDT/21:16 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft is gaining ground on RealNetworks in the
digital media player market, as consumers increasingly turn to
multiple products to download music and video from the Internet,
according to a survey released today by PC Data Online. "Real
is clearly winning," said Howard Dyckovsky, PC Data's vice
president of operations. "The question is whether they will
continue to do so."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
NT update carries bug
Time: 16:16
EDT/21:16 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
A software update for Microsoft's Windows NT
operating system introduced a bug that could potentially cripple
Lotus Notes unless companies compromise network security.
The bug in Windows NT Service Pack 6 prevents
users from accessing Lotus Notes without administrator rights--the
highest and broadest level of access typically reserved for network
managers. Companies generally restrict user access to prevent
security breaches or catastrophic accidental changes to PCs or
The bug puts companies that have applied the
service pack in a bind, possibly forcing them to grant users
temporary administrator privileges in order to use Lotus Notes.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Fifa 2000 Competition Winner
Time: 15:06
EDT/20:06 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Our Fifa 2000 competition has finished so it is
time to announce the winner. One full boxed copy of the US version
of Fifa 2000 is on the way to Paul Carter in the next week or so.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
ClearType Design Team Honored at World Technology Awards
Time: 14:59
EDT/19:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that two of the
key software developers of Microsoft® ClearType™ display
technology, Bill Hill and Bert Keely, were distinguished finalists
in the Information Technology category of the inaugural World
Technology Awards hosted by the World Technology Network (WTN) of
London, in association with The Economist magazine and sponsored by
Booz-Allen & Hamilton. The World Technology Awards were created
by WTN to honor those innovators whose work is of the greatest
likely long-term significance for the benefit of business and
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and S3's Diamond Multimedia Showcase Rio Player In First Live
Demonstration of Windows Media On SDMI-Capable Portable Device
Time: 14:58
EDT/19:58 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq "MSFT") and
Diamond Multimedia™ Inc., a division of S3â Inc. (Nasdaq
"SIII"), today showcased at Webnoize the first live
demonstration of Microsoft® Windows Media™ Technologies 4 on a
Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI)-capable portable music
device. The third-generation Rio™ players will support Windows
Media and Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM). This marks
a significant step toward the mainstream adoption of secure digital
media devices and software by consumers.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and TVT Records Take Digital Music Commerce to New Level
Time: 14:56
EDT/19:56 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
History was made at Webnoize '99 today as TVT
Records, the nation's largest independent label, and Microsoft Corp.
announced that TVT's entire catalog is available immediately for
sale via digital download. At http://www.tvtrecords.com/,
music fans can now purchase and download every song from a
collection of over 100 TVT titles, featuring acclaimed artists such
as Nine Inch Nails, Guided by Voices, Sevendust and XTC.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Windows Media Leaps Forward in Market Acceptance
Time: 14:56
EDT/19:56 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
At the Webnoize '99 Conference in Los Angeles,
Microsoft Corp. today announced the crossing of two major milestones
in the effort to bring digital music into the mainstream. First,
Microsoft announced the broadest commitment ever of major label and
well-known artist content to an Internet digital media format.
Second, Microsoft and Diamond Multimedia Inc. demonstrated the first
end-to-end operation of a Secure Digital Music Initiative
(SDMI)-capable portable music player delivering music in the secure
Microsoft® Windows Media™ format. In addition, independent market
research firm PC Data Online announced a first-ever look at Internet
consumers' behavior in using digital media, which showed that the
Windows Media Player is the fastest-growing media player; it was
used in the last month by 60 percent of consumers who accessed
streaming media.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- 3Dfx
Website Open
Time: 14:18
EDT/19:18 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
I'm not sure if you've been keeping up to date,
but earlier today 3Dfx announced Voodoo 4 & 5. This weekend,
3Dfx's website had been down telling of a new site today. Well since
the announcement has been made the site is now up, and once again
3DFx shows its Shockwave style with another shockwave website for
their new announcement.
Check out 3dfx's website here.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
See it Live!
Time: 13:38
EDT/18:38 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Dennis
PCWeek and ZDNet are broadcasting Comdex `99/Fall
live via the internet and if you missed previous speaches they also
have those in their archive. You can visit their broadcasting
homepage here.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and BMG Move Digital Music to Mainstream
Time: 13:28
EDT/18:28 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
REDMOND, Wash., and NEW YORK - Nov. 15, 1999 -
Microsoft Corp. and BMG Entertainment today announced the launch of
the BMG Artist Showcase program to promote BMG performers' use of
Microsoft® Windows Media™ formats and the
WindowsMedia.com media guide, part of the MSN™ network of Internet
services. Downloadable digital music, streaming audio and music
videos from two top BMG artists from around the world will be
featured each month on the BMG Artist Showcase at WindowsMedia.com,
exclusively in Windows Media formats.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Sony aims to control the digital living room
Time: 11:38
EDT/16:38 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Not content with having George Lucas promoting the
PSX 2, In the home networking market, Sony is hedging its bets. The
electronics giant has a partnership with Sun Microsystems, as the
two have been working
together since January on consumer electronics devices such as
stereos and video cameras that can communicate over home networks.
Yet recent deals with Sun rival Microsoft show that Sony isn't
willing to put all its eggs in one basket
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
patches Windows security hole
Time: 11:17
EDT/16:17 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft patched a security hole in its Windows
operating system that exposed Internet-connected computers to
invasion by attackers. The problem, which Microsoft acknowledged
last week, lets a malicious hacker crash the operating system by
flooding the file address field with more characters than it can
accommodate, sending the excess characters into memory where they
can be executed when the computer is restarted.
the patches for for both Windows
95 and Windows
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Microsoft Announces Business Internet Analytics for Smarter, More
Efficient and Profitable Web Businesses
Time: 11:12
EDT/16:12 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at COMDEX/Fall '99, Microsoft Corp. outlined
its vision for Business Internet Analytics (BIA), a broad-reaching
initiative aimed at improving the customer satisfaction, operational
efficiency and profitability of Web businesses through a combination
of high-capacity clickstream data analysis and business data
warehousing. BIA, a set of tools and processes that can be
implemented more quickly than any other solution available, supports
some of the largest businesses on the Internet and delivers
unprecedented near real-time results.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
3dfx Voodoo 4 & 5 Announced
Time: 11:05
EDT/16:05 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
3dfx Interactive® Inc. (NASDAQ: TDFX) today
announced the first implementation of its new Voodoo Scalable
Architecture technology. The initial advanced processor, the
VSA-100(tm), is a highly scalable design that supports the
integration of one to 32 chips per system, using proprietary
programmable scan-line interleaving (SLI) techniques, to deliver
ultimate fill rates and high visual reality through breakthrough
digital cinematic effects. Additionally, the VSA-100 architecture
substantially improves the overall 3D rendering quality by
incorporating advanced full-scene anti-aliasing technology,
available for the first time at real-time frame rates and consumer
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- New Intel Motherboard Specs
Time: 11:01
EDT/16:01 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Intel today official announced the specs for their
new motherboards, they are the first motherboards to support 4x AGP
graphics capabilities:
Desktop Board VC820 for the Intel® Pentium® III Processor
Desktop Board CC820 for Intel® Pentium® III Processor
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
MSN-Based Web Companions: Microsoft Unveils a New Way to Access the
Time: 10:22
EDT/15:22 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at COMDEX/Fall '99, Microsoft previewed
MSN-based Web Companion, a small, low-cost device designed for
consumers who want a fun and easy way to connect to the Internet,
surf the Web and communicate with others. MSN-based Web Companion
represents a major move for Microsoft into the Internet-access
device market, and underscores the company's commitment to its
vision of the Everyday Web, whereby people are empowered to be
connected to the Internet any time, any place and from any device.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Gates Envisions New Era of "The Personal Web" at COMDEX
Time: 09:37
EDT/14:37 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
an industry audience at COMDEX/Fall '99, Microsoft Chairman and CEO
Bill Gates explained how Web sites will transform into personal
interactive service centers, giving consumers an unprecedented
degree of flexibility and personalization. Gates envisioned the era
of the "Personal Web," where users can access the
information, goods and services they want -- any time, any place and
from a variety of devices.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and Extended Systems Form Strategic Relationship To Deliver Windows
CE-Based Enterprise Solutions
Time: 09:37
EDT/14:37 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and Extended Systems Inc., maker
of the award-winning XTNDConnect Server (formerly known as
ASL-Connect), today announced a relationship with the objective of
increasing customer access to secure, server-based synchronization
and management solutions. Microsoft and Extended Systems will work
together in a number of areas, including joint marketing and
distribution efforts as well as technical collaboration for future
products. This relationship marks both companies' commitment to
deliver improved device management solutions for corporate IT and
better synchronization of business data for mobile knowledge
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
UpLink Helps Users of Microsoft Windows CE and Palm-Size PCs Do More
Time: 09:37
EDT/14:37 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Delivering on a vision of making information
accessible any time, anywhere from a range of devices, Microsoft
Corp. and Socket Communications Inc. today announced that the
Microsoft® Communications Kit for the Windows® CE operating system
is available immediately for distribution with the Battery Friendly™
Digital Phone Card Data Connection Kit from Socket. With this
hardware and software combination, people can unite a Windows
CE-based Palm-size PC or Handheld PC with a data-capable cellular
phone and easily access e-mail, browse rich Internet content in
color, and synchronize personal information while on the go.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and Socket Announce Availability of Microsoft Communications Kit for
Windows CE and Distribution With Socket's Digital Phone Cards
Time: 09:35
EDT/14:35 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Delivering on a vision of making information
accessible any time, anywhere from a range of devices, Microsoft
Corp. and Socket Communications Inc. today announced that the
Microsoft® Communications Kit for the Windows® CE operating system
is available immediately for distribution with the Battery Friendly™
Digital Phone Card Data Connection Kit from Socket. With this
hardware and software combination, people can unite a Windows
CE-based Palm-size PC or Handheld PC with a data-capable cellular
phone and easily access e-mail, browse rich Internet content in
color, and synchronize personal information while on the go.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Microsoft Furthers Everyday Web Vision by Unveiling MSN-Based Web
Companions at COMDEX/Fall '99
Time: 09:35
EDT/14:35 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today joined with industry-leading
OEMs at COMDEX/Fall '99 to preview the simple, fun and low-cost MSN™-based
Web companions that deliver instant one-click access to the
Internet. This announcement further demonstrates Microsoft's
commitment to making the Everyday Web experience available any time,
anywhere on any device. Designed for consumers who want an easy and
affordable way to browse the Web, communicate with others and
accomplish everyday tasks online, MSN-based Web companions bring the
rich Internet experience that a PC provides in a lightweight,
streamlined new format, featuring instant power-on, a single user
interface and easy-to-find controls.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Announces Windows 2000 Global Launch Partners
Time: 09:34
EDT/14:34 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the first
Windows® 2000 Global Launch Partners, industry leaders who are
showcasing significant investment in the Microsoft® Windows 2000
family of operating systems through solutions, services and support.
Cisco Systems Inc., Commerce One Inc., Compaq Computer Corp., Dell
Computer Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., i2 Technologies Inc., Intel
Corp., SAP AG, Toshiba Corp. and Unisys Corp. are working closely
with Microsoft in the development of key industry innovations
supported by Windows 2000.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Offers Free Shipping to More Than 30 Million MSN.com Users
Time: 09:32
EDT/14:32 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Just a few weeks after launching its new online
shopping service, Microsoft Corp. today announced it will feature
free shipping offers on MSN™ eShop this holiday season. One of the
top reasons online shoppers decide midway through the purchase not
to buy is high shipping costs*. MSN eShop will help eliminate this
concern for consumers this holiday season with offers of free
shipping from more than 30 online stores. The new MSN eShop also
provides a complete online shopping solution for the more than 30
million MSN.com™ users. They can easily browse more than 100 of
the top online retailers; compare thousands of products side by
side; peruse product reviews, detailed product information, return
policies, warranties and more; and then buy with confidence. MSN
eShop provides customers with a shopping experience unparalleled by
any other site portal: top merchants in one location, a wide range
of product offerings and, now, free shipping.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- COMDEX: Gates: Long Live the PC
or News.Com
Time: 06:14
EDT/11:14 GMT News Source: ZDNN
& News.Com Posted
By: Dennis
LAS VEGAS - Personal computer vendors may be
shying away from the PC moniker, but Microsoft Corp. isn't.
At his keynote address to open Comdex/Fall '99,
Bill Gates, Microsoft Microsoft
chairman and CEO, focused heavily on the past and future PC hardware
and software advances which he said will make possible "The
Personal Web."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Al
Gore back in hot potato (sp?) Microsoft meet
Time: 06:13
EDT/11:13 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
US presidential hopeful Al Gore had backed out of
a meeting scheduled with Microsoft staff tomorrow (Monday), but is
now reported by US wire services to be back in. The current vice
president had been lined up for the meeting prior to the publication
of judge Jackson's findings of fact, but this has made the Microsoft
campus something of a danger zone for presidential candidates.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Quake 3 Arena Demo Released
Time: 06:02
EDT/11:02 GMT News Source: Voodoo
Extreme Posted By: Byron
ID Software has released a demo of Quake 3 Arena,
here are a few of the download sites:
Software - id Software's official
- Fileplanet / Gamespy Industries
Network - MNG Network
- The Adrenaline Vault
News - Blue's News
- CDROM.com
Just a reminder, this isn't the general demo. If all
goes well, the general demo will be uploaded in a few days. The demo
contains four maps (q3dm1, q3dm7, q3dm17, q3tourney2) and six
characters (Sarge, Visor, Major, Grunt, Daemia, Stripe). Bots are in
there on five difficulty settings (from "I can win!" to
"Nightmare!"). The demo is for PC only, Mac and Linux will
be released later. More mirrors will be added as they become
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Gone
Offline?...Your Not Alive
Time: 06:00
EDT/11:00 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Ross has released his latest report called
"Gone Offline?...Your Not Alive". Here is a snippet:
Personally, I've been spoiled, a
64/128Kbps ISDN connection and toll-free access at weekends. Not
Bad. It may not be cable but I love it; just a few seconds, couple
of clicks here and there, the familiar flashing lights appear in the
system tray and I'm on. The cost of this luxury however, is fairly
steep with line rental charges of £120 ($195 US approx.) per
quarter on top of horrendously steep call charges,to run a fast
Internet connection using anything other than a dial-up here in the
UK, you almost have to have Billy G's bank balance.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site News
Time: 05:55
EDT/10:55 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
A new week but more Site News. I managed to miss a
couple of deadlines for two reviews I was due to post at the
weekend, but a few other things cropped up that stopped me from
completing them, reviews of Revenant, Flight Simulator 2000 and The
Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel will be up before the
weeks end.
On another note, we have a few new bits and pieces
coming up on the site over the next few weeks. To start with we will
have a new main page logo which although we didn't want to release
this new Active Network one just yet (It was due when the news
engine starts), we were forced into doing so. (We will explain why
when we post it later today). We also have our new News Engine going
into motion from the middle of next month, which will not only mean
more news - but also the chance for you to customize the news pages
to the way you like. We're also going to launch something a little
bit special at the same time as the news engine, so keep an eye out
for it.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Sunday 14th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Reviews -
Codename Asheron |
- AskAW &
Site News
Time: 20:58
EDT/01:58 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
First... We have some good news regarding this
week's AskAW section update, we have a brand new way for AskAW staff
and helpers to respond to your questions and we've received
overwhelming responses and we thank all of our AskAW Helpers!
Because of that we will have a bigger update than usual. Remember if
you want to submit your AskAW question go to our AskAW Questions
section in our MSN Community here.
Second... If you didn't know...The most popular
week in computing is here! Comdex/Fall
`99 in Las Vegas, NV is going on right now with Bill
Gates' keynote. We will bring you Comdex/Fall `99 updates with
links to complete stories on trusting sources like C|Net and ZD. Any
Comdex/Fall `99 news will have the prefix COMDEX: before the
headline. This will only go on for this week so expect this starting
We at ActiveWindows will continue to keep you
updated on the ever changing computer world!
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Athlon Commercials on Tonight on ABC (US)
Time: 20:55
EDT/01:55 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
If you're about to watch Who wants to be a
Millionaire? or The Practice on ABC
tonight you may see an interesting commercial. AMD will be launching
their own commercials of their new Athlon chip. Here's a quote from
AMD's press release regarding it which can be read in its entirety here:
"The new commercial will run through the holiday season,
nationwide on the ABC network and ESPN. It will appear on prime-time
shows like Monday Night Football, Spin City, The
Practice, The Drew Carey Show and during ABC's
Thanksgiving-night movie, Forest Gump."
Thanks for visiting ActiveWindows.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Codename
Asheron Launched
Time: 20:46
EDT/01:46 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We're proud to announce the launch of Codename
Asheron. Justin Harrison our Asheron's Call expert is going to be
hosting his brand new website of all the Asheron's Call information
giving you a sneak peak at the game if you havn't bought it yet. If
you have, you'll find it a very informative guide to the world of
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Reviews On The Web
Time: 08:37
EDT/13:37 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Here are a few of the new reviews that are popping
up across the web:
4.5 - Riva Extreme
Millennium G400 - Beta Bites
Sun - Window Planet
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Saturday 13th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: DX 7a News
- Pentium III Drought |
- Texturing
& DirectX 7 Guide
Time: 11:29
EDT/16:29 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Gamasutra has posted a
guide to texturing and DirectX 7 for some of you wannabe
programmers for those of you who are interested in that kind of
thing, it is well worth checking out.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Search
Engines Gang Up on Microsoft
Time: 09:37
EDT/14:37 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Could Microsoft be "more evil than Satan
himself"? Even Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson would not make
that ruling. But the jury may still be out at popular search
Try running the query "more evil than Satan
himself" at the Google search site. According to the folks at
Google, the URL for damnation is Microsoft.com.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Bubbleboy
Worries the Experts
Time: 09:37
EDT/14:37 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
It may be the most overexposed computer virus
threat that never was--yet.
Bubbleboy, the newest wrinkle in PC viruses
unveiled earlier this week, may hold the title for the most famed
virus ever. But as far as is known, it hasn't infected a single PC.
Named after a character in an episode of the
Seinfeld television series, Bubbleboy was sent anonymously to major
antivirus research labs this past Monday. Virus experts believe it
originated in Argentina, and that it was sent to researchers as a
"proof of concept" from a proud virus writer who wanted to
show what he (most virus writers are male) had discovered. It has
not gone into the "wild," the term virus researchers use
when a virus becomes widespread among users.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Hitachi
Boosts Rewritable DVD to 4.7GB
Time: 09:37
EDT/14:37 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Digital Versatile Discs will soon be even more
versatile, with a little help from Hitachi America. The company is
unveiling a new recordable DVD drive that nearly doubles the
capacity of first-generation DVD-RAMs.
Hitachi America will demonstrate the 4.7GB GF-2000
at next week's Comdex computer trade show in Las Vegas, and it
expects to ship samples to hardware manufacturers in January.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MS ruling leaves room for
Time: 09:35
EDT/14:35 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
The window remains open for Microsoft and the
Justice Department to do what U.S. District Court Judge Thomas
Penfield Jackson has pressed them to all along: Settle the landmark
antitrust case out of court. On the surface, Jackson's findings of
fact that declare Microsoft
abusive monopoly give the prosecution little reason to accept a
settlement. But some experts believe there's still a real
possibility for the parties to compromise.
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- Software makers split on MS
Time: 09:33
EDT/14:33 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Reaction from small software developers to Judge
Thomas Penfield Jackson's ruling against Microsoft Corp. depends
largely on how closely the developers are aligned to the software
giant and its Windows platform. Some say breaking the company up
would kill the prospects for small developers. Others say a breakup
could unleash a wave of opportunity and innovation.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MS, AMD to tout co-existence of
'computing appliances'
Time: 09:30
EDT/14:30 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
The future of the PC and the computing appliance
and how they work together should become a little more clear at next
week. Industry players Advanced
Micro Devices Inc. (NYSE:AMD)
and Microsoft
which will converge on Las Vegas for Comdex/Fall next week, will
tout new "legacy free PCs" and computing appliance
devices, while making an effort to show customers how the PC and
computing appliance can coexist.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Gore
cancels MS visit
Time: 09:28
EDT/14:28 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Update - Vice
President Al Gore has canceled a planned visit to the headquarters
of Microsoft Corp next Monday because of a flap over reporters'
access to cover his trip.
Gore was scheduled to meet with officials and
employees, but a spokesman for the Vice President's Presidential
campaign said Gore decided to call off his visit because of
Microsoft's closed-press policy.
Microsoft, however, attributed the cancellation to
a miscommunication and indicated plans to be in contact with the
Gore campaign throughout the weekend.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Shortage!
Drought in new PIIIs
Time: 09:26
EDT/14:26 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Computer users with a need for speed are
apparently running into a speed bump.
Major PC manufacturers are reporting shortages of
Intel Corp.'s fastest processor, the 733MHz Pentium III, spurring
some delays in PC deliveries.
An executive at Micron
Electronics Inc. (Nasdaq:MUEI)
said the shortage has become a daily frustration for him and is
forcing the computer maker to "juggle a lot."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- DirectX 7 and Windows 2000 News
Time: 09:22
EDT/14:22 GMT News Source: E-mail Posted By: Alex
Just some news to keep things going for the
weekend. MS plans to release DirectX 7.0a BETA early next week (week
of Nov. 15th), while Win 2000 RC3 delayed until 17th.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Friday 12th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: FunLove
Virus |
- Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS99-049) - Patch Available for "File Access
URL" Vulnerability
Time: 21:53
EDT/02:53 GMT News Source: E-mail Posted By: Matt
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98. The
vulnerability could allow a malicious web site or e-mail message to
cause the Windows machine to crash, or to run arbitrary code..
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Gadgets,
home networking highlight changing Comdex
Time: 17:10
EST/22:10 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
The largest computer industry trade show kicks off
next week in Las Vegas, but actual computers might be somewhat hard
to find.
At this year's Comdex, the show floor will be
crammed with companies and industry groups talking about the post-PC
era, laying out a vision of TV set-top boxes, smart cell phones,
handheld devices and palm-size computers, all connected to the
Internet and each other without the help of wires. Even the new
computers set to be unveiled next week will be dressed up to
resemble so-called Internet appliances.
Tech companies are betting big on gadgets and
devices, but despite the hype, it's an untested market, and it
remains to be seen which of the "next big thing" gizmos
being shown this year will make it into stores next year, observers
News] [Return To
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- Barnesandnoble.com
trusts mission-critical app to Windows 2000 beta
Time: 16:41
EST/21:41 GMT News Source: Computerworld
Posted By: Matt
will run Windows 2000 beta code on an eight-way cluster for a
mission-critical fulfillment application this holiday season, said
CIO Gary King. The company, which expects its biggest holiday season
ever, will use a cluster of servers from Compaq Computer Corp.
running Windows 2000 Advanced Server. The system previously ran on
Windows NT 4.0 and Hewlett-Packard Co.'s HP-UX.
Microsoft will detail Barnesandnoble.com's early
adoption of Windows 2000 next week at Comdex/Fall '99 in Las Vegas.
Barnesandnoble.com has long had a close
relationship with Microsoft, and King said that enabled the
companies to perform extensive testing. "It will support the
mission-critical application we designed it to run," King said.
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- Has
Microsoft backed off instant messaging war?
Time: 16:35
EST/21:35 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
Having wrestled for months to create a product
that works seamlessly with America Online's hugely popular AOL
Instant Messenger (AIM), Microsoft says it may give up the fight.
The decision comes as Microsoft plans to launch a
new version of its MSN Messenger Service, as previously
reported. The new software will have deeper integration with the
MSN.com Web portal, as well as with Hotmail.
"We've been thinking about interoperability
ever since we launched (MSN Messenger)," said Deanna Sanford,
lead product manager for MSN. "It's getting harder and harder
to provide that interoperability."
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- The
Mac-Microsoft symbiosis
Time: 15:21
EDT/20:21 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Steve Jobs began his current tenure at Apple with
a neat (and characteristic) bit of theater, taking Boston's Macworld
Expo keynote stage in August 1997 to introduce Microsoft Corp. CEO
Bill Gates via satellite and declare a cease-fire in the
longstanding OS war between the two companies.
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- Microsoft
knows it's time for change
Time: 14:50
EDT/19:50 GMT News Source: Red
Herring Posted By: Byron
As a betting man, I'd put more than even money on
the hunch that Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
knew the judge was going to issue a finding of fact against the
company. It's not that Bill Gates could bully an opinion out of a
U.S. District Court Judge ahead of time, but rather that the
Microsoft legal team expected to take it on the chin when the
finding of fact was issued. The real question is: does it matter any
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- In the Wake of Microsoft
Judgment, Top Tech Execs Say Software Giant Should be Punished,
According to Computerworld Survey
Time: 14:47
EDT/19:47 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
The landmark court decision finding Microsoft to
be a monopoly has tech executives at large corporations nationwide
calling for the Department of Justice to punish the global software
giant, according to a survey to be published next week by
Computerworld, an information services company for information
technology (IT) Leaders.
According to the survey, while many IT executives
feel that Microsoft should be penalized for its business practices,
opinions were mixed about the company's effect on competition and
innovation in the technology industry.
Computerworld surveyed IT executives nationwide at
organizations of 500+ employees, with two-thirds of respondents at
companies with more than 2,500 employees. Computerworld
Editor-in-Chief Maryfran Johnson is available to comment on the
Microsoft decision and the new survey, the findings of which
- Break it up - 79% of execs say
the Department of Justice should fine Microsoft; order the
company to license its operating system to competitors; or
dismantle Microsoft, separating the operating system from the
- Conservative techies? - 66% of
tech execs feel that a combination of moderate government
regulation and market forces is the best solution to monopolies
in technology. None of the respondents thought that there should
be strong government regulation to solve the monopoly problem.
- Conflicting opinions --
Contradictions abound in the survey results, with 67% of IT
professionals saying that Microsoft has not hurt innovation in
information technology; while 62% feel that Microsoft does not
have any true competitors in desktop operating systems.
- Feelings also were mixed
regarding the ruling's perceived effects on the computer
industry as a whole; 30% think the ruling will have a positive
effect; 32% said the decision will have a negative effect; and
33% said the ruling will have no effect at all.
- The bottom line: 93% of IT
executives say the judgment will have no effect on how they do
business with Microsoft.
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- Site News: Chat Reminder
Time: 14:35
EST/19:35 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Remember to sign up for our online
community where you can chat with us and ask questions via our
message board, our next chat is on November 13th so mark your
calendars. We will be announcing a few new site features during the
chat, some of which you will be able to decide on.
On another note I have been making a few design
changes on various parts of the site, including the new tip of the
day feature at the bottom of the navigation bar and a few CSS
changes too.
Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel (This weekend),
Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer, Regular Visor, Microtek SlimScan6,
SoundBlaster Live! Platinum, Microsoft Force Feedback Steering
Wheel, Microsoft Force Feedback Joystick
Software: Ultima 9, Reverent (This
weekend), Asheron's Call, Unreal Tournament, Wheel Of Time, Delta
Force 2, Nocturne ( + competition), Prince Of Persia 3D, Flight
Simulator 2000 Pro, Pandora's Box, Links LS 2000, Driver
Applications: Corel Suite 9, Vizact
2000 (+ competition)
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Gore
takes campaign to Redmond
Time: 14:28
EDT/19:28 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
WASHINGTON--Vice President Al Gore will visit the
headquarters of Microsoft Monday where he will meet with executives
and employees. Company executives said the visit to the company's
campus in Redmond, Wash., will be closed to the media in keeping
with company practices.
The Democratic presidential hopeful will be hosted
by Microsoft vice president Jeff Raikes. Microsoft chairman Bill
Gates is scheduled to be out of town attending a big computer trade
show. The visit is sensitive following last week's legal finding by
U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson that Microsoft
used monopoly power to harm consumers.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
patches IE, Windows
Time: 14:28
EDT/19:28 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft is scrambling to fix numerous Internet
security holes in both the Internet Explorer browser and the Windows
operating system. Microsoft expects to release a patch today for a
problem with Windows 95 and 98 that could let a malicious Web site
operator or sender of HTML email invade a visitor's or recipient's
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Will
Microsoft Become 'The Baby Bills'?
Time: 14:25
EDT/19:25 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Last Friday's announcement of the findings
in the U.S. Department of Justice's case against Microsoft brings to
mind what took place with AT&T a decade-and-a-half ago. Although
dealing with numerous phone companies can be exceedingly
frustrating, there's little doubt that those who held Ma Bell stock
through the breakup and beyond have benefitted handsomely.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
"Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings" Crowned Best-Selling
PC Game
Time: 14:22
EDT/19:22 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that the "Age
of Empires® II: The Age of Kings™" game is topping retail
sales charts in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany.
According to market research firm PC Data Inc., Microsoft®
"Age of Empires II" outpaced all other PC games in the
United States for four weeks in October, its first month of retail
availability. In addition to being the best-selling game in the
United States, "Age of Empires II" owned the No. 1 spot
across all retail software categories for three weeks in October.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Researchers
warn about 'FunLove' virus
Time: 08:32
EDT/13:32 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
There's nothing tender about the new FunLove
virus. The virus, technically called W32.FunLove, brought down the
servers of a large company in Europe and has been detected in
companies in the United States as well, according to researchers at
Symantec Corp.'s AntiVirus Research Center.
The good news is that it shouldn't spread all that
fast because it doesn't have the ability to e-mail itself like the
Melissa virus, said Charles Renert, director of research at SARC.
The bad news is that it uses a new way to attack the file security
system of the Windows NT operating system. The virus may also use
the network to spread itself.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Bill
speaks on integration, lawyering and Linux
Time: 08:18
EDT/13:18 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
When he was talking to shareholders yesterday Bill
Gates didn't just deal with the trial. Remember this is probably the
most favorable audience he could ever had (so long as the stock
price stays up), so they get to ask serious questions, and they get
answers that are a cut above your average press conference. That
process threw up some interesting data yesterday, and we were
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Thursday 11th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: AskAW
Update |
- AskAW Section
Time: 18:18
EDT/23:18 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We've released our update to the popular AskAW
section. We've included some helpers as well. So from now on, AskAW
will be not just asking our staff members, but the whole AW
community including visitors.
If you have any AskAW questions email them to askaw@activewin.com.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS99-048) - Patch Available for "Active
Setup Control" Vulnerability
Time: 17:43
EDT/22:43 GMT News Source: E-mail Posted By: Matt
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
vulnerability that could allow a malicious user to embed an unsafe
executable within an email and disguise it as a safe type of
attachment. Through a complicated series of steps, the unsafe
executable could be made to execute under certain conditions, if the
user opened the attachment.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Extends Commitment to Bridge the Digital Divide
Time: 15:30
EST/20:30 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced an Equal Access
grant to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), the latest in the
company's long history of support to the UNCF and its member
colleges. The $100,000 Equal Access cash grant is part of a $300,000
commitment made this month by Microsoft to help the UNCF bridge the
digital divide for communities of color. The funds in aggregate will
underwrite special projects that improve technology access at six
historically black colleges and universities. Grant recipients will
be announced in December.
The donation will be presented at COMDEX/Fall '99
in Las Vegas on Monday, Nov. 15. Deborah Willingham, vice president
of Business and Enterprise Marketing for Microsoft, will personally
make the announcement at the sixth biannual Equal Access event.
Virgil E. Ecton, senior executive vice president of the UNCF, will
be on hand to accept the grant.
Equal Access is a charitable outreach program
created by Microsoft to help fulfill the company's vision of
providing access to PC technology and the Internet for everyone.
Launched in 1997, the program was designed to level the technology
playing field so all individuals can have the same opportunities to
learn and grow in their careers, education and personal lives.
Microsoft hopes that one long-term result of the Equal Access
program will be increased diversity in the high-tech workplace.
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- Windows2000.com
owner sells domain to Microsoft
Time: 15:27
EST/20:27 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Windows 2000 was an unexpected name for NT 5, as
is seen from Microsoft's failure to check whether the trademark
Windows2000 and the domain Windows2000.com might just have been
previously claimed before it barged in.
As it turned out, the domain was being used, and
not by a cybersquatter but by Bob Kerstein of Falls Church, Virginia
who has a business trading in stock and bond certificates for
collectors (it's called scripophily, apparently). Kerstein, formerly
an accountant, has concluded a deal with Microsoft whereby Microsoft
gets the trademark and domain name, and Kerstein gets bob.com, which
Microsoft had obtained in 1996, at the height of Bob's, well,
failure. Kerstein thinks bob.com might be rather easy for people to
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- Expedia
IPO suggests there's gold in an MS break-up
Time: 15:25
EST/20:25 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Microsoft's Expedia IPO closed at $53 yesterday,
up from the $14 offer price which had been hiked from the original
$10 to $12. It marks a rally in IPOs and shows underlying strength
in the travel sector in particular. At the close, the gain was 277
per cent, but at one point, it reached 471 per cent. Microsoft sold
just 15 per cent and made $72.8 million for Expedia.
Expedia had a market value of $535 million when
trading started yesterday, $1,482 million at the end of the day.
Expedia has a cumulated loss of $92 million, with revenue in the
last quarter being $15 million. There is already serious competition
in the travel market leader, with Sabre Holdings/Travelocity (up 7.5
per cent yesterday, on the news) that is about to acquire Preview
Travel, which itself rose 17 per cent yesterday.
Travelocity is spending $100 million on its
website. Sabre is a member of the ProComp anti-Microsoft lobby and
has expressed concern about the association between IE and Expedia.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Taiwan
chip, electronics makers recover from quake
Time: 15:22
EST/20:22 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
There are signs that the impact of the Taiwan
earthquake on the electronics and computer industries may be
diminishing as companies report solid sales and more stable
Semiconductor Manufacturing, one of the largest chipmakers in
the world, reported this week that sales for October were the
highest on record at about $216 million.
"Despite the negative impact of the
earthquake...the company's wafer shipment for October 1999 reached a
new record high at 169,000 8-inch equivalent wafers, and the
company's sales for October 1999 also grew to a new record,"
TSMC said in a statement.
"It was mainly due to the
faster-than-expected recovery and the capacity expansion," the
company added.
TSMC said sales for October showed an 18 percent
increase sequentially over September 1999 and a jump of 71 percent
on a year-to-year basis. Acer,
which supplies computers and components to a number of PC makers
worldwide, also recorded strong sales in October.
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- Coppermine
Pentium IIIs tough to find
Time: 15:20
EST/20:20 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Intel announced its newest Pentium III processors
more than two weeks ago, but so far they haven't been easy to find.
Nearly all major PC manufacturers and a number of
retailers claim there is a dearth of "Coppermine" Pentium
III processors, especially the fast 700-MHz and 733-MHz versions.
Individuals at two leading PC companies say they barely have enough
of the 733-MHz chips to perform testing or make review systems.
Smaller manufacturers and chip dealers aren't even
advertising the 700-MHz and 733-MHz products, which were announced
with 13 other processors on October 25.
"There's a ridiculous shortage of these
chips," according to one source who works at a major PC
The situation markedly contrasts with the
chipmaking giant's normal course of business. Typically, when Intel
releases a new chip the supply pipeline has been well stocked so
that manufacturers can launch new systems the day the processor is
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- Microsoft,
RadioShack in surprise deal
Time: 15:18
EST/20:18 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft and consumer electronics retailer
RadioShack have formed an e-commerce alliance to promote high-speed
Internet connections and other online services, a surprise move
aimed at revitalizing the software company's Web strategy and
boosting the consumer chain's revenues.
Microsoft has also made a $100 million investment
in a newly launched e-commerce site called RadioShack.com that will
be featured on Microsoft's MSN Web portal. Under a five-year deal,
the two companies plan to establish a Microsoft "store within a
store" in as many as 7,000 RadioShack locations nationwide.
Although the dollar investment is relatively small
for Microsoft, the Tandy deal carries ramifications on several
fronts. The move indicates that Microsoft is determined to forge
ahead with aggressive plans to expand, less than a week after
receiving significant
criticism from the judge presiding over its federal antitrust
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- A
kinder, gentler Gates to debut at Comdex?
Time: 14:48
EST/19:48 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Should we expect to see a humbler Bill Gates when
he takes the floor Sunday night at the kickoff Comdex Fall keynote?
I'm not counting on it. While the shadow of Judge
Jackson's court will loom large over what's usually Microsoft's
nonstop party in Vegas, I'm expecting Gates to be unbowed (although
not unbroken, according to colleagues who claim the trial has taken
a substantial personal toll on Gates).
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- Microsoft
Names Bruce Brooks as Director of Community Affairs
Time: 09:39
EST/14:39 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that Bruce Brooks,
a former deputy mayor of Seattle and a leader in local and regional
civic and philanthropic organizations, will join the company as
director of community affairs overseeing Microsoft's charitable
programs, which last year gave more than $104 million in cash and
software to nonprofit organizations.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Analysis:
Jackson's ruling reflects serious misunderstandings
Time: 02:57
EST/07:57 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
Daily News Posted By: Alex
U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield
Jackson's findings of fact reflect serious misunderstandings of the
origin of Microsoft Corp.'s dominance in PC operating systems. To
the extent that his finding of monopoly power is based on these
misunderstandings, the rest of his rulings will stand on a shaky
Jackson cites the competitive weakness of IBM's
OS/2 Warp and Apple Computer Inc.'s Macintosh OS as what he calls
"empirical evidence of the applications barrier to entry."
In plain words, this is the argument that most developers write
software for Windows because it is the most popular platform,
creating a vicious circle.
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- New
Microsoft Office Online lets workers access Office 2000 via the
Time: 02:52
EST/07:52 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Now there's another way for businesses to get the
tools they need to be more productive.
Businesses can now access and use Microsoft®
Office 2000 online with a new Internet-hosted application service
called Microsoft Office Online. The service, which will be available
from Microsoft's bCentral Web services portal and several industry
partners, will give customers another way to use Office
applications. The centrally managed software solution is designed to
be ideal for branch offices that lack onsite IT support and for
small businesses that want the latest technology or want to
outsource the management of their infrastructure.
"We are moving into the next wave of the Web
where software and services are delivered together, and we are
excited to offer Office 2000 to our customers in this new way,"
said Steven Sinofsky, vice president of Microsoft Office.
"Providing productivity applications along with services over
the Internet is a new opportunity for industry partners, and Office
Online will offer new solutions for our customers. With Office
Online, we believe the world's leading desktop productivity suite
will contribute to the growth of this emerging industry."
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- Gates:
Don't put limits on "ability to innovate"
Time: 02:50
EST/07:50 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates told shareholders
the company would "go a long way" to address government
concerns over its monopoly status--though Microsoft's ability to
innovate isn't negotiable.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson made
an initial legal pronouncement Friday, declaring Microsoft a
monopoly. (See
related story.)
"We're willing to go a long way to address
the government's concerns,'' Gates told about 2,500 shareholders at
the company's annual meeting here. "But if we can't add
Internet support [to the Windows operating system], we can't do
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- Is
Microsoft raising white flag in IM battle?
Time: 02:48
EST/07:48 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft may be backing off of its much
publicized battle to make its instant messaging service work with
America Online's version of the increasing popular Internet
communications tool -- at least for the time being.
officials said Wednesday that the next version of MSN Messenger, due
out next week, will likely not work with AOL's
Instant Messenger, known as AIM.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
to unveil key partnership
Time: 02:46
EST/07:46 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft's chairman and president are preparing a
major announcement that may involve a significant investment in a
company that provides high-speed communications services. Microsoft
said in a cryptic statement today that it would announce a
"strategic partnership" tomorrow, touching off a flurry of
reports and speculation of possible deals.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Expedia
adds to Gates's net worth
Time: 02:44
EST/07:44 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
When online travel site Expedia launched its
successful IPO today, Microsoft investors found they are indirectly
a little bit richer. The software giant owns an 86.4 percent stake
of Expedia, which is newly valued at $1.76 billion.
Gates holds a 15.3 percent stake in Microsoft,
according to the company's September 28 proxy statement. That makes
his Expedia stake worth $269 million.
And Microsoft president Steve Ballmer, who holds a
4.7 percent stake in Microsoft, finds his Expedia stake worth about
$83 million.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Read more of the past months news in
our News Archive for October and Previous
November News.
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